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Wednesday, January 6th, 2016
The New Year is upon us, much more quickly than I am ever quite prepared for, but book one of the new Tales from Atlantis series is out, and I thought a little background on the Tales was in order since the first books don’t focus that much on Atlantis itself. They focus more on what would happen if Atlantis returned.
I’ve always been fascinated with stories of Atlantis and magic, and I’m a big fan of Urban Fantasy like Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files, Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake, and Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan, so it was natural for me to write Urban Fantasy. Riley’s world came into being about 10 years ago when I heard about a contest where writers were asked to write stories based on what would happen if magic returned to the earth.
I didn’t write a story for the contest. You have to overcome ‘life’ to make time to write, but the idea stuck with me. Then it started growing until now it has developed into a whole world populated with characters who are sometimes a little different and don’t always follow the plan I have for them, but they wouldn’t be any fun if they did. They do get the person, however, and I hope you’ll like them.
At the time of Digging Up the Past, Atlantis has been back for about 200 years, just long enough for those with magical bloodlines to become what they would have been had Atlantis not sunk. Riley was raised in a shape shifter clan since her father was a shape shifter by birth. Her mother, however, had originally been a witch, as had her grandmother on her mother’s side. She takes after her mother, although her mother began to be able to shift shapes shortly after Riley’s parents were married.
Riley’s work with DUE started after her brother was killed by her then fiancé in a drug deal gone bad. That betrayal started Riley on a new life where she uses her empathic and witchcraft skills in spite of not being able to shift shapes like a proper shape shifter should. Initially, anger drove her quest for revenge until she saw her lying killer of a boyfriend put away for life. After that, she was just angry with all drug dealers until Giles Walker of DUE heard about the vigilante who was taking out drug dealers and brought her into DUE. At the time of the events in this story, Riley has been with DUE for about 3 years.
Immortality? Now that’s tempting. Throw in an army of the dead, and hey, any evil overlord would kill for that package.
When the Homeland Security Service’s Department of Unusual Events, or DUE, assigned my partner, Jason, and me to this case, the file said the spade we were looking for was valued at eighteen million dollars and belonged to the Peruvian government. Stolen during shipment from Peru to the local university, the spade, along with a number of the other artifacts uncovered on a dig site in Peru, was scheduled for study here. According to our file, the HSS believed it had been stolen for financial gain or, perhaps, to cause an international incident. Not our usual type of case, but not unheard of either.
What the file didn’t mention was that this wasn’t just any gold spade. This was the Spade of Apocatequil. Peruvian legend has it that anywhere Apocatequil stuck this spade in the ground, people sprang up. Now, the spade is believed to grant the holder immortality and the power to raise the dead. Minor omission.
My cover on this assignment was that of a college student. I also worked as a dog walker for the Bradens, who were our primary suspects, so every afternoon, Angel, the Bradens’ German shepherd, and I made the two-block walk to the dog park near the Bradens’ house.
When I pulled in at the house, I could tell no one was home. The Bradens would be at the local dig site until at least dark, getting set for the summer dig, and it wasn’t unusual for Keesha, the Bradens’ daughter, and Mena, the operative from Cerberus Security who’s been acting as her nanny, to be out in the early afternoon. I clipped the leash on Angel and we headed for the park.
Oh, as for why they should be our primary suspects, that’s the easy part. John Braden was the American archaeologist on the Peruvian dig. His wife, Sonya, was the lead anthropologist on that same dig, and that put them at the top of the list of suspects. That placement was further supported by the fact that someone else believed they had the spade. Our file also indicated that things had been stolen from other dig sites when they were in charge. The hard part was that there was no evidence, solid or otherwise, that they took the spade, or that they were involved in any of the other thefts.
Author Bio:
Sandi lives in Texas with three roommates, two Yellow Labs, a Shepherd/Border Collie mix, two terrier mixes and assorted other critters. The animals were primarily rescues. Sandi’s full time job is as the Public Information Officer for the local Sheriff’s Office, and she teaches English part time at the local Community College.
She says she has a couple of degrees from the University of North Texas lying around somewhere, and she’s been writing ever since she can remember. Sandi took time off for work and school, and previously her writing has been more geared toward short stories and academic papers.
Sandi publishes a newsletter and several articles a month in her current position, but she has now added writing fiction and currently has several more books in the works.
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/digging-up-the-past/id1022527729?mt=11
Barnes & Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/digging-up-the-past-sandi-brackeen/1100322121?ean=9781620159590
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Digging-Up-Past-Tales-Atlantis-ebook/dp/B012EHKCNQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1438312045&sr=8-1&keywords=sandi+brackeen
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2016
UPDATE: The winner is…Laura!
* * * * *

I picked the image. My sister played with it to fit all the text bits in there. When it’s up on Amazon, it will have a little white Kindle World button in the bottom left. This book will be #5 in my Uncharted SEALs series. Do you like it? Does he look ready for anything? Sis tried to cover up his hands in her first versions of the cover. Can you imagine that?!
I’m keeping that image front and center as I write the story. Yeah, I’m in chapter one at the moment. Baby, It’s You has to be up in Kindle Worlds by the 20th for our January 26th release date. I’m cutting it a little close. Since I have to write fast, I decided to stay closer to my comfort zone with this one. Most of the story will take place on a Texas ranch as my SEAL woos the woman he “done wrong.” 🙂
I think his name is Carter Vance. I’ve been calling him that for the first few pages. I’m not sure where the name came from, but when the heroine thought about him, that was the name she plucked for me to use. Does he look like a Carter?
So, my question today, should you decide to play, is whether a book cover matters to you. And what do you think of this one? If I placed a plain brown wrapper on my story, would you buy it? Or do you get sucked in by a sexy man or woman staring back at you? Answer for a chance to win a free copy of one of the prequel books to Baby, It’s You in the Uncharted SEALs series.
Tagged: SEAL, Uncharted SEALs Posted in Contests!, General | 26 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Elaine Swinney - Janie Bowen - Jen B. - Jackie Wisherd - Joye -
Monday, January 4th, 2016
Hello my darlings! I am thrilled to share the news about my recent release, a scorching Highland Romp titled Susana and the Scot.
I had a great time writing the Untamed Highlander Series, but the best part of it all was visiting Scotland for research. (Ahem, that is my story and I am sticking to it!)
I had a bucket list of things I wanted to do and I am pleased to say I accomplished them all! Here are my top 5!
#5 TRY HAGGIS. I’ve heard so much about it. We all have. I just HAD to try it. Here is the picture of me with it. I’ll let you decide if you think I enjoyed it!

#4 GO ON A TRAIN RIDE. I have always been in love with the romance of train rides! We took the sleeper train from London to Inverness and it was a blast! Here is a picture of my ENORMOUS berth!

#3 HIGH TEA. Oh yes. This was awesome! We had a lovely tea in the lobby of the Grand Highland Hotel! So elegant!

#2 VISIT THE VILLAIGE MY MOTHER’S FAMILY CAME FROM. Yes! I loved checking this off my list. It was a tiny village with a stone church, a grocery store and a café. I loved meeting the people and exploring this tiny villaige nestled between Loch Rannoch and the Rannoch moors! The village will feature prominently in my next Highland series!

#1 FIND THE END OF THE RAINBOW. I know it’s more of an Irish thing, but let’s be real. Finding the end of the rainbow is a worldwide fantasy! Though it rained when we were in Scotland, somehow the sun also shone. There were rainbows everywhere and here, on this one lane road, we actually found the end of the rainbow! There was no treasure, but there was great beauty!

I had a wonderful time on my trip. I loved every moment. But what I loved most was connecting with the lands and the people. I have always had a passion for Highlanders, but now I feel I KNOW them!
If you love Highlanders, please check out my Untamed Highlanders!
Here’s a taste of my recent release:

Scotland, 1813.
Andrew Lochlannach is famous for his conquests, on and off the battlefield. When a fellow warrior challenges him to a kissing contest, he wastes no time in planting his lips on ninety-nine lovely lasses-an impressive feat of seduction that gets him banished to the hinterlands. Still, Andrew has no regrets about his exploits-especially his embrace with the most beguiling woman he’s ever met…
With flaming red hair and a temper to match, Susana is not some innocent farmgirl who gives herself over easily to a man, even one as ruggedly handsome as Andrew. The wicked Scot may have won a kiss from the headstrong beauty in a moment of mutual desire, but Susana refuses to be just another one of his conquests. Andrew must convince the fiery lass that even though he is not playing a game, losing her is not an option…
Susana was annoyed. There was no doubt about it. The swish of her hips as she led him across the bustling bailey was a dead giveaway, that and the dark glowers she shot over her shoulder. But Andrew couldn’t help but be amused. For one thing, she was damn alluring when she was annoyed.
Hell, she was damn alluring altogether. The curve of her waist alone could drive a man insane, much less that silky tumble of hair. He wanted to wrap it in his fist, wind it around his body. A certain part of his body.
At the thought, his cock rose.
It was difficult to remind himself that he’d vowed to eschew seduction, but try as he might, he couldn’t banish the fantasy of stripping those breeks from her lovely body and laying her down in the heather. Visions of that twitching backside—bare before him—danced in his head.
But he’d made a vow. A sacred vow. And as tempting as she was, he would control his baser urges. He could. Probably.
These thoughts whirled in his head as she led him into the stables, past his men—who were unpacking and seeing to their horses—and through the kennels. Though he was perplexed, Andrew followed. He would probably follow anywhere she led. It was a fact that should have scared him to death or at the very least, concerned him. But it didn’t. However, when she started up a staircase at the very end of the long hall, he had to stop her.
She glared at the hand he set on her arm. He tried to ignore the sizzle that raged through him at their first touch. It was ridiculous how much that touch affected him. And how much he enjoyed her glare.
He edged closer. “Where are we going?” he asked in a purr. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ginger Robertson - Molly - Deb Diem - Pansy Petal - Sabrina York -
Sunday, January 3rd, 2016
It’s probably inescapable that the holidays bring gloom as well as good cheer. The year once again turns to the shortest day and the renewal of the sun becomes a marker in time. For weeks, we’re surrounded with music, lights, and celebrations. As we follow our traditions, the days are jam-packed with memories—our childhood, the childhoods of our children, loved ones who are no longer here. It’s a time when obligation and expectation puts you side by side at the dinner table with people you don’t really like—as well as those you thoroughly enjoy.
Then suddenly another day dawns and it’s all over.
And there are those depressing extra pounds added your butt or belly! Yes, I said I’ll eat just two of these peanut butter cookies and then ate nine.
Coping with this confusion of feelings drives me to the tequila bottle. Or to organizing my files or to staring out my office window at the cold rainy woods. Or—if I’m lucky—to the keyboard where a new story takes shape. It’s no secret that writers may find therapeutic value in their work. What surprises me is when things long hidden in my subconscious are suddenly staring back at me from the page.
I’m not sure how that happens, but I’m glad it does. Of course writing isn’t the only constructive method people use to wrestle with depressing demons. For some, it’s exercise. Others may confide in friends or a therapist. Some shop. Some clean house or stand at the kitchen sink with hands deep in hot soapy water.
And what’s wrong with a quick escape into a steamy romantic story?!
What are your ways of dealing with emotional holiday fallout?
CONTEST! Comment below. Describe your favorite way of dealing with holiday stress and sign up for my monthly newsletter at https://eepurl.com/bHOyS9. I’ll include your name in a random drawing for a Surprise Gift Box, including a paperback copy of my latest novel, Caerwin and the Roman Dog. I’ll draw a second name to win a paperback copy of Caerwin and the Roman Dog.
Don’t forget to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you. (This contest is also announced in my January newsletter and on my Facebook page. Entries close January 9. Winners announced January 11. The contest is solely my responsibility.)
Now here’s an excerpt from my latest sexy short story, Holiday Journey. They’re random strangers stuck at an airport with flight delays.

… He leaned toward her. “After enough of these wasted hours, I’ve learned a couple of coping skills. A few hours can pass quickly if you know how to divert your attention.”
She stared at him. His tone and insinuation caught her off guard. His eyes were the most peculiar color, kind of green, kind of gray, and were watching her with a careful assessment she found disturbing. Not slasher disturbing. Disturbing as in reckless, out of bounds. She couldn’t avoid the sudden scene pictured clearly in her mind of his mouth on her nipples sucking them to hard points.
Her body reacted with instant zinging heat that brought fullness to her breasts and pulsing in her clit. Embarrassing as hell that she had any reaction at all, but his words echoed in her ears. She hated that her glance had observed his physique, the broadness of his shoulders as he lounged against the pillar, the rugged strength of his hands.
Oh for Christ’s sake. Really Giselle? Last night’s dream of Dan had left her vulnerable, emotions on the surface. No one escaped the holidays without suffering. Too much of her lonely, work-driven life had weakened her defenses. Too many years saving herself from entanglements. She needed to start working out again, subscribe to a book club, invest in better sex toys. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Linda - bn100 - Pat Freely - Dina Bushrod - Michelle Willms -
Saturday, January 2nd, 2016
UPDATE: The winner of the free download is Daun Ann Korty!
* * * * *
Hey, I have my first newsletter of the year ready to go. If you aren’t a subscriber and would like a copy, just let me know and I’ll send you one—I will need your email address. Also, if you want to subscribe, here’s where you go: Delilah’s Newsletter Signup Form. I send out announcements about new releases, run contests, and this year, I’ll give my subscribers free reads and sneak peaks at upcoming books, so maybe you’d better join…! 🙂
And while we’re still talking administrivia, do you subscribe to my blog? Does it sound crazy to do that? Do you like finding out a day too late that you missed a chance to win something or to learn that something’s running free on Amazon for the day? Then maybe you should subscribe! Just look at the left-hand column of this page and scroll down until you see “Subscribe to Blog via Email”—how easy is that? And think of the new authors you’ll meet! I’m excited for you!
Too much coffee?
So here’s your question. Easy enough to answer. Okay, so the question is a questionzzz… Sue me. Answer for a chance to win a free ebook—something from the first page of this list on Amazon…Delilah’s Amazon Page! And hey, while you’re checking out that list, why not “FOLLOW” me there?!
What is your favorite way to read a book (ebook or paper), and where is your favorite place to read (bed, recliner in the living room, etc.)? Do you prefer noise happening around you or pure silence while you read?
Posted in Contests!, General | 28 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ginger Robertson - JoAnn White - Rachelle Lerner - Debi - Delilah -
Friday, January 1st, 2016

Hi Readers!
Welcome to 2016! I’ve got a BUNCH of books coming out by three different publishers (I’ve been busy). 🙂
BROKEN DREAMS, Book 4 of the Delos Series, is Alexa Culver’s story. She is a USAF A-10 Warthog combat jet pilot who flies the skies of Afghanistan, keeping troops on the ground safe. She comes from a military dynasty family.
USAF Captain Alexa Culver is not weak or incapable; just the opposite. She loves to fly. She’s been deployed to Afghanistan for four years straight. Her twin brother, Delta Force Sergeant Matt Culver, is also assigned to Bagram Army Base. And so is her oldest sister, Captain Tal Culver, USMC, who is assistant CO to a Marine sniper unit operating out of the same base.
BLOG TOUR for BROKEN DREAMS coming December 28, 2015 through January 8, 2016! A $10.00 Visa card giveaway, so take the tour with me! There will be exclusive excerpts and photographs that only you will see!
Broken Dreams by Lindsay McKenna
Delos Series, Book 4
Copyright 2015 Blue Turtle Publishing
Chuckling, Gage nodded. “Let me pick up the cost of the pizza, then.”
“Fair enough,” Matt Culver said, asking the bartender for a third plate.
The smell was intoxicating. Gage ordered two more beers and paid the bartender for everything. It was the least he could do for Matt. He’d been a good friend for years.
Gage’s mouth watered as he looked at the pizza. It was a triple cheese and pepperoni, and Matt was placing a big wedge on his plate. The two men began wolfing down the slices, nearly burning their mouths, but they couldn’t have cared less. Gage lost himself in the spicy-sweet taste and aroma of the salt and cheese and saw that Matt was busily attacking the rest, gulping it down as fast as he could.
Suddenly, Gage was aware of a faint, feminine fragrance. As a Marine Corps sniper, his senses were acute, and he picked up the subtle scent of almonds. Where was that coming from?
He lifted his head just in time to see a young woman stop beside their table and put her hands on her hips, grinning at Matt.
“Well! I’d better hurry up and grab some pizza, or it’ll be all gone before I can sit down!” She greeted her brother and aimed a warm smile at them both. Gage instantly put down his pizza and stood up, giving her a slight nod of hello.
Matt did the same and then pulled out the chair between himself and Gage. “Hey, Alexa, you got here just in time! Gage and I were taking no prisoners with this pizza. Have a seat.”
Gage was mute, however. All he could do was stare. Damn! Alexa Culver was drop-dead gorgeous! Never mind that she wore a shapeless desert-colored flight suit. Her red hair was almost auburn, with gold and burgundy strands mixed into the single braid between her shoulder blades. She was probably around five feet seven inches and maybe one hundred thirty-five pounds. And she was curvy in all the right places. She took off her Air Force garrison cap and stuffed it in a large pocket in the thigh of her flight suit.
Gage’s heart started a slow pound of appreciation, and he sat down, surprised. Meanwhile, Alexa sat down and scooted up to the table, grabbing a wedge of pizza.
“Gage,” Matt said, “meet my sister Alexa Culver. Alexa, meet one of the best Marine snipers I have the privilege to work with, Gage Hunter.”
Alexa turned, smiled, and said, “Nice to meet you, Gage. I’d shake your hand but I’ve got pizza in both of mine.” She laughed, holding his dark gaze.
“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” Gage said, drowning in her gold-flecked hazel eyes.
“Oh, please, drop the ‘ma’am.’” She smiled and held his gaze. “I’m Matt’s sister, so any friend of his is a friend of mine.”
Gage liked that idea. “Then it’s nice to know you, Alexa.”
She gave him a dazzling, genuine smile. “Same here.”
Although he’d picked up on the heightened male interest in the room when Alexa arrived, she seemed totally unaware of it. Her full lips closed around the pizza, her eyes blissfully shutting as she savored it.
Gage felt like a shy teenager again, awkward and out of his league, as he stared at her. And then he caught himself, snapped out of it, and resumed eating, but with less gusto. This woman fascinated him. Everything she did, everything she said.
He found he was enjoying watching Alexa eat. The woman ate like she meant it, not like a lot of women who picked through their food, leaving half of it on the plate. At the same time, there was a delicacy to her, from her long, slender fingers to the clean line of her neck. He wondered if it extended to the rest of Alexa’s body that was hidden beneath the frumpy flight suit.
He was mesmerized by her mouth, those lips of hers; she didn’t wear any lipstick, but she didn’t need any. Gage’s lower body stirred, reminding him how long it had been since he’d had a relationship. This woman, though, was off-limits. She was his friend’s sister, and that was taboo among military men. One did not go after a buddy’s sister.
Join my newsletter: www.lindsaymckenna.com with exclusive information, a giveaway and so much more!
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Thursday, December 31st, 2015
Before you head out to celebrate at the club or with friends (or like me, with family), here’s my wish that you all stay safe, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

December 31st is always a strange day. The last day of a year that flew by way too quickly.
I set two shoot-for-the-moon kind of goals for myself in 2015.
First, I would have a new post every day on my blog. Between guest blogs and my own posts, I didn’t miss having something fresh up on my blog every single day! Woot!
Second, I teach a class called “Write 50 Books a Year”. Now, you know that title is a hook. I couldn’t write 50 stories in a year unless I devoted the year to writing short stories, but I decided to see whether I could release 50 stories in 2015. Something to prove to my Rose’s students that with planning and perseverance, you can accomplish almost anything. Following is my list of releases. Keep in mind, some are reissues of stories I got back from a publisher (they had to be re-edited, so there was definitely effort involved!) and some were stories that appeared in collections or box sets and were re-released as single titles.
But with yesterday’s release of “The Out-of-Towner”, I hit #50!!!

2015 Releases
- 01/22/15 – WATCH OVER ME, Uncharted SEALs series, break from box set (Indie)
- 01/28/15 – WET DOWN, Cowboys on the Edge series, break from box set (Indie)
- 01/28/15 – ONE TRACK COWBOY, short story (Indie)
- 01/29/15 – LOVE IN BLOOM, short story (Indie)
- 01/30/15 – NIGHT AT THE WAX MUSEUM, short story (Indie)
- 02/04/15 – THE OBEDIENT WIFE, short story (Indie)
- 02/10/15 – SWEETER THAN HONEY reissue (Samhain)
- 02/11/15 – DRIVE ME CRAZY, short story (Indie)
- 02/20/15 – DR. MULLALEY’S CURE, short story (Indie)
- 02/25/15 – RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, break from box set (Indie)
- 02/27/15 – DREAMING BY THE SEA, short story (Indie)
- 03/06/15 – THE PLEASURE IN SURRENDER, short story (Indie)
- 03/13/15 – CATNIP, short story (Indie)
- 03/20/15 – PITCH BLACK, short story (Indie)
- 03/27/15 – LONG RIDE HOME, short story (Indie)
- 03/30/15 – SM{B}ITTEN, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 04/03/15 – JOHNY BLAZE, short story (Indie)
- 04/09/15 – THE RUNAWAY BRIDE, short story (Indie)
- 04/15/15 – WARLORD’S DESTINY, reissue, Seven Sinful Stories antho (Indie)
- 04/17/15 – TAILGATING AT THE CEDAR INN, short story(Indie)
- 05/15/15 – NIP-N-TUCK, short story (Indie)
- 05/12/15 – UNDER A BLOOD MOON, Beaux Rêve Coven series (Samhain)
- 05/18/15 – WARLORD’S DESTINY, break from box set (Indie)
- 05/28/15 – THE MORNING RIDE, short story (Indie)
- 06/18/15 – TRULY, MADLY…DEADLY, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 06/24/15 – LILY’S LAST STAND, short story (Indie)
- 07/07/15 – HER NEXT BREATH, Uncharted SEALs series, SEALs of Summer box set (Indie)
- 07/14/15 – CONQUESTS (Indie)
- 07/15/15 – WITH HIS PARTNER, Stepbrothers Stepping Out series (Indie)
- 08/04/15 – THROUGH HER EYES, Uncharted SEALs series, Cat Johnson’s Hot SEALs Kindle World (Indie)
- 08/04/15 – CONTROLLED BURN, Cowboys on the Edge series, 12-Alarm Alpha Box Set (Indie)
- 08/11/15 – HOTTER WITH A POLE, Firehouse 69 series (Samhain)
- 08/18/15 – HER NEXT BREATH, Uncharted SEALs series, break from box set (Indie)
- 09/01/15 – KNIGHT IN TRANSITION, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 09/04/15 – CONTROLLED BURN, Cowboys on the Edge series, break from box set (Indie)
- 09/07/15 – LORD GRIM’S WITCH reissue (Indie)
- 09/22/15 – WOLF IN PLAIN SIGHT, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 09/23/15 – WITH HIS BOSS, Stepbrothers Stepping Out series, short story (Indie)
- 10/09/15 – KNIGHT EDITION, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 10/13/15 – STILL, Love, Lust and Zombies anthology (Cleis Press)
- 10/19/15 – HOW TO TRAIN THE SKJALDMAER, short story (Indie)
- 11/03/15 – FAMILY VALUES, Lone Star Lovers series (Samhain)
- 11/04/15 – IT TAKES A SEAL, Naughty SEALs box set (Indie)
- 11/10/15 – DREAM OF ME, Uncharted SEALs series (Indie)
- 11/17/15 – NIGHT FALL ON DARK MOUNTAIN, reissue, Night Fall series (Indie)
- 11/24/15 – WITH HIS PROFESSOR, Stepbrothers Stepping Out series, short story (Indie)
- 12/04/15 – THE HIRED HAND, short story (Indie)
- 12/12/15 – BAD MOON RISING (Indie)
- 12/18/15 – THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN, short story(Indie)
- 12/29/15 – THE OUT-OF-TOWNER, short story (Indie)
And if you’d like to check out any of these titles, go here: The Kindle Store
Stay safe! And see you in the New Year! ~DD
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Edie Ramer -