Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Terri Meeker: Khaki Fever and Sex Filled Taxi Rides
Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Female Sexual Liberation Owes a Debt to the Great War

tmhot soldierPrior to WWI, women’s sexuality was locked down pretty tightly. No sex until marriage, full stop.  When the war broke out in 1914, however, young men and women started pushing pretty hard against that wall. With men marching off to the slaughter of the Western Front, they wanted to live life while they still had one to live. As women watched their entire generation of men leave, they began to feel pretty desperate as well.

And so they pushed back against those old boundaries and they pushed hard.

When the soldiers came home on leave, girls didn’t behave quite so demurely as they had in the past. Some were downright aggressive and were labeled as having ‘khaki fever.’  The older generation reacted by forming ‘Morality Patrols.’ These were made up of older women who wore uniforms and patrolled any place where young people liked to congregate. In London alone there were over 400 of them, marching through public parks, alleyways and especially at the cinema, where they would march through the aisles checking on couples with flashlights.  Naturally, even people having perfectly innocent conversations were suspect and they became something of a nuisance at the theater. In 1915, one man wrote to his local paper complaining that, “It is about time something was done about ancient spinsters following soldiers about with their flash lights.”

If you were upper class, you didn’t need to bother yourself with public parks, cinemas and those flashlight-wielding matrons.  You’d simply get a taxi and “do two turns around Regent’s Park.”  This brings to mind a few questions. Mainly, how big is Regent’s Park?  Because two turns seems … a little short.  And secondly, you have to wonder who was driving the cabs. Especially since all the young, virile men were either at the Western Front or being watched by the Morality Police.

Luckily for them (and us) more relaxed attitudes about human sexuality survived the war.  The babies born out-of-wedlock were treated as war orphans and didn’t suffer the stigma of bastard as the previous generation.  Having proven themselves by taking on men’s jobs during the war, there was no going back. After the war, women were given much greater freedom, both in the workforce and within marriage as equal sexual partners.

My story, ANGEL OF THE SOMME, begins my Great War Trilogy, about three English siblings during WWI. You can read more about it below.  And check out my website:


There’s a fine line between courage and insanity…and he flings himself over it. The Great War, Book 1 Captain Sam Dwight never thought his pre-war vow to “make a difference for good in the world” would come back to haunt him. After suffering a grievous head wound in battle, he awakens in a field hospital, barely able to utter a word. How fast would his beautiful, determined nurse call for a straitjacket if she knew that every time a bright light flickers in his eyes, he is transported back to the trenches, reaching out to heal a wounded soldier in a flash of dazzling light?

Lily Curtis has seen many a soldier racked with guilt, but she’s never seen one will himself to induce life-threatening seizures. She fears that next time, her hands won’t be quick enough to save her handsome, apparently suicidal charge. As rumors of an ethereal battlefield specter reach the ward, Sam becomes convinced that his front line mercy missions are real. But with each trip, he spins the roulette wheel with his own life while Lily’s love and the lives of those at the hospital hang in the balance.

Warning: In between gory and emotionally charged scenes on WWI battlefields and field hospitals, there are tall tales, a lemon tree named Henry, a blush-inducing blanket bath in which something pops up between nurse and patient, and a 500-pound pet pig.

Buy at Amazon

Four Reasons to Get WARLORD’S DESTINY Now! (Contest)
Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of this prize is…Toni Whitmire!

* * * * *

I love lists. So here’s one for you—

Reasons to grab a copy of Warlord’s Destiny now…

1) Do you love your warriors tall, well-muscled and with stamina to spare? Duh, right? Do you love a heroine with grit who’s not society’s notion of what’s perfect and beautiful? Someone you can relate to? Do you love it when a strong woman brings a proud warrior to his knees? Then you will love the hero and heroine of this book!

2) Do you love off-world, futuristic fantasy and medieval knights tales? How about a book that is both? Yeah, I was supposed to write a futuristic tale, but my hero kept insisting he was more Ragnar Lodbrok than Luke Skywalker. And since Ragnar is sexy as hell, I let my Lord Tetrik transform into my version of the perfect erotic romance hero…

3) Do you love a good orgy? I saw your eyes bug at that one. Six participants with all those sexy moving parts? For me, this was the most challenging scene in the book. How do you keep it fun and sexy and not confusing? If you’re curious, you have to get this book!

4) Right now, the price for this 21,000-word novella is just $0.99! Kindle Unlimited customers have a little longer to enjoy a great deal—they can get it for free for the next three months. But if you aren’t a KU subscriber, that $0.99 price isn’t going to last long! Grab your copy now!

Answer any of the questions I just posed for a chance
to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

And just a side note: If you enjoy the story, how about leaving a review? Somewhere. Or tell a friend. I appreciate everything you do! ~DD


“…In Delilah Devlin’s WARLORD’S DESTINY, a strong man is brought to his knees by an equally strong woman. Interesting, attractive personalities make this read especially powerful.”  ~Nominee for Best Paranormal Erotic Novel of 2005 by Romantic Times BookClub Magazine! TOP PICK! 4 1/2 Stars, RT BOOKreviews 
“Watching these two grow is both amusing and touching… I found Warlord’s Destiny to be a very well-written novel, and ultimately a very entertaining story to read.” ~Book Review Network

Mora has no illusions she’s anything other than the sacrificial lamb to ensure peace between her peace-loving planet and the warlike world that demands a royal union with one of their own. However, when she meets the rugged warlord who will be her husband, Mora decides in that moment to win his heart–she’ll settle for nothing less.

When Lord Tetrik suspects his wife harbors tender feelings, he wonders if he can be the husband she desires. After all, love for a woman is a frivolous thing–and not a warlord’s destiny.

Warning: Readers should beware. Wedding customs on other planets do not resemble tender newlywed customs on Earth! Expect a smidge of voyeurism and a 6-person ménage. And yes, a Kronaki warlord’s bed is built large enough for just such an event!

Purchase at Amazon  

So, that’s what Kronaki warriors look like!

Every story ever whispered about the fearsome warriors came rushing back to set Mora’s body trembling. How they fought like ravaging beasts, cutting bloody swaths through Graktilian mercenaries during the war. How they lived in rough, stone fortresses made of blocks carved from their frozen mountains. How they fostered their children to rival clans so they would be raised without gentleness.

How they fucked with such fury their women’s screams echoed throughout their valleys. Read the rest of this entry »

Elle James writing as Myla Jackson: Ugly Stick Saloon Rides Again!
Monday, May 18th, 2015

I’m one of those writers with two pen names, and I still run into readers who don’t know that I am one and the same. Last week, I attended the Romantic Times Conference in Dallas and it reinforced the fact readers still don’t get the connection. I’ve been torn between my Elle James commitments and my Myla Jackson commitments and have toyed with the idea of merging the two into Elle James. But then there is the matter of the UGLY STICK SALOON…

I don’t want to let go of the Ugly Stick Saloon. In fact, I’ve incorporated the saloon in my Elle James’s Billionaire series and hope to do more of that. So for the time being, I’ll be co-mingling Elle James and Myla Jackson at the Ugly Stick Saloon. At least until I can come up with a way to do justice to the transition. Soooooo….

The Ugly Stick Saloon Rides Again!

May 26th will be the next Myla Jackson release of an Ugly Stick Saloon book.



 Available May 26th (That’s next Tuesday!)
Pre-order here: Amazon Kindle | Nook | Ibooks | Kobo | Samhain

A cowboy takes a woman and her son under his wing…and teaches their hearts to fly.

Angus McFarlan’s mother can’t be serious. Sell the ranch? Yet Mom has a point. Bringing the Rafter M out of bankruptcy has kept Angus and his brother too busy to date, let alone have children to inherit the legacy.

The last thing Angus wants is to get half-naked for the Ugly Stick Saloon’s Annual Cowboy Auction, but it’s a jump start into the dating scene. His buyer turns out to be a Dallas businesswoman, all legs and curves—a challenge to unwrap from that sexy, buttoned-down suit.

CEO Gwendolyn Graves has no time for a relationship. All she needs is a male role model for her young son, Dalton. She never thought her bachelor cowboy would impose conditions of his own. Like make her agree to spend time with him. Alone.

As Angus teaches Dalton what it means to be a man, he and Gwen discover a passion that ignites flames they thought they didn’t have time to fan. And soon find themselves learning how to open their hearts and be a family. Just when they start thinking longer term, Dalton’s father re-enters the picture—and trouble isn’t far behind.

Warning: Quiet, sexy cowboy and woman in a tight suit get all unwrapped and tangled in the sheets in Texas.


Copyright © 2015 Myla Jackson
All rights reserved — a Samhain Publishing, Ltd. publication

“That’s what we need,” Colin commented.

“What’s that?” Angus asked.

“A relationship like Audrey and Jackson have.”

“Those are so few and far between.” Angus slid off the stool. “Ready to go?”

Colin’s brows wrinkled. “Come on, Angus. Stay. I’m getting a kick out of watching this whole process.” He glanced around the room. “I can’t wait to see the next schmuck they conned into this.”

“Might be worth it if they were auctioning off a cook. With Mom on strike, we’re going to suffer.”

“Shh. Charli’s about to announce the next cowboy.” Colin leaned forward, a grin spreading across his face. “Gotta see who will be the next sucker.”

“Ladies, this next hunkilicious man is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for some lucky woman. He’s tall at six feet two inches.”

“Ahhh,” the crowd sighed as one.

“He’s got black hair and amazing gray eyes.” Charli dragged it out, spurring their anticipation.

Angus shook his head. Somewhere behind the stage or in the crowd, a cowboy was probably shaking in his boots, dreading the moment his name was announced and he was paraded around the stage like a pony. Read the rest of this entry »

Kathy L Wheeler: Having your own backlog….
Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Maintaining your own backlog…As a computer programmer, some would interpret this statement considerably different than a writer, perhaps.  As a computer programmer backlog indicates tasks intended to be completed in an efficient amount of time, specified by a business analyst. This ensures that work needed is completed within the timeframe and budget of a company’s constraints, therein ensuring the wheels of said company keep turning.

kwsquareHow does this apply to a writer?  And why is it important to maintain your own “backlog”?

Any writer who has, for example, been associated with, say, RWA for any amount of time, knows that moving forward is key. That perseverance and dogged diligence is what will get you published whether you are aiming for traditional or indie.  The act of writing, crafting, pitching, rejection—repeating the process, for as long as it takes—is indeed what will get you published.

I am not saying talent is not involved, but haven’t you read things that made you stop and wonder how they ended up published?  Let’s face it, all stories are subjective.  Talent is important, but it is not the end all. Talent must be honed and crafted and skilled. And let’s face it, most writers don’t get picked up from their first book, as most of us well know.

You have to keep writing. In other words, you have to build your “backlog.”

This is especially important as you start pitching to editors and agents.  Hypothetically speaking, what if the story you’ve written is similar to another author’s they recently signed?  But the editor/agent loves your story. So it doesn’t work for them due to current market, or circumstance. The conversation might follow something like this:

Editor:  “That sounds very intriguing.  I love the twist you managed at the end; however, we are looking for something more along the lines of blah blah blah.”

Of course, all you hear is the: “blah blah blah.”  But while the blood in your ears is pounding with the throb of another rejection, something else trickles through.

Editor:  “We love your voice.  Do you have anything else?”

Now the blood is rushing through your whole head, and you are praying it won’t spill out of your other orifices; i.e., eyes, nose, mouth, etc… because you have been writing for eight years, and submitting for almost as long.  So you can answer: “YES.”  But of course, you did not mean to yell at her, so you manage a deep breath to calm down, and answer again. “Y-yes, I-I do.”  By this time, you are praying she will forgive the stuttering.  (Even though you’d been practicing, your pitch for years, you forgot to instill the response to a positive rejection that might lead to an acceptance).

But that’s okay, because said Editor: “Wonderful.”  She smiles, happily so, because she knows that you are serious about your career and you are not a One-Time-Wonder.  She has all the faith in the world as she slides her card across the table to you.  “Please email your other completed manuscripts to me at this address.  I’m sure we can work something out.”

Of course, you are so shocked, your trembling fingers cannot seem to get the card off the table.  But you recover nicely enough (managing to snatch the card up), hand her a gracious smile, and say, “Thank you, so much. I’ll be in touch.”

And wasn’t it just lucky you had a “backlog” of books in your repertoire ready for that big day?


Kathy L Wheeler writes spicy contemporary to sweet historical and vice versa. She loves the NFL, NBA, musical theater, travel, reading writing and karaoke! She has a BA from the University of Central Oklahoma in Management Information Systems and Vocal Minor. She lives in Edmond Oklahoma with her musically-talented, attorney husband. They have one daughter, who is now a proud mama, and one very demanding cat!


Reckless – Martini Club 4 Series – The 1920s


Downton Abbey meets Sex and the City

Lady Margaret turned Lady Bootlegger…

Singer Margaret (Meggie) Montley needs money…fast. Her friend is in a dire situation with nowhere to turn. While Meggie is on the brink of stardom, it’s not soon enough to save her friend.

Harry Dempsey is out to avenge the deaths of his father and brother at the hands of a ruthless gangster. But trouble spirals out of control when Meggie Montley shows up the night he meets his nemesis to settle the score. Saving the impetuous woman from a crime lord might be easier than saving her from her own reckless behavior.


Meggie leaned forward. The light was too dim to make out the expression behind that deep pitch, but not the sound. Listening to him left her feeling alive, tingling from head to toe. Its timbre coursed through her the same as it had since the first night she’d invited herself to his table and sat down.

From his private corner, he’d watched her each night, sipping on his illegal whiskey, piercing her with eyes that matched his drink. Never having more than one, and always alone except for times she would meander over and tease a smile from those firm lips.

When the music hit her veins, the words that flowed from her mouth were directed to him. No wonder his regular seat was empty. Harry Dempsey must have been the man with whom Butch was speaking.

“Dempsey.” Joey’s tone held an edge of fear. “The…uh…dame took a wrong turn.”

Harry moved in her direction, his gait slow, deliberate, until he stood within touching distance. “Dame?” That single word rang through the abandoned space.

Oh no. Meggie launched herself from her hiding place and threw her arms about Harry’s neck. Locked in his muscular embrace, she rested her chin on his shoulder. His arms tightened around her. “Oh, Harry. I came as fast as I could. Just as we’d planned.” The words, she’d intended to carry, came out breathless.

“Fast, huh?” The whisper was against her ear where no one else could hear, raised goose prickles over her entire body. “Guess I’ll have to do something about that.” He lifted his head.

Buy links:

Three Quickie Cowboys (Contest)
Saturday, May 16th, 2015

UPDATE: The winner of this contest is ButtonsMom!

* * * * *

I love cowboys. And I’m guessing you do, too. I’ve been writing them as long as I’ve been writing contemporary stories. I’ve written them through a couple of series—Lone Star Lovers and Triple Horn Brand. And I’ve written them into short stories—quick bites of yummy Texans. Have you tried them out?

My love of cowboys comes from nine years of living in the Texas Hill Country with a working ranch butted up against my back yard. From my vantage it wasn’t uncommon to see cowboys on horseback or motorized mules, rounding up cattle. And every one of them was exactly how’d you picture them in your fantasies—lean and dusty in Wranglers, straw cowboy hats and boots. Now that those days are over, I can let my mind drift back—and imagine some very sexy goin’s on…

 OneTrackCowboy_600 TheRunawayBride_600

Big Brass Buckle — Caught in a sudden thunderstorm on a lonely stretch of Texas highway, I pull into a dingy little diner to wait out the rain, never dreaming the cowboy of my dreams would follow me inside. Now I have a couple of choices, play it coy and safe? Or go for the big brass buckle…

One Track Cowboy — After tracking two lost hikers, a park ranger and a local rancher lose themselves to a wild passion…

The Runaway Bride — After leaving him at the altar, a headstrong bride is captured by her cowboy and taught the pleasure of sensual discipline…

Comment for a chance to win one of the cowboy shorties here or one of the short stories on this carousel!

What about cowboy romances do you enjoy most?

Afton Locke: Sadie’s Romance – Doing the Boss
Friday, May 15th, 2015

alSadiesSurrender200x300Most everyone has to work. We spend most of our time there. Sometimes it’s hard and not fun. A workplace romance can spice up the endless drudgery of a dead-end job. Especially when the object of desire is the boss. The thought of having a sexy man in a position of power run the bedroom is irresistible indeed.

In my latest release, Sadie’s Surrender, Sadie can’t face a future of shucking oysters. Lucky for her, Henry runs the oyster plant and he’s had his eye on her. They try to keep things strictly business, but you can imagine how that turned out. Check out the excerpt below for a sneak peek of their “business” boat trip.

Sadie’s Surrender by Afton Locke

Oyster Harbor ~ where passion and race collide

Release Date: 16 May 2015

Stay tuned for reviews and more:
Watch the Book Trailer:
Read the entire Oyster Harbor series:


After her husband leaves her for another woman, Sadie Johnson feels unattractive. Unable to face a dreary future of shucking oysters and living with her critical mother, she dreams of being a businesswoman. But in 1936, opportunities for women of color in Oyster Island are limited.

An oysterman at heart, Henry Rockfield would rather sail than run the local branch of his brother’s oyster company. He’s not happy about belonging to the town Klan either, but he’ll do anything to keep the peace and help his family.

When sassy Sadie proves she can run the plant, he can’t resist putting her secretly in charge so he can return to the sea. But when desire resurrects a tragic mistake from his past, he learns business and pleasure are a dangerous mix. When racial conflict hits home, forcing them to choose between love and duty, will Sadie surrender?

Excerpt (explicit)

Sadie’s Surrender – Copyright © Afton Locke, 2015

Because one of them had to drive the boat, their passion couldn’t go any further. It was enough. Henry kissed and caressed her like he truly desired her. Anything more would complicate their lives.

His fingers dug into her backside, hungry and possessive. Her hips danced with the waves, pulling her hot, wet panties across her aching folds. The throb of the engine vibrated up each leg, straight to her clitoris. Her thighs trembled, desperate to spread and guide him into her soaked depths.

“I can smell your musk through the salt air.” He ground against her. “Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you right now?”

She moaned into the wind. Her nipples hardened, stiff enough to bore holes through Leroy’s old shirt.

“We have to drive the boat. Besides, I’m sure you can find someone prettier and smaller when you decide to be with a woman again.”

“If you belittle yourself one more time, I’ll throw you overboard.” He grabbed her hand and placed it over his erection. “Besides, I’m not exactly small myself.”

Both her fingers and belly clenched as the craft crested a wave. A wild look burned from his dark-blue eyes. With his wind-tossed, damp hair, he resembled a sea god. He definitely wasn’t small. His tall, muscular frame must weigh at least two hundred pounds, and the bulge in her hand wasn’t tiny, either. It would fill her up and then some.

She needed to see him completely nude someday, as he’d seen her.

To her surprise, he unbuttoned his trousers, releasing his rigid cock. When he rubbed it on her thigh, she trapped it under her palm. The pink flesh burned away the cold in her fingers. Hot fluid leaked down the shaft, lubricating her strokes.

“Oh, Sadie. God, Sadie,” he moaned, thrusting harder. “I’ve got to have you.”

His entire body bucked so hard, she feared they’d capsize.

Next, he unbuttoned her trousers and tugged them down. Her skin tingled with goose bumps in the cool air. She felt even more naked here than she had lying on his bed. Dare she surrender a second time?

“Henry, what are you doing?”

Instead of answering, he peeled off his poncho and draped it around their waists. Her pulse sped up. The man was out of control, and she loved it. Gasping, she gripped the steering wheel. He’d distracted her so much, they zigzagged toward the shore instead of staying in the middle of the channel.

He palmed her buttocks and dragged the scorching head of his gorgeous cock across her. She figured he planned to rub himself against her again. Fine with her. His arousal excited her so much, she was a breath away from climaxing, too.

She moaned when the round head of his bare shaft slid across her folds.

“I think you’d better stop now, Henry!”

“Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted this?” He groaned, his voice throbbing through her bones like the boat engine.

“How long we’ve both wanted it?”

The head nudged her clitoris, massaging it back and forth.

“Henry!” Sobbing, she clenched the wheel. “You have to stop. For one thing, you’re not wearing a—”

Coming Soon
Deeper Than Perfect – 1970s time-travel\

Where readers can find me
Web site:

Jennifer Kacey: I’m at the RT Book Convention in Dallas, TX! (Contest)
Thursday, May 14th, 2015

I’m at the RT Book Convention in Dallas, TX right now!! It’s in my backyard actually since I’m a Texas girl. Yea!!

This will be my second RT to go to and this year I’m bringing my mom. So excited and love it when she goes to cons with me.

Last year the convention was in New Orleans and I had a blast!! Here are a few of the wonderful people I got to meet. Maya Banks, Shayla Black, Kiera Cass, Damon Suede, Sylvia Day, and EL James. OMG and so many more.






jk20140518_112013Love all of them!

So here’s a question….what author would you LOVE to meet? And why?

Doesn’t have to be romance. It can be any genre! My favorite answer will win an e-copy of any of my individual titles.

Have a super duper awesome rest of your week and I’ll check back when I get home and pick my answer!!

Need a little extra sizzle to get you through the day? May I suggest a bit of kink…. 🙂

The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…


Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Ménage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Accidental Voyeur
Roman’s To-Do List
Jenna’s Consent
Laila’s Lies

Stand Alone…


Buried Permission
Beneath the Pages
Nico’s Curse
Elite Metal
Final Surrender

jk10178312_10203571568597727_1797997400_nJennifer Kacey is a writer, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.

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