Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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What I’ve been doing with my self-isolation! (Contest)
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…ButtonsMom2003!

I’m going to share, and then I’m going to ask you to share…pictures, that is!

During this strange time, I decided to take up the #100dayproject challenge. The goal is to do something “artful” every day. Doesn’t have to be big or a big deal or even very good. The goal is to make art a habit. So, I’m at Day 15 of the challenge. I’m a little behind. I’ve posted through Day 13’s efforts. Every day when I finish a piece, I post it on Instagram and Facebook. I also talk about the project and, sometimes, what goes into making some of these little pieces on my other blog: The Emerald Casket. You can head there if you’d like to see everything I’ve done so far.

Here’s Day 13:

So, I what I’m looking to do today, here, is share pictures of things you might be working on. Are you knitting? Canning? Marie Kondo-ing? Send a pic to me at, and I’ll post it here! And if you send me something, I’ll choose a winner from the posters to give either one of my painted postcards or a collaged bookmark!


From Susan! Looks like she’s getting things checked off her Honey Do list! A new faucet! Love it!

Thursday, April 16th, 2020


I’ve been blogging for many years now. We won’t talk about how many, but trust me, many, many years. It’s a daily ritual, like that first cup of coffee in the morning. I open up a fresh empty page and fill it with whatever’s on my mind or fill it with Author-Friends’ posts. I’ve only missed less than one handful of posts in many, many years. And this week, my blog fell off the face of the earth. And the world didn’t end. LOL

So, yeah, I’m being dramatic. It was inconvenient at most. But here’s why, because I have to share everything, right?

Sunday night, the Quaranado hit! I think I invented that word. Or maybe everyone had the same thought at the same time, but I’m claiming it. A tornado during the time of quarantine will be the Webster’s definition. So, we didn’t actually have a tornado here. Just really high winds. The local energy company called the amount of damage we suffered to our power lines the equivalent to 2000 ice storms. So, we lost power from Sunday night to just last night. Our generator kept the refrigerators (we have two because—8 people in the house!) running and our phones charged, but that was it. We ate a lot of tinned fruit and sandwiches.

My dd kept everyone so busy they didn’t have time to moan and groan. She had the entire family out building a fire pit in the front yard. We had roasted hot dogs last night! Our first hot meal in days. She also built a pen for the baby goats that are arriving today. So, she kept everyone from thinking too much about the fact we couldn’t take showers or even keep warm enough. We bundled in beds at night. Last night, my dd said that she’d always wished she could go back in time to live, but said “Fuck that!” last night. I was surprised because she adapted very well to the challenge.

When the power came on last night, I ran to the door to yell at the family in the yard. They screamed and came running. The neighbors called to see whether we were okay because they heard our cries from across the highway! 🙂

Anyway, that’s the story for why I was absent for so long. No, I didn’t die. No, I didn’t get the bug. I just lost power. And I’m embarrassed to say, I was the least adaptable member of the family. I unplugged fridges to make cups of coffee. I groused and painted in the dark.

I had a book released on Tuesday, and I soooo wanted to tell you all about it. It killed me not to be able to. And I had guests lined up this week. So, I’m going to work today to post their posts because they deserve the attention. Have some patience. I’ll backdate them all so they run in the order they should have. Pay attention and comment, because hey, we’re under quarantine and have nothing better to do, right?

I hope you’re all safe, that your lights are on, and that you’re surrounded by loved ones. I am, and that makes these trying times worthwhile. ~DD

Three weeks in… (Puzzle & Contest)
Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

Psst! Just a quick reminder!
This offer is ending in just a couple of days!
Get your free read! Lily’s Last Stand

So, here we are in our third week of lockdown. It has been three weeks now, right? Hard to tell. The days blend together.

On the pro side of things (I don’t let myself think about any cons!)—I’m nearing the end of another book! Yay! My dd has been decorating/rearranging things in the house. It’s so pretty now! Her attention has now turned to the storage sheds. I’m not sure how that means multiple trips to the dump and the burn pile, but she has warned me not to look—so for my mental health, I have not! The kids have really liked their online classes and assignments. Sure, they miss their friends, but they’ve been hanging out on TikTok and FaceTime. They aren’t feeling horribly isolated. Not yet, anyway. And now, Arkansas has made the hard decision to close the schools through the end of the school year. What a relief!

Today, in addition to hopefully getting to the end of my book, I begin my #100dayproject art challenge! I’m stoked! I haven’t done anything to prepare, so I’ll be busy scrambling to do my first pieces. I’m sharing everything I do on Instagram. The good and the bad. (I’m sure there will be lots of horrific, too! 🙂 ) An artist, I am not, but I do love working with paints and color, so it feeds something inside me. Makes me happy. That’s the point.

So, three weeks in, how are you feeling? I saw something from Dr. Fauci saying that our return to normal will mean a “new normal.” Makes me sad that we will forever be hyper-aware of what we touch, who we stand next to, and that this disease will continue to be with us. I’m so very thankful that my family lives in a rural area, away from other people. I can’t imagine how paranoid people living in cities will become.

On a lighter note, I have another puzzle for you! It’s something fun! Solve the puzzle, then answer me this for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

If you were to write a YA book using this picture as the cover,
what would the story be about?

Welcome to Planet Kithra…
Saturday, April 4th, 2020

If this is a view into my current state of mind, my family is in trouble.

I’ve entitled this “Planet Kithra”, but as I said on Facebook, when I reflect on it, it looks, to me, like a hodgepodge of Green Eggs and Ham, Andromeda Strain, and Little Shop of Horrors. A frightful, psychedelic mess.

One Hot NightBut I did have fun creating it. This past week, I finished up two editing jobs, have been editing shorties for First Response, and I’m back to writing One Hot Night, which I have to finish by the 8th—come Hell or high water! Because…it comes out on the 14th. Gah!

So, when I need brain breaks, I doodle and paint. This was me trying out my new tin of Neocolor crayons. When I had what looked like a weird aerial view of colorful farm fields and lakes, I didn’t have a clue what to do. So I thought, let’s tone it down a bit. I plopped white blobs of acrylic on top of it. Didn’t like that, so I put down aqua blobs on top of the white blobs. Then I got out a teal paint pen which immediately self-combusted forming awful big paint blobs which I decided looked cooler if I used the pen tip to make them look squigglier. Then I had this paintbrush pen I need to practice with, too, because I can’t control a thing I draw with it, and the leafy pods appeared. So, after I edited what I wrote yesterday on One Hot Night, I decided I was finished with this piece. Thank God. There’s no more damage I can do.

So, what are you doing when you get really, really bored on lockdown? Are you trying something new? I’m starting the abstract watercolor class I talked about before because the last of the tubes of paint I needed came yesterday. I hope with Laura Horn‘s help, I’ll produce something a little less…weird. 🙂

Tell me a story! (Contest–3 Winners!)
Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

UPDATE: The winners are…Pansy, Michelle, Colleen, bn100, Jennifer, and Debra!

Here’s hoping you’re all doing well, not going stir-crazy, and that you’re actually taking this stay-at-home stuff seriously! I know it feels like the world is ending, but we can do things to keep connected—aren’t you ecstatic we have things like FaceTime?!

We’ve battened down the hatches. Our only constant concern is my SIL, the cop, bringing the disease into the house. We loaded him with Lysol wipes and hand cleaner. He has his PPE kit. He heads straight to the bathroom after getting home to strip and shower, and his clothes go right into the washing machine. That’s as much as we can do to try to keep the virus out.

My son turned 38 today—my how time flies! Wish I could be with him. I gave him a He-Man blanket. Made his day. That was his hero when he was kid, and he’s a little nostalgic. I had a thing for He-Man, too, but it had more to do with the guy who played him in the movie. Whew! 🙂

Anyways, here’s a game for you! Play and you’ll be entered to win your choice of one of my recent releases. And I’ll pick three winners! Keep safe and have fun! ~DD

Tell me a story!


I bought this little brainstorming tool years ago at some writers’ conference. “Story Cubes” is a brainstorming game. You roll the dice and whatever pictures appear face-up are the ones you use to riff off a story.

Here’s the roll…

Do any of these symbols tell you anything?
You can pick some or use all of them. 

Open Contest and FREE Reads! Yes, Multiple!! Plus, things to do!
Sunday, March 29th, 2020

Hey there!

I’m dragging butt today. We had heavy storms yesterday—no tornados here—however, they kept us inside, which, given the fact we’re eight people stuck together, no end in sight, gets grandma a little persnickety. Yeah, I was grumpy yesterday.

So, I kept to myself. Finished one set of edits. And I found an online FREE abstract art collage class from one of my newly fave abstract artists—Laura Horn. So, if anyone wants a fun class that doesn’t really require you to have a ton of artistic skill—do this one! Here’s the link:  Laura Horn website

I found her on Pinterest when I was looking for art I could try to duplicate, because I’m learning and, when you’re learning, you test out different styles, color palettes, mediums, until you find something you really enjoy and make it your own. Kind of like writing, huh?

Have you ever seen my Pinterest page? I have tons of boards. Tons of followers. My interests range from all kinds of arts and crafts things, books, etc. So, if you’re looking for something else to eat up an afternoon (remember, we’re in this for the long haul), head on over and check it out:  My Pinterest page

So, have I helped you figure out what to do for a while? No? How about you tell me what new thing you want to try while you’re hiding from the Corona bug!

Current Contest and FREE Reads!

  1. Stacy McKitrick: How I visited a country without leaving my house… (FREE Read)Last reminder!
  2. It’s Tuesday. Just your daily reminder… (Puzzle & FREE Read!) — Pick you your FREE story!!!
  3. Mellanie Szereto: An Introvert’s Guide to Lockdown (AKA Yay! I Have an Excuse to Stay Home!) (FREE Reads)
  4. And then there’s the weather… (Puzzle & a Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!!
It’s getting crazy in here! (Puzzle & Contest)
Saturday, March 21st, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is Christi Anderson!

Good morning! I have a cup of coffee, and the morning’s quiet—so far. So, here I am talking to you! I had to check my calendar to know what day of the week it is! With everyone home, every day, it’s hard to keep track here in the loony bin!

While mom and dad are coping, the littlest kids are having an absolute blast! The temperature rose to the low 70’s a couple of days ago, and they secretly put their swimsuits on underneath their clothes, went outside, stripped, and turned on the hose to have a big water fight. We knew when we heard the screeching. Outside was warm, but the water coming out of the hose was not. They had a blast then came running inside, dripping everywhere, and said, “Guess what we did?!” (Like we didn’t know? 🙂 )

The older ones are going stir crazy and spending way too much time making TikTok videos and FaceTiming friends. The 15-year-old girl keeps singing, “It’s the end of the world as we know it…” Don’t remember that one? Play it while you play here!


The creatures I feel sorriest for inside this house are our five cats. They’re solitary creatures by nature, and now, they never get a break! The little ones want to play with them and carry them around. The little Jack Russells also run and hide when they’re outside because they’re always in a wagon being dragged around the yard. Ah well. LOL

Do you know who’s happiest though? Me. All this enforced isolation works for me with my writing, and I get to spend extra time with the fam. So, there are silver linings, folks. Look for them!

Enjoy the puzzle! Leave a comment below telling me about your “silver lining”, and you’ll be entered to win a $5 Amazon gift card!