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Lynn Townsend: Wedding March, Part Three (Free Read)
Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

Hi everyone! Thanks so much to Delilah for hosting me here on her blog. Delilah and I first “met” (don’t you love the internet, where you can know so many people that you wouldn’t recognize if they bit you?) when I submitted to her Smokin’ Hot Firemen anthology, and since then, have appeared alongside her in Duty & Desire. She was a blast to work with for Firemen, and her work’s both amazing and fun. So, thanks to Delilah again, and it’s lovely to be able to chat with her readers and fans. Thanks for having me.

One of my favorite writers is quoted as saying, “When a man writes a romance, the woman dies. When a woman writes one, it ends all tidy and sweet.”

ltclassicThe Rainbow Connection, a series of novels I have been writing for the last four years, is a romance. Admittedly, it is a gay romance, and until very recently, the likelihood of it ending in legal wedding was up for debate. But it was always meant to end happily.

The truth is, I was inspired to write what started as a short story and grew into a series of novels (three have been, or will be soon, published. One that’s being written, and one — maybe two? — that are in preliminary planning…) from an event that took place shortly before another wedding, many years ago. I had a tumultuous affair planned, for characters who took on a life of their own, ripped my control right out of my hands, and took me on a ride that I’ll never forget.

So, when I offer forth this little short story, I say to you, this is not a true spoiler. You always knew we were going this way. The road has been long, it has been winding, and it has had a great many bumps in it. But you knew the destination when you got in the car with me…

These books were always meant to be a romance, and a romance often needs a good wedding…

From Torquere

Catch up with Roll and Blues

About the Author

Lynn Townsend is a geek, a dreamer and an inveterate punster. When not reading, writing, or editing, she can usually be found drinking coffee or killing video game villains. Lynn’s interests include geek comedy music, romance novels, octopuses, and movies with more FX than plot.

Social Media Links

Twitter: @tisfan

Free Read: Wedding March

Part One, Wedding March is hosted at VL Locey’s blog, Thoughts from a Yodeling Goatherder.

Part Two, Wedding March is hosted on EM Linley’s blog

Wedding March, Part Three
by Lynn Townsend

A short story, in parts…

“Vin, no,” Beau said. This was becoming almost annoying, and Beau suspected that once it had finished being annoying, it might come around to being funny. But it wasn’t funny just yet.

“Beau, yes, you absolutely have to. It’s a moral imperative.”

Beau looked back down at the glossy page, full of lovely young women all wearing horrible, pink, flouncy lacy dresses. Truth, they probably fell right out of a bad remake of Gone with the Wind. The Bollywood version.

“No. I really, really don’t. And even if I did have to, she would never in a million years agree to something like that.”

“You could convince her, Beau,” Vin said in his best wheedling tones. “She’d do it, if you asked her to.”

“Ann-Marie is my very best friend in the whole world,” Beau said, firmly. He knew Vin was right. If Beau asked, Ann-Marie would say yes. She’d also punch him about forty times in the arm and complain the entire time that he was making her hit him, but she would wear the ugliest dress known to man. If he wanted her to. The point, however, was that she was his very best friend precisely because he would never, ever do such a thing. “She can wear a nice pant-suit that matches with the cumberbunds. And if Mila wants to wear a dress, we can have one of those, made, too. There is absolutely no reason to make everyone unhappy.”

Vin grumbled for a moment, then conceded the point. “Well, can I at least threaten her with the picture?”

“Only if you want to die before the wedding,” Beau cautioned him. “You know how she feels about those sorts of things. And she would not entirely suspect you were joking.”

“That’s because I wouldn’t be,” Vin said. He turned the page, then stretched his legs out under the table, groaning. Vin’s knee injury still pained him, especially if he sat in the same position for too long.

“Let’s take a break, gentlemen,” the wedding planner said. “Walk down and get a cup of coffee?” There was a very nice coffee shop on the ground floor of the business center; they’d walked by it on their way up to the office.

“You said the magic word,” Beau said, as Vin nearly knocked over his chair in his enthusiasm. Beau’d never really gotten into coffee, himself. And the tea they served in Chicago was so unlike home’s “sweet tea” that they might only be loosely related beverages. But he thought he’d seen a deli on the first floor as well, and there was no reason why he couldn’t snag a Pepsi.

“So, Mila and Ann-Marie,” Vin said. “Who else are we actually asking to be in the wedding?”

“I ain’t asking Lee,” Beau said. He scuffed his toe on the carpet. His brother had finally apologized, and Beau had accepted. Family peace had been declared, sort of. But it would never be the same, and while having one’s brothers stand up at the wedding, Beau thought he’d just go ahead and dispense with that tradition. Aside from that, Gerald was still on speaking terms with Lee. Ginny and Lee actually attending the wedding might make things strained for his brother without adding an actual role in the proceedings.

“No? I thought I might ask my dad, though. Since it seems silly to have him give away the groom and all, maybe he’d like to be part of the ceremony.”

“Yeah, Jonah would get a kick out of that,” Beau said. “That’s a good idea.”

Vin suggested LeShelle Ross, one of the artists he worked with and had formed a strange bestgirlfriends sort of relationship with. She frequently called Vin her obligatory gay friend, with annoyed Beau, but didn’t seem to bother Vin in the slightest. To match numbers, Beau paired her up with Kate, his cousin.

“And I’d like to ask Lloyd,” Vin said, as they stepped into the line at the coffee bar. It might take a while to get drinks, based on the length of the queue. Beau chewed his lip for a moment, debating whether or not to continue this conversation at a later time. He hated when people stared at Vin and him as a couple. Hated it. He’d hold hands with his boyfriend and imagine every little snigger was directed at them. Even when he knew it wasn’t. Even when he knew he was being oversensitive and stupid. But sometimes, he’d see someone stare and see the loathing and disgust on their face and he’d be right back in the parking lot that cold, brutal night, and he’d see Chris’s leg coming for his ribs and not a damn thing he could do about it.

Sometimes, it was easier to just pretend he was straight.

I shouldn’t have to, he thought, sudden and angry. He twined his fingers with Vin’s and gave his fiancee his best grin. “That sounds great. Do you think David would stand up with me, if I asked him?”

David was Vin’s bodyguard and driver. He’d been working for the Reyeses as a man-Friday since Vin crashed two cars inside of two months. Vin and David weren’t friends; Vin thought of his driver as an employee — and sometimes a nuisance. David thought of Vin as his boss — and usually an idiot. But both of them would have taken a bullet for Beau without hesitation, and that bond kept them working together long after Vin outgrew the need for a babysitter.

Vin looked over from studying the chalkboard full of elaborate coffee-flavored drinks. “I can’t imagine that he’d say no. And he does look smart in a tux.”


This story will continue tomorrow on Delilah Night’s blog [] and the story in its entirety will be hosted on my blog in two weeks.

Sabrina York: It Ain’t Easy Writing Hot Highlanders
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

I’ve spent the last year living in a Highland romance, writing the Untamed Highlander series for St. Martin’s Press, creating my wounded Waterloo warrior in Tarnished Honor and entertaining myself with the Dundragon Time Travel Trilogy. I fell in love with the characters, the settings and the mood of the work.

But I’ll be honest. It ain’t easy writing scorching Highland romances with big, brawny, savage heroes. Here are some of the challenges I faced in the past year.

But no worries, my darling reader. I am more than happy to take the bullet and suffer these trials. Just remember, I do it all for you!

The Top Ten Challenges of Writing Hot Highlanders

#10  Incessantly flipping through pictures of thousands of gorgeous, hunky men in kilts looking for exactly the right inspiration

#9 Taste tasting Scottish shortbread. You know. You make sure I “get it.”

#8 Watching an endless loop of The Highlander to make sure I get the accent (and the swordplay) right

#7 Picking a time period in the Scottish history where my beloved characters have a chance of living happily ever after post-story

#6 Deciding how much dialog to “Scotify” so people get the flavor but don’t have trouble understanding what the characters are saying.

#5 Trying to find a location that is more than desolate sea coast and moors

#4  Keep getting stalled on the sex scenes. (Needs more editing, or at least to be read again!)

#3 My heroes declare their undying love for me, causing an awkward situation with my heroines…

#2 Plotline inexplicably veers off into a Gothic Novel with Ghosts and dour Lairds

#1 I keep getting distracted by my hero’s hotness

I’ve loved writing these books so much, I am even planning a visit to Scotland this fall. I’d love to hear your suggestions on things I should see and do (but be gentle. It’s my first time!)


Pre order your copy of Hannah and the Highlander (releasing September 1st) FINALLY!

skHannah and the Highlander

First in a brand-new series from New York Times bestselling author Sabrina York about the bold, brawny men of the Highlands-and the lovely lasses who bring them to their knees…

Scotland 1813:

Highlanders are her weakness.
Hannah Dounreay has no time for suitors who only seem interested in her family’s land, which she manages as well as any man. If she marries, she wants to be loved for the educated, independent woman she is. But when a strong, silent-and spectacularly handsome-Highlander saves her from a violent attack, her heart is stirred. Who is this man? And if he asks for Hannah’s hand, will she be able to resist him?

Love is the most powerful weapon of all.
Alexander Lochlannach, Laird of Dunnet, has no time to lose. The Highlands are in an uproar as clans battle for land-without mercy-and Alexander can’t afford to fall for the wildly attractive, strong-willed Hannah. What’s more, he has a desperate secret, one that could destroy them both. But as their attraction turns into an all-consuming passion, Alexander has no choice but to prove to Hannah that he’s the only man for her-body and soul…in Hannah and the Highlander.


Susana and the Scot is coming in December!

Andrew Lochlannach is famous for his conquests, on and off the battlefield. When a fellow warrior challenges him to a kissing contest, he wastes no time in planting his lips on ninety-nine lovely lasses-an impressive feat of seduction that gets him banished to the hinterlands. Still, Andrew has no regrets about his exploits-especially his embrace with the most beguiling woman he’s ever met…

With flaming red hair and a temper to match, Susana is not some innocent farm girl who gives herself over easily to a man, even one as ruggedly handsome as Andrew. The wicked Scot may have won a kiss from the headstrong beauty in a moment of mutual desire, but Susana refuses to be just another one of his conquests. Andrew must convince the fiery lass that even though he is not playing a game, losing her is not an option…


Check out the Dundragon Time Travel Trilogy!


Book 1 in the Dundragon Time Travel Trilogy
By Sabrina York

When Maggie Spencer is mysteriously transported to the Scotland of her ancestors, she is stunned to come face to face with him. Dominic Dundragon, the man she’s been half in love with her whole life. A man who’s been dead for 700 years.

They both have enemies aplenty. Will she have a chance to win his love, or will this adventure end in disaster?


Happy reading my darling!

About Sabrina York

sySabrina_head_logoHer Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & snarky to scorching romance.  Connect with her on twitter @sabrina_york, on Facebook or on Pintrest. Check out Sabrina’s books and read an excerpt on Amazon or wherever e-books are sold. Visit her webpage at to check out her books, excerpts and contests. Free Teaser Book: Get updates and alerts from Sabrina here: HotSheet Sign Up:

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A Question…
Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

Yesterday, I mentioned how busy September will be for me. I do try to have a normal life in between all the work. I swim. I spend time with my dd and her girls. I putter at my hobbies.

Speaking of hobbies… I’m finishing these up. I think they are therapy because they take so long to make. I swear I could write a short novella in the time it takes to finish one of these—paint, dry, paint, dry, gloss one edge times six and let dry in between, then glue on a bail. These are almost ready. I’ll need a ton before October, plus I need a few to post on my Etsy site.


My question for you is…

Do you enjoy making things for sale? Baked goods? Crocheted items?
Pretty hand-made greeting cards? If not, is there something you’ve
been saying for the longest that you want to try?

Where did August go? And a look at September!
Monday, August 31st, 2015

August was crazy busy! Tons of new releases as you can see below! Besides writing up a storm, which is always a given, I started working as an editor for hire. I barely hung out my shingle when jobs started coming in. Thanks to the authors who had belief in me! I wrote most of the next Lone Star Lovers book, Family Values, and completed revisions of Knight in Transition (which is coming out in the next few days!). Doesn’t sound like much, for me, but there were so many distractions—all family related. If anyone’s been following our saga, the 6-year-old who had the cancerous tumor removed from her leg is going in for a full body bone scan and CT on Wednesday, so your thoughts and prayers would be very much appreciated!

Moms CammoRose

Click to enroll!

September’s going to be horribly busy!

On the non-writing side of things, I have to work on art and jewelry for fests and an art tour in October. I already have an editing job lined up for the beginning of the month. AND I have the Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp beginning on September 7th. If you’re an author or an aspiring author, be sure to check it out. The class lasts a month and is filled with authors’ tools you can use beyond the bootcamp!

On the release-front, I hope to have five releases—and all of them will be in Kindle Unlimited, so if you have a subscription, you can read them for free! See the covers/teasers below. A couple are already on pre-order.

So far as actual writing goes… I’ll be working on the next Uncharted SEALs book; writing a proposal for a major publisher; beginning the next Beau Reve Coven story; wrapping up Bad Moon Rising; writing the next Stepbrothers Stepping Out short story; and reading a ton of sexy short stories for my next collection, tentatively titled, Rogue Hearts. Wish me luck and be sure to drop by to nag me so that I know you’re paying attention. 🙂

August Releases

(Click on covers to purchase!)

12 Alarm Cowboys12-Alarm Cowboys (includes Controlled Burn)

One high school prank gone wrong shouldn’t define the rest of Carly Lohan’s life. But setting fire to Caldera Canyon isn’t something townsfolk will ever forget. As the last part of her final act of restitution, she’s among the group of volunteers assigned to keep a prescribed burn of underbrush and grass from “running over the rim” into the ranches ringing the park.

Local rancher and volunteer firefighter Jeremiah McCord doesn’t trust the reformed firebug anywhere near the canyon’s controlled burn. Determined to keep her on a short rein, he’s everywhere she is, watching her. His distrust and determination sparks a plan for some sexy revenge–one that will get them both too close to the flames.

Buy Link


ThroughHerEyesDelilahDevlin_600Through Her Eyes

Ex-SEAL and expert sniper, Wolf Kinkaid, is taking a little downtime while he considers his options. Being wooed by two elite black ops groups, he’s enjoying Charter Group’s beach house while he considers his options. A loner by nature as well as occupation, he wonders if he’ll ever really connect to the people around him. Afraid his loner nature will sentence him to spending his life alone, he’s not sure he wants to continue looking down a scope, even if the pay’s good.

Bounty hunter Piper Ames loves the adrenaline rush she gets from her high-stakes hunts, but now, she has time on her hands as she waits for her collar to pop up his head so she can take him down. While she’s waiting, it doesn’t hurt that a big, buff, ex-military type is staying right next door. Not the least shy about going after what she wants, she’s surprised when he’s equally as aggressive. Their chemistry is off the charts, and the sex is the hottest she’s ever had.

While Wolf and Piper connect in the only way their independent natures allow, danger lurks. When her target comes, guns blazing, they have to pull together to make it out alive.

Buy Link — In KU, for free!


Hotter with a Pole

Hotter With A Pole

When your heart is stuck in the wrong gear, a quick fix isn’t going to cut it.

When Noah buys a classic ’68 Camaro from a fellow firefighter’s widow, he hopes it will ease some of the grief crushing his heart. But the grinding noise under the car’s hood sends him straight to a mechanic. Something about the burly, imposing Hoyt sparks Noah’s interest, and it’s not just Hoyt’s ice-blue eyes and bad-boy biker looks. It’s the mutual interest they have–Club LaForge.

After losing his partner to cancer a year ago, Hoyt never thought he’d feel the same kind of rush with another man. But his reaction to Noah throbs deep in his body like the rumble of his Harley.

LaForge seems like the perfect place to meet and work off some sorrow, to feel alive again. But the flood of desire quickly gets hot enough to melt their emotional barriers into unexpected connections. Connections Hoyt isn’t sure he’s ready for…especially since history has a scary way of repeating itself.

Buy Link



Her Next Breath

Ex-SEAL Jackson Keller’s first mission with the Charter Group’s spec ops unit is a bust. Instead of capturing a drug lord in his Mexican compound, he finds a beautiful, naked woman. But she may have information they need to nail the narco-terrorist, so he takes her, sealing his fate. She’s his to watch, his to “manage” until the op’s done.

Suri McAnally’s made some mistakes—mainly trusting her college roomie who just so happens to be the son of one of Mexico’s most dangerous drug lords. If Jackson can save her, she’ll do whatever he says, mirror his moves, and try to keep her insta-lust under control. Her next breath depends on it.

Buy Link — In KU, for free!

Coming in September

KnightsTransition_600Knight in Transition — 9/2/15

A member of an elite police unit sworn to hunt vampires, Joe Garcia’s life is turned upside down when he’s transformed into one. On a quest for a cure, Joe’s search brings him to New Orleans in a last-ditch effort to recover his humanity.

Professor Lily Carlson, a renowned expert in vampire lore, has a condition of her own. Her sexual libido has been in hyper-drive for months. Her only defense is to hide behind her glasses and tweed suits and stay as far away from men as possible. However, she’s thrilled to discover vampires really do exist when Joe shows up on her balcony.

Although Joe deflects her attempts to make him a case study and confirm a few vampire statistics, he is drawn by her powerful allure. When werewolves join the chase and track her through New Orleans, Joe’s cop instincts tell him there’s a mystery to solve. Intent on protecting her, he must seek help from the last vampire on Earth he wants to ask. While his hopes for deliverance from his fate dwindle, Lily’s life is forever altered by an unexpected inheritance.

In KU, for free!


Controlled BurnControlled Burn — 9/4/15 (Pre-order Now!)

One high school prank gone wrong shouldn’t define the rest of Carly Lohan’s life. But setting fire to Caldera Canyon isn’t something townsfolk will ever forget. As the last part of her final act of restitution, she’s among the group of volunteers assigned to keep a prescribed burn of underbrush and grass from “running over the rim” into the ranches ringing the park.

Local rancher and volunteer firefighter Jeremiah McCord doesn’t trust the reformed firebug anywhere near the canyon’s controlled burn. Determined to keep her on a short rein, he’s everywhere she is, watching her. His distrust and determination sparks a plan for some sexy revenge–one that will get them both too close to the flames.

In KU, for free!


SOWithTheBoss600Stepbrothers Stepping Out: With His Boss — 9/18/15

No blurb yet (I haven’t written the story—give me a minute! 🙂 ), but you know this one’s going to be hot. I’m combining two of my favorite, naughtiest themes for this short story: stepbrother lust and menage!

Think step-brother and sister caught in a compromising situation by his employer at a party, then some sexual blackmail they all enjoy. I love these short taboo stories!


WolfinPlainSight600Wolf in Plain Sight — 9/22/15 (Pre-order Now!)

Amazon says this story’s very, very short, but that’s only because I haven’t uploaded the final version. It’s over 35k, so no worries you won’t get your money’s worth!

To Super-cop Max Weir, the only good vampire is a dead one. Since his special police unit integrated with vampires, he’s had to suppress his natural hatred to work side by side with the undead to hunt down and terminate the deadliest killers. Now the unit’s hot on the trail of a new menace in town, a pack of werewolves prowling for vampires who don’t care whether humans get in their way.

When a stakeout goes awry, Max enters a bar looking for a fight or woman to help him blow off a little steam. What he finds is a winsome siren whose sexual appetites match his own.

Vampire Pia D’Amato is on a secret mission to take out Max—either by seduction or turning him. He’s become a liability to the Masters’ Council setting up jurisdiction in southern Florida, and she’s not leaving until she’s done the job. But Max is more man than she bargained for with a deadly secret of his own.

In KU, for free!


BadMoonRising600Bad Moon Rising — 9/29/15

On a whim, romance author DiDi Devereaux decides to travel to remote Louisiana bayou country to take possession of a house she inherited from a reclusive relative. But before she reaches her destination, she drives her car into a ditch to avoid a large animal that leaps into her path. Rescue comes in the form of a sexy sheriff, whose gruff demeanor seems to hide a feral attraction. As DiDi settles into her new home she finds herself torn between her attraction to the sheriff and the raw, handsome bad boy whose offer to help her renovate her home is a little too convenient and tempting.

Nothing in Bayou Noir is what it seems. When strange things begin to happen, her natural curiosity leads her into danger…

In KU, for free!

Qwillia Rain: Hazards of Being A Character-Driven Writer
Sunday, August 30th, 2015

Hazards of Being A Character-Driven Writer
(with a dash of perfectionism)

qrheadshot2First, I want to thank Delilah Devlin for letting me hang out here today. I have a day job, so I’ll try to check in as much as possible throughout the day.

There are so many things I love about writing. The characters, the setting, research, talking to readers, talking to writers, the 24-36 hour writing binges that leave me wrung out and exhausted, but oh so satisfied. There are also the things I don’t necessarily hate, yet wish I didn’t have to deal with, although I have no intentions of ever giving them up. (I know, I’m a sick, twisted puppy, but hey…I was a great masochist in past lives!)

Below is a list of six “things” that my perfectionist, over achieving, OCD writer needs to fall back on when writing feels more like the ninth ring of Hell rather than the Elysian fields:

  1. Don’t put out crap

One glance at the number of revisions I’ve put out for each book, screams that I’m a bit manic about writing the best damn story possible. I mean, I can write rather quickly – once I know what’s going on in a story. But I don’t want to put out a story that I wouldn’t pay good money to read. So, go ahead, shoot me now for my perfectionist tendencies. But, go ahead and love me because I respect my readers, my characters, and myself way too much to put out crap.

  1. Who’s driving this crazy train?

The characters

The determination not to put out crap is driven by my characters demanding I get the story right.

Don’t believe me? Well, check this out. I’ve got a book I’ve been working on for four years, yeah, I said four years. I have about 5 versions for a grand total of about 800,000 words and you know what my characters do? They keep nagging me. “You got that wrong.”  “You Dommed when you should’ve subbed, and subbed when you should’ve Dommed.” “You completely got the motivation wrong, but hey, you got the kink right. Thank you, RopePlay(dot)com.” And I’m telling you, that the taunting, teasing sing-song voice they like to use when they point out my mistakes grates on the nerves. If I weren’t so emotionally invested in this project (and if I didn’t know at least half a dozen people would string me up by my thumbs) I would give up. Tear up all that I’ve written. It wouldn’t help though…the characters are persistent, over-achieving nags.

  1. Quality vs. Quantity

This particular rule goes right back to #1. I recognize there are some writers out there who complete full-length novels in the same amount of time it takes me to mow my lawn and weed my garden. (Sure, this looks like an exaggeration, but I live in the South and it’s been summer. So, go with me on this one, okay?) I am not one of those writers. I work at my own pace, which is usually at my characters’ pace and they let me know when they think a scene needs tweaking. Rushing them does no good and only tends to irritate them…kinda like poking a bear with a stick. Enough said, and I have the scars to prove it.

  1. Follow the rules…

Rules Schmules, but spellcheck you better believe it – abou tit, inot, organisms not orgasms (or is that the other way around?)

You think I’m joking about the examples? I’m not. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone through a manuscript to find my “into”s have become “inot”s and that “about it” has morphed into “abou tit.” And the last little gem was courtesy of a friend of mine who discovered, only after she’d sent the report out to her main supervisors for comment and feedback that all the “organisms” in her report had morphed into “orgasms”. And while there’s only a difference of an “n” and an “i” in the words, it makes a huge difference when you consider your audience. So, while I’m not a big fan of all the writing rules, like, introducing the hero within the first three pages so the heroine is introduced to him as well, I do recognize that spellcheck can go a long way to making a writer appear professional.

  1. Serial Commas? Oh, yeah I totally love serial commas!

I don’t know if it’s because of the editor I had at my publisher, or the fact that those are the rules I was given when I was in grammar school, but I will always put a comma before the conjunction (Conjunction Junction, what’s your function?…sorry, just had to say it). I’ll try to follow as many grammar and language arts rules as possible, once I understand them… like dangling participles and misplaced modifiers. Conundrums like sneaked and snuck – I’m still trying to figure that one out. But I’ve totally got em and en dashes. (Yay me!)

  1. The real hazard, the one that really, really gets to me…

Readers who care

While I absolutely love to hear readers are looking for my next book, it’s like, “oh, yeah, no pressure” when they ask, “When is your next book coming out?” So, here’s me copping to it. I suck when it comes to deadlines. And I’m not talking mediocrity level sucking. Oh, no, we’re talking OCD, perfectionist level. I’m a professional at it. And for good reason. Because not being able to answer my dear readers’ question with the absolute truth inspires me to lay prostrate across the rails while the proverbial guilt train comes a chuggin’ on down the line. And that sends me to the ninth ring of writing Hell. So, here’s my pat answer to all those dedicated readers, “It’s coming out…SOON.” Which makes the heroine in my current manuscript pipe up and scream, “Yeah. Soon. Right after me. So, would you go ahead and finish this scene already?”

So, I’m putting it out there to you…

Authors, what hazards do you experience as a writer?

Readers, what hazards do you wish authors had respected before they published their books?

Qwillia Rain

Reminder! Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp — September 7 through October 2
Saturday, August 29th, 2015
Moms CammoRose

Click to reserve your spot!


Just pimpin’ the Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp. It starts September 7th, and there are still slots available. Reserving your place is a good idea for a couple of reasons:

1) Ever wanted to know how to write a logline? How to construct a premise statement? What character roles you need to “people” your story with and what function they serve? Why is that important? Ever heard of GMC? And hey, most of you have heard of the Hero’s Journey, but do you know about the Novem plot structure (my favorite and more intuitive, IMHO). And then there’s that scene-by-scene build for your book. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a coach and cheerleader pushing you until you’ve got that well-structured plot nailed.

2) Sometimes, we need a little brainstorming support. Guess what? I’m very good at reading between the lines of what you mean/want and helping you pluck those ideas just hovering there, not yet fully formed. Want a live conversation to help that process?

I’ve been teaching this process for a long time now. You’ll get a well-seasoned eye, a supportive soundboard, and a kick in the butt to keep you going. But don’t worry. This is a self-paced workshop. Do you have a killer day-job work schedule? You really can complete this course at your own pace, as you find time. I won’t go away before you’re finished.

Both newbie and seasoned authors can benefit. In fact, I’ve had authors run through the course multiple times when they want a sounding board and a structured process before they start their next project.

For many of us, September is the perfect time to start a new project. The kids are back in school. NaNoWriMo is staring us in the face. Want to smash through NaNoWriMo in November? If you have a plan, you’ll fly through those 50,000 words!

Sound intense? It can be. But I provide a nurturing learning environment. And you can’t beat the price. $50 for a month-long class with individualized support. See you there!

To sign up, click on this link: Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp
f you have questions, don’t hesitate to email me at!

Vivi Anna: Wild
Friday, August 28th, 2015

I love shifter books.  I’ve written wolves, and jaguars, but when I saw all these amazing werebear books out, I knew I had to write one. Well, I’m writing several.  Wild, part 1 is the first in a series called Bear Essential Billionaire, about 3 brothers (Alex, Riley and Lee) who run an extreme adventure wilderness camp in the wilds of Northern British Columbia,  a place I’ve come to admire and love myself.  Here, they try and keep to themselves, having guests maybe four times a year, but soon they will find they can’t hide for long. Especially not when love comes calling.

I hope you will enjoy the first of what I hope is a long thrilling adventure into the wilderness of men and beast.

Here’s the book…

Wild, part 1 out for only 99 cents.  Part 2 is also available.  Part 3 will be out Sept 24, 2015
Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

vaWild Part 1

Bear-shifter Alex Torben likes the quiet life.  He and his family run an adventure camp in the Northern British Columbia wilds, with guests four times a year at most. Away from civilization and complications, it’s the life Alex has always wanted.  It’s a life he’d go to extremes to protect.  All that changes when he finds a tormented young woman with a lot of secrets hiding in his boat…

Running. That’s all Sylvie can think about.  She needs to get as far away as possible before he can find her.  Nothing can protect her from his wrath.  There is no safe place.  But when Alex finds her and offers his help, she thinks maybe there could be some salvation after all.



NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling author

DAHLIA BY DESIGN – Tawny Stokes – coming soon
THE OTHER FIGHTER – part 1, 2,3 -coming May