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Busy as a Bee…
Monday, October 20th, 2014

Hey there! I wrote the title of the blog and now “busy as a bee, as a bee” to the tune of “It’s All About the Bass,” is in my head. Anyways, I thought I’d poke my head in the door today to say hello. It’s early morning here and I haven’t really woken up. Needz coffeeeeee….. Hear the zombie voice there?

Speaking of zombies… Anyone watching Walking Dead? Wow, what a season so far! So many questions to be answered. I’m still waiting to find out whether that strange scientist dude is really just a crazy who thinks he can save the world. Where’s Beth? What did the preacher do? And now poor Bob…

Walking Dead is filling the void for me now that Outlander is on hiatus. And you ask how a horror-drama based on a comic book can replace a verra sexy Highlander in a kilt? Both take me places. Different places, for sure, but the acting, the action, the story—all those keep me dying to see the next episode.

And workwise? I’ll admit I have been up to my elbows in commitments, both writing-wise and art-wise. This past weekend I participated in an art tour as one of the stops on this scavenger-hunt-like tour where the public moves from one artist’s studio or shop set-up to the next. My dd and I worked hard to be ready with enough stuff—paintings, pendants, and bracelets. We did well, or at least much better than last year. So we’re happy and have plenty of incentive to keep making things. We just need to find more local events to set up a booth at.

Two things happened this weekend during the tour that stood out.

One was a crotchety old woman who was extremely rude to my daughter. First, she told her what she had to put in her shop because it was “expected.” Then she asked her, “Where did you learn to talk like that?” Well, the question itself wouldn’t have been so rude except for her delivery which was cold and snippy while she looked down her nose at Kelly. My daughter just kept smiling and told her she’d moved a lot as a kid, being a military brat. The woman persevered. “But where?” Kelly said she lived many places in the States and in Germany and Ireland. “Well, that explains what’s messin’ up your accent.” Whew!

Okay, so we don’t sound like rednecks! Bite me. I don’t judge you, lady! That’s what I wanted to say, but my daughter has a business to maintain, and then she confessed she gets that a lot. Folks think she’s uppity because she speaks in a neutral, middle America, newscaster’s accent. Rude much, people?

The second thing that stuck out was the “Redneck Flashmob.” Funniest thing ever. I swear, fifteen people came in at the same time, grandma on her walker, men in overalls and Duck Dynasty beards, down to teenagers. They were a cheerful group. I told them they looked like one of those YouTube flashmobs but the only thing missing was the dancing. Of course a few of them gave me a little Twist. 🙂

Great weekend, but now I have to get my head straight again. I have a book to finish by tomorrow night. And I have to pack for a trip to Florida (the NINC conference is there). I’m a little freaked out about flying with this ebola thing going on. But I’ve already paid for the ticket and the conference, the hotel’s on the beach… I have to go, don’t I?

Loni Lynne: Immortal Heat
Sunday, October 19th, 2014

llImmortal Heat Banner for ILVN

The Guardians of Dacia Series

Romania has been called the mystical land of paranormal beings and creatures of the night. Before the Romans conquered their land, Dacia was a mystical land of magic and folk-lore until one man and his army destroyed the closely woven fabric set by the gods between man and beast. Now, cursed by their gods over two thousand years ago, one immortal clan struggles to maintain their private world while still learning to live and protect their human brethren as their enemy seeks power to destroy the new world.  But as the clans face extinction, a new generation of Dacian blood emerges to unite the clans once more. The world as they know it may never be the same.

Immortal Heat

llImmortalHeat-bookcover2 (VTCSwitchbladeRomance)2 copy revised

Dacian Historian…  Determined to study ancient Dacian folk-lore abroad, Marilyn Reddlin’s plans are cut short when she is abducted by a dark-haired stranger who insists she’s in danger. The only danger she’s in is losing herself to her abductor’s inexplicable seductive energy. Draylon Conier teaches her there is more to Romania than myth and fairy tales while sweeping her into a wild adventure of paranormal mystery and intrigue.  Dacian History…  Thousands of years trying to pay back a debt, Draylon Conier is finally able to do so. Sent to capture a young, American student who is in danger while in Romania, he just has to send her back home. Easy enough for him. Unfortunately, Marilyn Reddlin is determined to thwart his every attempt—even telepathy. But there is more to her than meets the eye and the closer he gets to her, the more danger she is in, not only from the ancient immortal Dacian clans he’s trying to protect her from, but also his own sexual need.  History just got a lot harder.  They must find out what connection Marilyn has to Dacian history before Draylon destroys her when she succumbs to Immortal Heat.


“Gods breath, Marilyn.” Draylon cupped her face, holding it in his large hand. “When I told you to do something to stop me, I meant in a physical way. You managed to do the one thing that would take me down in any form. Not for one moment would I try to dominate you without it being mutual. I don’t care how fast, how far we go, I won’t go any further than what you are okay with. And never, ever give yourself to a man without feeling the strongest of desires to do so.”

She shivered, but not from the cold, alpine winds against her naked skin. Draylon’s sultry voice touched her exposed soul. Her heart thudded inside against her breast and she felt the sudden urge to be wrapped in the security of him—nothing more, nothing less.

He shook his head with a sad smile. “Only when you feel you can trust me.”

Donovan met them at the base of the stairs, undeterred by their nakedness and handed Draylon large, thick blankets. Wrapping one securely around her first, Draylon kissed her forehead gently as if placing a blessing upon her. Donovan escorted her up the stairs into the warmth of the fortress. She turned to watch as a black wolf darted off into the distance.


Author Bio and Links

llLoni Lynne PromoBorn in north-central Michigan, Loni Lynne still loves the quiet woods, lakes and rivers in Otsego County and the Victorian era bay side houses of Little Traverse Bay. But after decades of moving around the country as a child and twenty-five years of marriage to her personal hero, she calls western Maryland her home.

Serving in the United States Navy didn’t prepare her for the hardest job ever, being a stay at home mom, to her two wonderful daughters. After years of volunteering as a scout leader, PTA officer, and various other volunteer positions, all while still writing snippets of story ideas, her husband decided it was time for her to put her heart to finishing a story. He gave her a laptop, portable hard drive and his blessings to have a finished manuscript, ready to be sent out to the masses in one year. He created a writing monster.

Immortal Heat was her first idea six years ago and has gone through many revisions since then. In the meantime another story took hold, Wanted: One Ghost and it became her first published book in 2013. Now with the help of her friends, family and friends of the romance writing community, she’s pursuing her love of telling stories written from her heart.

Links to Immortal Heat and Loni Lynne:

Amazon Page for Immortal Heat, Book 1 of The Guardians of Dacia series:

Facebook Page for The Guardians of Dacia series:

Loni Lynne’s website:

Loni Lynne’s Facebook Page:

Loni Lynne’s Twitter Page:

Loni Lynne’s Goodread Page:

Sasha White: Primal (Free Read)
Saturday, October 18th, 2014

Hi all,

I’m here today to introduce you to PRIMAL, the second story in my new Overwatch series.

This series is the first time I’ve gone into writing something with the knowledge that I was building a series, so it’s been a whole new ride for me. Delilah can attest to the fact that just the thought of plotting and thinking ahead can send me into a panic. LOL

While Unfettered was the first story of the series it was more of a short 15k intro sort of thing. (And it’s free everywhere right now. (see more and read and excerpt HERE. )  PRIMAL is our first step going deeper into the Overwatch world.

While the characters will have Overwatch in common, the stories are not all “In the club” if that makes sense? So, you’ll see the club, and get to know the members, and take a walk in their lives. And hopefully you’ll want more of them, because I plan to have more of each character in every following story. As I get deeper into the club, the stories get longer. LOL  The joys of learning to write a series.

So I’d like to invite you to come on this ride with me. I think its be a helluva a good time!!

Below you’ll see the details of Primal.  One thing to note is that it is on sale at All Romance eBooks right now at the regular price for a soft opening. Or you can pre-order for only 99 cents at  iBooks * Barnes and Noble * *  (release date is set for October 24)

If you post a review online, at any online bookstore, before October 24 just email a link to the review to and you will be entered into a draw for one of three Online Gift Cards ($10)


BDSM club owner Adam Kessler is no one’s hero. He joined the army to get away from the gang-life that had taken his brother, only to come home to heartache. He doesn’t hide his dominant side, and he doesn’t hesitate in his need to protect or enforce his particular brand of retribution on those who’ve earned it. There’s no way in hell he could walk past a man hassling a woman in an empty parking lot and do nothing. Only when the confrontation is over and the voluptuous blonde turns eyes filled with desire to him, does Adam realize he’s in trouble.

Psychologist Olivia Hamilton grew up with the proverbial silver spoon, and has never regretted spending more time on her career than on romance, until she meets Adam Kessler. He’s dark, he’s dangerous, he’s deliciously dirty…and she wants him.

Passion burns quick and hot between them and soon they’re caught up in an intensely carnal relationship that neither can deny. But when Olivia’s life is threatened and she learns just how dangerous he can be, will it be too much for the civilized psychologist to handle, or will she truly accept the man and win her hero’s heart?


For the rest of the day, Olivia tried desperately not to think about the man who made her feel so much more than safe. It was no use though. Three days and three nights go had gone by since she’d met Adam, and each one of those days she’d thought of him, and each night she’d dreamt of him.

Never had she wanted a man like she wanted him, and she didn’t even know him. It was crazy, and that was something coming from a clinical psychologist who understood crazy.

The psychologist in her said to get over it. He was a white knight fantasy, an effect of the shock and trauma of being attacked and nearly raped.

The woman in her said she go for it. Live a little and indulge her dormant wild side for once.

She rarely indulged in anything anymore. Somehow, her life had become work, work, and work with the occasional dinner date that ended in mediocre sex to satisfy the human need for touch. It wasn’t enough anymore.

So, later that afternoon, after her last client of the day left, she closed her files and left the office.

It was early Wednesday evening by the time she parked in the same lot she’d dropped Adam off late on Sunday night and turned her car off. She took a deep breath, picked up her phone, and dialed his number.

He answered before the second ring and, at the sound of his voice, everything she’d planned to say fled her brain. “I’m here,” she said.

Fortunately, they still seemed to be on the same wavelength. “Are you sure?” he asked.

Was she? She wasn’t a stupid woman. By all accounts she was, in fact, very smart. Intellectually, what she was about to do wasn’t so smart, but instinctively, she knew she could do nothing else. This man got to her.

“I’m sure.”

A relieved sigh gusted over the phone. “Where are you? Exactly?”

She told him, and a few seconds later she saw him round the corner of the warehouse in front of her. Heart pounding she disconnected the call and climbed out of the car to meet him in the lot. He strode forward, his powerful body covered in loose jeans and a white T-shirt with an unzipped hoody over it.

She was way overdressed in the suit she’d worn to the office that day, but she hadn’t taken the time to go home and change. She’d left the office early, and still had to battle rush hour to get there. After three days, she hadn’t wanted to wait any longer to see him again.

“How are you?” he asked.

She smiled. It was funny how those three words were so common, yet sometimes they meant so much. The concern in Adam’s whiskey-colored eyes made it clear he meant his words; they weren’t just some polite nicety.

“I’m good. No after effects at all. Except the headache of having to go in and formally press charges, that is.” She smiled ruefully.

He nodded.

They stood there, face-to-face, in another parking lot, not speaking. It was weird. Normally the silence would feel uncomfortable for her, but with him, she didn’t mind. Just being with him somehow made everything feel normal. No, not normal. Right. Being with him, sharing space with him, felt strangely right.

Then he spoke. “Why did you come?”

“Um.” She licked her lips, suddenly unsure. Maybe it was all in her head. Maybe he didn’t feel the same pull she did. Maybe—

“Are you here just to get laid, or are you interested in me as a man and a person?” He stepped closer, reached out to grasp her hand and her wildly careening thoughts calmed. “I’m asking because I want to know if you’re staying for dinner after I fuck you so hard you’re gonna have trouble walking tomorrow?”

Her breath caught in her throat. If any other man had spoken to her like that she’d have slapped him so hard his head spun, but the flicker of tenderness lurking beneath the heat in Adam’s intense gaze made his coarse words an incredible turn-on.

Who was she kidding? Everything about the man was an incredible turn-on

Olivia pulled herself together. “Dinner after sounds good,” she said with a grin.

He tugged on her hand, and she followed when he turned and strode back toward the building. Adam pushed through the front door of the warehouse but stopped halfway through the next.

“Close up for me, Bash. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”

She caught a glimpse of a boxing ring and a young guy skipping rope before the door closed and Adam led her to a door she hadn’t even noticed to the left in the entryway. He shoved a key in the lock, opened it, and led her up the narrow set of stairs there without saying another word. When they reached the top, he let her hand go and kept walking while she stalled, checking out the open-space loft of the converted warehouse.

It wasn’t that big, maybe a thousand square feet, but it had a rough beauty to it. Sort of like the man himself, she thought as she watched him stride across the concrete floor to the huge bed against the far wall. He’d let go of her hand when they’d reached the top of the stairs, and she realized it was for a reason.

He still wasn’t a hundred percent sure of her. If he was, he would’ve walked her right to the bed himself. Instead, he stood next to it, watching her, waiting for her to go to him on her own.

“I feel like I need to warn you,” he said.

“Warn me?” she asked as she glanced around the loft, taking in the shelf full of books, the closet and bathroom doors, the comfortable sofa and arm chairs, and the big metal cabinet in the far corner than had a large lock on it.

“You’re a lady, with a capital L, but I don’t want a lady in my bed.”

Her gaze snapped back to him. What the hell? He didn’t want her?

“Don’t misunderstand me,” he said, as if he could read her mind. “I want you, but I won’t be treating you like a lady, and I need you to know that all you have to do is say No, or Stop, and I’ll stop.”

“What will you be treating me like?” she asked.

“A woman who’s passionate enough to match my hungers with her own.”

Oh, Lordy. Breathe, Olivia.

“And what do you hunger for?” she forced out in a breathless voice.

He smiled, and it had enough of the devil in it that a little tingle of unease ran up her spine. “Control,” he said simply. “Complete sexual domination of my partner.”

“Sounds…wonderful,” she said, meaning it. Like most women, she had fantasies of submitting to a strong man who wanted nothing more than to give her pleasure. She was strong and in control all damn day long. Giving up control in exchange for pleasure sounded good to her. And there was no doubt in her mind that Adam would give her pleasure.

“Good,” he stated. “You masturbate?”

“Of course I masturbate.”

“Show me.”

“Now?” Heat flooded through her. Arousal mixed with excitement and embarrassment.

His expression didn’t change, he just waited to see if she would leave or do what he said.

Part of her wanted to leave. Just say “screw that” and walk away. But a bigger part of her was eager to strip down and do whatever he wanted. Intellectually, she’d understood there was a freedom in simply following. What she’d never really got until that moment was the strength required to do so. Saying she’d give up control was easy, but the reality of it, of laying herself bare both figuratively and literally, required an enormous amount of inner strength. Did she have that?

Hesitant, she studied the man in front of her.

He should scare her, what with his predatory air and closed-off expression, as if he really did expect her to turn and leave. But instead of fear building inside her when she looked at him, it was fascination and an eagerness unlike she’d ever felt. If she turned and ran, would he chase her?

A shiver danced over her skin, making her nipples pebble and her pussy pulse.

Before she could think twice, her hands were up and her fingers were slipping the buttons on her blouse undone. Keeping her gaze on him, she continued to undo them as she walked toward him. When she stood less than a foot from him, her blouse hung open and she shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor.

Myla Jackson: MACK’S WITNESS Visits the Emerald Isle
Friday, October 17th, 2014

I have a new book out, MACK’S WITNESS in the HEARTS & HEROES series, and I’m excited because this book is set in Ireland! Readers often ask where I get all my ideas. Good grief! They are everywhere! I had the joy of visiting Ireland in 2012 and had such a wonderful time, met so many interesting people and saw such fabulous places I had to write a story based in Ireland. In all of the HEARTS & HEROES books, the Magnus brothers are military warriors undertaking new challenges.

In my HEARTS & HEROES series, I’m taking my brothers to some of the places I’ve been. I started the series with WYATT’S WAR in San Antonio, Texas. In MACK’S WITNESS, Mack the Marine is on leave for his brother’s wedding in Ireland. Book 3 will be in Venice, Italy, where Sam will meet his own set of challenges while trying to get a little R&R. What better way to share my experiences than to take my readers along for the ride?


In Ireland I saw castles, on what seemed like very hillside. If not fully functional, they were ruins with stories to tell of their own. We stayed in the castle pictured here. It was a bed and breakfast that had once been a residence and also a prison. The rooms had locks on the outside of the doors as well as the inside. How cool! And it was modernized with showers and bathrooms like we’re used to and beds with real mattresses. The curator was a feisty 70-yr-old woman with a lot of attitude and spunk. Loved her!

While in that town with the B&B, we ate at a hotel restaurant where a wedding was taking place. The people coming into the building wore the most outlandish clothing. Bright, revealing, lots of tulle and taffeta, tiaras and rhinestones. I’d never seen such a fun bunch of people. The little girls were dressed as brightly as the older women and wore sparkling high heels and tiaras as well. We learned that they were Irish Travelers, the gypsies of Ireland. Yes, I had them in MACK’S WITNESS along with the castle B&B.



I had so much fun in Ireland. I hope you all have fun reading about it in MACK’S WITNESS.

Hearts & Heroes Book #2: MACK’S WITNESS
Samhain Publishing Barnes & Noble Nook Amazon Kindle Kobo



A red-hot fling leads to peril on the Emerald Isle…

Hearts & Heroes, Book 2

Tired of eating sand and dodging bullets, Marine Captain Mack Magnus is ready to relax and enjoy his brother’s Dublin wedding. If that involves a few pints in a quaint Irish pub and getting laid by a pretty Irish lass, all the better.

Instead he winds up getting ordered around by the cousin of the bride. Fed up with her mouthy attitude, he kisses her to shut her up. Now he has a new mission: get into the sexy redhead’s panties.

Busy international model Deirdre Darcy knows the six-foot-four Marine’s type: hit-and-run sex and off to the next port. Fall into bed with an arrogant bastard like Mack? No thanks. When she stumbles upon a couple of Irish gypsies leaving a murder scene, she must go into hiding or become their next victim.

His protective instincts kicking into high gear, Mack whisks Deirdre away to a small town where it’s easier to keep her safe. Except there’s no escape from their growing attraction—or from the one thing neither of them thought they wanted. Love.

Warning: Battle-hardened, ready-to-cut-loose Marine teams up with a stunning Irish lass who thinks she can handle him. You’ll need the luck of the Irish to hang onto your seat for this sexy, suspenseful race across the Emerald Isle.



Lead in: Attracted to each other at their first meeting and after dancing at the bachelor party, Mack and Deirdre are ready to give in to their desires.

Mack locked gazes with Deirdre, refusing to let his eyes feast on her luscious curves. “I thought you didn’t want the complications of a quick fling.”

“I changed my mind.”

He snapped his fingers. “Like that?” Mack shook his head, cursing himself for stalling when she was offering him her body. But the kisses they’d shared had meant more to him than he cared to admit. “If I take you to bed, will you change your mind again?”

“Not tonight,” she said.

“After tonight?”

She shook her head. “I’m not here for a relationship. You and I could never work out as a couple. Not in our two careers. I make no guarantees.”

“Good. Because I can give no guarantees.”

“Then we’re good?” She rubbed her naked arms. “Because I’m feeling fairly underdressed here.”

“Come here,” he commanded.

She complied, sliding into his arms. “Are you not going to get naked as well?” Deirdre glanced up at him, raising her brows.

The sensual invitation in her tone washed over him, making his pulse quicken and his groin tighten. “I was enjoying how soft your skin is and how sexy you look in that outfit.”

“Why ’tis nothing but a bit of silk and heels.”

“Exactly.” His hands slid across her naked back and cupped her bottom, lifting her until

her legs wrapped around his waist. Then he turned and pressed her against the wall. He bent to nibble at her earlobe and to brush his lips across the pulse pounding at the base of her throat. “Promise me one thing.”

“Saints preserve us. What?” she gasped.

“No regrets.”

“The only regret I have is that you are still wearing your clothes.” She caught his face between her palms. “Undress already.”

Myla’s Bio:

MYLA JACKSON also writing as NYT and USA Today Bestselling Author ELLE JAMES is an award-winning author of stories including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. With over seventy stories in a variety of sub-genres and lengths she is published with Harlequin, Samhain, Ellora’s’ Cave, Kensington, Cleis Press, and Avon. When she’s not at her computer, she’s traveling, out snow-skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories.

Myla Jackson’s links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Newsletter

Elle’s Links: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Newsletter | Amazon Author Page

Jane Leopold Quinn: A Promise at Dawn
Thursday, October 16th, 2014


Their affair was scorchingly sensual

Faye Burke, recently widowed, retreated to the coast of Maine to grieve and reassess her future. Her favorite part of the day is watching the sun rise out of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s also when the man she considers her guilty pleasure runs along the beach.

Gil Farrelly, a successful painter, is trying to get his career back on track after the studio fire that destroyed everything. He starts his creative juices flowing every day by running on the beach. The lovely woman who watches him also gets his juices flowing and he’s determined to reinvent his career by painting her.

Faye’s combination of maturity and sensual vulnerability intrigue Gil and he wants to immortalize her on his canvas. She’s flattered, aroused and ultimately frightened of the emotions he incites. He claims not to care he’s younger by twelve years but she believes sooner or later he’ll come to his senses and seek out women his own age. Can Faye conquer her fears? Can Gil prove to her it’s not age separating them but her fear?


“Was your studio here in this area?”

“Uh huh. Like you, I came up here a couple years ago to find myself. Since the fire, I’ve been doing some landscapes. You’re the first portrait I’ve wanted to do in a long time.”

She lay on her back, tilting her face to the sun, savoring the warmth. She’d popped a slice of apple in her mouth, and he watched her chew and swallow it. “Faye,” he began, shifting his body over hers.

She sighed and opened her eyes.

He didn’t waste any time. Through eyes barely open, he watched her lashes close, watched her lips part. He kissed her softly. With light touches and delicate sips, he tasted the sweet stickiness of the apple on her lips.

She didn’t respond. It wasn’t a rejection. It just wasn’t a response.

He braced his hands on either side of her shoulders, holding himself off her breasts so the only place their bodies met was their lips. It took all his control to go slowly.

At first she didn’t touch him. Then at the same time she began to kiss him back, she placed her palms on his chest, their warmth and pressure highly arousing. She slid her arms around him and slowly pulled him down on top of her.


He took that for permission and rolled to his back, taking her, draping her over his body. He wrapped his arms around her, one hand cupping her head lightly, giving her the opportunity to break away if she didn’t like it. She stayed, and he deepened his kiss. His tongue explored her mouth, claiming her, delving into her welcoming and passionate response.

Her moans rose sweetly from her throat, then became deep growling noises. Her hands cupped his face, held him. She massaged his tongue with hers. His cock surged in response.

He rolled again putting her beneath him and slid his thigh between hers.

Her body quivered, her hips undulated, pressing upward against his.

He moved his fingers to the buttons of her sweater and flicked them open one by one, spreading the sides to reveal a pretty white lacy bra with, thank the good Lord, a front clasp. Her eyes opened, met his with an erotic, pleading gaze. The clasp easily opened, and her full, pale breasts spilled free.

“Gil,” she gasped his name. There was no question in it, just pure desire.

Slipping his hands under her shoulders, he pulled her up, brought his mouth down, and latched onto a beautiful strawberry shaded nipple as erect and hard as a little clit.

He uttered a soft grunt at her sharp cry, drawing on her, loving the taste and feel of the tightly furled bud.

She clawed at his shoulders, writhing under him. “Yes, yes, God, yes.”

He delicately clamped her nipple between his teeth.

“Yes. Harder.”

He rocked the tip and lashed it with his tongue.

“Oh. The other one,” she begged with a breaking sob. She fisted her fingers in his T-shirt, yanking, tugging at it.

He released her nipple and pushed himself up.

“No,” she cried.

He gripped the back of his T-shirt and pulled it off over his head, tossing it aside. “I want to feel your skin on mine,” he murmured, and teased her other nipple.

She gave herself so completely over to the torment of his mouth. He could feel her fingernails on his shoulders. The harder she scored, the deeper he drew on her nipple. They fed off each other, off the ecstatic storm of their emotions. She cried his name, rolled her head back and forth on the blanket, stiffened, and covered her mouth with the back of her hand. He felt her orgasm in the vibration of the guttural groan from deep in her belly.

His heart soared, his lips tipped in an elated smile. Just giving her this pleasure satisfied him more than he thought possible. She was an amazing combination of reluctance and responsiveness. She thought her age might make her less attractive? Ha!


A Promise at Dawn is available at Amazon

Amazon Reviews: 

“Good short story! Faye and Gil have very hot chemistry, and their story is heartwarming. I was surprised at the character development in such a short offering. Faye had suffered such a huge loss, and we were drawn in along on her new path in life.”

“Ms Quinn paints a detailed portrait of a woman re-awakening after the loss of her husband. Her emotional state is handled quite deftly. This story has pathos, passion and humor woven together. Gil and Faye’s story unfolds quickly and it’s a scorcher.”


Sensual fantasies were locked in my mind for years until a friend said, “Why don’t you write them down?” Why not, indeed? One spiral notebook, a pen and the unleashing of my imagination later, and here I am with more than a dozen books published. The craft of writing erotic romance has become my passion and my niche in life. I love every part of the creative process — developing characters, designing the plot, even drawing the layout of physical spaces from my stories. My careers have been varied — third grade school teacher, bookkeeper, secretary — none of which gave me a bit of inspiration. But now I’m lucky enough to write romance full time — the best job in the universe!

Jane Leopold Quinn
My Romance:  Love With a Scorching Sensuality  +

Jodi Redford: Perfect Chemistry
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014

There’s no question that ménage is one of my favorite subgenres of erotic romance to read and write.  To date, I have nine published books that feature a ménage in one form or another, and I’m in the process of adding even more to the list. Despite my modest little catalog of threesomes—or maybe because of it—I get asked quite often why I choose to write ménages into my stories. Most of the time the question comes from non-romance-reading friends, and I suspect they’re hoping I’ll spill the news that I’m writing these books from real life experience and have been hiding a third partner in the closet all these years. Which is totally true. But I do occasionally allow them out of the closet to eat and do the dishes. I’m not a complete slave master. Yeesh.

But I digress. The main reason I love to write these books is because of the challenge creating a love story for three or more people and what they bring to the table. Face it, making a relationship work between two is tough. Adding a third or more to the mix puts you up against what seems like insurmountable odds. You have societal pressure that comes from existing in a relationship outside the norm. Your own internal pressure of dealing with emotions that extend beyond just you and another. How can you even make that work? If there’s already an established relationship, what happens when you open that door to another? Will the relationship suffer, or grow?

As you see, lots of compelling conflict to spark the ole muse. In my latest ménage, Perfect Chemistry, I take it one step further by exploring the steamy implications of an office place threesome. Although my heroine, Sidney, has a bit of a wild girl past, lusting after her bosses is something that she’s desperate to put the kibosh on. But fate and a closed-circuit camera are about to turn her world upside down…


Perfect Chemistry


Available from Amazon

When it comes to sexy geeks, Leo Martinez and Devlin Hawke are as hot as they get. But falling for the wrong guy has always been Sidney Chase’s forte. She’s not about to submit to her inner bad girl by giving in to her secret fantasies about her sex-on-a-stick bosses. When she’s accidentally exposed to the supercharged aphrodisiac in their lab, Sidney tosses aside her inhibitions and unknowingly provides her bosses with an eye-popping display of self lovin’ courtesy of the office security cameras. Despite their mutual craving for Sidney, Leo and Devlin made a pact long ago to keep her off-limits. The last thing they’d wanted was to scare off their best PA by overwhelming her with their kinky tendencies. Witnessing the arousing effects of their aphrodisiac elixir on Sidney changes everything. Not only is she the answer they’ve been looking for in regards to fine-tuning their formula, she’s the perfect woman for them. And with a little help from one helluva sinful science experiment, they’ll prove that love is far more potent than anything manufactured in a bottle. Warning: This red-hot office romance contains 3 parts sizzling m/f/m menage, 2 parts sexy and sweet geeks, one part wicked bondage and sex toys, and a whole lot of combustible chemistry. Safety glasses required.


At the ripe age of seven, Jodi Redford penned her first epic, complete with stick figure illustrations. Sadly, her drawing skills haven’t improved much, but her love of fantasy worlds never went away. These days she writes about fairies, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures, only with considerably more heat. She has won numerous contests, including The Golden Pen and Launching a Star. When not writing or working the day job, she enjoys gardening and way too many reality television shows. She loves to hear from readers. You can email her at and visit her online at and her blog . You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter. Jodi’s Amazon Author Page.

Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors is here!
Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

I’m late posting this! We’ve been covered up in company and sick babies. I finally have some “me” time!

HHWW is here! It should be on all the online sites and making its way to the brick and mortar stores. If it’s not stocked at your favorite bookstore, be sure to ask why not! If you’d like a hint of what’s inside the covers, be sure to check out the Hot Highlanders and Wild Warriors website for excerpts and to meet the authors. If you’d like to see the names of the winners of the countdown prizes, look in the messages below.

Happy reading! DD

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