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Thursday, March 21st, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Pansy Petal!

I’m one of those people who doesn’t understand depression. I’m sure I’ve felt it. Perhaps after the one time I was fired from a job. Maybe when I was diagnosed for Graves disease and had my thyroid fried with a radioactive pill, then spent a month in bed so I wouldn’t have a heart attack. Talk about fatigue. Lordy.
However, both times, I gave myself a day to feel some self-pity then I sat in front of my PC or pulled my Alphasmart out of my bag, lay it across my lap in bed, and typed for just a minute at a time. When I was in bed for that month, I literally could only write in very short spurts then I’d crash. But I wasn’t depressed. I pushed forward.
Maybe it’s a physiological thing? Maybe it’s brain chemistry? I don’t know, but I am a naturally happy person. If I feel a little “flat”—I sit outside and watch the deer at the pond. Or, I pull out pictures of things that make me happy.

Or, I pull out the paint like I did last night…

For a chance to win your choice of a download from among my backlist of books, tell me what makes you happy.
Tagged: happiness Posted in Contests!, Real Life | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: cindy - Deb Brown - Steph - Stacey Kinzebach - Delilah -
Wednesday, March 20th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy Hunt!

It’s another obscure holiday today! One we can all love, right? It’s actually celebrating oral storytelling. However, we can bend the rules a bit here!
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, take a look at the photo and tell me a story. Your story doesn’t have to be complete, or long, or even any good. Just look at the picture and wing it! Have fun!

Tagged: holiday Posted in Contests! | 17 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Beckie - cindy - Stacey Kinzebach - Katherine Anderson - Delilah -
Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

My new We Are Dead Horse, MT, story is here! And it was a blast to write! I hope you all love it.
There’s a new schoolteacher in town, a handsome rancher, cattle rustling, more Nah-Nah Sisterhood dating advice, sexy times, surprises, a bit of danger, some kids with odd ideas about where babies come from… You’ll have to read it to see what happens.
If you get a chance to read the story, please consider telling someone else about it (or post a review!). Readers trust other readers for recommendations—as they should!
Anyway, without further ado…
What Happens in Bozeman

What happens in Bozeman stays in Bozeman…unless it’s a cowboy!
Stranded in Bozeman, Montana, for the night while snowplows clear a mountain pass, Kelly Willis decides to throw caution to the wind. After being jilted by her college sweetheart, she’s determined to have one no-holds-barred night, her way of seeking revenge against a lifetime of conformity, before she settles down in a new town to live a very circumspect life as an elementary schoolteacher. She chooses another stranded motorist, propositioning him with the offer of a no-strings, no-names night of pleasure.
No one is more shocked than rancher Ryan Mobley when he appears at his daughter’s parent-teacher meeting to discover the angel he’d made love to is his daughter’s new teacher. Now that she’s here, he’s going to do everything he can to convince her they have a real connection, something they can build a lifetime on.
While she wrangles the class bully and he tries to figure out who’s rustling his cattle, the two of them grow closer with the help of a classroom full of mini matchmakers.
Get your copy here!
Also available in print!
Tagged: contemporary romance, cowboys, Montana, rustling, small town romance Posted in About books..., New Release | Comments Off on Brand New Release! WHAT HAPPENS IN BOZEMAN! FREE in KU! | Link
Monday, March 18th, 2024

Last week, I walked outside, and my car was covered in the yellow stuff. When I arrived at work, many of my coworkers were sniffing, sneezing, and wiping tears from their eyes. Then my BFF, also had a honking nose and froggy voice. Honestly, I don’t know why he didn’t text for the shape he was in. I said, “I hear the weather has gotten you down, too.” To which he responded, “Yeah, it’s the time of year that love is in the air.” Well, that wasn’t the response I expected. And here is where I tripped and fell down the rabbit hole. I asked (as Tina would have), “What’s love got to do with it?” It was on from there.
He explained to me that spring is the time that love blooms and that his bug is “lovesickness.” Now, that all may be…true? He could be bitten by a lovebug, but…what? So, I asked another question. “What in the world are you talking about?” To be sure, his answer was less than stellar, but I asked for it. He responded with, “You’re a romance writer, you should know this.” That doesn’t have anything to do with the craters on the moon, but my bestie seemed to think it did. Then he proceeded to argue that more people fall in love in spring than in any other season.
That proclamation stopped me cold. Where was the evidence? As expected, he didn’t have it to offer; so, of course, I went searching. Duh! Did I mention rabbit hole? While there’s no empirical data, scientific evidence, or statistics indicating this to be factual, research has indicated that there may be some biological rationale to this hypothesis. The answers lie in three neurotransmitters/hormones.
A neurotransmitter, in simplistic terms, is a synthesized chemical in the brain that permits neurons to transmit and communicate with each other throughout the body. Three neurotransmitters kept popping up in this research.
- Dopamine is commonly referred to as the “feel-good hormone” because it yields a sense of satisfaction, pleasure, and motivation. Simply put, it is part of the brain’s “reward system.”
- Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland and is a ubiquitous neurotransmitter-like compound. It is produced by darkness and sets the body’s internal clock.
- Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter that behaves like a hormone. It influences happiness, learning, and memory. It also regulates the body’s temperature, hunger, sleep, and sexual behavior.
Because spring brings nicer (depending on who is asked—Winter people are recognized and it’s all love) weather, people tend to spend more time outside. Additionally, due to Daylight Saving, the days are longer. People get more sun. More sun means less dark. Less dark means less melatonin. With less melatonin, the effects of other neurotransmitters are felt more—dopamine and serotonin, batter up.
Spring offers an abundance of newness. Flowers and trees are in bloom, offering bursts of colors all around. Floral scents, grass, and earth saturate the air. Many times, these scents are associated with pleasant memories. People want to spend more time outside (motivation) and frequently feel that they are rejuvenated or energized.
When the weather begins to warm up, people strip off their winter gear. Thus, they begin to show more skin. Appreciating the human form with less clothes… Well, it’s easy to see where that leads. This may not be “love,” but it most certainly possibly is “lust.” Either way, people feel “good.” But so what? Well, these things can add up to cause a person to be more “susceptible” to falling in love. Hey, don’t blame me. I’m just the messenger reporting what some research has reportedly found.
So, there you have it. Now, how all of this is responsible for my BFF’s nose flowing like the Mighty Mississippi I still have no clue. If anyone figures it out, let your girl know.
That’s all I got. Now, it’s your turn to sound off. What did you think? What is your take on the subject? Do you agree or disagree? Did you find this information helpful or informative? Did you learn anything new, or did it change your opinion? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Also, let me know if you would like me to cover more of these types of topics or dive deeper into this one. If you like this post, please click the like button, and share it. Your feedback allows me to know the content that you want to read. If you’re not following me on Creole Bayou blog, what are you waiting for? There’s always room at the bayou.
Get ready. It’s time to hit the ice again. Future Goals has arrived and is available.

When a college hockey player needs the help of an attractive older attorney, he gets more than he bargained for when trying to sort out the troubles in his career. Falling in love was never part of either man’s plan, especially as Corrigan’s and Sacha’s lives should never have collided. Now they’re left questioning if they’re standing in the way of the other’s future goals, or if there’s room for redirection.
Order your copy at:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3RjPYb9
Other booksellers: https://bit.ly/3CI8d5W
Did you miss the first four books in my hockey romance series? No frets. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: contemporary romance, Guest Blogger, sports romance, Spring Posted in General | Comments Off on Genevive Chamblee: Love in Spring | Link
Sunday, March 17th, 2024

Of course, this is a day we celebrate in our household! The red-headed hellion (my daughter) would have it no other way. She spent quite a lot of time in Ireland with her father’s relatives when she was younger and took two of the girls to Ireland recently to meet with the people they’re always talking to on the phone. Tonight, we’ll have a lovely meal, but parades are out because they’re simply too far away. We’ll spend it quietly with family. If celebrating St. Paddy’s Day isn’t a thing in your house, consider making it one. We all need loads and loads of reasons to celebrate life throughout the year! Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!
Open Contests

- Meet Your Weekend Book Boyfriend — $0.99 Sale! (Contest + Excerpt) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest: National Barbie Day (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
- Word Search: Favorite Pets (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- The Joy of Bingeing (Contest) — Win a FREE book!
- Katherine Smits: St. Patrick’s Story Spectacular — The Pen Dames March Contest (2 Prizes!) — Win an Amazon gift card, plus–have your name appear in a story!
- Gabbi Grey: A Sexy Story (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
- Saturday Puzzle-Contest & a Reminder! — Win an Amazon gift card!
Tagged: holiday, Saint Patrick's Day Posted in Contests!, General | Comments Off on Happy St. Patrick’s Day & Open Contests! | Link
Saturday, March 16th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Deb Brown!
First, a reminder of what’s coming your way next Tuesday!
Have you ordered your copy?

What happens in Bozeman stays in Bozeman…unless it’s a cowboy!
Stranded in Bozeman, Montana, for the night while snowplows clear a mountain pass, Kelly Willis decides to throw caution to the wind. After being jilted by her college sweetheart, she’s determined to have one no-holds-barred night, her way of seeking revenge against a lifetime of conformity, before she settles down in a new town to live a very circumspect life as an elementary school teacher. She chooses another stranded motorist, propositioning him with the offer of a no-strings, no-names night of pleasure.
No one is more shocked than rancher Ryan Mobley when he appears at his daughter’s parent-teacher meeting to discover the angel he’d made love to is his daughter’s new teacher. Now that she’s here, he’s going to do everything he can to convince her they have a real connection, something they can build a lifetime on.
While she wrangles the class bully and he tries to figure out who’s rustling his cattle, the two of them grow closer with the help of a classroom full of mini matchmakers.
Pre-order your copy here!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest
For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle, then tell me what this scenery does to you. That’s all. Happy Saturday!
Tagged: contemporary romance, game, jigsaw, Montana, puzzle, small town romance, We Are Dead Horse Posted in About books..., Pre-Order | 15 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: flchen - Diane Sallans - BN - cindy - Steph -
Friday, March 15th, 2024
UPDATE: The winner is…Colleen C!
Hello Delilah! Thank you for inviting me to share my new release!
When I saw the call for femme fatale flash fiction pieces, I dropped everything and ran to my computer.
My editor was shocked when I sent her not one but two pieces. I asked for a quick turnaround time – which she generously did for me. I even got the two stories submitted early! What mostly surprised my editor was that, at the beginning of our acquaintance, I maintained I couldn’t write short. That I was only capable of writing stories over 70,000 words. She’d send me different calls for short pieces. I even submitted one for a Delilah anthology (she didn’t pick it and that was good because it wasn’t that great). Eventually I wrote a couple of short stories that got published. Then I wrote my first short story for a charity anthology, and I’ve done almost a dozen since. I’ve also written more than a dozen novellas. So yes, apparently, I can write short. The last few submissions have been 5,000 words or less. In this case a lot less.
One piece of flash fiction I submitted for this anthology was a BDSM short story about a Domme. That story was under my Gabbi Black pen name. It didn’t get picked, but that was okay. I plan to expand that story and release it myself. Kat’s Claws, however, did get selected.
That acceptance letter put me over the moon. Most of the anthologies I join involve me signing up and submitting the best story I possibly can. Rarely do I submit to curated anthologies (or get personally asked to join a charity anth). I just don’t have time. I’m so glad I did for this one. My flash fiction (667 words – and yes, I should’ve found one to trim…) is about a lioness shifter who interferes with her best friend’s love life. Her best friend is an owl shifter. From the first shifter book I read about ten years ago, I wondered what kind of shifter I would write. Now, I never had any intention of writing a shifter book. I’ve only written one other paranormal story, and it’s about a ghost. To me, that’s just a love story, not a paranormal. Well, apparently if ghosts are involved, it falls into the mystical sphere.
I’ve signed up for a shifter anthology in September, and I’ve written the story of the owl shifter (the lioness’s best friend) and the human woman she loves so much. A lesbian, owl shifter, reality show, short story. Man, I can’t wait to share that with the world. In the meantime, when I saw the femme fatale call, I knew I needed to tell Kat’s side of the story. The prologue, as it might be. Why she did what she did and how her friend reacted. That’s the basis for Kat’s Claws. I hope readers pick up this anthology and read all the great stories. The editor prepared sketches for each one, and I’m thrilled with what she did for me. So yeah, the email I received telling me that I made the cut really was a great day.
I would love to give away a $5 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky commenter. Have you tried reading or writing flash fiction? Or do you prefer longer stories? One randomly chosen comment will win the prize.
Thanks, Delilah, for letting me visit.
Femme Fatale Flashes

Welcome to the shadowed corners of intrigue and peril. Wicked Shadow Press presents “Femme Fatale Flashes”, a captivating anthology of flash fictions, each one casting the spotlight on the elusive femme fatale, a figure at once dangerously seductive and imbued with an undeniable strength.
Dive into narratives where mystery and malice dance closely, as these women tread the fine line between morality and desire. From the straightforward journeys of beguiling yet sinister characters whose beginnings are as veiled as their intentions, to the intricate tales of those sculpted by the harshness of society, the sting of betrayal, or the tumultuous twists of love, this collection delves into the myriad hues of what it means to embody the femme fatale.
“Femme Fatale Flashes” beckons you to explore the complex realm of these mesmerising women through stories that are as concise as they are profound. Brace yourself to be captivated by the lethal allure of the femme fatale, in a collection that promises to enchant, entangle, and ultimately, redefine your perception of power, vengeance, and seduction.
This anthology features 56 stories, penned by 49 authors from around the world.
FEATURED IN THIS COLLECTION: Albert Tucher, Angela Tang, Anna McHugh, Armand Rosamilia, Arun Hariharan, Barlow Crassmont, Bissme S, Chad Anctil, Christopher Ryan, Crystal Red, D.A. Cairns, Dale Parnell, Daniel DiQuinzio, David Rae, Dawn DeBraal, Destiny Eve Pifer, Emmanuel Maduabuchi Titus, Gabbi Grey, Grant Tracey, Hannah Marchildon, Ian Gielen, Ivy Wilde, James Dorr, JB Wocoski, Jeremy Gadd, Joshua Vise, Kevin Hopson, Kris Blackburn, Kylie Doyle, LaVern Spencer McCarthy, Linda M. Crate, Madhu Mehrotra, Nelly Shulman, Olivia Arieti, R.W. Hartshorn, Rachel Loertscher, Rina Palumbo, Robb T. White, Sarah Das Gupta, Sarah Mayo, Sharon Frame Gay, Shayde O. Brown, Sheldon Woodbury, Soter Lucio, Susan Temple, TC Phillips, Toshiya Kamei, Val Roberts, Warren Benedetto
eBook link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/ebook/product-579e6jr.html
Paperback Link: https://www.lulu.com/shop/parth-sarathi-chakraborty/femme-fatale-flashes/paperback/product-579e6yr.html
Add it to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/209492846-femme-fatale-flashes
Kat’s Claws by Gabbi Grey

I am a temptress, a seducer, and a lioness shifter. When my best friend, an owl shifter, is about to make a terrible mistake, I use my prowess to bring her relationship with a human to an end. That might make me a bitch, but I did it for the right reason. Or so I believe…
About the Gabbi Grey

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.
Tagged: anthology, shifter, short story Posted in Contests!, General | 8 People Said | Link
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