Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sweet Succubus, the next NIGHT FALL story is out!
Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

Dear Readers and Friends,

Once in a while I write something that truly shocks me. My fingers fly, my mind lets go, and there it is—a crazy, sexy scene I know should never go in a book—but I have to share it anyway. Sweet Succubus took only a week to write, because Moses Brown was there in my head, goading me on. I had no clue where we were going, but when I finished, I took a deep breath and hit send to my, then, editor. Since she didn’t freak out, I sat back and waited. Wonder of wonders, readers loved Moses’s story! I hope you do, too!

As for yesterday’s eff-up—that’s all resolved. If you purchase your copy today, you’ll get the FULL version of the story. If you pre-ordered, here’s what Amazon says you have to do to fix it:

“When you’re ready, select ‘Sync & Check for Items’ from the Home screen menu. The updated version of your book will then replace the earlier version.” I hope that fixes it for you. If not, email me with a copy of your receipt, and I’ll send you the correct version! Again, I’m sorry for my stupid error.

And if you have time, please post a review. A couple of folks who read the short version felt jipped and said so in their reviews. I’m hoping they learn soon that the full version is available, but in the meantime…those reviews are living out there. ((sigh))

Sweet Succubus

SweetSuccubus 600

Melanie Bradshaw is driven to desperation by her torrid dreams. When she finally acts on her desires, things go horribly wrong and she witnesses the murder of an overly amorous lounge lizard—whose body disintegrates before her eyes.

Detective Moses Brown isn’t thrilled to get another “full-moon case”…until he meets the delectable Melanie, who took a walk on the wild side straight into vampire territory. Moses doesn’t know why vamps are interested in her, but until he can find out, he’s going to stick to her like glue, doing his best to ignore their instant attraction.

But pretty little Melanie has designs on his body. Her hunger for sex is voracious, even downright insatiable. As the mystery surrounding her begins to unravel, keeping her safe—hell, keeping himself safe from her—presents some interesting complications…

Get your copy here!

If you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can pick up a copy for free!

Read an excerpt from Sweet Succubus below!


Thanks for keeping this story a #1 bestseller!

SOWithHisSEALTeam 600

An Amazon #1 bestselling short story!

When Sara’s stepbrother surprises her with an early return from a mission, he brings two of his Navy SEAL teammates along…

Get your copy here!


Read an excerpt from Sweet Succubus!

It started again, even before she sank deep into the dream. Part of her aware she stroked his skin. Part of her floating away, drifting toward the ceiling, gazing down curiously at the couple entwined on her bed.

As she watched, Moses’s features grew lax in sleep. His legs twitched. The length of his cock, still drying in the air, lay curled against his thick thigh.

Her attention snagged on his sex.

Freed by her dream, she swooped toward the bed then paused to hover over the couple, suspended. She glanced toward the woman—the other her. The body nestled against his side disappeared in a slow fade.

The creature she was now settled between his spread thighs and bent to breathe in his musky scent, her face moving up and down, taking slow, lazy breaths and continuing to drag in his primal smell. As the scent filled her, she changed, formed, grew corporeal.

Now she wore wings, long, whisper-thin blades that rose and fell behind her, allowing her to hover above as she examined him. In this state, she wasn’t Melanie. Wasn’t human. A surge of arousal hit, so strong it curled like a tightening band inside her womb, twisting, forcing her clitoris to harden and expand.

She reached a lengthening finger between her legs and tapped it, felt it expand some more, protruding like a tiny penis, so hard and erect it ached—no, throbbed—with her frantic heartbeats. She drew near him again, reached for his cock and wrapped her longer fingers around his slackened shaft.

His eyelids blinked then shot open. He gave a yelp, then lay stock still, barely breathing, his gaze sweeping her. “Melanie?” he whispered in her dream.

“Not Melanie,” she said, her voice a whispery rasp. At this moment, she wasn’t. She was a wild, hungry creature. “Neeeeeed,” she whined, her fist pulling on his cock, her palm heating. She sent a slither of heat through her hand, feeling it slide from her fingers into his cock. Now he’d never be able to resist.

His hips jerked then pumped, pushing his hardening shaft through her tight fist. “What the fuck? Let me go!”

Neeeed!” she repeated, too excited, too tense with the sexual energy running through her body to be coherent. She flung back her head and let out a cry, an animalistic howl that filled the small space. Her wings fluttered, stirring until the curtains at the windows flapped, and her long black braids whipped furiously around her.

Her wings angled, and she let go of his penis, floating up then back down. Holding his wide-eyed gaze, she opened her thighs, repositioned her wings again, and swooped closer.

Moses scrambled onto his elbows and began to scoot away.

She slid a fingernail along his calf, gave a breathless little moan, and tossed her head, lashing his belly and thighs with her hair. She wrapped a hand around his calf and held it, showing him she was powerful, that he couldn’t fight and win.

“Shit!” He held still, his cock tapping his trembling belly.

“Need,” she said, more softly this time, entreating him with her eyes. This one, she didn’t want to force, didn’t want him afraid.

The tendons in his neck flexed, his square jaw hardened, but he leaned back on his elbows, his gaze direct. “Take. Whatever the fuck you need,” he bit out. “We’re gonna talk. After.”

Joy swept through her, surpassing the blinding hunger for a moment. She rose toward the ceiling and curled over and over in the air, her body writhing sinuously, her hips undulating in their natural rhythm, enticing him, building her own sweet tension.

She fluttered back, legs spreading wide as she lowered to his calves. Furling her wings with a snap, she cocked her head, gave a slow smile, and bent over his cock—his large, lovely, veined, and turgid cock.

“Pretty,” she sighed then stuck out her pointed tongue to trace the length of him. Musky feminine cream, his own salty come—all the flavors she adored, craved, exploded on her tongue. She went down, consuming his length and swirling her head to pull her lips around and around his thick shaft.

“Sweet-fucking-hell,” he gasped.

Then fingers sank into her hair, and she rolled her head to enjoy the scrape of his nails as he tried to capture her, tried to pull her deeper.

Her jaws widened, cracking at the corners, and she sank, hunching over him to drive downward, taking every inch of his sex into her throat. On the way up, she sucked, pulling hard, pulsing up his length. The calves trapped beneath her shook; his hips bucked, but she wouldn’t let him come. Wouldn’t send the flickering jolt that shot a man-beast into orgasm.

She owned it. She’d milk it for every bit of pleasure, every bit of his essence that she could consume. His groans fed her soul; his deep, racking shudders made her stronger. In the end, his essence would seed her body with energy that she’d wrap around herself for warmth and comfort. Pleasure was the reward for both their efforts.

But pleasure could be all-consuming.

Coming off him, she shook her head to clear it. Trying not to get drunk on his delicious flavors, his spicy heat. She didn’t want to leave this one weak…or dead.

Mea Culpa! Wait! Sweet Succubus is ALMOST here!
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

Dear Readers and Friends,

This is just a quick warning! Sweet Succubus released after midnight last night, and those of you who pre-ordered have it waiting on your eReaders. BUT THERE IS A PROBLEM! I accidentally uploaded the wrong version to Amazon–a short, placeholder version. This morning, when I realized my error, I uploaded the final version then contacted Amazon to let them know. Hopefully, they will be able to “push” the finalized, corrected version to your eReaders soon (crossing my fingers, today!). So, what am I saying? Wait to read it until I can come back and tell you it’s ready.

I’m so sorry for the confusion. If you’ve already opened the book, just know that I know there’s an issue! And I’m working on it. Later, alligators!

SweetSuccubus 600
Ann Major: Babies, Weddings, and Cowboys: A Few of My Favorite Things
Monday, August 22nd, 2016

am1I recently celebrated a significant birthday. However, people seem to think I should now behave like a grown up and be serious, right?

Some have gone so far as to ask: “Why don’t you write a real book for a change?” “Why don’t you write something that matters?”

Translation: Why do you still write romance?

Well, hello!

I believe romance readers want love stories because they are believers in the power of love to reshape their lives in miraculous ways.

In today’s world with so many ethnic groups taught to hate and with so many public figures encouraging hate along with an us-versus-them mentality, the need to express love for others and to be kind is more important than ever. I try to take every opportunity to celebrate my favorite forms of love: weddings and babies. There is always such hope and love with those events, and they only get better when there’s a cowboy involved!

Since I’m from Texas, it may be only natural that the two series I’m currently publishing are about cowboys! And, of course about the women they love and their babies, and weddings too! These novels celebrate all love from the tender caresses of a baby, to romantic wedding celebrations that include extended family and community, to the steamy, passionate nights under the wild Texas moon.

My latest series is called Lone Star Dynasty, and it focuses on the wealthy and powerful Starks, with their legendary ranch, and their loves and triumphs over challenges in South Texas.

To introduce the series, Book 1, Love With An Imperfect Cowboy is on sale for $1.99 (regular price $3.99) from August 24 until September 1.



She’s a runaway bride looking for love in all the wrong places

Desperate to escape her cheating bridegroom, Hannah Lewis heads to the one place nobody will ever think to look for her–Texas, where she’d planned to go on her honeymoon.

An Impossible Attraction

Grieving widower, rancher Liam Stark knows better than to get involved with the big-eyed, naïve-looking dazzler who walks into his bar lost and alone casting haunted glances his way, practically begging him to kiss her. When she puts herself in harm’s way, he saves her. He doesn’t do love, but maybe he can give her what she wants… if for one night only.

Get your copy and follow Liam and Hannah’s story as they explore the possibility of finding love where they least expect it:

iBook | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

Texas: Children of Destiny


The second series I’m currently publishing is my Texas: Children of Destiny series, which was written a while back, but revised and republished in ebook format. This series is set in Texas and across the globe as members of the powerful Jackson family loved and lost but are given a second chance. Will they take advantage of their opportunity to win love back or will their pride force them to risk it all?

Best of all, as a gift to my fans and an incentive to new readers, Passion’s Child (Book 1) is free.

Passion’s Child is the story of an estranged, married couple, who meet again when their beloved son’s life is threatened. When Nick tries to claim his wife and child, they discover that their passion for each other still burns as hotly as ever, despite Amy’s terrible secret.

Is it too late for them? Will his sins and her secrets destroy their second chance at love? Or can love triumph over all?

Order your copies of Ann Major’s Texas: Children of Destiny series and discover the terrible secrets kept and the risk they must take to rediscover the power of love.

am4About the Author

ANN MAJOR lives in Texas with her husband of many years.  She has three grown children and several grandchildren. She has a master’s degree from Texas A&M at Kingsville, Texas and is a former English teacher. A founding board member of the Romance Writers of America, she is a frequent speaker at writers’ groups.

Besides her writing, Ann loves to hike in the mountains, sail, kayak, travel, and play the piano. Most of all she enjoys her friends and family, and lastly, but not least, her cat.



Diana Cosby: Forbidden Legacy
Sunday, August 21st, 2016

dcForbiddenLegacy-HighRes 1

After hundreds of years numerous questions remain concerning where the Knights Templars fled, what treasure they took, and how were so many valiant knights able to disappear without a trace.  In Forbidden Legacy, book #1 of The Forbidden Series, I enjoyed weaving Stephan and Katherine’s story, along with my speculation as to where their fleet and many of the Brotherhood could have escaped to prior to the arrests beginning in France on the 13th of October, 1307.

With an alpha hero, I knew my heroine needed to be strong, and Lady Katherine Calbraith, a fierce, independent woman, was born.  Forced into a marriage to reclaim her home, Katherine is unprepared for Sir Stephan MacQuistan, a complex and stubborn man who unbeknownst to her holds an explosive secret that could tear their fragile bond apart.

I hope you enjoy Stephan and Katherine’s journey where throughout their danger-ridden adventure they secure the Templar treasures from prying eyes, and in the end find love.   Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Diana Cosby, International Best-Selling Author
Author of: 
The Oath Trilogy
MacGruder Brother Series
Forbidden Series:  Forbidden Legacy-#1/Forbidden Knight-TBA

About the Author

A retired Navy Chief, Diana Cosby is an international bestselling author of Scottish medieval romantic suspense.  Books in her award-winning MacGruder Brothers series are translated in five languages.  Diana has spoken at the Library of Congress, Lady Jane’s Salon in NYC, and appeared in Woman’s Day, on USA Today’s romance blog, “Happy Ever After,”, Atlantic County Women Magazine, and Texoma Living Magazine.

After her career in the Navy, Diana dove into her passion – writing romance novels. With 34 moves behind her, she was anxious to create characters who reflected the amazing cultures and people she’s met throughout the world.  After the release of the bestselling MacGruder Brothers series, The Oath Trilogy, and Forbidden Legacy, book #1 of The Forbidden Series, she is now working on book #2, Forbidden Knight.

Diana looks forward to the years of writing ahead and meeting the amazing people who will share this journey.

Ready for the weekend? (Contest)
Saturday, August 20th, 2016

Ready for something hot and quick to read this weekend? I have just the thing—a sexy little story about a woman who purchases an estate that comes with a butler she didn’t know she needed…

Enjoy stepping inside Kendall’s world as the butler teaches her the true meaning of service

The Butler is just $0.99! And if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, you can pick up a copy for free!

Plus, if you tell me your Saturday plans, whether it’s kicking back with a sexy story or grocery shopping, you’ll be entered to win a small Amazon gift card!

The Butler

The Butle 600r

Yes, the butler did it!

When a newly wealthy woman purchases a remote estate in Virginia, a butler comes with the contract. His subtle manipulations fuel a desire she never expected.

Purchase at Amazon!

Read an excerpt from The Butler below!


Thanks for making this story a bestseller!

SOWithHisSEALTeam 600

An Amazon #1 bestselling short story!

When Sara’s stepbrother surprises her with an early return from a mission, he brings two of his Navy SEAL teammates along…

Get your copy here!


Coming next Tuesday!

SweetSuccubus 600

Have you pre-ordered your copy?

Melanie Bradshaw is driven to desperation by her torrid dreams. When she finally acts on her desires, things go horribly wrong, and she witnesses the murder of an overly amorous lounge lizard–whose body disintegrates before her eyes.

Detective Moses Brown isn’t thrilled to get another “full-moon case”…until he meets the delectable Melanie, who took a walk on the wild side straight into vampire territory. Moses doesn’t know why vamps are interested in her, but until he can discover the reason, he’s going to stick to her like glue, doing his best to ignore their instant attraction.

But pretty little Melanie has designs on his body. Her hunger for sex is voracious, even downright insatiable. As the mystery surrounding her begins to unravel, keeping her safe–hell, keeping himself safe from her–presents some interesting complications…

Get your copy here!


Read an excerpt from The Butler!

Grant stepped into the doorway, one of his small smiles curving his perfect, firm lips. “I was passing by, is there anything I can do for you?”

He rarely asked anymore. Was simply there, with whatever I needed. Hearing his voice, so deep and even, I was filled with the almost overwhelming urge to ask him to give me an orgasm.

Instead, I moved to make sure the computer screen, filled with a smutty love scene, was hidden behind me. “Do you like this room, Grant?”

He arched a brow, wariness entering his expression until his neutral mask fell into place. “Is there something that doesn’t please you? Do you need a lamp at your desk?”

Pursing my lips and narrowing my eyes, I stared. It had been a while since I’d been engaged in another of his manipulations over furnishings. The thought of engaging in one now made my nipples prickle. “There are too many books,” I said, and then grinned. I couldn’t help it. An edgy horniness was willing me to misbehave.

“It is a library, ma’am,” he said, his tone dry.

“Kendall, Grant. We share a house. You can use my name.”

“I’m in your service, ma’am.”

I blew out a breath and wished instantly that I’d bothered to slick my lips with something more dramatic than a pale gloss.

His head tilted to the side, those intelligent green eyes narrowing. “Ma’am, are you bored?”

“And if I am?”

“There are horses in the stable…”

I gave a long dramatic sigh. “It’s cold outside.”

“I could build you a fire in the hearth, bring you a brandy.”

A warm fire, brandy, him naked on a soft, sheepskin rug… I straightened and shook my head to clear the image. I didn’t dare let my thoughts stray any further. “A fire and a glass of brandy would be nice. Maybe you could choose something for me to read,” I murmured. “Something without too many big words.”

His lips pressed together, but then he chuckled. “All right then, a fire, a brandy, and a good book…without too many big words. Ma’am.”

I grinned back at him, feeling comfortable with his amusement and attention for the first time. “This house was too much for me, wasn’t it? I don’t know why I bought it.”

“You have good taste,” he said, rubbing his hands together and entering the room. He strode for the fireplace, set three logs in the stand at the center of the large hearth, and placed kindling beneath it. Minutes later flame licked at the bottoms of the logs.

Moving toward a walnut sideboard, he poured a snifter of brandy, swirling it as he cupped the base to warm the liquid. “Would you like to move to the couch?”

I stood, my body feeling fluid, my hips swaying as I approached him. Our gazes locked, and then his flicked downward to the glass he held.

“Why not pour one for yourself?” I said softly. “Join me.”

Again, his gaze narrowed, but he gave a slow nod. “If it pleases you.”

“It does.”

Together, we settled on the dark leather, on opposite ends, me with my knees drawn up and sitting sideways to stare at him, while Grant sat, one arm draped on the back, the other holding his glass, his gaze studying me.

Suddenly, I was uncomfortable. Didn’t the man know how to make polite conversation? Or did he really want to be somewhere else? Irritated, I said, “You should ask me how the writing is going?”

He arched a brow. “How is the writing going?”

I nodded my approval. “Slowly. I thought I’d be able to write with the peace and quiet in the country.”

“But you’re bored.”

“Not precisely…”

“Not precisely bored…?”

“I keep thinking about your butler’s buttons,” I blurted, letting my gaze drift away as a blush warmed my cheeks.

“As a clue or a thread in your story?”

I shook my head. “I guess the problem is that for the most part we’re alone in this house. You off in your quarters. Me, alone, in mine.”

His head rose then slowly dipped. “I see.”

Did he really?

“You haven’t used the buttons. Not once.”

Why, oh why, had I mentioned the damn buttons? It was as though I’d released the floodgate holding back my words. The next sentence escaped before I could hit the edit button. “Because I’m afraid I’ll be tempted to use them for more than the…customary services.”

“As you’ve said,” he murmured. “We’re alone in this house. And I am here to serve…”

Victoria Pinder: Secret Crush (Free Read!)
Friday, August 19th, 2016

Dear Reader,

I have always loved stories with big families where lots of dramatic things happen to them. I am a huge prime time fan, and I can get sucked into an English-translated telenovela fast. I have always wanted to write stories that implemented high drama with larger than life personalities. I’ve been working on the Morgan  family for over a year. I had to figure out this family and wondered what could happen next that would keep me surprised and interfere with the characters’ love lives.

First, I had to come up with the family and their background. The major villain in all the stories is the guy who died in chapter one of the first book, Mitch Morgan. He was the patriarch of this family.  What could a father do that made all the children happy that he finally died?

The possibilities were endless. Then what happened to the mother of the children? How would adult children in this super billionaire family be if the father was as awful as I realized Mitch was? In the first book, John Morgan had joined the FBI simply to find evidence that might put his father in jail. How would he act when he failed at this mission?

I had to know, and I had to learn who all the Morgans were, and I hope all my readers find this family as fascinating as I do.

Inside the House of Morgan, anything might happen…

Secret Crush: The House of Morgan


For some, joining the FBI is a long-term goal. For billionaire John Morgan, joining the Bureau is a stepping stone to proving his father is culpable for his sister’s death. After his estranged father dies, John is forced to return home and face the ghosts of his past. That proves to be more difficult than he could have ever imagined.

Alice Collins lives a peaceful life. As a farmer’s daughter, she knows what it’s like to work hard for what you want. After losing her best friend under inexplicable circumstances, her world viewpoint shifted until her small town sensibilities convinced her to attend Mr. Morgan’s funeral.

Soon, the past and the present collide, and Alice is caught in the crosshairs. John comes to her aid, complicating matters for both of them.

Can a handsome billionaire on a vendetta truly fall for a small town girl, or does he have something else in mind? Can a small town girl, if she gives her heart to him, ever fit into the House of Morgan?

Book Trailer:

Pre-Order Here:;jsessionid=5E7ACAEC7E89E02B4910DD5D78F6659F.prodny_store01-atgap10?ean=2940153343761


John leaned against the wall and let the throngs of people pass.

Alice followed suit, standing next to him as she sipped her wine. “I assumed he was taking over. Did you want that job?”

John’s entire body jumped as if she’d slapped him. “Hell, no.”

She gulped her sip fast. She kept saying the wrong thing. Inside his blue eyes was a kaleidoscope of emotion. Alice remembered that he used to be kind. She rubbed her lips together. “Then who cares?”

He drank his wine and scanned the room. After making the rounds with his gaze, he took in her entire figure with an intensity that made her knees weak. “What is it you do, Alice?”

“Collins Organic Farm.” She brushed her brown bob behind her ear. “I work for my family. What is it you do?”

Again, his blue eyes flashed as if lightning was in his stare.

She watched him, hypnotized.

“I work in real estate.”

“Liar.” She tilted her head. He definitely didn’t work in real estate. She crossed her arms around her chest. Without another word, she waited for the fallout of her remark.

His eyebrows quirked in shock. Then his dimples appeared. “What do you think I do?”

She met his smile with her own. “Professional bad boy and poker player. It’s what I always thought.”

He chuckled. “I played football.”

She nodded. A moment of silence clung in the air as she sipped her drink. Then she said, “I went to your games in high school, but I also remember how you set up more than a few poker games. You always read people correctly.” His sexy smile lit the room, and her skin melted, literally fused into itself.

“I remember that. You cheered with my sister, and I played you, too.”


About the Author

vpvictoria with heart on street-1Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston before moving to the Miami sun. She’s worked in engineering, after passing many tests proving how easy Math came to her. Then hating her life at the age of twenty four, she decided to go to law school. Four years later, after passing the bar and practicing very little, she realized that she hates the practice of law. She refused to one day turn 50 and realize she had nothing but her career and hours at a desk. After realizing she needed change, she became a high school teacher. Teaching is rewarding, but writing is a passion.

During all this time, she always wrote stories to entertain herself or calm down. Her parents are practical minded people demanding a job, and Victoria spent too many years living other people’s dreams, but when she sat down to see what skill she had that matched what she enjoyed doing, writing became so obvious. The middle school year book when someone wrote in it that one day she’d be a writer made sense when she turned thirty.

She’s always been determined. She is amazing, adventurous and assured on a regular basis. Her website is .

Member of Florida Romance Writers, Contemporary Romance, Celtic Hearts and Savvy Authors.

Get a FREE Novella as a Thank you Gift here:


A. Catherine Noon: Lost and Found
Thursday, August 18th, 2016

acnCharmWhen some friends in my Nice Girls Writing Naughty group started talking about the idea of an anthology, the idea intrigued me.  We were to write a story that was a standalone, but linked to the others by an object – a piece of jewelry or an artifact.  We decided to use a bracelet, and thus The Charmed Bracelet was born.  Four romance stories where boy meets girl, but with a twist:  in the beginning of the story, our characters find the bracelet and it brings them together.  At the end of the story, they lose the bracelet, so it can be found by the next pair.

Rachel Wilder and I, who write as Noon & Wilder, wrote “Lost and Found,” about a computer programmer named Shannon who works for a large multinational firm in Chicago.  Since she works with the European desk, she’s up and at ’em at three in the morning.  Not much goes on at that time of day, until she witnesses a murder.  The bracelet catches her eye, dropped behind a trash bin, and when she bends down to retrieve it, the bin shields her from the view of the murderer.  There’s only one problem.

He finds out about her.

Enter our hero, Del, who realizes the danger she’s in.  They don’t have any solid evidence of a murderous stalker, so he takes it on himself to provide protection. All that’s well and good, but not if the murderer figures out where Shannon is.

The Charmed Bracelet is available now at your favorite etailer.  I hope you enjoy!

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“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”
– E.E. Cummings

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