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Monday, March 10th, 2014
Why I Went Indie
In a little over a week, I’ll celebrate my third publishing anniversary. In late 2013 I made the difficult decision to go almost totally indie. I still publish with one publisher, Twenty or Less Press/Sybarite Seductions, and owe Loose Id one more books, but at this point I’m about 90% an indie author. Why did I do it?
1. I was getting frustrated at not being able to do anything if a book languished. I couldn’t change the price, the cover, or any of the other little things I experiment with now.
2. I was tired of giving a publisher half of my royalties (sometimes a little less). On books priced $2.99 or more, Amazon pays 70%. Of that, most publishers pay the author 35-45%. So overall, out of a $2.99 book, if you make a 40% royalty, you’ll have $1.09 (or so) per book. If you’re indie, though, that number rises to $2.10. Yes, almost a dollar more for each book.
3. I can get works to the market faster if I don’t have to wait for the book to be read and accepted by a publisher, sign the contract etc, etc, etc.
There are other reasons, but those are three that were most important to me. Now, I want to be clear: publishers are great—for some writers. Publishers, specifically Loose Id, gave me my start and I’m grateful to them. This decision had nothing to do with hating publishers or thinking they’re ruining the industry. It’s about me, not them.
I’ve released several books in 2014 already and have another coming 3/19. One of my recent releases is Public Affairs, a 50k spicy contemporary single title. Here’s the blurb for it:

Nate O’Halloran is a PR superstar, an expert in crisis management for his image-conscious celebrity clients. When his college roommate, now a hospital director in Buffalo, calls to beg for his help– a cancer researcher on staff has disappeared with millions of dollars’ worth of government research funds– Nate agrees to help right away, though this situation is pretty small potatoes for him.
Val Chase, the hospital’s PR director, is none too thrilled when Nate shows up; does it mean her boss doesn’t trust her to handle this mess herself? Against her better judgment, Val decides she and Nate have to work together to save the hospital’s reputation, though the explosive attraction they feel is making any actual “work” difficult…
Buy links:
Author Bio:
Cassandra Carr is a multi-award winning romance writer. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out online. Cassandra’s books have won numerous “Best Book Of” awards and her novella Unexpected Top was nominated in the E-book Erotic Romance category of RT’s Reviewers’ Choice Awards.
She thinks the best part of being a writer is how she writes about love and sex while most others struggle with daily commutes, micro-managing bosses and cranky co-workers. Her inspiration comes from everywhere, but she’d particularly like to thank the Buffalo Sabres, the hockey team near and dear to her heart.
To learn more about Cassandra, check out her website at https://www.booksbycassandracarr.com; like her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AuthorCassandraCarr, or follow her on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/Cassandra_Carr.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Melissa Snark - Cassandra Carr - Michelle - Snarky Mom -
Sunday, March 9th, 2014
All About St. Patrick’s Day
It’s often said that on St. Patrick’s Day, everyone has green blood… now there’s an idea for a horror novel, or at least a paranormal thriller. Apart from knowing it’s an Irish holiday when people tend to drink too much, what else do you know about it?
Here are some myths and fun facts:
- Wear something green so you don’t get pinched. If you do get pinched, it was probably a leprechaun that did it.
- If you wear a “kiss me, I’m Irish” T-shirt, be ready to be kissed.
- The potato has always been a staple in the Irish kitchen. French fries are called chips, and potato chips are called crisps.
- Irish craic (having a blast) has nothing to do with American crack. If an Irish person says let’s have a bit of craic they want to have fun, not do crack-cocaine.
- The cow was an honored and respected creature in Ireland, and a main form of wealth in ancient Ireland.
- The little people, fairies and leprechauns, do exist. Leprechauns are the Tuatha de Danann (tribe of the goddess Danu) who moved below ground into the Otherworld when Ireland was invaded. They still come and go, and can bless or curse you depending on whether you amuse or irritate them.
- St. Patrick (whose name was Maewyn Succat) is the patron saint of Ireland and is said to have brought Christianity to Ireland. The ‘holiday’ has been celebrated for approximately 1,500 years as a religious holiday but only in the past few decades as a party event.
- St. Patrick is said to have driven all the snakes from Ireland. Snakes stood for wisdom and transformation, and were often associated with the Druids and pre-Christian beliefs that included gods, goddesses and otherworldly beings from other dimensions such as fairies, leprechauns and banshees. Many believe the true meaning of the phrase is that he drove the wise old pagans from the land. Snakes have returned to Ireland, and the old ways are flourishing again.
- The shamrock is said to have been one of his teaching tools. He demonstrated the three aspects of one God by way of the shamrock. It could have been used to teach of the ancient triple goddess of Ireland, too.
- Churches were erected on as many ancient sacred sites as possible to lure the pagans to switch over to Christianity.
- A fine traditional Irish meal is boiled ham and cabbage with mashed potatoes. You can wash it down with Irish beer or an Irish coffee.
- Respect all trees if you don’t want trouble with an irate leprechaun.
- If you actually travel to Ireland to celebrate the Green, White and Gold (flag), be careful where you walk! If you fall down a fairy hole it’ll lead you through a portal to The Otherworld and you may never make it back!
Perhaps March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, but being a rebel by nature, I tend to honor all things Irish, including the old ways, on that day. It’s more like “all things Irish” day.
If you’d enjoy a light and entertaining story to stoke your Irish spirit – a novella that will take you into the world I just described, I’ve got just the thing for you! To Kiss A Leprechaun is a grand and magical adventure, a sweet romance that can be enjoyed by all ages. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Think “Beauty & The Beast meets Sleeping Beauty”…
Lorcan, Prince of the Leprechauns, has been cursed by an ugly spell for centuries. Every year around St. Patrick’s Day he chooses a village girl to kiss. It brings prosperity and wellbeing to the seaside village of Glen Kisswich. This year Aine Byrne is the lucky lady – not! She doesn’t want to kiss a guy who’s uglier than a toad, prince or not. Besides, she’s got a crush on another guy. What’s a girl to do?
Only the kiss of Lorcan’s soul mate can lift the curse. What are the chances he’ll find his true love with a bloodline that blends human, fairy and mermaid? To make matters worse, somebody is determined to stop The Kiss from happening.
You’ll find alpha heroes in the Sheikhs of the Golden Triangle series and modern heroes in To Kiss A Leprechaun and Autumn Masquerade. More stories coming soon!
GEMMA JULIANA is a multi-published author who lives in an enchanted cottage in north Texas with her handsome hero, brave teen son and a comical dog who is really a human in disguise. She loves making new friends and hearing from readers. Exotic coffee and chocolate fuel her creativity. She writes romance, mystery and suspense with a splash of the paranormal.
Buy Gemma’s books on Amazon. Most are also available on BN, Kobo and Apple.
Connect with Gemma
GemmaJuliana.com | Twitter | Facebook
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gail Siuba - Sandy Loyd - Rose Anderson - Rachelle Lerner - Michelle - Snarky Mom -
Saturday, March 8th, 2014
As the original release date for my next Cleis Press collection of erotic romance stories was June 10th, you can imagine the authors and I were a little frazzled to learn it moved to MARCH 18th! The publisher had an opening, our book was ready, everyone is excited about it—so here we are! With less than two weeks to get the word out.
Yesterday, the authors who are contributors to this book began posting short excerpts and talking about what inspired their stories. There will be prizes along the way, bribes really, to keep you checking in. In my opening post on the Cowboy Heat blog yesterday, I said I’d give away a signed copy of a book! There’s still time to enter. I won’t close that contest until tomorrow night!
There are a couple of things you can do so that you don’t miss any of the fun!
1) Subscribe to the Cowboy Heat blog (https://cowboyheat.delilahscollections.com/ ). Look to the right side of this screen below the carousel of books. Enter your email address where it says “Subscribe to Blog Via Email.” That way, every post describing the exciting things we have coming will be delivered right to you inbox. You won’t miss a thing!
2) Go like our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/CowboyHeat. We’re busy planning events to tempt you to play. And again, there will be prizes involved, so I know you don’t want to miss that either.
Posted in General, News | 5 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Laura Bowles - Pansy Petal - Ginger Robertson - Delilah -
Friday, March 7th, 2014
An Apocalyptic Hero
A hero is strong. He’s kind and sometimes ruthless. He’s protective of those who need to be safeguarded and, though he can be very tough, he’s also extremely fair. By definition a hero is larger than life…someone who goes above and beyond what most of us would do.
In romance fiction a hero is all of these things. He’s also a strong jaw, a muscular pair of arms, a broad chest, and a cut pair of abs. He’s sexy because of his strength as well as his physical attributes. So how do you take a romance hero to the next level?
Drop him into an apocalyptic world.
In a world plunged into chaos, where there are no rules to influence his actions…no guidelines for how to live…an apocalyptic hero unerringly finds his way along the right path even as his domain explodes around him.
Great physical strength, a finely tuned sense of right and wrong, and a soft heart hidden beneath a rock hard exterior…these attributes have even more significance in a deadly environment where it would be oh so easy to take the wrong course. Worse, in a world where everyone is fighting to survive, it’s a constant battle not to abuse power, succumbing to greed, hate, and selfishness. The true hero…the one with his moral compass firmly tuned toward North…is not only easy to love. He’s impossible to resist.
My hero, Audie Kord, in the soon to be released Tall, Dark & Apocalyptic, is just such a man. I can’t wait to share him with you on March 8th! In the meantime, here’s a taste:

A grand passion in an apocalyptic world. A love beyond reason and without boundaries.
He’s a warrior, a bounty hunter in a world turned upside down. She’s a target, a creature of dark magic. His job is simple. Kill the target. Her goal is more complex. She must stay alive until she finds and destroys the source of death magic staining the twenty worlds. But the passion burning within them may be their undoing. It’s going to take an apocalyptic will to overcome the distraction their bodies are creating…and not lose themselves in the process.
Book page with excerpt
Watch the video
5 Shooting Stars! Redz World Reviews: “…reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet with a post world war feel. Even the secondary characters were unforgettable… Tall, Dark and Apocalyptic by Sam Cheever will engage you on multiple levels; many you won’t even realize until long after you finish the tale.”
Yeira screamed as the delicious invasion sent her past the point of return. “I’m…” She screamed again as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her…spinning her thoughts into formless creatures. Overwhelmed by a fireworks display of sensations repeatedly pelting her awareness, Yeira’s muscles tightened and the knot in her belly opened like a flower, letting the bliss it had been hoarding flow like lava through her unresisting body.
She barely hit the bottom of her orgasm before Audie had her in his arms. He carried her a few feet and lay her on the bed of leaves, covering her with his big body and clasping her hands in his, holding them above her head. Her knees opened of their own accord and she shimmied, trying to get his lovely cock between her legs.
But the hunter held her gaze, his face tense with need. His navy-blue gaze was serious, intense. “Are you sure, Yeira? I’ll suffer no regrets from our joining. I want you in my core. But I won’t do this if you aren’t certain.”
Yeira looked up into that penetrating gaze and felt a jolt of despair. Why was he asking her that now? She’d pushed her doubts away…hadn’t she? Of course she had concerns about what they were doing. It wasn’t smart…it wouldn’t end well…but she wanted him. So badly. Oh god, she didn’t want to think…
The hunter’s handsome face had turned more the iron mask with every thought that passed through her mind…as if he could hear each, damning one. Finally, frowning, he pushed away from her and stood.
Yeira sat up, terror clawing her throat. “Wait! Where are you going?”
Audie grabbed his discarded pants. “I told you, I’ll not take you if you aren’t fully sure it’s what you want.” He started to walk away.
“But I am…why are you leaving?” Even as she leapt to her feet, Yeira realized how desperate she sounded. She couldn’t seem to stop herself.
He turned back, closing the distance between them in two, large strides, radiating frustration. Every muscle in his body seemed made of iron. But his voice when he addressed her was filled with pain rather than anger.
It was like a razor across her heart.
“I’ve no doubt your body wants me, woman. I can smell your need…taste it on your lips. But it isn’t only your body I mean to claim. It’s your mind.” His lips opened as if there were more he wanted to say…but he shook his head and turned away from her.
Yeira watched his fine, naked form stalk away from her until it was consumed by the velvet darkness, and felt everything inside her melt down into a puddle of despair.
What had he seen in her eyes? And, whatever it was, why the hell hadn’t she hidden it better?
Available March 8, 2014!
Book page with excerpt
Watch the video
Tall, Dark & Apocalyptic will initially release as part of a box set entitled Tall, Dark & Alpha. As the name implies, this set features 10 hot Alpha heroes and the women who keep them on their toes.
Tall, Dark & Alpha Box Set
He makes your heart pound and melts your resistance away. He promises you a world of passion and you find it impossible to resist his dark charm. When he catches your eye across the room, you know he means business. He could be an executive, cop, shape shifter, or a bad boy looking for a little fun. Once he has you in his sights, you can’t get away—and after one sizzling night in his arms, you won’t want to. He’s Tall, Dark & Alpha. The alpha male is the ultimate indulgence…the richest dark chocolate…and we’re offering him to you in abundance.
Delve into the sensual worlds of award-winning authors: Randi Alexander, Koko Brown, Sam Cheever, Delaney Diamond, Eve Langlais, Afton Locke, Dawn Montgomery, Farrah Rochon, Paige Tyler, and Eve Vaughn. Immerse yourself in the alpha male experience.
Book page with blurbs
Award winning Sam Cheever writes romantic paranormal/fantasy and mystery/suspense, creating stories that celebrate the joy of love in all its forms. Known for writing great characters, snappy dialogue, and unique and exhilarating stories, Sam is the award-winning author of 50+ books and has been writing for over a decade under several noms de plume.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog | About.Me | Amazon Author Page
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Sam Cheever - Pansy Petal - Delilah Devlin - Eve Langlais -
Thursday, March 6th, 2014
What is it about a print book?
For one thing, I’ve never had a print book go completely crazy and lock up because the cat walked across it, like my Kindle did last night. That was a moment of panic, let me tell you. I know all the books are backed up in the cloud so all wasn’t lost even if the device was somehow screwed up beyond redemption. But I was in the middle of a book and had just reached a suspenseful point when my big ginger cat managed to hit way too many buttons at once and confuse the poor device. I didn’t want to be interrupted to deal with a technology fail!
Books, on the other hand, don’t care if you drop them, sit on them, even spill your drink on them within reason. For several years, I had a copy of Interview with the Vampire that I’d left out in the rain. It looked funny, but was still perfectly readable, and since I was just out of college and on a tight budget, I hung onto it until I found another copy at a yard sale. Can’t do that with an ereader.
And of course, it’s easy and perfectly legal to lend a print book you’ve just finished to a friend or loved one, thus spreading the love, while only some ebooks are legally shareable. (We do not advocate book piracy!) I have a long list of urban fantasy books I need to seek out in print just so my husband can read them. He’s not a fast reader and I don’t want to let the Kindle out of my hands long enough for him to use my device to read them.
But more than those practical factors, I find physical books comforting. Sometimes I actually cuddle them, like a child and her favorite stuffed animal. Piled up around me, they make me feel rich. (Drowning in clutter, but rich.)
All of this is a long way of getting to the announcement that Knowing the Ropes, a BDSM contemporary romance, is now available in print. Get one to hug and love. Share it with your friends. Send a copy to your technophobic elderly mom. (Okay, maybe not. But if your mom, like mine, is open-minded and unflappable and likes the occasional sexy book, it’s an option)

They’ve got the sex factor in spades. But can love survive the “ex” factor?
Selene has harbored kinky, submissive fantasies most of her life, but her experience as a domestic abuse counselor leaves her leery of giving up that much control. Case in point: the ex-fiancé she didn’t love quite enough to test the limits of trust.
At a BDSM meet-and-greet, she sets out to learn how far is too far. Nick seems like the ideal dom to show her the ins and outs of ropes, floggers, and paddles—with no commitment clause.
After losing a sub he loved too much, Selene’s country girl common sense and smoking sensuality is like a dream that Nick never dared to have—a perfect blend of kink and long-term domestic bliss.
Yet it’s tough to figure out just how far they can push their limits when they’ve both agreed to a no-strings affair. Especially when an ex needs Nick’s muscle and Selene’s counseling skills to get out of a dangerous situation. By then it may be too late for love to survive all the things they’re afraid to say.
Warning: Sexy, kinky, geeky dominant guy. Smart submissive woman. Crazy ex. A little experimentation between girlfriends. And lots and lots of kinky sex.
Samhain| Amazon| Barnes and Noble
Excerpts at Samhain and here
Visit Teresa at www.teresanoelleroberts.com, like her FB author page , https://www.facebook.com/AuthorTeresaNoelleRoberts, and follow her on Twitter @TeresNoeRoberts. Be warned she talks a lot about cats, gardening and yoga, as well as books, at all these locations.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Teresa Noelle Roberts - ronnie c - Melissa L Porter -
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014
Last Friday, I opened my blog for a free-for-all blurb and cover blitz. I had a few authors who came in after I’d closed the blitz, so I thought I’d go ahead and post those books, since you seemed to enjoy learning about new authors and their stories! Enjoy! Hope you find something you’re dying to read! ~DD
Born of a Navajo healer and a high-level prince of Hell, Fatal is forced to return to her mother’s tribe to study their healing arts, away from demon hands. But, with her tutelage came cruel segregation and disrespect. When her life suddenly comes under demon attack, she’s cast away from the only home she knows. Exiled, Fatal sets out armed with her knowledge and fighting skills to annihilate any threat against her.
Oracle by birth, Prince Orobus isn’t privy to visions regarding himself. Intel comes his way providing him with images of his mate’s participation at a seedy club, well-known for it’s sexual domination fight pit. Incensed, he’s thrust in the fight of his life—to claim his woman. Come Hell or high water, he will take care of what is rightfully his, even if it means making her face both sides of her heritage and teaching her there is no shame.
~Mahalia Levey
When Prince Ceros returns home to take his place on the throne, he falls prey to a mysterious malady that leaves him unable to speak or move, though his thoughts and awareness remain intact. Danet, a talented healer, realizes the prince is alert inside his body. The two are able to share thoughts telepathically. Unfortunately her connection with Ceros may bring unwanted attention to her abilities and result in her banishment from the city.
Their unique bond grows as Danet races to find a remedy for the prince’s condition. Desire turns to love, which makes Danet fear for their future when he awakens. They seek out the villain attempting to take the throne and endeavor to find a way to stay together.
Inside Scoop: Ceros’ secret shifter status adds complication and intrigue to their budding romance.
A Blush® fantasy romance from Ellora’s Cave
Buy Links: Ellora’s Cave / Amazon / Barnes & Noble
Book Trailer Video: https://youtu.be/4rcPumYSe5w
Dena Garson
Twitter: @DenaGarson
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dena.garson.7

Two weeks on a beach can deepen more than just their tans.
Texas Montgomery Mavericks, Book 3
KC Montgomery was eleven when she met the love of her life. Of course, seventeen-year-old Drake Gentry didn’t know she existed, but that didn’t stop her girlish fantasies from growing and changing over the years.
Now, after enjoying a front-row seat to his breakup with his latest girlfriend, she’s been handed an all-grown-up fantasy come true—two weeks at the Sand Castle Resort. With him.
Drake most definitely noticed KC a long time ago, but the timing’s never been right. Now that he’s facing a lonely vacation that was supposed to be for two, it seems only natural to accept KC’s offer to fill in. And as far as her terms go… No strings. No expectations. No holds barred. Drake is no fool—he’s all over it.
But once they’re back in Texas there are invisible strings still hanging between them. Strings labeled attraction, affection…even love. And the more they try to untangle the knots, the tighter they’re bound together.
Warning: Beware of sunburns, whirlpool sex and sand in delicate places.
Cynthia D’Alba
Website Facebook Twitter

Gavin Mathis is ready to settle down. He’s quit his job and come home to Shadow Maverick Ranch to do just that. Too bad his decision caused his beautiful former colleague to lose her job.
Lauren Delgado is a no-nonsense businesswoman. She’s had a crush on Gavin for years, but has a strict “hand-off” policy with the men she works with. When her life takes an unexpected turn, there’s nothing to stop her from accepting his invitation to Galveston Island, where the policy is definitely hands-on.
~ Parker Kincade

10 Romance Books, 10 Bestselling Authors, 1 Fierce Savings
Available March 8, 2014!
Intended for readers 18+ Only
Fall into the arms of the ultimate romance fantasy in this NEW exclusive limited edition box set of 10 decadent romances.
He makes your heart pound and melts your resistance away. He promises you a world of passion and you find it impossible to resist his dark charm.
When he catches your eye across the room, you know he means business. He could be an executive, cop, shape shifter, or a bad boy looking for a little fun.
Once he has you in his sights, you can’t get away—and after one sizzling night in his arms, you won’t want to.
He’s Tall, Dark & Alpha. The alpha male is the ultimate indulgence…the richest dark chocolate…and we’re offering him to you in abundance.
Delve into the sensual worlds of award-winning authors: Randi Alexander, Koko Brown, Sam Cheever, Delaney Diamond, Eve Langlais, Afton Locke, Dawn Montgomery, Farrah Rochon, Paige Tyler, and Eve Vaughn. Immerse yourself in the alpha male experience.
Priced at only 99 cents, this is your chance to enjoy books from the industry’s hottest award-winning authors. Get Tall, Dark & Alpha now before it’s gone.
Tall, Dark & Alpha Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TallDarkandAlpha
Dawn Montgomery
Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Dawn Montgomery - Livia Quinn - Delaney Diamond - Delilah -
Tuesday, March 4th, 2014
Since I’m off to watch three little ones for the morning, this will be quick! Just a question, because you know how curious (er, nosy) I am… 🙂
I’m still thinking about the Olympics—the original contests, that is. And from what I remember in ancient history class, the athletes competed naked. How sad is it that we’ve lost touch with tradition?
On that note (and feel free to share naughty thoughts), if you could change
something about the Olympics, or add an event or two, what would it be?
Yes, I did leave the door wide open, didn’t I?
Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michelle - Snarky Mom - Melissa Snark - Rachelle Lerner -