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Cynthia Sax: Releasing Rage And Why Cyborgs Are Sexy
Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Releasing Rage releases today! Woot! I’m super excited about this SciFi erotic romance, especially as it features a sizzling hot cyborg hero. I’ve written android heroes, clone heroes, but I’ve always wanted to write a cyborg hero.


Because cyborgs are half man, half machine. They’re torn between their emotion-driven human side and their logic-driven mechanic side. Yes, their mere existence is conflicted. My cyborgs have both a brain and processors. Often these two tell them different things.

For example: History has shown Rage that all humans are evil. Humans hurt cyborgs. His processors tell him not to trust Joan, his new handler. His instincts, a function of his brain, tell him she’s different. He can confide in her. She won’t hurt him. Which should he listen to—his processors or his human brain?

I think everyone can relate to this dilemma. Our hearts or instincts tell us one thing and our brains tell us another. Which is right?

There are some perks to having a hunky cyborg as a love interest. Cyborgs are very difficult to kill. They’re self healing and they have a sturdy metal frame under their human skin (which adds a hot dynamic to sex scenes – all that unrelenting male).

The nanocybotics that help cyborgs heal also prevent them from aging. They look hunky forever. These nanocybotics can be passed to human females so any female they love could also potentially live forever.

And the sex. Did I mention the sex? Cyborgs have impressive endurance. They rarely tire and they have the strength to easily lift the most curvaceous of heroines (which Joan, the heroine in Releasing Rage, is). They’re designed to attract the opposite sex, are hyper potent.

But they also have a tender side. They’re devoted to their females, would do anything for them, would sacrifice themselves to protect them. That makes for some yummy heroes!

Releasing Rage will be the first of many cyborg stories I’ll write (I’m working on the edits for Breathing Vapor right now). I LOVE cyborg heroes and I hope you will also.

Have you ever read a romance with a cyborg hero?


Releasing Rage_ARe

Half Man. Half Machine. All Hers.

Rage, the Humanoid Alliance’s most primitive cyborg, has two goals—kill all of the humans on his battle station and escape to the Homeland. The warrior has seen the darkness in others and in himself. He believes that’s all he’s been programmed to experience.

Until he meets Joan.

Joan, the battle station’s first female engineer, has one goal—survive long enough to help the big sexy cyborg plotting to kill her. Rage might not trust her but he wants her. She sees the passion in his eyes, the caring in his battle-worn hands, the gruff emotion in his voice.

When Joan survives the unthinkable, Rage’s priorities are tested. Is there enough room in this cyborg’s heart for both love and revenge?

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About Cynthia Sax

USA Today bestselling author Cynthia Sax writes contemporary, SciFi and paranormal erotic romances. Her stories have been featured in Star Magazine, Real Time With Bill Maher, and numerous best of erotic romance top ten lists.

She lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you,” they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Sign up for her dirty-joke-filled release day newsletter and visit her on the web at

Twitter:  @CynthiaSax

A Question…after this commercial break…
Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

  DelilahDevlin_WatchOverMe_600-2 HerNextBreath ThroughHerEyesDelilahDevlin_600

Just so you know, the story I have inside SEALs of Summer 2, Her Next Breath, is now available on its own in Kindle Unlimited. So for you folks who love the limitless downloads in KU, here’s another one! And in case you didn’t know, there are now three books in the Uncharted SEALs series. All the stories are standalone, but they are connected. The reading order is shown above. If you’d like to learn more about the stories, just click on the pics!

I mentioned this to my Facebook friends yesterday—I have a “Bedtime Story” coming out in the November issue of Penthouse! It’s entitled “The MILF Man” and you can buy your copy in the stores starting October 13th. This makes my third appearance in Penthouse… My mom’s so proud—her daughter’s in Penthouse!

My question for you today is…

Have you ever bought a copy of Penthouse or Playboy?
(Did you read them for the articles? 🙂 )

Trilby Palmer: Sex Comedy
Monday, August 17th, 2015

Thanks Delilah for having me as Guest Blogger, truly an honor….

As I’m new to the erotic and romance genre I thought I’d do a brief run down on my history…..from an early age I always knew I’d be a writer. My mother was a writer and I wanted and thought I would do other things with my life but I always knew I would be a writer. I think it was that unwavering conviction that I didn’t even question that enabled me to follow my dream. Sure I did a few of the other life interrupting jobs along the way but now I am a full-time writer and I personally believe it all came down to self-belief.

I started off writing for TV networks, writing sketch shows and segments – that really helped me hone the skill of writing short, sharp and snappy! I progressed to full episodes then moved into theater. I wrote cabaret shows, (the links in and around the song and dances) and then moved onto full length stage plays. With the writing bug having firmly taken hold of my life I looked around for another avenue for my writing talents and I happened upon ghostwriting. For readers out there who are not familiar with this, a ghostwriter writes books whether they be novels, non-fiction, series etc. which are published under another name. This ‘other’ name is not a pseudonym but an actual other person’s name. Now, and this is where it gets a bit bizarre, this ‘other person’ can actually exist and they have a high-profile but maybe their writing skills are not so great, (and that’s being polite 🙂 ), or this ‘other person’ may not exist but is the ‘author name’ on a series of books. Now on the face of it this may seem like cheating the reader but when you think of it as branding, it’s not. Readers like to know they’re getting a good story and if they recognize an author, just as they would recognize a brand of detergent in the store they like then they’re more likely to trust it and buy it.

Anyway…..after TV, theater, ghostwriting and appearing on stage and screen myself, (did I mention that??), I decided to try my hand at erotic fiction. My writing had always bordered on risque and maybe a bit too hot for main stream romance. Erotica seemed the ideal step for me to take and I love it. I have two ebooks published so far, both in the early part of this year and both the start of a series. My style has been described as ‘sexy and flat-out fun’, utilizing my comedic and risque background – and my heat level is definitely ramped up! I’m a quick writer but a steady editor – I have 6 books in my desk drawer which will slowly emerge when I’m ready to edit and submit them to my publisher. Everything that leaves my desk has to be the best it can be – a lesson I learnt in theater is that if someone is going to pay to leave their home for the evening, you have a duty to them. It’s the same with books – if someone invests any amount of money in purchasing a book of mine I have a duty to them.

I’m looking forward to my career in the world of erotica and I hope as many readers as possible come along with me. Catch up with me on Facebook – I’m not the most consistent poster but when I do it’s nice to know people are reading. And it’s always great to hear from readers, my email is available! And the websites coming……

Thanks Delilah.

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Books Available From:


Sex Comedy


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When Ethan lands an audition to appear alongside Hollywood’s latest sex siren, he can hardly believe his luck. Cameron Roberts is out to prove her worth as a stage actor in the sex comedy, Blondes Get Dirty Quicker. According to his agent, all Ethan has to do is roll around in bed with Cameron, naked, every night for a week, in front of a packed audience.

Ethan learns there’s a lot more to the job—and to the leading lady—than he ever imagined. Good thing he’s well equipped for his role.

Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

* * * * *


Play Around With Me


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Terri has an unpleasant choice to make: Sleep with the boss or lose her job as a golf pro at a private club. She gets a temporary reprieve when a wealthy and handsome new customer shows up and insists that Terri teach him to play.

Ryan isn’t much interested in learning golf, even though he has a good reason for taking lessons. All that changes when he sees a gorgeous golf pro being groped by her boss. Suddenly, he’s an enthusiastic student of the game—and he’s determined to find a way to wipe that sad look off his teacher’s face. He’s already skilled in “fore”-play.

Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here!

Sunday, August 16th, 2015



I have a sense of humor and love it when I can let it loose in a book. But I write murder/mystery/romances. How do I put humor in the book when my characters are on the run and being shot at? Well, in PROTECTING THE COLTON BRIDE, I had to get my couple married fast. They went to Vegas to get the job done and, well, when in Vegas…do it Elvis style! That’s right, they go to the Graceland Wedding Chapel (a real place) and are married by Elvis!  You have to read the book to get the full effect. I know…that was a tease. Happy reading!


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With his ranch in financial trouble, cowboy Daniel Colton makes the perfect proposal to Megan Talbot—a marriage of convenience to save his business and ensure she receives her inheritance. But spending night after night with the strawberry blonde beauty tests all boundaries of Daniel’s self-control. And when a killer targets his new bride, vying for her estate, it sets off all of his protective instincts. Daniel refuses to trade his honeymoon for a funeral. Now it’s a race against the clock to track down the culprit and protect the wife who’s starting to be so much more to him than just a business partner.

About the Author

NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author ELLE JAMES also writing as MYLA JACKSON is an award-winning author of stories including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. With over seventy stories in a variety of sub-genres and lengths she is published with Harlequin, Samhain, Elloras’ Cave, Kensington, Cleis Press, and Avon. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.

Elle’s Links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page

Myla Jackson’s links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter

Indulgences… A Question and a Contest
Saturday, August 15th, 2015

I’ve been a very busy girl lately—writing, publishing, promoting. And then yesterday, I took a break to go back-to-school shopping with my daughter and her kids. And now you mothers, who know that was no break, are snickering.

Picture this: three adults, two eleven-year-olds, a six-year-old, a two year-old… I was the person poised at the shop door to watch for escapees. We went to a mall and dared the shoe sale at Footlockers. All I can say is the 6-year-old was fastest. The 11-year-old girl took only fifteen minutes of real searching to find a shoe she loves. The boy? Good lord, he wore us down trying on every ugly shoe imaginable until he found a reasonable-ish Air Jordan. I remember why I shop for my flip-flops on Amazon.

So today, I think I need a truly stressless day. A “me” day. Since one of my simple pleasures is flea market hunting—I don’t consider it shopping because you can’t find the Xena action figures on the action figure aisle!—I think that’s where I’m going. If I have energy after a long soak in the pool.

My question to you, for a chance to win a free download of any book from Samhain backlist, is…

What is a simple pleasure you indulged in recently?

Taige Crenshaw: Birthday Reflections
Friday, August 14th, 2015


tcbannerYesterday was my birthday, and as usual with my birthday, I reflect on what happened this past year. I am grateful for so much. My family (those by blood and by choice), friends and just for being here. Life is precious and I am enjoying it. Time is also precious and I’m appreciating that also. With both those things in mind, I’ve been enjoying my time with my big sister and her family who are here for their yearly visit. We have been making memories. 🙂

We’ve been spending time relaxing and just being together. They took me out for my birthday and it was fun.  Yep my birthday. Yipppeee… Thanks to all my friends for the wonderful cards and good wishes on my birthday.

So with another birthday pasting, I’m loving life and enjoying time while reflecting on the year gone by and looking toward the future yet still to come. I’m looking forward to whatever comes my way.


tclogoTaige Crenshaw is a multi-published author with books available at Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Loose Id, and Totally Bound. Taige has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance. With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s. Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels. You can find out more about Taige at her website: or blog: or on twitter: or facebook:


Buy here ( at Totally Bound.

An unexpected encounter leads to a lasting passion…

Lila Jarvis wasn’t prepared to be involved in a rescue after a long day at work. The man she saves is even more surprising and she has no idea what she is in for. From the moment they meet until she goes looking for him to check on him, she is thrown for a loop on what to do with Driscoll. She knows he is a famous singer, yet it’s the man who is tender, open and downright weird—he calls it eccentric—who has her coming back for more. He is like nothing she has experienced before. Lila has no idea where things are going, but she is willing to hold on for the ride with the man who pushes all her buttons.

Driscoll Jacobs knows that when life provides you with an opportunity you take it, make it yours and make sure it never leaves. No woman has made him feel like Lila does—on edge one moment then at ease the next. The sassy woman is a challenge he is looking forward to getting to know better. As he does he finds himself in circumstances he’s never been in before. She is in his blood and he doesn’t plan to let her go.

It started as a meeting neither expected, but with a determined man it will become much more than an unexpected encounter…

Jane Leopold Quinn: A Roman Soldier Spoke to Me
Thursday, August 13th, 2015

Thank you, Delilah, for hosting Ancient Ties and me here today with how…

Finally, after reading many British authors and especially Jane Austin, I made my first trip to England. I’d always been fascinated by the ancient world – Rome, Greece, Egypt. The British Museum in London was a treasure trove, and the Rosetta Stone was one of the many highlights.

But what turned out to be the best for me was the Roman Museum at Bath, touring the baths, and seeing the surviving artifacts. I was totally in love with everything there and had no idea the real impact Bath would have on my life.

I took photos of everything I could see – statues, pediments, mosaics, and a row of tombstones. Roman soldiers’ tombstones. I took a photo then moved on. The actual bath itself was much smaller than I’d thought but more impressive and beautiful than I could have ever imagined.

jlqTomb of Roman Soldier - 548 x 307When I got home, I had my photos developed – yes, this was years before digital cameras. All the pictures turned out very well except for the one of the tombstone. The edges of the stone were sharp, but the center where it was carved was hazy. Darn! I told my friends that the Roman soldier’s spirit was coming out to meet me. Haha.

About a month after that trip, I met the man who became my husband.  After we’d been married a couple of years, we went back to England (he’d never been) and our tour visited some of the places I’d already seen. Bath and the Roman Museum was a repeat. I wanted to retake the tombstone photo and hoped it would come out clear this time. I wouldn’t know until we got home, because I still didn’t have a digital camera.

The photo was clear! This time I claimed the carving was clear because the soldier approved of my new husband.

After another many years, I began writing romance. One of my first inspirations was to write a story about an third-grade Iowan school teacher (I’d been a third-grade teacher in Dubuque, Iowa) who visits England and goes back in time to the Second Century Roman Britain. Oh, yeah, and she meets a Roman soldier.

After much research about Roman life in the Second Century, villas, clothing, gods and goddesses, the baths, and ancient culture, I ended up with Ancient Ties. Easy peasy.  Not. But it was a labor of great love and satisfaction.

~~~  ~~~

ANCIENT TIES — An Erotic Time Travel Romance

I’m particularly proud of the cover too. I created it! The top photo is from The two lower photos are ones I took on my trips to England and show scenes from the book.

Below is my very first review, before the book was even released, from Just Erotic Romance Reviews (JERR), and it holds a special place in my heart. Below that is the fabulous RT review, also special.

Just Erotic Romance Reviews – 5 Stars

“This absorbing tale of time travel left me breathless with anticipation and enticingly affected by the deep emotional connection between Janney and Marek. Although a little slow to start, the storyline becomes explosive, drawing me in with the fascinating historical significance of the Romans in ancient Britannia. The characters are captivating with their complexities, especially the deeply intense Marek, who battles the loss of his wife and the stress of war while being greatly afraid of loving again. One of the most domineering male characters I have read in months, Marek fills the pages with his alpha male tendency to want to conquer Janney while feeling the overwhelming reluctance to admit his emotional need for her. Not only is it necessary to fulfill his lust for her but also overcome her reluctance to love after living through her ex-husband’s betrayal. Janney is confused by her surroundings and unenthusiastic about falling in love. Nonetheless, her every sexual fantasy becomes a reality in the face of her surrender. These sex scenes are explosively intense, often depicting the powerful and luscious connection that they have. Their romance is profoundly inspiring, leaving me feeling warm and sorrowful throughout the novel. Ancient Ties is an absolutely gripping and satisfying read, leaving me looking forward to more novels by this tremendously talented author.”

RT – 4-1/2 Stars and Top Pick, Reviewers’ Choice Nominee for Best Erotic Romance 2006

“Marek and Janney have a sizzling attraction, and that is where Quinn turns up the heat and intensity. This story has a wonderful balance between sensitivity and sensuality, with humor from the gods on the side. A terrific book.”

jlq200 x 300

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Betrayed by her cheating ex, heartbroken Janney Forrester needs a vacation. She gets one — and much more — when she lands almost 2,000 years in the past. Crossing over a crumbling stone threshold, she’s greeted by the villa’s perfect historical detail and the most gorgeous, masculine man she’s ever seen, her every sexual fantasy personified. Confusion vies with attraction for control of her emotions, and Janney must reexamine everything she’s ever thought about herself.

Roman soldier Marek Benin Verus considers the woman suddenly appearing before him as a gift from the gods. Zeus knows he needs one! Battle fatigued and emotionally scarred after fifteen years in the army, he’s on a leave of absence, and he has all the time in the world to devote to seducing this beautiful woman into his bed. He doesn’t plan on the powerful and dangerous emotions she inspires in him.

Marek’s hard, muscular body is too luscious to resist. Janney decides to risk the comfort of her safe life and carpe diem – seize the day. Marek seizes her body and takes her to the edge — and over — to an ecstasy she never knew existed. Can a new world for her, timeless desire, and a loving exploration of each other’s bodies forge a passion that survives centuries of separation?


Setting the scene:  Janney visits the baths in ancient Aquae Sulis, the same baths she saw in her own time just a few days before…

Raising her gaze to the temple’s pediment, the Gorgon’s wildly flowing mane of hair and mustache, his wide surprised and sad eyes were familiar. “He’s the most well-known symbol of the baths. Anyone who’s ever visited them recognizes this carving. Don’t you think it’s amazing it lasted two thousand years?”

“Yes, it is.” Augusta said thoughtfully. “That’s the way I feel when I see the ancient stones near Marek’s villa.”

“Stones? What kind?”

“Tall, in a circle. Some sort of Druid religious site.”

“Stonehenge? Marek has a villa near Stonehenge?” She had to see it. Her heart thumped excitedly. A sexual-like ecstasy heated her from the inside out.

Stonehenge. Read the rest of this entry »