Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Tigris Eden: Diamond
Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

teDiamond Graphic2


Release Date: April 26, 2016

teDiamon Cover

The first book in a new series by Author Tigris Eden. Beyond the Red Door, everything has a price.

Eons ago, the comet Biel passed through Earth’s atmosphere, depositing Travelers and leaving behind remnants that drastically altered the planet and its inhabitants. Hundreds of years later, mutation and evolution have left behind a desolate wasteland and dangers beyond comprehension.

The last remnants of the human race are clinging to life, living in the ruins of Earth’s major cities and struggling to survive. Technology is scarce, and what little remains comes from the very thing that almost destroyed them. Monsters roam the streets, and fear and duplicity rule.

The fallout from the comet has mutation spreading, disfiguring men and twisting their minds, turning them into carnivores and savages that threaten the city and its people. Amidst the chaos, one man rules as Sovereign and corners the market on both technology and trade. To Lavarious Diamond, everything is for sale or trade. The only question is how much it’s worth.

When a mysterious woman comes to the Quarry and promises a huge payday, Diamond’s tidy life is shaken up, and he finds himself uncharacteristically helping her. Along the way, secrets and deceit abound. When the truth comes out, nothing and nobody will ever be the same.

Google Play:

About the Author

teTigris PhotoOne of Tigris’ fondest memories, was in the sixth grade, when her teacher read her story, “The Case of The Missing Pepperoni”, out loud to the class. It was then she decided she wanted to be a writer when she grew up. But like all childhood dreams, reality has a way of crashing in and disrupting plans. But her imagination and the voices inside her head never stopped talking. Every dream she could remember was jotted down in her dream journals.

When she’s not writing Tigris marvels at life’s gifts. She likes to take pictures of beautiful things. She openly admits that what she may find beautiful another person might not, and she’s perfectly okay with that. She enjoys her music and doesn’t leave home without it. Long pillow conversations with LL about nonsensical things, and hanging out with her boys, when they deem her “cool enough.”

Tigris is a military brat who’s done her fair share of travelling, thanks to her Army father. She’s married to the infamous LL and has three boys. She currently resides in Houston and is actively seeking a book-buddy for the end of the world.

You can visit Tigris at:



Nadya reached a section of street that was completely flooded. Charred vehicles half in, half out of the water littered her path. A bus was turned on its side with the beginnings of a tree growing out of one of its side windows. There were sandbags piled high. Someone had tried to keep the water from seeping through, but it was doing a poor job. The buildings on either side of the street were completely covered by thorny vines. The smell alone was enough to make her turn around. You have to keep moving forward.

Nadya pulled her mask over her face, hoping to block out the smell. She hoped her boots were water resistant; her feet had remained dry when she’d fallen into the mud. Bottom line, she needed to get to the other side quickly and find a place where she could hole up for the rest of the night.

She’d have to use the cars to get across. If the tires weren’t touching the ground, she could maybe paddle her way to the other side. Impossible. The cars will be too heavy for one person to maneuver alone. She had to try something. If Diamond or Marius caught up with her, it was going to be her ass. There was a long branch growing out of the sidewalk a few feet away. It’d make for a good tool to test the depth of the water. She hadn’t forgotten about Phyr. He was out there somewhere with her. Likely following her, or worse, tracking her.

“There is somewhat of a ladder midway up, but it will barely hold me, we need to do this quickly,” he called down from the hole. “You need to jump as hard and as high as you can. It’s going to hurt, but you can do it. You have to. Understand?”

She nodded again.

The Reapers were getting closer.

Nadya flinched at the sound of their claws scraping against the walls. They were too close. Her entire body was beyond pain now. She was numb all over. Phyr was right; she had to make the jump. He hadn’t left her. Whether it was because she was the property of Diamond or because he could truly be trusted, she wasn’t entirely sure. Right now, she was just thankful he was there.

With shaky limbs, she leapt. On her first attempt, she felt the tip of his fingers. When she landed, she slipped, falling back into the sewer water. Her entire body, submerged. She came back to the surface, got back on the ledge, and tried again. When she jumped this time, there was a second when she saw the horror on Phyr’s face. She didn’t have time to process because mid-air, a grey, spiny arm reached forward, caught her around the waist, and tore her away from Phyr’s grasp.

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How many yous do you need? (Contest)
Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

This week’s Hell Week. I have my head down, my butt in the chair, while I work on several things at the same time: 1)edits for another author, 2) edits on my upcoming collection, Rogues3) completion of my next Stepbrothers Stepping Out story… Yeah, that’s coming this week. Who is the heroine and her stepbrother going to play with this time? Hint: Love playing doctor? Yeah…I’m having so much fun with that one. Next week, I’ll be back on my hunky Navy SEAL…

So, not a lot of time for chit-chat. And of course, I can’t just sit at my desk and do the work. I have to babysit, have an art guild meeting and dinner with friends, have to spend a day at the car dealership in Little Rock getting my car fixed. It’s times like now I wish I could clone myself and set each of my doppelgangers on a separate task. How cool would that be? I would need five.

  1. Writer me (The Hermit)
  2. Editor me
  3. Nina me to watch the kids
  4. Artist me who loves to putter in her art room & hang with her artist friends
  5. Cleaning lady me

So, for a chance to win of my Stepbrothers stories, just to get in the mood for the next release, tell me this:

How many yous do you need? And what will be their roles?

SSO Meme_sm

Erzabet Bishop: Heart’s Protector
Monday, April 25th, 2016

New Release! Available May 1st!


Two gargoyles and a woman who needs them…

Medina Argos is a woman on the run from her present and her past. One of three sisters in an international art theft ring, she flees when a routine art heist goes too far. But this curvy girl is about to learn that some hearts beat to a different drum and the road to love is sometimes the less traveled one, even for a woman with secrets.

Thomas Sauveterre is a renowned art restoration specialist. Nothing is more important to him than his daughter, Gabrielle. When he takes on the largest project of his career, he also gains a security officer in the bargain. But love can be hiding in the most surprising places if he can only open his heart to find it.

Grayson Maberry is a man on the brink. Charged with protecting property and guarding the family he’s currently assigned, he is torn by duty and a love that may never be. But a true guardian will wait forever and this gargoyle may have just met his match. Twice.

Buy links:



“Oh my God. Will you just shut up?” Medina Argos growled under her breath as the snakes beneath her skin hissed and whispered. It was the same word, over and over again and she was about to lose her damned mind.


Yes. Pretties. She needed to find a new pretty or her sisters were going to have her head on a spit—and that was before breakfast. She massaged her temples and willed the pounding in her head to freaking stop. The print of the newspaper spread across the table swam like ants in front of her eyes. She lowered her lids, blocking out the bright daylight streaming in through the blinds. Her snakes loved the light but she on the other hand wished it would cloud up and rain like hell. Then at least the migraine would stop. Just another thing for them to disagree about.

The gallery exhibits laid out in the entertainment section tugged at her consciousness but nothing really rang true. Maybe it was the headache.


“Ugh.” She reached for her coffee and took a large gulp.

The full moon was right around the corner and her snakes were at it hard today. Their voices were a snarl of murmurs that were ever so slowly driving her insane. And they really needed another thing to focus on. Like maybe where she could go to find a good brownie. Or some chocolate chip pancakes. But all they wanted to whisper about was the one thing she couldn’t get them to agree on—their next mark.

“Would you hurry up, already?” She mumbled, poking her stylus into her hair. They hadn’t popped out for a visit yet today, but if this headache kept up, goddess only knew. Temperamental at best, her girls were moody man-hating bitches most days and that was saying something.

So she talked to her hair. Most shifters she knew had the same dual natured problems she did, only they weren’t stuck having snakes for hair and an ass that turned into a giant snake rear end. Well, to be fair, her legs sort of turned into the back end of a giant snake, but it was all semantics. On most people’s scale of sexy, snakes weren’t high up on the list. Hell, they probably weren’t even on the list, but when you’re smote by a goddess, it isn’t like you have much say in the matter.

Other people she’d come across in her travels had at least been wolf shifters or even cats. She, on the other hand, was afflicted with a mythological curse that left her hissing at the moon instead of howling at it. One of the snakes wiggled in her hair and she absentmindedly poked at it with her stylus.

“Not yet. Go back to sleep.”

There went the coolness thing again.

The snakes hissed at her in censure and she sighed. She reached for her cup of coffee and took another sip. The hot black liquid slid over her tongue, cinnamon and earthy. The morning had come too soon. Nightmares woke her in the middle of the night, shaking and sweating, just like clockwork. Her throat closed up like it did when the bastard in her nightmare closed his hand around her neck, cutting off her air, his eyes narrowed into slits filled with rage filled spite.

Favored by the goddess…You’ll be crawling by the time I’m done with you.

And she had been.

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About the Author

Erzabet Bishop is an award winning and bestselling author who loves to write naughty stories. She is the author of Lipstick, Crave, The Science of Lust, Wicked for You, Snow, Heart’s Protector, Red Hot, Hedging Her Bets (Alpha Fever Box Set), Cat’s Got Her Tongue (Alpha Heat Box Set), Arcane Imaginarium: Spirit Board, Holidays in Hell, Mallory’s Mark (upcoming),The Devil’s Due (upcoming), Charity Benshaw’s Enchanted Paddle Emporium (upcoming), Sigil Fire, Glitter Lust (upcoming), Malediction (upcoming), Burning for You (upcoming), Burning Midnight (upcoming), Written on Skin, Club Beam, Pomegranate, A Red Dress for Christmas, The Black Magic Café, Fantasies in Red, Sweet Seductions, Holiday Cruise, Fetish Fair, Temptation Resorts: Jess, Temptation Resorts: Marnie, Taming the Beast, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation along with being a contributor to many anthologies. Erzabet has been a finalist in the GCLS awards for 2014 and 2015, winning the Goldie for her spot in two anthologies. She has been nominated for the Golden Flogger Award for Crave and the full figured Ménage Award for Spirit Board in 2016. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies.

Follow her on Twitter @erzabetbishop.

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Elizabeth Andrews: Family in Story (Giveaway)  
Sunday, April 24th, 2016

Hi, everyone!  It’s lovely to be back, and I want to send a huge thank-you to Delilah for letting me return.

I’ve been thinking about family in story lately, mostly because I’m working on the third book in a tiger shifter series, and so far two of the heroes and one of the heroines are siblings, and I think another brother may get a story one of these days.

Family is a lovely way to tie a series of stories together, isn’t it?  As readers, we meet  parts of the hero or heroine’s family during their story, and we sometimes fall in love with them along the way and want to spend more time with them, too.  Luckily, we get to do that with some of our favorites.  One of my very favorite family series is an old Nora Roberts series, her ‘Stanislaskis’—I think Luring a Lady  was one of the very first things I read by her, and I was totally hooked, moving on to her ‘Donovans’, and then on and on.  Meeting siblings or cousins gives us extra insight into the hero or heroine, doesn’t it?  How do they interact with the people close to them, versus someone they don’t know as well?  Who do they confide in?  What issues do they still carry with them from growing up in their family?

And in some cases, we get glimpses into those siblings’ or cousins’ lives that make us want to see them work through their own issues and find a happy ending, too.  In my “Medusa” trilogy, I have three cousins, which was fun in its own way—lots of us have cousins we spent time a lot of time with as children, but maybe as adults, we’re too far apart distance-wise to do that as often as we would like.

Some of us have siblings we don’t get to see as much as we like because they live in different parts of the country, or even in a different part of the world.  My sister (whose birthday is today! Happy birthday!) lives five states away, and we aren’t able to see each other very frequently.  But that relationship is interesting and complicated, as sibling relationships often are.  My tiger siblings still live mostly in the same area, but they have some things in their past that have shaped the adults that they are now.

I could make a very long list of series I love with family stories, but that would go on for days, and I’m pretty sure Delilah has other guests on her schedule, so I’ll refrain.  But I would like to know what some of your favorite family romance series are.  I’ve got a trade paperback copy of the first book in my “Medusa” series to give away—everyone who answers the question by 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 will have their name entered in a drawing (via for the book.  Now, I’m going to get back to work on my hot tiger shifter—he’s a little cranky right now because his pregnant mate doesn’t take orders well.  Silly tiger.

Hunting Medusa


The Medusa Trilogy, Book 1

When Kallan Tassos tracks down the current Medusa, he expects to find a monster. Instead he finds a wary, beautiful woman, shielded by a complicated web of spells that foils his plans for a quick kill and retrieval of her protective amulet.

Andrea Rosakis expects the handsome Harvester to go for the kill. Instead, his attempt to take the amulet imprinted on her skin without harming her takes her completely by surprise. And ends with the two of them in a magical bind—together. But Kallan isn’t the only Harvester on Andi’s trail…

Hunting Medusa:

About the Author

Elizabeth Andrews has been a book lover since she was old enough to read.  She read her copies of Little Women and the Little House series so many times, the books fell apart.  As an adult, her book habit continues.  She has a room overflowing with her literary collection right now, and still more spreading into other rooms.  Almost as long as she’s been reading great stories, she’s been attempting to write her own.  Thanks to a fifth grade teacher who started the class on creative writing, Elizabeth went from writing creative sentences to short stories and eventually full-length novels.  Her father saved her poor, callused fingers from permanent damage when he brought home a used typewriter for her.

Elizabeth found her mother’s stash of romance novels as a teenager, and-though she loves horror- romance became her very favorite genre, making writing romances a natural progression.  There are more than just a few manuscripts, however, tucked away in a filing cabinet that will never see the light of day.

Along with her enormous book stash, Elizabeth lives with her husband of  twenty-two years and two young adult sons, though no one else in the house reads nearly as much as she does.  When she’s not at work or buried in books or writing, there is a garden outside full of herbs, flowers and vegetables that requires occasional attention.  You can visit her at

A Question about Impossible Dream Vacations…
Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

No, I don’t plan to take a vacation anytime soon. Too many irons in the fire! But in my quiet moments, I do dream about taking some time away from my desk. Lately, I’ve been wishing for something different…not a cruise, not a road trip…I’m wishing for something impossible.

For my dream vacation, I’d love to travel to some faraway place in the universe—yeah, a galaxy far, far away. Here’s what it would look like…

My ship moors between two galaxies I can see in the distance. Pretty clouds of space dust and gas float by, appearing aimless. When we are back en-route, the captain calls everyone to the observation deck to view the latest black hole, forming in the distance. Aboard the ship, there’s plenty to do, playing on a Star Trek-style holodeck, heading to the pleasure lounge where you can hook up with your choice(s) of handsome bots. I love spending time in special meeting rooms with air and conditions set so that I can sit across from an alien from another planet to speak to him through a Universal Translator device—oh, the questions I would have for him! Unlike my mostly pleasure-seeking shipmates, I also prefer the captain’s tour, exploring belowdecks to see how everything works, sitting in a spectator’s chair on the bridge with the crew…

Sound like fun?

How about a voyage to a hotel at the bottom of the Mariana Trench? A trip into an alternate universe? How about something that is possible, but unattainable for you like a round-the-world cruise (Lord, how I’d love that!)? Where would you want to stop?

Okay, I’ve set this up for you.

What is your impossible dream vacation? 

Come to Springfest: Ask The Authors!
Friday, April 22nd, 2016

There’s going to be a fun event happening today through Sunday! It’s called Springfest, and it’s a little different from your usual Facebook party. Instead of authors arriving and coaxing you into answering their questions, it’s your time to pose the questions! Your favorite authors will be available live to answer your burning questions. What have you always wanted to know? Pop in and ASK THE AUTHORS! Click on the Springfest picture below to head over and check out the schedule. The schedule is listed in CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. I will be hanging out there today from 1:30 through 2:30 Central Time. I’d love some company! You know there were be bribes, er prizes involved, so stop by!

The current list of authors who are playing this weekend includes: Marina Adair, Kayelle Allen, Sophie Barnes, Victoria Blue, Kimberly Cates, JA Coffey, T.M. Cromer, Delilah Devlin, Tina Donahue, Sherry Ewing, Houston Havens, Desiree Holt, Callie Hutton, Lynice Jackson, D’Ann Lindun, Tracy Madison, Jennie Marts, C.M. McCoy, Virginia McKevitt, Hildie McQueen, Donna Michaels, Lydia Michaels, Siobhan Muir, Angel Payne, Lauren Runow, Jill Sanders, Gary Stillman, and Paige Tyler.


Susan Ann Wall: Country Crushes
Thursday, April 21st, 2016

I have a ton of celebrity crushes, but since my newest release – BROKEN STRINGS — is part of a country music themed collection called Love Notes, let’s talk country crushes!

My favorites come and go, kind of like a flavor of the month, but there are some musicians and songs that have a long-standing place in my heart. I’m also a bit of a concert ho, so all the pics here are from concerts I’ve been to!


  1. sw1CaptureKenny Chesney

Kenny is my longest-standing country crush. Oh, those arms. Whenever I need a good arm-porn fix, I turn to Kenny. I’ve seen Kenny in concert 5 times, with concert #6 planned for this summer. He always plays the weekend of my mother’s birthday at Gillette Stadium, so I take her every year for her birthday. He’s an amazing performer. The energy at his shows is incredible and we always have a great time. The song that got me hooked? Somewhere With You.


  1. sw2CaptureDierks Bentley

Speaking of concerts, my next concert is Dierks Bentley in June. I’ve had a crush on him ever since I Hold On. That song was the theme for Bryan Curtis in The Sound of Deception, but it rings true for all of my heroes. It’s no surprise that Dierks is one of the inspirations for Jake “JD” Donovan in Broken Strings. With Dierks, my crush is inspired by the whole package, the curly hair, the blue eyes, the sexy smile … oh, and that nice tush! He sure does fill out a pair of worn jeans like nobody’s business!!

I saw Dierks for the first time last summer and we even got a shout out from the band for our poster “We’re With the Band.” Yes, Dierks made eye contact with me and smiled. I still haven’t recovered.


  1. sw3CaptureEric Church

Springsteen is the song that got me hooked on Eric Church, and that song is the inspiration behind my next Superstitious Brides book, 3rd Trip to the Altar. But it was seeing him in concert a second time that put him in the ovary exploding category of country crushes. The first time I saw him, the experience could best be described as meh (he opened for Toby Keith and I won the tickets on the radio). He didn’t suck, but I wouldn’t have paid to see him. The second time, he opened for Kenny Chesney. I went in with low expectations only to have my mind and ovaries blown. The performance was explosive and I will even admit it was my favorite part of the Kenny Chesney experience that year.


  1. sw4CaptureKip Moore

Kip is a relatively new crush for me. I like all of his music, but Running for You nabbed me. Well, okay, so did his arms. He’s another giver when it comes to the arm porn. He opened for Dierks last summer and it was such a fantastic show, I mean, all that arm porn!! Running for You is now a favorite in my writing play lists but I do love all of his songs. There’s something about the gravelly voice … it’s a melodic seduction of the senses.


  1. Chris Young

My newest country crush is Chris Young. He’s really hot in country music right now and while I’ve listened to him for years, it’s only been recently that he’s burrowed into my heart. I love his deep voice and the sincere, heartfelt lyrics in his love songs. I haven’t seen Chris in concert YET, so I don’t have any pictures to share, but you can be sure if he comes to my neck of the woods, I’ll be there! The radio show host of the local country station I listen to LOVES Chris Young (she calls him Chris Yum) and since she helped inspire Colleen “CC” Cooper in Broken Strings, I listened to a lot of Chris Young while writing that novel!

So tell me, who is your country crush and why? If you’re not into country music, who is your biggest celebrity crush?

About the Author

sw3National Bestselling Author Susan Ann Wall writes racy, rule-breaking romance and women’s fiction. Her newest release, Broken Strings, is available April 19, 2016 in the Love Notes ebook collection. Looking for other great deals? You will find the first novel from her Puget Sound ~ Alive With Love series, The Sound of Consequence, in the upcoming collection First Glance, which features 13 first-in-their-series romances for only $.99 (available April 26, 2016).