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Debra Holt: Under Texas Blue Skies
Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

Thanks to Delilah for having me as guest on her blog today. In thinking about what to write, I came up with what I hope will be something worthwhile to all new and hopeful writers-to-be.

It is difficult not to want to talk about my very first book to be published.  However, I’ll take this space I was so kindly offered to make some comments on this wild ride that has been writing and getting published as a contemporary romance author.  Many years ago, over thirty to be exact, I had the brilliant idea that I could write a romance novel.  I sat down and did just that.  Boxed it up and mailed it off to Harlequin.  I really didn’t have to wait long for a reply….about four weeks.  I saw the envelope in the mailbox and ripped it open thinking it had to be great news…they wanted my book and there would be a huge check inside.  Wrong.

The letter was a nice form letter thanking me but NO THANKS.  I was crushed.  I took my copy of the manuscript and literally boxed it and threw it under the bed in the guest room.  I never saw it again.  Long story short, I gave up on my dream of writing.  Fast forward thirty plus years and I am more mature and have done a TON of research on the romance genre.  With a gentle push (more like a hard shove) from a dear friend, I once more wrote another manuscript and this time…I submitted to a few agents.  One agent picked it up and worked with me for a few months before finally offering representation.  That is when my real ‘schooling’ began in the world of publishing.  After almost three years, I have two manuscripts sold and about to be published. That is the easy version.  It wasn’t an easy process and it was at best frustrating and worst…a nightmare.  Much the same as giving birth for the first time.

What have I learned after all this?  First and foremost…WRITE WHAT YOU LOVE TO READ.  Too often authors get in trouble and bring on a ton of frustration when we forget that simple fact.  If you can’t love what you wrote…no one else can be expected to do so.  Second, and of equal import…TRUST YOUR INSTINCT.  Let me explain it this way.  When I first jumped into publishing, I put my writing and myself one hundred per cent in the hands of others…because they knew so much more than I did.  Well…I now know the value of listening to that little voice inside me.  When I listened to others, I found myself in deals I didn’t really like, and writing in sub-genres because that is what someone else liked and wanted me to do…etc.  When I started saying hold on…and listening to what I knew and felt to be right…I was much happier and I SOLD.  That is not to say that I don’t value the opinions and experiences of others in the publishing world…I do.  There is still a lot for me to learn.  I just listen to everyone now….myself included…and make the best decision possible.

Best advice to someone who wants to become a writer?  Learn all you can about the genre you want to publish. Write only what you love to read. Trust in yourself and your instincts. Don’t give up on your dream!


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J.D. Sterling, country music’s sexy superstar, has come home again.  He has achieved his wildest dreams and did what he set out to do when he shook the dirt of the small Texas town from his boot heels a dozen years before. Now, he’s returned for the final piece of the puzzle to completing his life….the girl who holds his heart.  Mandy.

Amanda Lawson has grown up.  From sheer heartbreak to struggling to survive to becoming a shrewd businesswoman, she has taught herself to never look back.  She survived once before the wild, green-eyed cowboy with only a guitar to his name and a pocketful of dreams.  He took her heart and so much more when he left her behind with his hollow vows.

Mandy was his muse…J.D. was her dream.  Despite tragedy, can they find their way home to each other again?

Author Bio…

Born and raised in the Lone Star state of Texas, Debra grew up among horses, cowboys, wide open spaces, and real Texas Rangers.  Pride in her state and ancestry knows no bounds and it is these heroes and heroines she loves to write about the most.  She also draws upon a variety of life experiences including working with abused children, caring for baby animals at a major zoo, and owning a wedding planning business (ah, romance!).

Debra’s real pride and joys, however, are her son, an aspiring film actor, and a daughter with aspirations to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation. (more story ideas!)  When she isn’t busy writing about tall Texans and feisty heroines, she can be found cheering on her Texas Tech Red Raiders, or heading off on another cruise adventure.  She read her first romance…Janet Dailey’s Fiesta San Antonio, over thirty years ago and became hooked on the genre. Writing contemporary western romances,  is both her passion and dream come true, and she hopes her books will bring smiles…and sighs… to all who believe in happily-ever-after’s.

The Seymour Agency represents Debra and she is soon to have two contemporary romances published by Spencer Hill/Tulip Romance and Astraea Press. Debra invites you to visit her website at  She loves to hear from other aspiring authors or readers via email at Follow her on twitter @debraholtbooks and like her author page on facebook.

Delilah Does Dallas (Contest)
Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

Watch where your gutter-mind is goin’! 🙂

I’m on the road today, heading to Dallas with my dd, to pick up the 10-year-old who has been spending a month with her daddy in San Antonio. So I’ll be stuck in a car for the nine-hour round trip. Any suggestions for things we can do on our trip that will help us while away the hours? Dream up the usuals, but have some fun with your suggestions, too! I’ll give away a $5 Amazon gift card for the “best” suggestion.

A Question…
Friday, August 1st, 2014

I’m babysitting again today. So my online chatter will be to a minimum. I’ll try to fit in some new words on my current manuscript, but there’s no guarantee the 5-year old or 11-month-old will cooperate. So, I’m heading to the pages before I go to my dd’s house. I cannot wait for school to begin. Pre-school and daycare kick in at the same time in our small town. I won’t know what to do with myself with so much free time. Oh yeah…I’ll write!

For now, here’s a question for you…

If a master carpenter offered to make you a piece of furniture
for your home, what would you choose?

For me, it would be a built-in desk with bookshelves that wrapped around my office walls. Something to better utilize the space I have and make it prettier.

Keira Kohl: Wedding Brain (Contest)
Thursday, July 31st, 2014

Confession time. I’m getting married next week so I have wedding brain. Lots of stuff goes in but nothing stays because I have a plethora of lists floating around in there. This is my first (and hopefully only) wedding. I didn’t realize just how much stuff there was to do during the week before the big day. How do brides do all this without a wedding planner? If I could do it all over again I would hire a wedding planner to do all the work and the stressing.

Since it’s confession time I’ll make another one. I stopped writing romance years ago because I didn’t believe in it anymore. After years with frogs and duds I didn’t believe in the magic anymore. Until I met my fiancé. With him it was like magic, right out of a romance novel. Things progressed quickly after we met and we knew by date three that we’d get married. I love him more every day and can’t believe how lucky I am to have found him. I finally get romance novels and want to go back to my roots, with an erotic twist.

Story ideas come to me at the drop of a hat so of course with all of the wedding chaos going on I got an idea for a trilogy based on a wedding or the stages of a relationship. Or maybe it will be a series! So many ideas floating around now. There’s a lot of romance, stress, compromise, money that goes into a wedding. But the whole thing is very sexy to me too. And I’m not thinking just about the wedding night, though I can’t wait for that. 🙂

Eating can be a very sensual experience. There can be a lot of pleasure in eating a good meal and we took time to design a menu we hope our guests will enjoy. The wedding cake is chocolate orange sponge cake. Chocolate is very sexy.

All the events around the wedding bring to mind sexy thoughts as well. So many opportunities for a man and woman to find each other, have a good time and hopefully keep seeing each other. Parties, stags, bridal showers. Lately everything about the wedding brings sexy thoughts to mind so I’m taking notes for that trilogy (or series).

ccTemptinEvilCover500x800That series will be a while in coming though. First I must concentrate on getting married, then the honeymoon. In the meantime my short story collection Tempted to Sin is mostly about gratification but there is a touch of romance, especially in the last story, School Bites about high school sweethearts reunited.

In Satisfaction Guaranteed a wannabe succubus meets her match for her last assignment: The college boyfriend who broke her heart. In Scale Deep a reporter learns more than she bargained for when she discovers that dragons are real… and they walk among us. In School Bites a woman bumps into her high school crush at a reunion. Curiously he hasn’t aged a day in 15 years. When the bodies start turning up she finds out why.

I’m giving a copy of this collection to a random commenter. I’ll be back as often as I can to check replies but I am getting married next week and going on my honeymoon so I probably won’t be able to pick a winner until the last week of August. So there’s plenty of time to comment.

Bio: Keira is a former strip club bartender. Nights at the bar gave her lots of sexy ideas to work on. Working nights meant her days were free to dream up characters to put in sexy situations. Now, in the IT industry, her steamy stories are an escape from numbers and computer code. She writes thrillers, paranormals and contemporary stories, usually exploring an erotic twist. Her characters have never complained.

Her fiancé keeps her home life hot and romantic. She lives with him and their three cats.

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CC Mackenzie: Real Life Inspiration (Free Read & Contest)
Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

One of the things authors are asked over and over again is, “Where  do you get your ideas?” And our response is always the same, “Everywhere.”

Let me give you an example of everywhere. Four years ago I was sitting in the spring sunshine, outside a smart French café, chilling out and people watching with my daughters. I have two daughters of marriageable age. They’re beautiful (they’d kill me if they read that, but I’m their mother so I get to say it) independent, career-oriented, super-smart… and ruthlessly… single.

And as a contemporary romance writer having my girls and their life-long besties in my life is literary ‘gold-dust’.  You would not believe the dramas about body issues, clothes, the heartbreaks, the falling madly in love with the wrong man, I’ve witnessed over the years. Anyway, we were revelling in the vibe; listening to a language spoken faster than a speeding bullet, savouring chocolate pastries, drinking coffee shots, eyeing immaculately turned out women, beautifully dressed man candy – when my eldest daughter decided to spill all about a blind date. To say we were surprised is an understatement, because she tends to keep pretty tight-lipped about this sort of thing (probably because her mother writes romance).

Apparently, one of her work colleagues had ‘the perfect man’ for her and set-up a date. Now my daughter is nobody’s fool. She knew nothing about him, but he sounded, in her own words, ‘normal’, so she thought she’d give him a chance. However, she also decided on the venue and the time, just in case the whole thing went pear-shaped.

Meanwhile, her sister and I were sitting wide-eyed listening to the tale. I was wondering if they’d put something in her coffee because she never, ever, discusses boyfriends with me. Can’t think why.

So after work, at the appointed time on the appointed day, she arrived at the busy bar of an upmarket hotel to meet her date. First impressions were not great, apparently his hair was at least one day overdue for a wash and his fingernails were not exactly clean and bitten to the quick (she has a thing about nice hands). But she soldiered on, deciding to have one drink before she let him down gently and left. He very kindly bought her a drink, a soft drink because she was driving.

And then he sat back, gave her the once-over, his eyes lingering on her breasts, and said, “Dontcha think the rooms in this place are too expensive for a quickie?”

She blinked, opened her mouth to speak, but he beat her to it.

“You’re obviously gagging for it, love. Why don’t we drink up and find somewhere cheaper.”

It’s not often my daughter is rendered speechless, she takes after me in that respect. But she kept her cool, placed her drink on the table, and excused herself to visit the restrooms.

Once there, she took off her shoes, used a stool to step onto a big glass sink to open the window, tossed out her shoes, her handbag, climbed out (she’s bendy, she does yoga and pilates), ran to her car, and left.

By this time her sister and I, visualising the creep waiting and waiting for her to return and maybe even asking bar staff to check the toilet, were howling with laughter.

Wiping my eyes, I said, ‘Good for you, baby.’

Then, looking at us with big blue eyes, she gave us the kicker.

“That’s the second time I’ve done it. I always meet my first dates there. Last time the bar staff let me leave through the kitchens in case I broke my neck climbing out of the window.”

And right there Reckless Nights In Rome was born – download it free at stores listed below.

Reckless Nights In Rome

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Betrayed but unbroken, now she must fight to save her home and her heart!

…She’s lost everything. Her parents, her home, and her fiancé. It’s taken two years, but now Bronte has it all. A successful business, and a life that brings her happiness. But now the charismatic Italian, Nico Ferranti, wants to take it all.

Bronte isn’t looking for a fling, she certainly isn’t looking for love… will she be able to resist sweet temptation? Or is the pastry chef about to get burned…

Barnes and Noble

Now it’s your turn to spill the beans.


What’s the worst/best/funniest first date you or your bestie have had?

The world demands to know.

And the lovely Delilah, thank you for having me, will pick out a winner who will receive an eBook copy of my latest release, Desert Orchid.

cmdesertfinal copy

Think Memoirs of a Geisha meets Taken.

…A young Arabian Queen must marry a wild, wicked and wilful Desert Prince to save her people from civil unrest and protect the wealth of her Kingdom…Charisse never expected to find love with a man who looked and lived like a rock star rather than a prince…But tragic events in her past threaten to destroy her Kingdom and her life, too…Can their fragile love survive…

Barnesand Noble

Author’s Bio

cmCC 01CC was fourteen when she read her first romance – ‘The Grand Sophy’ by Georgette Heyer. And right there her future as a romance author was born. Of course, it took a while. Writing romance, she was told by her teachers, does not an income make. In order to write about the lives of others, she needed to live a very full one of her own. And she did.

Fast forward a few decades later: a husband and three children and a couple of careers, she found her fourteen year old self again. And decided to follow her dream and write a contemporary romance. Five years later and Reckless Nights In Rome, book one of The Ludlow Hall series, was published. CC loves to write about deliciously handsome men and strong women. Since then Reckless has been downloaded over 450,000 times and hit the best seller lists across thirty countries. There are now five books in the series published with two more coming very soon.

CC is also working on a paranormal romance series, The Vampyre Legal Chronicles. She loves those suckers, so watch this space!

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Road Trip — Authors After Dark in Charlotte, NC
Tuesday, July 29th, 2014


Anyone live in the Charlotte area? Next week, I’ll be there attending the Authors After Dark conference. For those of you planning to attend, I hope you’ll stop me if you see wandering the halls of the Westin hotel! And for those of you who are planning on being at the booksigning on Saturday from 1-4 PM, don’t be shy about saying hello! I won’t make you buy a book just to talk to me!

Yeah, I could have flown. Might have been smarter, but my daughter is attending with me, and one of our biggest joys in life is a road trip. It’s not the destination that thrills us, it’s the chance to jabber all along the way and the opportunity for discovery. You never know what those odd, alluring highway signs advertising “America’s Only Pearl Bed” or “Quigley’s Castle” or “World’s Largest Ball of Twine”—or anything with “Flea” and “Market” in the business name—will lead you to! So what would be a one day, 12-hour drive, will take us two on either side of the conference, because we have to have our journey.

So, what kind of traveler are you? Are you like my sister, Elle James, who will drive, barely taking stops to pee, to get to her destination, or are you a dawdler/explorer like my daughter and me?

Lisa Carlisle: Dark Velvet
Monday, July 28th, 2014

Summer is in full swing and I finally made it to the beach. I’m not much for lying on the beach, but gazing out to the ocean and listening to the sounds of the waves roll in and out is so soothing for the soul, don’t you think? Almost magical, your mind is free to wonder and create. It’s an experience I tried to capture in my latest release, Dark Velvet, which is the first part of a paranormal erotic romance series set on a remote New England island. The tormented sculptor Antoine bought a castle that was built during the tech boom in the 1990s in a medieval style. Antoine established an art colony here to bring back meaning to an existence that has lost meaning. When Savannah arrives for a residency, his game of seduction unfolds, yet his plans are derailed when she discovers his dark secret.


Dark Velvet

Chateau Seductions series

Grad student Savannah Evans is thrilled to be accepted as a resident to a prestigious art colony. Where else would she be able to focus on her craft of writing poetry in a setting like that of the medieval-styled castle? The remote New England island is a respite from her hectic city life. When she meets her benefactor, a mysterious French sculptor, her expectations for carefree days writing near the ocean are distracted by unprofessional fantasies about her sponsor.

Antoine Chevalier built Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island to bring purpose back to an existence that has lost meaning. He’s wandered the earth for decades and finds solace in returning to art. When Savannah applies for a residency, something about her words touches him. After her arrival, a physical attraction grows between them, which he struggles against. She deserves more than someone of his kind.

Antoine proposes they become lovers during her stay. But the situation turns complicated when Savannah discovers his secret. She had suspicions about his identity, but finds the truth overwhelming. Consumed by her desire for Antoine and faced with a tough decision, she is blind to the danger that has arrived at DeRoche Island.

New adult / paranormal / erotic romance

“Dark Velvet has a dark eroticism that makes you want to be Savannah. It is a book that is a good, quick and darkly thrilling read.” – Books and Beyond Fifty Shades

“Looking for a sexy vampire novel? If so, then this is definitely a must buy!”

“…insanely hot chemistry between the female protagonist Savannah & vampire Antoine.  Their intensity starts off right away and you’re not a chapter in before it takes off like a rocket. 

~ Paranormal Romance Junkies

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