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Thursday, July 25th, 2019
The saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The connection between agency and self-sufficiency is obvious. It lends itself to more modern iterations like, “Don’t give a hand out. Give a hand up.” Ministering in inner city communities that most of the business world has abandoned, I love finding examples of agency/self-sufficiency projects that show them up. I found one of my favorite success stories in Liberia: the Liberian Womens Sewing Project.
Child Liberty, the son of an exiled Liberian diplomat, was inspired by the work of Nobel prize winners Leymah Gbowee, President Ellen Sirleaf and the Liberian Women’s Peace Movement, to return to Liberia determined to use his Silicon Valley tech experience to provide economic opportunity for women. In 2010, he co-founded Liberty and Justice which I learned is Africa’s first fair-trade-certified apparel manufacturer.
The workers in their factories in Liberia and Ghana are 90% female and are paid 20% more than others in the industry. They also own 49% of the business. This means women who are often locked out of opportunities for gainful employment are not just employed but owners of their employment. The cherry on the cake is that the remaining 51% goes back into community development.
Here’s a quote from a CNN interview with Child Liberty: “We did it in post-conflict Liberia where we have women from both sides of the conflict, affected by the conflict working together, singing together, praying together and doing all these great things but also exporting t-shirts for major retailers in the United States. In that process we hope those women will lift themselves and their families out of poverty.” You can read the full story here:
I’ve had to deal with banks in the inner cities where I’ve pastored that want credit for community development through Community Reinvestment Act investment, but you have to fight them tooth and nail to approve projects that are as community changing as Liberty and Justice. Having been a seamstress myself (alterations a specialty) and having a grandmother who supported her family doing piecework in clothing factories here in NYC, I love that women and sewing machines are providing their own happily ever afters.
“Put It In A Book”
by Michal Scott

The daughter of ex-slaves, Aziza Williams uses her freedom to teach slaves to read, a law-breaking activity that forces her to flee the United States for the Free and Independent Republic of Liberia where her independent and injustice-confronting ways garners the unwanted sexual attention of a dibia, Dulee Morlu. In a cruel twist of fate, Morlu uses Aziza’s love for education against her and imprisons her in a book no one will ever read. He declares she will remain there until she submits to him. After a month of imprisonment, Aziza despairs that Morlu is right. Fear that she may surrender to him begins to overwhelm her until one day she senses the unfamiliar touch of Sekou Caine, an audacious and inquisitive thief, leafing through her pages.
A multiple volume encyclopedia stood on shelves at chest level in a far corner. Morlu would want his wealth within easy reach. Sekou pulled down the first volume and rifled through the pages. Paper currency of all types fluttered to his feet like leaves whirling from the branches of bombax trees in winter.
Clever, Dibia. But not clever enough.
Sekou chuckled and rifled through volume after volume. By the time he reached Z a pile of money lay on the floor. He scooped the cash into his swag sack, laughing quietly at his haul.
He thrust the last volume back into place, knocking a slender manuscript off the shelf.
The Story of Aziza.
He recognized the title of the book with which Morlu had taunted him. He picked it up, fanned the pages with his thumb. A sigh drifted past him. Startled, he crouched and looked left then right. Only the night breeze disturbed the silence. He fanned through the pages again. This time a scent – light like rain, sweet like honey – graced the air.
He stared at the face of a withered old hag on the book’s cover. The image had repulsed and fascinated him. The gaze in her eyes shone with intelligence and defiance, so unlike the villagers lionizing the dibia at this moment.
Sekou opened to the flyleaf. There the image of a black beauty stared back at him. Her skin was as smooth as the hag’s was wrinkled, but the same intelligent defiance shone in her eyes. He traced the outline of her chin jutting forth with pride.
“So, ladies…” He feathered his fingers along her full lips then examined the woman on the cover again. “To which one of you does this story belong?”
Aziza’s chest heaved. Warmth from the intruder’s fingers suffused the book’s cover, intoxicating her mind and her spirit with hope. The rapid flutter of her prison’s pages kindled arousal along her labia. She shivered as delight saturated her deadened limbs.
Once again the rapid rifling of the pages sent tremors of pleasure through her. She knew not whose hand cradled her prison, but the respectful caress told her this couldn’t be her captor. Dared she hope this might be a person she could trust to set her free?
Buy link: https://amzn.to/2JyIK4V
Tagged: anthology, Guest Blogger, paranormal, short story Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Anna Taylor Sweringen - Delilah -
Wednesday, July 24th, 2019

Today’s article is not one I anticipated on writing. I’m sitting on a patio listening to the rain and watching the winds from Tropical Storm Barry blow down limbs and trees. It’s sad to say how numbing it’s become after so many hours of persistence. And yes, I’m thankful that it isn’t worse. Hurricane Karina taught many Southerners humility. Say what one will about southern history and the ugly past, but when Katrina hit, from my point of view, there was no discrimination and no hate.
Everyone reached out and helped each other because each other is all that we had. Complete cities washed into the ocean. No power for weeks, and for some people months. City-wide barbecues and grocery stories giving away free food occurred daily. The news broadcasts covered the looting and fraud. But very little was said about the outpouring of neighborly love. And it is times like these that I reflect on things that I’m thankful for and that make me happy. It’s also a time for me to do some of the things that I procrastinate doing.
One of the things that makes me happy is playing with makeup. And one of the things I put off doing is cleaning out my makeup case. Now, I’m no critic or reviewer, but there are lessons in just about everything. And there’s nothing like a tropical storm teach a lesson. So, that’s my topic for today—what I was reminded of from Barry.
DISCLAIMER: Barry was nowhere close to Katrina; so, please do not think that I’m making a comparison between the two. I would never diminish the horrors left in the path of Katrina. The comparison of this post is not to make light of the serious of natural disasters. It is simply to show that overall principles are similar.
Tropical storms are to be taken seriously. For one thing, they can cause a lot of damage, but they can quickly can grow into hurricanes. They also are just as unpredictable—changing course and speeds. They are a guessing game, and once the alert goes out, everyone must be prepared. The materials and items gathered are the ones that are most essential and valuable—whether sentimental or financially. Choice must be made. Very few people are able to pack and take everything. In for storms, one packs important papers, photos, cash, medications, batteries, food, clothing, and diapers. And you want to store these items in a container that is secure and sturdy.
For years, I stored my makeup in pouches or cases. For many people, this is ideal, but for someone like me, not so much. First, in a pouch it was very difficult for me to keep anything organized. When I needed something, I usually had to remove nearly every item. It was so tightly packed that often the lids would pop open or fall off, and I’d ended up with spilled makeup. I also tended to drop my pouches, which lead to breakage, and often the pouch didn’t fit into my purse. Now anyone who knows me, knows I’m somewhat of a cheapskate, and I didn’t want to spend money on a makeup case. I purchased an inexpensive plastic one, which I ended up cracking.
Plastic cases are fine. The issue wasn’t the case as much as it was the owner. I simply handled it too roughly. I travel quiet a bit, so I was constantly storing it with other heavy luggage in a trunk. It got banged around a lot, and therefore, wasn’t much protection. I needed a storage unit of substance, and that meant investment. I suppose in all; it was money well spent since I do invest in cosmetics that are semi-expensive. Your girl isn’t going to go full-scale bouche and purchase exclusive makeup. However, the products I do have cost enough to make me want to not have to repurchase until I absolutely have to do so. For that reason, I purchased I metal makeup case.
Now, I’m sure a just as good and less expensive case can be purchase. I do think I overspent for two reason. First, I purchased at a brick and mortar store—an exclusive cosmetics store. I purchased from there because I needed a case in hurry and did not have time to wait for shipping. I shopped around at other department stores, but I could not find one that had both the space and was sturdy enough. Once I realized that I was going to have to pay more than twenty bucks, I decided I might as well buy one that I thought was pretty. It comes with two keys to lock it—not that I require or use that—but I thought it a nifty feature.
Second, with a hurricane preparation, you need to select the items that are essential and make sure that you have enough supplies to last for the duration of the storm (and after). The real tragedy of Katrina is that many people did not think it would be as severe as it was and only packed enough supplies for one to three days. But after the storm, cities were completely demolished or too unsafe for return. People either did not have what they needed or did not have enough. And most did not have those items that mattered most—the sentimental items.
When cleaning my beauty storage case, I had to ask myself what all that junk was inside. I’m guilty of having purchased products I didn’t need because of beauty influencers or advertisements. One item that I’m one hundred percent certain that I waisted my hard-earned money on is brushes. I have several brush sets; and although they are not expensive, they still are a waste of money and space. I’m not a cosmetologist or beauty expert, but here is what I know—most people have favorites and use what they are most comfortable with using. Regardless of brand, I tend to use the same type brushes from each set. And that number is small. I prefer brushes with short, tightly-packed bristles. These brushes allow me to control both placement and application. Rarely do I use large, fluffy brushes, with the exception to dust off powder. I only need about three types of brushes. The rest are pretty adornment for my dresser.
This leads me to the next point. Functionality is more important than beauty. It is super easy to become distracted by looks instead of function. In preparing for hurricanes, people need items that work. It does not matter how aesthetically appealing a product is if it does not get the job done. That is why it is crucial that items are checked. Be sure that lanterns aren’t corroded on the inside and the bulbs aren’t blow. Have extra batteries and LED lights.
I have some brushes with really pretty handles or brush heads. But the truth of the matter is the brush heads become stained after a while, and some of the handles cause the brushes to be difficult to use. Some colored heads look so pretty but shed. Pulling brush hairs from pallet pans, clothing, and face may be cumbersome and irritating. Furthermore, they have to be replaced quicker than other brushes, which costs one to spend more coins. That does not mean that all inexpensive brushes are poorly made. I have some very affordable, synthetic brushes.
When going on an extended trip, or even out for a long evening, the cosmetics packed should be the ones that you know you will need. For example, I normally do not reapply mascara. Therefore, that is an item I can omit if I’m pressed for space. However, if I’m going on vacation, I want to take my most favorite, least problematic mascara. See, I wear contacts, and some mascara may irritate my eyes. Therefore, I do not try new brands when I’ll going on a trip. I also tend to pack waterproof in case of rain or wanting to get into pool or hot tub.
Eye shadow pallets are nice to have, but unless you’re a makeup artist, I do not think many people use the majority of the shades in the pallet. For me, it’s more cost-efficient to purchase either, mini pallets (not mini in size but in colors) or singles. A great trick for singles is to buy the empty magnet pallet cases and create your own pallet. It saves money to invest in the colors that you use the most.
Foundation is a tricky item. I tend to take more than one with me when I travel. The way some foundations hold may be dependent of weather conditions and how long they must remain packed. I had one foundation that turned to the consistency of water due to getting to hot in the transport areas. Sometimes, I need to mix foundations to find the correct shade. These also react differently to primers. For that reason, with the multiple foundations, I pack multiple primers.
During storms, flexibility is important as well. Having a battery powered radio is an excellent way to keep abreast of changing weather conditions. But people also need multiple ways to communicate to loved ones. Cellphones batteries die. If you have a cellphone with a removable battery, it is wise to have a charged spare as well as portable charges. If you must travel in inclement weather, has a backup USB cord. They can fail or short. And also, be sure that it is of one of quality. Over time, the covering of my USB cord wore away to expose the wire, which caused a poor connection. On one trip, it finally went out and I stopped at a local dollar store and picked up one. Several months later, I noticed that my phone did not hold and took longer to charge. I took it in the cellphone company who swore it was my battery, and that it would cost anywhere from $70.00 to $125.00 to repair. (The battery was not removable.) Being stubborn, I went to a cellphone company in a different town. Not only did they inform me it could be the cord, but they gave me a cord for FREE. The problem has been solved. So, ensure that you have the proper products on hand.
Another product that I think I was sucked into purchasing was a highlighter/bronzing pallet. Honestly, more times than not I can’t tell the difference when a bronzer has been used. And most highlighters look the same to me. I don’t especially like the look of highlighters on me anyway. It makes me look like I’ve been punched and that’s the shine of the bruise. If highlight and bronzing is your thing, then go for it. These just do not land on my essential items list.
Finally, simplicity is golden. In storms, often it is necessary to travel as light as possible, especially if multiple people will be traveling. Space in cars and hotel rooms may be limited. Items that can serve multiple purposes are ideal. For makeup, that translate to a single cosmetic being used in more than one way. An example would be a liquid lip that is eye-safe and can be used as an eyeliner or shadow. This may be a bronzer that may also double as a blush or a contour.
Another way to simplify is to use a setting spray to help makeup last longer. For the longest time, I did not use this, and I promise I did one day and fell in instant love. That stuff works. In the humid south where make rolls off in globs, I’m able to apply makeup once and have it last throughout the evening—unless
I do something crazy to my face such as rubbing it. Using a setting spray saves me both time and money plus space in my purse. A word to the wise though. Not all setting sprays are created equal. I purchased one that squirts. Although it works well, it is like an assault to my face in application. The mist is much gentler, but some contain alcohol. Be sure to shut your eyes. Others contain thick fragrances; so, be sure to test it before purchasing.
So, basically, that is what I was reminded by the tropical storm as I cleaned out my makeup case. I hope that some of these tips are useful. Be sure to comment to tell me your tips, and if you’ve had any learning experiences from two events that are seemingly unrelated.
That’s it for this list. Well, not really. There are several more items that were frequently mentioned, but I arbitrarily decided to stop at fifteen. If you would like a part two of this list, let me know in the comment, and I will be happy to oblige.
Enjoy sports romance? Check out my new adult romance, Defending the Net, released on November 10. It is the second in my hockey series and guaranteed to melt the ice. It will be sold at Kindle, Apple Store, Nook, Kobo, !ndigo, Angus & Robertson, and Mondadori Store. It is the second in my hockey series and guaranteed to melt the ice. Order a copy now at www.books2read.com/defending. Crossing the line could cost the game.
Missed the first in my hockey romance series? Don’t worry. Out of the Penalty Box, an adult romance where it’s one minute in the box or a lifetime out is available at https://amzn.to/2Bhnngw. It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit https://bit.ly/2i9SqpH.
Life’s Roux: Wrong Doors, my steamy romantic comedy, is available at Red Sage Publishing. To order, follow the link to https://bit.ly/2CtE7Ez or to Amazon at https://amzn.to/2lCQXpt.
Copies of all my books and stories are available in paper, eBook, and audio on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. The links are listed in my Writing Projects page (https://bit.ly/2iDYRxU) along with descriptions of each of my novels or stories.
NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click https://genevivechambleeconnect.wordpress.com/newsletter/ and signup today.
Finally, if you or anyone you know are interested in joining a college Greek life organization, check out my special series posted each Monday for everything you wanted (and didn’t want) to know about college fraternities and sororities. Visit Sorority Bible Table of Contents to view any or all of these posts.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Real Life | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah -
Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019
It’s almost the end of July! Have to make the most of what’s left of summer in my favorite place…
Tagged: game, jigsaw, puzzle Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Betty Sue Payton - flchen1 - Delilah -
Monday, July 22nd, 2019

I love writing about families and have done so quite often over the course of my writing career. The dynamics are fascinating. What will you do for your family? Are you close to them? Are you running from them? There is no end to the possibilities. Family members know us the best. Sometimes that knowledge is used to help, at other times to hurt. Some will sacrifice anything to protect their family. On the other hand, no one can dig the knife deeper than a loved one.
Some families we’re born into. We have siblings we’d do anything for. I’ve explored that theme in my Jamesville, Dalakis Passion, and more recently, my Blood of the Drakon series. But for some family are those they’ve chose to give their love and loyalty to. That is the case in my Salvation Pack, where the original pack members are two brothers, a cousin, and two friends. They are family by choice and their loyalty runs deep.
I’ve been blessed to be close to both my siblings. We live near one another and often do things together. I can’t imagine living life any other way. Every family is different, but whether the bonds are of blood or of chose, it’s important to have one.
Family is at the core of my Marks Mercenaries sci-fi erotic romance series. If you love space mercenaries, you’ll love the Marks brothers. These men are tough, relentless, and focused. Their goal—finding their sister who was abducted years ago. And along the way, they might even find love.
The first three books in the series have been released—Rescuing Rory, Unexpected Angel, and Liberating Lacey. Watch for book 4 in August.
Here’s a tease from Unexpected Angel, book 2…
She unfastened her cloak and let it fall to her feet, leaving her clad only in a thin pair of pants and a white tunic. Both garments clung to her curves. She knew men were attracted to her shape. Her uncle had used that fact many times to distract visiting business guests.
Amos’s gaze flicked to her body but immediately went back to her face. Frustration filled her. Why wasn’t he acting like every other man she’d ever met?
“You have to sleep with me,” she blurted.
“Why?” His bland reply was totally at odds with her impassioned plea. If it weren’t for the hard bulge in the front of his flightsuit she’d swear the man was an android. Of course, he’d been all hot male while he’d been kissing her. That gave her some hope.
“To save my life.”
Unexpected Angel
Mark Mercenaries, Book 2

Angelina Astoferus is on the run from her uncle, who wants to marry her off as part of a business deal. Her only hope is to find a spaceship to escape on—and a man willing to take her virginity, since her being pure is part of the deal. A desperate escape attempt leads her to the loading docks of the planet Oasis, where she spies Amos. Captivated by him, when the opportunity to sneak on board his ship arises, she takes it.
When Amos Marks discovers a stowaway on his ship, he knows she is big trouble. He and his brothers don’t need two dangerous enemies—her powerful uncle and the jilted warrior from Gravas—but Amos can’t turn his back on her. He decides to help her with her outlandish plan, but neither of them expects that the physical connection between them will lead to so much more.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S9VPXKH/
Evernight Publishing: https://www.evernightpublishing.com/unexpected-angel-by-n-j-walters/
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/941298
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/unexpected-angel-n-j-walters/1131766415
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/unexpected-angel-2
About the Author
N.J. Walters is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who has always been a voracious reader, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen, and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks—all vie for her attention. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.
Visit me at:
Website: https://www.njwalters.com
Blog: https://www.njwalters.blogspot.com
Newsletter: https://eepurl.com/gdblg5
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/N.J.WaltersAuthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/njwaltersauthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/NJWalters
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/njwalters
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/n-j-walters
Tagged: excerpt, Guest Blogger, Science Fiction Romance Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah -
Sunday, July 21st, 2019
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!
As a lot of you may know, I am a water person! Meaning I love everything from a gently-tumbling stream to the splash of crashing waves as they race to a sandy beach. In fact, my new release Dangerous Lies uses a lot of the fantastic places I’ve vacationed in Florida as part of the story’s backdrop.
But this year I decided to head upward, so I took an early June vacation to the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. My family and I spent the week in a fabulous cabin high in the mountains just outside of Gatlinburg, where on clear days the distant mountain tops were visible. Other times they were cloaked in the clouds.
The entire region is just breathtaking! And that includes the ridge after ridge of forested mountains, plus the fast-rushing streams sliding over boulders smoothed by time, to eventually merge with a waterfall’s cascading waters. Then there are the natural trails, such as the one I climbed to Grotto Falls, that offer a different dimension of hiking. Paths that have been walked by many…with endless more hikers to come in future years.
Weathermen kept predicting rain, but most times there was only a brief shower. Except, one morning as I sat in a rocking chair on the porch, the steady drizzle turned into an all-out downpour! I loved the sound of the heavy rain moving through the trees on its way to my location. Thank goodness there was a nice half-porch roof covering so I could just stay where I was and enjoy the morning storm.
Since the cabin was so high up in the mountains, being on the porch felt as if I was one with nature amid the tall trees. In fact, during the downpour, I was able to see the rain hitting on top of the leaves…to see the delicate yet sturdy stems quiver with each drop’s touch…to see the leaves dancing in the rain. And my soul danced with them. That I’ll never forget.
I’d love to hear about a time the weather and its effect on your vacation was almost as exciting as the trip itself.
In celebration of my July 22 release of Dangerous Lies (Shades of Leverage Book 2), I will give one commenter an e-book of Slater’s Revenge—the first book in the Shades of Leverage series. Winner will be selected July 25.
Dangerous Lies
(Shades of Leverage Book 2)

Release Date: July 22, 2019
Buy Now
She glanced over her shoulder, and there stood the man who’d hit on her. For all that’s holy, couldn’t the guy take no for an answer? “Back off, Dance Man. I told you before, I don’t care what song you play. And I don’t want to dance.”
“That’s good. Real good.” The corners of his mouth quirked upward, along with the tilt of his head and lift of his eyebrows. He chuckled as he slipped into the seat across from her. “Never been called that before.”
“You must really be desperate to keep hitting on someone like me.” Pointing her finger for emphasis, she gritted her teeth and spoke loud and clear in his direction. “Now, leave my table or I’m calling the police.”
The stubble on his jawline caught the light, emphasizing the dark, weathered tan of his now serious expression. His blue eyes focused on her with the intensity of someone looking for clarity before bidding on a rare diamond. She was drawn to the muscles in his forearms as he flexed his fingers back and forth, back and forth.
Caught in his stare, she shivered then noticed the barely visible earbud. She’d seen those on Secret Service agents when she’d visited the White House for an environmental briefing. She’d also seen the earbuds on people not so glad to see her as she dug for dirt on a corruption story. People who didn’t exactly play nice when she got too close to what they were hiding.
Without looking, she reached her hand into her purse leaning against her side, hoping to grab her keychain mace without him noticing. The purse tilted, and the vial slipped from her hand, landing on the floor with a slight thud.
He didn’t flinch. “You need to practice that move.”
What if he were the danger? She was alone. In the corner of an almost empty restaurant. No one was at the house to expect her home. No one even knew—
Drake. Drake knew. He was right there on the phone. He had to be hearing what was being said.
She wrapped her hand around her phone, ready to use it as a weapon. “If you don’t go away, I’m going to scream.”
The man sighed loud and heavy as he leaned against the high back of the wooden booth, then tapped his earbud and motioned to her phone. “Drake, you should tell this lady who I am before she rips my head off.”
Glancing at the phone, still on FaceTime, there was Drake holding a photo of the man sitting across from her. She lifted her gaze to the actual man and met his blue-eyed stare with one of her own. Evidently, her life had notched up in things that were out of her control. “You’re who’s supposed to protect me?”
“You got a problem with that?” He leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table in front of him.
“No. Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
“Because you were too busy calling me Dance Man.”
She leaned forward in rebuttal. “Listen. I’ve had a very, very bad week. So, if I’ve upset you, that’s too damn bad.”
He popped the side of his fingers on the table. “Well, you’re not the only one who’s had a shitty week, lady.”
“Hey, you two want to put a lid on the sarcasm?” Drake sounded like he meant business.
They both took a breath.
“That’s better,” Drake said. “This is your protector agent, Mitch Granger. And, this is Elizabeth—”
“Liz,” Mitch stated.
“My name is Elizabeth Walkert.”
“Liz. As long as I’m your protector, your name is Liz.”
Buy Now: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books
About the Author
Award-winning author Claudia Shelton could write her name before the first day of school, but now she writes romantic suspense, thrillers and contemporary romance. In addition, she presents workshops for readers and authors. Her debut novel, Risk of a Lifetime, released to 5-star reviews, reached Amazon’s Best Sellers Romance Series Top 100 and was named one of eBooks Galore top reads for 2014. She is also a two-time nominated Daphne Du Maurier (Unpublished) finalist for excellence in mystery. Claudia is the author of the Shades of Leverage action-adventure romantic suspense series.
On a personal note, Claudia considers herself a traveler, music lover and water person. A cool drink while listening to the splash of waves is always nice—so is a mug of hot chocolate in the falling snow. Her main priority is spending time with family, friends and her two sweet, conniving rescue dogs.
Website: https://claudiasheltonauthor.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ClaudiaSheltonWriter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClaudiaShelton1
Newsletter: https://claudiasheltonauthor.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/claudiasheltonauthor/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/claudiashelton1/
Tagged: contemporary romance, excerpt, Guest Blogger, romantic suspense Posted in Contests!, General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - Claudia C Shelton - Claudia Shelton - Delilah -
Saturday, July 20th, 2019
The winners are…all 11 commenters!
See comment #12.
I’m late posting this today. I got a little covered up with lots of little things I had to take care of—like spending time with my dd who’s going on a trip with her hubby tomorrow. She’ll be gone for nearly two weeks, and I don’t think I can stand it! 🙂
I piddled at updating my work calendar. I’ll have lots more time to write since she won’t be around. I edited my short story, “Quincy Down Under“, which I’m releasing on its own on the 30th. Sexy cover, don’t you think? This story was originally part of the Stranded anthology. You can purchase either of them for just $0.99, so I’m guessing I know which one you’ll want more! 🙂
 And did you notice that the cover model for Stranded and QDU is the same guy? Yeah, I fell in love with him and decided I had to have him for my book, too. This is the cover for Quincy which is coming in September and is available for pre-order now!

Tell me what you’re “piddling at” this weekend for a chance to win a free copy of “Quincy Down Under”!
Tagged: anthology, bounty hunter, contemporary romance, erotic romance, Montana Bounty Hunters Posted in About books..., Contests! | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - Delaine McLafferty - ButtonsMom2003 - flchen1 - Delilah -
Friday, July 19th, 2019
Thank you for having me today! I’m a huge fan of Delilah’s books, so I’m a bit giddy being here.
Today, I bring you a character interview with Henry, the immortal, talking pet pig in WITCHWOOD (Witch & Stone), a paranormal tale I co-wrote with the wonderful Candace Sams. Henry is a secondary character who plays a major role in DIRE AND DREAD, the WITCHWOOD prequel. But he makes an appearance in WITCHWOOD. This is his take on the main characters of that book.
Angelique Armae: How long have you known Sienna Stone?
Henry: Sienna is the twenty-nine-year-old American-born great-niece of English/American witch—Davinia Stone—who rescued me in 1963. Sienna is a hoot. She’s one of the most powerful witches in both England and the US. But she’s having a bit of a problem with her magick at the moment, much like her Aunt Davinia suffered more than fifty years ago. I’ve been sleeping at the foot of Sienna’s bed since she arrived on Davinia’s doorstep when she was five years old, after her father was murdered.
Angelique Armae: Sienna’s romantic interest is Matthew Witchwood. What can you tell us about the man?
Henry: For starters, I don’t like anyone who poses the threat of taking away my Sienna. But for Sienna’s sake, I have made peace with the fact she might one day end up married to Matthew. I do have to admit, though, it would be a good match as Matthew comes from one of the most prestigious witch families in England. He’s an ex-military guy who underneath his tough surface is a softie with a kind heart. I also like his Gran, Henrietta Witchwood, matriarch of the Witchwood clan of witches.
Angelique Armae: I hear a bout of turmoil struck the Witchwood estate recently.
Henry: Terrible thing, to be honest. Bertram Witchwood, Henrietta’s brother-in-law, gambled away the Witchwood gargoyles that guarded the castle’s front entrance. He lost them in a card game to a powerful two-bit dirty witch, named Ozmodius Fennel. The gargoyles—Dire and Dread—contain remnants of Davinia’s untamed magick. If they fall into the wrong hands, disaster can strike. And that is precisely where we are currently heading.
Angelique Armae: Having been around magick your entire, immortal life, what advice would you tell a witch with wayward powers?
Henry: Always believe in yourself. Your magick is an extension of yourself, and therefore it can be tamed when need be.
Angelique Armae: Do you have any magickal powers, yourself?
Henry: Well, I’m not a hex breather like Davinia. And since I have hooves instead of hands, I can’t shoot streams of stars and magick through my fingers like can my precious Sienna. I also don’t mess up magickal potions and teas like Matthew does. Nor can I magickally run a slew of charities—that’s Henrietta’s strength. But I am an immortal, talking, pet pig. I think that says it all.
WITCHWOOD (Witch & Stone)
(exclusively available in SOULS AND SHADOWS Boxset)
Buy link: https://books2read.com/u/4AJgrJ

About the Author
USA TODAY Bestselling Author Angelique Armae is a native New Yorker who loves all things royal, can trace her Irish roots back to the Scottish Highlands, is half Italian, and is owned by a long-haired Tuxedo feline. She spends most days writing, unless her cat deems otherwise.
Website: https://angeliquearmae.com/
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