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Rhonda Carver: Brothers of Dove Grey (FREE Read & Excerpt)
Thursday, July 15th, 2021

All Cowboy & Charm

What happens at a fertility clinic stays at a fertility clinic…unless there’s an accidental switch-a-roo…

Successful author Melanie Jane decided after a very public divorce that she would prove to the world, especially her critiques, that she didn’t need a man to make her dreams come true. So, she wrote a best seller and used a fertility clinic to get pregnant. An accidental switch-a-roo left Melanie curious…who was the father of her baby?

Coop Dawson was still grieving the loss of his twin brother when some lady showed up at the family ranch and announced that she was pregnant by Cade, impossible since he’d been gone for over a year. Coop didn’t have the patience for scam artists. He told her exactly how he felt then made her hit the road. Yet, after reading a letter from a fertility clinic, he realized she’d been telling the truth. Now he needed to turn things around fast before he lost the chance at knowing Cade’s child.

Sometimes tragedy can bring a family closer…and bring unexpected gifts.

Coop needed to step up for the first time in his life and do the right thing for everyone. He promised his brother in a late-night prayer that he’d take care of the child—but what Coop didn’t realize he was already falling for Melanie and he couldn’t imagine life without her. Will she learn to trust him? Or will he screw up every chance he’d been given?

All Cowboy & Charm (Book 1) PERMA FREE!!


All Cowboy & Rough Rider

Forbidden love with an ex-fiancé’s brother will have townsfolk of Dove Grey talking. But she either went rogue or lost her heart again.

It had been two years since Cade Dawson passed away from leukemia, but his presence remained strong in small town Dove Grey, Texas. Coming home was probably too soon for many folks, but Annika Tinder hoped people could put the rumors and assumptions aside so that she could open her dream spa in her childhood home. She’d grown a lot since she first left—had a thicker skin now, and she’d need it. So what if people thought she had a sex-capade with the sexiest Dawson brother? She was willing to face the fire to get what she wanted.

Cross Dawson had a plan.

He’d steer clear of Annika so that townsfolk wouldn’t target her with their harsh speculations, and he wouldn’t be tempted by those old feelings he thought he’d buried. The task proved harder than he anticipated. He’d lost himself once—twice, three times—with her, but he couldn’t do it again, not when he had to honor his late brother’s memory. That was the respectable thing to do, right? So then why did every path and sign lead back to her?

Will Annika’s desire for an old flame, and new start, keep her in town? Or will she be chased off a second time? The sexy Dawson brothers and their wild romances keep the townsfolk of Dove Grey, Texas talking. From secret babies, forbidden love, to broken hearts…they’ll keep readers talking too.

All Cowboy & Rough Rider (Book 2)


Excerpt for All Cowboy & Rough Rider…

“Wrong? Nothing. Why?”

She smiled. “I can’t decide if the sour face is because I make you nervous or my food gave you indigestion.”

He dug his spoon into dessert but didn’t feel much up to eating anything more. “The food was delicious.”

“Ah, so I’m making you nervous?” She rolled her tongue along the plump center of her bottom lip.

Yeah, that didn’t help matters in the southern region of his belt. “No. Yes. Hell, I don’t know.”

Her eyes widened and again he couldn’t get past how bright her eyes were. She ran her finger through the condensation on her bottle. “It’s me and I get it.” The higher octave in her tone told him she enjoyed teasing him.

“I just have a lot on my mind I suppose,” he admitted. He couldn’t admit that she was nine-tenths of the trouble occupying his mind. He watched her slender fingers pick up a berry and pop it into her mouth, not taking her eyes off him for one second.

“It’s because I made it clear how I feel. I thought men liked when women were aggressive and made it clear what they wanted.”


“You know, earlier. I feel like we’re denying the truth blasting like a neon sign. We’re sexually attracted to each other.”

Good thing he was sitting because she’d have knocked him right off his boots. He needed to tread carefully down the path where this conversation was headed. He didn’t want to lie to her but telling her the truth could land them both smack dab in a world of distress.

Truth was, they were sexually attracted to each other. But it was more than just a need for sex. He liked her company. He found himself searching for her while he worked, which meant he was behind. Cross didn’t like being behind.

It was mostly her fault. She’d done nothing but flirt with him since he’d started work that morning. He wasn’t the smartest when it came to women and their feminine, magical ways, but there was nothing subtle in the way she looked at him like she wanted to suck the sin right out of his bone marrow. Sucking was always a good thing.

It was a big problem while he was having to keep up with renovations though.


“Yes, Cross?” She batted her lashes. She wasn’t about to make this easy.

“I didn’t come in here expecting…shit.” He blew out a long, agonizing breath.

“You didn’t come in here expecting shit?” She lifted a brow quizzically.

He’d never had a woman turn him inside out so easily. “Annika—”

“Yes, we’ve established that my name is Annika.” Her wicked smile hit him in his gut.

“My communication stinks, so don’t make this harder than it is already.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Look—”

“Oh no. Any sentence that starts with ‘look’ never ends well.” She plucked a strawberry from her bowl and bit into it.

“I think you’re enjoying this,” he said with meaning.

“You just seem…well, hot. Do you need a fan?”


She stood and sashayed over to him, crawling into his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Let’s not fight this any longer. I’m all in. How about you?”

God, what was wrong with him? His dick was hard and he was having trouble swallowing. He’d never been this affected by any woman.

“You’re sweating profusely,” she said with a smile.

“I need to say something,” he croaked.

“Sure. Go ahead.”

“Things are a bit…hard.”

“Oh? Am I too close?”

“I’m burning up.” He tugged at the neckline of his shirt.

“Fine. Say what you have to say and I’ll listen.” She stood and a frown developed over her sweet mouth.

He stood too, mainly because sitting became too unbearable. Cross wanted to say “screw it”, grab her up into his arms, and whisk her upstairs. Unfortunately, why did he feel like he’d be betraying his family? Betraying Cade? Could he trust Annika? What if he gave in to his feelings and she left again?

Cross stopped near the edge of the flower bed, debating his next words. When he finally had his head in order, he turned and snapped his mouth shut. How the hell had she managed to get near him so fast? She was now only a few feet from him.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“A lot.”

“Are you okay?” She pressed her hand against his forehead. “You’re sweating even more and you feel a little warm.”

“I’m fine.”

“You look a little swollen.” Concern covered her expression.

Why did his throat feel sore and his lips tingle?

He was beginning to believe that maybe he wasn’t okay.

“Cross, are you having an allergic reaction?”

“I’m not having an allergic reaction.” His stomach ached and his skin itched.

“I know a reaction when I see one.”

“I’m okay. I just want to talk to you about…” Then he felt a tingle in his tongue that quickly spread. He saw her squint and then her eyes rounded in shock.

“Are you feeling prickly and flushed?”

“Yes, but we need to talk. I have something I need to get off my chest.” Ah hell. “Why is it so damn hot?”

Small Town Romance

For those who don’t know me, I’m Rhonda Lee Carver. I’m a bestselling author of contemporary western and romantic suspense, but love to write other genres too. I enjoy stories that keep readers laughing, crying, gripping the edge of their seats, and screaming all in one book…like riding a virtual roller coaster. Whether creating sexy cowboys or tough guys, or sassy, independent heroines, readers are sure to find strong, powerful, memorable characters that are relatable.

By day, I tap into my creative, fictional world but at some point, I transition back into reality where I’m a volleyball-stands cheerleader, homework virtuoso (at least, I think so), amateur nurse to skinned knees, a mediocre chef with some awesome microwave skills, pet-guru (all the strays show up at our house), and a Jackie of all trades for my kids who are the loves of my life. Yoga and chocolate keep me sane. Hallmark movies require cuddling up with tissues because I can be emotional. I add a sprinkle of my own real-life adventures in each story I spin because a little truth never hurt anyone. I wouldn’t give up one thing in my crazy, chaotic, ever-amusing life, except, except I might do magic tricks for the bungalow on the beach I’ve had my eye on (GOALS).

Writing for me is like falling in love and finding a new best friend over and over again. My characters will find a place inside your heart too.

On Inspiration…

I’m asked a lot where I get the ideas for stories. Finding ideas has never been a problem. I have a storage bank inside of my head overflowing with storylines. I do, however, find hurdles when I’m creating unique characters. After writing one hundred books, I seem to gravitate toward clone characters. They have similar physical and behavioral traits. So, I’ve had to work to make each one exceptional and relatable. I like to create characters from real-life people. Those who triumph when they could easily give up. Like the man with a disability who walks each day on the highway. I’ll see him pushing his cart or carrying a bag of groceries. Sometimes in the rain. Other times in the sweltering heat. He refuses any help. Also, the homeless man and his dog who I see frequently wandering the streets of a nearby town. He has a story to tell—a tragic story of drug abuse and a childhood marked with neglect. A friend of a friend had passed away from Leukemia. He didn’t have children because of chemotherapy. His wife says that her one regret was not having a child with him while he was well. I have intermingled their true stories with the fictional lives of my characters in The Brothers of Dove Grey, and another story I’m currently working on. If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll check out my books. With love, Rhonda Lee.

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Cindy Tanner: Fear of Failure (Contest)
Wednesday, July 14th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

Amazon link:

Lately, I have been giving thought to the concept of fear and how that drives my actions. I have been writing stories since elementary school, but it wasn’t until years later that I gave any thought to publishing anything. Even then, the fear of failing was enough to keep me happy writing for me, alone. It wasn’t until my dad passed away that I got the courage to self-publish because things I feared changed drastically with his death. Suddenly, no one enjoying my books wasn’t so scary. If I failed, I could try again. So, I did. I have made many mistakes along the way but have learned from them. I have found readers that love my voice and others that don’t. It’s okay. The sun still rises.

This past year, my definition of what I fear was challenged and changed again. My mother experienced a small electrical fire and came to live with us for several months. She hadn’t been home, and she had been incredibly lucky. Loved ones were lost during quarantine, the distance broke some relationships, and the farm I had grown up on was getting divided and sold. All of this during a pandemic that brings its own worries and frustrations.

Finding the silver lining when the bad news kept piling on wasn’t easy, but I realized how much I feared change. What have I learned? The sun is still going to rise and set whether or not I accept the changes happening around me. I spent a lot of time in the last eighteen months feeling helpless, frustrated, and powerless. Now I see change as a chance for something new, not just an end. There is a tremendous amount of power in accepting change and deciding how to receive it.

In my writing, I have been pushing boundaries. Ideas I had but thought I couldn’t write, I have been writing. Letting go of the expectations I was putting on myself and what I had to write. One of these stories will be part of the upcoming anthology Boys Behaving Badly: Cowboys.

Failure is an opportunity for growth. Change is an opportunity for something new. For the chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card comment and tell me a fear you have managed or would like to. 

Tuesday, July 13th, 2021

Today is “Embrace Your Geekness Day”—not to be confused with “World Geek Day,” which occurs on May 25. Who knew we geeks needed two holidays all their own?!

But to help you celebrate this important date, I’m offering a FREE download of a very sexy shorty, called Nerd’s Blind Date. Hope you enjoy it! ~DD

Nerd's Blind Date

Get your copy here!

I’ve gone all Apple, almost… (Contest)
Monday, July 12th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

So, day before yesterday, my dd and I went phone shopping. Mine and hers were several years old and beginning to glitch. Her phone case was cracked. Our top priority was picture quality because we use photos for everything—TikTok, FB, Pinterest, Etsy, etc. Although it was #2 for picture quality, all the other features of the phone were tops, so we purchased Apple phones. Good Lord, the price! Mine’s blue—just like the picture!

And of course, I was also looking for a new watch. All of my Citizen Eco-Drive watches (all four!) are kaput. So…

So, yeah, phone is in hand, an Apple watch is in the mail… Add that to my Mac Air, and I’m a convert. However, my main computer remains a hyped-up HP (it’s a gaming computer with super speed and storage, which I need). I don’t actually play games on it.

I didn’t port over my contacts or files to the new phone. I figured it was a great way to clean everything out. I spent a damn day adding apps, redoing passwords—because I couldn’t remember passwords. The 16-year-old is an old pro with iPhones, so she helped me figure out how to do “stuff”. I’m a slow learner, she says. 🙂

So, the question for you is, are you an Apple girl/boy? Is there some feature you love? Or just tell me what you love about your current phone/tech for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Vamps do go bump in the night! (FREE Read)
Sunday, July 11th, 2021

Recently, I got the rights back to a short story Harlequin published back when Spice Briefs still existed. It was one of the first two stories released into that line. It’s sexy as hell, features a vampire hero and a heroine who’s not the average human herself, and it’s FREE in Kindle Unlimited—just $0.99 if you don’t have KU. I hope you give it a read, and if you can, leave a review!

Invite Me In (A Paranormal-Vampire Short Story)

On a sultry night in the French Quarter, alone in a room thick with desire, she is able to channel the wanton mating of the couple down the hall. Each kiss, each sensation is as real to her as if she were the one being ravished. Forgetting herself, she calls out to him, until he is at her door, in her bed, knowing fully what she wants…

Get your copy now!

Saturday, July 10th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Melissa Caswell!

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me where you are!

Michal Scott: It Takes A Snake (Contest)
Friday, July 9th, 2021

UPDATE: The winner is…Cheryl!

It takes a snake? I can already imagine your eyebrows and frowns in disbelief as you respond, “To do what?” Like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a snake to create community. What kind of community you talkin’ ’bout, Willis? The enmity placed between humanity and snakes in Genesis 3:15 is still real. What kind of community could be created by something so villainous as a snake? When I saw one crawling along the wall this week in my backyard I cringed. Yuk and yikes! I breathed a sigh of relief when it slithered away to the front yard. I raked the grounds to make sure there weren’t any others hiding there.

Two days later as I went to get the mail, I noticed a neighbor standing stock-still in front of his garage holding a rake and staring very pointedly at something I couldn’t see on the far side of his car. Sure enough, it was a snake. He didn’t want to kill it because he wasn’t sure what kind it was. “Bull snakes are good snakes,” he said, but if it were a rattler he’d have to kill it. We couldn’t see a rattle on the tail, but then we wondered if it might be a baby without a rattle yet. I stood in solidarity with my neighbor and stared at the slimy intruder. What to do, what to do?

At that moment my husband—traveling to visit family—called to say goodnight. I told him what was happening, and he said, “Call Spence. He knows all about snakes.” Spence is a good friend and fellow church member. I took a picture and messaged it to him. He called right back and said it was a baby king snake. Definitely non-venomous. Spence said you can tell venomous snakes from non-venomous ones by the shape of their pupils. Venomous snakes have slit pupils like cat’s eyes. Non-venomous ones have round pupils like dogs. I don’t think my cat Scully would appreciate the comparison. My neighbor and I peered at the photo and agreed the eyes looked round. Spence said he’d be over in fifteen minutes to take the snake back to the desert.

By now my neighbor’s wife had joined us. She helped trap the snake beneath a bucket. We introduced ourselves—me, Anna, he and she, John and Jeanette. We shared how long we’d lived on the block, where we were from, our experiences, and lack thereof, with snakes and our mutual hatred of the creatures.

Spence arrived, picked the little guy up and told us how it could grow to six or eight feet long. Shudder. He put it in a pillowcase and assured us it would be happier in the desert. John, Jeanette, and I wholeheartedly agreed. Spence drove off, John and Jeanette went back into their snake-free house, and I continued on to pick up the mail. It took a snake to create community between us.

So for a chance at a $10 Amazon gift card, share in the comments about an encounter where you got to know a neighbor better.

One Breath Away

Sentenced to hang for a crime she didn’t commit, former slave Mary Hamilton was exonerated at literally the last gasp. She returns to Safe Haven, broken and resigned to live alone. She’s never been courted, cuddled or spooned, and now no man could want her, not when sexual satisfaction comes only with the thought of asphyxiation. But then the handsome stranger who saved her shows up, stealing her breath from across the room and promising so much more.

Wealthy, freeborn-Black, Eban Thurman followed Mary to Safe Haven, believing the mysteriously exotic woman was foretold by the stars. He must marry her to reclaim his family farm. But first he must help her heal, and to do that means revealing his own predilection for edgier sex.

Excerpt from One Breath Away…

On the rise overlooking Harvest Home, Banker Judah Little sat, his mouth stretched in horror.

“My God, what’s wrong with her?” He stared transfixed at the cabin, his hands clasped and shaking.

“No doubt reliving the torment of death.” A grudging smile graced Judge Aaron “Hangman” Denton’s face. “No one who cheats the hangman enjoys any kind of peace

After hundreds of pronouncements and hundreds of executions, he’d seen it all. He preferred these civil hangings to the military executions by firing squad he’d ordered during the War of Northern Aggression. Bullets brought death so quickly, he always felt cheated. But a hanging…His smile broadened. There was so much more to enjoy when there was a hanging.

The snap of the neck.

The sway of the body.

The discharge of the bowels.

He tongued the snuff in his cheek and spat the brown liquid into the dirt. The scents of sage and tobacco laced each breath he took.

Mary Hamilton had been his only failure. Crime deserved punishment. What difference did being a woman make? He’d condemned her to hang. Damn interfering crowd. And where in hell had that horseman come from? She’d be dead now but for him and those bleeding-heart busybodies.

Buy link: Amazon –

Michal Scott Amazon Author Page –