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Archive for the 'Real Life' Category
Tuesday, December 17th, 2019
I closed out a bunch of contests, so be sure to check below to see if you are winners! There are still two things going on that you can take part in…
- An early holiday gift from me to you… (FREE Read) — It’s a FREE read folks! And you’ll like the story, swear! It’s funny and very sexy!
- ‘Tis the season to be challenged… (Puzzle & Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
I’m also trying to clear my desk so I have room to work on my 2020 Mind Map. Don’t know what that is? Here’s an example of one—obviously (almost laughably) not mine.

After I finish the map, I’ll work on planning what I want to write in the new year, and begin driving down into each month’s goals so I can commit to a plan of action. I’m scaling back my goals. My mom will need more support this year. My mind isn’t the steel trap it used to be… I want to write some things I’ll enjoy writing, rather than slogging through stories. I guess my theme for 2020 will be something along the line of “Finding My Joy”.
I want to do a little traveling. Nearby things I’ve neglected to see or do. Arkansas actually has quite a lot to do, depending on the season. Plus, I want to get back to attending the local art guild meetings and take some lessons. Fill my creative well with something other than artful words.
Anyway, I’m rambling. If you try a mind map, I’d love to see what you come up with!
Posted in Real Life | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delaine McLafferty - Angel -
Sunday, December 15th, 2019
Only person missing was…me! Don’t get me wrong. I love that they had a blast, but I missed all my babies. 🙂

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Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Delilah -
Saturday, December 14th, 2019

The kids returned after being away for a week on a family cruise. They had a great time and brought me back all kinds of cute bits and pieces of Mexican art and jewelry. Nothing expensive, because I love the cheap tchotchkes. I have a new magnet for my filing cabinet, a ceramic Aztec mask, a bright yellow agate toucan—that sort of thing. I’m in heaven. 🙂
Last night I climbed into my own bed and was asleep in two seconds. Swear. My bed has a pillow-top mattress and a memory foam pad on top of it. I rarely turn my mattress, because I like that slight hollow my body has made in all that foam. It’s like a cuddle when sink into it. Plus, my collection of cushions—large, small, furry, silky—get tucked around me, too. Under my neck, at the small of my back. Ahhhhh.
So, do you love your bed? Does it feel like a cuddle when you climb inside the covers?
Btw. That pic is not my bed. My bed has a sturdy Shaker-slatted frame. My quilt top is covered in orange and red medallions, and the colors of the pillows make it look like the inside of a gypsy’s wagon…
Posted in Real Life | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laura - Charlotte - ButtonsMom2003 - Jennifer Beyer - Delilah -
Friday, December 13th, 2019
Open Contests & Giveaway
These contests and offer are still open! Take advantage while you can!
- Global Happiness (A Puzzle & a Contest) —Will close Saturday! Win a download of your choice from my backlist!
- Tell me a holiday story… — Will close Saturday! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Something or someone is marching along… — Win an Amazon gift card!
- An early holiday gift from me to you… (FREE Read)
Planning for 2020

December’s actually a little late for me to begin planning what I want to accomplish in 2020. Any other year, I would have begun in November by drawing a mind map to start organizing my thoughts about my biggest priorities.
In fact, until this year, EVERY year, I led a group of authors through building their mind maps and then in December, I conducted a “Write 50 Books a Year” workshop to help them—and me—plan our work for the New Year.
However, this year, I stepped back from my Rose’s Colored Glasses group, needing some time to heal after two years of terrible losses (my grandmother and father). I’ve been a bit aimless as my publishing schedule this year will attest. I lost my ambition and focus.
Now, I’m trying to get back in the groove, so I’m “bribing” myself with new treats to try to encourage some excitement in me. I’ve always planned my work goals on Excel spreadsheets, and I’ll do that again this year, with an emphasis on “realistic”. My integrated plan—life and work—has been an evolving thing. I was a Filofax girl forever and then for several years, a Bullet Journal girl. I don’t have the energy to do the BuJo thing again. So, I bought a very pretty Erin Condren notebook. It’s shiny, rose-gold and pink, has tons of stickers and pretty pages. I spent yesterday assembling it, but then I opened it to January and froze.
I was afraid to commit pen to paper and mar those pretty pages. Or maybe, I was afraid to commit to a schedule because I know I won’t take it seriously…? Perhaps, I need to spend time playing with my Excel worksheets some more. I’m not sure.
However, 2020 has to be better than 2019. I have to be better. So, to you, my friends, any suggestions to help me buckle down and get the work done? What planning system do you use? I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Tagged: planning Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laura Le Capelain - Heather - Reina - ButtonsMom2003 - Venus -
Saturday, December 7th, 2019

Not this car. But I now own my Honda Odyssey! Woot! I made the last payment last week!
I’m a little giddy. The payment was an albatross for years. The fam needed something big enough to carry SEVEN people at the same time, thus the hugely expensive van.
I’ve only kept three vehicles over my lifetime past their payoff. The choices of whether to hold onto them were never mine. Either my ex or the situation required a change. So, I’ve only felt this relief and sense of accomplishment three times in my life—my Ford Pinto in 1982, my Toyota Scion in 2007, and now the Odyssey. Of course, I’ve owned a number of used cars over the years. My fave was a 12-year-old powder blue Mercedes, much like the one in this picture, that I bought during my second tour in Germany. I paid cash for it and drove the hell out of it. I hated having to sell it when I left. 🙁
So, how about you? Have you owned cars past their payoff? Have a fave car you’ve owned? Tell me about it!
Posted in Real Life | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ava Cuvay - Melanie Jayne - flchen1 - Christine LaCombe - Delilah -
Tuesday, November 26th, 2019
Contests Still Open!
- Scavenger Hunt (Contest) — This one ends tomorrow! Win a $10 Amazon gift card!
- Open Contests, Real Life, and a Flashback Contest! (CONTESTS) — Win a free book! 2 Winners!
- Dena Garson: Let’s Make Easy Christmas Ornaments! (Contest) — Win a pair of handmade earrings!

This is a weird holiday season. Mom went into the hospital last Friday and is still there. Doctors have to perform a surgery, but they’ve been trying to get her heart to behave before they do, so here we are, crossing our fingers it will happen today.
In the meantime, company is beginning to roll in. One brother arrived today. He’s going to do most of the cooking, so he’s already pitching in grocery shopping, etc. Another brother comes in late tonight. A cousin tomorrow. We hope all goes well and mom will be home for Thanksgiving, but if not, we may be delivering her meal to the hospital (PG, everything go well).
As for me. I’m not a cook. I managed to cook a chicken in the crock pot to use in the dressing, but that’s as far as anyone trusts me to muddle in the kitchen. I’m still recovering from a nearly month-long illness, but at least I have my voice back. I am late on delivering edits to a client-friend, and feel awful about it, but it’s been insane around here. I’m doing what I can in short bouts to get through them.
And of course, there is no time for new words. sigh
All the kids are out of school, so they are constantly underfoot. Lots of noise. Not that that is a bad thing, mind you, but it does add to the surreal vibe of this week.
Anyway, here’s hoping your week is more joyous than mine, so far. Let me know if you’ve got holiday plans!
Posted in Contests!, General, Real Life | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen1 - keri richards -
Sunday, November 24th, 2019
Psst! My apologies to Ane! I’m posting this a day late. My mother went into the hospital on Friday, so we’re a bit upside down at Devlin house! Enjoy the post!
I am fully aware The Holiday is not quite here, but this year will be the first time I’ve had the opportunity to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family in about five years. When I retired, my husband and I opted to travel the country, living fulltime in our RV, clearing our bucket list and volunteering in State parks. That five-year trip was an exceptional adventure. Now, as I get ready to move back into a “Brick and Stick” house and wait for the delivery of my personal belongings from storage, I’m recalling the incredible number of disasters—both imagined and real that happened over the fifty odd years when I was in charge of the kitchen, menu, turkey, etc.
So, what I’d like to do is share a few ground rules guidelines that might help you get through the holiday with less stress and, hopefully, a little more peace on earth.
Again, and this bears repeating: What can go wrong usually will.
Typically, it takes about five days to thaw a 24 lb. turkey. I found out the hard way, that this feat can be accomplished in about two to three hours. It requires a large, clean cooler. Place the cooler in a bathtub. Fill it with lukewarm water, immerse the frozen turkey and spin until the water cools. Dump the cold water and begin the process again. Repeat until the turkey thaws.
You’re wondering how I know this. One year, when newly a nurse and far from my hometown, several of the single nurses decided to have a “friends” holiday. Since our employer provided each of us a turkey, as a group, we donated the excess birds to a local church for their holiday food drive. We also opted to split the Thanksgiving “on call” hours into eight-hour shifts. At eight AM on Thanksgiving Day, the nurse relieving me from call handed me a frozen turkey. That’s right. 24 lbs. to be cooked by 4 PM.
My friends and I survived with a few adjustments and had a terrific holiday. But I learned a few things that day which have served me well over the years. These are not really rules for holidays but think of them as guidelines. Please use what you can and ignore the rest.
When you have a galley kitchen in a tiny apartment, people don’t usually invade your space. Unless they really want to help you cook. Make a plan and stick to it. Check back with the people who agree to help with the cooking to make sure you stay on the same page.
This Frozen Turkey event exacerbated the control freak in me. I never approached a large gathering or a family holiday in the same frivolous way as I did on that single girlfriends Thanksgiving.
Rules Guidelines for Holiday Survival
- Don’t panic.
- Plan ahead.
- Clean out the fridge before the big day. This will assure the storage containers are clean and available.
- Make a list of things you can cook ahead that will not suffer in reheating. Desserts, rolls, snacks, are an excellent choice.
- Assign side dishes, dessert, etc. to relatives who want to help. This only works with reliable people who will stick to your plan.
- Remember your company will probably show up early, to assure them a good parking spot.
- Be prepared for people who want to help in the kitchen on the day. Leave chores you can trust them with and set up for them. I usually set the table but don’t add napkins, silver, serving spoons to the table. I assemble these things on a tray. Assign the chore, relieve the stress on the kitchen and appreciate the help.
- When you assign side dishes to relatives, be specific about what you can cook. You cannot cook your turkey when friends and relatives show up expecting you to manage the cooking or reheating for 120 side dishes at different temps while you are cooking turkey. Remember, 1 oven, 1 microwave, 1 toaster oven, is usually all that’s available. In a pinch, you can empty the dishwasher, turn on the drying cycle and load the reheated food into the top rack while you manage shifting other sides around for reheating. Rolls do okay but keep an eye out for food drying out. Short term use.
- Make sure you have extra foil and plastic wrap on hand as well as containers you don’t need to have returned. I buy a pack of easily forgotten containers at the Dollar Store, along with a multipack of shower caps. The shower caps are great for covering pies, cookies, and individual plates. I think you get twenty for $1.
- Remember, the oven is only so big. In an apartment you might not be able to fit a giant bird in there. Two birds are better than one. Double the dark meat. Two wishbones, need I say more? You can cook the smaller birds back to back. When you carve and serve the first, slip the other precooked turkey into the oven while your guests are enjoying the first bird.
- If you’re also having a houseful of company, make sure you plan for a good breakfast. I usually do an egg, sausage, and bread casserole assembled the night before, cooked first thing in the morning and served with fruit, coffee, and sweet breads. This breakfast is hearty enough to keep the family satisfied till dinner is ready midafternoon. It holds up well for stragglers, too.
And I’m including a real southern recipe for Corn Pudding just in case you can’t take one more year of looking at the green bean casserole.
Corn Pudding Recipe
¼ cup of all-purpose flour
1 Tbs. sugar
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. pepper
3 cups fresh or frozen corn, drained, and divided
3 large eggs
2 cups whole milk
¼ cup unsalted butter melted
1 ½ Tbs. scallions chopped, optional
Grease and flour an 8×8 baking dish or casserole dish of the same size. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Stir together flour, sugar, salt, and pepper, set aside. Pulse one cup of corn in a food processor until smooth. Set aside. Whisk eggs in a large bowl, then stir in flour and milk until combined. Whisk in melted butter and corn puree, add scallions and the rest of the corn. Stir to combine well. Transfer to the prepared baking dish and bake in preheated oven until puffed and lightly browned. Takes about 40 minutes. Sprinkle the top with chopped scallions if desired. Enjoy. FYI, this dish is delicious served hot or just warm.
Happy Thanksgiving!
About the Author

Ane Ryan Walker is an author and adventurer who believes in Angels, Demons, Witches and Magic. She recently settled in Alabama, after traveling the country with her husband and living fulltime in her RV. Ane is a member of Romance Writers of America©, Greater Houston RWA, and Women’s Fiction Chapter of RWA.
Born and raised in the great northeast, she writes a fictional series Survivors of Salem, about the witches who survived the Salem Witch Trials. She is also currently working on books about fulltime RVing.
In addition to Return to Angels Cove, look for the second book in the Survivors of Salem, The Covenant.
Tagged: Guest Blogger, paranormal, recipe, witch Posted in General, Real Life | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Katherine Smits - Delilah -