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Cynthia Sax: Breathing Vapor And Different Dom/Sub Relationships
Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

I don’t classify Releasing Rage and, the follow up standalone story in my cyborg series, Breathing Vapor, as BDSM. The reason for this is because there are no formal arrangements and no safewords. (The dominant cyborgs never take the kink too far. They can sense what their submissives are feeling.)

The series is also BDSM light. Rage, the hero of Releasing Rage, would never intentionally physically hurt the female he loved. He’s seen too much pain and suffering to inflict that on someone he cared about, even if she wanted this. Punishment for Vapor and Mira in Breathing Vapor never goes past a spanking. Many BDSM readers expect a larger pain element.

But the stories definitely have BDSM elements. In Releasing Rage, Joan is a natural submissive. When she’s paired with Rage, her dominant angry cyborg, she naturally falls into that role, seeking to appease him.

Joan isn’t weak. Being the sole female engineer on a battle station, she has overcome great hostility. She submits, as many people do, because it serves a need within her. Rage, in contrast, feeling out of control in other aspects of his life, needs to control their sexual experiences. This calms him. Their relationship works for them.

Vapor and Mira, in Breathing Vapor, also have a Dom/Sub relationship but it is very different. Mira is, what we would call, a bratty sub. She taunts Vapor until he punishes her (spanking is their punishment of choice). She likes the punishment because it helps her express her pent-up emotions. He likes the challenge of making her submit. Vapor is all about being ‘the best.’

I’m writing Crash and Burn, the third cyborg story, right now. Crash prefers to tie up or otherwise restrain his strong-willed heroine and she loves this. Again, they have a Dom/Sub relationship but it is very different.

Which type of Dom/Sub relationship do you enjoy reading about?


Breathing Vapor

csBreathing Vapor_Compressed

Vapor is the most advanced cyborg the Humanoid Alliance has ever developed. He’s a finely honed weapon, a warrior without parallel, half man and half machine. No lock can contain him. No being can stop him. Whatever he wants, he takes.

He wants Mira Breazeal, the Designer’s daughter.

She’s his one temptation, his sexy target. Vapor shouldn’t crave her caresses, steal her kisses, make her scream with ecstasy. The cyborgs want her dead and they would question his loyalty if he didn’t kill her. The humans would shoot him on sight if he dared to touch her.

Their love is forbidden. Their desire could be lethal. One human and one cyborg will risk everything for a moment of passion.

Pre-order Now:
Amazon US:
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About Cynthia Sax

USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes contemporary, SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. Her stories have been featured in Star Magazine, Real Time With Bill Maher, and numerous best of erotic romance top ten lists.

Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled release day newsletter and visit her on the web at
Twitter:  @CynthiaSax

Final Lineup of Authors for ROGUE HEARTS
Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

After too many months, I’ve finally narrowed my choices of stories for inclusion in my next anthology project. Congratulations go to the following authors:

Axa Lee – Opals
Bibi Rizer – Glass Slippers, Hardly Worn
Cela Winter – Queen High
Cynthia Young – An Eye for Love
Delilah Night – Plunder
Elle James – Billionaire and the Jewel Thief
Emma Jay – The Highwayman’s Treasure
Erzabet Bishop – The Highwayman Came Rising
Jennifer Kacey – Her Heart’s Tomb
Megan Mitcham – Swindled
Mia Hopkins – The Heat
T.G. Haynes – Lady of the House
Tray Ellis – Roguishly Handsome, and Other Superhero Problems

Congrats, all! You’ll be joining “the collection family“!

Conquests Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors Trading Card (front) Cowboy Heat

High Octane Heroes Smokin' Hot Firemen Cowboy Lust

Sheshifters Girils Who Bite

Two New Releases–Penthouse and a New Night Fall Story!
Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Guess who’s in the December issue of Penthouse? Pretty cover, sexy pics, and my smutty little story, “The MILF Man“, right there on page 116. Ain’t my mama proud? She is, actually. I know. We’re not the typical family living in the Bible Belt—and this is my third appearance in that esteemed publication. Look for it in the stores NOW!


And there’s the second cause for celebration, the release of the next story in the Night Fall series: Night Fall on Dark Mountain.


After the death of one of the members of the super-secret police unit aligned with the Vampire Council in southern Florida, werewolf Max Weir becomes the chief suspect. Sure a greater villain has used a were-clan’s hatred of vamps to strike against the unit, Max travels to the mountains of North Carolina to seek the truth and hopefully renew the centuries-old truce between the weres and vampires.

Alec Weir has a problem on his hands. The new sheriff on Dark Mountain must walk a fine line between upholding were-clan laws and saving his vamp-loving brother from certain death. Alec must find the traitor in the clan responsible for the attack on the vampires or watch his brother die. If that wasn’t enough, his chosen mate, Stasia McGwyre, seems to still hold a candle for Max.


I hope you’ll give both a try. I’d love to hear what you think. 🙂

Heather Hambel Curley: The Missing Stairs OR My hour and a half as an archaeologist…
Monday, November 16th, 2015

hc2015-10-25 11.05.47

It pains me to say it, but this year marks eleven years since I graduated from college.  It was 2004 and my hair color was blonde.  I was convinced my fresh, magna cum laude graduating, 3.93 GPA Communications Bachelor degree with a specialization in corporate communications was going to promptly lead to a job in communications/public relations/corporate communications.


What happened instead, was The Hubs came home from military deployment and we moved to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, where we earned seven dollars per day as volunteers with Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.  That is, until the volunteer funding ran out and we worked to earn free park housing.

That’s the kind of thing you only do when you’re independently wealthy, or twenty-two years old.

Most of our time was spent as period dressed interpreters, meaning I spent eight hours a day in a corset, hoop skirt, and dress running a Dry Goods Store.  The Hubs ran the Provost Marshall’s office.  It’s a separate blog post entirely, but in short it was really fun and we did a lot of crazy things the general population doesn’t do, such as but not limited to: sassing Confederate soldiers when they steal bread from your dry goods store.  Have said Confederate pick you up and put you back in your dry goods store.  Smack soldier with a broom.


At some point, it was decided that the current bus depot in Lower Town was going to be moved like, 200 yards to the left and a nice, covered pavilion constructed to keep the elements off park visitors.  Before you can do this kind of thing in a historic district, you first do an archeological survey.  You know, just in case something really, really awesome and/or important is laying underneath the pavement.

My writer brain said, “We’re totally going to find a body.”

The park service knew exactly what was under the pavement.  They knew that it was the site of a two-story house, probably used as housing for US Armory and Arsenal employees prior to the Civil War.  The structure was destroyed in a flood in the early part of the 20th century.  There were full-time archeologists with the park, but it was a pretty big job–that had to be finished as fast as possible–so a bunch of us volunteers from around the park got to help out.

It was all very exciting.  In fact, my debut novel, With Me Now, is about an archaeology student helping out with an archeological survey in Gettysburg.  And, in her survey, they found something pretty exciting.

In 2004, during our archeological survey, we didn’t.

We found lots of broken nails.  We found a rat skull.  We found modern-day beer bottles and broken glass and lots and lots of rocks.  I cannot stress enough that we found a lot of rocks.

And then, just before the dig was over, we found a staircase.

The staircase probably at once led from the main floor of the structure down into a cellar.  In fact, at the base of the stairs we found a lot of garbage: broken pieces of porcelain.  They were probably pieces of dishes or cups that had shattered, white porcelain with intricate blue or green designs.  Occasionally, we’d find two pieces and could fit them together like puzzle pieces.  It was strange, holding these tiny shards of the past in your hand, knowing that over one hundred and fifty years ago, someone else held them.  Discarded them.  Forgot them.

That was the haunting thing about the missing stairs.  They once had been an integral part of someone’s day to day life.  A person, long forgotten to history, tramped up and down the stairs without thinking about it, much like I go up and down my stairs here at home.  They took them for granted, they really didn’t think much about not having them.  Then, before long, the house was gone.  The stairs were missing.

hcCaptureI think, for me, my dad is my missing stairs.  I never thought I’d grow up without him, yet, here it’s been over eight years since he passed away.

And now, back in Harpers Ferry, the stairs are missing again.  Once the survey was finished, the pit was filled in and paved over.  A pavilion and concrete bus depot sit over our site, solidifying that fact that, unless something changes, no one will ever see the stairs again.

Since then, I’ve written three novels and signed publishing contracts for two.  That’s something my dad would be proud of.  And, unlike The Missing Stairs, I’ll never forget him.

By Line: Heather Hambel Curley writes historical fiction and sassy paranormal romance.  She’s an unabashed One Direction and tattoo fan and enjoys the occasional cupcake.  For more on Heather, you can visit her blog at  With Me Now is available for purchase at Amazon.

Jenna Ives: Programmed for Power
Sunday, November 15th, 2015

Sometimes I wonder if readers realize how much work actually goes into the creation of a book. Authors stress about their cover, their blurb, and, of course, the story itself. Authors agonize over every word, because we want a reader to be swept up in a story they can’t put down. We want to make the reading experience the best it can be!

For me, it all starts with a “what if” game. Either before I fall asleep, or out on my balcony with my evening glass of red wine, or even in the dentist’s office while waiting for my 6-month cleaning, I’m always playing this mental game with myself: if this, then that. Most ideas I discard, but it definitely gets the creative juices going! One evening I was watching the news, and, given the scary state of our world, I wondered… What if the world was almost destroyed by another war? What would life be like afterwards?

You wouldn’t think a romance series could spring from such a sobering thought, but… bingo! My Tau Cetus Chronicles was born. Think post-apocalyptic. Think dystopian. Think police agents and… sex robots.

I’ve been working on this series for the last three years, and I’m thrilled to announce the release of Programmed For Power, book #3 in The Tau Cetus Chronicles. All of these books can be read alone, but fans had been asking me for the story of the planet’s premier, Theus. It’s probably my favorite of the series so far.


As the powerful premier of war-torn Tau Cetus, Theus presides over an uneasy post-apocalyptic peace. Many plot against him, including a traitor on his own High Council as well as one rogue woman who dared to steal a precious keepsake from his past. Capturing Leora Smith offers Theus a chance at personal revenge, but she awakens emotions in him he thought long dead. Even so, it takes an assassination attempt to spur Theus to reassess a future with either this prisoner who makes his blood run hot or the cold Beautiful Doll robotic lover who’s been the perfect match for his lifeless existence until now.

Ahem. This is a completely different sort of romance triangle, trust me!

In book one of the series, Programmed To Please, very human police agent Jai Turner goes undercover as a Beautiful Doll sex robot to take down the planet’s most notorious weapons manufacturer, Marque Callex. But neither Jai nor Marque are what they seem, and their week together has consequences neither expect.

In book two, Jai’s police partner Leith Wyatt actually DOES fall in love with a Beautiful Doll sex robot, but discovers that Ginger has somehow achieved sentience. Together they help save Tau Cetus from a coup attempt against the ruling High Council.

And in Programmed For Power, a lot of favorite characters are back in supporting roles, which I hope will make readers happy. As powerful as he is, in this story Theus comes to realize that his fate rests in the strength of one woman’s love.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Keira, my dark one…”

Theus watched as his words woke the Beautiful Doll sex robot from her hibernation mode. Her eyes opened, she moved from behind the partially folded screen in the corner of his office, and then walked slowly toward him.

She was beautiful. Hair black as midnight, dramatic blue starburst eyes, and a body tailored to meet Theus’ exact physical preferences. She was naked beneath a sheer silk sarong, the diaphanous wrap leaving little to the imagination but just enough to incite a man’s fantasies. She was the perfect female, designed to fulfill his every sexual need.

So then why was he frowning as she came to a halt in front of his desk?

Because she reminded him of her creator, Anson Carron. Theus’ enemy.

As premier for the last decade, Theus and his High Council had fought to keep the peace on Tau Cetus in the aftermath of the Great War, a conflict which had wiped out nearly half the planet’s population. There were still troublesome areas of Tau Cetus that weren’t under the Council’s control, but for the most part, the planet was at peace.

No thanks to Anson Carron.

Three times Carron had challenged the Council. First, he’d stolen highly-regulated weapons and sold them to rogue regulators bent on fomenting insurrection. Next, he’d attempted to kill the Council’s weapons manufacturer and right-hand man, Marque Callex, in order to assume his position of power. And most recently, Carron had tried to assassinate the five members of the High Council and take control of the planet for himself.

And yet, with all those treasonable offenses, none struck as close to home as Carron’s theft of a particular diamond a year ago. That crime was personal.

Theus set his jaw, his rage at the theft still fresh even after all these months.

Anson Carron was now dead. After taking the robot manufacturer into custody in the wake of his failed assassination attempt, Theus had successfully tortured out of him the missing diamond’s location. Then, with the Council’s backing, Theus had ordered Anson Carron’s execution for his crimes.

And just a moment ago, he’d dispatched two of his best agents to recover the stolen gem.

“You called, Theus?”

The bell-like voice of the Beautiful Doll pulled Theus from his troubled thoughts. Keira was one of only two left of her kind. Anson Carron had agreed to convert all the rest of his Beautiful Dolls into robot soldiers and put them under the command of the High Council. It was a way to save his neck after the botched shooting of Theus’ weapons manufacturer, Marque Callex, last year. But even long before that, four years ago to be exact, Carron had gifted Theus with Keira in an effort to curry favor.

Beautiful Dolls were sex experts, legendary for their skill, programmed with an almost infinite number of ways to please. Anson Carron had run a highly profitable business with his Dolls, addicting men and women to sex with his clever male and female robots.

He should have stayed a simple purveyor of prostitution; he should never have reached for more power than that.

Theus swiveled in his chair and reached to unbuckle his belt. “Come around my desk, Keira. I’d like fellatio two.”

The Doll paused, tilting her head. “You’ve requested fellatio or fellatio two 92% of the time I’ve been with you, Theus.”

Theus’ hands paused in their work, and he arched an eyebrow in surprise. “It’s probably because the suction of your nineteen miles-per-hour mouth can reduce even the most potent man to mush.”

“92% fellatio, 1% missionary, 1% doggie-style, 1% ride ‘em cowboy, 1% split the bamboo, 1% padlock, 1% pair of tongs, 1%—”

“Enough.” Theus frowned. Was he really so predictable? There’d been a time when – like any normal man – he’d been eager to try out every sexual position a Beautiful Doll was capable of, but obviously those days were gone. Hell, it wasn’t the Doll’s fault. He could still recall Keira’s trick of tightening her body while he was inside of her, squeezing the very orgasm out of him. Or pistoning him like a jackhammer while riding his cock. She was an amazing piece of technology, but these days, he only used her when he needed physical release or a distraction from work. The excitement was gone.

“Come here.”

The Doll dutifully walked around his desk and sank gracefully to her knees. Theus finished unzipping his trousers and reached for himself.

“Let me do it, Theus.”

Theus closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. Maybe it would help if he imagined that the rubbery-like feel of Keira’s artificial fingers belonged to someone else. But who? There was no one Theus could even fantasize about.

Well, there was one. But that had been long ago. A precious memory, kept tucked in his heart.

From the day Theus had been named premier of Tau Cetus’ High Council, his life had become too dangerous to let in a real woman. That’s why Keira was perfect for him. No one could harm her. No one could threaten her hoping to get to him.

The ruler and his robot were the perfect pair.

If only Theus could be happier about the arrangement.

Luckily, when Keira’s mouth closed around him with her vice-like grip, his mind went blank and his body took over.

Buy links:

What do you think? Sound like an interesting start to a future love triangle? I’ll be picking one lucky winner at random to win an e-copy of Programmed For Power who can answer this question: what kind of gem did Anson Carron steal from Theus? (Hint: answer can be found in the excerpt.)

My thanks to Delilah for having me as a guest today!


Need your help finding a title… (Contest)
Saturday, November 14th, 2015

Remember that poll I ran for your favorite pick from among ideas y’all pitched to me for a story I’ll have in n upcoming cowboy collection? That title will also be the next story I have in the Cowboys on the Edge series. One of your top preferences was Cowboy Law. I liked that. But of course, then I played with variations, and this one struck me: Cain’s Law. So now I have a title, the hero’s name, and soon a cover. Do you like this for the image I want to use? He’s a little skinny (maybe my cover artist can stretch him a bit!), but I love the blue, love his pretty face, and all the shadow. So thanks so much for helping me “find” that title! Now, I have to think up a story to go with the title and the picture…

I need your help again.

I must write the next story in my Uncharted SEALs series. Here are the titles I have so far:


As usual, I have no idea what the next story will be about. But I need another provocative title. Each of these titles inspired my story. Let’s brainstorm. Throw out any idea you have. There’s no such thing as a dumb idea in brainstorming, because your suggestion might spawn an idea in someone else’s imagination. That’s how brainstorming works.

Submit your idea(s) for a chance to win a free download of either
Controlled Burn from my Cowboys on the Edge series,
or one of the first three books in the Uncharted SEALs series. 

Melissa Snark: Interview with Logan Koenig
Friday, November 13th, 2015


Fantasy Gab is a nighttime talk show dedicated to covering the latest developments in fantasy news, including the review of new books and movies. The host, Sam Smarmy is a tall, thin Caucasian man who has appeared to be in his mid-thirties for the last fifty years. His pale skin has a plastic quality and his fangy smile gleams with the wattage of a thousand light bulbs. Sam has worked on a variety of game shows and sitcoms, including The Newlywed Game and Family Feud, prior to becoming the host of Fantasy Gab.

As the opening credits to the show finish rolling, the camera reveals Sam Smarmy seated in a black recliner. He flashes his bright smile until the applause fades.

Seated to Sam’s left is a gorgeous young man in his twenties with spikey brown hair and startling amber eyes. He sprawls in his chair, arms on the rests, legs wide.

msLogan-wm“Good evening,” Sam says. “Tonight, we have a special treat for our audience. Welcome Logan Koenig, werewolf heartthrob!”

“Thanks, Sam. It’s a pleasure to be here.”

“How does it feel to officially be a literary hottie?” Sam asks.

Logan’s brow climbs. “Is it really official?”

“Yes, it must be since ‘Literal Hotties Naughty Books Reviews’ has provided our forum this evening and here you are…”

“Wow.” Logan suggestively touches his stomach just above the top button on the fly of his jeans. He jerks away and shakes his hand as if burned. “Oh yeah, I’m smokin’.”

Women in the audience shout and scream.

Sam’s eyes glow; his canines get a fang on. “That you are. That you are.”

Logan only grins.

After a second, Sam licks his lips and clears his throat. “I’m going to start with a question from our audience. Logan, Christine from San Francisco wants to know—what’s your sign?”

A small smile plays on Logan’s lips. “I was born under a bad sign.”

Sam grins. “With a blue moon in your eyes?”


“Have you got yourself a gun?”

“More like claws and teeth.” Logan smiles to show off those teeth.

“Okay, enough, enough, before I hear from Alabama‘s legal reps,” Sam says, waving his hand. “So you’re a werewolf, eh? That makes you a pretty dangerous fellow.”

“I don’t think of myself as dangerous.”

“You don’t? That’s interesting,” Sam says. “I understand your author once characterized werewolves as ‘killing machines—tanks with claws’.”

“That’s a gross exaggeration. We’re more like SUVs with claws.”

The audience responds with laughter and scattered applause. Sam waits until it fades. “How would you describe yourself? Are you more of a lover or a fighter?”

“Lover. Definitely a lover.” Logan smiles and winks for the audience.

Sam chuckles. “Tell me about your role in ‘Hunger Moon’.”

“Sure. As the story opens, I stand accused of having murdered my mother two years before. Only I have no memory of the night in question.”

“Your own mother?”

Logan’s hands fist and he hesitates before answering. “Yes.”

“A convenient case of amnesia?”

Logan’s amber eyes flash. “There was nothing convenient about it.”

Sam clears his throat. “After Valkyrie Victoria Storm comes to town, she agrees to help you investigate the murder in hopes of clearing your name.”

“She agrees eventually but it wasn’t all that easy convincing her to help.”

Sam grins. “Is it true you threw Victoria’s car into a lake?”

Logan relaxes into his recliner. His grin is cocky. “Hey, I lost my phone over that. Besides, did you see her car? I’ve seen nicer toilet seats.”

Sam’s eyes twinkle. “Was Victoria inside the vehicle when you tossed it to its watery grave?”

“It got her out of her clothing, didn’t it?”

Sam snickers. “Let’s talk about why Melissa Snark recently retitled the series—”

Logan’s brow arches. “Retitled?”

“Yes, retitled,” Sam says. “The series, formerly called ‘Norse Werewolves Urban Fantasy’ was recently renamed ‘Loki’s Wolves’. Do you have any inside information you’d care to share?”

Logan shakes his head. “Not a clue.”

“Do you know what it means?”

“No. In fact, this is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Is that because you haven’t been on the set of ‘Battle Cry’, the sequel to ‘Hunger Moon’?”

Logan frowns and his jaw clenches. “That’s correct. I’ve been given a few token text messages with Victoria but other than that, I don’t have a key role in the next book.”

Sam develops predatory intensity. “Are you being written out of the series?”

There is dead silence in the audience.

“Absolutely not.”

“Are you sure?”

Logan’s eyes narrow and take on a dangerous gleam. “My fans wouldn’t tolerate it.”

Women in the audience scream in support. Ladies shout: “We love you, Logan!” and “I want to have your baby!”

“See?” Logan says with a confident grin. “The author knows her entire series would collapse without me.”

Sam chuckles. “Quite the ego you’ve got there. Well then, go ahead and share with us what your future holds.”

“The next book after ‘Battle Cry’ will focus primarily on me.”

Sam claps his hands. “Delightful. What can you tell us?”

“Sorry. Sworn to secrecy.” Logan draws a cross over his heart with his index finger.

“Harrumph.” Sam clears his throat. “Well, what about the title? Does the book have a title yet?”

Logan flushes and mumbles something indistinct.

Sam cocks his head. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat it?”

Logan sighs and speaks louder. “The author’s working title is ‘Run Logan Run’.”

Sam chortles and slaps the arm rest of his chair. “Ha, that’s quite clever.”

“Melissa thinks so,” Logan says, rolling his eyes.

“I notice you’re on a first name basis with Mrs. Snark.”

“I am.”

“One final question before we’re out of time,” Sam says. “Lori from New York City wants to know—boxers or briefs?”

Logan grins. “Commando.”

Female screams swell as the closing credits for Fantasy Gab roll.

Hunger Moon is part of Edge of Never: A Unique Paranormal Romance/Urban Fantasy Boxed Set.  New York Times, USA Today, and Other Bestselling Authors

Join us at the Edge of Never … Obliterate the lines between fantasy and reality with nine spine-tingling tales from your favorite bestselling and award winning authors. Dragons, gods–fallen and otherwise–ghosts, vampires. A touch of steampunk. More than a splash of romance. From magical lands to a chilling glance into post World War II Europe, Edge of Never has something to tempt everyone.

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Author BIO

msMelissaSnark author photo for bookSubscribe to Melissa Snark’s newsletter for new releases, prizes, and lots of fun. (Just copy & paste the link into your browser.) You’ll get a free ebook just for signing up!

Author Melissa Snark lives in the San Francisco bay area with her husband, three children, and a glaring of litigious felines. She reads and writes fantasy and romance, and is published with The Wild Rose Press & Nordic Lights Press. She is a coffeeoholic, chocoholic, and a serious geek girl. Her Loki’s Wolves series stems from her fascination with wolves and mythology.

Where to find Melissa on the Internet:

Email: melissasnark at
Facebook author page:
Amazon Author: