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A Question…
Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

shatner and nimoy

Just woke up and it’s hard to be creative when all I want to do is crawl back under the covers. I was having this wonderful dream. A much younger William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy were at a convention, and I was one of the lucky fans selected to have dinner with them. I brought my camera with me to get photographic proof James T. Kirk was at my table, but every time I clicked a shot the picture was overexposed. What a nightmare! 🙂

So, that got me thinking. Frustrated fantasies have to be pretty common in Dream World. So do dreams about famous celebrities.

Can you remember one of yours? 

Melissa Thomas: Grandma’s Creme Brulee (Free Books)
Monday, July 27th, 2015

Hi Delilah! Thank you for having me as your guest today!

July 27th is National Creme Brulee Day. To celebrate, I’d like to share my grandma’s recipe and then share with readers how to download my newly released paranormal novel for free.

Grandma’s Creme Brulee

2-1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons brown sugar
6 tablespoons white sugar
6 eggs

Prep time: 10 minutes.

Cook time: 30 minutes.

Total time: 2 hours and 40 minutes


  1. Preheat oven to 300°F.
  2. Separate eggs, discarding whites and retaining yolks.
  3. Combine egg yolks, four tablespoons white sugar, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl and beat until thick.
  4. Heat cream in a saucepan over low heat until simmering. Before it comes to a boil, remove from heat.
  5. Stir cream into the egg yolk mixture and mix until combined.
  6. Pour mixture into the top pan of a double boiler. Stir over simmering water for three minutes. Remove from heat.
  7. Pour mixture into a shallow baking dish.
  8. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature.
  10. Refrigerate for an hour or more.
  11. Preheat oven to broil.
  12. In a small bowl combine two tablespoons white sugar and brown sugar. Sift sugar evenly over custard. Place dish under broiler until sugar caramelizes (approximately two minutes). Keep a close eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
  13. Remove from heat and cool.
  14. Refrigerate until custard is set again.*

*Serve with blueberries, strawberries, or peaches.

Phoenix Contract

Author: Melissa Thomas
Genre: A New Adult paranormal fantasy
Published on:  June 15, 2015


Centuries after the fallen angels left heaven to live among humans, their Nephilim descendants dwell in secret, hidden from the modern world. Once, a charismatic leader known as the Phoenix led their people, but he vanished centuries ago. The few surviving Great Houses are in decline, bickering over petty rivalries while a handful of faithful warriors battle to keep the forces of evil at bay.

Eighteen-year-old Aiden McLachlan devotes her life to her studies and pursues her lifelong goal to become a full-fledged Watcher. But everything she knows of her life is a lie and everyone a liar. Through a strange twist of fate, she finds herself caught up in an ancient prophecy.

The stars predict the rebirth of the Nephilim leader, but the mystery must be unraveled or the Phoenix cannot rise. With a soul-eating demon, a coven of ancient vampires, and a hardheaded Celtic warrior competing to subvert the Phoenix, Aiden doesn’t know where to turn or who she can trust.

All of the serial parts of Phoenix Contract (Parts 1-5) will be FREE on Amazon Kindle JULY 27TH:

Phoenix Contract Part One:

mtPhoenix Contract Part One

Phoenix Contract Part Two:

mtPhoenix Contract Part Two

Phoenix Contract Part Three:

mtPhoenix Contract Part Three

Phoenix Contract Part Four:

mtPhoenix Contract Part Four

Phoenix Contract Part Five:

mtPhoenix Contract Part Five

Links to Boxed Set (Parts 1-5):

$2.99 on Amazon  Kindle:

Excerpt 1:

He’d always had the worst of luck, and the day he died was no different.

Thrash stared into the chasm of space between the building roof and city streets, contemplating the eighty-story drop. It was a long way down. The city’s lights glimmered against darkness, millions of fluorescent stars. Surrender did not come easily to him, and it tasted bitter in his mouth. He’d spent his life training to fight, but what could he do against an enemy that could shape shift at will?

Six-foot-six and muscular in the manner of body builders, Thorton David Aston III or Thrash to his friends, was an albino. He was born without skin or hair pigment, his skin perfectly pale, his hair white. He rivaled the city lightscape for its clean brightness. He disliked the attention his condition attracted, so he’d cropped his hair short and dyed it metallic blue.

Thrash’s athletic body thrummed with tension. Perspiration beaded on his pale forehead and made his palms clammy.

The Soul Eater was coming for him.

Excerpt 2:

“I won’t help you,” Matthew said, “no matter what you do to me.”

“Oh, but I think you will,” Daniel disagreed. “Once I turn you, then you’ll be more than happy to help.” Lightning swift, the vampire lashed out and seized Matthew’s wrist, forcing the priest’s arm down.

Matthew cried out in pain as Daniel squeezed his wrist until his hand opened and the crucifix dropped to the ground.

Aiden shouted and swung her crucifix around to protect Matthew, but she was too slow. Daniel dragged Matthew away and thrust the priest toward his minions.

“Hold him,” Daniel said.

Immediately, the carrot-topped boy and the policewoman caught hold of the priest.

Aiden expected Daniel’s attack, but that didn’t prepare her for the vampire’s speed. Daniel rushed her, progressing so fast his contorted face filled her vision. She kept the crucifix level and aimed for the vampire’s eyes, but Daniel caught hold of her wrist with disturbing ease. Then he twisted her arm, causing a wrenching pain in her shoulder. Against her will, Aiden bent over to avoid having her arm torn from the socket. She lost her grip on her crucifix.

“Let her go!” Matthew shouted. “She’s done nothing.”

Daniel immobilized Aiden, ignoring her struggles. He forced her head to the side and exposed her throat. “Oh, I don’t think so. I want you to suffer, Matt,” he said. “As a self-styled Lord of the Night, I’m rather pleased with the revenge I’ve concocted. So I’m going to eat your pretty daughter and make you watch.”

Excerpt 3:

Magnus loomed over her, attempting to inspect her injuries. His fingers were hot and alien against her skin, and she flinched from his touch.

“Stay put while I retrieve the crucifix,” Magnus ordered. He moved away from her. A moment later, he returned carrying the crucifix.

Aiden shook her head but stayed still. She automatically tried to place his accent and failed. There were too many layers. “Where are you from? I can’t quite place your nationality.”

“I’m Averni.” He sank to the ground beside her, and those six-fingered hands touched her again, causing her flesh to crawl.

“The Averni were a Celtic tribe,” Aiden said. Her foggy mind recalled little else other than the Averni had been from the region of Gaul before it became France.

“That’d be correct.” The Celt reached out with his strange, strong fingers and pushed Aiden’s head to the side to expose the wound. He removed her hand and examined the bite. His glittering gold eyes were intelligent and inhuman. Up close he smelled earthy and sensual, a suggestive scent which caused Aiden to flush and look away.

“Why is your name Latin?” she asked.

“My mother was Roman. Stay still,” he replied.

“How bad is it?” Matthew asked.

“Not too bad.” Magnus threaded the crucifix’s chain through his fingers so the holy symbol rested in his palm. He opened the silver flask and poured holy water over the crucifix.

Aiden felt excited and afraid and so tense she wanted to crawl out of her skin. “Are you really immortal?”

“Yes,” Magnus said. “This is going to hurt. I’m going to have to hold you down.”

Author Bio and Links:

Sexy redheadMelissa Thomas breathes life into her dreams, bringing imaginary characters and fantasy worlds into our reality. She loves her characters so much they become her alter-egos, enacting the exciting adventures she envisions for them. She is a resident of San Francisco, California and adores the picturesque city by the bay. Her hobbies include surfing and scuba diving.

Phoenix Contract is her debut novel.

You can learn more about Melissa at

Coming August 4th–12-ALARM COWBOYS!
Sunday, July 26th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of the free download from yesterday’s post is…Linda!

* * * * *

Hey there! Yesterday’s contest is still open. And if you post on this blog today, that will give you a second entry! In the meantime, enjoy an excerpt from my story inside the upcoming 12-Alarm Cowboys! Believe me, you do not want to miss this box set! It’s sssssmokin’!

12 Alarm Cowboys


AFTER THE FIRE by Cora Seton
When a series of fires keeps bringing him to her door, a firefighter must uncover his ex-girlfriend’s secret or risk losing her forever.
WHERE THERE’S SMOKE (A Cowboy Way Novella) by Becky McGraw
Cowboy Austin McBride follows a herd to a new town, but firefighting is his passion, so he applies at a local station. Standing between him and the job is a blonde bombshell who thinks she’s a shoe-in.
SADDLES AND SOOT by Cynthia D’Alba
Rancher and volunteer firefighter extinguishes a grass fire accidentally started by the town’s sexy temporary veterinarian but there’s something about her that ignites a fire inside of him.
CONTROLLED BURN (Cowboys on the Edge, Book One) by Delilah Devlin
Rancher and volunteer firefighter assigns himself to watch a reformed firebug during a controlled burn but she lights the fire inside him instead of the dead grass around them.
HIS FIREFLY COWGIRL by Beth Williamson
When an arson investigator returns to her hometown she clashes with the firefighter cowboy who broke her heart. Embers turn to sparks between a cowboy and his firefly cowgirl.
HER VOLUNTEER COWBOY (Book 6: Harland County) by Donna Michaels
Sparks reignite when one-nighters reunite. Can the firefighter/Guardsman convince the reforming bad girl she’s worth fighting for, or will she leave before he finds the courage to volunteer his heart?
When a cowboy firefighter works a fire at a nudist resort, he’s sure his ex-girlfriend, the bookkeeper, is to blame. But as he investigates her, his gut tells him he’s going to get burned.
A Cowboy-Volunteer Firefighter helps a runaway city girl put out a car fire only to find himself embroiled in a hot little mess of ex-boyfriend persuasion.
REKINDLED (Dallas Fire & Rescue, Book One) by Paige Tyler
A hunky firefighter rescues his best friend’s sexy sister from a hotel fire set by her psychotic ex-boyfriend who’d rather see her dead than with another man.
TEXAS WILDFIRE by Sable Hunter
Honored VFD hero is no angel. In love with his Captain’s wife, all hell breaks loose when Titan learns Makenna is abused. The firestorm their love ignites is so intense no one will emerge unscathed.
HOT IN THE SADDLE – Randi Alexander
When a rancher/volunteer firefighter is injured saving the life of a female stockcar racer, she stays to pay her debt of gratitude. Will he regret risking his life when he learns why she came to Texas?
When offered a second chance to seduce his high school crush, cowboy/fireman Cade Silver cannot resist. Despite her resistance, he is determined to win her, come hell or high water.

Excerpt from the opening of CONTROLLED BURN:

Controlled BurnCaldera, Texas had been aptly named by its founders. Although technically late winter, the air was unseasonably warm—hot as a witch’s cauldron, and the town just as cursed.

Or, at least the place was so far as Carly Lohan was concerned.

Carly closed her car door and drew a deep breath, thinking she’d as soon have a root canal as walk into the midst of the people gathering inside the community center. All gazes would turn her way. They’d nudge their friends, and the ugly whispers would begin.

She might as well have had a big “A” branded on her forehead, but not for adultery like Hester Prynne—her crime was far worse. Arson wasn’t something folks around here would ever forgive.

Not that she thought of herself as an arsonist. However, a charge like that, even against a minor, clung like skunk spray. Which was why she’d headed to college as soon as she’d graduated high school and now lived a town away. Tonight, she had to face Calderans one last time.

Gripping her purse like it was a shield, she strode toward the door. Before she even reached the steps, she heard a whistle sound from behind her.

“Well, would you lookie there. If it ain’t Carly Lohan. Long time, no see.”

If she were ninety, she would have recognized Tater Johnson’s nasal twang. He’d taunted from her first day in kindergarten and had been the biggest thorn in her side all throughout school. The fact she was here today was partly because of him. She forced a smile and turned. “Good to see you, Tater.”

He smoked a cigarette while sitting on the edge of his truck bed. “Burn up any canyons lately?” he drawled.

Wow. He didn’t even take a second to work up to that. Carly stopped the automatic wince before he could see it. The last thing she should do was rise to a single one of his taunts. “Not lately. You going to the meeting?” she asked, tilting her head toward the open doors.

“Course.” He tipped back his cowboy hat and gave her a narrowed stare. “Keepin’ Caldera Canyon safe is important to me—which is why I’m wonderin’ what the hell you’re doin’ here.”

Carly felt her face heat. Before she could think of a more mature reply, she shot him the bird and turned on her heel. Good Lord, she’d only been back for five minutes and was already reverting to her old ways.

His grating chuckles followed her inside the large hall. The instant satisfaction she’d felt at giving the rude gesture faded as she entered and searched the rows of metal folding chairs. All seats were taken—of course, except for a couple right in front of the speakers’ table. Shit.

She didn’t have a choice. She’d be sitting across from the current sheriff of Caldera County. Her gaze snagged on the man sitting beside him, Jeremiah McCord, and her stomach sank at the glare he leveled. Shit-shit-shit. Read the rest of this entry »

Hotter With A Pole (Contest)
Saturday, July 25th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of the free download is…Linda!

* * * * *

I can’t wait for August 11th to come! Know why? Okay, you can probably guess by the title of this post and the great big, in-your-face cover below.

Hotter with A Pole releases on August 11th!

So I have releases all the time. Why am I so excited by this one? It’s my first strictly male-male romance. And it’s smokin’ hot and strangely sweet, and I can’t wait for you to read it!

I love my Memphis set books. The five Delta Heat stories were filled with kink and fun. But then I decided to add a little touch of dangerous doings and real-life action into the Firehouse 69 sequel series. The added conflict certainly upped the angst for Hoyt and Noah in HWAP. And again, I can’t wait for you to read it!

I’ve provided an excerpt below and the links where you can pre-order the book. I do have the feeling you’re going to love it.

For a chance to win one of the prequel books from Delta Heat or Burnin’ Up Memphis, Book 1 in this series, answer the following question…

What’s your favorite piece of a firefighter’s equipment? Have fun!

Hotter With A Pole

Hotter with a Pole

When your heart is stuck in the wrong gear, a quick fix isn’t going to cut it.

When Noah buys a classic ’68 Camaro from a fellow firefighter’s widow, he hopes it will ease some of the grief crushing his heart. But the grinding noise under the car’s hood sends him straight to a mechanic. Something about the burly, imposing Hoyt sparks Noah’s interest, and it’s not just Hoyt’s ice-blue eyes and bad-boy biker looks. It’s the mutual interest they have—Club LaForge.

After losing his partner to cancer a year ago, Hoyt never thought he’d feel the same kind of rush with another man. But his reaction to Noah throbs deep in his body like the rumble of his Harley.

LaForge seems like the perfect place to meet and work off some sorrow, to feel alive again. But the flood of desire quickly gets hot enough to melt their emotional barriers into unexpected connections.

Connections Hoyt isn’t sure he’s ready for…especially since history has a scary way of repeating itself.
Product Warnings

Warning: Get your motor running for a Harley-riding hunk of muscle who doesn’t give a damn about the rules of being a Dom, and a firefighter who can take the heat. Buy a case of your favorite coolant. You’re gonna need it.

Samhain Publishing | Kindle | Kobo | iBooks

“My bike’s parked outside the back exit. Do you need to tell anyone goodbye?”

Noah shook his head, his stomach filling with those odd fluttery feelings again.

Hoyt walked to Noah’s clothing and handed him his pants. As Noah dressed, Hoyt’s gaze slid over his body, more intimately than it had before, lingering on his cock, his chest, then rising to meet his gaze.

Noah knew where this was going. Knew they might skip a ton of preliminaries, but he didn’t need them. His body was already tightening again. The sooner he was alone with Hoyt, really alone, he knew things would happen quickly, and he didn’t really want time to consider what any of this meant—this wild attraction, this need that centered in his chest, because he thought maybe Hoyt was every bit as lonely as he was. That there was something painful in his past. The hints of bleakness he’d seen in his eyes the day before had seemed to mirror his own pain.

For Hoyt to be this transparently intense, this eager to climb right over everything he was—a man, a Dom—to get straight to the intimacy of being with him, pointed at something.

And Noah was more than just curious now. He wanted to know who Hoyt was, what drove him, what secrets lay behind his hooded gaze. He tucked his cock inside his pants and reached for the shirt Hoyt handed him, only Hoyt didn’t let it go. Instead, the other man tugged on it, pulling Noah closer.

Noah drew a shaky breath and let himself be reeled in until they stood so close one deep breath would cause their bared chests to meet. His nipples tightened. When Hoyt leaned toward him, he closed his eyes.

A firm mouth glided over his. Noah opened. Hoyt thrust his tongue inside and then licked along Noah’s tongue, coaxing Noah’s to come into his mouth where he then sucked on it.

Noah groaned, closed the gap between their chests and went with his instincts, lifting a hand to grip the other man’s hips and aligning his clothed cock with Hoyt’s.

Hoyt clutched Noah’s ass and the back of his head and growled deep in his throat as he rubbed up and down Noah’s shaft.

Noah was in good shape, knew what a hard body felt like, but Hoyt’s muscle was more than hard, it was bulky, hot—and trembling against him.

When Hoyt broke the kiss, Noah fought the urge to follow him. Instead, he stood close, their cocks still aligned, and he knew with an unwavering certainty, he was ready for this. For Hoyt. “Let’s go,” he said.

Jennifer Kacey: What Makes You Feel Rich? (Contest)
Friday, July 24th, 2015

It seems on all social media and especially Facebook, where I waste the most…err…spend the most time, there are a lot of negative nellies lately. Very woe is me and that just gets hard to read. So I’m going to share a random thing about me that delights me.


Preferably beef gravy for some reason, though I love turkey gravy as well. *SMILE*

Gravy makes me feel rich! And I have no idea why! Having several glass jars of it in the house makes me feel happy and smiley!!! I’ve talked to several people about what makes them feel rich, and I’ve heard toilet paper, toothpaste and a certain kind of ice cream. Why? Why does it matter?! I just like that something so simple and odd can make me feel like jumping up and down.

So let’s spread some joy and giggles today!!

Let’s have a contest just because I love contests!! They make me happy TOO!!

So comment below and tell me something random that makes you feel rich. And I’m looking for random answers! Not world peace or a pat on the back for something you did great at work. Gravy, toilet paper, extra shoestrings in chartreuse!!! Random and wacky!! And let me know why!!

I’ll pick a random winner who will win an e-book of their choice and maybe some extra swag too cause it’s awesome and shiny!!!

Happy commenting and I’m going to share an awesome set of wolves with you cause wolves make me happy, too!!!!

jcRomancing the Wolf 3D

Available for Purchase now!!!

Romancing the Wolf

Sexy and we know it! They’re on the hunt after your heart. Discover 11 brand new passionate tales of friendship, desire, wolves, survival, and redemption. Escape to another world, another place, and another romance…

Warning: Contains wild heroes and heroines, tempestuous passion, old secrets, new discoveries, and pack ties binding them together. Sometimes love’s greatest challenge is romancing the wolf…

Jennifer Kacey – Violet’s Shadow (Shadow Mates) 

Violet’s spent her whole life searching for where she belongs. Two weeks alone in a secluded cabin is music to her ears, until she sees a shadow in the forest with red glowing eyes. Rayden was sent to protect and guide her. Instead, he finds the mate he’s been unwilling to search for and a passion so fierce he’ll never be able to walk away. Everything she’s ever wanted in life and love is finally at her fingertips if she’s brave enough to embrace…her Shadow

Desiree Holt- Heart of the Wolf (The Devora)

Saranna DeWylde The Ardennes Curse (Woolven Secret)

Virginia Nelson – Odd Mate (The Odd Series)

Gayle Donnelly – Running with the Wolf (The Cascadia Wolves)

Cara Carnes – Redemption’s Forgiveness (The Rending)

Brandy Walker – Under Her Spell (Keystone Predators)

Rebecca Royce – Always (Dragon Wars)

Heather Long – Wolf with Benefits (Wolves of Willow Bend)

Melissa Schroeder – The Alpha’s Saving Grace (Lonestar Wolf Pack)


Need something to wet your whistle?

May I suggest a delicious bite out of the Members Only series…….. 😛


The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…
Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Ménage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman’s To-Do List
Jenna’s Consent
Laila’s Lies


Stand Alone
Buried Permission
Beneath the Pages
Nico’s Curse
Elite Metal
Final Surrender
Violet’s Shadow in Romancing the Wolf – Coming 6/30/2015

jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

Blog – The Decadent Divas 
Facebook Author Page  
Amazon Page 

Angelina J. Windsor: Seven Things I’ve Discovered Writing Erotic Romances
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

Hi Delilah! Thanks so much for having me visit with you today. I hope to make some new friends and share our mutual love of reading and writing! Please feel free to contact me at any of the links I’ve provided below.

Seven Things I’ve Discovered Writing Erotic Romances:

(1) It’s not just about sex—really! It’s actually secondary to the characters and plot. If your story isn’t solid, readers won’t buy it in any genre. And with the influx of new writers in this or any genre the field will soon weed out weak storytelling.

(2) While I’m on the topic of genre: mixed genre is all the rage. Can you tell a great sci-fi story with spicy, explicit scenes added in? Or perhaps a gothic horror erotic fantasy? Mixing it up makes it original and unique and can be your ticket in.

(3) Know your target audience which is the same advice you would get in any genre. And be specific about who you are writing for when approaching a publisher.

(4) Perspective is pivotal: The female point of view in the first person is powerful in this kind of writing. If you do go for she says/he says, make sure it’s in separate chapters to avoid head-hopping as frowned on here as in any other kind of writing.

(5) Be original: readers of this genre are very astute and are as aware of cliché plot lines as anywhere else. Maybe in fact more so as they are usually avid readers looking for something different to take them away from the mundane aspects of real life.

(6) Let the sexual tension build. A book like this usually requires foreplay. Sex on the first page doesn’t normally work. Give a couple of chapters at least of build up the tension to make the fantasy grow.

(7) Enjoy the journey. It can be rewarding in many ways!

I am so pleased to present my first novel due from Ellora’s Cave Publishing later this year!


The Power of Tess: new adult contemporary erotic novel

Tess Summerlin is in desperate need of some quick cash. Huge gobs of it in fact, but to get it she may have to compromise her strict southern heritage. Jonathon Rothschild, temporary head of Rosemère Agency an escort service for the very rich, reluctantly gives her a job. He explains she must look inside herself to see what kind of erotic romantic fantasy she is able to enact with paying clients. The list is daunting; everything from dominatrix to sweet sexy girl next door is on the table. But what will make her the most money is offering up her virginity to the highest bidder. Will she be able to accept his terms or will falling in lust for her new employer be her undoing?

Happy reading, Angelina J. Windsor
Heart, Sizzle, and Happily Ever After

Connect with me:

Conquests is in print!
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015


Some of you out there like to feel a paper book in your hands!
Well, for those tactile persons, you’re in luck! Conquests is in print!
You can find it here: Conquests (Print Version)