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Sheri Fredricks: Have Yourself a Sexy Little Christmas
Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

Ho, ho, ho! Let the sexy flow!

Christmas presents are fun to open, and more so when you’re the giver. Oh sure, there might be children who are flipping out from excessive hot chocolate and gift-wrap overload, but a secret gift shared between lovers can bring the house lights down.

My most recent release is an erotic twisted fairytale based on the story of The Frog and the Princess. As with the original tale, it’ll take a special person to set them free from their secrets.

It’s give and take, and a whole lot of consensual heat…

Here’s a few gift ideas for those on your naughty list:

Holiday-themed Condoms: Old St. Nick has a variety of fun with whimsical fun packs. Makes a great stocking stuffer.

sfCandy PaddleKinky Kris Kringle: There’s more than just toys in Santa’s velvet bag! Watch your lover’s eyes as you pull out a patent leather paddle with matching whip.

Ring-a-ding: Don’t wait for him to give you a ring, buy one for him instead. Created specifically for hands-free fun, have him slip-on this stimulating cock ring and you’ll both reap the rewards of your gift.

Sexy Santa and Elf Costumes: You’re never too old to sit on Santa’s lap. Time to bypass the school-girl ensemble — pick-up a sexy costume for him…and a naughty outfit for you!

Erotic Bedtime Stories: Forget about Rudolph and other childish fables. Spike your eggnog and read to your sweetie a little Christmas erotica. May I suggest (ahem) my book CONTINUUM? I guarantee nobody will fall asleep.

YOU!: Forgive me for stating the obvious, but what person wouldn’t fantasize about their lover all wrapped up in a sexy red bow? Meet your partner at the door on Christmas Eve wearing a pair of heels and a Santa hat. You’ll give the best gift imaginable!

What’s the sexiest holiday present you’ve ever given? And would you read aloud a sexy bedtime story?

About Sheri:

Always on the hunt for the uncommon things in life, award-winning author Sheri Fredricks thrives on creating adventures in her mythological kingdom series, contemporary stories, and soon-to-be-released western time-travels.

A former engineering secretary, she lives on California’s beautiful central coast. “I wanted to move away from a profession of inflexible right angles and create an unboxed world with no boundaries.” A voracious reader since her early years, Sheri found her brain crowded with stories of her own. “Ultimately,” she says, “my husband encouraged me to write them all down.”

Winner of the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award, and a multiple Finalist for InD’Tale Magazine’s Reward Of Novel Excellence (RONE) award, she has numerous five-star reviews everywhere eBooks are sold.

Sheri loves to connect with readers and spend time at home. A computer hutch keeps her focused on creating stories, but the panoramic view of life on a ranch will call her outside to play in the sun.



Privilege came at a price for the voluptuous Princess Evianna. Life as a royal was a lonely existence for the girl who grew up forbidden to interact with villagers. Relief from solitude and sexual frustration came in the form of fantasies she’d spun about an unknown prince who would rescue her from a daily requirement of AA batteries and her erotic imagination.

Cursed by a spiteful witch to remain in the form of a frog, Tad spent the past fifty-five years banished to a brook and dodging hungry predators. Resigned to live out the remainder of his amphibious life in a cold-blooded existence, he’s surprised when the visiting princess understands his croaked words.

Evianna needs the frog and his sexy voice to fulfill her sexual desires. The frog needs the princess to break the evil curse.

What could possibly go wrong?


Though he wasn’t a real man, Evianna couldn’t believe the upswing of her good fortune. With his wicked ideas for sexual games, perhaps he’d be her constant companion for life.

Instead of imagining a voice inside her head that set her blood to boil, she’d have the real deal.

Rough, edgy, deep.

The frog’s tone, so much like that of a man’s, sent a cascade of shivers to strum her body’s innermost regions when he spoke.

He seemed to enjoy dominating her, and she could get off as being a submissive. A win-win for them both.

“Take off your dress, and do it slowly.” The frog croaked his first request. “Your underwear, too.”

This was one naughty frog, and a thrill shot through her. The way her heart took off in a rapid hammering gait told that good times were ahead.

Reaching behind her back to grasp the dress’s string, she pulled to untie the bow.

His bulbous green eyes rarely blinked as he watched.

Based on sketches she’d seen of her mother, she’d inherited the monarch’s curvy figure. Did the frog really find her voluptuous body attractive? Why the question was important to her, she didn’t know. She gathered the bottom hem in her hands and pulled the soft garment over her head, shaking her hair free. Holding the dress away from her side by a trio of fingers, she dropped the fabric and it fluttered into a colorful heap on the old stone floor.

“I’m a bad girl.” She stuck the tip of her finger into her mouth to suck while her shoulders twisted slowly back and forth. “I didn’t wear any panties today.”

“So, I noticed.” The frog’s little arm came up and he swiped accumulated moisture from the back of his head. She even thought his frog lips curved into a smile. He coughed to clear his croaker. “Now lie down beside me on the bed.”

Soft as silk and plump with the stuffing of goose down, the mattress dipped as she slid onto the velvet comforter and settled herself. She was careful not to touch his cold-blooded body.

The surprise of finding him at not only her home, but also the distance in which he’d hopped in order to get there, reopened the heavy doors to her self-inflicted guilt. The frog had been nothing but royally nice to her, and she’d rewarded his kindness by being a raving bitch.

In other words, she’d acted like a typical princess.

Couldn’t blame that on the blackberry brandy.

Evianna turned her head to face him, wanting to apologize and assuage her shame.

He showed he was faster and croaked first. “Close your eyes, Princess. Think of me as the prince in your fantasies, running my hands along the insides of your thighs.”

Oh, that voice!

Just like the first sip of brandy, the warmth tantalized her mind before drifting down to hover between the mounds of her swelling breasts. From that point gravity took over, leading the warmth in a descending spiral…and her body had no compunction to sideline a direct path to the inevitable.

Directions the decadent frog gave weren’t hard to follow. Her eager hands stroked a slow path upward that started at her knees.

“Think of the way it might feel to have my beard stubble scratch the soft skin of your belly when I kiss you there.”

She used the fingernails of her left hand to scrape her stomach and imagined it as his rough cheek. “Mmm, that feels good.” Tighter and tighter her nipples squeezed, until the rosy points almost hurt.

“I’m going to nibble my way lower now, down to your pussy. And then I’ll suck your delicious clit.”

While her core muscles squeezed at his raw words, her legs spread wider. Evianna concentrated on the erotic picture the horny toad uploaded to her brain. She magnified the imagery. He’d be so good with his lips, teeth, and tongue that she’d throw her head back and moan when he ate her out—and she did just that.

“Oh…,” she panted.

“That’s right, Princess. Think of my hands running over your luscious body.”

Without forethought or shame, her hands reached and massaged her breasts. She played with her nipples as she thought of her prince, twisting one and then the other until she moaned some more.

“How wet are you?” he asked, his croak growing rough. “Touch yourself and find out.”

This was much better than any date-night fantasy she’d had with her vibrator. Her right hand squeezed her breast before trailing across her abdomen. She skimmed past the notch of her bellybutton and over the bump of her pubic bone to dip two fingers inside.

Wet again, and growing wetter. Oh, how she wanted to plunge inside and ease the tightness that grew with every word he spoke. A few deep thrusts couldn’t be helped.

“Feels good, doesn’t it, Princess?” The frog sounded out of breath, but it was likely her imagination. “I want you to bend one of your legs and let it drop to the side. Open for me, sweetheart. Let me see you.”

Turned on by his deep hypnotic voice and clear of rational thought, she slid the heel of her foot closer to her ass. The pounding of her heart seemed as erratic as the sudden need for air. In a bid to obey, Evianna did as directed. She dropped her knee sideways to the bed, and it felt delectably sizzling.

Opened to his hungry eyes, aroused beyond belief, she didn’t mind when his cold little body climbed her other leg and landed with a ribbett between her spread thighs.

An image of a hardened cock bloomed in her mind, and savage need arose. She pressed her trembling fingers to her aching, wet center.

“Go ahead, Princess Evianna. Pleasure yourself.”

Less than a command and more of a need, she slowly massaged her pussy back and forth. Her free hand continued to play with her nipples, squeezing and pulling, while her mind drifted in the impassioned current painted by the tempestuous frog.

In her mind, his was the voice of the prince of her dreams.

And Evianna let the sensations of the fantasy carry her away.


Buy the book:  Kindle  Nook  Kobo

 Thank you to Delilah for having me stop by. Muah!



Share Your Christmas/Holiday Traditions
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015

Krampus vs. santa2

I lived for seven years in Germany. Before the wall came down. And I loved every minute of it. Loved the food. The People. The lovely landscapes. The castles. Loved their traditions, some of which I instituted as my own new family traditions. My heart warms seeing my daughter carry on those traditions. Some of them center around Christmas.

We celebrate St. Nicklaus Night. Always, on December 6th, as a precursor to Christmas, the kids put their shoes outside the door before they go to sleep at night. That night, St. Nicklaus lets them know whether they are on his naughty or nice list by leaving them presents in their shoes or a lump of dirty coal. This year, two of the girls got candy coal. 🙂

We have an advent calendar that we hang at the same time the Christmas tree goes up at Thanksgiving. Each morning in December, the children wake up to see what small gift they have in the calendar—candy, money, pencils, etc.

We have nutcracker ornaments we collected in Germany hanging from the tree.

The one tradition I did not include was Krampus…

You know Krampus, right? The alternative to St. Nicklaus. Good children receive gifts from Santa. Bad children are carried away to Krampus’s cave where they are devoured. Germans can be a little scary in their storytelling. Just think of the real story of Cinderella where her sisters cut off their heels and toes to fit their feet into the slippers!

One tradition I enforced on my children was that the moment they stopped believing in Santa, he stopped delivering Christmas presents. My children NEVER admitted that they no longer believed. My daughter’s been a little lax with that one. She let her oldest tell her she didn’t believe. I’d have taken all her presents and let her stew a day until she “re-believed.” But I’m mean that way.

What traditions do you follow for your holiday celebrations, whichever one you celebrate? If you’d known about Krampus, would have you instituted him as part of your holiday tradition? Do you hide the Christmas pickle or the spider?

Ann Jacobs: Reinventing the Wheel of Erotic Romance
Monday, December 21st, 2015

ajSecrets 3Yes, I write erotic romance. I’ve been doing it since before the turn of the 21st century, first with Red Sage Publishing, where I wrote a novella, “The Barbarian,” for SECRETS 3 in 1997. That story is still available, so if you’ve missed it and the other awesome stories that were pioneers in erotic romance, grab it and catch up on some classic erotic romance!

In the fifteen months or so, I’ve gotten rights back on all but a handful of the books and novellas I wrote for Ellora’s Cave Publishing. So far, I’ve revised or rewritten more than half of them and republished them, either independently or with the assistance of Beyond the Page Publishing. During this process, I’ve learned a lot about myself—and the characters I’ve created.

ajOn the Trail of DarknessTake, for instance, the d’Argent vampires, being released by Beyond the Page over the next few months. These guys, and their queen, Alina, are classy vamps whose background is the European aristocracy. For centuries they’ve been on the right side of justice. They don’t resort to a lot of locker room language, particularly in their sexual encounters, although they’re to-die-for seducers whose lovers are eager—even anxious—to join them in immortality.

We’ve retitled the series “Hunting the Dark Lord,” which is fitting since four of the five novels and novellas deal with the d’Argent guys seeking an evil vampire determined to take revenge for the d’Argent queen’s refusal to join forces with him by killing beautiful women around the world who happen to resemble her. ON THE TRAIL OF DARKNESS, released last month, is the story of Claude d’Argent and Marisa Delgado, whom I found I had shorted when I’d first written VAMPIRE JUSTICE. The revised story has been expanded to show more of the pretty stripper and her situation that brings her to Claude’s attention.

ajShadowing the BeastJust released last week, SHADOWING THE BEAST is Stefan d’Argent’s story, formerly ETERNITY OF DARKNESS and ETERNALLY HIS—yet different in that the emphasis is on him and Julie falling in love and finding common ground between mortal and vampire, rather than on the sex that admittedly is hot and heavy between the two!

The Hunting the Dark Lord series is just as erotic as ever, but the stories now are more reflective of who the characters are instead of focused almost entirely on the sexual elements of the relationships. I hope readers will fall in love with the heroes again, and that they’ll enjoy what I’m pushing now: eroticism with class, and always in keeping with the story people, their backgrounds, and their attitudes toward life, liberty, and the unabashed pursuit of happiness in every facet of their relationships.

Happy holidays! Thank you for having me as your guest.

Ann Jacobs

(Note: Buy links are for These titles are also available from most online booksellers.)

Aurora Russell: Holidays, Bear Shifters and Good Old-Fashioned Anglo-Saxon Words
Sunday, December 20th, 2015

First of all, thanks to Delilah for having me on her awesome blog! I hope everyone is having a holiday season filled with the unique joy and generosity of spirit that is so close to the surface this time of year. I know I am!

I wanted to write about inspiration—my wickedly fun journey to becoming an author of erotica—so I thought back, trying to determine the specific moment that ultimately sent me down this path. And it took me waaay back!

Studying English Literature in the hallowed, scholarly halls of the small college I attended, I read (and loved) Shakespeare, Spenser, Milton and Donne. I practically spoke and dreamed in iambic pentameter. Then I was given D.H. Lawrence as assigned reading.

I had heard of him, sure. And was intrigued, as young Aurora always was, by the fact that some of his books had been banned. I figured his writing was probably pretty tame by modern standards. Maybe there’d be a “damn” or some off-color remark by a character. When I read Lady Chatterley’s Lover, though, I was shocked. My mouth dropped open and I reread the first sex scene a couple of times to be sure I wasn’t imagining it. He used the word cunt. With abandon. With love. His descriptions of fucking, of the hero’s cock and the heroine’s cunt (nicknamed John Thomas and Lady Jane) were everything that I thought should be vulgar. But instead, they were wonderful. Intimate. Gloriously beautiful. Romantic.

D.H. Lawrence and his “four-letter Anglo-Saxon words” (description used by a New York judge about Lady) opened up a dimension of reading and romance to me that truly expanded my mind. Maybe even made me a better person. That’s the power of literature. To affect readers so deeply that you change them just a little bit. I wanted to do that, too.

I still think about D.H.’s words today when I’m writing. When some part of me hesitates a little at pressing the keys to type some of the descriptive words that appear in erotic writing, some other, wilder part of me swoops in and says, “Do it. That’s the right word for it. That’s the word you want.” Those words can be rough and raw, but brimming with passion.

I think the wildness is part of what draws me to writing about shapeshifters. The shapeshifters in my stories have their animalistic natures barely held inside of them, crouched and ready to pounce. It sounds kind of like a curse, and in some ways it is, but in other ways, they live life more fully. They lead the heroines to embrace their lives with greater passion, courage and love, too.

Ivan Dorogev, the Russian werebear hero in my Stocking Stuffer story, Upon a Midnight Bear, has a rough exterior even as a human man. As a werebear, he can fully manifest that wildness. But his eyes always show the tenderness he has inside of him, as a bear or as a man.

Here’s a little taste of Upon a Midnight Bear, which is truly a fun holiday treat. I hope you’ll love reading about Ivan and Serena as much as I loved writing about them:

arUpon a Midnight Bear_Cover

Walking home, she had to pass by what her Poppy had called the Upstart Houses. A flutter of pleasure and excitement coursed through her when she saw that her neighbor had chosen that exact time to come out to get his mail from the mailbox next to the road. She slowed her steps a little bit, taking in the view. And Good Lord, he was worth getting a little chilly for.

Ivan Dorogev was tall and muscular, with dark eyes and a face that was as handsome as it was rugged. He wasn’t wearing a coat—presumably he hadn’t taken the time to put one on just to dash out of the house—and she could see his huge muscles moving under his dark sweater and jeans. She’d noticed before that he had a slight limp, but it didn’t prevent him from moving with a surprising grace for such a large man. His limp, and the indefinable air of sadness that always seemed to hover around him, made him just imperfect enough to draw her in even further. What had brought him to Greening? And why did he often seem so alone?

Serena didn’t realize she’d stopped walking until he raised his hand in a wave. Her heart pounded as she raised one arm back, unable to really achieve a full wave with her hand in her heavy coat and mittens. Had he noticed her staring? Practically drooling? She really, really hoped not.

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Ellora’s Cave:

About Aurora Russell

Aurora is originally from the frozen tundra of the upper-Midwest (ok, not frozen all the time!) but now loves living in New England with her real-life hero/husband, wonderfully silly son, and two of the most extraordinary cats she has ever had the pleasure to meet. But she still goes back to the Midwest to visit, just never in January.

She doesn’t remember a time that she didn’t love to read, and has been writing stories since she learned how to hold a pencil. She has always liked the romantic scenes best in every book, story, and movie, so one day she decided to try her hand at writing her own romantic fiction, which changed her life in all the best ways.


Giving Thanks My Way — With Something F*R*E*E!
Saturday, December 19th, 2015

Even above eeking out a living, this writer loves being read. And I truly do appreciate loyalty. Those notes you send me telling me you love my stories bolster me up when I have those little crises of confidence. I save them for days when I feel like a hack. This has been a really good week. Not monetarily, because hey, my two new releases are only $0.99 on Amazon, but because they are doing well among the 13 million books listed in the Amazon store.

[Click on the covers to learn more!]

This blows me away! Who’d have thought a little 5,000-word story would do so well? Thank you for the purchase! I’m known for cowboys, but not so much for LGBT fiction, so this was a very nice Christmas present.



This warms the cockles of me heart, whatever that phrase means! There are a ton of paranormal-shapeshifter stories out there, and this doesn’t have a series propping it up, but you are reading it! Thank you! I have it priced at $0.99 until Sunday night, and then I’ll push it up to where it belongs, $2.99. So, if you don’t yet have your copy, go buy it now!

Bad Moon Rising


As a way to show you how much I appreciate your loyalty, I’ve lowered the price of Silent is the Knight to FREE! If you don’t have your copy, go get it now! It will only be free until Monday! And look where it’s sitting?!

Silent is the Knight_600


Thank you! Thank you! Happy Holidays! ~DD


P.S. For authors only!

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for yourself, here’s the one! Get your New York kicked off right!

Moms CammoRose

January 2016
Back by popular demand!
Dates: January 4 through 29
Last date to register: January 4
Cost: $50
Offered through

Read the rest of this entry »

Jennifer Kacey: Aslan’s Stranger (GIVEAWAY) 
Friday, December 18th, 2015

So…I write a lot but I also work a lot. I also happen to be a kink girl, as in real life kink. 50 Shades has NOTHING on some of the things I get to experience. A while ago I got this idea for a book I didn’t have time to write, so of course I decided to write it. *GRINS* But I’m doing it a bit different this time. All together it’s going to be somewhere between 90K and 100K which really means 115K since I always add more sex. You’re welcome!

But something I run into is there is never enough time in the day. Ever. Especially if you have to sleep. And reading a huge book like this one is going to be is super hard for me to find time for. As in…non-existent. I decided for all the busy people out there like me I’d split this book into 9 stories to show the kink relationship blossom between a couple who already love each other deeply. Each story is incredibly dirty and you can read one and then walk away….to find a buddy…to take care of business!!YEA for smutty goodness!!

Series Blurb:
The Fantasies A-Z Series is a serial release all featuring Aslan and Zeke. A married couple looking for more and finding it in the arms of each other. There will be nine stories total, with one being released every couple months. Short kinky stories meant to tantalize and excite you. May you fall in love with love and everything that word means to your fantasies…

Aslan’s Stranger – Book One is out now!!! And you know what that means…..A CONTEST!!! Comment below on one of your fantasies. Something you’d LOVE to get to do but haven’t had the chance yet. OR a fantasy you’ve gotten to fulfill that rocked your world.

I’ll pick my favorite to receive a brand SPANKING new e-book copy of Aslan’s Stranger!! And please leave your email in your comment with some spaces in it. I’ve had a rash of winners that I haven’t been able to get in touch with and nothing is worse than trying to give stuff away and can’t. Here’s a taste of Aslan’s Stranger while you think about the fantasy you’re going to tell me about. And you never know…maybe it will show up later in the series….*GRINS*


Kinky sex with a stranger. One of Aslan’s deepest fantasies. To fulfill it, only one man will do. Her husband.

Wanting more, needing it, craving a kinky edge to sex is exactly what Aslan lives with every day. Days and months and years of unfulfilled fantasies filtered down to one life-altering decision.

Approach the sexy man sitting at the bar or walk away? Keep trying to fit into the mold she’s been told to conform to or find herself lost somewhere in the gray? Close the seemingly insurmountable distance between wishes and reality or let her dreams go? Once and for all.

Everything she’s ever hungered for sits within her reach if the one man she trusts to take her there will finally let his monster free.

Her Stranger. Her fantasy. Her husband.

To find her forever she must give it all to him. Her fears, her power and her consent. One night is all she’s asking for but what she gets in return will change their lives…forever.

Buy  at Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | KOBO | ARe Cafe | IBooks

Hope you love it!!!


Decadently Yours,
Jennifer Kacey

Need something to wet your whistle while you wait to see if you won goodies??

May I suggest a delicious bite out of the Members Only series…….. 😛


The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…
Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Ménage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman’s To-Do List
Jenna’s Consent
Laila’s Lies


Other Novels By Jennifer Kacey
Buried Permission
Beneath the Pages
Nico’s Curse
Elite Metal – Book one in the Elite Warriors Series
Elite Ghosts – Book two in the Elite Warriors Series
Final Surrender – The Surrender Series
Violet’s Shadow – The Shadow Mates Series
Aslan’s Stranger – Fantasies A-Z Series

jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her miniman in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Website –
Newsletter –
Blog – The Decadent Divas –
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Facebook Author Page –
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Nancy Corrigan: Recipe for a Huntsman
Thursday, December 17th, 2015


Calan (Huntsman)
Recipe created by: Nancy Corrigan
Hunter Deceived, Wild Hunt book 1

Start with One Demigod. Then add:

  • A bit of stubble along his jaw
  • Wavy, unkempt black hair
  • Pale blue eyes that ensnare
  • A body built for war
  • Swirling black lines over his shoulders
  • The mark of the Hunt on his chest—one side, the face of a ghostly horse; the other, a hound

Now to make him into the most feared Hunter of all time, add:

  • An alternate side—his Huntsman form—ghastly skin, a snout filled with razor sharp teeth, claws and a hunched back.
  • Determination to bring retribution to the wronged
  • A deep, unwavering sense of duty
  • Dozens of half-siblings who join him in the Wild Hunt. All hot. All wicked. All untamed.

But to turn him into the man he was meant to be, expose him to the tainted half-breed daughter of his enemy. Sparks will immediately fly, and the heat generated will transform this tortured and feared alpha into a hero. Separate the two and allow the initial reaction to simmer. Both halves need to age like a good wine. Once each is desperate and aching for that connection they share, mix them together so they never question where they were meant to be.

Be prepared for intense heat and combustion. This combination has the potential to explode!

Well?? What do you think of my…um…recipe?

ncWH series

He was born to kill her…but he’ll risk all to save her.

Wild Hunt, Book 1

Every day, Harley fights the urge to embrace the dark heritage that could turn her Unseelie. Evil. Bad. A nightmarish monster like the ones that wiped out her family. The only thing keeping her on this side of Seelie is a promise made to the ghostly man who saved her that terrible night.

Whenever she’s tempted, she calls up a vision of his eyes. Hears his voice calling her back from the brink of madness. Years later, when she returns to the scene of her living hell, he’s her only hope for salvation.

Calan, the leader of the Wild Hunt, was created to protect mankind from the Unseelie Court, not love one of them. He never expected the rightness he felt with her all those years ago would explode into desire.

But saving her from a fate she can’t escape could damn them both…and leave the world open for destruction.

Warning: Contains a half-fae woman who could really use a Seelie version of AA to stay clean and monster-free. And a rider of the Wild Hunt who’ll take any risk to keep her safe from her enemies. Including himself.

Note: This book was previously published. It has been expanded and re-edited.



“You’re alive.”

She froze. The low, gravelly voice of her ghost man caressed her as tangibly as it had all those years ago. She dropped her hands. Hovering inches away were the eyes she’d seen in her dreams every night since.

“Oh God.” She scrambled back and tripped over her bag, landing on her ass.

“Be calm. You’re safe.”

Peace settled over her as if he’d taken her anxiety away with those words. Still, she inched away from his disembodied eyes. Caution had kept her alive in the face of a lifetime of evil. It didn’t matter if she’d felt as if she’d known him for ages. She’d learned years ago, nothing was as it seemed. Those with the ability to use glamour could create illusions out of thin air.

She settled on bent legs and studied the apparition for a clue as to whether he was a figment of her imagination or not. The oval surrounding the spectral display showed tan skin, ridiculously long lashes and dark eyebrows. Her pulse kicked up. Excitement, desire, fear—she wasn’t sure what caused it. She only knew she couldn’t look away.

“You.” She swallowed hard. She still couldn’t believe her eyes. Couldn’t deny the sight either. “It’s you.”

“Yes. It is.”

A long moment passed where they held each other’s gazes. So many times, she’d fantasized about what she would say or do if she ever reconnected with him. None of the scenarios fit the pregnant silence stretching between them. She let them slip through her fingers and asked the first question that came to her mind.

“What’s your name?” It had always bothered her not having one.

“I am Calan. Yours?”

Calan. She let his name settle over her heart. “Mine is Harley.”

“Harley.” Her name spoken in his deep voice sounded sexy, something she never thought her unusual name could be.

Finally, he released a shaky breath she felt skim over her cheek. She pressed her palm to the sensitive skin to hold the warmth close.

“You never returned to me, Harley.”

Raul’s words that night had confused and scared her. She hadn’t known what to believe. Or who.

“I ran just like you told me to.”

“I also told you to come back.”

She’d tried. Raul had followed her. Attacked her. She glanced at her hands that had once been covered in blood. Raul’s blood. She lowered her gaze and prayed Calan didn’t see the elation in her eyes the memory brought. It had felt good to hurt Raul. That had scared her most of all, and it was the reason she’d stayed away.

“Yes.” She turned her head, unable to look into his eyes. “You did.”


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 The details…

Book Title: Hunter Deceived
Series Name: Wild Hunt
Series Number: 1.0
Author: Nancy Corrigan
ISBN13: 978-1-61923-164-1
Length: 78K
Publication Date: December 29th 2015

Add Hunter Deceived to Goodreads

Other books in the Wild Hunt series:

Hunter Sacrificed, book 0.5…a free read
Hunter Forsaken, book 2.0…releases 2-16-16. Available for pre-order.
More Wild Hunt books to come.

Connect with Nancy…

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ncNancyCorriganLogoSmall-PNG A little about Nancy…

A true romantic at heart, Nancy Corrigan is convinced there’s a knight in shining armor for every woman (or man), but you won’t find damsels in distress in her stories. She adores pairing alpha heroes with women strong enough to match them and bring them to their knees. She also enjoys flipping the traditional roles in romances because her motto is—love and people should never be forced to conform to anyone’s norm.

She holds a degree in chemistry and has worked in research but now focuses on ensuring quality. She considers it the perfect outlet for her as she’s the first to admit she has some OCD tendencies. It carries over into her writing life too. While engrossed in a novel, she has a habit of forgetting to eat and sleep. Fortunately, she’s married to her own knight in shining armor who understands her oddities and loves her anyway. They reside in Pennsylvania with their three children, dog, snake and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars and all things spooky and sexy.