Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Movie Night!
Saturday, January 11th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Since school shut down on Thursday due to the winter storm, we had an unexpected four-day weekend! Not that we minded one bit.

The kids have enjoyed the snowfall even if the snow wasn’t suitable for building a snowman or an igloo. They did enjoy sliding down our short hill and throwing icy snowballs at each other. My daughter made two big pots of soup which we’ve already managed to devour. She made two batches of our favorite focaccia bread.

Before the storm, we bought a copy of Wicked off of Prime Video. The girls loved it so much, they’ve rewatched it a couple of times already and have rewound all the musical numbers so they can memorize the songs. They’ve also had a karaoke night.

We have two more days to go. I’m wondering if I can interest them in another movie night. I wonder what might interest all of them.

So, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, how about you offer some suggestions I can make. Then I’ll make some popcorn, assembles some finger foods, and hunker down for another night they’ll carry fond memories of in the future. Enjoy the puzzle!

Memory Game: The OG — Montana Bounty Hunters (Contest)
Friday, January 10th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Cara!

We never see this. Well, almost never. We can have years in between seeing a blanket of snow, so we savor it. Strange, I know. But the kids have dug through drawers to find gloves they never need and find boots that won’t soak up water in a second to go play in the snow. Mind you, the “kids” are 11, 16, and 20—plus my dear daughter, whose age I won’t mention.

Other than ensuring our many animals (goats, horse, geese, and chickens) are all safe and have food and shelter, they are in play mode. Mom (my dd) made two big pots of soup yesterday for us to nosh on whenever we get hungry—taco soup and tortilla soup. What is the difference? Oh, big difference the way she makes them. One has beans and beef the other is purely veg and spice. They had a karaoke night last night in the living room—always hilarious. We all nap when we want (me, more than the others).

So far, no power outages other than yesterday morning’s inexplicable loss. The temperature will warm up above freezing tonight, but not long enough to melt everything. So, tomorrow, we expect a lot of ice on the roads and patches of snow. We’ll be stuck inside another day, which I love, but which may be kind of confining to the kids since one day of snow is fun, two is boring, right?

Anyway, strange day. Terrible fires in LA, a president-elect sort of held accountable for his crimes, continued weirdness about which countries we’re going to annex/conquer because we can… I’m happy to turn off the news, enjoy the winter wonderland outside, and simply be happy I’m here to see another snow fall.

I hope you are all safe and cozy in your homes.

For fun, I’m including a memory game for you to play! Exercise that gray matter! It’ll help you keep sharp, promise. I’m using the images from my OG bounty hunter series set in Bear Lodge, MT—Montana Bounty Hunters.

Enjoy the game. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you see when you look outside. Do you have snow on the ground? Is it raining, sunny? Do you have big plans for the weekend? Have fun!

Karenna Colcroft: Back to Boston (F*R*E*E Read!)
Thursday, January 9th, 2025

I’m sorry I’m posting this late! We had a power outage this morning! Please welcome Karenna! ~DD


Delilah, thanks for allowing me to come here and talk about my new book, Bring on the Broccoli! This is book 7 of my Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat series…and the series has definitely been a ride.

It all started in 2010 with a 1000-word scene I dashed off to answer the question posed by a writer friend: “How could a werewolf be vegan?” I had an answer.

And then I had another scene with the vegan werewolf, Kyle Slidell, and his mate, Tobias Rogan, the Alpha who prefers letting someone else be in charge in the bedroom.

And then I had a novel. And then a five-book series, originally published between 2011-2014 and pulled off the market in 2016.

In 2021, I dug out the books and said, “I really like these. I should make them available again.” I started revising and re-editing the books, including bringing their setting from 2015, when they originally took place, to an undefined “present day” and updating some language and technology references accordingly. During that process, I started thinking maybe Kyle and Tobias’s story was longer than five books.

So I wrote book six, Take Some Tahini, which was released in summer 2024. However, there was a small problem with that book and future ones.

The original series included books that took place in Boston—where Kyle and Tobias’s tiny pack lives in a cluster of buildings on the East Boston waterfront—and in Pennsylvania and California. As of the end of book 5, Tobias and Kyle are living in California.

The problem being that I live near Boston. And I’ve never been to California.

When I wrote Take Some Tahini, I knew keeping Tobias and Kyle in California wouldn’t be sustainable. I planted the seeds for them to move back to Boston, though they’re no longer part of that tiny pack on the East Boston waterfront.

By the beginning of Bring on the Broccoli, Kyle and Tobias have fully relocated back to the city where their story began. And I’m not sure who’s happier about it, Kyle or me. I’ve always loved Boston; I grew up in Maine but had family in the Boston area, so I spent a fair bit of time here as a teen. And Kyle loves it because it’s where his chosen family, the pack he first belonged to when he became a werewolf, is located.

As Kyle said in Chapter One of Bring on the Broccoli, “We were home.”

As the author, I’m glad they are. I was starting to feel a little homesick writing the books that took place elsewhere.

Bring On the Broccoli (Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat 7)

Finally back in Massachusetts, vegan werewolf Kyle Slidell hopes for a peaceful life with his mate, Anax Tobias Rogan. But the pressure of ruling all werewolves in the United States is getting to Tobias. Kyle worries that the gentle, compassionate man he fell in love with is becoming like the previous Anax: a power-mad ruler who is all too eager to kill.

An old friend comes to Tobias for help in rescuing his mate from an abusive Alpha. As the extent of the Alpha’s crimes comes to light and the Alpha flees, Tobias sentences him to death. And he seems all too eager to carry out the sentence.

As they and their guards search for the fugitive Alpha, Kyle will do anything to ensure that the power within Tobias doesn’t take control—including becoming the Anax’s enforcer.

This book includes an on-page death in a werewolf attack, the on-page execution of a werewolf, discussions of abuse and assault, and depictions of PTSD.

 Bring On the Broccoli is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback. Amazon (US) link:

About the Author

Karenna Colcroft lives just north of Boston, Massachusetts, and has been in love with the city since childhood. To the best of her knowledge, she has yet to encounter any werewolves or other paranormal beings here.

Karenna is a polyamorous, nonbinary human. She lives with her husband and has two adult children and three “bonus” kids, four grandchildren, and three cats, who aren’t at all pleased that Karenna writes about werewolves.

Find out more about Karenna online at or , or join her Home for Wayward Werewolves at


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Word Puzzle — Ideas for Next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology (Contest)
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Angela Carter!

So, the other day, I posted a poll to choose the next theme for another Boys Behaving Badly Anthology. The winner of the poll is “Burn”—a tentative title. I’m okay with that. So, authors start thinking about how you can use heat/burning/fire in a short story between 2500 to 5500 words. I’ll put together a Call for Submissions soon and make a formal announcement.

Ugh. My puzzle generator changed, and I don’t like change. I hope it works similarly to the old version. Since I’ve settled on a theme for the antho, I thought I might list some ideas authors might play with for their stories. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me which idea you love. If you have another idea to offer, I’m sure authors would love to see it!

Catching Up & Open Contests!
Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

Catching up here…

  • I’m feeling a little better. Got some rest. I had a white cell count booster shot yesterday. Next, I have an appointment at the end of next week for a PET scan to see how much my cancer has reduced (crossing my fingers it’s a lot!). Then, I have a follow-on appointment the Monday after to get the results and begin my first immunotherapy infusion. Whew! Hopefully, there will be another appointment added to see a surgeon to get my girlie parts removed!
  • IgnitionAmazon very kindly reinstated my pre-order ability, but now I’m afraid to use it in case I don’t finish the next book in time. LOL. I have no confidence, but I guess I’ll go ahead and set one up for a far-away date to give myself some leeway, then change it to a sooner date when the book is done. I’m talking about Ignition, the last of the Delta Heat stories, which is almost all written at this point! Just a chapter or two to go, and I’m done. I’ll attack it next week and see how it goes. I’ll announce here when I set up the pre-order—after I regain my nerve.
  • The kids start back to school today, although the severe cold is here, and we might get SNOW on Thursday. This means the kids may get a long weekend out of it! Yay! Although, BOO, we already had a pipe freeze in the pasture. Won’t be able to fix it until it thaws sometime next week.
  • We did our grocery shopping after I had my shot yesterday. I was sooooo tired after traipsing around the grocery store. My dd would’ve dropped me at home if I’d asked, but I wanted to do something normal I haven’t done in months. I loved seeing all the FOOD. I know I added a bunch she wouldn’t have bought because…pretty. Who can resist prosciutto and cheese? Or asparagus. (I’m the only person in the house who eats it.)

And that’s all that’s happening here. I’ve set myself some small goals for today and hope I can get that bare minimum done. My desk is buried in stuff! Be sure to check out the list of contests that are still open below! I’d love to hear how you’re doing. Is anyone else getting this freezing weather?

Open Contests

  1. Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Susan Smith McKinney Steward – From A Family of Firsts (Contest) — This ends tomorrow! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Looking Back: 2024 Releases (Contest–2 Winners!) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Gabbi Grey: The Date I Had to Hit (Contest)This one ends soon! Win a FREE ebook or audiobook!
  4. December Into January (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Themes for the Next Boys Behaving Badly Anthology (A Poll & a Contest)This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  6. Story Cubes — Tell me a story (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Hunkering down in the cold… — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. Gabbi Grey: Why Representation Matters (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Gabbi Grey: Why Representation Matters (Contest)
Monday, January 6th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…flchen!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you so much for inviting me here today to discuss my latest release. Didn’t See You Coming is an LGBTQ young adult paranormal ghost story romance novel.


That’s a lot to cram into a description, but I want to make certain to hit all the high points – gay teenagers, ghosts, a touch of romance.

I’ve never written a young adult novel before.  I’ll be frank — I don’t read a ton of them either.  But some have crossed my path, and I’ve snapped them up — several that were LGBTQ. I still wouldn’t have felt remotely qualified to write one.

Yet you’re thinking…but Gabbi, you did write one.

This all started back in April.  My publisher, The Wild Rose Press, held an open chat where they discussed their new YA series. I almost didn’t attend the chat, but something said do it!  So I went with my gut and attended the chat.  When the concept of Pinedale High School in North Carolina was introduced, I was mildly interested.  As the chat continued, though, I was hit with a thunderbolt.  I needed to write a book.  A book for the series.  A book with LGBTQ characters.  I hoped other authors would include gay kids in their books, but I realized we needed a book where the queer kids were the protagonists.  My gut had directed me to that chat. That same gut said I had to write a book.

Since 2024 was the year of hell yes! I asked in the chat if they would be interested in a sweet LGBTQ story.  I got an enthusiastic hell yes.  At the same time, I was talking to Plot Whisperer in DMs who was waking up on the other side of the world.  I started talking to her and she suggested a naked ghost.

I was like…huh?

Still, the publisher chat ended with a request we submit proposals.  I spent a week working the details out in my mind and, through my editor, submitted a proposal.

And then I didn’t hear back.

I didn’t worry because I was literally up to my neck in a different book.

Then I got the proverbial “call.”  The one all writers wait for.

Well, not quite.  The president of the publisher, who is also the senior editor for the young adult line, emailed me and said, “How fast can you write this?”

I was like, “Fast…” (Because in the year of hell yes we agree to everything.)  She said, “Do it.”  She also placed a virtually impossible deadline before me.

But she saw, I believe, what I saw — the chance for authentic representation.  The chance to show queer kids in a positive light.

A couple of weeks later, I was ready to write.  I had my gay couple, my lesbian couple, my ghosts…and no effing clue what I was doing.

No worries, Plot Whisperer to the rescue.  I gave her what I had — which was actually a lot more than I usually have — and together we crafted a solid plot.  The problem? I had six point of view characters.  Now, most authors will tell you that’s Herculean. Some would say impossible.  Hell, some said to me that it wasn’t possible.  I believed in this book, though, so I wrote it the way it was begging to be written.  With six equal characters.

50k words in 17 days.  While I was working. Just…insane.

Then came the brutal beta readers.  I don’t normally have so many, but I needed honest opinions.  And I got them.  One suggested cutting a character entirely and said the epilogue didn’t work.  One found certain aspects confusing.  Brutal beta reader sort of took it apart and then helped me put it back together. Sensitivity reader taught me more about my blind spots.  I write interracial romances, and I will always have someone read my work to ensure I’m getting it as right as I can.

Finally, I had my teenage beta reader.  They got the final draft.  I will say, when I approached their mom, a good friend, I didn’t know beta reader’s circumstances.  That they’d changed their name and their pronouns. That they sort of identified as nonbinary.  To say I felt privileged they were willing to help would be an understatement.  But they were honest with me and made the book so much better.  With their critical stamp of approval, I sent the book to my editor.

I also was required to send a synopsis.  I begged my editor, for just this one time (okay, second, but who’s counting?) to not read the synopsis and to read the book cold.  She didn’t know about the six POV characters.  If she didn’t get the book, I knew massive edits would be required.  She had veto power over the book — if it didn’t work, it wasn’t going to get published.

I’ll never forget I submitted it on July 4th.  My editor is American, so I had no expectations.  She answered my email that she had it and would get back to me within a week.

Thus began the wait.

Four hours later, her glowing email arrived.  She loved it.  Edits, to be sure, but she loved it.

Now, I will confide I had to fight to keep every F-bomb.  And the book, aside from language, is genuinely sweet.  It’s also the book of my heart.  I wanted full representation — and I got it.  Gay, bi, lesbian, and naked ghost.  A multicultural story.

Naturally, I’m hoping readers love the book.  My nonbinary beta reader asked me when I was going to write the next book for them.  (Spoiler alert — possibly sooner than anyone expected.)  This is a book I’m proud to share with people.  This is a book I’m encouraging people to ask their library to order.  I want this book in the hands of as many teenagers as possible.  So kids won’t feel alone. So they’ll know they’re seen. That their stories matter.

Okay!  That was a lot.  From the book I never thought I’d write to today was an intense eight-month journey.  That’s short in the world of traditional publishing.  An entire team worked their asses off to make certain we would be the third book in this series and that I could bring representation.  In the end, I’m grateful to have been given this opportunity.  To the publisher, to my beta readers, to my editor — to everyone.

I also managed to get the book recorded on audio by the wonderful narrator Michael Ferraiuolo.  He did such an amazing job and I’m hoping listeners get a real taste of my story.

Thank you, Delilah, for inviting me here today.  I’m so grateful, as always, that you provide me with this opportunity to share my work.  As a thank you, I’d like to award one lucky commenter with a prize. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, please let me know if you’ve read any young adult novels that stuck with you.  Or what was your favorite book you read as you were growing up?  Judy Blume was a favorite of mine (yes, I’m dating myself). Random will pick the winner.  Thank you and good luck!

Didn’t See You Coming

Pinedale High—where every shade of love stands a ghost of a chance.

Holden and Peyton don’t expect much from senior year. He probably won’t manage to date any guys. She’ll still pine over Juliette, the beautiful and unattainable cheerleader. But when they step between class bullies and Oliver, a super-hot transfer student, their year starts to go off the rails.

As a star football player, Oliver hadn’t anticipated trouble. Turns out Pinedale High not only comes with bullies, but with new friends, plus the ghost of a Civil War soldier, and a shy naked guy in the library. Between the living and the dead, senior year is about to get interesting.

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Hunkering down in the cold…
Saturday, January 4th, 2025

UPDATE: The winner is…Margaret!

The weather’s taken a decidedly cold turn here in central Arkansas—and I don’t likey. Tessa (my lovely, grumpy cat) and I could not be coaxed out of bed early today. The first alarm went off and I rolled over, the cat yowled a complaint, and back to sleep we went. It’s supposed to be really chilly for the next week. Bleh. I’m ready for pool weather.

Last night, all the girls sat in the living room, snug beneath our blankets, as we watched Wicked. Even my hard-to-please daughter loved it. I would definitely recommend it. After the movie, we ate hot apple pie. I went to bed feeling all warm and cozy with the cat snuggled at the top of my pillow to keep my bald head warm. It’s quite a sight, but I won’t be sharing any pictures! Today, my daughter is hoping I’ll feel up to a flea market jaunt and maybe dinner out. I’ll have to nap all the way up until the time we go, pop a pain pill, and then I’ll be ready for it. I’ll be leaning on the shopping cart in the store.

I can’t wait for the day I can do something spontaneous and fun without worrying about whether I’ll drag ass and drag everyone else down. Not that they would ever complain. Anyway, I do have a plan for today, and you can bet I’ll be bundled up in layers of warm clothing. I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!

Solve the puzzle, then for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me what you love to do when the temperatures take a nosedive.