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Nancy Corrigan: Summer fun, old-school style (Contest)
Tuesday, July 21st, 2015


We’ve waited all year for it—lazy, balmy afternoons reclining by the pool and sultry nights best greeted on a deck with your favorite drink. Now what?

Summer is in full swing, and I’m overbooked!

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember the last summer I had that wasn’t jam-packed. Between camps for the kids, planned outings with other parents and church retreats, I’m running to more extracurricular events than I did while my kids were in school. Okay…maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but I can say about four days out of the week are blocked. Some of those are family-focused picnics and outings.

And honestly, I love them, even if I’m left feeling ragged between work, my writing and life in general. I enjoy connecting with my loved ones and seeing my kids have fun with their friends and cousins, but at the last cookout I went to, it occurred to me that family gatherings aren’t the same as they were when I was a kid.

People don’t sit and talk. They have their cell phones out—texting, gaming or surfing on some social media site. Now I don’t usually complain because I’ve been known to pull out my phone for a quick peek 😉 but I couldn’t help but feel a little…ashamed. I hadn’t seen some of my relatives in years.

I wasn’t the only one feeling disconnected, so we instilled a thirty minute flashback—pick an activity you enjoyed as a youth. Here’s a few of the simple games that filled out a whole afternoon of fun without the cell phones!

  • Catch—Yep, that’s it. Toss a ball and catch it. Pretty high-tech stuff.
  • Marbles—I was shocked to learn some of the younger kids had never played it.
  • Drawing with chalk—This was one of my favorites. I can create AMAZING stick figures J
  • A nature walk—We’re lucky enough to be near the woods, but a leisurely stroll can be taken anywhere.
  • Telling a funny or memorable story about another family member—This one really brought everyone together and surprisingly was the activity that drew the kids in. Weddings and how people met fascinated them. It touched my heart too.
  • A spin on the above was ghost stories! I love hearing them.

So do you have any good ways to bring people together? I’d love to hear about it.

And… do you want to learn about my newest release? Bridged by Love is a dark, edgy and emotional paranormal that breaks the rules. Read on to learn more about the intro book for the Kagan Wolves series. It’s available now! Actually, it’s release day!

Nancy Corrigan

Bridged by Love

Follow his head, he breaks her heart. Follow his heart…he breaks his pack.


Kagan Wolves, Book 1

From the moment he was born, Nic Kagan’s future was sealed. He’ll accept a mate, have kids, and eventually take over his father’s role as pack alpha. There’s just one problem.

Long ago, his heart settled on Riley, the pack’s human doctor and honorary member. Except only half of him can have her. The other half—his wolf—won’t give a weak non-shifter female a second sniff.

No one—human or shifter—has left a mark on Riley’s soul like Nic. But with his father hospitalized, any hope things could work out between them is slipping away. Yet Riley understands something else about pack life. Power isn’t always a physical gift; love is just as strong. What she and Nic have is worth fighting for.

With rival threats mounting, Nic realizes he can’t simply turn his back on Riley. Though his wolf could tear his heart out for it, he must fight for what he wants before he loses his mate. His pack. Maybe even his sanity.

Warning: Contains a reluctant alpha with only one roadblock between his heart and the woman he loves—biology. And a woman who isn’t giving up on him, even if it means risking her life to fool Mother Nature.

Read a teaser…

Nic ran through the woods. The broken twigs and rocks poking into his paws barely registered. He pivoted and headed deeper into the underbrush. The sharp pulling of the low-hanging tree limbs on his fur appealed to his need to punish himself. He wanted to hurt. A fight would’ve been better, but he couldn’t go around initiating any. Actions like that would come off as a dominance tactic, and the Kagan males had always held to a higher standard. They understood all members of a pack played a vital role.

He lowered his head and pushed through the bowing evergreens. An open space greeted him. He froze. Sides heaving and blood soaking his fur, he panted and took in the small home in front of him—Riley’s place. His dad had bought it for her. Last time Nic had seen it was right after she’d moved in. She must’ve remodeled since then. Where the concrete stoop once stood, a wide front porch spanned the house. It looked inviting with the swing and chairs decorating it. He could see himself lounging on it, enjoying the night.

A low growl rumbled in his chest.

It didn’t surprise him that he’d ended up here. He hadn’t been able to get thoughts of her out of his head. Guilt ate at him. He’d treated her like shit the last time they were together. She deserved an apology and explanation. If he’d been man enough, he would’ve been straight with her then.

He padded across the gravel road. On the other side, soft grass met the pads of his paws. Halfway across the front yard, the door opened. Riley stepped out, a bottle of beer in hand. An oversize flannel shirt covered her chest and bare thighs. Jealousy surged, knowing she wore another male’s clothes. Shock replaced it with his next breath. It was his shirt, the one he’d had on the last time they were together.

She whipped her head in his direction. Narrowed eyes zeroed in on him. They widened on a gasp. She set her bottle down and sprinted across the yard. Her loosely buttoned top gave him a tantalizing glimpse of her legs. He sat on his haunches to watch her, but she reached him before he could decide if the swath of black between her thighs was a thong or a bikini.

“Nic”—she dropped to her knees in front of him—“what happened?”

He couldn’t answer her in his wolf form. She knew that. She also understood that depending on how much control he gave his other half, he might not even hear her. It never stopped her from approaching shifters. She’d said she could tell who was in charge by looking into their eyes.

“You’re bleeding.” She brushed back his fur and gently touched the skin around a long gash. “This wasn’t from a fight, was it?”

He shook his head, the only answer he could give in his limited form.

She stared into his eyes. Not a hint of fear showed in her expression. She treated his dad and the other dominants with the respect owed them by avoiding eye contact. Never Nic, at least not in private, but the rules were different around the other wolves. Riley had always understood the need for hierarchy among the members. In the pack’s eyes, she was as low as one could be. In his, she was his equal.

“Shift and tell me why you decided to drag your sorry ass to my house. None of these cuts need my attention.”

Get the book at…
Available in eBook and print.

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A little about Nancy…

ncNancyCorriganLogoSmallforWebA true romantic at heart, Nancy Corrigan is convinced there’s a knight in shining armor for every woman (or man), but you won’t find damsels in distress in her stories. She adores pairing alpha heroes with women strong enough to match them and bring them to their knees. She also enjoys flipping the traditional roles in romances because her motto is—love and people should never be forced to conform to anyone’s norm.

She holds a degree in chemistry and has worked in research but now focuses on ensuring quality. She considers it the perfect outlet for her as she’s the first to admit she has some OCD tendencies. It carries over into her writing life too. While engrossed in a novel, she has a habit of forgetting to eat and sleep. Fortunately, she’s married to her own knight in shining armor who understands her oddities and loves her anyway. They reside in Pennsylvania with their three children, dog, snake and guinea pigs. Her other interests include tattoos, animals, classic cars and all things spooky and sexy.



Prize: A gift basket (min. value $20) or $20 gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Edie Ramer: Love & Murder — Twice! (Contest)
Monday, July 20th, 2015

Today is the release day for my two first Love & Murder books – Truth About Love & Murder and Rules of Love & Murder, both stand-alone books. Thanks to Delilah for letting me talk about them here. I want to shout about it everywhere. Everything I love about books is in these two: Strong, smart, and sexy heroines and heroes. Tons of emotion, yet a plot that keeps moving. And these books have a military connection, mystery, suspense, romance, and humor. An early reader compared one of my characters in my second release, Rules of Love & Murder, to Dexter (from the TV show Dexter – police forensics expert moonlights as a serial killer).

Here’s the info about Truth About Love & Murder:

The truth is that life is uncertain.

Meg Quinn hasn’t been to war, but her father has, and it changed their lives for the worse — and for the better. Now she has a sharp tongue and a mind to match … and she doesn’t trust easily. The best person she knows is losing a fight with death, and Meg is guardian of her friend’s seven-year-old son.

Easy MacLean, the co-guardian, is Meg’s dying friend’s brother. The former Marine has been hibernating in his Colorado mountain home, and Meg lets him know that he needs to be by his sister’s side in Milwaukee now.

Easy is attracted to his sister’s clever friend, but life gets complicated when he gets involved in a search for a missing veteran. After living alone with his rescue dog for so long, Easy and his dog are now sharing a home with a beautiful woman, a boy, and a cat. Even as he watches his sister die a little each day, he’s finding out the truth about life and love … and murder.

Amazon | iBooks | BN | Kobo

Here’s the skinny on Rules of Love & Murder:

erRules of Love and Murder-Amazon_333x500

Some days life is wonderful. Other days it’s murder.

Former Marine August Reyes is home for good, haunted by images of bloodshed. He meets up again with Elle Styles, the girl he’s never been able to forget.

When August was eight and Elle was six, she changed his and his mother’s lives before she and her widowed mother left the Wisconsin vacation town. Twenty-two years later, she’s returned to Trouble Bay with her four-year-old daughter, but they’re only staying for six weeks. Elle and August are different people now. He sees life through darkness, and she sees it through light. And light and dark don’t mix well.

Someone else was changed by Elle when she was young. A woman who lives by her own rules. Rule Nr. Two—Don’t let anyone cheat you—is in play now. And this might lead to Rule Nr. Three: Don’t kill anyone … unless killing is necessary.

The town of Trouble Bay is about to live up to its name. Life there can be murder… Even when you’re falling in love.

Amazon | iBooks | B&N

I love both books, and I hope you’ll tell your friends about my releases. I hope you’ll tell your friends about my releases. I’m giving away 10 ebooks of RULES OF LOVE & MURDER. For a chance to win, leave your name and let me know where you shared it. (Facebook, twitter, or told a friend.)

I’m also accepting readers’ names on Facebook, my own blog, and Delilah Devlin’s blog. I’m having a separate giveaway for my newsletter subscribers. The 10 winners will be chosen on The contest will end on the 25th. Good luck!

Edie Ramer

Kate Hill: Heroic Antagonists
Sunday, July 19th, 2015

In a story, a good antagonist is as important as a good hero. Sometimes the antagonist is an outright villain, without any redeeming qualities. Other times he isn’t evil and even possesses heroic traits. While the hero is the star of the story, it’s not unusual for a compelling antagonist to be just as appealing.

In The Red King, the antagonist, Hypatios, has certain heroic qualities that make him not only a dangerous adversary for the hero, Areus, but a possible ally—if they are able to overcome their differences.

Influenced by both a violent father and a gentle nanny, Hypatios can be volatile yet compassionate. He is not only a skilled warrior, but he possesses the ability to converse with both animals and the spirits of the dead. He doesn’t hesitate to use his powers against his enemies, at times summoning beasts to attack and distract his foes. His otherworldly gifts have come at a high price, however, and he is known as the mad prince of Zaltana.

Though ruthless in battle, he prefers to assimilate rather than destroy his enemies and he is resolute about not harming women and children who reside in conquered villages. His ethics differ so much from those of traditional Zaltanian warriors that his life is often in danger from subordinates who prefer the abusive ways that have been accepted and expected for centuries in their kingdom.

While his code of  honor inspires the hatred of certain warriors, it captures the heart of a woman who saves his life after he and Areus nearly kill each other in battle. She glimpses a side of Hypatios that few have ever seen.

Torn between his violent side and his gentle side, Hypatios walks a fine line between villain and hero. His main goal in The Red King is to destroy Areus and deliver his head on a pike to the King of Zaltana, but this brutal mission might destroy him instead.

How do you feel about antagonists who aren’t villains? Do you like the idea of an adversary who might become an ally or do you prefer one who is purely evil?



The Red King
by Kate Hill
Erotic Fantasy Romance
ISBN: 9781419993534
Available July 01, 2015

Torn from her beloved convent home, Delia is forced to marry Areus of Lortia. The contract states she must deliver an heir within a year or the marriage can be annulled. Delia vows to control her fate by ensuring there will be no child–until she is mesmerized by Areus, the proud, virile warrior king.

Areus agrees to marry Delia to gain her father’s army to continue his fight against Hypatios, the mad prince of Zaltana. He doesn’t expect to fall in love with a convent-reared mouse, but from the first, Delia rouses his lust and touches his heart.

Their life together hangs in the balance as the war with Zaltana advances and Areus discovers Hypatios is far more than just his sworn enemy.


He removed the helmet that shielded his face from view. Like Cassandra, he had terrible scars, most of which he’d won in battle. However the hideous scars covering half his face were self-inflicted–a disgraceful reminder of the weakness he’d suffered much earlier in life.

He turned to her with a wicked grin. “Yes another battle. A war actually. The war. Father has sent for me. He needs me.”

Cassandra didn’t return his smile and her concerned expression deepened. “For what?”

“To claim the rest of the Western Continent, of course, starting with Lortia. There’s nothing left to conquer here in the south, but King Areus has held off his generals in the north. Incompetent fools. We’ll bring him Areus’s head on a pike, won’t we, my Beauty?” Hypatios again caressed the snake. This time the creature’s tongue slid over his scarred cheek like a kiss.

Cassandra stepped closer and took his hand. Staring up at him, she said, “Hypatios, find another way. Don’t fight King Areus.”

He laughed. “Why not?”

“You want to stick this man’s head on a pike and you don’t even know him.”

“Exactly. You get to know the people you’re to kill and you might not want to kill them. On the other hand you might want to kill them even more…but then it’s personal, so either way it’s a bad idea.”

“This whole thing is a bad idea. Why can’t you try to convince your father to call a truce? Hasn’t there been enough bloodshed?”

“There’s never enough bloodshed. It’s said that Zaltana is built on the bones of the conquered, that for over a thousand years our rivers have run red with the blood of our enemies. Do you honestly think I want to be the one to end the family tradition?”

“Stop it, Hypatios. There’s more to you than…than this.” She gestured toward his armor and the hilt of the sword that was sheathed at his back.

“I’m a Zaltanian warrior. There’s nothing except battle until we rule everything. Everything.”

Purchase Links:

About Kate

khkatehillpicAlways a fan of romance and the paranormal, Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out and spending time with her family and pets.

She enjoys hearing from readers and she can be contacted at Kate also writes under the name Saloni Quinby. Find her online at,, and

In addition to her personal blog, Kate runs the Compelling Beasts Blog that is dedicated to antagonists and antiheroes. Please stop by

Kate Deveaux: Cockpit (Contest)
Saturday, July 18th, 2015

Thanks Delilah so much for having me as your guest. I hope you and your readers are having a terrific summer. Mine got off to a fabulous start with two new releases, A Vixen in Venice and Cockpit. How fun is that?

kd4CaptureA Vixen in Venice is about a saucy art curator with a little taste for the kinky. Okay, a big taste for the kinky and the other is Cockpit, a story about a 57 year old female pilot of a 747 who reunited with her high school sweetheart on a transatlantic flight to London.

Today I’m feeling like having some fun and we all love games, don’t we?

I’d love to give away a few copies of my books to the lucky people who guess correctly which quote below is from which book.

It’s not that hard, read the line and give it a try to win your choice of either eBook Cockpit or eBook A Vixen in Venice. Just leave your answers in the comment section to win! (Hint, it helps if you read the book summaries).

Identify these lines to win! 

Are they from A Vixen in Venice or Cockpit?

1) The words slipped between his lips and seemed to pool like honey on the cool stones.

2) The owner of the delightful ass was none other than that woman he’d rescued on the street yesterday.

3) She knew she was better off just calling it a night and sending this hunky blast from her past home, where he belonged.

4) Her body thrummed as he moved against her, rocking his hips to the rhythm of the sea, his hands and his scotch glass teasing her nipples, the cool glass then his hot touch.

5) Lost in the moment she was barely aware of the other capsules surrounding them as he pressed her up against the glass wall and ran his hands over her ass and thighs.

6) Almost in a trance, she said nothing, just stepped slowly toward him, sure that at any moment the realization her eyes were playing tricks on her would shame her back to her seat.

Kate Deveaux


ABOUT KATE: KATE DEVEAUX is a contemporary, erotic romance writer and die-hard romantic. It was after reading Jane Eyre in high school, that she became hooked on the idea of writing about romance, excitement and drama. Kate has been penning stories, from the sensual to the sinfully sexy, ever since.

A former wedding planner, Kate has always been “in love” with love!  She was inspired to transition from writing racy short stories to full length manuscripts after meeting other authors in the romance world at industry workshops, conferences and events. Originally from England, now resides in the U.S. with her husband. When she’s not writing or reading, Kate can be found on the tennis court—yes, there’s even “love” in that game too!


Author website:
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My Street Team is the cat’s meow! Want to join?

Kate’s Kittens:



ISBN:  9781419991868
Publisher: ELLORA’S CAVE
General Release: June 3, 2015

It seems turbulence isn’t always caused by weather.

Throttle up as past loves collide…

High school sweethearts reunite forty years later at 37,000 feet.

Fifty eight year old commercial airline pilot, Bobbi Cooper, gets a blast from the past when her high school sweetheart, Mack McConnell, appears as one her first class passengers on her 747 transatlantic flight to London.

Used to being in control at all times, Bobbi is reeling from a crummy marriage and she must learn at Mack’s capable hands that losing control can be oh so sexy.


Exciting New Release!



Available in Print and ebook
Buy Links: Totally Bound 
Sneak Peak  

He’s an art thief on the run…with her heart 

Look closer, into Hotel Totally Five Star Venice, where art curator Monique Le Bres has just walked through the doors of the newly opened swanky luxury hotel to assist with their art collection. Alessandro Bonnard, the world-renowned art connoisseur and collector has been sent incognito to supervise Monique and oversee her acquisitions for the hotel.

Concealing his true identity, Alessandro is intrigued by the art-loving vixen with an appetite for kinky sex. He pursues Monique, charming her at every turn — taking her to places she’s never been — both in and out of bedroom.

Monique falls hard for the man who has utterly captured her body and soul. Only to find out he isn’t who she thought he was after all…he’s an art thief on the run…with her heart.

Review: Atmospheric, evocative, A Vixen In Venice is a fast-paced erotic suspense story. It gripped me from the start, and just held on.”    Ashe Barker

Faye Avalon: Life Happens
Friday, July 17th, 2015

I’m a great lover of goal setting and compiling to-do lists. Every day I make a list of the things I want to accomplish, and these lists feed into my weekly, monthly and annual goals. All very well and good you might think, but it came to me recently that I spend a huge amount of time planning for the future. Again, not a problem. Everyone should plan for the future, otherwise life becomes a fulfillment of the saying “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”

But what happens when life steps in and our goals aren’t met? When items don’t get ticked off the lists? It’s too easy to fall into the trap of becoming despondent, or believing that we’ve let ourselves down and failed big time. And a sense of failure can be a pernicious thing, dripping so readily into many other areas of our lives and making us doubt our abilities.

I have a writing accountability partner and each week we share our goals for the next seven days. We’re supportive and congratulatory, but we never berate each other if either one of us falls behind on our goals, especially when this is due to unexpected circumstances. Life happens. What proved a revelation for me was when a mutual friend suggested not simply focusing on what we had planned, but failed, to accomplish during the week, but instead celebrated what we did accomplish. Those unplanned things that crop up unexpectedly, like helping out a friend who needed our support, but in doing so meant we missed out on several hours writing time and didn’t meet our word count that day. Or maybe one of our children wanted our attendance at an impromptu play, or school gathering. Then there’s playing ball in the garden with a new puppy (that would be me this week). Or it could simply be that we needed to take time out for ourselves to refresh and rejuvenate. Are those things any less important, or fulfilling, than achieving daily word counts, hitting sales targets or the other myriad tasks we set ourselves?

I’m not suggesting we throw away our lists or stop setting goals. Heavens no. Personally, I’d feel dangerously adrift in stormy waters with no life jacket in sight. I’m just advocating we all take the time to smell those precious roses now and again, and not to beat ourselves over the head when we do. If we fail to meet our self-imposed targets and goals for the day/week/month, it’s very likely the world won’t come to an end. As someone once quipped “nobody ever said on their death-bed that they wished they’d spent more time in the office”

Have a great day!

Indecent Exposure


She’s gotten herself into hot water, and the heat just keeps on rising.

Gina McKenzie didn’t make the same mistakes her mother made with men. She just made different ones. Like letting a good one get away—and trusting a bad one to keep her kinky tastes private.

With an ex-lover holding a naked bondage video over her head, she’s forced to reunite with an old college crush to get the dirty on him. Back then, she resorted to humiliating Mitchell Coleman to keep her heart safe. Now she has no choice but to compromise him in the worst possible way.

When Gina walks back into Mitchell’s life and starts seducing him, desire wars with suspicion. Last time this happened, she tossed him to the wolves. If she’s going to serve herself up on a plate, he intends to make her see exactly what she missed by rejecting him all those years ago.

But Mitch soon realizes that Gina has an agenda other than heating up the sheets—and this time he’s not going to let her play him for a fool.

Buy at: Samhain | Amazon | Nook | All Romance 

Lizzie Ashworth: Hers to Choose
Thursday, July 16th, 2015

dcbryn copy

Hi – I’m Lizzie Ashworth. Thanks, Delilah, for inviting me to your blog for the day!

It’s another hot July day, and yours is about to get hotter. Now just 99 cents (free on Kindle Unlimited), Hers to Choose is a full-length erotic romance novel. The language is salty and the story heavily spiced with BDSM.

Here’s just one of many 5 star reviews: “Loved this book. It is very well written. I love how Bryn craves the kink. I think we all would love a little kink every now and then. Highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the BDSM side of things!”

The story plunges straight to the heart of America in both setting (St. Louis and rural Ozarks) and in character.  Hunting rights on her inherited Ozark farm is Bryn McClure’s emergency plan to stop foreclosure. A little BDSM on the side—she can handle that, too. But when the day arrives and she stands on her porch watching two gorgeous men walk toward her, she suddenly wonders what kind of mess she’s gotten herself into.

As cousins raised like brothers, Alex and Dan Cannon work hard to continue the successful construction/contracting business established by their fathers. Maybe not so successful are their affairs of the heart, especially when they find themselves up front and personal with the kinky side of things.

Are they naturally suited to the world of domination and submission? Or do they have to work at it to please a woman they love? Is it even possible for someone not naturally ‘kinky’ to learn to enjoy it?

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 2:

Hair neatly braided and wearing her insulated vest, Bryn loaded the four-wheeler in the early light. Ka-boom sounded in the creek bottom soon followed by a second shot. No surprise they’d have a shot first day out, she mused as she jostled down to the cabin. After this, though, deer would be harder to find. They knew what gunshots meant.

It was exactly one hour after sunrise. Overnight temperatures had dropped below freezing and white frost coated the pastures. A spiral of smoke rose from the cabin’s old chimney, and the aromatic scent laced the cold air.

With the breakfast warming on the wood stove, she quickly cleared the table and crammed all the dirty stuff into the box. She set the lunch basket on the shelf and had just finished wiping off the table when the door opened and Dan stepped inside. Oh, he was devastating. A big hunting knife strapped to his belt and a 30-06 rifle gleamed in his gloved hands. His straw-blonde hair bristled around his orange hunting cap, and his pale stare pinned her down with an icy look.

“Good morning,” she said, offering a careful smile. Did he expect her eyes to stay lowered in a formally submissive manner? “How’re you today?”

“Damn hungry. I hope you brought enough food.” He placed the gun on the top bunk and peeled off the orange vest. “Not quite enough dinner last night, in case you’re still taking notes.”

She decided she didn’t actually like him. Anger and hostility exuded from every pore. Her body shivered at the idea of him in control over her. But then, she didn’t have to like him. She would serve him and hope that his discipline didn’t cause her to need him in some perverse way.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She carried his hot plate to the table, burning her hands. Shit. She rubbed her fingers on the sides of her jeans. “I’ll make extra from now on.”

“Great.” He threw his insulated camo jacket on the bed, revealing the white Thinsulate shirt stretched tight across his wide shoulders and chest. “Alex is still in the woods. He thinks he’s going to get another chance at that buck.” He chuckled and pulled out a chair.

She bit her lip and tried to stop gaping at his physique. What the hell was wrong with her? Was she really this starved for a man? Or were these guys extra special hot? Uh, both, damn it. She nervously smoothed her flannel shirt.

“This discipline thing…I assume you know what I’m talking about?” He shoveled a big bite of egg and biscuit into his mouth and washed it down with a gulp of coffee. He glanced at her. “Right?”

“Yes, sir.” She licked her lips nervously. “I’m at your service.”

He paused. “Your friend Wade showed me around his place. But I have no idea what you expect. Alex says spanking with your wrists tied. Is that the deal?”

“Yes, sir,” she said in a low voice, lowering her eyes. “And other discipline, if it pleases you.”

His eyes glittered at her briefly, causing her stomach to clench. She considered asking what he would like, but she suddenly didn’t have the strength. If he’d been with Wade, surely he had his own ideas. Wade knew her secrets. Her legs felt unexpectedly weak.

“We’ll get started, then.” He continued wolfing down his breakfast. “Soon as I finish eating.”

Her pulse skidded in her throat. What had she been thinking? With Ethan and their friends in St. Louis, BDSM had been a casual evening activity with alcohol, music, and lots of teasing. But she didn’t know this man. Maybe her first impressions would turn out to be wrong, but it seemed to her he could easily harbor a cruel streak. Her worry returned that this could turn into something she didn’t like at all. She grabbed the broom and swept up around the wood stove, trying not to think about it.

Dan pushed back his chair and went to his things on the upper bunk. She felt herself retreat from his intense stare.

“Miss McClure, come over here.”

Her heart thudded as she presented herself in front of him. A brief glance up at his unsmiling face caused her breath to catch. She lowered her eyes, afraid to move.

“I give you my word that I will only go as far as you want with this,” he said quietly. “Wade said you need to feel you can trust me.”

“Yes,” she replied. “I do need that. Thank you, sir.”

“Sir.” He exhaled and shook his head. After a moment’s hesitation, he grabbed one of her wrists and stretched her arm to the top of the bunk bed corner post, then pulled up the other wrist to tie them tightly together. Her face and chest jammed against the wooden post, her feet barely touching the floor.

His eyes narrowed as he tapped a slender wooden paddle against his palm then gripped it so tightly his knuckles turned white. “I guess Wade knows what you like?”

She nodded. He was obviously nervous. Her fear softened slightly.

He slammed the paddle onto the table, making her gasp, then leaned toward her so that she could see the flinty depths of his steel blue eyes. “Do you accept my authority, Miss McClure?”

“Y-yes,” she stammered. “Yes sir.” She tried to remember some of the appropriate language for a submissive. “I only want to please you, sir.”

“What’s your safe word?”

“River,’ sir.”

“‘River.’ Anything else I need to know?”

She shook her head, unable to speak as his hands slid around her waist to the fastener of her jeans. He was lowering her pants! She hadn’t anticipated this. She wore old white cotton panties. No doubt he would factor that into his opinion of her and use it to justify greater humiliation.

Heat coiled deep in her belly as he shoved the jeans and panties down to her thighs. She struggled slightly with the ties. He had taken total control over her body. This man she hardly knew was looking at her ass, and no matter how crazy it was, that made her wet. Suddenly she craved whatever pain he would give her.

“Until I figure out more about this discipline thing,” he growled near her ear, “I’m starting with ten stripes.”

Whack! She flinched as the board burned her skin. His big hand rubbed over the mark. The physical contact caught her by surprise. Her whole body tensed. The paddle stung more than she had expected.

Whack! Whack!

He wasn’t holding back. Her ass started to glow, and her clit was swelling up and throbbing between her clenched thighs. Heat spread from her buttocks over her entire body. Oh my god, this was better than she remembered.

Whack! Whack!

“Oh!” She bit her lip harder. Sweat filmed her neck as his hand caressed the painful marks. Her buttocks quivered. She wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Yes, it hurt, but it also turned her on like nothing else.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

Her breasts crushed against the corner post as the force of his paddling strengthened. Or maybe it was her aroused state that made it seem more forceful.

Whack! Whack!

Stronger than the rest, the last two scorched her ass and sent a bigger throb of need to her sex.  Her breath came in short gasps.

She could hear his rapid breathing behind her, knew he wanted to keep paddling her. She argued with herself, tempted to ask for more. More spanking, more humiliation, more of anything. The extremity of her sudden desire shocked her. This man had a way about him. She wanted to grovel at his feet.

“Alright,” he said after a few moments. He pulled the knots loose at her wrists. “Another session tomorrow, Miss McClure.”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.


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More great Lizzie Ashworth books!

Conquests: An Anthology of Smoldering Viking Romance, an anthology of thirteen hot tales of conquest! Edited by NY Times Bestseller Delilah Devlin.

Check out Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors, an anthology containing fourteen very sexy short stories by talented authors! Edited by NY Times Bestseller Delilah Devlin.

Don’t Miss Jarrod Bancroft: The Novel

A collection of five novellas by Lizzie Ashworth

It started innocently enough. A rich young man in search of adventure in sadistic humiliation. An older woman intent on her profession as dominatrix. Their crossed paths should have been six weeks of a purely business relationship.

But things never go as planned.

The story of Jarrod Bancroft becomes much more than scenes of extreme sexual kink. Hope rejected, regret and anguish, terror in captivity, and an awful truth about Jarrod’s family emerge in this richly-presented series. Jarrod Bancroft’s adventure reveals old lies, ugly threats, and the raw human need for love.

More classic Lizzie Ashworth erotic romance:  Nice and Naughty Cannon Cousins series.


His to Lose, Cannon Cousins Book II:

(Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t read Book I Hers to Choose, you might want to skip this preview)

Dan Cannon confronts the worst experience of his life when he discovers money, and lots of it, is missing from company accounts. He’s a little heartbroken over the loss of Bryn in the intimate threesome he and his cousin Alex shared with her, even though he’s happy the couple is ready to start a family. He blames himself for being distracted so much that Cannon Company has suffered. When he hires CPA Riley Montgomery to track down the money, the last thing he expects is to find himself completely distracted by the woman.

Riley can’t afford to venture off into unethical dalliance with a client, even if the client is the devastatingly handsome Dan Cannon. She tries to stay focused on the pact she’s made with her old friend and current lover Lucy Duncan, after failed marriages caused both women to swear off men. But Lucy decides Dan is too good to pass up, especially after he makes good on his threat to spank her.

Things go from bad to worse when Riley uncovers a money trail pointing to Cannon Company’s long-time employee and Lucy realizes that the sparks flying between Dan and Riley scream for friendly intervention.



Check out Lizzie’s sweet, sexy romance, Faint Heart

Cara Carson only wants one thing, and it isn’t a man. Since the tragic death of her husband, she has focused on creating a business she could give herself to, a ‘marriage’ that will never leave her stunned in grief. Her recipes are perfected and the old house remodel is underway. But on this raw March morning, the contractor isn’t returning her calls, there’s a bulldozer mired in mud on the side lot, and the man operating it has managed to destroy the old willow tree she wanted saved. Furious, she charges across the mire to demand answers.

Unexpectedly and even more infuriating, she finds her feet stuck in the mud. Her arms flailing, she steams in silence as the bulldozer operator has to come carry her out.

Morgan Woods never believed in love. Until now, it’s been easy to take and leave women. This woman shouldn’t be any different, except something about her pouty pink lips and her blazing hazel eyes sails past all his defenses. His business-partner dad is sick and his businesses are struggling, but he never wants to let this bewitching woman out of his arms.

Can two broken people find a way to trust again? Or will their mistakes only add more layers to the scars already shrouding their hearts?


New Series!

Lizzie Ashworth delves into the future! What is the reality of romance and sex in 2060? The House of Rae series plunges deep into a world of terrorists, legalized prostitution, and a menu of men too delicious to ignore! The story of a young man’s challenge in an unexpected world.

Salvation, House of Rae Book I

Summer 2059.

Fires burn out of control contaminating crops and water supplies with poison particulate. Carbon film infection runs rampant, spreading its devastating brown death across the globe. Only the mysterious effects of pleasure energy clear the infection. Transmitted by psionic adepts from dance centers, meditation rooms, and sex houses to the healing grids, pleasure energy ignites controversy and dissent.

Or the disease is a lie fabricated by the liberty culture. According to the Brotherhood, these are nothing less than the end times, hastened by the world’s slide into moral decay. Young Josh Carter, fourth generation Brotherhood, has trained for years to combat this lie, to right the wrongs. Now the time has arrived.

Josh Carter’s mission—get inside the House of Rae sex house and take it down.


Denial, House of Rae Book II

Three years after his brush with death, all Josh Carter wants is a normal life. With his days as a terrorist firmly behind him, he and Anne journey to the West Coast for her graduate scholarship in biomedical engineering at the University of California at Santa Cruz. They look forward to snuggling up in a cottage near the beach. There will be long walks on the sand, leisurely hikes in the redwoods—life will be good in the Golden State.

As they near the Santa Cruz Mountains, the road and surroundings fade. Josh grips the steering wheel as dark layers of rock shatter and groan. Grinding, crumbling, the ground deep below appears in three dimensional, holographic imagery. The vision ends as suddenly as it began, but he knows what he’s seen—a real-time, real-life view of the faulted crust beneath them clear down to the very thrust of the Pacific plate pushing underneath the Continental plate and all the molten tearing of rock that goes on down there.

Why that? Why him?

Over the coming weeks, more visions and other extrasensory phenomena plague Josh. He buries himself in his lousy job and his love for Anne. A simple life is all he wants, to watch the waves roll onshore and make love in the afternoon. Is that really too much to ask?

In a world where pleasure energy is the only cure for the horrors of brown death, what is the fate of a powerful psion who refuses the call?

The Morning After Hangover… and a Question
Wednesday, July 15th, 2015
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I’m late posting this today. I’m relaxing a bit. So far, I ate breakfast, went for a swim, took a shower… I’ve been looking through emails trying to catch up. I hope to write new words later today…

Conquests was a labor intensive effort to get produced. Now, it’s out there, and I can’t wait to see what people think. I’ve done collections before (see my Collections website), selecting the stories and doing the first round edits, but then I had the luxury of throwing it over the fence to the publisher to handle “the rest.” This time, I had to arrange the intensive editing, the promotion, the corralling of authors to help with getting the word out. They also helped with the art work, the blurb, etc. It was a true group effort! I hope all goes well, because I’d love to do more of them—be it for other publishers or on my own.

Next up will be the tentatively titled Rogue Hearts

Conquests begs the question, is there a market still for erotic anthologies of short stories? I’d love to hear your opinions. From my perspective as a reader, I gravitate toward shorter fiction because 1) I have very limited reading time, and 2) I appreciate the skill it takes to condense a complete story into a shorter format. Of course, I’ve been doing the latter for several years now, so I know I’m biased! 🙂

I’d love to do more historical anthologies—medieval knights and Ancient warriors—and of course, more iconic contemporary heroes—more cowboys, Spec Ops dudes, etc. Is there anything you’re eager to see? I’d like to do one or two collections every year (it’s all I have time for given my writing schedule).

Let me know what you think!