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Monday, August 25th, 2014
When deciding what to write next, I consult one of my many voices to see who has the most to say and is the loudest in my head. Once I have that character, I have them gather the rest of the cast and crew together and then my kick ass hero(s) have to whoop some ass to get the rest of the voices to settle down and wait their turn. If he didn’t ride herd on them, I’d never be able to hear my hero and the others tell me what to write.
Lately the voices have been pulling me in a different direction that has me a little worried. I love writing just about any subject except pure inspirational or what some call chick lit. I’m also not very good at young adult. Just about anything else is fair game. The problem I’m finding with the way the characters have me leaning is that some of it is much darker than what I’m writing right now. All of my books have, had, and always will have happy endings, but some of these stories follow hard journeys to get them where they need to be.
I can’t help but wonder what readers think about books like this. Do they like them or hate them. Do they enjoy one every once in a while, but prefer the lighter ones? I think that there is a group of readers who enjoy them from the huge amount of biker and cage fighting books I’m seeing rise to the top of the top seller lists, but is it something I want to write?
What are your favorite type of books, the light hearted ones, the ones with a little suspense or angst written in, or the ones where the characters are tortured and look as if they will never be able to get together but finally do? It takes all kinds of writers to meet the needs of readers out there, but it takes all types of readers to support some of the niche writers too. How far from your favorite type of book do you explore when looking for something different? Will you go out of your normal comfort zone to try something or do you stick with what you like and that’s it?
I look at it like a favorite restaurant. Do you try different dishes all the time or do you get the same exact one every time you eat there? Maybe you choose something different every third time you go, or maybe you try something from someone else’s plate to see if you might like to try it for yourself. I think readers do that, too. When they want to try something new but don’t want to buy it in case they didn’t like it, they sometimes borrow a friend’s book or browse the Amazon free books to see what is out there.
When the voices tell me to write, I write. But sometimes, what I write ends up sitting on a jump drive until I have the courage to bring it out and find a place it will fit. Sometimes, it never sees the light of day. If I try to ignore the strongest voices in my head to strain to hear the ones I want to listen to, they wait for me to fall asleep and torture me in my dreams. Sometimes, they just keep me awake and wear me down until I give in and write their story.
Regardless of who wins or cheats to be heard, I have to write. I have to get them out of my head and onto the paper. Going more than a couple of days without doing that will have me climbing the walls and banging my head against them in an effort to shut those pesky characters up long enough for me to get back to the computer. Writing for me is like good drugs for someone with a personality disorder. They help me tell the difference between the ones to listen to and the ones to ignore.
Follow her on Twitter @MarlaMonroe1
Facebook www.facebook.com/marla.monroe.7
You can find her books at https://www.bookstrand.com/marla-monroe
Or at Amazon https://amzn.to/1o3gqq6
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Barbara Berry - Pansy Petal - Sharon Chalk -
Sunday, August 24th, 2014
Between 2002 and 2008, I was highly involved in Romance Writers of America (RWA). For few years, I was on the local chapter board and served as the events coordinator for a couple of those. I loved my monthly meetings and the connections and relationships it fostered. And friendships. I went to our local biannual retreat and attended multiple nation conferences, traveling across the country to Dallas, Denver, Reno, New York, Atlanta, San Francisco.
I participated in online chapters, which were still just getting off the ground, and in 2007 I was part of the group of dedicated and talented ladies who founded Passionate Ink and coordinated out first ever chapter event at the Atlanta Aquarium during conference that year. For those who don’t know, Passionate Ink is RWA’s erotic romance chapter, and getting acceptance all those years ago was no easy feat.
I was part of the ‘rising’ crowd, I think <grin>, having scored a top notch agent, made sales to multiple traditional publishers, sold rights overseas, had books get book club selections. I didn’t need to pitch books or ideas since I had an agent to do that for me and books under contract already, so that freed me up to just learn and have fun. I sipped cocktails and giggled with coveted editors, I danced after the Rita’s with them, too. I had a great time at the conferences and thought my career was on cloud nine.
And then, in the fall of 2007 the bottom fell out on my world. I should have seen it coming. Actually, I should have made it happen half a decade sooner. My marriage had been bad for years, but I suffered in silence, keeping that part of my life a secret. I never thought I’d have the courage to leave my ex-husband and I was resigned to a life of sadness and loneliness. I may have suffered, but my characters did not. All the pain and anguish and emotion, I felt over years of a bad marriage was poured into my books.
But in the fall of 2007 my ex-husband acted out against my oldest child. I was resigned to being a wife in this life, I was not resigned to being a mother in it, too. I left him, but the next few years weren’t easy. I could write an entire blog post about the following years, hell, I could write a book about them, but this post isn’t about my personal life, it’s about my experiences with RWA.
Over the next year, I tried to hang onto my RWA friendships and relationships. I tried to write through my suffering, finished out what remained on my contracts, and attended conference in July 2008, but writing was already taking a back burner by then. Life was messy and complicated and difficult.
Months slipped into years. Six of them, actually. During those six years, I found my joy again. Lost weight, found a day job, met an amazing man, had a new baby, went back to college, and though characters drifted by to say hello, I didn’t have any stories scratching to be set free. I thought I’d lost the need to write and since I was happy, I didn’t need to pour my sorrow out on the page. But I missed the relationships and friendships. I missed the feeling of a story burning to be written. I missed the feeling and elation of writing ‘The End’.
In the spring of 2013, I began to write again. I self-published a few stories and did fairly well navigating a brand new world of writing and publishing. We’re in a new time and so much has changed since I quietly backed away from writing and publishing. In 2007 erotic romance was seen as the red-headed step-child, but now those hot stories are mainstream and bestsellers. Small presses and self-publishing was frowned upon. But now Amazon rules the market.
So this year, I decided to venture back into the world I’d been so deeply rooted in, so in love with, so involved with. This year, I went to San Antonio to Romance Writers of America’s national conference.

It was exactly how I remembered. But everything was different. Girlfriends I had before who were just starting their careers when I was are now super stars in this industry, or they’re gone, not having the thick skin needed to sustain. And there are so many new faces.
I felt brand new. I knew what to expect, how to navigate a conference, but the people had changed, attitudes about publishing had changed, acceptance of my genre had changed. I was in a weird space. I am an award winning multi-published author, and yet, I am a nobody. I belonged there, but didn’t feel like I belonged. It was a strange feeling. I’ve been home for a few days now and it’s still surreal.
So much about RWA is the same. The same amazing classes, the same authors using classes to self-promote, the same talented speakers, the same giving agents, and sought-after editors. I saw them all, recognized them, but doubted that they remembered me. Some I had partied with, drank and danced with, but right now, right this minute, I am a newbie and not in the ‘in crowd’.
What’s different now is that I have confidence in my ability to write. I know I belong in this world. Whereas before, I was scared and insecure, I am now a confident woman sure of what I want and what I want to is to be back in the loving arms of Romance Writers of America. This is the world in which I belong. Sure, I adore the control of self-publishing and admire those doing it full time and on their own, but I yearn for my old friendships and relationships born from my time involved with RWA.
So while everything remains the same, everything is also different. And I am going to EMBRACE those differences!
Hello RWA and readers. Get ready, because I’m BACK!
~Renee Luke
Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pat Freely - amberdawnbell - Pansy Petal - Vivi Anna -
Saturday, August 23rd, 2014
For those of you who don’t know, I have interests other than writing my own stories. Years ago, my sister and I decided we wanted to do something to share what we’d learned about the writing biz because we’d bumped along the hard way without much support. The publishing industry is cruel enough. Why not offer writers a place where they can hone their skills before they enter the fray? Why not give them a safe place to ask questions and make friends?
I came up with the name “Rose’s Colored Glasses.” Rose was a morphing of my sister and I. She wore large rose-colored glasses, through which she saw the stories living inside her mind come to life. Our mother drew the cartoon character of Rose; sis developed a website, and we invited some of our closest friends to join us.
We offer online courses, some of them for free, but all at very reasonable prices. We travel to writing groups and provide in-person plotting bootcamps. We host and organize an online critique group.
In September, we will start our next interactive, online, at-your-own-pace Plotting Bootcamp—a month-long endeavor that is so popular, we have many writers return again and again to plot their next novels. It doesn’t matter whether you are a seasoned author or a newbie without a clue where to start, you will find value in our process!
What you can expect:
CHARACTER Strengthening exercises
Breaking through the STORY STRUCTURE stronghold
Battling the PLOT LINES
We do more in one month than some people do all year!
Get tough! Get motivated! Get Plotting!
Join your Drill Instructors, Elle James and Delilah Devlin to learn a methodical approach to harness your creativity in order to produce an in-depth plot for your next novel.
Sound scary? It is!!!! Especially when you’re staring at an empty page without a compass and a map to guide you through the novelistic jungle. Your DIs will lead you through four weeks of tactics, exercises and training that will help strengthen your abilities. Elle and Delilah will accomplish this with weekly lessons, bi-weekly chats and daily online communication.
Join us for bivouac in September—now that the kids are back in school! We will be leading a month-long plotting bootcamp. How’s our workshop different from every other one out there? We provide feedback and brainstorming every step of the way.
Here’s a description of the class. It’s a great time to join, especially if you plan to do NaNoWriMo in November.
Your DIs (Drill Instructors): Elle James and Delilah Devlin
Dates: Sept 1-28
Cost: $45.00—cheap, considering everything you get!
What can you look forward to during Plotting Bootcamp? Learn a methodical approach to harness your creativity in order to produce an in-depth plot for your next novel! Sound scary? It is-when you’re staring at an empty page without a compass and a map to guide you through the novelistic jungle. Your DIs will lead you through four weeks of activities that will help strengthen your abilities to: capture the conflicts, the major plot line and subplots; deepen your knowledge of your characters; and conceive of and develop an in-depth, by-chapter description of your book. Elle and Delilah will accomplish this with weekly lessons, bi-weekly chats and daily online communication. Be ready for bivouac!
Interested? Follow this link to sign up: Rose’s Plotting Bootcamp
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Friday, August 22nd, 2014
One of my earliest memories is of a plane ride. I remember being very small, looking out the windows into bright sunlight on the way to Jamaica. My family is Jamaican, and so I was well into adulthood before I realized how different that travel memory was from those of my friends who’ve been to the island. They described a kind of party atmosphere on the plane and at the airport, a merriment rising from lots of honeymooners and tourists getting ready to start an island adventure. When I finally flew into Montego Bay, I understood what they were talking about.
All this time I’d been flying into Kingston. For my family, there was still the experience of joy, but without all the fanfare that goes with Montego Bay. Traveling into Kingston means you’re traveling like the locals.
Even without the luxury, though, I love vacationing in Jamaica’s local authenticity for a few great reasons.
1. The food’s fantastic. I’ve never been to one of those all-inclusive resorts, so I can’t speak to what the food there is like. I can tell you, however, that the meals I’ve had in some of the island’s roadside stops are some of the best I’ve ever eaten. Delicious doesn’t begin to describe the freshness of ingredients that were literally growing on trees earlier that day. Breadfruit roasted in its husk. A mango’s slippery golden flesh. Fluffy yellow ackee, mixed with slivers of saltfish and rich green callaloo. I could write about it all day if it weren’t already making me hungry.
2. The scenery’s breathtaking. On my last trip, my family took a day trip to the riverside. We spent an afternoon wading in cool water so clear I could see the tiny stones of the riverbed, and we watched a little group of elderly gentlemen playing dominoes on a tree stump. Later that week, I watched waves crashing against rocky cliffs at my uncle’s place, where the sea was a dark sapphire blue. And one night, from the hilltop near yet another uncle’s home, I looked over the water at Cuba’s city lights, as they flickered out in one of the neighboring island’s frequent blackouts.
3. Diversity. Remember the Volkswagen ad from a couple of Super Bowls ago? The one with the white guy speaking to his coworkers in the Jamaican accent? I remember shaking my head over the controversy that briefly surrounded that ad. So many people took offense at the idea that a white person would dare to take up a Jamaican accent, when the reality is that the island is home to many, many white Jamaicans. The island’s motto — out of many, one people — is very much alive on Jamaica. Jamaicans from Great Britain, India, China, and locations all over the world have contributed to the island’s inimitable mix of cultures for hundreds of years.
I’ve been fortunate to see the Jamaica that lies outside the resorts, and I’m hoping to share a little peek at it with Turnabout Day. In just a few pages, you’ll get to visit a sugarcane estate, have a taste of Jamaican cuisine, and meet a hot Scot who left Jamaica after a period of indentured servitude. The story might be set in a Jamaica that never was, but I think it’s true to a Jamaica that’s very real and not so far away.
In the story, sugarcane heiress Chloe Newton said goodbye to indentured servant Peter Darrow with her first kiss, on a hillside one long-ago summer night as mechanized cane cutters worked the fields below them. Now Peter’s returned, no longer a boy and no one’s servant, to take charge of the fleet of machines that work Chloe’s estate. On Turnabout Day, Chloe takes on the uniform and duties of a maid, and she seeks the courage to offer Peter more than a celebratory drink. By giving in to his commands, she’ll surrender to his need and become mistress of her own desire.
Here’s just a touch of the action:
“Listen to me, Chloe,” he whispered before releasing her hand. “I won’t be like those rich boys you’re used to. I won’t treat you as if you’re made of glass.”
His promise, his desire-laden voice, made all her empty places ache, and she sighed. He slid his hands down her bare arms.
“Tonight, you must do as I say, love. You must do anything I say. Is that what you want, Chloe?”
She flattened her hand against his chest. “What do you think?”
He leaned down toward her, moving with a torturous slowness, and she pressed her lips to his. Her skin burned where it met his. The smooth, soft surface of his generous mouth teased her. Need erupted in her, and she fought the desire to wrap her arms around him.
He pulled away from her. “Chloe, kiss me. Kiss me.”
She pulled him to her and kissed him hard, the way she’d wanted other men to kiss her. She locked her mouth to his, but she’d only begun to ease his mouth open when he parted his lips for her. Then he took control, his tongue eagerly taking possession of her mouth.
Oh, yes. Yes!
Turnabout Day arrives at Musa Publishing today; pick it up for a short trip into Jamaica’s alternate history! And be sure to catch up with me on Facebook, on my website, or on Lady Smut every Sunday morning. I’d love to hear from you!
The buy link:
My Facebook page: www.facebook.com/alexajday
The website: www.alexajday.com
Lady Smut: www.ladysmut.com
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Alexa Day -
Thursday, August 21st, 2014
Hello sexy people!
For those who don’t know me, I’m A.M. Griffin and I write smexy stories of alien abductions, vanilla stories about invasions and teenage love and I’ve just added sexy paranormal wolf shifters to my repertoire. Not only am I excited about starting a new series and taking readers on an adventure into my new paranormal world, but I’m also excited to be able to share it along with ten other authors, Amy Ruttan, Anya Richards, Cynthia D’Alba, Danica Avet, Felice Fox, Jennifer Kacey, Lynne Silver, Sabrina York, Sayde Grave and Tina Donahue. We’re all showcasing our eleven NEW novellas in the multi-author box-set, Brought To His Knees.
Brought To His Knees

$.99 cents for a limited time only—pick up you copy today!
Click here for BUY LINKS
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one.
This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower.
I’m not the only author in this set to be excited about their new novella. I asked them each this question:
What excites you about your story?
A.M. Griffin, Dark Wolf Enterprises:
I like the action and adventure Dark Wolf Enterprises. I also like that two people, Kristof and Trudy, who are meant to be together can conquer all odds to give love a try. And I’m also excited about the prospect of their being more installments to Dark Wolf Enterprises, especially the follow-up, Lover Claimed. While not all of the subsequent stories will follow the same story line, I’m excited to see what else is going on in pack life and what troubles may bring.
Amy Ruttan, Burning Bridges:
Cowboys! LOL All kidding aside, I love that I was able to set this is in one my favorite places and that’s Alberta. My sister-in-law lives out there, she’s a vet and owns a lot of land. She’s been a great source of inspiration and advice.
Anya Richards, Three Strikes:
This story is one I’ve wanted to write for a long time. Like many of my stories, it explores the effect the past can have on people’s lives, and what it takes—the courage, strength and resolve—to accept yourself as you are and move forward into happiness.
Cynthia D’Alba, A Cowboy’s Seduction:
A Cowboy’s Seduction combines two of my favorite settings…a ranch and a Caribbean resort. I love that both the hero and heroine are on vacations “forced” on them by their families…for their own good. Both characters are removed from their everyday lives, which frees them up to explore a new relationship without the prying eyes of family and friends. And everything is all fun and games, until it’s not.
Danica Avet, A Taste of Sin:
Everything! No, really. I guess it’s that these two characters have a solid friendship before anything wild happens. They know each other. Or think they know each other so well, but when the veil of friendship is removed, that’s when they both realize there’s more to what they have than just buddies.
Felice Fox, The Sound of Your Name:
The Sound of Your Name is a backstage VIP pass to the sexy side of the pro bull riding circuit. Bull riders are rebels. They’re cocky and manly and badass and I love trying to figure out what makes them tick. As a human, I fear for their safety. But the primal part of me can’t look away. I’m excited to get a close-up of all of it in this story, and I like making them have some dirty, rockin’ sex. That’s the best part.
Jennifer Kacey, Beneath The Pages:
I’ve had this started for probably two years and LOVED having a reason and opportunity to finish it. Love the story, love the two sides of the same coin finding each other. And the dirty sex didn’t hurt my feelings either.
Lynne Silver, Cruising For Love:
I love the setting. I recently took my first cruise, and I loved being out in the ocean. Everyday was an adventure, and the scenery was so gorgeous.
Sabrina York, Whipped:
Well, first of all, being in a collection with a group of phenomenal hot authors is exciting in itself! What I love about Whipped is the steamy seduction, the pull and push from two dominant personalities in conflict (in bed and out). The humor this conflict brings to light is rather delightful too. Oh. And Dane Coulter. He excites me as well. 😉
Sayde Grace, Chief Sin:
The emotion. Yes, this story has a great sexual current throughout it but what I hope readers will feel is the emotions of my characters. They’ve been through hell as teenagers and now they’re finally finding their way back to each other thanks to some meddling from their brothers
Tina Donahue, Make Me Surrender:
The interplay between Travis, Dutch and Mercy. She’s known them for over a year, but they’ve always treated her like their kid sister until she turns the tables on them, making a proposition they simply can’t refuse.
About the Authors
A.M. Griffin:
A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies. ARC for new books are here. Sign up for my newsletter to receive info and giveaways.
Find Me Here:
Amy Ruttan:
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Amy fled the big city to settle down with the country boy of her dreams. When she’s not furiously typing away at her computer, she’s a mom to three children. Life got in the way, and after the birth of her second child, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a romance author.
Find me here:
Twitter: @ruttanamy
Anya Richards:
Multi-published author Anya Richards lives with her husband, youngest kid, a mutt, and two cats that plot world domination one food bowl at a time. The humans support her writing while the animals see her preoccupation as a goad. Insatiably curious and irreverent, Anya loves history, music, the sea and a good rum punch. To learn more drop by Anya’s website www.anyarichards.com or follow her on Twitter @AnyaRwrites.
Cynthia D’Alba:
Award winning author Cynthia D’Alba was born and raised in Arkansas. After being gone for seventeen years, she’s thrilled to be back home living on the banks of an eight-thousand acre lake. When she’s not reading, writing or plotting, she’s doorman for her two dogs, cook, housekeeper and chief bottle washer for her husband and slave to a noisy, messy parrot. She loves to chat online with friends and fans.
Find me here:
Twitter: @CynthiaDAlba
Danica Avet:
Danica Avet was born and raised in the wilds of South Louisiana where mosquitoes are big enough to carry off small children and there are only two seasons: hot and hotter. With a BA in History, she figured there were enough fry cooks in the world and decided to try her hand at writing. When she isn’t writing, working or contemplating the complexities of the universe, she spends time gathering inspiration from her insane family, reads far more than any sane person would want to and watches hot, burly men chase an oblong ball all over a field.
Find Me Here:
Felice Fox:
Felice is a big fan of bluegrass and country, and a lover of all things woodsy and romantic. Her cowboys have been described as “a danger to panties everywhere” (Herding Cats & Burning Soup) and “not for the faint of heart” (Fresh Fiction). Felice lives, loves and occasionally sends out naughty text messages from Silver Lake, California.
For a free copy of Felice’s Amazon #1 bestseller It’s Just Sext, sign up here.
Find me here:
Jennifer Kacey:
Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in the great state of Texas. She writes contemporary, adores menage, but regardless of the number of partners each tale she weaves will come with a full side order of kink. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Find Me Here:
Facebook Profile:https://www.facebook.com/jenniferkaceyauthor
Lynne Silver:
By day, Lynne lives the suburban soccer mom life; volunteering with the PTA, doing laundry and working. By night she enters the sensuous world of alpha males and passionate heroines. She lives in an old fixer-upper with her husband and their two sons. When not writing romance, she reads it. Lots of it. Over and over and over again, preferably with a bag of M&Ms in hand.
Find me here:
Twitter: @LynneSilver
FB Fanpage:www.facebook.com/LynneSilverAuthor
Sabrina York:
Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, is the award winning author of over 20 hot, humorous stories for smart and sexy readers. Her titles range from sweet & sexy erotic romance to scorching BDSM. Visit her webpage atwww.sabrinayork.com to check out her books, excerpts and contests, to download her free Teaser Book and enter to win the royal tiara
Find me here:
Facebook Author Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/SabrinaYorkBooks
Twitter @sabrina_yorkhttps://twitter.com/sabrina_york
Sayde Grace:
A native of South Alabama Sayde Grace was raised among the cotton fields and dirt roads of the south. A lifelong story teller, Sayde began writing full time five years ago. Her books range from romantic suspense to erotica. Growing up in the equine and cattle industry have given her a behind the scenes knowledge of the industry.
Find me here:
Tina Donahue:
Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist for Samhain, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, and Kensington. Her romances have been finalists in the EPIC competition, named Book of the Year at a French review site, received Awards of Merit in the Holt Medallion competitions, and won second place in the NEC RWA contests. Tina is featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market and is a total chocoholic.
Find me here:
FB Fanpage:https://www.facebook.com/TinaDonahueBooks
Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: A. M. Griffin -
Wednesday, August 20th, 2014
Brought to His Knees
Available for a Limited Time for $0.99! Don’t miss out on this AMAZING Boxed-Set from some of your favorite erotic authors. That’s 11 stories…in one book…from sweet to sizzling and everywhere in between!!!
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one.
This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower.
Enter with anticipation. Finish satisfied…
Amazon | B&N | ITunes | Goodreads
Beneath the Pages
Jennifer Kacey
One wicked night with her did nothing but whet his appetite. Now he’ll settle for nothing less than her complete submission.
Acacia owns and runs Fame, one of the hottest celebrity magazines in the country. She survives on convincing the rich and famous to reveal things they would normally do anything to keep hidden. She lives, eats and breathes the magazine. Day in and day out. She has no life, nothing to keep in the dark. Nothing but the night she gave herself over to the one man she never should have wanted.
Radigan, the most sought after actor in Hollywood, wants her again, and won’t take no for an answer. He had her for one night. Several hours of the best sex of his entire life, but she was gone the next morning before the sun had fully risen. His attempts to contact her have gone unanswered. Everything he’s tried so far has been a miserable failure. But he finally knows what to do to slip beneath the pages of her heart.
This time he’s playing for keeps and the exclusive rights to her body, heart and soul.
Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – https://www.jenniferkacey.com/
Blog – The Decadent Divas – https://www.thedecadentdivas.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kacey.7
Facebook Author Page – https://www.facebook.com/jenniferkaceyauthor
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JenniferKacey
Amazon Page – https://www.amazon.com/Jennifer-Kacey/e/B00GXHUB30/ref=s9_simh_gw_p351_d9_al1?_encoding=UTF8&refinementId=618073011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0G8ZPDQJVKJPKXNBRY10&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6941549.Jennifer_Kacey
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/jenniferkacey/
Other stories in the collection…
Sabrina York – NY Times and USA Today Best Selling Author
A scalding attraction. An irresistible passion. A pity she’s the one woman he can never have…
Make Me Surrender
Tina Donahue
When it comes to two of the hottest guys in town, she has a proposition…to win their attention, passion, hearts.
A Cowboy’s Seduction
Cynthia D’Alba
One exhausted cowboy + One uptight account x A tropical resort = A hot seduction. But who is seducing whom?
Dark Wolf Enterprises
A.M. Griffin
Murder, mayhem and imprinting with a hot wolf shifter… And they say being an accountant is boring.
Building Bridges
Amy Ruttan
A vet tech and a lone wolf rancher ride out a sudden storm, but can they weather the emotions they stir up in each other…
Three Strikes
Anya RichardsTwo lonely men. One secret affair. Irresistible passion that will push them both to the breaking point, and beyond.
Born to Sin
Danica Avet
A tomboy in love makes a desperate attempt to seduce her best friend and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. But this Alpha male isn’t easily tamed and has secrets that could very well tear them apart.
The Sound of Your Name
Felice Fox
Their silent erotic encounters change his luck and awaken his soul, but secrets and cowboy superstitions can only keep them apart.
Cruising for Love
Lynne Silver
A vacation cruise comes with surprises—like the BDSM theme and her high school love, the one man she can’t resist.
Chief Sin
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A taste of Sin isn’t enough. Instead she wants all of him, including the heart she once broke.
#BTHK 11 author hot/steamy box-set availble a@B&N for pre-order. Limited time only! #Nook ow.ly/zzOwe @JenniferKacey @SabrinaYork
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Last 5 people who had something to say: Pansy Petal - Sharon Chalk - Jennifer Kacey -
Tuesday, August 19th, 2014
Who Doesn’t Want a Man Brought to His Knees by Love? Eleven Scorching Stories for 99¢
I was thrilled when my latest venture, the Hot Alpha SEALs Megaset, hit the New York Times and USA Today Bestseller lists and I am very excited about my next release, a collection of steamy stories about men brought to their knees by love. Check out a taste of my story, and read on for more teasers from the collection.
Brought to his Knees Box Set
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways than one. This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower. Enter with anticipation. Finish satisfied…
By Sabrina York
Dane Coulter is mourning the loss of his best friend, fellow Special Ops buddy, Cody. Oh, Cody didn’t die. It’s worse. He’s getting married. Cody is, in Dane’s opinion,whipped.
Dane swears he will never suffer the same fate. But when he meets a woman who can take all his dominant loving and beg for more, he realizes he may have met his match. It’s a damn shame she’s the one woman in the world his man-code deems untouchable…his best friend’s sister.
Read an Excerpt (18+ Only, Please—this is steamy stuff)
He was bigger than he’d been in high school. Bigger, taller and just…more. His muscles, lacquered by a tight black tee shirt, bulged. Tattoos danced over his biceps. The planes of his face were angled. High cheekbones, dark brows, long blade of a nose all the same, but sharper. His eyes hadn’t had those shadows back then either, that predatory glint. His hair—his thick mop of curls—was gone, shaved off, revealing the perfect shape of his head. His chin, however, wasn’t shaved. It was covered by a smattering of dark fuzz. A scar on his cheek, rather than detracting from his looks, made him even more fascinating, dangerous.
And he smelled…delicious. As he moved, his cologne, a clean enticing scent, enveloped her in a cloud.
Oh, he was dangerous all right.
She didn’t care.
The slight buzz from the margaritas at the bachelorette party, the sexual sizzle ignited by the strippers who’d burst in on their party wearing camo fatigues with rip-away crotches, all contributed to her bravado.
In real life she would never hook arms with some random guy and sashay by his side to his room. But hell. This was Dane. The man of her fantasies. And, judging from the hunger in his expression as he looked down at her, the heat that passed between them where they touched, he wanted her.
Thank God she wasn’t still the dorky teen with braces she’d been when they’d last met.
She looked amazing tonight. He happened to wander by and notice her. No one else was around. And he wanted her.
It was as though, somehow, magically, all the stars had aligned.
There was no way—no way—she would miss this opportunity.
Excitement danced low in her gut as he swiped his room key and led her into his suite. It was a nice suite—not as sumptuous as Angie’s, but nice all the same—with a small sitting area and an enormous king bed. The windows looked out on the sparkling lights of the City that Never Slept. Or one of them.
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked, taking off his watch and dropping it on the table by the door. It drew her attention to his forearms, thick and muscled and sprinkled with dark hairs. They were roped with thick veins. She’d always had a thing for bulky forearms. And she’d always had a thing for Dane. The combination was irresistible.
She tipped her head to the side and blew a bubble with her gum. “Margarita?”
He waved at the glossy wood armoire against the wall. “I have a mini bar. It’ll have to be shots. What’s your poison?”
“Tequila then.” Might as well keep a good thing going.
He hunkered down and searched through the fridge, pulling out a tiny bottle of tequila for her and whiskey for him. He cracked them open and dumped them unceremoniously into two glasses and handed her hers. No ice or anything.
Good thing it didn’t matter to her, or she’d be pissed at his cavalier attitude. The drink was lubricant, a time filler. They were dancing around a seduction, and they both knew it.
Apparently seduction was not necessary. Because Dane took a swig of his drink and said, with no preface whatsoever, “So do you have any no-nos?”
She gaped at him. “No-nos?”
“Anything you won’t do? Because I’ll be frank. I like a little kink.”
Holy God.
First of all, the heat scorching her was mind-numbing. Literally. Mind. Numbing. Those brash words from Dane’s gorgeous lips and she nearly lost her balance.
Second of all—he liked kink.
So, in fact, did she. Nothing super dark, but a little slap and tickle for sure.
“Um…” She took a sip of her drink. She shuddered as the harsh bite of liquor burned through her. It clashed with the flavor of her gum. “What kind of kink are we talking about?”
He strode to his suitcase and fished around, pulling out a long leather strap with two loops on the ends. Her eyes fixated on it. She shuddered.
“I want to tie you up,” he said, his voice low, taunting, as though he expected her to squeak like a mouse and scuttle from the room.
The. Fuck.
“Hmm. I think I can handle that.”
“I’ll probably smack your bottom.”
Also good. She tried not to flinch in anticipation. His hand on her ass? Gawd.
“I won’t hurt you, though. I’m not into that. And of course, I’ll use protection.” He held up a pack of condoms.
Well da-ham. He’d come prepared. A smile curled on her lips.
“Billy said your fee’s been paid.” His brow quirked.
The smile froze on Tina’s face. A combination of horror and rage and something else altogether snarled through her, as she realized how right she’d been. Not only did he not recognize her—after knowing her her entire life, for pity sake—he thought she was a hooker.
Granted, she did kind of look like a hooker, with makeup plastered on as if with a trowel. But still…
She glanced at him from beneath the impossibly long lashes The Master had glued to her lids. Not her style, but she liked the way they looked. The way they made her feel…like someone else. Someone sultry and daring. Someone Dane would want.
To tie up and spank.
Aside from that, the temptation to have him, taste him, fuck him, ran rampant in her. For years she’d fantasized about her older brother’s best friend. All through puberty and long after that. Every man she’d met, dated or been with had been gauged against Dane Coulter. None of them had measured up.
Ah yes, the temptation to have him was overwhelming.
Not to mention how much fun it would be watching him shit a brick tomorrow, when he realized who she really was.
Too delicious to pass up, really. The whole package.
He stood there in the middle of the room, holding the strap in one hand and the condoms in the other, waiting for her reply. Though he was all Dom, she couldn’t help but notice a hint of tension in him, as though he was, on some level, afraid she’d say no and waltz away.
He wanted her. And he wanted her bad. It was the heat in his eyes that gave him away, the way they flicked over her and burned with hunger. Yeah. Irresistible.
Sure. She could be a hooker for the evening.
What people are saying about WHIPPED:
“5 Stars—Whipped by Sabrina York was so good, LOVED all the sexy scenes and then how she mixed in some humor parts. I know she’s super busy but I’m really hoping she makes this one into a series because its that good :)”—Read More Romance Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sabrina York - Pansy Petal - Sharon Chalk -