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Friday, June 13th, 2014
By the time this blog posts I’ll be in St. Thomas, USVI. I’m there for my nephews graduation from high school. As I go for the milestone, it brings back thoughts of my own high school graduation and the emotions I was experiencing. The excitement of becoming “an adult and heading out on my own to college” and “fear of the unknown of leaving what I knew “. All these bombarded me then and now in hindsight of many years later and heading for my nephews graduation I would never have imagined I would be where I am now. I’m happy and proud of what I accomplished.
The graduation of my nephew is triple special. It is the anniversary year of my big sister (his mother) and my anniversary year. For the graduation the graduating class invites the anniversary classes to walk as special guests and my sister is doing that. She will walk in the same year her son is graduating. In the future the 3 of us will share anniversary years although they are decades apart. While you are reading this, I’m hugging my nephew tight and telling him how proud I am of him. And in a few days when he walks to get his high school diploma I will be the proud aunty who will be weeping in joy. Happy Graduation Memories my wonderful nephew.
Taige Crenshaw is a multi-published author with books available at Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Loose Id, and Totally Bound. Taige has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance. With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s. Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels. You can find out more about Taige at her website: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com or blog: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com/blog.
Immortal Bloodlines — When temptation rises giving in is the more than sweet.
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Thursday, June 12th, 2014
The nostalgia bug bit me not long ago. Maybe it’s pre-menopausal hormones. Or it could be my fan-girl obsession with Miranda Lambert and her reminiscence-themed songs, “House That Built Me” and “Automatic.” Add to that my recent visit home to the small Midwest town I grew up in, and that bug really got a hold of me.
As I traveled through town, I caught a glimpse of the abandoned brick liquor store my friends and I used to haunt because of its massive candy and ice-cream inventory. (Well, at least it seemed massive at the time.) Once a week, my widowed mother would give me what she could—fifty cents, or seventy-five if she’d clipped enough coupons. It would be a humid summer afternoon, and the neighborhood gang would traipse barefoot and sunburned down the hill and slip into the air-conditioned store. (Ah, such a luxury. At home, we only had a single fan to share among a family of six.) I would stand for long sessions drooling over all the candy choices, picking my favorites, counting my pennies and nickels to assure I stayed within my budget.
During that recent trip, there were two old-fashioned candies that came flooding back to me as soon as I spied that store: B-B Bats and Kits.
Mmm, do you remember them?
B-B Bats were taffy on sticks, and Kits were small packages of four individually wrapped squares of the same kind of taffy. They came in vanilla, peanut butter, strawberry, and chocolate. Chocolate was my favorite, while strawberry and vanilla scored a close second. I never chose peanut butter. Ick.
Anyway, the memory of that sweet, chewy taffy remained with me until I returned from my trip. I wondered and hoped and prayed…do they still make them? So I did an internet search and got an instant hit—an awesome website, Old Time Candy, that sells old-fashioned candy, retro toys, and party-favor gadgets from your childhood. It also provides the history of when they began making each product, what company manufactured it, and who has taken over the production, if at all.
I learned that B-B Bats were introduced in the 1920s in Johnson City, New York by Fair Play Caramel Company. They are still available in four flavors (again, no peanut butter for me!), and can be purchased online and shipped right to me! How cool.
Kits were also made by the same company, and are still available, as well. I’m ordering a stock of them both for my kitchen candy drawer, and I plan to introduce them to my future grandkids…whenever that happens. (Hint-hint, my dear kiddos!)
So you see? You really can “go home again.”
To prove it to yourself, allow the memories to flow and go explore Old Time Candy. What nostalgic candy, food or toys do you remember from your childhood?
Bio: Titania Ladley is an erotic romance author published with Ellora’s Cave, Samhain, and Red Sage. She writes in multiple genres including contemporary, paranormal, historical, LGBT and BDSM. Visit her on the web at https://www.TitaniaLadley.com
Links for candy:
B-B Bats
Old Time Candy
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 10 People Said | Link
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
Hi, my name is Vivi and I’m a single romance writer. This is not, sadly, nearly as much fun as it sounds like it should be. Dating as a romance writer can have a few awkward moments (like the guys who read your books and think they are a manual for dating you… completely ignoring the fact that my heroines are shape-shifting lionesses who might have different preferences in their mates than I do). The good news is whenever something excruciatingly awkward happens, I can always shrug it off as “maybe that’ll be funny in a book someday” – there is no shortage of good material coming at me in my Quest for Lurve.
One thing that I’ve noticed in my romantic misadventures that definitely carries over into my books is that you can learn a lot from a first kiss. There’s no faking chemistry. Either you’ve got it or you don’t. Not saying that it can’t grow or change over time – I believe it absolutely can! – but sometimes you just can’t tell until that first lip lock if it’s gonna be amazing or lackluster to start with.
Recently I’d been seeing a long time friend in a sort of not-sure-if-this-is-platonic-or-not dating limbo. I didn’t know whether he was someone I wanted to be really dating or not – until we sort of accidentally kissed (don’t ask how this happens, I later described it to a friend as feeling as if I tripped and landed on his mouth). At that moment everything became clear. I knew. With absolutely certainty. Whammo. We were Just Friends. There was no magic. No spark. Just a sort of bewildered how did that happen hanging in the air.
Luckily, it isn’t always like that… and luckily that isn’t what happens in my new release. My heroine Lila doesn’t know what she wants before she kisses her completely unsuitable suitor Santiago – but as soon as she does she has that instant moment of clarity. She knows. And boy, does the chemistry ignite. Here’s a little peek at how one Jaguar’s Kiss can shake Lila’s world:
“So you don’t think you’re giving anything up, is that it?”
That was it. No sacrifice. How helpful he was. “Exactly. What would I be giving up?”
“A thousand opportunities.” He spun to face her, dark eyes flashing in the night, all that contained ferocity suddenly erupting with startling intensity. “The chance to be something more than what others would make you.”
“So I can be what you would make me instead?” She turned to face him head on, throwing her chin back to growl up at him. “Everyone wants me to be their version of what I should be. Even you.”
“Then what do you want? Who do you want to be?”
“I don’t know! Don’t you see? If I wanted something more than this life, maybe I would go after it, maybe I would be brave, by your definition of the word, but I don’t. I never have. So what’s so terrible about what I’m doing? What am I giving up, Santiago Flores? What is supposed to stop me from doing what I’ve always known I would when the time came? What is it you think I’m supposed to want?”
He gripped the nape of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair as he pulled her toward him, his other hand cupping her jaw, tipping her face up to meet him as his lips closed over hers, firm and fierce and demanding and—oh my God, so exquisitely perfect.
She’d been kissed before. Of course she’d been kissed before. In twenty-three years as the pride’s resident flirt, she’d kissed dozens of guys in a sort of playful almost-platonic way that was all the other shifters would dare. She’d even gone a bit further with a few humans who didn’t know Roman to be afraid of him—until her instincts had reared up and put a stop to it.
She knew perfectly well what lips were for, thank you very much. But all those kisses. All those affectionate busses and eager lip locks. They had never been this.
The rest of the world simply melted away until there was only Santiago. He nibbled, sucked, coaxed and teased until she opened for him and his tongue stroked into her mouth, a question she answered with her own, angling her head for more. She’d ceased to exist outside this kiss. There was only his heat, his strength, the pull of his body, and her need. God, her fierce, impossible need for more of him.
She wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling herself against him so their bodies aligned, a gasp escaping her mouth at the feel of all that delicious heat. Her other hand slid up his chest and around to palm the back of his neck, holding him there in case he had any rogue thoughts about pulling away. Away wasn’t allowed. Only closer, harder, deeper and more.
And he was very good at those words.
Sometimes a kiss can change everything. Have you ever had a paradigm-shifting kiss? Do you love to read about those whammy moments in books?
Thanks so much for having me today, Delilah!
To get what he wants, he’ll have to rattle her cage…
Lila Fallon, the Lone Pine Pride Alpha’s only daughter, has been betrothed since childhood to marry her father’s chosen successor. The match is designed to maintain peace by shoring up any cracks in pride solidarity.
She’s always known she would do her duty—she just never expected to meet a man who would tempt her to throw it all away.
As a black panther, Santiago Flores couldn’t be a less suitable mate for the Alpha’s purebred lioness daughter. But that doesn’t change the fact that for every one of the five years he’s been with the Lone Pine Pride, he’s been head-over-heels in love with her. And when the Alpha announces that Lila’s indefinite engagement is about to end in a very definite marriage, Santiago is through holding his peace.
From their very first kiss, Santiago rattles Lila’s neatly ordered world. But can a lioness who’s always lived to please everyone else risk everything to please herself?
Warning: This book contains tempting lone-wolf jaguars, lionesses who long for fairy tale endings, arranged marriages, tangled emotions and a pride full of trouble.
Buy Links:
Amazon | Samhain | B&N
Vivi Andrews is an award-winning paranormal romance novelist with a travel addiction. Born and raised in Alaska, she currently lives in Manhattan when she isn’t bouncing around the globe. Whether at home or on the road, she’s always at work on her next happily-ever-after. For more about her books or the exploits of a nomadic author, please visit her website at www.ViviAndrews.com, or find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 7 People Said | Link
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Tuesday, June 10th, 2014
I love charm bracelets. I have two, and I’ve been building both of them for a while.
One I use to celebrate my writing accomplishments. The initial charms stand for publishing houses, for example, “E” is for Ellora’s Cave. The other charms stand for the genres I write in. And looking at it, I realize my poor little bracelet is in need of an update…

The other is my travel bracelet. I love this bracelet. My sister gave me the silver bracelet with the tag inscribed “Lori” when I graduated from college (Lori is my family nickname). I carried it throughout my travels, adding charms when I visited new places.

What got me thinking about charm bracelets was the fact I had a hard time coming up with a birthday gift for my daughter—until I decided she needed her first charm bracelet. She loves animals. Cats and dogs. In the past year and a half, she’s rescued and rehomed over thirty animals. She also has four cats and seven dogs of her own. So I made her a “crazy cat lady” bracelet.

Charm bracelets are very personal things and they tend to reflect something about the persons who wear them. I’d love to know if you have a charm bracelet, and if you do, would you like to send me a picture to include here? (Email me at Delilah@delilahdevlin.com.) I’ll add them as I get them!
From Shirley Long:
Here’s what she said about them…
I actually have 2 charm bracelets. First one I got for my birthday at 14 with a birthday charm. Throughout school, charms were added for events like 8th grade graduation, May Queen 1963 (telling my age here), basketball, school emblem, UIL typing medal. Sitting here looking at it brings back huge memories.

The 2nd one was more in my high school years ~~ birthday charms for 17 & 18, district champs for the football team, Christmas 1967, graduation day May 23, 1969, one from the guy I was dating on my 18th birthday. One is gold & one is silver & I cherish them both. Don’t wear them much anymore but they are both very special to me.

Another of mine…
I forgot about this one. It’s my “inspiration” bracelet. It’s one of those European bracelets with the slide on charms. I have a treasure chest, mermaid, fairy, suitcase, lovebirds, a skull, etc. for inspiration for stories and I added a turtle, because hey, the turtle may be slow, but he gets places because he doesn’t stop. 🙂 Not sure why I added the pig, other than the fact I live in Arkansas and couldn’t find a razorback, and hey, I live in Arkansas—square in the middle of the Bible Belt—but still manage to do what I do…

From Linda Richter:
Note from Linda…
Lincoln charm—his birthplace; 3 grandsons and daughter charms; poodle—I love them; last 4 have been rescued; alligator for Louisiana; hat for Texas, etc. Have to find my Christmas one. Need to add all my great grands now.

From Jeri Westerson:
Here’s a note from Jeri, and be sure to check out her website at: www.JeriWesterson.com.
This was made for me by a gal who is starting her own business of crime jewelry for mystery writers. Since I write medieval mysteries, she put all sorts of medievally things on it.
From Beth Caudill:
Here’s Beth’s note…
The first picture (CharmNecklace.jpg) is actually a necklace. My mother-in-law gave me this Origami Owl necklace for Christmas one year. The inside charms are a baseball, I heart books, a dog, a heart shaped family icon, and two birthstone charms for my sons. The two pearls are colors for my husband and I.

The second picture features my current charm bracelet. (I had one as a kid but it only had 4 charms on it. I didn’t appreciate it when I was younger.) This charm bracelet represents my life with my husband. It features places we’ve been together and our kids. My latest addition is the Sorcerer Mickey hat. Sadly in DisneyWorld they only had Pandora charms, I had to order the hat charm online to get something to represent our recent vacation.

This is a great idea for a blog post. Thanks for the opportunity.
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Monday, June 9th, 2014
I think as readers we all have those sex scenes that stand out in our minds. Some may stand out because of the number of people involved while others may stand out because of a certain bodily uniqueness as can be found in many sci-fi erotic romances. But recently I realized that within my own books and across the many sex scenes that move my main characters’ relationship forward, I had a particular favorite in each one.
In my debut erotic romance, Masque, it was the Violet Room. In this story, all seven colored rooms offer the heroine a different sexual experience, but by time she reaches the Violet Room which involves sex toys, she and the hero have progressed enough in their relationship to make the experience exciting and tender at the same time, especially when they discover that someone has watched!
In Passion’s Poison, it was the icicle scene. The lovely thing about setting an erotic romance in New Hampshire is that there is this fifth season called Mud Season and this is when the temperatures start to warm up, turning the dirt to mud, only to have a snowstorm sweep in and freeze everything up again. This pattern repeats itself a couple times before spring really hits, so icicles from the melting and freezing are a common occurrence. When Zach and Bea find themselves in his hot tub on the deck, with icicles within reach, he decides to create that natural pattern on Bea.
In my latest release, Passion of Sleepy Hollow, it was the first mirror scene. Yes, there are two, and they are very different because of when they take place in the story and the timing in the relationship. Braeden realizes that Katrina has no idea how beautiful she is, so he takes it upon himself to sit her down in front of a mirror and prove to her how amazing she is. That is, how amazing every inch of her is. I had no idea he was going to do that, but I’m really glad he did.
To give you a taste of what I mean, I have included a sample below. Enjoy.
Always, Lexi

Recluse Braeden Van Brunt is not happy to be the Headless Horseman…until he meets Katrina Van Tassel, owner of the Sleepy Hollow Inn, whose allure bewitches him from the front desk into the bedroom. When he discovers Kat and the village of Sleepy Hollow are cursed to exist in the present day for only one weekend a year, he realizes the sacrifice he must make if he wants to keep her.
Katrina Van Tassel lives between slivers of time. She thought she was through grieving her betrothed’s death, but her dreams flare to life when his mirror image arrives, requesting a room. Drawn to Braeden, she is taken to more erotic heights of intimacy than she ever imagined, but she can’t be sure if her heart is with him or the love from her past.
Knowing he must conquer both time and ghosts to keep the only woman he’s ever loved, Braeden must put the past to rest. But the dead may not rest in Sleepy Hollow.
Excerpt from Passion of Sleepy Hollow
Braeden opened the door to Kat’s bedroom to find her tying the neckline of the loose garment she wore to bed. Her hair was barely plaited from a long day of it escaping its confines. The glow of the lantern next to the bed lit her night clothes, teasing him with her curves.
She glanced up and sucked in a breath. Her attraction to him, when she allowed it to surface, made him feel as if he were her dream come true. He stood straighter, keeping the lantern he held behind him and a tight grip on the towel that lay low on his hips.
Her gaze covered his body and his cock responded. When she finally met his eyes, she swallowed. “I could have warmed up some water for you.”
“That’s okay. You can warm me up now.”
Her mouth shut at his statement and he smirked. For such a tough lady, she could be so sexy when caught off guard. “Would you unbraid your hair for me, Kat?”
“My hair?”
He smirked. “Yes, your hair. You know. Those long, blonde strands you keep tied at the back of your head.”
Had no one made love to this woman? Had no one ever shown her how beautiful she was? “Do you have a hairbrush?”
“Of course.” All bustle again, she moved to her chest and pulled out an old hairbrush. “Do you need it?” She glanced at his head.
He probably did, but that wasn’t what he wanted it for. “In a minute.”
He set down the lantern, picked up a straight-back chair that sat against the wall and placed it facing the armoire. Opening the floor-to-ceiling piece of furniture, he centered the chair across from the large oval Victorian mirror. “Sit.”
Puzzled, she started to obey.
“No, wait.”
She froze in place.
“Take your nightgown off.”
“My what?”
“That long shirt you’re wearing.”
“You mean my shift?”
He nodded.
“But I don’t have anything on underneath.”
He let his smile grow. “Exactly.”
The blush that rose to her cheeks transformed her from beautiful to a glowing goddess. “I can’t do that.”
He stepped next to her and took the brush from her hand. “Yes, you can.” Without giving her a chance to think, he grasped the edges and lifted the garment over her head. She lifted her arms and allowed him to have his way.
She was all curves, and seeing them for the first time all at once was breathtaking. He moved the nightstand closer to the chair so the lantern would illuminate her clearly. Then he took her hand and guided her to sit, forcing himself not to touch all the places he craved. This was about her.
Once she was seated, he moved the other lantern from the floor and set it on her bureau. When he turned back to look at her, she was bathed in a yellow glow.
Her gaze met his and the uncertainty he witnessed made him want to crush whoever had made her think she might be anything less than gorgeous. He forced his body to relax. She could simply be shy.
Best way to help that was to distract her. Without hesitation, he unfolded the towel from his hips and set it on the floor to the side of her.
“Braeden.” The word was a whisper.
“Yes.” He stepped in front of her, his cock as hard as permafrost and level with her mouth. It was almost too much to ignore, but he kept his control. He lifted her chin, forcing her to move her gaze to his face. “You’re lovely, Kat.”
Her brows furrowed. “Really?”
“Look for yourself.” He stepped aside.
She did. He watched as she studied herself in the mirror. Did she see what he saw, substantial breasts with dark, rosy areolas? Did she see the softness of her pale skin and the way it tightened inward at her waist before flaring enticingly to her hips? Her legs… Damn, her legs were fully shaped and begged him to nestle between them.
She moved her gaze away from the mirror and looked at him. “I’ve never looked before.”
His cock jumped as multiple images flashed through his mind of the two of them with a mirror over a bed. He had to control himself. He squeezed the brush in his hand and focused on what he intended in the first place. “Sit back and watch the mirror.”
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Ellora’s Cave
For more information about Lexi Post:
website: https://www.lexipostbooks.com/
Blog: https://www.happilyeverafterthoughts.com/
twitter: https://twitter.com/LexiPost
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexipostbooks
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6915542.Lexi_Post
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lexi-Post/e/B00EBLAFLI/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1392417984&sr=1-2-ent
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
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Sunday, June 8th, 2014
Spend the 4th of July Deep in Cowboy Country With Randi Alexander’s New Release, All Hat No Cattle…
Last summer, my hubby and I were invited to South Dakota by a rancher friend to enjoy the Black Hills Roundup, a four-day rodeo in the historic western South Dakota town of Belle Fourche. Deep in cowboy country.
My new release, All Hat No Cattle, came from the wonderful experience we had that long 4th of July weekend. The cattle drive down Main Street was fascinating, the ranch rodeo had events different from those at any rodeo I’d ever seen, and the next three days of PRC rodeo, held in an outdoor arena, was exciting and fun. The bulls were rank, and during the first two PRC rodeos, only one rider lasted eight seconds.
The town goes all-out, with music, a carnival, and one of the best parades I’ve ever seen. If you ever get the chance to attend the Black Hills Roundup, you have to go. It’s situated in one of the most beautiful and historic sections of the US, with Mount Rushmore, Deadwood, Custer State Park, and Badlands National Park being just a few of the attractions. And if you’ve never driven through Needles Highway, put that on your bucket list!
All Hat No Cattle is one of the Red Hot and BOOM! stories, and is only $.99 for almost 75 pages of hot cowboy romance. I hope you enjoy the book!

It’s Independence Day, and Harper Johansen is at the rodeo in South Dakota on business. While she’s deep in cowboy territory, she’s hoping to meet a real cowboy—one who shares her dreams for the future. Shaw Donahue, tall and sexy in his cowboy hat, jeans, and boots, could be that man, and Harper quickly falls for his seductive charm. Until he tells her he’s a roughneck.
Shaw can’t believe his luck. Harper is an accomplished, intelligent businesswoman, and she’s beautiful, sexy, and willing. Until she learns he’s working the local oil field. Before he can explain the reason he’s roughnecking, she pushes him away, telling him they can only be friends. He doesn’t fit into her plans. With four days of rodeo ahead of them, can Shaw convince Harper to value a man for more than his cattle?
Break out the fireworks and get ready to kick off your summer with this HOT new collection of stories. All Hat No Cattle is part of the Red Hot and BOOM! multi-author series (stands alone for reading enjoyment)
Excerpt from All Hat No Cattle…
Standing in the shadowed parking lot next to Harper’s car, Shaw’s muscles tensed, wanting to pull her close. But he had to be sure he was interpreting her words correctly. “So, you’re sayin’ you want to give us a chance, right?”
A laugh burst from her and she leaned back on her car. “Lord, I’m so bad at this. I’m not telling you goodbye, I’m trying to say I want to be more than friends.”
Warmth cocooned his heart. “Oh yeah? What made you change your mind?”
Her eyes turned soft, misty. “You’re a good man, Shaw. I want to know you better, see if what I’m feeling for you right now is something that can grow into…more.”
Shaw didn’t move. This was the opening he’d been waiting for, but he didn’t want to rush it. “Don’t think that I’m not willing, because I am, Harper. I’m into you, deep as a man can get. But I don’t want to wake up tomorrow alone, finding out you’ve changed your mind again.”
Over his shoulder, the first sparkles of fireworks glowed. She stepped closer and put both her hands on his waist. “Forgive me? I got confused there for a while. Things were muzzy and just felt wrong when I tried to be your friend. Now, wanting you in my life, everything’s clear and true.”
His lips curved upward and he found it hard to take in breath. “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that.” He set his hands on her shoulders.
She shivered under his palms.
“Do you want to go someplace and talk for a while?” He wanted to grab her, pull her in, haul her somewhere and make love to her, but she deserved his respect and restraint.
“We’ll go to my room, Shaw Donahue, but there won’t be much talkin’ going on.” She gave him a wicked smile. “At least not until tomorrow morning, over breakfast.”
Read the first chapter HERE
And get your copy for only $.99 at:
Thanks for hosting me, Delilah!
“Rode Hard and Put Up Satisfied”
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Saturday, June 7th, 2014
It’s midnight again, and it’s the first time I’ve sat at my desk all day! I swear these days I meet myself coming and going!
To make things simple, I’ll let yesterday’s contest continue to run, but will select TWO winners. So be sure to post a comment on both yesterday’s and today’s blog for two chances to win.
Keeping things simple. That seems to be a theme today. My sister is visiting from the north—North Arkansas, that is. We’re both complaining about burnout, because we’ve both been spinning on that hamster wheel for a while. We’d love a break. Love to have time to think and make sure we are doing the right things for our work, our families, and our future lives.
So, today’s question is this…
Do you have any suggestions for how we slow our lives down? No, we don’t want to stop writing. That’s not it at all, but there’s so much involved with the writing life that you may not be aware of that just eats our lunch. Any suggestions, large or small would be appreciated!
Good luck in the drawings!
Posted in Contests!, General | 13 People Said | Link
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