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Sabrina York: It’s Cowboy Month!
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

syA puppy


Hello my darlings! I am thrilled to be here with Delilah today to chat about my ADD and why it makes my job so much fun.

I’m sure in some worlds, the inclination to jump from topic to topic could be a detriment, but as an author, it keeps me from getting in a rut. Do you know what I mean?

For example, last month I was focusing on Regency Romances. I re-edited and re-released my Noble Passions Series, helped promote the Ever My Love Collection (my story was Call of the Wild Wind, a Waterloo Heroes romance) and finished up promotions on the final book in my Untamed Highlander series, Lana and the Laird.

syNoble Passions blog banner

Each one of those releases included a Facebook party, blogs and giveaways, all geared to Regency readers.

Oh, and I also wrote a sexy, snappy Highlander romance for James Patterson’s Bookshots. Bedding the Highlander will be coming out in March. Bookshots are AWESOME for people with ADD, because all the stories are fast and satisfying reads.

Pretty exciting stuff, but I must admit, as much as I love writing and promoting historical romance, I get to the point when I’m ready for something different. Think of it this way:

I love cheesecake, but if I had to eat it for every meal, before long, I’d be craving broccoli.

Okay. Who am I kidding? I would never crave broccoli.

But I would crave, say, bacon.

How awesome is it then that this month, I am on to bacon!

And by bacon, I mean cowboys!!!

Boy howdy!

So August is Cowboy Month for Sabrina York.

sygun-shy-thumbnailI am thrilled that I was invited to participate in Sable Hunter’s Hell Yeah! Cowboy Kindle World. My book, Gun Shy, tells the tale of a Navy SEAL, returning to his hometown to handle his abusive father’s estate after the old man’s death. The last thing he expects to find on his first day home, is a reason to stay. What a pity that Melissa is just out of a bad relationship, and has no interest in another looming, intimidating man.

The other exciting release this month is Stud for Hire, which is the first book in the Stripped Down Cowboys series (that takes place on the Stud Ranch you may remember from The Real McCoy, Come Hell or High Water and Protect and Serve).

In Stud for Hire, Hannah meets a man who fascinates her…at her bachelorette party! Craving the kind of passion she’s never known, and having mistaken him as a stud for hire, she makes him an offer he cannot refuse. Imagine her chagrin when she realizes the truth about him. And the fact that Logan has been in love with her since high school.

Stud For Hire is the first of three novels I wrote for Berkley InterMix and will be followed by Cowboy to Command (about a wounded warrior looking for a place to call home) and Spurred On (where the playboy of the series, Cody Silver, gets his comeuppance). They are all a lot of fun and sexy as hell.

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CowbouonCommand3.inddI am also editing a WWII novel about a POW (based on a true story) and working on an epic space opera launching in 2017. (Both under different pen names.) Book one of the sci fi trilogy, the Viridian Conflict, is like the Guardians of the Galaxy meets the Godfather and takes place on a prison moon where the convicts are aliens…who want to eat you.

Did I mention I have ADD?

So here’s my question for you!

Do you have reader ADD? Do you like to jump from genre to genre? Or do you cleave to one genre and one only?

Because inquiring minds want to know!

Want to know more about Sabrina York’s ADD? Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Join the newsletter for updates and exclusive giveaways:

About Sabrina York

sySabrina_head_logoHer Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & snarky to scorching romance.

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Warrior’s Conquest is here!
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

Dear Readers and Friends,

First, thanks to everyone who purchased Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team! The story is still #1 on Amazon in short reads! And thanks for letting me know you want more of Hunter’s and Sara’s adventures!

Ready for a much longer sort of read? Do you love medieval stories? How about a story about a very modern girl thrust into a warrior’s camp in 1136 AD? Jacq’s story is near and dear to my and my sister’s hearts. We wrote this adventure story together. And now, we’d love to share it with you! Enjoy the excerpt! Let me know what you think!

Warrior’s Conquest

Warrior sConquest 600

A Medieval Timetravel Romance!

With proportions that would make Xena weep, Jacqueline Frazier despairs of ever finding a lover she can’t intimidate. Until the day she ignores a warning regarding use of a family heirloom, and finds herself swept off her feet by a knight in not so shining armor, back to the twelfth century. Forced to accept the protection of an overbearing, beast of a man, Rufus of Rathburn, Jacq struggles to find her place in the past while seeking a way back to the future. In the meantime, she aids Rufus’s war cause with a little 21st century ingenuity, shaking up the warlord with lessons in bomb-making, guerilla tactics, and the joys of sex.

At first unwilling, and ungrateful, Rufus begins to see merit in Jacq’s odd ways. Through Jacq’s eccentricities and willfulness, Rufus learns she is a woman to be reckoned with, as well as a lusty handful in bed. Will his admiration of her cunning, strength and uninhibited sexuality grow into a love that breaks the barriers of time? And will their love be strong enough for Jacq to plot a different future in the past?

Get your copy here!

Read an excerpt!


Rufus landed on his rear at the entrance of his tent. He saw the silvery glint of stars for a moment before realizing the flashing metal was the water ewer bouncing away. Instinct saved him a second knot on his forehead as he threw up his arm to deflect the next object lobbed at his head. He rolled to his knees and lunged upwards to face his angry adversary.

His breath caught. She was magnificent! Her hair was in disarray around her shoulders, and her chest heaved with fury. Bright blotches of color stained her cheeks, and the determined set of her chin and narrowed eyes warned him this would not be an easy conquest.

And she had prepared well. His two war chests stood stacked one on top of the other, and he saw a number of objects on the ground beside her feet—ammunition for the battle to come. The chests stood as a shield between them.

“I take it you’re upset,” he said mildly.

Her lips curled back in a feral smile as she hefted the copper water basin.

Aware of her intent, he feinted to the left.

Jacq modified her aim before the bowl left her hand.

The copper vessel spun through the air and caught Rufus directly at his midsection. “Oomph!” He rubbed his stomach. She certainly didn’t throw like a girl. “You were placed under guard in this tent for your own protection,” he began, hoping to reason her out of her present course of action. He could easily overpower her but didn’t want to cause her harm, and he hoped the physical venting would aid both their libidos.

Her left hand balanced his helmet.

“Now, see here,” he protested. “I haven’t a smith with me to repair that.”

Her arm came back, and the helmet flew at his shoulder.

Instead of ducking, Rufus reached out to catch the heavy armor. While fumbling with both hands to keep the helmet from crashing to the floor. He felt another painful thud against his back and saw a stone roll away.

“Enough!” he roared. His patience quickly dwindled as the bruises to his skin and pride accumulated. He leapt toward the barricade.

The tantalizing tempest circled, remaining just out of reach.

With a powerful swipe of his arm, he connected with the upper chest, flinging it across the tent. He jumped over the remaining one only to stumble to his knees when her foot connected with his ankle. His curses blistered the air.

Then she had the nerve to laugh out loud, spinning out of reach.

A voice called from outside the tent. “Rufus, do you need aid?”

“Stay out of this, Donald.” He heard muffled guffaws and felt his face grow hot. He’d been tolerant long enough. “Cease, woman.” He rose to his feet, expecting another impact.

Instead, she faced him with his own sword held between her two hands.

“Don’t be foolish. If you choose to use that, you will not take two steps outside this tent without being cut down.”

She faced him calmly, her breath slowing as her hands moved on the pommel of the sword. Despite her bravado, her upper arms trembled with the effort of holding the weapon aloft.

“You will explain to me why you have made a shambles of my tent, and why you attacked me,” he demanded.

“You put that beast on me as a guard,” she yelled back.

He was relieved she at last broke her silence. Her quiet determination had begun to unnerve him. “I placed Beast there for your protection.” He needed to keep her talking while his mind sought a solution to this present coil.

“That’s his name?” She looked appalled then she shook herself. “He never left me.”

Irritated she didn’t seem to appreciate his care, he gritted out, “Those were my orders.”

“You ordered him to stay with me, even when I relieved myself?” Her voice rose toward the end.

Ahhh…he understood now. Her woman’s sensibilities had been offended. “His orders were to keep you in his sight at all times.”

“Well, your protection stinks. I don’t accept it any longer. You’ll provide me with a horse and weapons. I’m leaving.”

“You may leave when you tell me who you are and what you were doing on that battlefield yesterday. That is your only choice.” He stiffened his stance. “And do not think I will let you ride out of here without escort.”

Her eyes narrowed and her hands tightened around the pommel. “Then you’d best be prepared for a battle, because I don’t accept the terms under which you hold me captive.”

“Woman, did this morning not teach you a lesson?” he asked, frustration pounding at his temple. “You need my protection. Or did you enjoy cavorting naked before a company of men?”

“Augh!” At last, her anger made her careless. Lunging toward him with his upright sword, she managed a creditable swipe of the blade. He dodged it and stepped around the tent to keep outside her reach.

“Rufus, what is going on in there?” Donald’s worried face appeared at the opening.
Jacq turned toward the sound.

Rufus took advantage of her distraction to edge farther along the circumference of the tent. “Not now, Donald. As you can see, I am busy.”

She swung back, her gaze narrowing, her hands shifting on the hilt.

Donald’s eyebrows rose as his glance fell on the woman. “Well, Rufus, I will leave you to your game. Shout, if you need assistance.”

“Go!” Rufus ordered.

Donald disappeared behind the canvas, his laughter ringing out clearly in the early evening air.

Odds were, the whole camp would know in minutes that a woman held him at bay—with his own sword! “It seems, lady, we are at an impasse.”

“No, you’ll agree to my terms, or I’ll run you through.”

Her face appeared set, and he wondered if she truly had the courage to try. “Donald,” he yelled.

“Yes, Rufus?” came his answer through the tent walls.

“If you see the woman walk out of this tent first, you will not allow her to leave this camp.”

“If that woman walks out of the tent on her own two feet, I’ll wed her myself and breed sons on her.” Donald’s voice held amusement.

Rufus’s gaze never left hers, but he allowed an eyebrow to quirk upward.

Jacq’s face reddened, and her eyes betrayed a hint of moisture. “I can do this.”

“Madam, you have the advantage at the moment, but only because I allow it.”

“You allow it? I hold your sword.” Her voice shook along with the hands drooping under the continuous strain of holding the heavy weapon.

“You have one more chance to put down my sword and talk to me about this, or I will take it from you.”

“I dare you to try—”

That was all the encouragement Rufus needed. He lunged.

Jacq stepped backward, only to catch the backs of her knees on the overturned chest directly behind her. She flailed her arms outwards, choosing to lose the sword rather than risk impaling herself.

The weapon thudded against the canvas and hard-packed earth.

But Jacq never hit the ground.

Rufus caught her and pulled her up tightly against his chest.


Before her mind could tell her she should resist, she’d been shoved against the square wooden beam that served as the tent’s center pole. She was trapped once more by his overwhelming strength. For a few moments, she struggled. Eventually, her puny attempts ceased, and she conceded, slumping wearily against him. She dragged air into her lungs and forced up her gaze to meet his, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing defeat stamped on her face.

He held her easily, subduing her.

She recognized the awesome power of his muscled arms and thighs. She’d never stood a chance.

“Rufus, talk to me. It’s too quiet in there. Is all well?” Donald asked.

“Yes, I have her now.”

“Well, then I’ll go on to dinner. Unless, that is, you need help…”

“No, I have everything well in hand,” he answered evenly.

His gaze remained on her, his face betraying no emotion. Jacq worried now the fire of her self-righteous anger was banked. What reprisal would he seek against her for the attack?

His breathing was even, and other than a slight flush across his cheeks, he appeared unaffected.

She wished she could say the same, but that odd combination of fear and excitement thrummed along her veins. Her breaths shortened and her body softened, yielding to his. Molten liquid dampened the juncture of her thighs, and she was helpless to stop the slight undulation of her hips.

As though he sensed her ripening arousal, his nostrils flared. When he leaned ever so slightly closer, her head fell back to grant him access to her mouth. Through half-closed eyes, she watched him stare at her mouth, and she wantonly slid her tongue in a circle to wet her lips. She heard his groan a moment before his lips slammed down on hers.

For an angry kiss, it was a doozy. She learned his taste while battling for control of this joining. They parried—mouths open, tongues stabbing.

Then something happened that shifted the kiss from another battle between steel-willed adversaries to a burning need to brand and possess each other.

His palms captured her cheeks and held her while his mouth ate hers, his lips dragging over hers in drugging circles.

Jacq mewled and tugged at his hair, her tongue sliding against his, lapping and sucking, until they were both breathless.

He ground his rigid cock against her lower belly, and she relented, widening her legs to make room for him to step between. His hands raked her skirt upward, then his knees dipped slightly, and her feet left the ground.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and lifted her legs to encircle his waist.

They both groaned into each other’s mouths as their bodies met with only the fabric of his braies separating their straining loins.

Held high against him, her body open to his, she rubbed her moistening pussy along his length, entering a rhythm matched by their circling mouths. Jacq’s world narrowed to that burning juncture where Rufus rutted against her, the fabric chafing her tender flesh.

Animalistic grunts and groans rose between them.

Mindless now, Jacq forgot why she shouldn’t be doing this with him. She forgot she didn’t even like him—her body adored him.

His hands cupped her buttocks, squeezed and released, over and over, encouraging her to rub frantically up and down against his cock.

Suddenly clothes were too confining, and she was desperate to feel the steel of his shaft inside her. She broke the kiss. “Please!” she gasped, even as her hips rolled again.

The muscles of his buttocks bunched beneath her heels as he straightened with her in his arms and walked the short steps to her pallet. He knelt, holding her pressed to him, and lay her down amid the furs.

She writhed against him and repeated in a long, keening wail, “Please, now, Rufus.”

He rose up on his knees and dragged her bliaut over her head. Then he rent the neck opening of her borrowed shirt to the waist, shoving the ragged edges aside to expose her breasts. Rufus leaned over her and nuzzled her breast. “Jacq,” he groaned, and his mouth opened over one straining crest. He sucked it hard into his mouth.

She nearly screamed from the pleasure. But still too many clothes were between them. She wanted to touch skin.

Read the rest of this entry »

Lindsay McKenna: Hold Me
Monday, August 15th, 2016


Dear Reader,

Welcome to the Delos Series!  HOLD ME is the  novella sequel to HOLD ON, Book 5, the “big book”  about Callie McKinley and Beau Gardner. It follows them after Book 5 is finished to find out “what else” has happened to them and their relationship.

So often I get emails from readers who want to know, “Well, what happened to them next?”  Or “Where are they now?”  Or, “What happened to them?”  Well, now you have your wish!  You can follow your favorite hero and heroine in additional novellas as they fall in love, continue on toward marriage, getting married and deal with life issues that we all deal with.

I’ve developed at least one novella after each of the major 55,000-100,000 word book.  They will each have at least one novella, usually an epilog. But where the characters and their particular lives are at, I may well write more than one novella for them.  You can kind of understand the visual of a train engine with boxcars behind it.  In this case?  The books are the train engine.  The novella(s) that follow are boxcars.  Together, they weave and add layers to the original story of the hero and heroine.  I will always try to get the novella out within a year of the big book being published.  And I would dearly love to hear what you think of this idea that I’ve cooked up for the Delos series.  And also look for additional ideas and suggestions from you regarding it. This is new territory for me, and I’m at this juncture because you, my readers, have brought me to this point.  So often, you wanted MORE on a particular hero and heroine.  And I could never write it for you.

Now?  I can.  So I need your input, for sure!  Don’t be shy about contacting me via my website,

HOLD ME is about Army Delta Force operator, Sergeant Beau Gardner and Callie McKinley.  If you read  HOLD ON, then you met Callie because she was the younger sister to Dr. Dara McKinley.

Callie McKinley has had an escape and brush with death, but is now home at the Eagle Feather Ranch in Butte, Montana, with Beau Gardner.  She was nearly raped by the Taliban and saved by the man who loves her.  She comes home with PTSD.

Beau must return to Bagram after thirty days leave with Callie at the beautiful Montana ranch.  Callie has an intuition that Beau could be killed.  She tries to fight her fear.  Four months into his six month deployment, her world turns upside down.  Now?  She must somehow pull herself together to be there for Beau.  It is a hard journey for both of them as they both wrestle with their own demons brought on by war.  Will their new love withstand this assault upon it?  Or not?

Let me hear from you about the Culver Family and the Delos series.  Happy reading!



Amazon – will be available day of publication, 8.11.16

Audio (Tantor Media) — available 11.22.2016

Please sign up for my newsletter, www.lindsaymckenna, (on front page) to stay up with my busy writing schedule!

Leah Braemel: The Times They Are a-Changin’
Sunday, August 14th, 2016

A few months back, I got the rights back to Personal Protection, a novel I wrote back in 2008. Part of preparing to self-publish it meant I re-read the manuscript to clean up anything I wasn’t happy with, or correct any errors that might have been missed. I discovered the biggest was the technology my characters used back then compared to what they’d do now. I hadn’t realized how much technology has changed just in those 8 years.

There were still pay phones around back then – try and find one now. The iPhone had only just been released, (the iPad was still a future innovation) but most of us still carried flip phones or had phones with screens that slid up to reveal a keyboard. Back then most companies trusted their email only on BlackBerry’s proprietary system, as at the time it was supposed to be the most secure system, so that’s what I had my guys carry. Not anymore, so I changed it so my characters now carry a smart phone with no brand that could crash and burn within a few years.

Though there were phones that could link maps to a GPS in 2008, most people still used dedicated GPS devices to find their way around town. And the tracking devices all the private detectives and cops use on people’s cars nowadays? They were pretty high-tech and unavailable to most folks back then. Although I’m pretty sure Sam and the boys had access to some new James Bond-like devices. 😀

VHS had given way to DVDs, but streaming wasn’t a big thing back then. Up until October 2008, when you mentioned Netflix people thought DVD rental deliveries not the NetFlix app with its list of instantly-available shows. (Does Netflix even deliver DVDs anymore?)

Twitter and Facebook were still in their early days; there was no Pinterest or Tumblr, no Foursquare (is that still a thing?) or Instagram. The reference to YouTube is still applicable—it started in 2005.

And I don’t think my guys back then would have understood carrying your phone around to capture animated characters. Or maybe they would have been right out there on the forefront.

Although there are days when I think it might be nicer to be less “connected” to our phones…and I wonder where we’ll be in another ten years…

What modern technology do you love? Or dislike?



Despite owning a security business, Sam Watson refuses protection for himself, even after receiving threats from a stalker. His second-in-command, however, isn’t willing to take no for an answer, and assigns Sam a security detail headed by none other than Rosalinda Ramos—Sam’s secret object of lust. As an employee, she’s strictly hands-off. Though, working so closely together, Sam isn’t sure how long he can resist.

A female in a male-dominated industry, Rosie has enough on her plate just proving her worth, so she keeps her attraction to Sam firmly in check. Until she learns he co-owns an exclusive sex club. While investigating the club as a possible source of the threat, Rosie discovers her own interest in certain sexual proclivities. Before long, it’s all bets off, and all hands-on, for Sam and Rosie.

But the couple will soon discover the real threat to Sam is much, much closer to home…and something from which Rosie may not be able to save him.

Amazon  ~ Barnes & Noble ~ iBook ~ Kobo

Read more about Personal Protection on Leah’s website.

And if you haven’t already read it, don’t miss book 1 in the Hauberk Protection series, PRIVATE PROPERTY or sign up for her newsletter to learn more about future releases

About the Author

Leah Braemel is the only woman in a houseful of males that includes her college-sweetheart husband, two sons, a Shih Tzu named Seamus and Turtle the cat. She loves escaping the ever-multiplying dust bunnies by opening up her laptop to write about sexy heroes and the women who challenge them.

Reviewers have awarded Leah’s books numerous Top Pick and Recommended Reads designations as well as nominated them as Best Contemporary Romance, Best Erotic Romance and Best Ménage and More. Leah has also been nominated as Favorite Author and Best Erotic Romance Author.

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Tell me what you want, what you really, really want… (Contest-Three Winners!)
Saturday, August 13th, 2016

I know you wanted the old Spice Girls song in your head first thing this morning! In fact, the video’s at the bottom of this page in case you really, really want a quick SG-fix. 🙂

Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His SEAL Team

Four of my most recent stepbrother shorties have shot straight to #1 on the short read list on Amazon. But I’m not certain what the attraction is. Do readers love the short, inexpensive (just $0.99) format, the taboo stepbrother angle, or the menage theme? Or all three?

Readers have been asking me for more of Sara and Hunter’s story in With His SEAL Team, in particular. And I do plan a sequel, or maybe more, of stories featuring those two and their extended, sexy SEAL family. Sara still has to find a job she likes and that doesn’t make Hunter crazy. And what about Harley and his rehabilitation?

So, I have these questions. And because I like more than anything in the world to please my readers, I’m asking you what you really, really want. Take this poll. You can choose up to four different answers. If you don’t see an answer you like, write your preference in the comments.

What is your preference for future stories?

View Results

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Win a free shorty from my short story webpage by simply leaving a comment. You can either tell me the kind of story you want most or tell me which of my stepbrother stories you’ve liked the most. I’ll choose three winners!

Now, enjoy a little Wannabe!

Jennifer Kacey: Zeke’s Meeting (Giveaway)
Friday, August 12th, 2016

This month started with book six releasing in my Fantasies A-Z Series! This one is Zeke’s Meeting!


The series title is based off of the characters names, Aslan and Zeke. They are a kinky couple that is doing a bit more than dipping their toes into this lifestyle called kink. And they’re exploring it one fantasy at a time. Back and forth from Aslan to Zeke to Aslan….you get the picture.

So there was a stranger fantasy, a dirty pitstop fantasy, wanting to be wanted, girl-on-girl, medical fetish and now the mile-high club. So delicious! Love getting to share these fantasies!

And right now I’m traveling around Iceland and Scotland! So what better way to celebrate than having a giveaway! To one lucky commenter I’m going to give a spanking (pun intended) new e-copy of Zeke’s Meeting!! How do you enter? Super easy! Just tell me your favorite fantasy to read about!!

Happy Commenting!!

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Are Café –
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The mile-high club has never seen this kind of meeting.

To secure their Moroccan contract, Zeke and Aslan finally decide they have to invest in a private jet with a full-time pilot. It was a sound business decision that they’d contemplated for years. But who is to say they can’t mix a little bit of pleasure with their business? Or a lot of pleasure…

Zeke’s ready to collect on his next fantasy. His request is wrapped together into becoming a member of the mile-high club. But he’s not looking for just a quickie in a cramped bathroom. More along the lines of an entire buffet spread out naked across their conference room table.

When Aslan learns they aren’t the only kinky couple on the plane, her idea of a business meeting takes on a whole new meaning.

This is the sixth short story in a serial release all featuring Aslan and Zeke. A married couple looking for more and finding it in the arms of each other. There will be nine stories total, with one being released every month or so. Short kinky stories meant to tantalize and excite you. May you fall in love with love and everything that word means to your fantasies…

Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey



jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Website Newsletter The Decadent DivasAmazon Page

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Lizzie Ashworth: In Need of Repair
Thursday, August 11th, 2016


Excerpt from “In Need of Repair”

Biceps Boy started extra early the next morning. The compressor roared to life and her eyes flew open. Slam-bang from the hammers.  To top it off, one of the geniuses brought a radio and the serenade of some country boy done wrong sent the hair up on her neck. She grabbed her bedside clock. Six freaking thirty.

Samantha leapt out of bed, pulled on cutoffs and slid a t-shirt over her head, and barely blinked the sleep out of her eyes before stumbling down the stairs.

She spotted Biceps at the table saw and marched over, her flip flops snapping against her heels. “How long are you going to make my life a living hell?” she shouted over the noise.

He looked up at her with a shocked expression. Damn, he had the most incredible green eyes. Fringed with dark lashes and set in a face worthy of the gods, his eyes slowly crinkled as he grinned and looked her up and down. “Where did you come from?”

Of course. A fucking redneck construction guy who couldn’t see past her breasts. “I live right there,” she said, jamming her thumb toward the garage apartment.

“Nobody told me,” he said mildly, looking back at the saw. He turned off the spinning blade and picked up a battered travel mug. “Sorry about the noise, but we’re going to be here a while,” he said, taking a drink.

Against her better judgement, her gaze drifted. She was helpless to stop herself. Much as she wanted to be furious with this guy, she couldn’t ignore his appeal. Under that faded navy blue t-shirt, his shoulders stretched almost wide enough to block a doorway. Sprinkled with sawdust, his tanned forearms rippled with corded muscle. As if he could pick her up. Or hold himself over her for hours…

Everything about him made her think of sex. How fucking long had it been since she thought about sex? How completely inappropriate could this be?

She stopped herself before her gaze wandered past the tool belt and brought her attention back to his face. Big grin, all white teeth and dimples. A look that said he could eat her alive and make her like it.

Worse, he didn’t hide the fact that his gaze kept wandering down the front of her t-shirt which she realized, now that she’d come half awake, did nothing to hide her failure to put on a bra. Or the fact that her nipples reacted to his stare. Her bare toes curled.

“That’s just not acceptable,” she said, planting her fists on her hips. She considered taking a swing at that jaw. “You’ll have to wait three weeks to resume work here. I have a deadline.”

He laughed. “You’re kidding.”

She huffed. “I’m not kidding. I have to finish this project. There’s no way I can work with all this noise.”

“Lady, we have a deadline too. We’ve got more work to do than we’d planned and not enough time to do it. I’ve had to hire more guys. If anything, it’s going to get a lot noisier around here.” He studied her from under the brim of his battered ball cap. “Close your windows.”

Her teeth clenched as she resisted the urge to curse out loud. “My windows are closed. I can still hear every hammer strike and every note blaring from that damn radio. There’s got to be a law or something.”

“Sorry,” he said agreeably, adjusting his hat over his short sun-bleached hair. “Not.”

How could he be so nonchalant? Her entire future was at stake. “What about common decency?”

She looked up as three men rounded the corner.

“Hey, boss, that scaffolding…” one of them said, breaking off when they saw her.

The heat of their scrutiny swept up her face in a hot flush. What the hell had she been thinking, coming out here half dressed? These cutoffs weren’t fit for public view and she never went anywhere without a bra. She hadn’t had coffee, hadn’t even brushed her teeth. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to disguise the condition of her breasts.

“Give me a minute,” Biceps said, jerking his head sideways to send them away.

His eyes settled on her again. She didn’t like what she saw, this mixture of sympathy, curiosity, and lust. Was it just in this redneck’s DNA to make her feel helpless? She looked away.

“Go work at my house,” he said. “You’ll have the place to yourself. I promise, it’s quiet.”

She stared at him. He couldn’t be serious. “That’s absurd.”


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About the Author

lalizzieD+editedLizzie Ashworth lives in the wilds of the Ozark Mountains with her cats, hound dogs, and whichever child has taken up temporary residence between grad school and relocation. She’s been writing her entire life and can’t express how wonderful it is to share stories with readers like you. Every book comes from the heart in the hopes that readers will find a bit of pleasure within those pages.

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