Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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My Valentine to you!
Monday, February 11th, 2019

So, are you ready for Valentine’s Day? Have you purchased a card or a gift? I’ll be attending the five-year-old’s Valentines Day party at her school on Wednesday, and I’m so looking forward to it! We’ll probably also have a special family dinner, because we love any excuse to have a party or a dinner! Will you be doing anything special for V-day?

Favorite Performance
Sunday, February 10th, 2019

Just back from spending the evening with my dd. We turned on the Grammy’s and settled in. As always, it was an uneven evening of entertainment with a few sterling performances. Our favorite, hands down, was Brandi Carlile singing “The Joke”. No glitzy costume. Just her with her acoustic guitar and small band, and her big, big voice. The video of her Grammy performance is on YouTube yet, but she’s always best live, so I’m sharing her performance on Austin City Limits. Really, folks, catch the Grammy performance. She was unbelievably great!

Coolest song ever…
Saturday, February 9th, 2019

No matter how big or soft of warm your bed is, you still have to get out of it.
~ Grace Slick

She was more than a pretty face and a great big voice. Wise words. It’s late again, and I’m heading off to bed. Maybe I’ll prove Gracie wrong in the morning. 🙂

Reminders! Two open contests, one giveaway!
Friday, February 8th, 2019

I’ve had my head down, pushing through three editing jobs over the past three weeks—but they’re all done! Whew! Tomorrow, I get to start on a new project! I’ll be staring at that blank page and writing and rewriting that pesky opening sentence. I swear I could write three or four chapters in the time it takes me to write an opening scene!

Anyway, I’m tired and ready to put my feet up in front of the TV. I think I have some Chicago Fire episodes saved. Need me some Severide! Here’s hoping you have a relaxing evening as well!

Reminders, before they’re gone!

  1. Get your FREE story!
  2. Flashback: Between a SEAL and a Hard Place (Contest–2 Winners)
  3. Cover reveal for STRANDED! Plus hints of what’s coming! (Contest)
Viviana MacKade: How mood and what I’m going through in life influence my reading choices…
Thursday, February 7th, 2019


Me: “New email, cool! Hey, it’s from Book Bub with today’s deals! Super cool!”

I start scrolling down, mumbling, “No… Not in the mood for this…. Maybe this one–no.”

And so on. You know how it goes, right?

While I was doing that, the reasoning behind two of my choices (one leading up to buying a book; the other turning a book down) made me face where I stand these days, as far as life goes.

I said no to a story where the Heroine, overworked and pregnant (long story), takes a break and goes to Alaska (I love Alaska as a setting. Along with Texas, Ireland, and Scotland, is one of my favorites). Up to that point, I was sure I was going to click buy. Love the setting, the story is fresh, it has a gazillion of 5star reviews. What can possibly go wrong, right?

Then the next line.

It stopped me and my buy-button-hovering finger.

Her needy family….

I was out.

This woman, a woman who had made a place for herself by herself, who’s pregnant and overworked, has to leave her house and her life because of a needy family??? No way, man.

You see, the thing is, I was never her. It was never that bad. But I have family trouble and pressure. I’m about to face some of that, I know there will be fights, and how those will take a toll on me (hell, before starting this blog I researched non-drowsy anxiety medicines over the counter). The last thing I need now is reading about it, going through the same s#@t. Unless she tells them all to go and you-know-where to go. Which I don’t believe she will.

Hence, my not buying the book. A shame, because it seemed like a great story.

What I did buy was a story where the Hero is a scholar. I’m telling you, lately, I’m crushing on nerdy men. Not because my husband is a hot nerd, although I’ve always appreciated that type more. It’s just that I need a break from alpha growling in favor of a quiet, maybe even aloof, vibe. Again, it’s about to get hot and uncomfortable around here, I don’t need more noise, I don’t need adrenaline.

I need to relax. I need quiet, and a quietly heroic Hero.

So now I have one in my kindle, waiting to tell me his and the Heroine’s story.

And this is how I realized how much what happens in my life, my mood, influences my choice in books.

Do you feel the same?

Are the books you read a mirror of, or the reason why, you read a particular story?

Crescent Creek Bundle

From the cold Canadian border, the US1 runs along the east coast with patience. Southbound, always south, until it reaches the Sunshine State.

Not the fastest way, sure, but if you have time to drive it all the way down, you might find yourself lost in one of the coastal towns that dot the US1 like little jewels.

Maybe that town’s name is Crescent Creek.

These are the stories of its people.

All Those Miles I Walked ~ Crescent Creek 1

At eighteen, DJ made a choice–her heart or her dreams. Neither was wrong, yet either would break her heart. She chose the world. Over a decade later, she returns to Crescent Creek and to the one regret she’s ever had–Scott.

Scott’s always been steady as a rocky reef. He’d loved once and when she’d left, his strong heart had crumbled like a sandcastle. Now DJ is back, and Scott wants nothing to do with her. If only Eva, his and DJ’s old friend, didn’t need their help. Because of her, he’s stuck with DJ and he’d be damned, she still gets under his skin.

DJ is a free spirit who needs the road under her feet. Scott is a family man who wants to groom his roots. With danger on their doorstep and a baby to keep safe, how much are they willing to compromise for love?

Painted Love ~ Crescent Creek 2

Thou shalt not steal.

Oh, but Florence had, and would do so one last time. Ten pieces her grandfather painted for her because he loved her. Ten pieces her mother lost, along with anything else, for loving the wrong man. She couldn’t get back everything he’d wasted away, but she’d be damned if she’d give up those paintings.

Easy and genuine, Rhett loves his life–his family, his market, his town. Until he meets a British woman with grey eyes and a cute little smile. The woman he’s been waiting for. The thing is, to love her is easy, but can he trust her?

When Rhett pushes to uncover her agenda, Flo knows she will lose something–the man she loves or what she’d been fighting for years. Which road will she choose?

His Midnight Sun ~ Crescent Creek 3

Tormented, fierce, and broken, sculptor Aidan Murphy has judged himself guilty. He yearns for love but pushes everyone away. He longs for acceptance but has lost the key to open his heart. Until he meets Summer Williams. Beautiful and smart, Dr. Williams promises haven for a man who believes he deserves none. All he has to do is let her in and risk his heart and soul.

Summer’s managed to keep her inner light alive, even through tragedy. She’s created a new life for herself and her daughter in Crescent Creek with loving, caring and fun friends–well, except brooding, breathtaking Aidan. She’s used to keeping away from his type, though. All she has to do is ignore the pull of a man who’s turning up to be much more than snarls and storms. Will her compassion and medical instincts let her?

Love can heal a broken soul and shake up a timid heart. Or it can unleash devastation and revenge.

Will Aidan and Summer survive the hurricane?

Free with KU

About the Author

Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her husband and her son, her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her boy, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.

Find me:
On my website
On Instagram
On Twitter
Amazon Author page

Genevive Chamblee: Confessions of a Sports-Shaming Survivor
Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

I’ve never been a tomboy, but I’ve always been a jeans and T-shirt kind of gal. I like to be comfortable. I like vegging out on the couch and watching movies that make me use my brain cells to predict the ending and reading intriguing love stories. I’m also a huge sports fan. Football is a season of its own, and Saturdays are reserved for hot wings, loaded nachos, and pizza. (I would include beer since that’s always present for my guests, but I’m not a beer drinker). Game Day is sacred. Therefore, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that my last two books (Defending the Net and Out of the Penalty Box) were both sports romances. What was a surprise, or rather an adjustment, was my having to work in an office that none of the employees were sports fans. OMG! Talk about feeling a slow death.

In short, I was sports-shamed.

Now, I get it. Sports is not everyone’s thing. But, hey, this is the south. Next to Southern Baptist, SEC football is the next largest religion. I’m just kidding … well, kinda. When I transferred into my new position, I was viewed as an oddity. I don’t want to sound stereotypic, but they, the women (and my new department only employed two male workers at the time, one of whom knew zero about any sport), found it weird that a “girl” would know so much about sports. Yes, I hang with the big dogs and can talk trivia with the best of them. I found it weird that my new coworkers were so uninterested in sports while previous co-workers who also were predominately female were extremely knowledgeable. I went from goals, touchdowns, and home runs to weeding gardens, cooking casseroles, and long-lasting nail polish. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not knocking those activities. I do like gardening, even if I do manage to kill most veggies. And occasionally, I paint my nails when I have time and find a cute color.

There was a time, a long time ago—like in prehistoric days when I was in high school—I actually cared a lot about fashion, accessories, and doing my hair. College knocked that right out of me. I had 8:00 A.M. classes and no time for coordinating sweaters and socks. I was happy with clean and unwrinkled.

Comfortable became my element and has remained with me. However, recently, I’ve taken more of an interest in cosmetics. I must admit, the beauty world has changed since I last paid attention. I’d never heard of primers, eyeshadow bases, or color correctors. I had no clue of the difference between a setting powder and a finishing powder. (And still don’t if I’m completely honest.) I still use the applicator that comes in the eyeshadow pallet instead of a brush (with a number/name) or sponge (and I won’t even say what I thought this was when someone first mentioned it to me). Contouring sounded like something that had to do with streets. When my coworkers started discussing bath bombs, I seriously considered calling Homeland Security and reporting them as a terrorist group plotting to blow up plumbing. It all seemed foreign to me.

But as I stated previously, I’ve never been a tomboy. I’ve always wanted to look pretty, but it wasn’t a priority. Lip gloss to keep from cracking and out into the world I venture. Yet, there are times when I want to take an extra moment to invest in my image. My coworkers seemed to believe it is either sports or beauty and that a woman can’t do both. I believe that thinking is outdated. I believe it is sexist to think women can’t be athletic or knowledgeable in sports. One search on YouTube will unveil plenty of talented male makeup artists. And when I say talented, I mean it. They transform their faces into palettes and create masterpieces.

Just because a woman doesn’t get all guzzled up to the nines (or tens) does not mean she’s ugly, homely, or letting herself go. Something is to be said for natural beauty. Likewise, there is no rule stating women can’t be feminine and enjoy sports. Women shouldn’t be designated to being designated to being the swimsuit model in high heels strolling around a ring carrying a “Rounds” sign.

By now, one might be wondering what prompted me to write this article. Well, several weeks ago, someone asked me what inspired me to write sports romance. I replied it was because I enjoy sports, which is true. However, as time passed, I realized the answer was more deep-seated than that. I think that it is important for women to be portrayed as more than one-note and capable of being competent in areas that are “traditionally” associated with men. I feel more sports romances are needed that blend both the hard and soft sides of the industry. Additionally, I wanted to push myself into an area that I had not attempted previously. I knew sports, talked sports, but had never written sports. Writing sports romances provided me an opportunity to explore and balance two loves that are not as incompatible as some may think.

Enjoy sports romance? Check out my new adult romance, Defending the Net, released on November 10. It is the second in my hockey series and guaranteed to melt the ice. It will be sold at Kindle, Apple Store, Nook, Kobo, !ndigo, Angus & Robertson, and Mondadori Store. Order a copy now at Crossing the line could cost the game.

Missed the first in my hockey romance series? Don’t worry. Out of the Penalty Box, an adult romance where it’s one minute in the box or a lifetime out is available at It also can be ordered on iTunes, Nook, or Kobo. For more links where to purchase or to read the blurb, please visit

Life’s Roux: Wrong Doors, my steamy romantic comedy, is available at Red Sage Publishing. To order, follow the link to or to Amazon at

Copies of all my books and stories are available in paper, eBook, and audio on Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. The links are listed in my Writing Projects page ( along with descriptions of each of my novels or stories.

NEWSLETTER! Want to get the latest information and updates about my writing projects, giveaways, contests, and reveals first? Click and sign up today.

Finally, if you or anyone you know are interested in joining a college Greek life organization, check out my special series posted each Monday for everything you wanted (and didn’t want) to know about college fraternities and sororities. Visit Sorority Bible Table of Contents to view any or all of these posts.

DISCLAIMER: Creole Bayou is not sponsored or being paid to endorse any business, website, person, podcast, broadcast, videos, philanthropy, or products. Any shoutouts given is due to personally liking a product or cause. There is no intention to slight any competitors or introduce bias. If you have a product or service that is related to anything mentioned in this post and would like a shoutout in the future, please do not hesitate to contact via email to inform me of such product or service.

Cover reveal for STRANDED! Plus hints of what’s coming! (Contest)
Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

UPDATE! My winners are…Laura, Colleen, Buttons, Debra and Sheryl!

I just finished laying out my release schedule through June, and I’m super excited! I have tons of pages to write, but the stories are going to be so much fun! What do you have to look forward to? These are just a few in the works!

Big Sky Wedding (Montana Bounty Hunters #8) — coming this month!
Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team Part 6 — coming in March
Gilded Cage
(a dark ff vampire story) — coming in March
Adventure Girls box and print set! — coming in March
Stranded (A Boys Behaving Badly Anthology) — coming in April

My wonderful cover artist (aka Elle James) has been hard at work giving me some very inspiring covers for the new stories. I can’t wait to share them all, but for now, have a look at Stranded!

I’m still making my final run through the stories some wonderful authors have submitted for this collection! I’ll be putting together my final lineup this week before announcing who made the cut! I’ll also be including a short story of my own, something related to my Montana Bounty Hunters. Someone who will get the full-size treatment very, very soon in his own story!

Stranded will be a nice, hefty compilation, filled with juicy erotic romances from some authors you know and some you’ll be excited to meet! You can preorder your copy now! Best news? The anthology sells for only $0.99! So go ahead and reserve your copy now! Get your copy here!


For a chance to win a free download of one of these previously released anthologies, tell me what you’re excited to see in the lineup or what you wish was there!

Rogues Blue Collar Pirates