Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Flashback: The Pleasure Bot (Contest–3 Winners!)
Monday, December 7th, 2020

UPDATE: The winners are…Evie, Amanda, and Linda Richter!

Back in the day when I wrote strictly erotic romances… There was the little book that could…

The Pleasure Bot was a story I loved writing. I smiled my way through it. The story has some of my favorite tropes—mistaken identity and hiding in plain sight. Add a playful and annoying personnel AI computer, a pirate with a sense of humor, and a woman who thinks she only wants to get off—and you have it.

The story played well with reviewers:

  • Nominated for Best Erotic Romance and 4 ½ Stars and TOP PICK! from Romantic Time BookClub Magazine, “…Hot sex, sidesplitting humor and an out-of-this-world story set this erotica apart from the rest!”
  • Also, 5 Flames from Sizzling Romances; 5 Stars from Just Erotic Romances; 5 Stars from eCataRomance

Give it a go! The Pleasure Bot is book 4 in the Planet Desire series but is completely standalone. It exists in that universe, but the characters never cross paths. And isn’t that cover just lickable?

The Pleasure Bot


4 ½ Stars and TOP PICK! from RT BookClub Magazine, “…Hot sex, sidesplitting humor and an out-of-this-world story set this erotica apart from the rest!”

Bringing new meaning to battery operated boyfriend…

Priscilla Potter rents the latest sex toy, a better-than-lifelike pleasure robot, for a little weekend R&R. However, her fantasy companion isn’t quite what she expected. He’s unshaven, uncouth, and doesn’t seem to understand she’s in charge of her own pleasure. But she soon decides the on-line shop got the order just right. As the weekend draws to a close, she has to find a way to keep her robot past its return date.

Bootlegging “entrepreneur” Declan O’Hanlon needs a place to lay low until he can figure out how to liberate his crew and ship from Customs impound. The “uninhabited” house he picks for his hideout actually belongs to a sex kitten who mistakes him for her latest toy. Intrigued by the idea of being a woman’s fantasy come true, Declan does what any red-blooded man would do–he pretends to be her acquisition. But he doesn’t count on Priss being quite so irresistible. As the time depart nears he wonders how he can ever leave her behind.

Kindle | Nook | Kobo | iBooks | Google

The Contest

I’ll give away a free download of any of the Planet Desire stories to three lucky commenters! Just let me know if humor is something you like in a story!

Desire's Prisoner Desire's Slave PlanetDesire_600

Click on the covers to learn more!

The Pleasure Bot Raptor’s Desire

Christmas Puzzle Contest!
Sunday, December 6th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Denise Fidler!

It’s Saint Nicholas Day! The kids (and I, my daughter insisted) left our shoes out last night for Santa to fill. Everyone got coins and small gifts—the first year there’s been no coal (candy, that is)!! I guess I was a good girl because he left me fuzzy socks/slippers, koala Post-its-style bookmarks, a Wonder Woman pen, and candy!

I have only one gift left to buy. And I have a couple of small things left to make. My SIL is very proud of his Scottish heritage, so I thought I’d try to paint him some thistle. I tried this in gouache, but I think I’ll do it again in pastels before I decide which one to frame. Think he’ll like it? And no worries about him seeing it here. He NEVER checks out my website. 🙂

Christmas Puzzle Contest

For a chance to win your choice of download from among all my downloadable books, tell me what the little man is saying!

Tell Me a Story (Contest–and more open Contests!)
Saturday, December 5th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Heidi McKeon!

Tell me a story—Who are these people? What’s their story?—for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! 

The story doesn’t have to be great. I’m not going to judge you. You can have fun with it. We need to use our imaginations every once in a while. 🙂

It’s Saturday, and all of our family (other than my police officer SIL) slept in late. My To Do list is #17 items long! No way will I finish. Tonight, we’re eating in the living room on TV trays while we gather to watch The Christmas Chronicles 2. Can’t wait, so whatever I get done by that time is ALL I’ll get done!

This afternoon, I’m closing out the contests I ran on Kris Michael’s FB party, so there’s still time to enter! I gave a way a FREE book, and there are other books, multiple winners, a gift card, etc., still up for grabs. Go find those posts and ENTER! Here’s the link: Kris Michael’s Days of Authors

Open Contests!

Enter these contests before they’re gone!

  1. Hidden Treasures (Puzzle-Contest)Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Reina Torres: Everyone Needs a Gingerbear (Contest)Last day to enter! Win a FREE book!
  3. Heading into December… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. It’s beginning to look a lot like… (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. A FB Party! And he’s warming his toes at the North Pole… (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
A FB Party! And he’s warming his toes at the North Pole… (Puzzle-Contest)
Friday, December 4th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Amanda Logan!

Today, I’m hanging out at Kris Michaels’ Guardian Angels Facebook page! I’ll be posting throughout the day! I’ve already posted a FREE book and the first contest! So be sure to drop by!

Puzzle Contest

Solve the puzzle and tell me which box is yours inside the image—and what’s inside it!— for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! 

Mellanie Szereto: The Homegrown Café Book Club
Thursday, December 3rd, 2020

Imagine a couple. A mutual friend introduced them to each other at a large social gathering. Four months later, the couple got engaged and then married about ten months after that. What are your expectations about the couple? Are they in their twenties? Thirties? Forties? Fifties? Or even older?

While the scenario above is the story of my husband and me when we met thirty-five years ago at 25 and 21 years old, couldn’t the couple be any of those ages???

For many of the years I’ve read romance, the main characters have been almost entirely in their early to mid-twenties and rarely pushing thirty, but that doesn’t necessarily reflect today’s younger or older generations and society in general anymore. Many millennials are waiting until their thirties and closing in on forty to marry, choosing to focus on their careers and being financially stable. Some choose not to marry at all.

What about Gen X-ers and Baby Boomers? Although people of these generations often married in their late teens and early twenties, I personally know a large number who have divorced, been widowed, or haven’t married—either by choice and because they haven’t found the right person. However, I’m quite certain most of them haven’t given up on love.

In recent years, seasoned/later-in-life/mature characters have begun to appear more in romance, especially among indie-published authors. Blending families, shared parenting, aging parents, and similar issues creates complex conflicts, bringing new challenges to more experienced characters.

Love at any age is still love.

The Homegrown Café Book Club

My new romcom novella series brings some of those stories to life, along with adding another less common element in romance—the older woman/younger man trope. Are you thinking cougars? Think again!

The women of The Homegrown Café Book Club are over 40, single, and loving it. Fate, however, has a different plan with a younger man for every last one of them.


Makin’ Bacon (The Homegrown Café Book Club 1) Available now!

Heroine is 42; hero is 35.

Divorcée Tate Madison wasted fifteen years of her life with a liar and a cheat. Now she’s returned to her hometown to open The Homegrown Café, find a sperm donor, and spend time with her family and new friends. Encouraged by her fellow middle-aged book-club buddies, she begs a favor from her younger brother’s best friend—father the child her ex-husband denied her. Complications abound when she discovers she’s attracted to the man who wasn’t supposed to be more than an anonymous profile at the clinic.

Pig farmer Jim Cochon knows all about in-vitro fertilization, but he’d rather do things the old-fashioned way with the irresistible redhead he’s wanted to marry since he was five. Too bad she refuses his proposal the morning after their attempt to make a baby. He’ll have to convince her second chances are worth taking when happily-ever-after is at stake.


The Farmer Takes a Husband (The Homegrown Café Book Club 2) Available now!

Heroine is 47; hero is 39.

Organic farmer Riley Fenniman is happily single at forty-seven and refuses to acknowledge an attraction to her younger accountant, let alone surrender to it. Unfortunately, a legal catch in her farm’s ownership and a health scare give her no choice in the matter. The women of The Homegrown Café Book Club have the perfect plan to ensure Riley’s cousin can’t get his greedy paws on her legacy, but it includes a husband and two pubescent girls.

CPA Deacon Jeffries has carried a torch for his favorite client for over a year, but she would probably sooner light him with it than return his affection. She makes an offer he can’t refuse to save her farm, one that makes his wish come true and gives his daughters the mother they need—except for lessons in dropping f-bombs. When the secret she’s keeping reveals itself, he’ll have to choose between self-preservation and love.


The Butcher and the Baker (The Homegrown Café Book Club 3) New release!

Heroine is 43; hero is 37.

After six broken engagements, butcher Petra Lochsley wants nothing to do with men and romance. Her hobbies include throwing axes, discussing books and having raunchy conversations with her middle-aged friends, and eating the occasional Boston cream doughnut—when the flirtatious baker doesn’t insist she prostitute herself for the decadent pleasure. One game of tongue hockey is enough with the guy she used to babysit. So what if he’s hot and is a good kisser?

Baker Auggie Hofmeier didn’t mean fall in love with or accidentally marry the butcher, but his heart seems to know what it’s doing. Besides, his new wife invited him home for a wedding night and more, that is, until the conniving interference by The Candlestick Maker, the old man who owns the shop he and Pet both want to buy, threatens their happily-ever-after. What’s a knave to do?


When Harry Met Wally (The Homegrown Café Book Club 4) Coming soon!

Heroine is 50; hero is 40.

And Baby Makes 2½ (The Homegrown Café Book Club 5) Coming soon!

Heroine is 45; hero is 38.


Mellanie Szereto

It’s beginning to look a lot like… (Puzzle-Contest)
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Jennifer Beyer!

I’m thinking any chance I get this month, I’m going to throw up a cute Christmas puzzle for y’all to solve. Jigsaws are good for the brain and a great excuse to take a “me time” break—my gift to you during this busy holiday month! Enjoy! ~DD

Puzzle Contest

Solve the puzzle and pick your favorite element inside the image for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! And if that element means something special to you, please share why!

Meet Preacher and the owner of Deadly Delights… (Excerpt + Open Contests)
Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

I love writing my bounty hunter stories! They’re so much fun—action, humor, stupid criminals, danger, and sexy times! The second book in my spinoff series of Montana Bounty Hunters centers around a man named Preacher. The story is set to release in January, but I’m hoping to finish it sooner so it will come out before the end of December. He’s new to the team and, in the opening scene, we see him and his new partner Marti taking down a skip. For this spin-off series set in Dead Horse, Montana, I’m introducing the town folk. We already met the surly waitress, Nadine, in Cage‘s story. She’ll play a bigger role in future stories. In Preacher’s book, you’ll meet more of the town’s lively characters as well as the owner of the donut shop. Preacher is already attracted to her but hasn’t made a move. You’ll see why in this snippet. Enjoy!


Preorder your copy here!

Two days later, Preacher got a text as he was climbing into his black Suburban, ready to head into work.

Fig: It’s your turn to bring the donuts. Get them from Deadly Delights.

Preacher checked his watch. He had time.

How many? And what?

Fig: Two dozen kolaches. Two dozen mixed. Don’t drag ass.

Ooh, bossy. Who pissed on your cornflakes?

Fig: HaHa. Got a lot to go over.

Preacher’s mood lightened. He didn’t mind donut duty, not when the woman behind the counter at Deadly Delights was one very pretty blonde who wore confectionary sugar like most women wore powder on their noses. Whenever he saw a light dusting on her cheek, he had the urge to lean over the counter and lick it. Likely every male in the vicinity had the same urge.

Asking her out on a date had been on his mind for a while. He’d never noticed a ring on her finger and hadn’t seen her around town with any guys, so he thought maybe he should. After all, he’d been here a little while and needed to make some friends. Maybe, he could talk her into showing him around.

He grimaced. That might not be the best line. It would be the world’s shortest date. Dead Horse was a tiny town. A guided tour would take all of ten minutes.

Deadly Delights was on Main Street, which was on his route anyway with the Dead Horse Motel on the opposite side of town from Montana Bounty Hunters. Preacher shook his head as he passed the businesses lined up along the strip—Dead Center Guns & Pawn, Dead as a Doornail Hardware, The Drop Dead Gorgeous Salon.

He laughed. “They certainly have a theme going.”

He pulled into an empty parking space in front of the donut shop. Inside, business was brisk. He stood in line, trying not to look as though he was checking out the shapely proprietor while he was certainly checking her out. When it was his turn at the counter, his reason for being there completely escaped him.

It was those eyes—the prettiest blue, like cornflowers or maybe bluebonnets—although why he remembered any flowers’ names when he couldn’t remember his own was a mystery. Or maybe it was her pretty light blonde hair that she always wore in a long braid. Or maybe her pale skin with that light dusting of caramel-colored freckles across the bridge of her nose. He kept his gaze above her shoulders because he’d never drag it away from her full breasts and hips…

“Did you want something?” she said, leaning over the counter, her expression becoming concerned.

You and some of that whipped cream frosting you’re wiping off your fingers…

Frozen in place, he was sure he probably looked like a complete moron. He raised his phone to read the text message from Fig then cleared his throat. “I need kolaches and donuts.”

The woman’s mouth twitched at the corners. “How many people you feeding? Just yourself?”

He felt heat begin to fill his cheeks. Dammit. He’d never get her to go out with him if he couldn’t untwist his tongue. “Two dozen of each. And mixed… Um, mixed donuts, that is.”

She nodded and pulled four pink boxes from beneath the counter, unfolding them then laying down tissue paper or some such in the bottoms of the containers to line them.

She quickly filled his order then stacked the boxes neatly beside the cash register.

He already had his credit card out, not wanting to extend the conversation because he’d likely make a bigger fool out of himself if he did. Then he noticed the light coating of something white on her collarbone. It looked like the glazing on the donuts she’d put into the box. His mouth watered.

She rang up the order and handed him back his card. “Would you like a cup of coffee to take with you, sir?”

“Preacher,” he blurted.

She shook her head. “Pardon me?”

“Not sir. Preacher.”

“That your first or last name?”

“It’s what I’m called.” At this point, he wished the floor would just open up and swallow him whole.

“Well, Preacher,” she said, leaning over the counter and smiling as she handed him a coffee, “you have a good day.”

He managed a nod before reaching for the boxes and the coffee and quickly exited the store. “Damn. Fuck. Shit,” he whispered under his breath as he headed to his vehicle.

Another chance missed. It would be five more days before he’d have donut duty again. He wondered if he shouldn’t practice in front of a mirror before he attempted to talk to her again, or maybe he needed a wingman or woman to help him out…

Open Contests!

Enter while you still can…

  1. It’s Tuesday, so of course it’s a PUZZLE-CONTEST & more!Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. Today’s cards… (Contest) — Last day to enter! Win an Amazon gift card!
  3. Hidden Treasures (Puzzle-Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Reina Torres: Everyone Needs a Gingerbear (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
  5. Heading into December… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!