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Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
You can still enter these contests!
- A. Catherine Noon: The Great Pause (Giveaway) — Get a free app!
Flashback: Crescent Moon (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Open Contests & a New One! And Story Time — Your Story! — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Happy Mother’s Day! (and a Puzzle!) — Win a $5 Amazon gift card!
- My Mother’s Day (Contest) — Win an Amazon Gift Card!
FREE Short Story
Hey there! I know many of you are self-isolating and reading like mad! Here’s a short story you can read quickly. Be warned: there’s a threesome involved! Enjoy!

Fraternizing just got hotter—before, during, and after business hours…
Zoe and her stepbrother Grayson get caught by Grayson’s boss “playing” in his pool. He holds their futures in his hands, and Zoe couldn’t be more thrilled…
Get your FREE copy here!
Tagged: contemporary romance, erotic romance, short story Posted in Contests!, Free Read | Someone Said | Link
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Monday, May 11th, 2020
UPDATE: The winner is…Mary Preston!
For gift-giving celebrations, my daughter and I like giving each other a bunch of little things rather than one big gift. It’s always been our thing. I love little tchotchkes, little figurines, pretty Post-Its, little bits of inexpensive jewelry, things I’ll clutter up my desk with.
My dd nailed it for Mother’s Day.
First, she gave me one of those engraved silver bar pendants with my mother’s name inscribed on it, with a little angel wing beside it and my mom’s birthstone-colored crystal on the other side. Perfect. We both got teary-eyed. I’ll wear it often. I have it on now.
Next, she got me the perfect coffee cup, right?

Lastly, she got me this little inch-and-a-half long figurine of a snail riding a turtle’s back. A long-running joke in my family is that I know only one joke. It’s true, and it goes like this:
What does the snail say as it rides on the turtle’s back?
Wait for it…

Yeah, I know. The lamest joke ever, but I remember it because of the imagery of that little snail going for a joyride. So, perfect! The kids couldn’t wait to see my expression, and of course, it joins all the snail figurines they’ve given me over the years that reside on my desktop!
Mother’s Day was almost perfect. The 15-year-old made breakfast for the moms—featuring French toast. Our dinner was carryout from our favorite Mexican restaurant.
However, mid-morning, our dryer went kaput. Not sure what The Powers That Be are telling us, but dang, it would konk out just as I NEEDED to wash my huge pile of laundry…
What’s your most memorable Mom’s Day Gift—either that you received or gave? Comment for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!
Posted in General, Real Life | 14 People Said | Link
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Sunday, May 10th, 2020
The winner is…Christine!

First, Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there!
I spent last evening working with the 6-year-old to make a special mom’s day gift for my dd. It was “super-secret” and mom was warned away from the craft room. The little one chose the beads—a very pretty, dainty, black hematite accented with silver and rhinestone spacers. Then I cut the elastic and supervised her as she strung all those little beads (took forever, and she dropped a few), until I could tie the knot for her. She was very proud of herself. Then I let her work with my Derwent watercolor pencils to draw a special card for mommy. I loved every minute. She was soooo excited about making something she knew her mommy would wear often. I was excited to share something I know how to do with her.
I imagine she’ll be begging to “bead” often now. 🙂

My own mother passed this last January. So, this is the first Mother’s Day of my life that I’m not celebrating with her. I, too, remember making her paintings that she hung on the fridge. I miss her every day, but more so today. Happy Mother’s Day, mom.
A Puzzle
And just for fun, and to play to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle and tell me what it’s about!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Christine - flchen1 - Debra Guyette - Kelley - Delilah -
Saturday, May 9th, 2020
UPDATE: The winner is…Kelley!
Here’s a list of open contests! Be sure to enter!
Another month gone… A reminder about open contests, plus a new contest! — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
A Reminder and a Puzzle/Contest! — Win an Amazon gift card!
- A. Catherine Noon: The Great Pause (Giveaway) — Get a free app!
Flashback: Crescent Moon (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tell me your story!
Let’s get this party started!
I bought this brainstorming tool years ago at some writers’ conference. I’ve only used it here! “Story Cubes” is a brainstorming game. You roll the dice and whatever pictures appear, face-up, are the ones you use to riff off a story.
To make this fun, I’ll offer a prize—a $5 Amazon gift card—good for purchasing one or two stories…
Have fun with this! Don’t overthink! Here’s the roll…

This looks so interesting!!! And there’s a cat hair under the arrows and a crumb in the groove on my desktop. I’m cleaning as soon as I post this!
Tagged: game Posted in Contests! | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michelle Levan - Mary Preston - Jennifer Beyer - Kelley - flchen1 -
Friday, May 8th, 2020
I have a confession to make, one which likely shows what a sheltered life I’ve lived:
Last year, I discovered that tentacle sex was… a thing. And as I shared my shocked wonder with my fellow author pals, their response was always a shrugged “Oh, yeah, Hentai. It’s been around for a long time.”
*blink*blink*picks jaw off floor*
So, it would seem that the Japanese tentacle erotica, which falls under the category of Hentai, essentially anything that isn’t human-heterosexual-twosome-sex in both the Japanese and English language, has been around since as early as 1814 when a Japanese artist depicted a woman having “relations” with two octopuses in his “Dream of a Fisherman’s Wife.”
Honestly, I shouldn’t have been shocked. After all, the 80s were my formative years, and the movie Better off Dead starring John Cusack was when I learned the difference between covering a love interest with testicles versus tentacles. However, my mind was blown upon the discovery of Hentai, specifically tentacle sex, for two reasons:
1) As a romance author, I thought I fully grasped the breadth and depth of what turns people on (obviously, I didn’t). And,
2) As a Sci-fi Romance author, this opened a whole new area of possibility when crafting my characters and worlds.
Turns out, an old dog can learn new tricks, and I put the knowledge in my back pocket, anticipating an opportunity to use it. That’s when Delilah’s Boys Behaving Badly Anthology call for submissions came. So I played with the concept of tentacles and had a blast doing it. You can read the result in Delilah’s upcoming anthology, currently on pre-order (links below, in case you haven’t already one-clicked).
I hope you like the story about spaceport bar owner, Lorlii Atarga and Fire Force Captain Roark Trekker!

Excerpt from “The Siren’s Song”
While verbal sparring, especially the joking innuendos, with Roark was entertaining, she’d give a bottle of rare Carhind’n Rum to change that into a physical tussle. But how to transition to a more climactic sort of ribbing? She was hornier than a bayhar and ready to ignite with little more than a smooch of his full lips. Her sexual drought had lasted several months at this point. No one seemed interested in her, outside of her mixology skills and Twofer Tuesday specials. A little attention from a handsome man that didn’t involve anything shaken, stirred, or two fingers neat…
Lorlii swallowed hard at the thought of what Roark could do with a couple of fingers. He’d never know, but he starred in all her masturbation fantasies.
First Response: A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology Pre-Order links:
https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1136763722?ean=2940162803409 https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Delilah_Devlin_First_Response?id=o5HZDwAAQBAJ&hl=en_US
About the Author
Ava Cuvay writes out of this world romance featuring sass and sex set in a galaxy far, far away. She resides in central Indiana with her own scruffy-looking nerfherder and tween kiddos. When not writing, Ava is thinking about writing. Or wine. And she’s always thinking about bacon.
Tagged: anthology, erotic romance, Guest Blogger, Science Fiction Romance, short story Posted in About books... | Someone Said | Link
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Thursday, May 7th, 2020
An interesting thing happened the other day. (No, this has nothing to do with the six hours my son recently spent in the ER but if you’d like to hear the whole crazy hopefully never to be repeated saga, let me know).
I’m nearing the end of my latest hot romance and was barreling ahead getting closer and closer to the climactic scene, when suddenly, I couldn’t get a single word to stick on the monitor. I spent an entire day finding other things to do and was giving myself mental kicks. I tried on an excuse I’ve used a lot of lately, specifically, that an offspring’s health was of primary importance. But he’d recently gotten some good medical news, and I’d felt a surge of creative energy. I wanted to write. I NEEDED to. Riding high on that energy, I wrote for about a week only to hit a wall. Why couldn’t I find a single workable word to come off my fingers? Browbeating myself, I spent the evening staring at the TV.
The next morning while in the shower, something started knocking on my brain. This has happened enough times that I know to pay close attention. I swear my muse lives in the shower. As I ran up the water bill, it came to me. A simple thing really. No need to start the danged book over. Without realizing what I’d done, I’d taken a minor character in a direction that didn’t fit. My narrative about his background was all wrong, nothing my h/h could springboard off. Yes, it was a fascinating story, and one I’d like to explore, but it had nothing to do with helping my h/h get to know themselves and each other.
Fixing said minor character was a simple matter. I needed to jettison his hang-ups and give him new ones that would dovetail with the main storyline.
I deleted a couple of hundred words and replaced them with superior ones my h/h are more than happy to hang their hats on. They can relate to said minor character because they now see themselves in him.
Well duh, Vonna, you’ve been at this writing game to know all the pieces of a story need to fit together. No going off on unrelated tangents regardless of how pretty they appear.
Tomorrow for sure I’ll write THE END.
Then after edits I’ll start the journey again. That’s how this writing gig works.
P.S. I’ve been pimping a couple of spanking stories I self-published, but it’s time for a change. Carnal Days is as dark as I’ve ever gone. I gave it a BDSM label, but that really isn’t what this story about a sex slave training facility is. There’s no HEA. Instead, it documents a new reality for a woman caught in a world not of her making.
A Dark Thriller: Carnal Days

A commanding man hires Carnal Incorporated to provide him with a pleasure-trained submissive woman who will see him as her master.
Two experienced Carnal operatives capture quiet, beautiful Shari Isle. It’s more than a job for the pair of trainers. There’s nothing they’d rather do. The reclusive artist is forced into a world of restraint, lessons, revelations, and unrelenting sexual stimulation.
Shari has no choice except to submit, but it’s far from a nightmare. Day by day she slips deeper into the dark lifestyle she’s been forced into. Far from being horrified by her new reality, she opens herself to the reality of being owned and used. She obeys, not simply because she has no choice, but because the dark side of BDSM is so seductive.
Her time at the training facility ends, and she’s delivered to a dominant man haunted by demons he has no intention of ever sharing. Escape and freedom for Shari? Impossible. Life with a powerful man who sees her body as his playground? Yes.
Carnal Days taps into many women’s fantasies about giving up control. That’s the keyword, fantasy. In no way does Vonna condone such behavior in the real world. She writes escapism for a mature audience.
Get your copy here!
Tagged: BDSM, erotica, Guest Blogger, romantic suspense Posted in General | Comments Off on Vonna Harper: Why I Couldn’t (Briefly) Write | Link
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
I was trying to figure out what today’s blog would be about. There are several posts with ongoing contests below, so today, I decided to open up one of my “little books”–you know the tiny books at the bookstore near the checkout? I love those things.
The one I opened is entitled, The Goddess Within, and comes with quotes from famous women. When I randomly flipped it open, the quote I landed on made me laugh, and I decided I’d share it with you because it’s soooooo appropriate for those who are staying home, self-isolating from the virus.
“I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn’t itch.”
~ Gilda Radner
No wonder Gene Wilder loved her.
So, our discussion today is about Corona-style! Following is mine…

On cool days, I wear leggings—dark ones because they’re more slimming, or so I hope. And I have some waffle-weave, 3/4-sleeved shirts to go over them. Now that it’s warming up, I have jean Bermuda shorts and sloppy over-sized comic book-themed shirts to wear over them. My hair is wild. I decided to let my gray grow out about a year ago. I no longer straighten my hair, so my messy, curly, frizzy hair makes me look like an old hippie, which I guess I am at heart (I prefer the word “bohemian”). I rarely wear makeup. I’m sure I’m frightful looking, but all the time it takes to make myself presentable is wasted on my family and the dogs and cats and horses and goats. Plus, I have more hours in the day to get things done.
Soooo, what about you? What’s your Corona-style?
Posted in Real Life | 4 People Said | Link
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