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Saturday, July 26th, 2014
So many authors are at RWA this week, I’m feeling a little jealous. Especially since RWA is in San Antonio, which is my previous home town. I’m missing friends and familiar places. Ah well…
I have a question for you. Those are always fun. I love seeing your answers, but first, I want to post a few reminders…
For Writers
I have two current Calls for Submissions for short story anthologies which will be published by Cleis Press. Pay attention to those deadline dates. I am still in need of stories!
**In Vikings’ Arms — Deadline: August 10th — find details HERE
**Rogue Hearts — Deadline: September 15th — find details HERE
For Readers
I have two current releases. Both of which mean a lot to me. If you haven’t ordered them, please do. If you’re read them, please post a review or tell your friends. And thanks to those of you who already have! Mmmmwah!
 Click to Buy
 Click to Buy
The Question
If you had time, had energy, and the money to start a new hobby…
what would it be?
Posted in General | 13 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah Devlin - Ginger Robertson - Pat Freely - Jen B. - Sandra Wheeler -
Friday, July 25th, 2014
I’ve known Desiree for a long time—when I lived in San Antonio. So yeah, a few years. And I’d call her an old friend, but then you’d wonder if I meant a long-time friend or whether I was referring to her age. Don’t cringe. Desiree embraces her age. And believe me, she has more vitality and youthful exuberance than just about anybody I know. She has a book coming out in September with Kensington’s Lyrical Press, so I thought I’d share the news. ~DD
You can pre-order her book now at Amazon.

Sometimes life is not fair. For Julia Patterson meeting Luke Buchanan opened the door to a new life and brought her to life as a woman. In his arms she learns for the first time how real passion and emotion can enrich your life. He claims her body with the pleasure of erotic sex and his heart with unrestricted love. But Fate was laughing at Julia, just as she is about to step over the threshold into a wonderful new life. When her almost-ex-husband Charles is diagnosed with a fatal heart condition her divorce is put on hold along with the rest of her life. Turning her back on Luke and the intense passion and emotion they shared is the most difficult thing she’s ever done. But Julia has a secret, one that Charles has discovered and uses like a club. Thirteen years later when Luke walks back into her life the passion and emotion are just as explosive as ever. Will they finally have their chance at happiness or will her secret destroy it forever?
Luke put his drink down, stood up, and took her hand. “Dance with me.” He pulled her easily into his arms, nestling her head against his shoulder, their linked hands folded between them. They moved slowly, almost in place, in the same rhythm they’d been caught up in the last time.
Here in this cabin in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by snow and pine trees, warmed by the fire, and lulled by the music, she felt the world fall away. The rest of her life fell away and for the first time since her morning arrival at the airport she relaxed, tension sliding away from her body like a cloak someone thoughtfully removed.
“You smell wonderful,” Luke murmured in her ear. “I wish I could have bottled your scent and kept it with me to open every now and then.” He pressed her to him tightly. “God, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Julia. One night together and I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“I missed you, too,” she said, feeling the steady thud of his heart against her.
“Did you bewitch me, Julia?” His lips moved against her hair. “Did you cast a spell?”
Her laugh was unsteady. “I’m not sure I’d know how.”
“Oh, I think with you, no knowledge is even required.”
His words made her feel giddy, excited. It was the kind of nervous energy one got from dancing on a thin wire.
Luke kissed her forehead, then her cheek, sliding his mouth until he found her lips. Gently he pressed his tongue until she opened for him and met him with her tongue. The kiss went on and on as if they were fused together, sensations of heat cascading through her body. The music drifting into the room was a counterpoint to the pounding of her pulse.
Luke slid his hands beneath the knitted band of the top, drawing a sharp breath when he realized she had not put her bra back on.
“Tempting me already?” His voice was just a tiny bit unsteady.
“Hoping to.” Hers was underscored with the same slightly shaking timbre.
He cupped her bare breasts in his warm hands, caressing the soft flesh, lightly rubbing his thumbs across the nipples. They hardened almost painfully at the contact, and the same needy ache she’d felt the first time he’d touched her sizzled through her again. He gently squeezed the flesh of those mounds, his palms bearing their weight. His touch was so exquisite she could barely stifle the tiny moan vibrating in her throat.
As they danced, he continued to stroke her breasts, rubbing them, and teasing her nipples. The fire he’d lit in the fireplace was nothing compared to the one he ignited deep inside her. He brushed tiny kisses over her forehead, down the side of her face, along the column of her neck. He moved his mouth everywhere, tasting the sensitive spot on her neck that made her nerves tingle, trailing kisses along the line of her jaw, dusting her eyelids. His swollen cock pressed against her like heated steel and desire surged through her, enveloping her in a scorching grip.
The touch of his hand as he skimmed her ribs and the flat of her tummy and slipped into the waistband of her pants liquefied her bones. His caresses were like magic, turning every part of her body into an erogenous zone. And when he cupped her buttocks, sliding his fingers into the warm cleft between the cheeks she caught her breath on a rush of need. Another moan escaped her. A sigh. The more he drew his fingers through that hot place, the more rapid her breathing grew. Every pulse point throbbed with hunger, every sensitive spot begged for his attention. She wanted his touch everywhere before she exploded with need.
When at last he moved the hand around to touch her between her legs, she gasped at the electric shock coursing through her.
* * * * *
Known the world over as the oldest living author of erotic romance, and referred to by USA Today as the Nora Roberts of erotic romance, Desiree Holt is three times a finalist for an EPIC E-Book Award (and a winner in 2014), a nominee for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Award, winner of the first 5 Heart Sweetheart of the Year Award at The Romance Studio as well as twice a CAPA Award winner for best BDSM book of the year, and winner of the Holt Medallion for Excellence in Romance Literature. She has been featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The Village Voice, The Daily Beast, USA Today, The (London) Daily Mail, The New Delhi Times and numerous other national and international publications. “Desiree Holt is the most amazing erotica author of our time and each story is more fulfilling then the last.” (Romance Junkies)
Learn more about her and read her novels here:
Twitter @desireeholt
Pinterest: desiree02holt
Also on LinkedIn and Google+
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: ronnie c -
Thursday, July 24th, 2014
Hi, my name is, Janice Seagraves, and I’d like to thank Delilah for having me on her blog today.
My recent book, Matrix Crystal Hunters, was inspired by a trip to the Mohave Desert when I was in the sixth grade.
It was a family vacation. My dad had recently retired. He had what they now call rheumatoid arthritis. Back then it was arthritis and bursitis. Basically, his joints were worn away and what was left was badly inflamed. This is the worst news for a top body and fender man like my dad. He slowly went down the list of jobs you can do at the shop, until he was left pushing a broom. Even that got to be too much for his joints. He ached every day. The aspirin he took ate up his stomach. Even the shots the doctors gave fail to give him much relief. The trip was to discover if the Mohave was a good place to move to for my dad’s condition. It wasn’t, but that’s another story for another time.
It was a great trip for the most part. My dad modified a van. By modifying, I mean he welded in L-brackets, sawed a plywood board to set across it, and then had foam cut to fit. My mom sewed a cover for the mattress. This became a bunk bed for my sister and myself to sleep on. My parents’ bed was a full size mattress that went underneath. The ice chest my dad took fishing was our refrigerator and the camp stove went along to cook our meals on.
We headed out to Arizona and Nevada. Since my dad loved to fish, we stopped at every major lake across the Mojave Desert. And yes, the desert does have lakes. We also stopping at historical places along the way, so it became an educational experience for my sister and me.
I remember a shop called the Rock Hound and used its name for my heroine’s parents’ store. We also rock hunted along the great Colorado River, which I also mention in my book. I learned what geography means and how the desert was made. We stopped by a huge old cement building, long abandoned and roofless. It also found a place on my book.
Then it rained. We were stuck in our van for three days as it poured outside. Two young girls stuck in a van with their parents. That got a bit dicey. When it stopped raining, the desert bloomed in brilliant colors. The rain also brought out the colors of the rocks and desert formations.

Team Alpha Three’s spaceship is out of power after fighting a wormhole, and parked on the primitive world of Zenevieva. With half the team sick from radiation poisoning, the team commander entrust geologist, Maya Gladstone, to find enough matrix crystals to power up their spacecraft, so they can go home to Earth. Vach Namaste of the powerful Clan Namaste, a native of the planet, has desired the lovely Maya since she stepped off the spaceship on that astonishing day a year ago. He’s hounded her every step since. As Hymeneal Night approaches, he makes plans to take her as his bride… willing or not.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s a bow in the rock wall.” He backed up, causing Maya to withdraw. “I’m bigger than the last time I went through here, but that was several years ago when my cousin, Xeno, brought me.”
He handed her the flashlight.
“Is there another way?” She shone the light around, noting how the crevice narrowed overhead.
“Not that I know of.” He grunted, trying to remove his robe, but there wasn’t much room to maneuver.
“Here, let me help you.” Maya pulled the robe off his shoulder. “Surely the ancients didn’t come through here?” She jerked one sleeve down over his hand and then reached to get the other side too, but found herself wedged between the rock wall and his hard body. Fighting the impulse to feel his muscles, she managed to get his other sleeve down.
“If there’s another entrance, it must have been blocked a long time ago.” He started to pull his tunic off, but struggled, thanks to his big arms and the lack of room. “Can you help me with my shirt?”
As Vach lifted his arms over his head, Maya grabbed a handful of cloth so she could lift the material high over his shoulders. “What are you going to do? Strip down and lube yourself with my cooking oil?”
“No.” He chuckled, his voice muffled by the shirt. “But that’s a good idea.”
With his arms up, Maya got a whiff of his spicy, male scent. It always surprised her that the Zeemen didn’t stink after exertion as humans did. I wouldn’t mind rubbing his body down with oil. Warmth spiraled through her middle. She bit her lip. Keep your mind on business and not on being in a tight spot with a handsome Zeeman.
Vach stuck his clothes in the tote and then sidestepped through the narrow opening. Grunting as he pushed past the bow, he finally got through.
Maya approached the bend and realized it was about breast height on her. No wonder Vach had a problem, with his deep chest and heavily muscled back.
Contemplating the aperture, she stood on tiptoe but couldn’t get high enough. Finally, she squatted down but then found she needed to keep her knees bent out sideways. Oh no, not awkward at all.
She managed a few crab steps before she got stuck. Vach grabbed her arm to pull her the rest of the way through. Her hiking boots slid over the loose gravel, while her thighs took the strain. He helped her to stand, leaving his hands placed on her waist as she leaned against the wall, panting. “I don’t know how we’re going to manage that going back.”
“At least we know it’s there.” His breath puffed against her face. It smelled of mint.
He must have used my toothpaste. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
With an electric jolt, Maya realized her shirt had risen up and Vach’s hands were resting on her bare skin. She became hyperaware of his scent, his closeness and the fact that he wore no shirt.
Moving even closer toward her in the confined space, he whispered in her ear. “I like the smell of your hair.”
His hand slid further under her shirt, gliding over her ribs.
Heat went through her as she rested her hand on his shoulder. “It’s my shampoo.”
“It’s nice.”
“You can borrow it sometime.”
US, Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FJ10W26
UK, Kindle: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Matrix-Crystal-Hunters-ebook/dp/B00FJ10W26/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1380662336&sr=1-3
US, Trade paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Matrix-Crystal-Hunters-Janice-Seagraves/dp/1492709751/ref=tmm_pap_title_0
UK, Trade paperback: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Matrix-Crystal-Hunters-Janice-Seagraves/dp/1492709751/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_t_1_KKW6
Matrix Crystal Hunters is now on Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/447796
Janice Seagraves’s website: Janiceseagraves.org
Janice Seagraves’s blog: https://ladyjanice.blogspot.com/
Janice Seagraves on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Janice-Seagraves-Author/117551164948239
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Pat Freely - Janice Seagraves - Kelley - Melissa Keir - E. Ayers -
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014
Delilah, here! Help me welcome a new-to-me-author, Andy Lewter. Her debut paranormal novel, Gifted, was recently released by Astraea Press! You can find a long excerpt on the publishers’ website!

The last thing Abigail Everett thought would happen over spring break was having her world shift into an entirely new perspective.
Unfortunately for her, that’s exactly what happened.
Between struggling to master her newly-formed abilities, coming face-to-face with dark, deceiving mind tricks by those that seek her leadership, and learning of a mythical world that she never deemed possible, Abigail risks everything with the future of mankind and the safety of its people in her hands.
“I knew I was in mortal danger. But I was finally able to breathe again—with him by my side. Then dangerous eyes bore into mine, and darkness overtook me . . .”
Andy is a stay-home mom with two beautiful children. Between homework, playing, cooking and cleaning, she writes on the side. Most of her inspiration comes from life experiences that have brought her both pain and happiness – both of which have helped her grow. She also gets inspiration from the wonderful people that have touched her life, accompanied with crazy dreams she has nightly. She is so excited to have finally touched the edges of her dream as an author. She grew a fond passion for writing when she was young, and this story has given her determination that she can indeed fulfill her childhood dream.
Social links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AndyLewterAuthor
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/AndyLewter
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/AndyLewter
Buy links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Book trailer link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dSUuExJhc4
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: LINDA RICHTER -
Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014
Can you see the raggedy edges of my sanity fraying away? Two releases in as many weeks. Ack!
Thanks to everyone for helping me launch Once in a Blue Moon. The party yesterday was a blast, and if you didn’t have time to jump in while it was live, you still have time to enter to win free stuff (books, jewelry!). The Trivia Question contests will stay open until 5 PM ET, so head on over there now! Once in a Blue Moon Party
So onto the next release…
Does it need any introduction? With so many authors involved, it’s been ballyhooed across the internet. If you hadn’t already pre-ordered the book, go get it now! It’s only $.99—and that price won’t last long, I promise. It’s SEAL stories. All SEAL stories. Who doesn’t love a hero?
 Click to Buy
12 New York Times, USA Today or Award-winning bestselling Hot Alpha Authors brings you this Military Romance Megaset for your reading pleasure:
THE KISS OF A SEAL by Award-winning Author Anne Elizabeth — Jessa Grainger’s world is rocked by the kiss of a SEAL, SO-1 Link Tyler. It wouldn’t be a problem for an ordinary person, but being a Navy Consultant working on the Amphibious Base as well as being engaged to a SWCC man make the situation very sticky.
NIGHT WITH A SEAL (Hot SEALS #1) by New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Cat Johnson —When navigating military red tape begins to present more challenges than the enemy, it makes SEAL Jon Rudnick question his future. So does Alison Cressly, the one woman he can’t get out of his head.
HOT BAYOU SEAL by Award-winning author Cindy Dees — SEAL Ford Alambeaux is a busted up SEAL on his way out of the teams. Trina Zarkos is being tossed out of SEAL training like every other female candidate…until they’re thrown together on a way off-book mission to see if she can play with the big boys or not.
DELTA: RETRIBUTION by USA Today bestselling author Cristin Harber — Fallen Navy SEAL and Titan Group’s Delta recruit Trace Reeves wants nothing more than a one-night stand to forget that his twin brother was killed-in-action. But when his one-time fling becomes his high value target, the lines blur between her rescue mission and saving himself.
WATCH OVER ME (An Uncharted SEAL story) by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Delilah Devlin — Deke Warrick’s unsanctioned detail is to keep tabs on a congressman’s niece while she vacations in the Caribbean. He’s determined to keep his distance from the beautiful Nicky Martir—until she’s snatched from their hotel room.
SEAL’S OBSESSION (A Take No Prisoners story) by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Elle James — Mission: Halt pirate activities off the coast of Honduras. SEAL TEAM 10’s Jack Fischer goes undercover as a deck hand on a medical boat where he finds himself falling for the dedicated Dr. Natalie Rhoades.
The SEAL (a Sex, Lies & Spies novella) by USA Today bestselling author Gennita Low — Mari Lords is tasked by her father to steal the seal that is an important clue in a round-the-world treasure hunt called The Game. When her opportunity comes during a party, she finds another kind of SEAL, Angel Marcello.
UNBREAKABLE SEAL by USA Today bestselling author J.M. Madden — Maxwell Tate fights against a psychotic dream world, until he no longer knows what’s real. Lacey Adams knows she can’t save all of her cases, but can she salvage the unbreakable SEAL?
MISTER BLACK by Award-winning author P.T. Michelle —He is Black: a deadly enforcer and masterful seducer. I am Red: a justice bleeder and willing participant. When our secrets converge in a passionate encounter, stepping out of the shadows just might be worth the risk.
STONE HARD SEAL by Award-winning author Sabrina York —When Ryder “Stone” Maddox’s meets Lily Wilson—a senator’s daughter who is definitely off-limits—he’s determined to keep his distance, despite her irresistible allure. But Lily has plans of her own…to put his heart of stone to the test.
SEAL’S PROMISE by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sharon Hamilton —Navy SEAL T.J. Talbot, SEAL Team 3’s bad boy, makes a deathbed promise to protect and care for his fallen buddy’s wife and child. The only problem is, she hates him.
BREAKING TIES (a SEAL Team Heartbreakers story) by bestselling author Teresa Reasor — Navy SEAL Oliver Shaker is blindsided when he learns that not only does his wife, Selena, have a life-threatening illness, but she’s also pregnant, stretching their marriage to the breaking point.
Posted in About books..., News | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: LINDA RICHTER - Lisa J - ronnie c - Pansy Petal -
Monday, July 21st, 2014
Psst! Don’t forget to join my Once In a Blue Moon Release Party
this afternoon from 2-6ET! Tons of prizes to be won and
a chance to schmooze with some great authors!
Now, back to Jennifer… 🙂 ~DD
* * * * *
Some people cringe when they hear that word. Others sigh and want to go dance in the rain.
I had an epiphany a little while ago that I always write from the pre-marriage perspective. Like. Always.
Figured all of us married ladies could use a little sexy infusion now and then. So Accidental Voyeur was born! It’s a bit kinky, it’s a lot dirty and I hope everyone will take a peek between its pages.
For Angel and Davis marriage was only the beginning. Maybe it could be for you too…
So for one lucky commenter I’m giving away a free copy of Accidental Voyeur, Book Five in my Members Only series. To qualify you just need to do two things.
1 – Go sign up for my newsletter.
2 – Comment below and let me know something on your bucket list. Doesn’t have to be kinky. Anything counts!!!
So don’t be shy! Let me hear from you and you just might win!!!!!
Members Only, Book Five
It’s been years since Angel and Davis said “I do” but husband and wife are no longer their most important labels.
He demands nothing short of her complete submission and she finds her place in the world. On her knees—at his feet. Now as members of The Library, a private BDSM club catering to the dark and decadent, they get to explore fantasies they never expected to have.
Marriage. It was supposed to be everything. But for Angel and Davis, it is only the beginning.
A Romantica® BDSM erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Buy Links:
Ellora’s Cave
The books in the Members Only Series can be found here…
Together In Cyn
Haleigh’s Ink
A Very Menage Christmas
Duke’s Valentine
Orgasm University
Stand Alone
Buried Permission
Jennifer Kacey is a wife, mother, and business owner living with her family in Texas. She sings in the shower, plays piano in her dreams, and has to have a different color of nail polish every week. The best advice she’s ever been given? Find the real you and never settle for anything less.
Website – https://www.jenniferkacey.com/
Blog – The Decadent Divas – https://www.thedecadentdivas.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.kacey.7
Facebook Author Page – https://www.facebook.com/jenniferkaceyauthor
Twitter – https://twitter.com/JenniferKacey
Amazon Page
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6941549.Jennifer_Kacey
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/jenniferkacey/
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Kristin Reh - Shirley Long - Sally Fryman Wagoner - ELF - Linda -
Sunday, July 20th, 2014
Here is something that I call a ‘Driscollism’. This comes from the hero in my book Unexpected Encounter (Singleton, #4) which released today. In the book my hero says some…let’s just say his views on things are interesting. I’ll let Driscoll Jacobs speak for himself.
When someone tells me I’m going to fail, it makes me even more determined to succeed then flip them off when I do – said by Driscoll Jacobs from Unexpected Encounter by Taige Crenshaw
I love this Driscollism because one of the things I believe is when something is tough or hard I won’t let it defeat me. I dig in and work harder to get it done.
Throughout Unexpected Encounter Driscoll has a unique way of putting things.
Taige Crenshaw is a multi-published author with books available at Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Loose Id, and Totally Bound. Taige has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance. With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s. Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels. You can find out more about Taige at her website: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com or blog: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com/blog.
Unexpected Encounter – An unexpected encounter leads to a lasting passion…
Buy here at Totally Bound.
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