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Leslie Jones: Cyber Warfare
Sunday, September 18th, 2016

ljnight-hush-mailThis month we marked the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. As I pondered this senseless act of terror and violence, I was reminded of the radically changed face of world war. In a post 9/11 world, we’ve seen the creation of a whole new scope of battle — cyberspace. On this modern battlefield, a lone attacker sitting thousands of miles away can create havoc and cause terror with just a few keystrokes. It’s frightening to know our banks, nuclear power plants, missile silos, military aircraft, and the Pentagon have all been targeted by enemy nation-states. Critical infrastructure, air traffic control systems, classified secrets, and defense initiatives are all potential targets. The Office of Personnel Management hack of 2015 stole more than 20 million records of current and former federal employees. As a former Army soldier working in the intelligence arena, I was a victim of that breach. It’s terrifying to think that every detail about my life, my service, my security clearances, and my fingerprints are now in the hands of terrorists.

ljbait-signatureBut American war-fighting evolved to meet this new threat, and a dedicated new breed of warrior has emerged.

The more I dug into the world of cyber-espionage and cyberterrorism, the more fascinated I became with the idea that more battles are fought every day on a keyboard than in the trenches. The fourth book in my Duty & Honor series, Framed, teams a hacker-turned-FBI cybersecurity expert with a team of Delta Force special operators; my heroine, Lark, is assigned to deconstruct a piece of malware infecting an FBI server, which leads her to a horrific plot to detonate a small nuclear bomb on US soil. What she discovers is a harrowing, realistic scenario of what our enemies are now capable of doing.

Virtual enemies stalk us daily. Cyberwarfare has the potential to temporarily cripple a nation-state. The good news is, we’re just as good at preventing these hacks as we are perpetrating them against our enemies. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top in this new battlefield. My money’s on us.

ljdeep-cover-signatureWhat do you perceive to be the biggest threat the US faces in cyberspace? Do you think we can win this virtual War on Terror? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


RITA® nominated and award-winning author Leslie Jones has been an IT geek, a graphics designer, and an Army intelligence officer. She’s lived in Alaska, Korea, Belgium, Germany, and other exotic locations (including New Jersey). She is a wife, mother, and full-time writer, and currently lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her books can be found at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and HarperCollins Publishers.

Framed (Duty & Honor Book 4) will be available on February 28, 2017 from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and HarperCollins Publishers. Catch up on the series with Night Hush, Bait, and Deep Cover.

Connect with Leslie!

POLL! Want more Stepbrothers Stepping Out Stories? (Contest)
Saturday, September 17th, 2016

fairCaptureI’m a bit bleary-eyed this morning. Last night I accompanied my daughter’s family plus a dear friend to the county fair. My daughter has three daughters. Already they would have been exhausting. But she invited her stepson and his little half-brother to come, too. Kelly has one of those “blended” families. She’s determined to make all those relationships work. I think it’s a beautiful thing. Anyway, keeping up with kids running from ride to ride, and keeping the one child in a wheel chair happy while everyone else rode took effort. Plus the temperatures were in the low 90’s.

I kept hoping for rain.

Today, will be much quieter (if I don’t spend much time at my dd’s—those two extra kids are spending the weekend with her girls 🙂 ). I want to update my writing plans. And hopefully, get started on a story that’s due to release next month. I hope you have a restful Saturday!

Because I love polls and need to schedule what’s next in my Stepbrothers Stepping Out series, please answer me this:

Which Stepbrothers Stepping Out title interests you most? Choose up to four!

View Results

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And in case you haven’t already sampled my previous SSO stories…click on the covers! Can you believe there are so many?

CONTEST QUESTION: For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, do you think it’s time I bundled some of these up and either a) offered them as a larger eBook? or b) offered them in a printed version?

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Partner SOWithTheBoss600 With His Professor

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Friends Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Team SOWithHisDoctor_600

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Pack Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team sowithhisrockband_600


Jennifer Kacey: Nico’s Curse (Giveaway)
Friday, September 16th, 2016

Once upon a time a naïve author *raises hand* wrote a book. And then she wrote another book *wipes brow* and then she found kink. Holy shitballs batman!! KINK IS AMAZING!!!

Then this slightly less naïve author *fist pump* had a book accepted. YEA!! And then she wrote LOTS MORE KINK Books including Nico’s Curse!

But then the publisher who was supposed to be like Glenda the good witch (yes most of you know who I’m talking about) stopped paying me for my books. BOOO!!! *covers eyes* Turns out I was dealing with the green witch with the stripey socks who stole the ruby red slippers.

WANNA KNOW THE HAPPY EVER AFTER!?!??! *peeks through fingers*

I have ALL my rights back now. ALL OF THEM!!!

Including the rights for Nico’s Curse which I just re-released AND made a print book of too! *double fist pump*


Being proud of what I wrote and being able to pimp it again is so awesome!!

What better way to celebrate then to have a giveaway!!!! Here’s what’s up for grabs!!! Print books and buttons and a cute bag and lots more goodies from some of my favorite peeps!!


Super easy to enter. Just comment below what your favorite curse word is! Mine currently is fucktard. It just makes me smile every time I say it!! So leave me some deliciously dirty words below so I can add them into my repertoire!

And I hope you’ll take a peek at Nico’s Curse if you like things kinky with a bit of a paranormal twist!! Good luck and don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment so I can notify the winner!!

Trapped in a lonely prison is where he’ll stay until he finds love in more than just a dream.

Domenico was cursed six long years ago by a witch determined to teach him a lesson. A lesson in life, loss, and understanding that to love is to put someone first…always.

His only escape from his beautiful prison is a dating site called Crossroads. He can choose only one woman a year to contact. One woman to convince, in nothing more than a week, that he’s worthy of her love. But there’s a catch. She must fall asleep during a video chat so he can crawl through his laptop into her world. Then all bets are off.

His curse becomes his salvation when his beautiful submissive Rose is nothing but a dream away.

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Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey




jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Website Newsletter The Decadent DivasAmazon Page Facebook Facebook Author PageTwitter Goodreads Pinterest


Lizzie Ashworth: A Truly Loving Thing
Thursday, September 15th, 2016

Dear Delilah Fans, this time around I’m sharing something personal. Usually I try to give you something fun to read, something sexy or at least a bit of a tease. This time is different.

I’m excerpting part of my September newsletter here. This past weekend, I attended my high school class reunion. You know, that moment when you stare into the eyes of your very first ever true love?

We’ve all been there, those weeks, even months leading up to the event when you panic about that extra weight and the sag under your chin. What will you wear? What about the hair cut, the shoes, the status of your fingernails?

Of course everyone else who attends suffers similar anxieties. No one is magically becoming younger. But that certain knowledge does little to settle the butterflies wreaking havoc in my stomach as the day of the event arrives.

We’ve stayed in touch over the years. I’ll call him Alan. Soon after college, he moved to New York to engage fully in his chosen profession. I stayed in the mid-South. I’ve married and divorced while he’s stayed single. In most romance novels, this class reunion would be a chance for the old embers of our love affair to re-ignite.

But friends, I’m going to tell you a secret. And it’s complicated, so I’ll back up a bit. Throughout those agonizing years from 9th to 12th grade, all those nights we held hands, went to movies, parked and steamed up the car windows, we never went “all the way.” In those days, that kind of restraint wasn’t uncommon. It was our first year of college together before opportunity and enough alcohol finally led to making love.

I was one of those skinny flat-chested girls who could make straight A’s but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to flirt. The game of seduction completely eluded me. I wanted to talk about metaphors and the history of the human race.

But I also desperately wanted to be sexy, to be desired. I longed for the day when a man would approach me with so much passion that he’d slam me against the wall and force his attentions. That never happened with Alan.

We kissed after dating six months. He touched me about six months later. We got into heavy petting a year after that.

I considered myself a failure as a woman. Not only did I lack any semblance of womanly curves, I also possessed zero understanding about how babies were made until I was sixteen years old! Thanks to very protective religious parents, my knowledge of all things sexual suffered abysmal gaps. So that was definitely a factor in the slow progress of our relationship.

In that drunken 4 a.m. loss of my virginity, I experienced incredible pleasure. The event truly shook my world. I panicked afterwards thinking I’d get pregnant. That was a real threat in the days before the morning after pill, the days when abortion was still illegal.

OK—I’m giving away my age.

Alan moved to another state and we didn’t see each other for decades. Somehow over that time, word leaked back through mutual friends that he’d become a big success in New York. Another bit of information also made its way to my ears. Alan was gay.

It’s hard now to imagine a time when being gay simply did not cross someone’s mind. It wasn’t an option, didn’t exist. But all those years of adolescence while he struggled with how he felt about me, his inner voices were telling him something he could not understand.

It took some therapy and a lot of struggle for him to come to terms with his reality. That all happened off screen for me. I was busy having babies and dealing with a difficult marriage. Finally we met up for coffee on one of his visits back to the area and he told me what he’d learned about himself.

I understand now that what I considered my failure as a woman was at least in part Alan’s inability to respond fully to me as a man. That really doesn’t make it any less painful. Those early experiences framed my self-identity. I feel inexpressibly sad for both of us.

When I saw him at the class reunion, he looked at me with such an expression that I’ll never forget it. We ended up spending a lot of time together driving around that old town looking up places we’d known before. We sat and talked about his life, my life, the misunderstandings, the what-ifs.

From that reunion grew the certain knowledge that what we’d experienced as teenagers would always be part of our lives. We’ll always care about each other. The thread that connects us goes beyond sex.

And that, my friends, is a truly loving thing.


Yes, this is the truly amazing Joe Manganiello. But wait—he’s here for a reason. Without actually using a real photo of my first love Alan, I can share with you an image of Joe. The two men look a lot alike, the same dark intensity, perfect body, and over the top magnetism.


Subscribe to my free monthly newsletter for the rest of this month’s content where I briefly delve into polyamory, gender identity, and the new discussion about the reality of more than two sexes! Most of my newsletters aren’t this serious but instead contain excerpts of new novels, sexy short stories, and other fun reads. Sign up is easy and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Visit for the quick and easy sign up form. Thanks!

About the Author

lalizzieD+editedLizzie Ashworth lives in the wilds of the Ozark Mountains with her cats, hound dogs, and whichever child has taken up temporary residence between grad school and relocation. She’s been writing her entire life and can’t express how wonderful it is to share stories with readers like you.

Follow Liz for free erotic short works, hot photos, and the occasional rant on her blog at

Like Liz’s Facebook author page for updates on other nice and naughty works

Enjoy some amazing eye candy? Check out Liz’s Pinterest page

Elle James aka Myla Jackson: Scotland! (Free Book – Contest)
Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

Got back on Sunday at midnight from a two-week trip to Scotland! We have a small group of 3 couples who like to travel together. This year, we chose to go to Scotland. We’ve been to Italy, Germany and Ireland together and had so much fun exploring these places, and it was no different. We had an equally fun time exploring Scotland. We visited the highlands, the Isles of Skye, Mull, Staffa and Iona. We stopped at the following castles: Linlithgow, Eilean Donan, Glamis, Sterling, Hollyrood, Edinburgh and more. We went to the Scottish end of the Giant’s Causeway and Fingal’s Cave. We hiked up to the Fairy Pools on Isle of Skye and got rained on. Google them. Impressive! We laughed a lot, ate too much and loved listening to the true Scots with their brogue. Now we’re home and trying to recover from jet lag!


Glamis Castle


Fingal’s Cave


Eilean Donan Castle


Fairy Pools

This week ENSLAVED BY THE VIKING released on its own. This short story is set on the Irish coast in the time of the Vikings. It’s short, but fun. Give it a try!


A Viking seeks to win the loyalty of a Celtic beauty, risking his life and heart

Enslaved by the Viking is a short story by Elle James available on Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited

Amazon | Amazon UK

Konrad hopes to have fought his final battle and is ready to settle down and make this Celtic land his home. Only one person stands in the way of realizing his dream, the clan leader, the comely wench with raven hair and a firm hand.

Brigid of clan O’Ceallachain will be slave to no man. With subversive means to protect herself and her clan, she sets out to rid her people of this latest invasion of Norsemen. Her plans take a twist when the beast of a Norse leader demands she marry him and warm his bed.

**FREE** Get your copy of MONTANA SEAL for free on Amazon. Hurry!


This offer is only good until September 16th!

Former SEAL and shining Hollywood starlet struggle against their burgeoning desire while trying to stay alive in the crosshairs of a murderous stalker

Amazon  | Amazon UK



I’m giving away a great prize on my Newsletter October 1st, but you have to be a subscriber to be eligible to win. Join now!


Elle James’s Newsletter


Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Rock Band is live!
Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

UPDATE: It’s live! Get your copy here: With His Rock Band


When a social media star decides to surprise her rocker stepbrother while he’s on tour, she’s the one shocked…then seduced…by two sexy rock gods…

Look for it today! I hope… WITH HIS ROCK BAND
Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

UPDATE: It’s live! Get your copy here: With His Rock Band

* * * * *

Sometime today or tonight, this story will be live! I’m giving you a taste. Yes, it’s a “wrong bed” set-up and gets spicy quickly! I love writing the “Steps”. I hope you love reading them, too! Once it’s live, I’ll post the link here and on Facebook/Twitter. So keep checking back!

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Rock Band


When a social media star decides to surprise her rocker stepbrother while he’s on tour, she’s the one shocked…then seduced…by two sexy rock gods…

If you can’t stand the wait, check out the rest of my Steps stories. Just click on the covers…

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Partner SOWithTheBoss600 With His Professor

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Friends Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Team Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Doctor

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Pack Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team

From Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Rock Band

The Peabody in Memphis wasn’t Derek’s usual brand of comfort for a concert stop. Not ultra modern. Not accustomed to dealing with rockers and their entourage and fans. And I doubted the hotel management would be as forgiving of the noise that invariably accompanied a late night jam. Because of his recent Instagram posts, most fans probably thought he was staying on his band’s tour bus, but I knew better. This close to home, he couldn’t resist a trip to watch the ducks parade through the lobby. When he was a kid, his dad father treated him to a trip to the Peabody to see the odd parade. Something he still laughed about.

As I strode through the lobby, past the fountain where the ducks splashed away, I wished I’d worn a hoodie. Heads turned. Cell phones came out. I lifted my chin and pasted on my famous, vacuous smile. It didn’t take a second before the first nervous fangirl ran gushing to my side.

“Oh, Ms. Cornish! I follow your Candygrams! Do you mind?” the flustered teenager said as she thrust her cell phone toward me.

Because she’d be sharing the shot with me, I reached into my bag, produced a new tube of my signature lipstick, and waited while she slid the color across her bare lips. I took her cell phone and held it away. “Pout for the camera,” I said, and then puckered my own lips to take the shot.

After I’d taken the picture, I said, “Keep the lipstick and be sure to tag me.”

She squealed, gave me a hug, and ran back to her family standing near the reception desk.

With a quick glance around to make sure no more fans would approach, I headed straight for the concierge’s desk. The young man gave me a wink and handed me an envelope.

I slipped him a hundred and headed straight to an elevator. Once inside, I pulled out a mirror and checked my hair. I’d left it loose and wavy, just as Derek liked it. My makeup was perfect—smoky eyes, red lips. Any fatigue I felt was well-camouflaged by concealer.

Sliding the key card out of the envelope, I waited until the doors opened, checked to make sure the hall was clear, and then strode toward Derek’s room. His manager had made the arrangements. A surprise visit. With the launch of my new cosmetics line and the whirl of fashion week in New York, Derek wouldn’t have a clue I was coming. At his door, I took a deep breath. I hoped he’d be happy to see me. That our last spat wasn’t still fresh on his mind. And if by chance he’d moved on, like he’d threatened, I hoped I wasn’t interrupting something that would crush me.

Yes, it was late afternoon, but Derek liked to rest before a gig. And not always alone. When we’d been hot and heavy—before my profile had exploded on Instagram and business opportunities had flown at me at a dizzying rate—I’d been the girl in his bed. The one he’d needed to tame his nerves before a concert.

I let myself into the darkened room and moved through the suite’s living area, toward the cracked bedroom door. I stood in the space, listening, hoping I wasn’t too late.

A soft snore greeted my ears. Just one. And even though the curtains were pulled and the lighting was dim, I made out one figure beneath the covers.

Relieved, I crept inside the room on tiptoe and began to strip. As I shed my clothes, I shed “Candy Cornish”—the latest celebutante blowing up on social media. A funny idea, really, since I hadn’t been born into privilege. Until I’d launched my own line, my fashion and makeup blogs had mostly been filled with department stores finds—things any girl with an eye for fashion and a bit of courage could have managed to do. However, I had one advantage—my association with Derek and his band. Our photo bombs had brought me into the public eye. With only a high school education and a resume filled with cashiering at fast food restaurants and stints in telemarketing, I shouldn’t have succeeded.

But here I was. With my own makeup line in direct competition with Kat Von D’s and my own clothing line set to launch in just a few weeks—with an online catalog company, because, after all, I was an internet phenom.

Nude, I approached the bed, lifted the covers, and slid in behind the long, lean form stretched on the right side of the bed. Smiling, I smoothed my hands over his sides, scratched my nails lightly across his belly, and reached for his cock.

I knew the moment he awakened. His breath caught.

And because I wanted him to know it was me, not some crazy fan sneaking into his bed, I kissed his shoulder and whispered in his ear. “Surprise, baby. Happy to see me?” His cock jerked inside my grasp, and I gave him a squeeze.

“Um, Candy?” His voice was sleep-roughened. Deeper than usual. Sexy as hell.

He rolled to his back, and I came over him, spreading my thighs to straddle his hips. When I leaned downward, a scent I didn’t recognize greeted me. Derek wore Gio.

And something else registered. The penis in my hand was slightly thicker, shorter than I remembered.

Before I could react, the door to the bedroom opened. Lights blazed above.

I heard a soft, “What the fuck?” as I stared down into Jimmy Jones’s amused blue gaze. My jaw dropped. I eased my hand from his dick then quickly scrambled backward, baring both our bodies as the sheets slid downward. I dragged them up again, but realized my crotch was still pressing against Jimmy’s thighs. But what could I do? I crossed an arm over my breasts and turned to meet Derek’s dark glare. “I can explain.”

He shook his head and held up two cups of coffee in his hands. “I only stepped out for fifteen minutes to grab a couple cups. Imagine my surprise when some chick in the lobby squealed about meeting Candy Cornish.”

His words were terse. He was really angry. Color rode high on his cheekbones.

Nothing made sense. Jimmy was in his bed. The pillow on the left had a deep indentation. I sucked in a breath as my stomach dove toward my toes. “Nooooo.”

Derek’s eyes narrowed further.

I pointed to Jimmy whose mouth was curved in a one-sided smile. “You…and Jimmy?”

Derek shrugged. “You know I need to let off steam before a gig.”


Jimmy’s hands gripped my hips, and he slid my body from his thighs, upward, until his cock slid between my folds. I tensed my thighs, trying to put space between my sex and his, but he was stronger. “Stop that!” I said, swatting at his hands.

Jimmy laughed. “You should see your face.”

Anger flared. “You being here, I can understand. You’d fuck anything with a hole. But Derek?”

“Baby, I’ve got skills,” Jimmy said, waggling his eyebrows.

“Enough, Jimmy,” Derek said, his tone sharp. “Let her up. She needs to get dressed and go.”

Derek’s voice cut through my anger. “But—”


He never used my full name. He sounded like his dad when he did. I shivered. “But we need to talk.”

One dark brow arched. He waved a hand toward Jimmy and I. “This is how you conduct a conversation?”

I gave him a weak smile even while I clenched my pussy trying to keep more moisture from sliding over Jimmy’s shaft. As awkward as this was, I couldn’t let him eject me from his suite. “We’re talking now.”

Derek’s jaw hardened. His cheekbones became more pronounced as he tensed. “Okay, we’ll talk.” When I started to push against Jimmy’s hands again because he still hadn’t released my hips, Derek shook his head. “Stay there. Just like that,” he said, his voice as smooth as velvet. “And we’ll talk.”

My mouth went dry. The hard ridge between my legs pulsed, and I couldn’t help it—warm fluid oozed from inside me.

Jimmy’s fingers bit into hips, but I ignored him. Derek said he was willing to talk. And he was sure I’d fight him about doing things this way. If I did, he’d march my ass to the door. So I took a deep breath, raised my chin, and settled against Jimmy Jones’s dick. I could ignore the heat building in my core. So a blush was rising from my chest, creeping up my cheeks to my face. I could do this. I drew in a shivering breath. “You haven’t answered any of my calls,” I said, my voice tight and little too breathless.

Derek sniffed and strode toward the bed. He placed his cups on the night table and settled into the arm chair beside the bed. He looked relaxed, like seeing his sister naked and straddling his best friend was an everyday occurrence, and not one that caused him a bit of pain.

His nonchalance hurt. And it goaded the devil inside me. The one who craved attention. Since I had his attention, I undulated my hips, rubbing my pussy forward and back against Jimmy’s cock.

Jimmy’s gaze narrowed on me, but his fingers eased, giving me leave to continue my shallow movements.

I shook back my hair. “I missed you,” I said, giving Jimmy a deeper glide, letting my slick heat coat his shaft.

Derek’s dark eyes glinted. “You chose to leave.”

“I had an opportunity. Once in a lifetime. I couldn’t live on your bus and make meetings in New York.”

“You don’t need money. You could have said no.”

“You’re living your dream. Why couldn’t I pursue mine?”

Jimmy’s hand moved, sliding from my hip to my mound. I halted him, grabbing his fingers, but not taking my gaze from Derek’s face because his gaze had dropped downward.

His anger gave way to arousal—I knew, because his mouth softened and his nostrils flared. Since he’d left his shirt half buttoned, I could see the quickening of his breaths. He was into watching what was happening. Watching me with Jimmy. Slowly, I released Jimmy’s fingers.

He quickly tucked a finger into the top of my folds and toggled my clit.

My breath hitched, but I shook back my long hair. “So you two are fucking. What do Tiny and Griff think about that?” I asked, mentioning the band’s drummer and the bass player.

Derek leaned back in his chair and adjusted his cock, which was thickening inside his jeans. “They’re relieved I found an outlet without breaking our no groupies rule. Their wives wouldn’t have appreciated that.”

I eased upward an inch, and Jimmy slid two fingers inside me. His thumb rubbed my clit now. My nipples were tingling, studding. I cupped a breast to ease the tightness.

All these actions, Derek followed with his hungry gaze.

I rose and fell, fucking the fingers swirling inside me. “I’m sorry I left like that,” I said, referring to the night I’d flounced away from the bus, a Vera Bradley duffle stuffed with clothes slung over my shoulder, without so much as backward glance. I’d taken a taxi to the airport and flown three hours to La Guardia before my anger at his stubbornness had faded, and I realized I’d made a mistake. Not the acceptance of the offer, but over the fact I’d left him mid-tour when he’d needed me most.

Derek cupped his hand around his erection. His mouth twisted in a snarl. “Are we going to do this?”

Already aroused by the fingers stroking my pussy, I was relieved Derek wanted to fuck—because sex was the way I’d always gotten to him. Whatever our issues, when we went at it hard, everything else faded away.

I let my eyelids fall halfway, sucked my lower lip into mouth, and moaned. Jimmy’s clever hand had me halfway there. The darkness reflected in Derek’s eyes would send me into orbit. “Please.”