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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
Celebrate my birthday with me and my hot heroes
In honor of my birthday I am giving away 8 prizes
Leave a comment and I will choose 8 people to win their choice of one of my books
Today is my 80th birthday, a milestone for sure. It hardly seems possible that I have been writing romance novels for twelve years, publisher for ten, and have more than two hundred titles out there for my readers. It’s a career I started as a hobby, sort of, after all my other careers and finally retiring from the last one I had.
I always wanted to write. I loved making up stories even as a kid. But my life was so busy that I never really had the time to devote to it until I retired. Funny thing is, I always thought I would write mysteries. My mother and sister read them—Ellery Queen, Agatha Christie, Emma Lathan, Mignon Eberhart, Rex Stout. You get the drift. AS I readied myself for retirement my staff took great pleasure in helping me plot The Book that I would write as soon as I got settled.
In 2004, I finally sat down to write The Book, the greatest mystery of all time, except a funny thing happened on the way to completion. I got three chapters written and couldn’t seem to get beyond that point. I thought, well, crap! And then I read my first romance ever, a romantic suspense by Linda Howard called Cry No More. I thought, damn! This is for me. This is what I want to write.
I sat down and wrote like a fiend and Target was finished in three weeks. Yes, three weeks. Note: it actually took five years to get that book published, and others came before it. So now I had a book and no idea what to do with it. When I found San Antonio Romance Authors SARA) I was sure I hit the jackpot. I learned all the things I didn’t know about writing a successful book and discovered the ongoing battle to get a book published when you are one in every ten thousand that actually is contracted.
But I learned a lot from SARA. Delilah Devlin told me my story really started on page 32 (way too much backstory), Elle James showed me how to structure a plot. Linda Carroll-Bradd taught me about dialogue tags. And so many others in SARA who encouraged and guided me and celebrated with me when I got that very first contract.
I didn’t start out writing erotic but again, I can thank my SARA friends who told me when Ellora’s Cave had an open submission call for themed Quickies (15K). Imagine my shock when Cupid’s Shaft was contracted. I think I stared at the email for an hour just to make sure I read it write.
My journey since then has taken a lot of twists and turns and there are so many others to thank for helping me make it: The Wild Rose Press (and the wonderful Rhonda Penders) who published me when nobody else would; Kelli Collins and Diana Carlisle, two of the best editors I have ever had (and I have to add Paige Christian at Kensington to that list); all my friends at SARA who encouraged me. Margie Hager, my long time beta reader. Shirley Long, a reader who has been with me since my very first book. The wonderful Frauke Spanath at Croco Designs, web and graphics designer extraordinaire who puts up with my disorganization and makes everything so beautiful. My new PA, Nicole Kuhn, who does so much to make sure my promotions get out there and work. Sharon Slick Reads, whose reviews taught me what makes a book readable and special.
I know I’ve forgotten someone, which always happens when you start naming people. If I left you out I’m sorry but you live in my heart. Believe me.
Last year was a great year for me, with the launch of my first series with Kensington (my New York publisher), the launch of my paranormal series with Decadent, and the launch of my Kindle World, The Omega Team, with Amazon.
This year promises to be even better. Kensington has given the go ahead for a new small town romantic suspense series. My Kindle World (The Omega Team) has three more launches scheduled. (see the link to the video below) I am in the process of writing the first in a four-book military romance series for Totally Bound which will go mass market. And thank you to all the people who have invited me to be part of box sets, also.
This year I am also deep into the planning, with my four co-hostesses, for the fifth Wild Wicked Weekend, our fun convo for romance authors and readers. Check it out at www.wildwickedweekend.com
I want to thank everyone who reads my books and helps me promote. You all are what make it work for me. I hope to be doing this for a long time yet, at least to fulfill all the contracts I’ve signed (grin!).
Below are the links for my newsletter and my app. Both are free and easy ways to keep up with me.
Huge thanks to Delilah who has been with me from Day One for letting me babble on her bog today.
Oh, and that first book I wrote, Target? Not only did it finally get contracted and released as the first book in a four-book series, but I am I the process of revising all of them and they will be re-released this year and next. Watch for them.
Download my App. It’s free!!!!
Google https://bit.ly/1QA1JHG
Apple https://apple.co/1Tm8Wfp
Sign up for my newsletter here: https://bit.ly/1SJqwvg
Web: www.desireeholt.com
Blog: wwwdesiremeonly.com
The Omega Team video:

Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laurie - Tamye Whitener - Ginger Robertson - jennifer mathis - Jen B. -
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Chronicles of the Fallen, Book 4
A legendary sword isn’t the only thing this merciless demon desires…
Possessed of immeasurable patience and an unrelenting drive for justice, Sebastian, the Demon of Vengeance, has finally met his match. His mission is to keep the new Guardian safe until the Sword of Kathnesh is retrieved, but the aggravating woman insists on throwing herself into harm’s way at every opportunity.
Finding the sacred relic is Phoebe Mackenzie’s task, and protecting it is her family’s legacy. But when Sebastian resorts to magic to save her life, he unwittingly exposes a secret sealed deep within her—and paints a target on her back no demon can resist. As Phoebe fights to hold on to her identity, Sebastian’s oldest nemesis vows to use any and all means to force Sebastian into a fight to the death—including targeting his mate. Sebastian will do whatever it takes to preserve the barriers between Earth and Hell. But in unleashing the raging storm inside him, he risks losing the woman he loves.
“Well, they probably have Dad’s last journal now.” Phoebe mustered the strength to roll over on her side to face him. She tugged the blankets up, tucking them firmly in place. “It shouldn’t be a major issue, not unless they’re familiar with the region. My father encrypted all his journals. It was a code he only ever taught to me. It started out as a game when I was young, but then, after the fire, it became serious. Eventually it was the only way we communicated about anything, at least in writing. They won’t be able to read the journal themselves, I’m sure of that much at least.”
“Then we still have a slight advantage.”
“Not with me in this bed,” Phoebe pointed out, filled with determination. Once more, ignoring the trembling of her limbs and the shaking in her hands, she made to sit up.
But Sebastian was on his feet before she could blink. His large hand pressed against her good shoulder, careful but insistent, urging her back against the pillows. “Oh, no, you don’t.
Not yet. You’re not strong enough. Tell me where to go, what to look for.”
“That’s just it. I don’t know.” She gave up struggling and sagged into the mattress, exhausted. No way was she going to let him hunt for the sword while she languished in bed. He’d find the damned thing and she’d never see him or it again.
Not that it mattered if she saw him again. She bit her lip, unhappy with the taste of the lie souring her mouth.
What should it matter?
Answer? It shouldn’t.
But it did.
And she didn’t know quite what to think about that.
“Every journal I found was filled with clues. Clues and more clues. A hodgepodge network of riddles I had to work through. Riddles only I could work through. The clues form a map of sorts leading to yet another journal. It’s a complicated process, one I’d hoped I was reaching the end of.” She studied his face, bit her lip. And decided to test the waters.
Would he keep to his word, or was he no better than the other demons she’d encountered?
No better, just sneakier? “Dad said he would leave a trail of breadcrumbs, should the sword ever disappear.”
“So there is a way to recover it, even though it’s in Stolas’s hands?” He leaned forward, his expression avid.
His excitement set off faint warning bells. Was it just ingrained caution? Or something more sinister? She hesitated. She needed him to trust her, regardless of whether or not she trusted him. If he trusted her, he might relax his guard. If his guard was down, she might be able to escape if need be.
Besides, he already knew most of the crucial information. She wasn’t confirming anything new. Not yet, at least.
“Yes, for sure. Or yes, you hope?”
Stirring herself, she replied, “Yes. Definitely, yes. He would have ensured there was some way to find it, no matter what. I firmly believe that. But we can’t wait. Too much is riding on that sword.”
Sebastian sat there, his hip pressed to hers as he leaned across her, his expression inscrutable. His palm was braced on the mattress beside her hip, pinning her in place. He regarded her with such intensity she fought the urge to squirm.
“What are you?” His question came out of left field.
She sucked in a sharp breath. How could he know? How had he figured out that she wasn’t—
“I know you don’t trust me, not yet. But in order for me to do my job, in order for me to protect you to the best of my ability, you have to tell me what you are.”
He waited. She swallowed. He cocked an eyebrow. She blinked. He was clearly growing impatient by her continued silence. Still, she couldn’t do it, couldn’t tell him what had happened to her, what she’d seen in the mirror the day she’d learned of her father’s death.
Eventually, Sebastian heaved a sigh. “Mark my words. I will find out, Phoebe. I don’t know what you’re so afraid of, why you fear telling me. But I’ll find out.” He stood and bent over her. And then he flattened his hands on either side of her shoulders, pinning her as he got in her space. “I will find out. And I’ll still stand beside you. I’ll protect you anyway. Even if I have to protect you from yourself.”
He dropped a soft kiss on her forehead, shocking her speechless, before he straightened and moved toward the door. “If you can get up, can get dressed on your own, and meet me downstairs in twenty minutes, I’ll take you back to Mexico tonight. Otherwise, the trip will have to wait until you’re stronger.”
“I don’t have any clothes,” she pointed out, cursing when her arms shook violently, threatening to give way as she pushed up on the bed once more. Phoebe squawked in surprise when a stack of neatly folded clothing appeared beside her without any warning.
Why did she get the feeling she was in over her head? Way, way over her head.
“Thank you,” she said, gritting her teeth in determination. Perspiration beaded her upper lip as she managed to get into an upright position. She clutched the sheet to her chest with one hand and reached for the pile of clothing with the other. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me, Sebastian. You’ve been…beyond kind.”
He stopped halfway across the room and slowly turned. The smile he sent her nearly stopped her heart.
“Sweetheart, there are three very important things you need to know about me…know and remember above and beyond anything else. First, I don’t have an altruistic bone in my body.”
Phoebe blinked.
“Second, when I want something, I won’t ever stop until I get it. Not. Ever.” He paused, stared at her for a long moment, stared hard, as if to make certain she not only heard but completely understood every last word. A heavy sense of foreboding settled in the pit of her stomach and she frowned.
“And third… I. Want. You.”
The smile he gave her left her with no doubt in her mind over what he’d meant by that last remark. And then he vanished. A long moment later, she sucked in a shuddering lungful of air. That old adage about frying pans and fires came back to her once more.
“What did I just get myself into?”
Review Quotes:
Praise for Brenda Huber…
“Ms. Huber is an author who makes every page look effortless.” ~ says Catherine Bybee, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author
“Temptation by Brenda Huber is imaginative, vibrant and completely addictive… Another amazing tale from this compelling series!” ~ Fresh Fiction Reviews
“[Brenda Huber’s] ability to infuse romance, action and humor…will certainly keep me coming back for more. Reading Chronicles of the Fallen Series is a must for any PNR fan.” ~ The Jeep Diva
“Thrilling, dangerous and seductive… Brenda Huber has done it again with her continuation of a fantastic plot, amazing characters and sizzling passion.” ~Fresh Fiction Reviews says of The Seer
“With danger, passion, sexy demons…, and a lot of action, THE SLAYER by Brenda Huber is a new favorite of mine.” ~Fresh Fiction Reviews
“Ms. Huber has the ability to draw you into the story and keep you thoroughly entertained.” ~ The Romance Review
” Author Brenda Huber has crafted a tale that will ensnare the mind and enrapture the heart…” ~Long and Short Romance Reviews
“Ms. Huber has a gift with weaving emotions and building characters…” ~Seriously Reviewed
“Amazingly well written…A gripping story of magical creatures…You just can’t put this book down.” ~Nocturne Romance Reads
Purchase links:
Giveaway Details:
In the weeks leading up to the Release Day for Demon of Vengeance, I will be announcing a drawing on my webpage and my author page on Facebook. I will be announcing the winner on June 28th on my webpage and my social media outlets.
About the Author
I’ve always been an avid reader. With that love of books came a passion to write them. The first romance novel I ever picked up (and probably still one of my all time favorites) was Captive Bride by Johanna Lindsey. I own every book she has out. I have too many other favorite authors that I loyally read to list, but I tend to lean more toward Paranormal Romance, of course, as well as Suspense and Historical. I am a determined gardener, despite the fact that my family claims I have a black thumb. Even I will admit that plants in my household have a 50/50 shot…but I refuse to give up. I love to study history, particularly that of the American West and Civil War, and Revolutionary War, Medieval European history, and Egyptian history. Eclectic, I know, but there it is. I prize spending time with my children above all else. I live in Iowa with my wonderful husband, my two children, and my very spoiled dog Sam. You can learn more by visiting me on my website (brendahuber.webs.com), or following me on Facebook (https://on.fb.me/1F4VsNc) and Twitter (@b_hubie).
Social Media links:
Twitter: @b_hubie
Instagram: author_brenda_Huber
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Brenda-Hubers-Author-Page-110286325668262/
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Monday, June 27th, 2016

Did you ever read “The End” on an un-put-down-able suspense novel and then couldn’t wait to tell someone about it?
Well…for those of you who cruise through a romantic suspense novel or two or fifty per week, we have the perfect place for you to swoon and rave all about it. It’s an all-new discussion group on FB that is growing by leaps and bounds as new readers discover us.
Our emphasis is on our lively book discussions. We are a NO-SPAM group where even the author members are allowed to do very little promoting.
Here’s a sneak peek at our Reader Rules of Engagement:
- DO start a discussion on the romantic suspense novel you’re reading now.
- DO mark spoilers so people can avoid them.
- DO ask for book recommendations.
- DO post only about romantic suspense books. We are a dedicated group; no other types of novels will be discussed.
- DON’T be rude.
- DON’T post about politics or any other sensitive, divisive, or inflammatory subjects. Opinions on such topics belong on your personal profile, not in this group.
- NOTE: Romantic suspense novels cover a wide range of stories, including some that contain sexually intimate situations, violence, or foul language. If you are offended by such stories, please reconsider joining this group.
Our authors include NYT, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors, and we love reading books as much as we love writing them. We also love to host fun Q&As, super awesome giveaways, and opportunities for you to get involved in our book worlds behind the scenes. This may include (but is not limited to) helping choose book covers, character names, and spending time with us at book signings, conferences, and other booklover events.
Go ahead and join us at:
We dare you!
Jo Grafford
Designed for You
Also, check out Jo’s latest sizzling release: DESIGNED FOR YOU, first book in the FOR YOU SERIES:

Jillian Lang’s interior design company soars to a new level of success after hiring the world’s sexiest, most gorgeous office manager. Holland Sparks makes everything spike — her sales, her heartbeat, her temperature…
When a pesky stalker suddenly moves his game from the cyber world to the real world, Holland becomes the one person she trusts implicitly. An anchor in the midst of her chaos. A man whose ruthless business instincts turn to devastating tenderness after hours.
Until his own secrets start to unfold, leaving Jillian to wonder if her beautiful business partner is actually the one spinning the deadly web that’s fast closing around her.
- “Heart-pounding suspense mixed with fun, quirky characters, lit by steamy scenes, and riddled with so many twists that you’ll be guessing until the last page.”
- “One heck of a roller coaster ride”
- “Gutsy heroine, alpha men, heart-pumping drama”
- “Highly entertaining. Not a dull moment. Didn’t want to put this book down.”
- “5+++ stars!”
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jo Grafford -
Sunday, June 26th, 2016
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the simple definition of a spirit is “the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy, and power”. The full definition is “a supernatural being or essence”. These two definitions show that there is more than one kind of spirit.
The common belief is that the spirit of a living person is called a soul and the spirit of a dead person is a ghost. There are many thoughts on what happens to a person after they have died. Most talk about a life after death, but what happens to spirits who do not move on but linger here on earth. All cultures have stories about the spirits of long dead loved ones appearing and helping their families. There are also tales of spirits haunting places where a tragedy or a battle has occurred. These stories have one common point; the spirit has something that tethers them here rather than allowing them to pass over to the other side.
There are many people who actually hunt for ghosts. They call themselves paranormal investigators. These ghost hunters often use electronic equipment to help them find and record spirits. There is even an application for the Android phone that helps search and record paranormal activity.
The full definition speaks of supernatural beings. In most cultures this refers to angels and demons. Many cultures and even the Bible talk about angels who appear to men and giving them advise and guidance or demons controlling people and using them to further their own goals.
Belief in these things is a personal matter, but there is a lot of evidence that suggest they really do exist.
The second book of the Rose Series, THE THORN OF A ROSE, continues the tale of romance in the world of politics, complicated by ghosts, angels, and demons.
Have you ever had an experience with a ghost or supernatural being?
Augustina Van Hoven
Proving Love is Strange
THE THORN OF A ROSE – Available June 30th
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Augustina-Van-Hoven-Author/336028986575129
Twitter: @augustinavhoven
We are all chess pieces on a board … in a game played by supernatural forces.

Newly elected state senator Ashley Halliday is over her failed engagement and ready to help make Idaho a better place to live and work. She has no time for romance … until she and Richard, a handsome state representative, take their friendship to a new level. But then there’s John, an aide to the governor of Idaho. Both hold power … but only one is a good man. The other is on a mission to destroy lives. Will she learn the truth in time to save lives and keep her friends safe from dark influences?
Sports bar owner and state representative Richard Fowler is happy for his best friend Stephen and his bride, Rose. He knows their secret–Rose came back from the dead to save Stephen from his lofty ambitions. Richard himself has no time for any supernatural goings-on or for romance, not with his work to save state education funding. Until he sees the vibrant Senator Halliday through new eyes, that is. But to win Ashley, he must keep her safe from a rival who wants her for darker reasons.
A villain has returned from the dead, summoned by a demon, and given another chance to do what he failed at the first time. He’ll gladly take down anyone else who gets in his way. And his new post in the halls of state government? A devilish chance to play corrupt lobbyist, and foil the plans of those with loftier goals.
Tagged: ghost, Guest Blogger, paranormal Posted in General | Comments Off on Augustina Van Hoven: Spirits | Link
Saturday, June 25th, 2016
Two years ago, my husband and I took a trip to Norway. At one of the museums outside of Oslo on an island called Bygdøy, three Viking longboats sat mostly preserved, excavated from burial mounds nearly a hundred years ago. This fired my imagination, envisioning muscle-bound, blond or red-haired warriors marauding their way across the lands of Scotland and the islands of the North Sea. Ten men rowing across the swells of the open ocean, braving harsh weather to conquer, and finding themselves scaling cliffs of a foreign shore. The story of Harald Sigurdsen and Eivind Halvorsen was born.
As we continued our vacation and exploration of Norway, we drove along the rugged coastline of the east and south of the country. Rounding the southern tip, the rugged cliffs and long fjords became flatter and more fertile with farms as far as the eye could see. After the warriors conquered, settlers arrived from Norway and integrated with the locals, setting up commerce and trade between the new colonies and the Viking homeland.
The Orkney Landing incorporates both the warriors and the eventual settlements of the Vikings on the Ornkey Islands. Halvor and Eivind, along with their raiding party, pillage their way across the islands, taking no prisoners until they find a Pict servant cowering behind a tapestry. Halvor makes Talorc his slave, and allows him to live and serve. Talorc is a willing and enthusiastic servant, coming to Halvor’s aid in the midst of battle. Things heat up between the two warriors and their slave as the Vikings continue their conquest of the Orkney Islands.

You can pre-order Harald, Eivind, and Talorc’s story The Orkney Landing here, part of the Warlords and Warriors anthology.
In the morning, after a breakfast of rations, Harald directed Talorc in the efficient packing of the tent and its contents as Eivind looked on.
“Be quick. It’s time to move forward.” Harald stepped from the tent into the crisp morning air.
Talorc finished the packing and carried a large bag of supplies as the other Vikings disassembled the camp. “Ready, Lord Viking.”
Two of the closest warriors glanced at Talorc, and then to Harald with a smirk.
“You men have something to say?”
Both of their faces reddened. “No, Harald. We’re only admiring your new slave.”
Harald bristled for a moment, and Eivind placed a hand on his shoulder. He relaxed and grinned. “He’s a quick learner.” He watched Talorc lift the bag of supplies, his slender muscles straining. Why did that bother me? He’s a slave. A willing slave, but a slave nonetheless.
Shaking off his confusion, he focused on the march at hand. The raiding party covered several leagues over the hilly countryside, burning farmhouses as they went. At each dwelling, Harald paused to look inside.
After they plundered their fourteenth farm, he shook his head as he lit a torch. Each house deserted. This doesn’t bode well for the stealth of our assault.
Before he could light the thatched roof, a cheer arose from a far off hill. He dropped the torch and turned to his company. The men crowded behind him, facing the oncoming attack.
Grey clouds descended as Harald counted the naked Pict men painted blue, yielding swords and clubs and surging across the moor. Twenty seven. These look more like warriors. The farm woman or the children survived and sounded the alarm. He turned to his men. “Torvald, Andreas, and Halvor, take the savages on the right. Erik, Tallak and Sigurd, take the left. The rest of you with me and Eivind down the center.”
Turning, he brought his attention to Talorc. “Hide amongst the supplies. If the battle goes ill, run. If you’re needed, you will hear two blasts of my horn.”
“Yes, my lord.” Talorc scurried to the pile of wood for the tents and ducked out of sight.
Harald raised his sword as the rain fell and a peel of thunder rolled over the moor. “Forward, and take no prisoners!”
He roared as they ran toward the approaching savages. Excitement surged through his veins, and he slashed his sword at the lead Pict, slicing the life from him. Another swung a club at him, but he missed. He dispatched the fiery-haired man with a single stroke.
Harald looked on with satisfaction as more of the Picts fell to the Vikings’ swords. He stabbed another man in the shoulder, and the savage fell. Turning toward another, he thrust the blade through the attacker.
“Harald, look out!”
Brent Archer began writing in 2011 at the nudging of his cousins. His first story sold, and he was hooked! The second story in his Golden Scepter Series, Pennington’s Conquest, will release in the Summer of 2016 with MuseItHOT Publishing. Stay tuned!
Visit his website to keep up on upcoming releases, and follow him on Twitter: @brentarcherwrit.
Tagged: GLBT, Guest Blogger, vikings Posted in General | Comments Off on Brent Archer: Love and Lust in the Ancient Orkneys | Link
Friday, June 24th, 2016

Release day: July 1, 2016
Where there’s smoke, there’s dragon fire.
Ordinary girl. Extraordinary fate.
Violet Winters is having a less than perfect day. Her parents are meddling with her love life (again), her wintery magic is kaput and her vivid dreams are coming far too close to reality. When she falls through the ice after seeing her fiancé all close and snuggly with a fellow polar bear, all bets are off. Is she better off dead or will she get another chance at life when a Grimare angel rescues her from her chosen fate?
Fire meets ice and passions ignite.
Dante is a dragon on a mission: fight the string of strange fires springing up around Westmore and find a mate. When his Captain decides to have the men pose for social media shots to garner attention for the station, Dante finds himself in the middle of a steady stream of women after his special strategically placed “fire hose.”
At Hot Whips Café to haggle with the owner for counter space for their new firemen calendar, he meets a woman who sets his inner scales on fire. Can he save her from the machinations of the Fates or will she die a second time by the very threat Dante fights against?
A dragon’s panty melting kiss may just be the wow this curvy girl needs.
Buy links:
Amazon: https://rxe.me/R98E6Y
Kobo: https://goo.gl/ZyzLvP
ARe: https://goo.gl/WfXCBO
iBooks: https://goo.gl/pjspUu

“Come on, Dante, show us a little leg.” The smirking photographer circled in front of him and it was all Dante could do to control the dragon scraping beneath his skin to avoid reaching out and shoving the camera up his ass.
Pictures for social media. The Captain had officially lost his fucking mind. The catcalls and male laughter from the rest of the guys made him lose his footing and the fire hose he’d been using as a prop to conceal his nakedness began to slip.
“Jesus. Fix that hose. This isn’t internet porn, you know.” The Captain groused, scowling.
Dante scrambled to catch the hose and cover himself and balanced against the newly washed and waxed fire engine, trying to pretend he was anywhere else but standing like a prize bull at an auction.
“If you’ll hold still, please. The others have already contributed their shots. You’re the last one.” The cameraman huffed, turning the lens. He lowered the camera and glared at Dante. “You could smile maybe?”
Shit. He was distracted by the wacked out dream he’d had the night before. A woman he’d never met swam in front of him, dying. Her long black hair fanned out in the cold, dark water and he’d panicked. He’d told her to live.
“Fine.” Dante growled, a wisp of smoke curling out from behind his lips. He felt the change sliding beneath his skin, the dragon agitated by his distress.
“God, Dante. Come on.” Carter laughed. “You aren’t afraid of a little flashing light, are you?” The rest of the crew laughed, sharing in the good natured ribbing.
He just wanted it to be over. His beast wanted to fly and hunt and if he didn’t get out of here soon, he was going to lose his mind. Most of the men here were either dating or married. He wasn’t and the urge to mate had made his already bad temper even worse.
The Captain had lured him and the others in with the promise of a social media boost to help the department. He figured a couple of pictures for Instagram like that vet that had so many followers it was insane. Model pretty with a gaggle of women trailing behind him like no tomorrow. The guy had even been on national television recently. Cap was dreaming, but he also knew the man would do anything to save their department from going strictly volunteer.
So many in the country had gone that route and the bear shifter was fighting it tooth and claw. Dante supported that. He’d moved from his home in the mountains to come here after his buddy Carter had told him about the job. Happy and with a large family of cat and dragon shifter young, his friend would do anything to ensure things stayed status quo. So would he, and apparently that included standing naked in front of a freshly polished firetruck.
Thank God his mother couldn’t see him or he’d never hear the end of it. She’d been writing him emails nonstop asking if he’d met any promising women. Jesus. He’d never seen a woman more eager to fuss over grandchildren. But he hadn’t and the prospects didn’t look very favorable. Not that he hadn’t dated. He had. But no female he’d met even sparked his interest past the typical curves and tight jeans and it wasn’t enough. Not anymore.
He wanted a mate. Someone to come home to and warm his bed and his heart. Most of the women he’d come across only wanted one thing—to bang a fireman and brag to their friends.
“Well, that’s about as good as I’m going to get if you’re going to scowl like that.” The photographer capped his lens and sighed, stalking off toward the Captain. “You can get dressed now.”
“Jerk.” Dante swiped the robe he’d worn from the floor and shrugged into it.
“Man, you really need to learn to crack a smile, buddy.” Carter grinned as he and a few of the others approached now that the photographer had gone.
“Thank you, guys. Dante.” The Captain came forward giving Dante a narrow eyed look, then nodded toward the remainder of the group. “We should see the finished product in a day or so.”
Wait. Product?
About the Author
Erzabet Bishop is an award winning and bestselling author who loves to write naughty stories. She is the author of Lipstick, Crave, Snow (Three Times More Lucky Box Set), Malediction (upcoming-A Wicked Halloween Box Set), Map of Bones (upcoming-A Wicked Affair Box Set), Sanguine Shadows (Vampire Bites Box Set), The Science of Lust, Wicked for You, Heart’s Protector, Burning for You, Red Hot (upcoming), Bayou Shadows (upcoming-Nola Naughty Nine) Hedging Her Bets (Alpha Fever Box Set), Cat’s Got Her Tongue (Alpha Heat Box Set), Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming),The Devil’s Due (upcoming), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming), Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, A Red Dress for Christmas, The Black Magic Café, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation along with being a contributor to many anthologies. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies.
Follow her on Twitter @erzabetbishop.
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Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

On January 5, two hours before departure on a Panama Canal cruise, I dodged a speeding car during my morning walk and rammed into a cement barrier. I broke four toes, sprained my ankle, and bruised a lot of soft tissue. (All of which I discovered 6 hours later from the ship’s doctor’s x-rays).
The doctor assured me I still had time to jump ship and head back to California from Florida. His suggestion raised a dilemma. My son, DIL, husband, and I had planned this trip for a long, long time. What would I do at home in a wheelchair I couldn’t do sailing the ocean blue?
So, I accepted a soft boot, IBUPROFEN, an ice pack, and a wheelchair, agreeing to see an ortho doc in Colon, Colombia two days later. If I needed surgery on the toes, I’d decide to have it there (uh-huh!) or return to California.
The next two nights stretched into at least additional forty-eight hours. My foot looked and felt like an overfed whale. But . . . I stayed in the wheelchair provided by the cruise company, remembered two people I know who have sat in wheelchairs all day for the past twenty years, and dialed back on the whines. And my thoughts turned to murder.
Now, in full disclosure, I’d written my first and second psychological thrillers before leaving the States. I’d planned on reviewing the manuscripts on board. Didn’t happen. Visions of the multiple ways to torture the driver who’d nearly mowed me down hijacked my imagination.
Having written four romance novels (two comedies, two romantic suspense), I was a true believer in the transformative power of love. Forced to stay in a wheelchair from the moment I got up until I went to bed, I kept thinking about murder. I still believed in that transformative power of love, but I started to see where some characters never found true love. Or, they were too damaged to love and be loved.
That thin line between thinking about murder and committing murder niggled at my imagination. (Sort of ridiculous since I was being treated like a princess by my husband and kids and ship’s staff). In addition, many passengers wanted to know what had happened.
My story? I was skiing down Mount Everest blindfolded and hit a mogul. (Yep, that got a laugh). When I told “the truth,” many passengers commiserated with me about the jackass driver who never even slowed down. They agreed he’d escaped justice.
Misfits. Murderers. Justice.
The idea churned my brains while I sat on my balcony and contemplated passing through the Panama Canal. When I came out on the Atlantic side, I’d reached a decision. Writing romance had taught me a lot. Now, I thought I was ready to veer off to another path. (The jungle and heat and strange creatures fuel the imagination).
Back home, walking five miles a day again—though more slowly, trying to accept I have six more months according to my ortho surgeon before I can say I’ve recovered, I am writing the third novel in my trilogy, THE MISfIT. At this point in my life, I like being able to commit murder.
How about you? Are you a dyed-in-the-wool romance reader? Have you ever thought about that thin line between thinking and committing murder? Why do you read romance? Do you read other genres? Why/why not? I will get back to you.
Thanks to Delilah for this opportunity to travel a different path with you. Below is a brief description and excerpt from The Early Years.
OBTW, reading during my forty-five days of wheelchair-confinement, helped more than any medication.
AB Plum, author of THE MISfIT—The Early Years, a novella of psychological suspense
THE MISfIT—The Early Years

You’ve known you were different forever.
Memories of standing on the outside flood your eleven-year-old brain.
Your own parents refuse to look you in the eye.
They refuse to touch you. Talk to you. Express affection.
They lavish your older brother with praise. With acceptance. With love.
He taunts you. Disrespects you. Underestimates you.
You have one friend—and he is different too.
He’s lucky though.
He doesn’t have cold, uncaring parents.
Or a despicable older brother.
Your friend’s happy to help you exact justice.
Chapter 1
A Deadly Accident
On January 15, 1976, the plan to kill my older brother came to me fully formed.
Everyone at Hovedbanegård (Copenhagen’s Central Train Station) wore fur-lined boots, coats, gloves, and hats. My brother, shorter than most of the god-tall Danes, stood out because of his squared off torso—an aberrant gene, most likely, from our Finnish mother. The sheer mass of the crowd made pushing him—too close to the edge of the platform—too easy.
BIO: AB lives just off the fast-lane in Silicon Valley with her husband. Reading, hiking, aerobic dancing, and participating in debates about hot-button topics propel her imagination toward murder.
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