Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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The Opening of WHAT HAPPENS IN BOZEMAN (Excerpt)
Thursday, March 7th, 2024

What Happens in Bozeman

Kelly Willis was a good girl by anyone’s definition. She’d never dated around, having gone steady with her star quarterback boyfriend since her sophomore year of high school. He’d been her first kiss, her first experience with sex. Her parents had adored her boyfriend and had delightedly set about planning her future so she didn’t screw up a good thing.

To make sure she was ever-present to their goal for her, she’d headed to college with him, wearing his promise ring, and had never once looked astray for attention from other men. Further, she’d gained her degree in a perfectly respectful, acceptably feminine profession.

She’d gone to church every Sunday of her life, never once doubting that God saw that she was good and would reward her for her virtue.

So, for her to be contemplating doing what she was now would’ve shocked the panties off her dear mother, her white-haired pastor, and her high school sex-ed teacher, who’d been long on abstinence and short on understanding a younger woman’s hormones. But then again, where were they all now?

Not here, stuck outside a hotel in Bozeman, Montana, while she waited for the snowplows to clear a passage through the mountains so she could get to her destination.

She hadn’t wanted to stop, and if the roads hadn’t been blocked by traffic barricades and a police officer directing vehicles to the nearest exit, she’d have kept driving—the winter storm be damned. By now, she’d had plenty of time alone with her thoughts.

Crazy, mixed-up thoughts of revenge and retribution filled her imagination with images of the fiery pit of Hell. Not for her. No, the person who deserved to be cast down into its depths wasn’t even here to feel the anger that had her fuming hot despite the chill, near-zero temperature.

While every curse word she’d never uttered aloud flitted through her mind, she felt her ire burbling like acid in her belly until it had to find its release.

“Fuck,” she whispered, then glanced around to make sure no one else standing in the parking lot had heard her. No one was looking her way.

And once she’d said it, she felt disappointed in herself. Not because she’d uttered that coarse, forbidden word but because she’d said it so softly. Was she gutless? Hadn’t she earned the right to rebel against a lifetime’s strictures? She’d been the Queen of Pristine, or so the boys at her high school had labeled her behind her back.

He had thought that title was hilarious, given what they’d done after the Friday Night Lights dimmed. He, who shall not be named. Ever again.

She sniffed back a sob, tamping it down deep.

“That fucker,” she said a little more loudly this time.

She stood straighter. No bolt of lightning had struck her. In fact, her chest felt a little lighter now. She could finally draw a deep breath.

Again, her gaze went to the man on the edge of the group, standing outside the hotel’s diner while employees were scurrying inside to open for a bunch of stranded, hungry travelers.

He’d do. Not that he’d given her so much as a glance. It didn’t matter that she’d decided for him. He was in the right place at the right time—although “right” and what she intended had nothing to do with each other. She turned up the fur-lined collar of her puffy jacket and strode in his direction. For the moment, she was filled with confidence because she’d earned this. Years of servitude to a single, hallowed goal would have their reward.

She didn’t even care if he was handsome. Good looks hid ugly flaws, or so she’d discovered. She hoped he had a big nose and was missing a tooth—just one. She’d want to kiss him after all. She was sure he’d have calluses, given he was wearing a cowboy hat that looked like it actually served a purpose, with its faint ring around the crown. His jeans were faded by actual use, not some weird fashion statement. His boots were scuffed and a plain brown. No nonsense. A working man’s footwear, not a poser’s.

The closer she drew, the more confident she felt about this plan. First, she’d insinuate herself into sharing a table with him. She’d smile and flirt, then drop her extra key card on the table when she excused herself.

She was almost there; he was turning toward her…

No, he turned and smiled at a grinning woman who was waving her keycard in her hand and rushing to his side.

Well, shit. She only just managed to keep the words inside her mouth.

The doors to the diner swung open, and she was caught in the crowd of twenty or so individuals who flowed inside the heated space.

Tables filled quickly, and she eyed an open stool at the counter, but a man whose large bottom nearly swallowed the stool laid claim before she could.

She stood with her shoulders drooping, looking for an empty table, when she heard a throat clear to her left.

Glancing sideways, she saw a man with a lop-sided smile waving a hand to the open seat across from him. “I don’t mind sharing, ma’am.”


What Happens in Bozeman arrives on March 19th. Pre-order your copy now!

Word Search: Romantic Date Nights (Contest)
Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Cindy!

I’m busy writing, writing, writing! And I have no idea how the story will unfold. It’s kind of fun being in the dark until stuff happens I never expected. I let the characters do their thing. I know. It sounds nuts, but it’s usually how my stories happen. I know how they begin but after that…?

Anyway, I have so much to do. Write another mystery chapter, edit some, and then read more Secret Identities stories. I’m up to my eyeballs in work—and then, before I can go to bed, I’ll have to paint something to stay on track with the challenge.

What do you get to do? Well, I have a challenge for you, too! Are you excited? 🙂 Solve the puzzle then add some ideas for what you think a romantic date night should include for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card!

Gabbi Grey: Spin-offs (Contest)
Tuesday, March 5th, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Stacey Kinzebach!

Hello Delilah!  Thank you for hosting me again.  Glad to be back to talk about my new release, Love Furever. I’ve written three books in the Single Dads of Gaynor Beach series, and one day the authors were chatting about the lack of an animal shelter in Gaynor Beach.  The chat exploded, and the next thing I knew, with the help of the architect of the original series, we’d created a spin-off series: Friends of Gaynor Beach Animal Rescue.  Naturally, I signed up to write the first book. (And, naturally, I’ve got more to come…)  Anyway, we all started searching the stock photo sites for pictures of cute guys and animals.  I have to say that we had a lot of fun.  In the end, I selected my photo.  I knew I had my James.  But I didn’t know his story.

One day, though, I had someone in my condo building bring me a box Amazon had left in the wrong place – I never would have found it.  I was so surprised that I barely got to thank him.  A good friend suggested leaving a note on the bulletin board – which I did.  A week later I took it down, having no clue if my savior had read it or not.

But…that got me thinking.  What if a guy posted on a board about needing help with his dog?  That wasn’t precisely what happens with Colin and Chambord, but darn close.  I don’t want to give away too much, but the name Chambord had to go, and…well, Colin and James had to fall in love.

This isn’t a fluffy read.  But I put a lot of heart into telling the story, and I’m really hoping readers love it.

In honor of the new release, I’m happy to give away a $5 Amazon gift card.  Just comment on what elements draw you into a story – blurb? Cover? The author? The series? What makes you take a chance on someone new?  Drop your answer in the comments and if random selects you, I’ll give you the gift card.  Thanks again, Delilah, for hosting me!

Love Furever


Being rejected by family hurt like hell, but I kept my head high, left my toxic relatives behind, and moved across the country to Gaynor Beach, CA. Luckily, I have great furry company. My French bulldog puppy, Widget, was dumped on me for not meeting my parents’ ridiculously high standards either, so we’re comforting each other. With a nice rental house and a new job, Widget and I were ready for a fresh start—until I got a devastating diagnosis. I can’t take care of Widget properly while trying to save my own life, and I expect a long, hard road. I’ll have to break both our hearts and put her up for adoption, for her sake. Right?


I’ve wanted a pet forever, but my family circumstances didn’t allow it. Now I’m away from my masses of relatives and on my own, and I’m ready to take on a furry companion. My friend, a guy who never says no to an animal in need, introduces me to Colin and his beautiful puppy Widget. I’m horrified Colin feels he needs to give her up just because he’s sick, but I’m happy to take Widget as a temporary foster. I’m also happy to offer support to the new guy in town who is so very alone during a time of crisis. Helping someone in need comes naturally to me. But what if that temporary help turns into me wanting a forever relationship?

This is a gay romance slow-burn novel about new beginnings, found family, unconditional love, and a puppy named Widget. This middle-angst story has a guaranteed happily ever after.

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About the Author

USA Today Bestselling author Gabbi Grey lives in beautiful British Columbia where her fur baby chin-poo keeps her safe from the nasty neighborhood squirrels. Working for the government by day, she spends her early mornings writing contemporary, gay, sweet, and dark erotic BDSM romances. While she firmly believes in happy endings, she also believes in making her characters suffer before finding their true love. She also writes m/f romances as Gabbi Black and Gabbi Powell.

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Krysten Lindsay Hager: Second Chance Romance, Soap Stars, and Sports Romance—Free in Kindle Unlimited
Monday, March 4th, 2024

When I started writing my latest romance novel, my first thought was to take all the things I loved best about my favorite books and put them into one story. I love stories about couples that find their way back to one another, celebrity romance, swoony moments, and watching sports. These all made their way into my new contemporary romance about a young adult soap star named Valeria Joseph who is trying to navigate the world while dealing with a breakup with her co-star.

Then, on the busy streets of New York City, she runs into her first love, Davis St. James, who she never got over. Davis is a college basketball player who is dealing with high pressure stressors of his own and they find themselves supporting one another and falling back in love. But, just like being on a daytime soap is full of drama—so is the publicity that surrounds Valeria. Throw in a pop star who’s crazy about her, an award show event that trends on social media for all the wrong reasons, and tons of swoony moments. Can Valeria find true love in the big city?

Stars in the City

Here’s an excerpt from Stars in the City to give you a taste:

“I’m scheduled to do an interview with Soap Opera Hotties,” I said.

“Me, too. Can’t wait.” Cecily clapped her hands together.

I raised my eyebrows. This was all fun and new to her. Me, I was already jaded seeing as I had once done an interview where they took a quote out of context making it look like Hayley and I were fighting on set over Lance. Meanwhile, I had gone to great lengths to stuff all my feelings down so I wouldn’t get a bad reputation and get fired. Did I yell and scream on set? No. Did I push my emotions down until I started getting random stomach issues and could no longer tolerate certain foods that I used to be able to eat with reckless abandon? Yes.

Cecily hugged herself. “I can’t believe people care about our lives enough to want to interview us. This has got to be the best job ever.”

Yeah, if strangers reading all the intimate details of your personal life and then coming over to your social media to troll you over those very details was exciting to you, then I couldn’t recommend this enough. But promotion was a part of this business, and the studio was in charge, so I went along with it. I loved acting, and growing up I thought it’d be amazing to have my name and face everywhere … until it wasn’t, and all I wanted to do was hide and turn my socials private.

The driver sighed. “Think we’re going to be here for a while. No one’s moving.”

I leaned forward and made a face. “It’s not that far. Might be faster if we walked.”

Cecily nodded, and we thanked the driver and got out of the car. It was windier than either of us expected, and I pulled my winter coat tighter around me. We hurried over to the sidewalk and ducked under the awning of an apartment building to get our bearings.

“Did not expect that wind tunnel and—whoa, there’s a guy who has zeroed in on you walking this way.” Cecily grabbed my arm. “And he is cute. Light brown hair, tall … and he can’t take his eyes off you.”

I glanced around to see who she was talking about when my eyes fixed on him. There, staring at me like there was no one else in the world was my ex-boyfriend. My mouth dropped open as he gave me a hesitant smile. What was Davis doing in New York City?

Cecily nudged me. “Hey, that cute guy is walking over—ooh, incoming.”

“Hey, Valeria. It’s been a long time,” Davis said as he and his friend came over.

I gulped. How to act? Mysterious? Or like my life was going so awesome since our breakup that I couldn’t be happier?

However, my mouth betrayed me, and I blurted out, “What are you doing here?” What were the chances we’d run into each other on the busy streets of Manhattan?

He stepped under the awning as people bustled past us on the sidewalk. A lady’s bag bumped me as she walked past, so I moved closer to the building.

Davis shrugged. “My team’s playing tomorrow, and my parents came into town to watch and decided to stay in the city so they could sightsee.”

“Oh, so you’re all just in town for the game this week?”

He raised his eyebrows. “I’m at Hepburn University now.” As he shared the name of his new school, I tried to mentally calculate the distance.

“It’s about thirty minutes away.”

What? My first love had been living less than an hour from me and I didn’t have a clue?

***Pick up the book here. It’s free in Kindle Unlimited:
Amazon US:
Amazon CAN:
Amazon UK:
Amazon AUS:

About the Author

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a bestselling author of YA and contemporary romance. She writes romance because she loves bringing people swoony moments and hope-filled happily ever afters. She writes about falling in love, fame, fitting in, frenemies, first loves, and finding your way in the world. She loves reading, watching movies, and lipstick.


Report Card & Open Contests
Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

Last week…

  • I worked on two editing projects for two other authors, finishing one.
  • I wrote the opening chapters of What Happens in Bozeman.

This next week…

  • I must continue writing chapters of my upcoming book, What Happens in Bozeman…  
  • I need to complete one editing job and begin two others!
  • I’d like to read through most of the rest of the stories for my next anthology, Secret Identities.
  • I will continue creating some small art for #The100DayProject.
  • I’ll spend Thursday at my local art center to keep the doors open to the public for our current exhibit.

Does that sound like enough?

Open Contests

  1. Story Cubes — Tell me a story (Contest) — This one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  2. FREE Read: Two Hot — This offer ends tomorrow! Get your FREE read now!
  3. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: A Romantic DinnerThis one ends soon! Win an Amazon gift card!
  4. Anna Taylor Sweringen/Michal Scott: Homespun Heroines and Other Women of Distinction (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  5. Deb Robinson: 5 Shades of Brothers Browne (FREE Read) — Get your FREE read now!
  6. Invent a Holiday Contest + Open Contests & Giveaways — Win an Amazon gift card!
  7. February into March (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  8. World Compliment Day! (Contest) — Win an Amazon gift card!
  9. Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Revisiting Past Work — Win an Amazon gift card!
Saturday Puzzle-Contest: Revisiting Past Work
Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Debra Guyette!

I’m currently doing the #the100dayproject. Basically, I paint or create some kind of art for 100 days straight and post it. Trying to find subjects for so many days is a challenge in itself. So, I poured over the work I did in last year’s challenge and found a photo of a postcard featuring poppies. I really liked it at the time, but I like it even more now, so I’m going to try to recreate it. I don’t know if I can do a better job. It depends on my patience and whether I use the right paper and paint. Whether I have the brush pen I used before. Maybe I should choose another subject so I don’t disappoint myself, but painting is a lot like writing. You find a niche or topic you like and try to repeat the pattern so you reproduce something you love.

Anyway, enough talk. For a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, solve the puzzle then tell me about something you’ve done you were proud of and tried to recreate. It can be about anything. How successful were you? Have fun!


World Compliment Day! (Contest)
Friday, March 1st, 2024

UPDATE: The winner is…Misty Dawn!

I couldn’t find a great picture for this holiday! Not many people know about it, so no one’s done any holiday art. Can you imagine that?!

Anyway, the point of the holiday is to lift someone up. Or maybe a lot of someones. Find a way to work a compliment into your interactions today. You might find the reward—the smile you get in return—so lovely and heartwarming for yourself that you’ll begin to make it a habit.

You don’t have to be effusive. Tell the woman waiting in line at the grocery store that you love her hair. Tell the guy at the drive thru window that his smile makes your day. Tell your S.O. that waking up to them is the best part of your day. It can be something big or something little.

Now, for a chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card, tell me how you might work a compliment into your day!