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Saturday, October 19th, 2019
People often ask where writers come up with ideas. I usually can’t pinpoint what exactly will spur story ideas, but here’s an example. The other evening, I was mowing the lawn. I got started late, and it’s getting darker earlier every night. My backyard backs up against a wooded area, and the sun had gone down. It was getting darker with every pass, but I wanted to finish. I was walking along, eyeing the forest when I heard a noise. Something was moving fast. I snapped my head around just in time to see a deer go tearing by, between me and the house. I mean, this thing was moving. Deer are usually very graceful, even at high speed. This one was not. He was so close to the ground, he looked like a torpedo, and he was getting ahead of how fast his legs could go. He stumbled, kind of bounced off a rise in the terrain, and shot across the neighbor’s yard back into the woods. Holy crap, did he startle me.
That’s when the questions started. Where did he come from? The forest, for sure. What would have happened if he’d run into me? It would not have been a pretty sight. Deer are not small animals. I was mowing with a large, very noisy piece of equipment. What compelled him to run across the open grass, instead of staying in the tree-line? Deer tend to move in herds. Where were his buddies? Were they out there lurking, too? What else was in there? Had something scarier than a human with a lawnmower made him run for his life? What was scarier to a deer than a lawnmower? Those thoughts all tumbled in my head. The dusk… The crickets chirping nearly as loudly as the lawnmower… The complete disappearance of the deer… Yeah, I didn’t make it for another pass. I quickly ended my mowing task for the night.
I finished the rest of the yard the next day, much earlier in the evening. Would you believe that deer came back? Or maybe it wasn’t him, because this animal was as bold as can be. He moseyed out from the trees, looked at me with my monster mower, shrugged, and started having dinner. He was out in the open, nibbling on grass and leaves the entire time it took me to finish my mowing job. Yes, the questions started again. If he’s so calm around me tonight, was there some kind of predator out there the night before? Why’s he so calm now? Can deer have multiple personalities? What if deer stopped being so timid? What if the deer rose up? Questions, questions, questions… That is how writers come up with ideas.
As you can probably guess from the direction of my thoughts, I tend to write a lot of paranormal romance. My latest is Haunted Hearts, a ghost story. I don’t remember what spurred this story idea, but it was probably a squeaking floorboard or my love of Ghost Hunters or a gust of wind. Anything can generate an idea, but I’m saving that deer. That’s definitely a shifter story.
Haunted Hearts

Does a ghost from the past want the man of her future?
Callie is thrilled when she inherits a house in the small town of Shadow Valley. The house is old and creaky, but she’s not afraid of hard work. Unfortunately, no matter how many repairs she makes, the strange noises won’t go away. Cold spots appear. Lights flicker. Footsteps sound down the hallway. Her nerves are soon so frayed that she resorts to calling the one person in town she hasn’t been able to get along with, bullheaded police chief Carter Landry.
Carter doesn’t have time to investigate things that go bump in the night—although, with Callie, the idea is tempting. He’s busy working with the governor’s task force on a major case and dealing with a rash of petty Halloween crimes. He knows that Callie’s house isn’t haunted… no matter what town legend says.
Still, when her distress call comes in, Carter is quick to respond. He may not believe in ghosts, but someone is intentionally scaring the sassy blonde. And he doesn’t like it. As he investigates, the friction between the two of them ignites into passion… and the strange occurrences in the house subside. But could Carter’s presence be the reason? Callie fears that her sexy cop may be the one the ghost has wanted all along.
Buy links:
Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Haunted-Hearts-ghost-Kimberly-Dean-ebook/dp/B07FDDRFMS
Audible — https://www.audible.com/pd/B07JJHTSC3/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-130964&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_130964_rh_us
Barnes and Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/haunted-hearts-kimberly-dean/1129068549?ean=2940155661061
Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Kimberly_Dean_Haunted_Hearts?id=V95jDwAAQBAJ
iBook – https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/haunted-hearts/id1410571296?mt=11
Kobo – https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/haunted-hearts-16
Website – https://kimberlydean.com
Tagged: ghost, Guest Blogger, paranormal Posted in General | Comments Off on Kimberly Dean: The Deer and the Darkness | Link
Friday, October 18th, 2019
UPDATE: The winners of are EVERYONE who posted a comment!!
Yes, I’m posting late, but yesterday flew by. I spent time with my sister, Elle James, and my mother. We made the rounds of mom’s doctors appointments and x-rays then visited two stops on a local artists’ studio tour. Mom and I came away from that determined to make more time for meetings at the local art guild! Enjoy today’s contest and the excerpt from an exceptionally dirty story, Two Wild for Teacher!
Win your choice of one of my Lone Star Lovers stories! I’ll choose three winners! Just comment below. Tell me whether you’d love more ménage stories.
Two Wild for Teacher

Two bad boy cowboys need a little tutoring to learn how to love…
Fathers know to keep their daughters close whenever Sam Logan’s twin sons come to town. Those two hell-raisers have a bad rep in Two Mule, Texas. All of it earned. When it becomes clear his youngest sons won’t settle down without another nudge, Sam reissues his challenge. Find a wife…
There’s only been one woman who could hold their attention for more than one night, but she’s been out of reach. Their former teacher’s a little too worried about a pesky morals clause to let them close. But they’re older now and ready to prove to her that sometimes rules are meant to be broken…
Molly Pritchet thinks her path is predetermined: to always be a child’s teacher, never a mother or a wife. Until the two boys who tempted her way back when crash back into her life. Overwhelmed by yearnings she’s long suppressed, she’s swept along on a tide of forbidden desires.
As she adjusted her burden in her arms again, Molly Pritchet wished she’d driven. She was hot, starting to sweat, and the muscles in her arms were beginning to burn with the weight of her box of personal items she’d emptied from her desk. Earlier, traces of roses and honeysuckle scenting the warm air had drawn her from her house, enticing her to get ready to embrace the last day of school and the start of her plans for a summer of blessed solitude, free of responsibility.
That morning, she hadn’t wanted to think about anything but the pretty day, the flowers she’d purchased to set into their beds, and the small, decorative pond she wanted to install in her backyard.
Besides, walking to and from the little high school was the only real exercise she ever got.
With every passing year, she fought a little harder to keep padding from settling on her rear and upper thighs. So, she walked, getting more of a workout than she’d planned, but enjoying the sounds of lawnmowers growling, birds chirping, and children playing.
Lord, she loved the sounds of children. Not something that had changed over the eight years she’d been teaching. And it was a true joy to meet up with graduates who remembered her and stopped by to tell her about their lives, and how she’d touched them.
She might never have her own, but there were plenty of children she’d helped raise in her own limited capacity.
The sound of footsteps on the sidewalk—heavy tread, a little hollow—men’s booted heels, came from behind her, and she edged to the side to let whomever was approaching pass.
However, the steps slowed, and before she knew it, she had a man at each elbow.
Her breath caught when she recognized them. “Mason, Jason,” she said, hoping they’d take her reddening cheeks for exertion, not delight. She’d always had the most inappropriate thoughts where these two were concerned.
Some things never changed. They both looked so handsome and tall—shaggy blond hair curling beneath the brims of their straw cowboy hats, matching blue work shirts—nicely ironed—and dark Wranglers that molded to powerful thighs. The only notable difference in their appearance was their boots. Mace Logan’s boots were saddle-brown leather while Jason’s were black. She didn’t need visual clues to keep the two of them straight. Unlike most folks in Two Mule, she’d always been able to tell them apart. Mace had a lazy smile that invited a woman to linger. Jason was a tad sharper, with a keen glance that had burned right through more than one woman’s defenses, or so she’d heard.
Good Lord, she’d just checked them out, and from Mace’s slow grin and Jason’s razor gaze, they both knew it. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: contemporary romance, cowboys, Lone Star Lovers, Texas, Western Posted in About books..., Contests! | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Arlena Ellis - Becky Ward - Liberty Ireland - BookLady - Delilah -
Thursday, October 17th, 2019
When trying to decide what to write about for this blog post, Halloween kept jumping to the forefront of my noggin. Because October equals Halloween, right?
What do you think of when you think of Halloween? Is it all the yummy candy? The pumpkin carving? The dressing up and being anyone or anything you want for one day with no judgement? The ghosts, goblins, demons, witches, and zombies you might see? Is it simply the spooky energy of the holiday that you enjoy?
Or, is Halloween a night you use to curl up and read a spooky tale?
If you are the type to curl up with a Halloweeny-read, I have a fun, weirdo, and sexy zombie for you!
Wait. What, you say? A sexy zombie? No way.
Yes way!
One day, I was inspired to write a different take on zombies. They weren’t rotting, shambling corpses. They were infected and they did crave flesh—in more ways than one (wink, wink)—but they could be rehabilitated with time and effort.
The title of that story is A Zombie Ate My Panties. Obviously, by the title, you can tell it wasn’t supposed to be taken too seriously. It was supposed to be a fun, short, one-off, goofy, and sexy tale. Something to make people laugh and maybe even make them a little hot…in the pants…in a weird way.
But, it was such fun to write, I had to make it into a series. The second is My Zombie Valentine, and the third is Trick or Zombie—a funny Halloween-themed zombie story.
Trick or Zombie
When Trista takes her zombie trick-or-treating, will he make a snack of one of the kids? Or will he resist temptation and snack on something better when they get home?

What should you know before reading the Trick or Zombie excerpt?
Zeek is a zombie. Trista is his caretaker. Oh, and Zeek loves boobs!
“We’re going trick-or-treating tonight!” Trista said. When Zeek looked at her blankly, she asked, “Do you know what trick-or-treating is? Do you remember ever doing that as a kid?”
“Kid. Snack.” He clicked his teeth together in a chomping motion.
“No. Kids are not snacks…not eat.” She implored him with her eyes, but he kept clicking his teeth. “Halloween, Zeek. Don’t you remember at all? You get dressed up like a witch, or a cat, or Superman, or something. Then you knock on doors, say trick-or-treat, and they give you candy. Remember?”
He screwed up his face, his red-ringed eyes rolling back in his head as if in deep concentration. Actually, it looked like he was about to have a seizure. Finally, he sighed, his shoulders slumped, and she felt bad for pushing him even though it was necessary.
“Hey. It’s okay.” She squeezed his shoulder in attempt to console him, but when the sullen look remained, she upped the game to put him back in a good mood. A sour-pussed zombie was no fun for anyone. She lifted her shirt and flashed him.
His eyes widened, and he licked his lips as he reached out and gave her breasts a squeeze. “Boooobs!”
Halloween-Themed Giveaway
I’m hosting a Halloween giveaway on my website. Please go forth and enter. Good luck!

What are your Halloween plans?
Happy Halloween to All!
About the Author
Jocelyn writes paranormal and contemporary romances that include humor, lust, love, and four-letter words on the way to a Happily-Ever-After. You can check out all of her books @ www.JocelynDex.com.
Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, paranormal, zombie Posted in Contests!, General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Debra K Guyette - flchen1 -
Wednesday, October 16th, 2019
UPDATE: The winner is…Fedora Chen!
Happy Octoberfest, y’all. This is one of my most favorite months of the year, next to Christmas. I start decorating October 1st and leave all the pretty fall décor up until the day after Thanksgiving…and then it’s Christmas at the Boon house—LOL.
Of course, this year it’s super special because I’m a MiMi to my first grandchild. Technically she was here last year, but she was only a few months old so she couldn’t really enjoy it herself. Now this year, we’ve already planned her Halloween outfit, which consisted of buying stuff, and then I tweaked it to make her outfit unique. I can’t wait to put it on her and take her out Trick Or Treating. I only hope she doesn’t FREAK OUT when she sees all the other people in costumes. However, she’s loved the big scary blow up things at TARGEE aka Target.
If you follow me at all, then you’ve probably seen a few…thousand pics of RomyGirl, but just in case, I’ll share a little collage of some sneak peaks we were given from her Fall Photoshoot we did at a local Pumpkin Farm just outside of our hometown.

Now, for some fun… Tell me what your favorite season is for a chance to win a print copy of my latest book Two For Tamara, Ravens of War book 2, which just released on October 15th. Be sure and pop over to my Facebook page, Elle Boon Facebook, and tell me or email me at elleboon@yahoo.com.

Now Available
Two For Tamara
They will Stop At Nothing, To Protect The Woman Destiny Created For them.
WHEN YOU SEE A VISION OF YOUR OWN DEATH… Tamara Mejia decides she will not take living for granted, knowing it was going to be sooner rather than later. When two gorgeous men burst onto her own personal horizon, giving her all the more reason to grab onto every bit of joy and happiness they have to offer, she takes it.
THEY’VE SPENT THOUSANDS OF YEARS SEARCHING FOR THEIR ONE… Rafe and Vin were created by Zeus, the God of War. They are elite soldiers called the Ravens of War and have been best friends for thousands of years. Now that their latest task is over, having found the lost Goddess, their own need to find their Fated becomes paramount. When they meet Tamara, all their protective instincts and deepest desires roar to life.
WHEN LIFE THROWS THEM A CURVE… When an old enemy kidnaps Tamara and whisks her off to Hell, it’s up to Vin and Rafe to find their Fated mate. But they soon realize that finding her isn’t going to be quite so easy, not when their enemy chooses to use her as a bargaining chip. Not when the game involves the Gods, and the stakes are raised. Will the power of the Ravens be enough to save the woman they love?
Two worlds collide in this thrilling second installment of Elle Boon’s Ravens of War series…and these larger than life warriors are just getting started.
Content Warning: Crazy demonesses (is that a word…yes ‘cause I made it up), Zeus unlike any you’ve heard of, and piles of sexy demi-gods. Intended for mature audiences.
~Joyfully Reviewed~ All bets are off when the gods get involved in Two for Tamara, the second story in a unique new series. Two for Tamara is a gritty, complex romance with the occasional tense and scary moment. The Ravens of War series is building into something special.
~NightOwl Reviews~ This is the second book in a series by author Elle Boon. She’s developed a world where gods from mythology are real and unusual powers common. Her heroes are tall, strong and answer to Zeus. However, don’t expect just romance because there is a fight between good and evil that carries through the series. Unexpected allies show up in this story changing the way things are done. Better still though is the female lead who is strong, independent and quite capable of giving the two men who want her a run for the money. Bits of humor pop up regularly giving some of the more violent scenes a bit of relief.
~The BookChick Blog ~ I really enjoy how Boon weaves together a dash of mythology with a whole lot of sexy and fighting off a horrible baddy in between. It definitely leaves me eagerly waiting to read about them.
If you enjoy romance, mythology, and intrigue, then you will definitely appreciate and enjoy the Ravens of War series.
Buy Links:
AmazonUS: https://amzn.to/34K5nKj
Ibooks: https://books.apple.com/us/book/two-for-tamara/id1477727155
KOBO: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/two-for-tamara-1
NOOK: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/two-for-tamara-ravens-of-war-2-elle-boon/1119782921?ean=2940163598069
Oh, and if you’ve not read book 1, Selena’s Men, you should totally check it out as it released just over a month ago.
Selena’s Men

Ravens of War Book 1
A Goddess unknown by all even herself…
Stolen from her birth parents as an infant, Selena lived her life as a normal human, loved by her adoptive parents until tragedy took them from her. Life had given her more knocks than most could take, but she was determined to survive, even when faced with death. Until she came face-to-face with two men who offered her so much more. But could she face what loving them could cost her?.
A set of Demi-Gods…
Max and Malcolm King were once warriors called the Ravens of War for Zeus. They’ve searched the Earth for the one woman to complete them. They’ve fought alongside battlefields for thousands of years, protecting humanity from demons and beings bent on destroying all that’s good in this world. Now that they’ve found their Fated, the one female who they’d give their life for. Will it be for nothing when they find out who her father is?
Are they doomed before they ever begin?
They’re determined to keep Selena safe, knowing every way to kill a man or demon, yet neither were prepared for the ultimate foe to resurface. They’d help defeat Cronus, the God who was bent on destroying Zeus and all the other Gods and Goddesses on Olympus all those years ago, however it seems they’d not done a good enough job. Somehow, the God has found a way to wreak revenge, and this time he’s taken something more precious than Olympus. Will the Ravens be able to save Selena this time, or will they lose the most important thing, their Fated?
Buy Links:
AmazonUS: https://amzn.to/2LgKCgm
AmazonAU: bit.ly/2ZsZ9j7SelenaAU
AmazonCA: bit.ly/30NyhqlselenaCA
AmazonUK: bit.ly/2LdHYJsSelenaUK
iBooks: bit.ly/2NkAxShSelenaapple
KOBO: bit.ly/2Hje2tgSelenaKOBO
B&N: bit.ly/2Zke3mySelenaBarnes
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/47886032-selena-s-men?ac=1&from_search=true
~Joyfully Reviewed~ A sexy engaging new series begins with Selena’s Men. The Ravens of War introduces hot, intelligent characters in an original storyline that totally entertains readers. This series has a great start.
~NightOwl Reviews~ Selena’s Men a new take on Greek Mythology and introduces a group of immortal warriors called the Ravens of War. Ms. Boon had done a wonderful job of world building for the story and introducing the characters. Her story line is well thought out and keeps the readers engaged. It is a hot and sexy read from beginning to end.
~ The BookChick Blog~ Selena’s Men, Ravens of War was a smartly written sexy ménage romance story that contained a bit of everything — myth and legend, gods and goddesses, good vs. evil, sexy twins, and a band of equally sexy immortal warriors. Elle Boon spins a tale that puts a creative spin on the tale of the Greek gods and the titans. But, the story is less about the gods and the “human” who the story centers on, Selena Ramos.
Tagged: erotic romance, Guest Blogger, menage, mythology, paranormal Posted in Contests!, General | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: BookLady - Elle Boon - Rose Germano - flchen1 - Elle -
Tuesday, October 15th, 2019
I’m late posting today. Had to run my mom to the doctor’s and then to the local hospital for some x-rays. She’s doing okay, but she’s not very happy with me because I tattled on her for not taking better care of herself. Ah well. The child becomes the parent.
So, since I’m trying to play catch-up, I’ll make this easy. Head on over to my Short Stories page and peruse the sexy covers. The first three on the top row haven’t been released yet, so ignore them. Here’s the deal…
Pick a short story you’d like to read and email me at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com with the title.
I’ll send you a FREE copy. 🙂 DD
Tagged: erotic romance, short story Posted in Free Read | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. -
Monday, October 14th, 2019
First, here’s my friendly public service reminder that there are still open contests! Don’t miss out on a chance to win something!
- Diana Cosby: Update — Romance Reader’s Build A Habitat For Humanity House (Contest) — Win a FREE signed book!
- Tell me a story… (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
An Inspirational Puzzle!
Just ’cause it’s Monday,
and we have all the way to Friday to go!
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in Contests!, General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen1 - Delilah -
Sunday, October 13th, 2019
UPDATE: The winner is…Christine LaCombe!
It’s Sunday! I’ve babysat my dd’s four children since Friday morning while she and hubby attended my nephew’s wedding in Texas. They’ll be back today, so I’m ready to kick back—after I get the kids organized to clean this house (or I will be a dead person when she gets here!).
So, while I’m tackling cleanup duties, y’all get to play!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me a story about this picture. Doesn’t have to be longer than a line, but have fun! Doesn’t matter how good the story is either, because I’ll use a random number generator to pick a winner…

Tagged: game Posted in Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary Preston - Reina Torres - Jennifer Beyer - bn100 - Christine LaCombe -