Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Cage is out! (Puzzle-Contest)
Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Courtney Kinder!

My new book, BOOK #1 for the new spin-off series for the Montana Bounty Hunters, is here! The first book is important. It introduces you to the town and introduces the first hunters who will inhabit the Dead Horse office. From here, who knows where the series will go!

If you have a chance to read it, please consider leaving a review on your favorite website. Reviews really do help an author!

Get your copy here!
It’s FREE in KU!


I had fun naming businesses in my town of Dead Horse, Montana. The townsfolk went a little nuts with the “dead theme”. There’s the Dead Easy Saloon, the Dead Horse Walk-in (get it?) Diner, etc.

For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, either try to work on the “dead” theme to help me with some more groan-worthy “deadly” names, or if your well of wit is dry, tell me if you’ll be visiting Dead Horse, MT anytime soon!

Welcome to Dead Horse, Montana! CAGE, coming after midnight tonight! (Excerpt)
Monday, August 17th, 2020

I’ve been writing now for a number of years in multiple genres. I can honestly say I’ve never had more fun than I have writing about my Montana Bounty Hunters. So, when I was approaching the last story of the last hunter in the series, I thought hard about what I wanted to do next. The solution was pretty easy.

I’d write more. However, the MBH agency in Bear Lodge, MT was chock full of hunters. I needed my bounty hunter agency to expand, so I chose another location in Montana, fictional again, of course, so I could have more fun with a new set of hunters, and this time, use the town itself as a new “character” in my story. So, welcome to Dead Horse!

The book will be available solely through Amazon, at first. I want as many folks who want to get it through Kindle Unlimited for FREE as possible. I already have the print version uploaded, too. That link will come soon. In the meantime, meet the first hunter in the series…Cage.


A former SEAL and MMA fighter, and now, newly minted bounty hunter, has to hunt down his first skip…his ex-wife.

Former SEAL Cage Morgan thinks he doesn’t need anyone. As a rising MMA fighter, he makes enough to do what he wants and doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

Then an old friend sends an emissary, Reaper Stenberg from the Montana Bounty Hunters, to offer him a job. He agrees to meet him, but he has no intention of becoming a bounty hunter…until he hears who Reaper needs his special skill set to take down—his ex-wife.

Elaine Morgan is facing jail time due to her chosen line of work. She runs an illegal, underground fight club with her brother. Up until now, she’s always run clean, fair fights, but her brother owes money to the wrong people. As she prepares to the take the rap for his poor judgment, she misses her court date—that’s just one more stressor to add to the pile, and she doesn’t have time to worry about the consequences.

Until the night of the fight that will free her brother of his dangerous debt. Only her ex-husband shows up there, telling her he’s taking her in, and he has the friends with him to get the job done. The hunters’ poor timing sets off a chain of events that has the Montana Bounty Hunters staging a daring rescue.

All the while, Cage and Elaine revisit their past love, finding that the time apart put their problems in a better perspective. As their connection grows, they both fear an uncertain future.

Pre-order here!

Opening scene from Cage

As he approached the front door to the Dead Easy Saloon, Cage Morgan flexed his hands, wincing as he did so due to the deep bruising on his knuckles. Still, sore knuckles felt like a small price to pay considering the size of the purse he’d won the previous night at the MMA bout in Bozeman.

Thinking about the $36,000 deposit he’d made at the bank that morning, he wondered why the hell he’d agreed to this meeting in the first place. Cage’s needs were simple, and the purse would pay his bills for the next four to six months until he accepted the next match.

However, he owed Fetch Winter the courtesy of meeting with his representative to talk about the possibility of a job. He didn’t owe him a “yes,” but he had agreed to listen. Fetch had led the unit that had pulled his ass out of a firefight which had killed several of his SEAL teammates back in Afghanistan a lifetime ago.

From the outside, the meeting place was like any other roadhouse bar. Wood plank siding, a tin roof, and a red neon “Open” sign. He climbed the three steps to the porch then opened the door. Music played on a jukebox, customers lined a well-polished counter, and in the rear, the crack of striking balls and groans sounded from the pool tables.

As he passed the bar, the bartender’s gaze narrowed on him, and then a broad smile spread. He lifted his chin to Cage. “Great fight last night.”

Cage lifted his eyebrows and gave him a little salute but didn’t stop. He made his way to a small round table tucked into a corner of the main room and took a seat.

A waitress with dirty blonde hair so straight it had to have been ironed paused beside his table. “What can I get ya, hon?”

Her smile was flirtatious, and while she was kind of cute for a middle-aged woman in a skin-tight tank with the bar’s logo on the front and short blue-jean shorts, he wasn’t interested in encouraging her to linger. “Whatever beer’s on tap will do,” he said and pulled a twenty from his wallet.

She smiled and moved away, her skinny hips wagging.

She was back inside a minute with a foamy beer and handed back his twenty. “Kip, the bartender, says it’s on the house. He won a pile of money last night on your fight.”

He pushed back the twenty. “You keep it then, and thank Kip.”

Just then, a commotion sounded at the entrance of the bar. “Damn, are you Reaper, that dude on TV?” asked a man who was holding onto the arm of a large man wearing a ballcap who was trying to get through the doorway.

Cage watched as the man who looked like he belonged on a Viking longboat shook the man off his arm.

Cage couldn’t make out what he said to the smaller man, but the guy held up his hands and backed away, grinning. As soon as the big man’s attention left him, he scurried to the bar, leaning over the counter to talk to Kip, whose gaze shot to the big man.

He watched the man in the ballcap grimace then step deeper inside the bar, his eyes narrowing as he searched the counter and then the tables. Cage knew the second when his gaze came to rest on Cage, because the other man tipped his chin before striding his way.

As the man approached, Cage assessed him like he always did, sizing him up as a possible opponent in the ring. They were of a similar height and weight. His arms and chest looked powerful. However, Cage could tell by the way the man moved that he wouldn’t have his same speed. Not that he was planning to fight this guy, but old habits died hard.

The big man stopped in front of his table. “You Cage Morgan?”

Cage nodded.

The man sat and whipped off his cap. “Thought the hat would work.”

Cage’s mouth twitched. “That was supposed to be some kind of disguise?”

The other man made a sound a bear might make just before it took a bite. “Fetch sent me.”

“I figured.”

“Said I was to try to schmooze you into taking a job.”

“I’ve been wondering why he isn’t here to do it himself.”

The other man raked a hand through his long blond hair. “I’m here to set up the satellite office. He’d have come, but he said we didn’t need the big guns. That you’d want this job once you heard what it was all about.”

Cage grunted and sat back in his chair. “You’re the guy in that reality TV show.”

Reaper gave him a dead-eyed look. “If I wasn’t makin’ bank, I’d take exception to your tone, dude.”

Cage snapped his fingers. “What’s it called?” He pretended the name escaped him.

Bounty Hunters of the Northwest,” the other man said, sounding bored.

“Right!” Cage grinned. “I liked the episode when that wild man chased the bear.”

“His name’s Animal.”

Cage chuckled. “Fits.” He picked up his beer and drew on it, not knowing exactly why he was trying to rile the other man. Maybe it was because he viewed him as a competitor, and his instinct was to start the psych-out before a fight. Or maybe it was because he wanted to make sure the man didn’t waste a lot of time trying to convince him to take a damn job he didn’t want. “Can’t remember your name, though,” he lied.

“Reaper. Reaper Stenberg,” the big man said, his words a little garbled like he was grinding his teeth.

“Right,” Cage said. He took another swallow and waited for Reaper to give his pitch, but the waitress sauntered over again.

Her gaze went from Cage to Reaper, and Cage knew what was on her mind. Too bad for her, he knew Reaper was married, and he flat didn’t get into bed with another man, even if their dicks never touched.

“He’ll have the same as I’m having,” Cage said to hurry her away.

She was back inside a minute and set a beer in front of Reaper. He handed her a twenty.

“No, Kip said it’s free. He watches your show,” the woman said, sounding out of breath.

“Keep the tip,” Reaper said than turned his attention back to Cage.

The woman’s mouth tightened, but she moved along to another table.

“Saw you fight in Bozeman last night,” he said, his gaze direct.

Cage curled his fists and grimaced at the throbbing ache. “McMann gave me a run for my money.”

“You fight well. Heard you came to MMA through less than legal fights.”

Cage gave him a hard stare. “That was a long time ago.”

“Three years.” He took a sip of his beer. “Least, that’s what I hear. Bareknuckle stuff’s not for sissies.”

Cage almost smiled at the grudging compliment. “No, it’s not, but it’s hard on the body.”

“We could use someone like you. Fetch says you were a SEAL.”

Cage straightened in his chair. “I was.”

“Marine,” Reaper said, pointing at his chest with his glass.

“Won’t hold it against you.”

Reaper’s mouth twitched. “We’re building an office here. Broke ground last week. We hope to hire on eight to ten hunters to cover southwest Montana and into Wyoming and Idaho.”

“Sounds ambitious. From your TV show, it looks like you guys are sweeping up all the trash. Sure you’re leaving enough work for another agency?” Cage didn’t know why he asked. He still wasn’t interested, but he was curious about what Fetch was hoping to accomplish.

“America has the highest incarceration rate in the world. Long as that doesn’t change, we’ll have plenty of bounties to go around. And it’s not just bounties on folks skipping their court dates or mandatory drug testing. We help find prison escapees, pitch in on law enforcement manhunts—anywhere our particular talents are needed. Our Bear Lodge office helped bring in a terrorist who was recruiting anti-government whackos intent on building an army here in Montana.”

“That all sounds fine and dandy for someone who wants to be a bounty hunter. I don’t.”

“Well, Fetch thinks you might change your mind when you hear who we’re hunting. He needs someone with your skills to get close enough to make the takedown.”

Cage narrowed his eyes. “My skills?”

“Your experience in those illegal fight clubs. You’ve got connections that can get you inside.”

Cage shook his head. He hadn’t been a part of that world in years. “Not interested.”

“Ask me who we’re hunting,” Reaper said, his expression neutral, his stare boring into Cage’s.

Cage was curious all right, but he didn’t want to ask. Didn’t want to know. He’d left that world and never looked back. Had the scars and the tattoo, thank you very much.

“Fetch explained how the money works, right? What a hunter gets as a percentage of the bond.”

“He did. And I still told him no.” Hunting people was something he’d done when he’d been in the Navy, and he’d been damn good at it. However, hunting Americans wasn’t something he had the stomach for.

“Ask me,” Reaper said, his voice lowering.

Cage wanted to tell him to go to hell. But he also wanted to know, because the hairs on the back of his neck were rising. Deep inside, he was still that man, the one who always found his target and always took him out. A cool dread washed over him, and he drew a deep breath. “Okay, I’ll bite. Who are you hunting?”

Reaper’s mouth curved. “Your wife.”

Desiree Holt: Wet Heat (Contest & Excerpt)
Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Take home a SEAL for just 99 cents!
Through August 31, WET HEAT will be on sale for ONLY 99 cents in my bookstore.
Just input the code: wsaugust to receive the discount at checkout!
And check out the other deals in Books by Desiree!

Wet Heat

It was supposed to be a month in a cottage by the lake in Maine. For Peyton Gerard it was time to recover from not one but three disastrous breakups and try to find her muse again. A successful romance novelist needed to believe in romance to write about it believably, and Peyton had lost her faith in it.

For Dixon “Dix” Amendola it was supposed to be time to rehab his injured thigh from a SEALs mission that fell apart, to mourn the two team members who were killed and to deal with his guilt. Learning the mission had been compromised did nothing to ease the burden of blame he carried.

The problem: the cottage had been rented to both of them by accident.

Put two stubborn people in close quarters—a hot SEAL and an appealing author, add in moonlit nights by the lake, and suddenly they don’t mind sharing. But then reality intrudes, Dix returns to lead a repeat of the mission and all Peyton can do is pray it will be successful and that when he returns, he’ll come back to her.

Excerpt from Wet Heat

He rounded a curve in the dirt road just as his GPS announced, “Your destination is on the left.” The outside of the place was exactly as he’d seen it in the photo online. The boat Eileen had told him about was already tied up at the little, short dock. The soft breeze drifting in through his open window carried the fresh scents and sounds of the area, instantly soothing him.

What was jarring was the car parked on the so-called grass next to the cottage. What the fuck? He hoped it wasn’t a nosy neighbor just waiting to give him an eager welcome. Socializing wasn’t on his to-do list. He pulled in next to the vehicle and grumpily opened the door and got out. He was just looking around to see where the owner of the car might be when the side door opened and a woman popped out.

Okay, maybe woman was too mild a term. She looked like a miniature lush goddess. If he’d been the least bit interested in female companionship, he’d think maybe his day was looking up. This one couldn’t be more than five foot five, with hair in a rich shade of red framing a heart-shaped face. Her hair bounced around her head in wild curls, in time, he noticed with her breasts that bounced beneath her T-shirt. The strap of a cross-body purse lay in the valley between those breasts, emphasizing their roundness. Shorts accentuated nicely rounded hips, and when she turned to pull the door shut tightly behind her, he got a view of an ass his hands itched to cup.

Whoa there, mister. This is a no-sex time out. Reconditioning, not relaxation. Maybe he should tell that to his cock that suddenly wanted to make its own appearance and deliver a greeting. It was sending him a very painful message which took all his famous discipline to control.

“Are you the housekeeper?” He didn’t even know if Eileen had told him there’d be one, but who else would be here, and with a key?

“Housekeeper?” She stared at him. “Not quite. Who are you?”

He took a moment to note that her face was free of makeup, and he doubted it needed any to enhance it. Emerald-green eyes peered out from beneath lashes thicker than any manufacturer could produce. Her cheeks held a faint rosy tinge and a smattering of freckles. And that mouth—

Yup. Good thing he was on a no-sex diet. He had one goal to accomplish here, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted.

“I’m the tenant. I rented this place for the next month.”

“No. Wrong answer.” She shook her head vehemently. “You must be in the wrong place. I rented this place for the next month.”

A little bubble of anger tried to work its way up through his system. He did not need this. He wanted to get settled in, go for a run, take a swim, and contemplate his future.

“I’m sorry. You must have gotten the address wrong.” He stepped forward, figuring if he crowded her space, she’d retreat. She was nearly a foot shorter than he was.

“Address wrong?” she repeated. Then she held up the ring with two keys on it, jingling it in front of him. “Then exactly how would I have these keys?”

“Don’t know and don’t care. You have to leave.” He glared at her. “Now.”

She stared at him for a long moment then shocked him by breaking into laughter.

“Does that work for you often?” she asked, grinning. “I mean, that whole alpha thing? Get out? Be gone?” She burst into laughter again.

Dix ground his teeth together. What the hell was going on here?

“We have to get this straightened out. Right now.”

“Fine by me.” The woman tugged a cell phone out of her pocket and scrolled through the numbers.

Dix held his own cell up. “I’ll call the rental agent myself,” he told her.

She frowned. “You don’t trust me?”

“There’s obviously some mix-up, and I want to hear the answer for myself. We’ll get the agent to settle it, and then you can just pack up and get out of here.”

“Fine. Then you can just get in your truck and head on out of here.”

Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor is here!
Saturday, August 15th, 2020

Ready for the next great Hot SEAL story? I love writing in this series, and I know that, if you try one, you’ll want to read them all! The latest release is Cynthia D’Alba’s Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor! Get your copy today, and then sit back and enjoy!  All Hot SEAL, Wedding Edition book links are below!

Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor

When a Navy SEAL runs into an obstacle, he climbs over it, under it, around it, or destroys it. So what if it’s a woman?

Master Chief Benjamin Blackwell has it all. Adventure, good looks, skills, and women. His life is perfect and he has no intention of changing a thing. Until her.

Holly Maxwell is a sexy woman unlike anyone he’s met before. A widow for ten years, she’s happy with her life even with the trials of raising a pre-teen daughter, and being the only girl in a nosy, boisterous family of Coronado cops.

But what makes her so inexplicable to this Navy SEAL is her total lack of interest in him.

More Hot SEALS on the way! Order/Pre-order now!

Hot SEAL, Bachelor Party by Elle James
Available Now!


Hot SEAL, Decoy Bride by Delilah Devlin
Available Now!

Hot SEAL, Runaway Bride by Cat Johnson
Available Now!


Hot SEAL, Cold Feet by Becca Jameson
Available Now!


Hot SEAL, Best Man by Parker Kincade
Available Now!


Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor by Cynthia D’Alba
Available Now!


Hot SEAL, Taking the Plunge by Teresa Reasor

Hot SEAL, Undercover Groom by MaryAnn Jordan

Diana Cosby: Nature Through The Lens – A Creative Outlet (Contest)
Friday, August 14th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Eniko!

©Diana Cosby 2020

In addition to writing, I enjoy photography.  A creative outlet for me is to see what photographs of nature I can take.  This summer, I was thrilled to catch this photo of a kit.

The juvenile red-tailed hawks are out, and I’m fortunate to have a pair that lives near me.  It’s fun watching the hawks learn to fly.

The yellow-crowned night heron chicks have hatched, grown, and flown from their nests, allowing adults to linger in the marsh.

On rare occasions, I see phoebes.  They’re gorgeous birds, and I was thrilled to catch a photo of this bird.

One of my favorite birds is the song sparrow.  They have a beautiful song and tend to be very friendly.  What is your creative outlet?


ONE winner will be drawn from everyone who posts on my guest blog post about, ‘Nature Through The Lens – A Creative Outlet,’ on Delilah’s blog between 14 August 2020 – 23 August 2020.  The winner will receive a signed copy of His Woman.

About the Author

A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense. Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series have been translated into five languages. Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,”, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.

After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world. After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series and The Oath Trilogy, she released the bestselling The Forbidden Series.

Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.

Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
The Forbidden Series

Lizzie Ashworth: Love in the Moment (FREE in KU!)
Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Writing offers countless creative options for authors. One thing that happens for me is the scene, the moment, that springs up in a dream or an afternoon of house chores. They’re never complete stories like a reader would expect to find in a novel. Instead, they’re vignettes.

Some of the stories in this collection have been previously published as standalone shorts. When I decided to work on a collection of shorts, they’ve been expanded and nourished with more detail, more emotion, more of what makes a story resonate with a reader. I called it — Love in the Moment — a collection of contemporary romantic shorts featuring unexpected affection in unforeseen circumstances.

Love in the Moment

One moment she dared. Stepped outside of yesterday and tomorrow. Took what she wanted even if she didn’t want to want it.

These are stories of those moments, when a stranger’s smile and a glint in his eye speak to a previously undiscovered part of her soul, when each second ticks past with the wealth of a thousand years.

In “Encounter at the Elevator,” a moment’s whim may open the door to an unexpected future. Flash Fiction

“Cara’s Rescue” follows a woman’s escape from heartbreak and terror into unimagined safety. Short Story

In “The Lawn Guy,” a widow struggles with survivor’s guilt and the stirrings of desire. Short Story

The struggles of air travel open new opportunities in “The Layover” when a woman steps outside her comfort zone to meet the challenge of a seductive stranger. Novelette

“In Dare to Ask,” a spur of the moment dare forces a woman to blurt out an invitation to a younger man. Instantly regretful, she wants to drive away and never come back. Worse, he accepts. Now what? Novelette

What starts as a woman’s educational pursuit quickly detours into something else entirely when an old house “In Need of Repair” brings a major complication to her life. Novelette

“A Chance to Move On” materializes unexpectedly at a remote cabin smothered in ice and snow when a park ranger comes knocking. Novella

Only $3.99! Perfect for summer reading. Find it at []

Free for now on Kindle Unlimited.

Cynthia D’Alba: Let’s Hunt Some Easter Eggs! (Contest & Excerpt)
Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

UPDATE: The winner is…Becky Steinkamp!

Let’s Hunt Some Easter Eggs!

I bet when you read the title, you thought this…

And you would be right in most situations, but not when it comes to reading! Did you know some authors love to hide Easter Eggs for their readers to find…just like the Easter Bunny hid for you growing up!

Easter Eggs are little tidbits that the author may weave into the story for their friends and/or readers to find.

For example, in Texas Two Step © 2012 (my first book) is this statement… “My address is 1974 George Avenue.” Means nothing, right? To my friends, they laughed. We graduated from Hot Springs High School in 1974. My boyfriend’s name was…George!

Another example from Texas Twist (© 2014)…: The Milholens and Rowes from church. The town librarian, Susie Wilson, who was talking animatedly with Frank White, the town butcher.” My friends from church are real. That’s Sandy and Teresa. Susie Wilson is a friend. Just dropped their names for fun!

In my Dallas Debutants Trilogy, the parents of the twins are Robin and Sam… yep. A real couple.

In my latest book Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor, the heroine is named Holly Maxwell. Holly is a reader I met at a convention and I couldn’t get her name out of my head. It was so perfect for the book I was working on. She was kind enough to say…Sure! Use my name. AFTER that, I found out that she is, in fact, the daughter-in-law of historical romance author, Cathy Maxwell. HA! So now her readers can look for her DIL’s name in another author’s book!

Have you ever found an Easter Egg as a reader? I have. In Nancy Martin’s Blackbird Sisters Mysteries (mutual friend’s name) and in Christine Dodd’s book (her dog). I’m pretty sure I’ve snuck Delilah’s real name into a book!!

Did you know about Easter Eggs? Which ones have you found?

Leave comment to be in the running for a custom, personalize SEALs in Paradise tote bag!

Want to read more about my latest release Hot SEAL, Confirmed Bachelor? Everything you need to know is  including an excerpt!

Confirmed Bachelor

BUT here’s a quick and EXCLUSIVE excerpt you won’t find anywhere else….

As he had with the truck door, Ben slammed the house door the second she stood in his foyer. He pushed her against the door and caught her mouth in a long kiss involving lips, tongue, and teeth.

She moaned into his mouth and leaned in to take the kiss deeper.

His hands slid down her arms until his hands rested at her waist. She shivered in response to his touch. Her feet reflexively slid further apart. When she shivered, he moved his hands to her rear and cupped her, pulling her against his rigid cock.

After hours of lusting after this man, she was finally going to get to touch what she’d only been able to admire from afar. She ran her hands under his T-shirt, her fingers gliding over the dips and valleys that formed his hard, muscular chest. Oh man. Everything was so firm, including the bulge in his shorts pressing into her abdomen.

Eager for more, she shoved his shirt up. “Off,” she said, after pulling her mouth from his.

He grinned and jerked the shirt up and off, tossing it to the floor. “We had a deal.”

“In a minute.” She let her gaze roam over his pecs and defined six-pack, followed by her fingers, followed by her tongue, and finally her lips. Kissing his chest was like pressing her lips against warm granite, except she would have sworn his heat penetrated her body and pooled between her thighs.

His thick fingers stabbed into her hair, holding her against him. Beneath her lips, his heart pounded violent and rapid. She was relieved to find him as into this as she was.

After she licked his nipple, he swept her off her feet and carried her down a hall to his bedroom.

“Speak now if you don’t want to be fucked ten ways to Sunday,” he said, his voice rough and strained.

She nuzzled her nose into his neck, then licked a line up to his ear. “Ten ways? Wow. That sounds like fun.”

Where to find me!

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If you want to check out the rest of my books, look here>>>