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Archive for the 'Real Life' Category
Thursday, November 12th, 2020
It’s been a rough year, huh? Pandemics, climate disasters including fires, all the hurricanes (like for real, ALL of them), and all sorts of extra drama in the national sphere particularly here in the States, where I live.
So what do we do about it?
Focus on what we can control. We can’t change things at the national level all by ourselves. We can join up with like-minded folx and make calls to our representatives, influence others, even write op-eds. Beyond that, we need to make peace with what we can’t change. Being aware of when we’re “doomscrolling” is a critical life skill. I’ve watched many of my friends, and I’ve done it myself, just scrolling and scrolling and posting the equivalent of, “Can you believe this??” It doesn’t matter what the “this” is. We’re letting it take up space in our heads and disturb our peace of mind.
Learn – and practice – mindfulness. There are several apps available that teach meditation. My favorite is Calm App, and they have free offerings so you can check it out. There are some great meditation courses through The Great Courses Plus, which is a paid subscription. But did you know that you can get access to it through your library’s online offerings? In my county, that’s Kanopy; I’ve seen it in other libraries through other services.
Speaking of, if you haven’t checked out your library’s online offerings, you owe it to yourself to do. You can get ebooks, stream movies and popular television shows, read magazines, and even read newspapers. If you’re not sure how to do it, your local librarian will be happy to help hook you up.
Practice good self care. I keep seeing posts about people saying, “Well, I’m going to eat all the donuts,” or whatever. We know better. Dear Reader, don’t do it. It’s not a good enough excuse. We’re poisoning ourselves with bad food and bad sodas. And we know when we’re doing it. We wouldn’t let our children eat like this, if we have kids at home, so why are we doing it to our own bodies? Eat some veggies, and make yourself good food that will help your brain, build your resilience, and help your immunity – which is a key skill particularly during a pandemic.
Get mental health services. Many states now offer these without charge. Check with your insurance company or, if you’re uninsured, check with your state or county’s health department. Psychology Today has a good therapist finder, if you don’t have someone already. Don’t underestimate the toll that events like what we’re facing have on our mental health. This is a purple squirrel event, and we need to safeguard our mental health. And this includes doomscrolling – don’t feed your brain junk food.
Practice your crafts or art. Don’t do it to “be good.” Do it to have fun. We wouldn’t blame a three-year-old for making a wonky piece of art; let’s extend the same degree of understanding and compassion to ourselves. Studies have shown that practicing a hobby has many benefits, including improved mental health.
Reach out to your friends and family. Even if it’s just a Facebook message, reach out and communicate. Even just saying, “Hey, I’m feeling lonely, wanted to say hi,” works. We’re all in the same storm together, even if we’re not in the same boat. Don’t be precious about it. We owe it to ourselves and our friends to be real.
Any other ideas? I’d love to hear in the comments.
And stay well, Dear Reader. ~hugs~
About the Author
A. Catherine Noon is a bestselling author, writing instructor, and creative entrepreneur based in Bellevue, WA, in the Pacific Northwest. When she’s not writing, she’s weaving; and when she’s not weaving, she’s knitting. And when none of that happens, she likes to blog.
acatherinenoon.com | noonandwilder.com | writerzengarden.com | knoontimeknitting.com
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Real Life | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Charlotte - A. Catherine Noon - Michelle Levan - flchen1 -
Tuesday, November 10th, 2020
A true story, so you know romance authors aren’t just born, we’re “well-lived” too! 🙂
In late Fall 1979, I was living in Germany, having been assigned as a newly “hatched” communications officer to a battalion in Heilbronn, Germany. I’d been there maybe a month, had unpacked and settled into my BOQ, and the week before I’d made the trip to Bremerhaven to pick up my car from the port. It was a metallic midnight-blue Ford Pinto (yes, a Pinto!). Having no friends at that point to hang with, I decided I’d take a drive by myself and explore. I headed to nearby Stuttgart to do some sightseeing and window shopping.
That day, I dressed in a dark maroon button-down blouse, golden corduroy trousers, leather boots and a brown leather trench. With my Farrah Fawcett blonde hair all blown out, I looked good. I’d finished some shopping and was heading back to the car park to head home. As I strode down the sidewalk, this tall, very handsome man dressed in a black turtleneck, a black jacket and trousers, with swarthy skin and black, shaggy hair (I pegged him as Italian or Greek) passed me.
I gave him a nod and kept going. Then out of curiosity, I glanced back. He’d stopped in the sidewalk and was looking back at me. We shared another nod then he walked toward me.
He said something that ended with “English.”
I shook my head. “American.”
I pointed at him, and he said, “Griechisch (Greek).”
We both looked at the coffeeshop to our side. He said something in German (this was before I’d immersed myself in German language classes, so I only knew a few words), but I could tell he was inviting me for a coffee. Again, I nodded.
Inside, I let him order for us. Two coffees with pastries.
For an hour, we had a very stilted conversation but remained all smiles because it was fun.
He asked me something about America.
I assumed he was asking me where I was from in America. “Arkansas. It’s near Texas.”
He grinned, twirled his hand over his head, and said, “Yahoo!”
I laughed and nodded.
When I pointed at him, and asked him where in Greece he was from, he said, “Marathónas.”
I thought for a second then pumped my arms like I was running. “Marathon.”
His eyes perked up, because he realized I knew a bit about his country’s history and the legend of Pheidippides running from the plain of Marathon to Athens to let them know the Greeks had defeated the Persians—the inspiration for the marathon race. (I was a history major. 🙂 )
Anyway, we continued to mime throughout our conversation. When we both rose, we shook hands and he held mine for a long moment and said something.
What? I have no clue, but when we both left the coffeeshop, we headed in opposite directions. And yes, I did look back. But so did he.
Oh, and the picture is not from Stuttgart. The area of the city I was in was more modern-industrial looking, but I like this depiction of Germany because you can find so many beautiful places just like this…
Tagged: True Story Posted in Real Life | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal - Bernadette Jones - ButtonsMom2003 -
Monday, November 9th, 2020
My dd and SIL spent the past two days painting a basement room and moving furniture to create a quiet space I can work in. My dd organized everything because she knows if she left things in boxes I’d dither and doodle and never get anything put away. Here are a couple of pics (terrible ones because I’m a horrible photographer!).
They left me room for more pictures on the wall. That wall will likely be filled soon, floor to ceiling. The desk is a made for two people, so the 7-year-old put her art books and Crayola pens in her drawer for when she comes to “work” with me.
My bookcase is cram-jammed. The center one is all my books. DD says I have to do something about trimming them down. And I will, because I need more toys on the shelves. 🙂 The tubs on the left still have to be emptied, but that’s for another day.
So, what do you think? Will I get any work done here?
Open Contests
Enter while you still can!
How I feel today. How about you? (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Flashback: Before We Kiss (Contest–3 winners!) — Win a FREE book!
Moving Day (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Eniko - ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah - flchen1 - Debra Guyette -
Sunday, November 8th, 2020
UPDATE: The winners are…Delaine, Colleen C., and Ani!
It’s early. One of my dd’s many cats is snoring under my desk. He’s “Black Cat”. The kids had tried to stick the name “Ninja” on him years ago, but Black Cat stuck. He’s the most unfriendly cat I’ve ever interacted with, which is cool by me. He sleeps in a little cat bed I put under my desk, comes and goes like a ghost, and once in a blue moon he’ll rub against my legs, looking for me to scratch behind his ears before he disappears using his Ninja-cat stealth to stay out of sight.
I wonder how he’s going to like the changes.
We’ve been playing hopscotch with rooms in the house. My aunt moved back to Washington State, freeing up her garage apartment, so my oldest granddaughter claimed the room. After painting and deep cleaning it, she moved. Then my grandson moved into her vacated, larger room. Yesterday, they repainted, deep-cleaned his old, smaller bedroom, preparing to return it to me… I have an office once again that isn’t crammed into a corner of the craft room! A place where I can close the door against kid noise and cats. Whee!
It’s early morning, so I’m posting my blog before everyone descends on my spaces. I have to hide Christmas gifts. And I guess I should start boxing up all the junk/treasures on my desk. I’m a kids’ toy hoarder with a growing collection of action heroes (because the kids give them to me!). My dd and SIL have soldiered on with all the movement from room to room, but they are especially dreading moving me—all those toys, that clutter, THOSE BOOKS.
I get to play the old lady card. And the “I have edema in my injured hand” card. Bwahaha! 🙂
Which means, lots and lots of stuff will be left in boxes for me to arrange, because no one understands there are “places” for my Norse god statuary, Bobbleheads, and Funko Pop Avenger figurines.
So, I’m looking for tips from you for how I go about reorganizing my reclaimed space. Comment for a chance to win the download of your choice from my backlist! I’ll choose 3 winners!
Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: bn100 - Ani - Debra Guyette - flchen1 - Delilah -
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020
I hadn’t planned on blogging today. I know!!!!!! In five years, I’ve only missed a daily posting two times. I think. Pretty sure, anyway. It’s my morning thing. But today, I got up early, got dressed (an event in itself, because I’ve been on lockdown for months), and went to my tiny community center in the middle of nowhere, driving down a narrow windy road to get there. I voted.
Then I came home and checked the news. About midday, I decided I had to get away from the prognostications because I’m a nervous wreck. I’ll be watching tonight, no doubt, but at least then, there might be some news coming in from around the country. In the meantime, no doomscrolling for me. I turned on Starz and started watching American Gods.
Strangely, it’s not holding my attention. It’s exactly my favorite genre of TV. Or second, behind straight up high octane action films (Die Hard is my favorite movie!!). Maybe it’s just that I’m off today because I am so nervous.
Anyways, the mail came this afternoon, bringing with it a lovely distraction. Christina Thomas, a reader-friend from Wales, made me this gorgeous little House in a Teacup!
And somehow, one of my cat’s hairs drifted right into the saucer. Wouldn’t you know…
Anyways, it’s a lovely gift and a much needed lift to my spirits. Thank you, Christina!
Now, all you Americans, if you haven’t already—GO VOTE!
Posted in Real Life | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Katherine Smits - ButtonsMom2003 - Mary Marvella - flchen1 - RO -
Monday, November 2nd, 2020
Today’s my dad’s birthday. He passed away in March of 2019. I still hear his voice in my head. Once, I actually heard his voice from the other side of my bedroom door, calling me by my childhood nickname. I dream about him and my mom, looking a little younger and walking steady on their feet. They’re in the living room, and dad is grinning because he’s just teased her about something, and my mother is looking mildly disgusted and swatting at him. I don’t often have the same dream, but I have this one pretty consistently. I’m convinced it’s their way of telling me they’re together and happy.
I live in the big, solid house he built with my dd and her family, now. Of course, she’s made some changes to the place, but we always ask ourselves whether dad would like this and whether mom would approve. We’re respectful of his labor of love.
Well, Happy Birthday, Dad. I miss you, but you left me with wonderful memories and a home I cherish. You’re the best dad a girl could have had.
Posted in General, Real Life | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Red headed hellion - Shirley Long - Susan Saxx - Charlotte - ButtonsMom2003 -
Saturday, October 31st, 2020
UPDATE: The winner is…Monica Lemmers!
It’s November of the most trying year I’ve ever lived—and that’s saying a lot given the losses our family has suffered the past nearly three years. Sometimes, it truly feels like we’re living in the dawn of an “Extinction Event.” We’re doing what we can to keep ourselves healthy. I’m sure we’re making mistakes, but we’re masking, handwashing, keeping kids out of school and online, and trying not to go stir-crazy in all our togetherness. Take Halloween. We’ll be playing Halloween games and holding a scavenger hunt in lieu of trick-or-treating. Family fun. Making an event out of everything (just not an extinction event) is important for us because the kids always have something to look forward to.
All this togetherness has taken a toll on my writing. I’ve produced less than half of my usual number of stories this year. I need alone time to create. After Mom died in January and my dd’s family moved into the house, and then the pandemic forcing everyone into closer quarters 24/7, alone time is something I’m training my brain to find in the midst of kid-chaos. Of course, I wouldn’t trade having family around me for anything, but I really do have to commit to sitting my butt in a chair to write more consistently.
That’s why I’m taking up the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge. It runs from November 1-30. The goal is to write 50,000 words. If you carve that up into a daily wordcount goal, that’s 1667 words a day. Completely doable. I begin tomorrow. So, today, I have to figure out what I’m going to write. I have a title (Preacher), a cover (Two, actually. See below!) and a blurb, but no idea what’s going to happen in the story. Not one clue. But I have today to figure out at least the first scene, and since it’s a Montana Bounty Hunter book, I’ll probably jump right into a takedown because those are the most fun scenes to write.
This month, is also the deadline for submissions for my Cowboys: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. NOVEMBER 15TH AUTHORS! Tell you what—accept the NaNo challenge just long enough to write that 2500-5500-word story! You can do it! So, you know, I’ll have to add reading submissions to my To Do list! Want the rules? Follow this link.
I’m also trying my hardest to cut out some time to improve my art. I love doing it at night after the hustle and bustle of the day. It’s relaxing. And I think I’m learning. This is last night’s piece. I used Nupastels which, for me, is like drawing with crayons. Completely fun and liberating. I love the foreground, the sky? Not so much, This was taken from a photograph from western Ireland.
So, that’s going to be my November—write, write, write, read, art. 🙂
The Poll
My lovely sister, Elle James, gave me two versions of Preacher. I love the one with the scenery beneath the title, but when I ran them both by my Street Team, they preferred the plainer cover. So, help me make up my mind!
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The Contest
Comment on something I’ve written about today—NaNoWriMo, the poll—for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Tagged: anthology, Montana Bounty Hunters, short story Posted in Contests!, Cover Reveal, Real Life | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Monica Lemmers - flchen1 - Debra Guyette - ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah -