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Thursday, December 22nd, 2016
Like most writers, I get asked regularly where I get my ideas. If the questioner is referring to one of my more steamy stories, the question is often accompanied by either an embarrassed chuckle, or a bold wink.
I find it difficult to say where the plot comes from but I can say exactly where the idea for the location comes from. My own town has served as the model for the location, as has a nearby city, and the village where my mum was raised. I’ve also invented cities and entire countries.
For my most recent release (If Wishes Were Earls, available for pre-order) I knew I wanted my Victorian-set historical romance to take place in Cornwall. The idea of Cornwall has intrigued me from the time I first read Daphne du Maurier. And again whilst watching Poldark on TV – both the original and the more recent version. And in a more light-hearted vein, Doc Martin (BBC TV program).
Cornwall is a large county though, so I had to narrow it down. I turned to a favorite research source – maps. I needed a small village, but it had to be fairly near a larger town that would have rail service, a necessary feature in the plot that was developing in my notebook. I chose St. Erth as my village, the nearest train station is in Hayle, and my heroine and her BFF live in Camborne, just a few stops up the line.
Now, here’s the funny/spooky part. Eons ago I worked as a nanny for a family in London. On my most recent trip to that city last month I had dinner with the mum, dad and little boy, who is now in his early 30’s! (I did say it was eons ago.) We were talking about my writing and when I mentioned the village of St. Erth there was a gasp of amazement. They own a summer cottage a stone’s throw away, and have been to St. Erth and Hayle.
The universe is strange and wondrous.
Where is your favorite village, town or city? Either somewhere you’ve been, or somewhere you are dreaming of going. I really, really want to visit Scotland, the land of my forefathers. One lucky commenter will win a prize pack of autographed books and fun conference swag. (Sorry, this contest is open to residents of USA and Canada only.)
If Wishes Were Earls

A mysterious letter and an enchanted keepsake promise to lead Miranda to her heart’s desire. Or does her heart secretly yearn for more than a sexy earl?
When a mysterious note directs Miss Miranda Large to a tiny village in Cornwall to find her heart’s desire, she has no choice but to go. An enchanted keepsake heightens her curiosity. A snowstorm forces her to accept the hospitality of a sullen, albeit sexy and handsome, earl and Miranda’s wish doesn’t seem so out of reach.
Edward Penhallion, the 12th Earl of Claverlock, is not in the mood to start his search for a new wife. He wants to be left alone with his books and his dreams of revenge. But the arrival of a headstrong, sharp-tongued spinster forces him to play the charming host. Not a difficult task, given her intelligence and beauty. Suddenly, he’s not terribly eager for her to leave.
But as the snow falls and the winds blow, Edward discovers there’s more to Miranda than a lively wit and a lovely face. And Miranda wonders if the trappings of wealth are enough for true happiness.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N0QJSHA/
Draft2Digital: https://www.draft2digital.com/book/209375
About the Author
Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. As soon as she discovered her grandmother’s stash of romance novels, all plots had to lead to a happily-ever-after.
Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Luanna now lives in Maine with her dear husband, two college boys, and two cats. When she’s not torturing her heroes and heroines, she’s in her kitchen baking something delicious.
Writing under the pen name Grace Hood, she has two novellas published with The Wild Rose Press.
Website: https://www.luannastewart.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Luanna_Stewart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Luanna.Stewart.nau
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/luannastewart/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14104212.Luanna_Stewart
Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/luanna_stewart
Tagged: Guest Blogger, historical, regency romance Posted in Contests!, General | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Colleen C. - ButtonsMom2003 - Teri Linscott - Debbie Watson - Luanna Stewart -
Wednesday, December 21st, 2016
I definitely enjoy a good Christmas story. The cheery and poignant ones are very nice, but I have to admit I have a weakness for holiday horror. Growing up, my favorite moment in every version of A Christmas Carol was when the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears.
As an adult, I’ve made it a tradition to watch Christmas horror movies at this time of year. Today I’d like to share some of my favorite holiday horror with you and if you have some scary Christmas favorites, please let me know so I can add them to my watch list!
- And All Through the House (Tales from the Crypt Season 1): This was probably the first true Christmas Horror show I ever watched and it’s still among my favorites. A woman and her daughter are stalked by a maniacal Santa on Christmas Eve. It’s scary but like most Tales from the Crypt shows, it has moments of humor, too. It’s definitely at the top of my holiday horror list.
- Sint (Saint): In this movie, St. Nicholas isn’t jolly old Santa–he’s a supernatural murderer. Very creepy!
- Jack Frost: A human killer becomes a killer snowman in this slasher-type holiday horror movie.
- A Christmas Horror Story: I just saw this one recently and from now on it will be on my yearly list of holiday horror. Several different stories are linked in this creepy Christmas anthology. My favorite is the one about Santa fighting zombies!
Whether you like your holiday entertainment scary or sweet, I hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!
Yule Tied – Under the Mistletoe
by Saloni Quinby
M/M Erotic Werewolf Romance

Alone in Scotland on Christmas Eve, Vilek thinks his luck has turned when he finds a castle on the moors. Seeing candles and mistletoe in every window, he assumes it’s a friendly place, filled with holiday spirit. Unfortunately, the sole occupant, handsome but grumpy Leland Reid, is less than welcoming.
Leland’s ancestral home is the site of a rare portal that once a year can allow demons to pass from their world to ours. As a warrior witch, Leland’s duty is to keep the portal closed and defend the castle from beasts that wish to set their evil kin loose on our world.
The last thing Leland wants is to entertain a guest, yet he has little choice but to invite Vilek in. He doesn’t realize that Vilek is no stranger to magic and is fighting demons of his own. Only together can they hope to survive Christmas Eve and find a love neither expected.
From Changeling Press
About Saloni Quinby
The child of a painter and a psychic dreamer, Saloni Quinby feels spirituality and storytelling go hand-in-hand. She loves the scent of gardenia, the sound of wind chimes and the taste of honey. By listening to what isn’t said, she creates works based on unspoken desires. Saloni prefers blurred gender lines and many varieties of romance. In a world where passion must at times be restrained, she believes erotica is a pleasure to be shared. With her stories she would like to make her fantasies yours and hopes you enjoy the ride. She also writes under the name Kate Hill. Please visit her online at https://www.kate-hill.com, https://www.twitter.com/katehillromance, https://www.twitter.com/compbeastsblog and https://www.facebook.com/kate.hill.92505.
Tagged: Guest Blogger, werewolf Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
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Tuesday, December 20th, 2016
For those folks who received this book yesterday, I hope you enjoy it! I’ll admit I loved writing it. Merry and Daniel were made for each other. Both were lonely and daring, although Merry hadn’t quite reconciled with that part of her nature until she was challenged. Guess it took the right man…
For those of you who haven’t seen the story yet, you’re welcome to drool over the cover. Not sure what he’s looking at—her boobs, I think. But that’s okay, too, right? 🙂 Enjoy the excerpt!

Newly widowed Merry Winslow treks west to claim an unexpected inheritance. Upon arriving, she discovers she inherited a brothel! Rather than being dismayed, Merry’s intrigued, thinking it the perfect way to shed the shackles of propriety that have subdued her wild and impulsive nature. Only problem is, she needs to learn to manage her new business.
Nathan Boone is amused by Merry’s determination and knows the perfect way to begin her instruction. When he opens the peephole for Merry to peer inside as one of the brothel’s “soiled doves” pleasures a customer, he reveals the passion hidden beneath Merry’s “widow’s weeds”.
Get your copy here!
Excerpt from Making a Madam…
A callous-roughened finger lifted her chin. “Do you want me to stop, Merry? I don’t consider this part of our bargain.”
She opened her mouth to tell him it was all happening too fast, that she needed time to think, but her gaze locked with his.
Candlelight didn’t reach the shadowy hollows of his deep-set eyes, lending him a sinister appearance. Her heart skittered for a moment then her glance lowered to his mouth.
She’d barely had a taste of him, yet his lips were still blurred from their kiss, his bottom lip slightly swollen and oh-so tempting to explore.
The undisciplined part of her, the one she’d finally unleashed only this morning, made her rise on her toes and press her mouth to his to savor the taste and texture of him. Whiskey mixed with salt, firm but soft lips…
His mouth opened immediately, and his tongue thrust between her lips, sliding over her tongue, reaching deep to stroke and glide, filling Merry’s head with visions of Nathan gliding over the tops of her breasts and suckling her nipples, just as Johnny had done to Daisy.
Nathan’s hands slid up and down her back, his grip strengthening as he reached lower and cupped her bottom again, pressing her closer to the thick ridge crowding inside his pants.
Remembering the sight of Johnny’s cock and the way Daisy had pleased him, Merry’s doubts burned away, and she felt suddenly eager to see what she’d taken so deep inside her own body.
She tore her mouth from his. “I’d like to see you,” she said, in a thick voice she barely recognized as her own.
“Shall I undress for you?” he asked, gliding moist lips along her cheek.
“Please. Quickly.”
His hands dropped away from her, and he stepped back.
Golden light from the oil lamp on her desk, and the one candle beside her bed, flickered over him as he stripped. His jacket landed beside his feet. His suspenders slid from his broad shoulders. When his crisp white shirt lay crumpled beside him, she lifted her gaze to follow the curve of the tops of his powerful shoulders and the thick, ropey muscles of his chest and abdomen. A light dusting of dark hair stretched between his flat nipples and arrowed down toward his trousers.
She realized with a start he hadn’t worn anything beneath his shirt, no long-handled underwear, and she wondered if he’d bothered with any undergarments below.
Feeling breathless as his hands hovered over the button at the top of his pants, she flattened a hand against her chest, which only made her more aware of the shallow breaths lifting her chest and the heavy thud of her heartbeat. “Why did you stop?” she blurted out.
“Sorry,” he said, flicking open the button. “I was too busy watching you, and wondering if I needed to get you out of that corset.”
“I am a little winded, but please,” she said, waiving toward his lower body, “continue.”
Disappointingly, he started this time with his boots, toeing them off one at a time then drawing off his woolen socks. As his hands returned to the waist of his trousers, her breath caught and held.
He tugged down his trousers, wincing when they snagged. He reached inside and cupped his erection then worked his clothing the rest of the way down his hips. When he straightened, she understood the deep sigh he let out.
His cock strained upward, thick and straight against his belly. Much larger than Johnny’s—and even more impressive than the glass cock Daisy had stroked inside herself.
Merry stared for a long moment, noting the ruddy color of his shaft, the purplish shade of the rounded head. It pulsed once, up and down, a little telltale jerk that she knew he couldn’t control since he stood so stiffly, waiting for her comment.
“Please stay just like that,” she whispered, reaching for the buttons behind her neck, opening her dress slowly and awkwardly until the front fell forward, exposing the top of her corset and the gentle swell of her bosom. A few more tiny buttons, and she slid down the skirt to pool around her feet. Her petticoats followed, and then she bent to unbutton her boots and slid them off, only realizing as she straightened, that she’d given him a view of her breasts plumping above the restrictive corset.
She flushed, wishing she wasn’t so absurdly shy. He stood with his cock bared, and she still had clothing covering most of her womanly parts.
“Let me unlace you,” he said, his voice sounding tight and husky.
She walked toward him and slowly turned her back. His nimble fingers plucked the laces until the hard boning relaxed, and the corset fell away. At last, she could draw a deep breath. Then wearing only her chemise and drawers, she faced him.
His glance swept her body then met hers. Tension tightened his large, muscled frame. His hands settled on his hips as he waited.
She supposed it was only fair. Merry pushed down the shoulders of her chemise, one at a time, lifting her arms out, but keeping her breasts covered with the fabric. She wished she’d thought to douse the lights before she bared the rest for his gleaming gaze. “Maybe you could turn around…”
A tic pulsed along the side of his jaw, but his features softened, and he stepped out of his trousers and turned.
This view of his body did nothing to ease her embarrassment. His shoulders only seemed wider, narrowing to a trim waist. His buttocks were rounded, firm, and she had the strangest urge to cup them.
“Are you going to change your mind, Merry?” he said, still facing away.
“I’ll admit I’m a little disconcerted, undressing for you like this. I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.”
“Because your breasts aren’t as large as Daisy’s?”
“Neither are my hips.”
“I’ll like everything I see, I promise. I’m partial to slender women.”
“Have you done this with many women?”
“Enough I’ve learned how to please a woman. Will you let me show you what I’ve learned?”
Tagged: historical, Western Posted in About books..., News | Someone Said | Link
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Monday, December 19th, 2016
It’s the time of year that you hear classic and new renditions of Christmas music from bells jingling, chestnuts roasting, to dreaming of snow on Christmas Day. Sounds good, right? But from a young age, one particular song always makes me cry. The lyrics aren’t sad per se but the music tugs at my heart.
I avoid this song like a diet in December. When I hear it on the radio, I change the station. I recently heard the familiar chords while grocery shopping. I froze for a moment, a tad unsure whether or not it was the song, but it was. What to do? I couldn’t run unless I wanted to leave my full cart in the middle of the store (that would’ve really endeared me to store clerks). So, I called my sister who can always be counted on to talk about herself and her day. She saved me, and she had no idea.
Lest you think I jest (cute, huh?) about the effect of this song, I have literally experienced laughter and the next moment dissolved into tears all because of this damn song. Can you imagine becoming the center of attention (and not in a good way) when you interrupt A Charlie Brown Christmas with sniffles, ugly crying, and nose blowing? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am affected by “Christmas Time Is Here” but not just any rendition. It has to be the Vince Guaraldi Trio version.
I used this unusual, albeit slightly dysfunctional, tidbit of my own life as the kernel for my upcoming novella Home, Hearth & Heaven.
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, being with family is stressed this time of year. I believe the goal during the holiday season is to keep a smile on your face and gratefulness in your heart. But what if you aren’t blessed to have family to spend time with? (And no, disowning your Uncle Willie because he spiked the tea or made “special” brownies doesn’t count).
If your family isn’t around to provide comedic relief, then you have to be a tad creative to get those gorgeous lips of yours to curve upwards. Here’s my suggestion (if this doesn’t work, you can totally blame me)—crank up your favorite Caribbean or Latin music and shake, shimmy and twirl your way into the next day. If dancing isn’t your thing, enjoy a few belly-aching rounds of laughter with your favorite comedian.
I wish you all a Blessed and Safe Holiday Season! But before you return to shopping, boxing, wrapping, or even cranking up the Vince Guaraldi Trio, please share your favorite Christmas song. I promise I won’t cry.
Home, Hearth & Heaven

Alexa Jordan is no fan of the holiday season—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa—doesn’t matter. She has no use for the celebrations because they stress family and that’s the one thing she doesn’t have. When her brilliant plan to travel on Christmas Day backfires due to a snowstorm in Atlanta, Alexa is in no mood for any more mess. The absolute last person she wants to see is the one man who makes her feel out of control.
When Lucas Massino spies his pretty coworker acting like the last kid selected for a team, he jumps at the opportunity fate provides and offers her a place to stay. He’s had a man-size crush on Alexa since they first met, but no matter how he turns on the charm she keeps him at arms’ length.
Alexa is no fool and spending time with someone she knows is preferable to being in a hotel with strangers. But alone, the two cannot fight their mutual attraction. Alexa chalks their behavior up to one of convenience, but Lucas knows better. He just has to make Alexa realize she’s his heaven and he’s her home.
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Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Tamara Hunter -
Sunday, December 18th, 2016
I never thought I’d be a writer. As a child, I had an active imagination and did make up stories. I had friends for whom writing was a cherished pastime, but it wasn’t something I was interested in.
I was a reader, and books were one of my favorite gifts. I was also crazy about horses. Since I was born and raised in the middle of town to parents who had no use for equines, getting a horse of my own was a fantasy.
I hounded them year after year, for birthdays and Christmas and cleaned stalls at a nearby stable to pay for riding. Every time they’d ask what I wanted, I’d answer, “A horse.” They were all-mighty sick of hearing about my dream, but being my parents, they loved me anyway. They bought Breyer toy horses, cowgirl outfits and all the western books they could find in an effort to appease me.
When I was fifteen, I wore them down. My dad came home with an appaloosa—quarter horse cross that I named Gypsy. He was a two year old, unbroken colt. The fact that I didn’t have a clue how to train him didn’t make any difference.
I had a horse and life was great.
Over the next thirty years, I learned from two of the best barrel horse trainers in the country, Larry and Kay Davis. I was fortunate enough to have some great horses that made me look good. I married a cowboy. Didn’t get much better than that for this girl.
Through everything, I was a reader. A romance reader, and I devour books like chocolate chip cookies. Well, I did until I started writing them. One day about seven years ago, I read a Western Romance where the main character was a barrel racer. As the heroine was preparing to go to the National Finals Rodeo, she fell in love with the hero, a man who knew nothing about rodeo.
The author also knew nothing about rodeo and hadn’t bothered to do her research. The romance part of her book was well written, and I’m sure to someone who hadn’t rodeoed it was fine, but to me, it wasn’t authentic. What I couldn’t get past was the way she portrayed the horse training, barrel racing and rodeo scenes. They couldn’t have been more unrealistic if she’d tried, and really, all she needed to do was ask. Most barrel racers love to talk about their sport and their horses.
Well, really, how hard can it be to write a book? I decided to write one the way it should be done. That first book was read by my mother and only my mother—she loved it by the way. With that book, I discovered how hard it is to write well.
There’s an old cowboy saying. “Training a horse is like looking at a solid wooden fence. Good trainers find a knothole, look through and discover all they’ve got left to learn. Most people don’t even find the knothole.”
The saying applies to writing, too. Many years later, after countless classes, with seven books written and four published, I think maybe I’ve found the knothole. Now to learn more about what’s on the other side of that writing fence.
In most of my books, either rodeo cowboys or ranchers play a featured role. They’re filled with small towns and quirky characters. Radio Rose is still my favorite. The hero, Adam Cameron, is a Bareback Bronc rider and the heroine, Rose Wajnowski, is an all-night DJ at a small radio station. They work together to save their town and themselves.
Have you ever been to a rodeo or watched one on TV? For a chance to win your choice of any of my books, tell me your favorite rodeo event.

Radio Rose knows Martians aren’t real.
As a DJ for a late night talk show about aliens, she’d never admit to being a non-believer. Talking to crazies all night isn’t the perfect job for most people, but she’s happy with her solitary life. Until a middle of the night car crash and a blow to the head has her mistaking a stranger for a real life extra-terrestrial.
Adam Cameron, raised by his narcissistic grandfather for most of his childhood, made his escape from Tullyville, Colorado the day he turned eighteen. Forced to return ten years later for the reading of his grandfather’s will, he’s about to be pulled into a contest for a vast fortune and the future of a town he’d just as soon forget.
The small town of Tullyville is right next to Trinidad, Colorado, known as the sex change capital of the world, something neither Rose or Adam realized, but use to help their cause.
Relationships aren’t one of Rose’s strong points. Hell, she mistook the hot stranger for an alien the first time they met, but Adam needs help and she’s the woman to help him–maybe. In a town filled with new- found friends, Rose has to decide how far she’s willing to go to trust the loner.
I’m working on the sequel, but for now, Radio Rose is on sale for only 99 cents right now.
Amazon https://amzn.to/2h54VwP
Barnes & Noble https://bit.ly/2gFQsGD
Kobo https://bit.ly/2hyw3bi
IBooks https://apple.co/2h592cu
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ButtonsMom2003 - Debbie Watson -
Saturday, December 17th, 2016
‘Tis the season, and all that… 🙂

I’ll be giving away a story to my newsletter subscribers as a Christmas gift, very very soon. Pretty cover, isn’t it? If you’d like a free copy and ARE NOT already one of my newsletter subscribers, head to this URL to sign up: Newsletter Sign-Up
It’s a 12,000-word novelette. Very spicy. If you want your friends to get this gift too, share the link! The story will go up on Amazon very soon as well. So, if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can pick up your free copy there, too. Soon.
New topic. Are you finished with your holiday shopping? I think I am. My dd ran to the store to get me a bunch of gift bags because I know I’m not going to have the time to wrap everything. Wouldn’t it be crazy to have all the shopping done early and not get the gifts looking pretty in time?! That would be me. Of course, I wouldn’t have everything already bought if not for the miracle of the internet and my dd. In the past, I was that harried shopper hitting the mall on Christmas Eve with my entire list. Yeah, that was me, red-faced, sweating, arguing over the last Cabbage Patch doll left on the shelf with another last-minute shopper! But no more. I think it, I surf for it, I buy it. Magic!
Tagged: Free Read, historical Posted in About books..., Contests! | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Armenia Fox - ButtonsMom2003 - Lisa J - Cynthia -
Friday, December 16th, 2016
I have a secret. I have a BIG secret I’ve been keeping forever! And I finally get to spill it!
OMG I’m so excited! *bouncy* Okay, drum roll please……………………….
I have a new series.
A new kink series.
A series I’ve had plans to write for YEARS!
And I finally found time to write it, and I found the perfect publisher to send it out into the world to be devoured!
The publisher is Totally Bound Publishing, and they’re publishing the Hot Wife Series by me! The first book is Our Rules and the cover made me swoon. It’s dark and decadent and flirty, and I love it sooo much!

The series is all about the Hot Wife subset of kink. A wife gets to do all sorts of dirty and yummy things with other guys with the complete support of her husband. The RULES are different for each couple, and the needs and reasons behind why they need this are unique to each of them. Some come from having nothing. Some come from losing everything.
Our Rules is about Tabitha and her husband Michael and them finding their way back to each other and rediscovering what it means to be his hot wife.
I won’t lie. This is one of the most gut-wrenching books I’ve ever written. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more proud of a story or two characters. It comes out in March!
There are currently 3 more books planned in the series, and you meet almost everybody in the first book.
In honor of the above awesomeness, I’m going to have a HUGE giveaway! Two full book sets and lots and lots of other swag and kinky goodies!

Look at all the awesomeness you could win!! So tell me some of your favorite kink series that you absolutely love? I haven’t had a chance to read in forever and am looking for something to jump back in on! I’ll pick a winner on Monday the 19th!! Good Luck!!
Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

About the Author

Jennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – Newsletter – The Decadent Divas– Amazon Page
Facebook – Facebook Author Page – Twitter – Goodreads – Pinterest
Tagged: Guest Blogger, kink Posted in Contests!, General | 17 People Said | Link
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