Just a question for you today…
Think about that person who drives you nuts. You may want to like them, maybe you do, maybe you love them, but they do this…thing that absolutely drives you up a tree.
What personal habit absolutely drives you crazy?
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![]() | BlogTuesday, June 2nd, 2015
Just a question for you today… Think about that person who drives you nuts. You may want to like them, maybe you do, maybe you love them, but they do this…thing that absolutely drives you up a tree. What personal habit absolutely drives you crazy? Monday, June 1st, 2015
Wow, this has been a great year so far with releases and it hasn’t slowed down a bit. I’ve been so busy writing it’s hard to find time to get the word out about the books that I’m writing! So here’s what’s happened/happening/gonna happen. I have something for everyone and a lot of somethings for those who love all the romance genres!
HEARTS IN DANGER Amazon | Nook | Kobo| GooglePlay FOURTEEN stories of thrilling romance to benefit the American Heart Association. These full length, Romantic Suspense stories come from NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, AND NATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHORS! Sunday, May 31st, 2015
A quick commercial… The contests from my blogs on Friday and Saturday are still open! * * * * * It’s rare I have the last day of the month open for myself, but I do now! May passed in a whirl. I think I refound my mojo. The last couple of weeks I’ve been focused like I used to be when I was juggling a full-time job, the Guard, and writing. And I finished working on some things. Works I completed:
May’s Releases: Click on the Covers to Purchase June will be super-busy as well… I will release:
I’m planning to do the following:
And around all of this, I am still helping my daughter. She can’t lift anything heavier than 5 pounds until the end of July, so I have to park at her place and come every time she needs the baby changed, etc. Very distracting, but what can you do? One good thing is that we finally have the new pool liner installed. The water is only at 80 degrees right now. It takes about half an hour before I break out in welts from the chill (I have cold urticaria). But the water is warming up! Okay, kind of boring, I know. But it’s nice for me to be able to recap. I can see I had a very productive May. And I’ve said out loud now what I want to do in June. If you see me goofing off, you know what you can nag me about. 🙂 Saturday, May 30th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner of the free download is Heather S! * * * * * The other night I was at a Facebook party and I asked the question that went something like, “What are your favorite reunion stories, either in film or book?” And then I sat stumped because I couldn’t think of one. I had to think hard whether I had ever written one, and I mentioned one of my Lone Star Lovers books, Unforgiven. But it wasn’t until this morning, when I was trying to figure out what golden oldie I could offer as a flashback, that I remembered I had another… So, I’ll ask again… What are your favorite reunion stories? Comment for a chance to win In Too Deep or a short story on this carousel! * * * * *
Excerpt: The cowboy glanced back through the window and caught her looking. Lena whirled around and stepped off the porch. Her toe caught in the lattice next to the step and she went down hard, bumping down two steps. She landed on one hip, gravel digging into a palm. Tears pricked her eyes, and she winced at the pain. Worse, the door behind her slammed and heavy booted footsteps stomped down the steps. When the handsome cowboy came down on a knee beside her, Lena wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. “Are you all right?” he asked. The deep timbre of his voice did a number on her nerves. She shivered. Something he must have taken for shock, because before she knew it, his hands were under her thighs and behind her back and he lifted her high against his chest. “Put me down!” “I will. Soon as I get you inside.” “I’m too heavy for you to carry.” “Darlin’ there’s some meat on your bones but not anything I can’t handle.” Read the rest of this entry » Friday, May 29th, 2015
UPDATE: The winner is…Lynne Rivet! * * * * * Seven is the Magic Number. Six, and I’m wanting a nap in the middle of the day. Eight, and I’m feeling groggy. What am I talking about? Hours of sleep a night! I need seven! I got them last night and this morning I feel fabulous, and since today’s guest blogger bailed on me, I decided to talk about the thing that was at the top of my mind. Lucky you! So what is your magic number? Tell me, and you’ll be entered to win a free short story from the carousel below. I’ll choose two winners! And if you didn’t know it, I published a new, very sexy shortie yesterday. Here’s a short excerpt… A New York commuter shares lustful daydreams with another subway passenger… Excerpt: When he rose again, he shifted her, urging her to the center of the bed. He cloaked himself then turned her and licked a hot trail down her spine. At her bottom, he bit each cheek. Just hard enough to make her quiver. He kissed her cunt and moved behind her, his cock prodding her then plunging into her. Sophie screamed, unraveling in a moment. His girth stretched her, his length plundered. Moisture flooded her channel as she bounced back to greet his strokes. A clap landed on one side of her ass. Loud, but not really hard. It surprised her, made her freeze. He leaned over back and whispered in her ear. “Did you like that, Sophie? Do you want another?” Her pussy flooded with moisture, as much from the silky texture of his voice as the warmth of her ass. “Please.” He straightened and began to thrust into her again, smooth, deep glides that had her passion rising steeply again. A slap landed on the opposite cheek, sharper than the first one. Her pussy clenched his cock. She lowered her middle to lift her ass, begging silently for another. Again and again, he placed slaps, some hollow-sounding and not too sharp, others flat and stinging. She sobbed, dropping her head to rest it on the cool sheet. This was pure bliss. At last, he went still and bent, encircling her with an arm and raising her to sit, still impaled on his cock. His hands roamed her breasts, massaging then pinching her nipples. “Use your fingers to tug on them, pull them far and let them bounce back. I want to watch.” These are all free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers and just $0.99 for everyone else! Thursday, May 28th, 2015
Readers who know my work may be a bit surprised to learn that my latest book, Thrill-Kinky, is science-fiction romance. Or maybe they’ll wonder what took me so long to venture into yet another subgenre. I already have paranormal, contemporary and fantasy romances under my belt (and one short historical romance in Delilah’s Conquests anthology), not to mention dark fantasy and short erotica featuring every possible combination of consenting adults having naughty fun. So why add science fiction romance to this conglomeration, other than the already obvious “I like variety”? I blame and thank my husband. I’ve always flown my geek flag proudly. In seventh grade, I turned in a paper written in Tolkien’s Dwarven runes. (My handwriting was too bad to pull off Elvish script.) My first several novels were heroic fantasy, which still live in boxes in my closet, awaiting the time I’m brave enough to reread them and see if there’s anything there to salvage. I worked at Del Rey Books in the eighties and binge-read every fantasy book they published and a lot of the science fiction. But while I went through a stage of reading just about anything that involved wizards, witches, dragons, or people with swords fighting evil, I was fussier about science fiction. A lot of what I picked up seemed to be more focused on technology and (admittedly cool) world building than on characters. The male characters were two-dimensional, the female ones even flatter. With a few exceptions—Ursula LeGuin comes to mind—I preferred my fantasy. Sure, some of the women of fantasy were basically plot devices waiting to be rescued, but Mercedes Lackey! Anne McCaffrey! Guy Gavriel Kay! Even going back to my roots, Tolkien had some impressive women characters and some emotional arcs as epic as the adventures involving swords and sorcery. And of course, there were his delightful, down-to-earth hobbits thrown in among the fierce and mighty. And then I met Himself, who realized I’d managed to miss out on Star Trek when I was growing up and got me watching both the original and the various spin-offs. From there, we branched out into other science fiction TV shows: Farscape, Babylon 5, and what became my favorite, Firefly. In these series, action was important, but interaction was even more central. You cared about the firefights and the capers and the narrow escapes because you’d come to care about the team of characters, not just because Spaceships are Cool and Aliens are Awesome. I mean, both of these things are true, but Firefly’s spaceship was the space equivalent of someone’s rickety but much loved first car held together with duct tape and bubble gum, and there were no aliens—and the show still captivated me. Himself also got me watching anime, enjoying the completely goofy plotlines and random bits of humor and sexiness in dark scenarios. And then there were the superhero comics and movies… With all this imagery in my head, it was inevitable I’d try my hand at science fiction sometime—but science fiction my way. With wacky aliens because they’re fun, political complications worthy of Babylon 5 because those interest me more than space battles, and an independent freighter with a motley crew I can imagine drinking with Malcolm Reynolds and the rest of the crew of Serenity at some seedy spaceport bar. There’s also a cat-girl sidekick, thanks to too much anime. Of course there are tough women, handsome men, hot sex and true love, because all that kind of inevitable if I’m writing the book. And the name of my rickety independent freighter? It’s the Malcolm, a direct bow to Joss Whedon’s wonderful series and its hero, Malcolm Reynolds, a.k.a. Captain Tight-Pants—who would have gotten into different and more fun kinds of trouble if he’d been my character! Thrill-Kinky
Excerpt (Adult) Definitely something in the danger-as-aphrodisiac theory, because in a fetid alley, with the law and outlaws both after them and her no doubt out of both a job and a home when the guys found out she’d dumped the slag and abandoned the floater, Rita was getting more turned on than she ever remembered being. She’d been excitable to start with, from the kiss, and from simply being around Drax’s dangerous good looks, but now she could feel herself getting slick, hot, ready for the cock that she could now feel all too well against her bare skin. And his wings—marling stars, she’d never felt anything like the soft, sensual caress of all those feathers against her back, her ass. So good. His hands gripped and kneaded, and his wings stroked and soothed, and all the while he was kissing her, exploring her mouth with his tongue, sending sparks down the connections from her lips to the mouth of her sex. Her common sense told her they needed to move, couldn’t take the time to play there when the overpriced thugs in the Fiero might show up at any second.
Buy links: Samhain / Amazon / B&N / Kobo /All Romance eBooks / iBooks (iTunes) Teresa Noelle Roberts started writing stories in kindergarten and she hasn’t stopped yet. A prolific author of short erotica, she’s also a published poet and fantasy writer—but hot paranormals and BDSM-spiced contemporaries were her favorites until she realized science-fiction romances offered new possibilities for outrageous adventure, wild sex and love that overcomes serious obstacles, including being from different species! Find her at www.teresanoelleroberts.com, on Facebook, or on Twitter, where she hangs out as @TeresNoeRoberts. Wednesday, May 27th, 2015
Hi! How are you? I’d like to thank Delilah for giving me the chance to blog over here today. While most people are still taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo, I’m already thinking about NaNoWriMo. See, Camp NaNoWriMo takes place in April and July, which are awful months for me to get started on a first draft. Both of these months contain two weeks of school holidays, and/or public holidays, maybe even some annual leave. So, they’re not an option for me. But NaNoWriMo takes place in November, which is a great month for me. Have you ever taken part? I started taking part in 2006 and have tried to do it every year since then. I think 2011 was the only year that I didn’t because I was too busy editing a book. I love allocating a WIP to the month of November at the same time as a bunch of other writers are doing the same. I mean, I write fast drafts anyway, and get caught up in a first-draft frenzy that can last 4-6 weeks—whatever it takes to get the story out. So NaNoWriMo isn’t a big stretch for my usual way of writing. Besides, I think that completing a first draft just before the end of the year is a great accomplishment. And an awesome way to end the year. 🙂 My latest book release was actually a book I wrote during NaNoWriMo 2013. It was just like every other story I write: I had copious amounts of notes (I’m more a note-taker than an outliner), and when November 1st hit I got stuck into writing the story and didn’t stop until I reached The End. By November 30th, I had a new novel ready for revision the next year. I know there are differing opinions about whether NaNoWriMo is good for writers or not, but I personally think it’s great. First drafts are meant to be messy, a way to get the story out of your head and onto the screen or paper because you can’t ignore it any longer. So, IMO, this is the perfect event to do so. Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? What was your experience like? Thanks for reading, Yolanda AUTHOR BIO: Wife. Mother. Writer. Bibliophile. Dreamer. Animal lover. Intrigued by the supernatural. Horror freak. Zombie enthusiast. Movie & music fan. Slave to her muse. Yolanda lives in Sydney, Australia with her awesome husband, lovely daughter, and cheeky cat. MY LINKS:
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