Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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AJ Best: Forgiveness (Free Book!)
Monday, February 17th, 2014

There are times that, for no good reason, I decide to write a little story. It niggles and picks away at my brain until finally I just write it down and get it out. I thought that while I was visiting today I would share my latest little story with you.


It’s not every year that your boyfriend picks you up in front of your house in a horse drawn carriage. I nearly fell over. I was expecting nothing more than a dinner and a little late night romance to fill the rest of the evening. But we rode cuddled together. The snow was lightly falling and I was glad we had a blanket to cuddle under.

We headed to a very nice restaurant. I ordered a tender filet mignon lightly seasoned with salt and pepper accompanied by a colorful medley of mixed vegetables. Even though he loves seafood my boyfriend decided that he would be kind enough to sustain tonight. He knew that I didn’t care for the smell and even kissing him after would cause my allergies to flare.

For some reason he started acting a little ‘squirrelly’, which wasn’t totally off for him, but he normally didn’t act like this in public. His hands were nervously wringing and he kept looking over his shoulder. He caught the eye of the piano player and they both nodded, I was just a tad confused. But when our song started playing I knew something was up. I turned back to my boyfriend and smiled.

The next thing I knew he was down on one knee. “The first time I looked at you from across the crowded classroom, I knew I was in love. You had your hair held back with a pen, and you were scribbling notes in your notebook. I knew right then that you were the girl I was going to marry. So baby, please make my dreams and wishes come true and be my wife.”

Tears streamed down my face and I choked back a sob. “Of course I’ll marry you you fool. Now get up and kiss me,” and boy did he ever. We didn’t even hear the patron’s light applause as we kissed. After time started again, he and I sat down and the waiter brought over a molten chocolate cake, the cake of love, because I LOVE chocolate.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do to beat that Valentine’s Day gift this year; I think I might get him a t-shirt. I’ll never match that.


OK, I know it’s a little corny, but I couldn’t help it. If you’d be interested in reading something of mine that has a little more spice in it than that, today is your lucky day. If you stop by my publisher, you can get your very own copy of my book Forgiveness for FREE! What a great Valentine’s Day present to me that they gave me the opportunity to share my story with you. (


Here’s a brief excerpt for your reading pleasure…

It seemed more and more lately that no matter how hard she tried, he looked right through her. It was infuriating and heart breaking. She’d had enough heartbreak during the past year to last her a lifetime. Her mother had been sick battling cancer all last year. Unfortunately she’d lost the battle. She’d made sure to pass on information to Mary while on her deathbed though.

Something Mary had never seen coming. She was adopted. Her world felt as if she had lost all control.

The adoption information that her mother had left with her will quickly found its way into the trash. Why would she want to find someone who didn’t want her? She had enough instances of that in her own home. She did wonder, after a year, if she had reacted too rashly. You never know when you’ll need family, and if she met her biological mother maybe she could figure out who she was, inside and out.

Mary plopped herself on the bed and let out a huge rush of air. There was no way Joe hadn’t noticed her outfit. She had bought it specifically for their ten-year anniversary night.

She remembered how she had anxiously awaited this evening and decided that she would make it perfect no matter how she was feeling. Every year on this day, they left the house at four twenty five and drove to the lake where he had romantically declared his undying love and proposed to her. He always hired a horse drawn carriage. The prancing steed would take them from the lake to a lovely candlelit dinner for two. After having one too many glasses of wine and a wonderful meal, they would enjoy a leisurely stroll to the theater. Wicked was currently playing on Broadway, and she couldn’t wait to hear the music that made her soul dance and her heart soar. Re-reading the book several times had her excited, and she knew the night would be perfect.

Then reality reared its ugly head.

Carefully she unlaced her corset and tossed the silky white thong in the corner; it still held the dampness from her unquenched desire.

“I can’t believe I wasted my time and effort on this. Sometimes my husband is such a jerk.” When she took a look around it dawned on her that she was talking to herself. Another deep breath and swish of hair and she mused, “I guess it’s okay to talk to myself as long as I don’t answer back, huh CC?”

She slipped her silk robe on quickly and snatched the cat from his slumberous repose. He squirmed to free himself but Mary kissed his little nose first. “Don’t be like your daddy, at least notice I’m here.” She placed the cat gently on the bed and started her morning ritual. Getting ready for work was the last thing she was interested in.


I’d love to talk to you all on Facebook:

Mia Hopkins: Cowboy Coctail (Contest)
Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Thanks, Delilah, for the opportunity to come say hi on your blog!

As a native Angeleno, I spend an awful lot of time in my car. The other day as I was driving home late from work, I found myself engaging in unexpected and somewhat inappropriate behavior, especially for someone stuck in L.A. traffic.

I was enjoying myself.

For some reason, the sunset sky was extra beautiful that evening. Pink clouds lashed with deep purple drifted west toward the horizon and the light that shone through my windshield was golden. If there hadn’t been all that traffic, I would’ve been content to speed right past all that beauty without looking up.

Second, a really good song came up on the radio. It was Dierks Bentley’s “Come a Little Closer,” a sexy country song about making amends. Here are some of the lyrics.

Come a little closer, baby
I feel like layin’ you down
On a bed sweet surrender
Where we can work it all out

There, in the middle of rush hour gridlock, I found myself actually smiling. The song reminded me of Cowboy Cocktail, a story I had just finished about two broken-hearted people trying to put themselves back together. Wanda is a busy single mom and Tom, the owner of the local cowboy bar, is her ex-husband’s brother. The attraction they feel is complex, forbidden, and hotter than a blast furnace.

Music is important to me when I write, so for fun, I’ve compiled a short list of sweet, mellow songs that I like to listen to when I’m working on a cowboy romance. Pour yourself a cowboy cocktail—which I’ve been told is whiskey and soda, hold the soda—and turn up the volume. You’ll be smiling in no time, I promise!

  1. “Come a Little Closer,” Dierks Bentley
  2. “When You Say Nothing at All,” Keith Whitley
  3. “A Thousand Miles from Nowhere,” Dwight Yoakam
  4. “Here Comes the Rain,” The Mavericks
  5. “Always on My Mind,” Willie Nelson
  6. “The Grass is Blue,” Dolly Parton
  7. “Springsteen,” Eric Church
  8. “Gettin’ You Home,” Chris Young
  9. “Remember When,” Alan Jackson
  10. “Neon Moon,” Brooks & Dunn

I’d like to give away an ebook copy of Cowboy Cocktail to a random commenter below. Please answer this question: What music do you listen to when you unwind?

Here’s an excerpt from Cowboy Cocktail by Mia Hopkins, available now on Connect with her at her blog,


Wanda always assumed that Tom had been sleeping in the back room of the Silver Spur among the empty kegs and stacks of bar towels. As she sat at his table, she looked around in awe. With its wood paneling, recessed lighting, and thick oriental floor rugs, his bachelor pad was downright classy.

“How do you like you eggs?” he called from the kitchen.

Fertilized, she thought. Then she shook her head. That’s Tom, you pervert. Cut it out.

“Scrambled is fine,” she said.

“You sure? I can do all the fancy eggs, no problem.”

“I like ‘em scrambled. Save your fancy eggs for the fancy ladies.”

She stood up and walked around the clean, cozy living room. Tom had thrown his cowboy hat on a sofa of caramel leather. The sofa sat alongside a matching armchair draped with a wool Navajo blanket and lit with a copper reading lamp. A huge wooden shelf filled with books stood behind the chair. There was a brand new flatscreen TV on one wall, which Wanda had expected to see, and a happy, healthy houseplant on the coffee table, which she hadn’t.

Wanda sat back down, deeply impressed. The smell of cooking bacon wafted out of the kitchen and completed the effect: this man had his shit together.

Tom came out of the kitchen and set the plates down in front of her. He went back into the kitchen and brought out silverware, napkins, and two glasses of orange juice. Before he sat down, he poured a little ketchup heart on her eggs with a squeeze bottle.

“There you go,” he said. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Aw,” she said, smiling. “Is this what all your fancy ladies get in the morning?”

He took his seat and waggled his eyebrows at her. “Sure. But they get something else first.”

She swatted him with the back of her hand, then picked up her fork and took a bite, feeling the warmth spread through her body from the inside out. She hadn’t been up past midnight in a long time and having a late-night meal felt oddly like naughtiness. She looked up at Tom, who to her surprise was looking at her.

“What?” she asked, automatically wiping her mouth with a napkin.


“Tell me,” she said.

He leaned forward. She blinked slowly, trying not to ogle the long line of his broad back. “Why do you waste your time with ridiculous men?” he asked.

“You mean like your brother?”

“Yeah. Like Sean.”

“Well,” she said, frowning. “I didn’t know Sean was ridiculous until much, much later.” She cleared her throat, dislodging all the insults she usually kept in reserve for her ex-husband and swallowing them down for now. “But that other guy, today,” she said with a sigh, “I suppose I knew he was ridiculous from the start.”

“Then why waste your time?”

“Beggars can’t be choosers.”

It was Tom’s turn to blink. He shook his head slowly and slid his eyes over her. Suddenly feeling naked, she reached down and tugged the hem of her dress down over her thighs. Her skin tingled warmly against the touch of her own hand. She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly gone dry.

“The hell you say?” Tom said softly. “You’re certifiable. There’s nowhere on this green earth you’d be classified a beggar, woman.”

“So…what am I?” she said. “A chooser? I don’t seem to have chosen this life, Tom.”

“Maybe not. But you’ve risen to it.”

She frowned. “Then I’m a…”


Wanda considered it. “I like that. A riser.”

“Yep,” he said, “and you sure as hell get a rise out of me.”

She froze mid-bite and put her fork down slowly. She looked up at him and didn’t flinch, even though her knees were trembling under the table. It had been a year and a half since she’d slept with Sean. Her body was betraying her, getting fired up over Tom—Tom, whom she’d known forever, her ex-husband’s brother. Tom, who hadn’t touched her or even made a pass at her.

Or had he?

She took a breath and broke eye contact, pushing her chair away from the table. “I’d better go,” she said, standing up. Her brain was mighty proud of itself, but her body was furious, throbbing for contact and release.

Tom was quick. He took her forearm; his grip was warm and firm. She gasped but didn’t pull away.

“Fucking hell,” he whispered, closing his eyes. The pain in his face mirrored the deep ache in her bones. He lifted her hand to his mouth and traced his lips slowly across her palm. With incredible gentleness, he pulled her arm toward him and pressed a warm kiss to the pulse on her wrist, his breath washing over the delicate skin and casting a spell as bottomless and dark as shame.

She stared at him, awestruck. He opened his eyes and seared her with irises the color of a high sierra lake.

“Tell me I’m not crazy, Wanda,” he rasped. “I want you so bad I can’t breathe.”

She was so close to him she could smell the musk of his skin, a combination of aftershave, laundry detergent, and clean sweat that suddenly made her tongue ache to know what he tasted like.

When she pulled her hand out of his grasp, she could almost feel his heart collapse in his chest. His guilt was palpable.

“Jesus Christ,” he murmured. “I’m sorry, Wanda. I didn’t mean to—“

Before he could finish the sentence, and before she could second-guess herself, she stepped into the space between his legs, put her hands on his rigid shoulders, and pressed her lips to his.

Katherine Bone: Duke by Day, Rogue by Night (Contest)
Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Update: Yolaine Clark is the winner!

* * * * *

Thanks for having me on your blog today, Delilah. It’s a pleasure to be here! 🙂

Hello, me hearties! My name is Katherine Bone and I write Regency Pirate Action/Adventure Romance. Huzzah and Hoorah!!!

One of the great things about writing Historicals, as I’m sure Delilah and many other brilliant writers like her have told you, is getting to do research. I absolutely love digging into research and then using what I’ve learned to write swashbuckling romance. It’s a win, win. Besides, pirates are boat loads of fun, pardon the pun. And with a name like Bone, what couldn’t be more appropriate, right? <g>

Today, I’d like to share a bit of what I’ve learned and used to flesh out my Nelson’s Tea female characters over the years.

Pirates. Deadly. Vicious. Determined. These roving souls took to the seas hell bent on filling their coffers with other men’s treasure. Eager to escape society, boredom, the law, these fearless men and women forged a brethren code and hoisted a flag meant to stir fright in the most stalwart of men.

Admiral Nelson was assigned to protect England’s shores. In my Nelson’s Tea Series, Nelson enlists the aid of a well-connected lord, a former naval associate, and a pirate family to get the job done. I adore the swashbuckle and mayhem my characters create throughout the series. But in reality, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, especially a woman who turned to piracy in order to protect those she loved.

~ Pirate Queen Roll Call ~

Alfild ~ The beautiful daughter of a 9th Century Scandinavian king balked at marriage to the only man who made it past serpents her father kept at her door. (Good old-fashioned fatherly love in action, eh?) Hesitant to marry her champion — zounds! his name was Alf too — Alfild donned men’s clothes and took to the seas. His pride beyond wounded, Alf had no other recourse but to give chase and attack Alfild’s ship. Legend has it a fierce battle took place. Alfild fought beside her crew and, upon seeing her face for the very first time when her helmet was knocked off, Alf took the fair pirate queen for his wife, putting an end to her shenanigans.

Lady Mary Killigrew — In the late 1500s, Mary’s father was known as the “Gentleman Pirate of Suffolk”. In keeping with family tradition, she married Sir John Killigrew, a pirate who bought her a fancy house in Arwennack, near Pendeniss Castle along the Cornish coast. It was here she staged her enterprise, boarding and looting damaged ships in Falmouth Harbor. Aided by her son John, president of the corrupt Cornwall Commission for Piracy, Mary operated a lucrative business until she was tried and set free, a rescue that was both politically motivated and expensive for her son.

Grania ny Maille — “Terra marique potens” (powerful by land and sea) was Grace O’Malley’s powerful family motto.  The short-haired daughter of a Gaelic chieftain married Dónal O’Flaherty whose motto “fortune favors the bold” encouraged her to raid the Thames. Together, they specialized in ambush tactics and created an impenetrable fortress, Cock’s Castle, on Clare Island in Clew Bay. Grace’s strained relationship with Queen Elizabeth is legendary but, oddly enough, culminated in friendship by the time of their deaths in 1603.

Anne Fulford, aka Anne Bonny, and Mary Read — After falling for James Bonny and then being seduced by Captain Jack Rackham — Calico Jack — Anne, not-yet 20 years old, put on trousers and joined her lover at sea. Later, they met and teamed up with Sailor Read (Mary in disguise) who pledged death by hanging was “no great hardship”. After Anne, Jack, and Mary pilfered the William in 1720 and roved around Jamaica, they were hunted down, captured, and taken to trial. Anne and Mary claimed they were with child and, instead of dancing “the hempen jig” like Jack, they were sent to prison. Mary became feverish and died before her pregnancy could be authenticated, while Anne gave birth and was never heard from again.

Fanny Campbell ~ After her beloved fiancée, merchant sailor William Lovell, was captured by pirates and then charged with piracy, Fanny knew just what to do. She changed her name to Channing, dressed as a boy, joined a ship’s crew, and staged a mutiny aboard the Constance, where she posed as second officer. Taking over as captain, to William’s surprise, she orchestrated his rescue. Soon afterward, Fanny and William married and became privateers in the American Revolution.

Rachel Wall ~ Daughter of Presbyterians, Rachel eloped with fisherman and privateer George Wall. Together their biggest ploy was to rob and kill would-be rescuers after they moored their sloop, waited out a storm, set their vessel adrift, and then raised distress flags to lure passing ships. Her greatest claim to fame? She was the last woman hung in Massachusetts in 1779.

Cheng I Sao — A Cantonese prostitute — Cheng I Sao married Cheng I and sailed with him until his death in 1807. Their confederation of 400 junks and 70,000 men was tightly bound by a constitution signed in 1805. “Wasps of the ocean” Madame Cheng’s pirates created an unbeatable naval force until Cheng I Sao went into retirement in 1810, ending her charismatic reign over the South China Sea. Twice widowed, the lovely pirate queen died peacefully at 69.

Throughout my series, similarities exist between these pirate queens and my characters. For instance, Fanny’s ship is named Constance and Constance Danbury is the heroine of my book Duke by Day, Rogue by Night. Adele Seaton, the heroine of book two, The Rogue’s Prize, channels Grace O’Malley’s, Lady Killigrew’s, and Rachel Wall’s swashbuckle. Mercedes Vasquez de la Claremont, the heroine in book three, The Rogue’s Surrender, has similarities to Anne Bonny and Alfild. And lastly, Baroness Chauncey in My Lord Rogue, the prequel novella, taps into Mary Read and Cheng I Sao’s bravado.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this overview of pirate queens. 2014 is a new year with endless possibilities and I’m excited to announce that the first book in my Nelson’s Tea Series, Duke by Day, Rogue by Night, is relaunching with EsKape Press <> on March 4, 2014.

Duke by Day, Rogue by Night


CONSTANCE DANBURY is desperate to escape an arranged marriage to a man nearly twice her age. Her only hope is to board a merchantman bound for Spain to enlist her aunt’s help. Her plans go awry when she’s captured by pirates. Even more alarming, her traitorous body longs for the man who’s returning her to England! Pushed into a marriage of convenience, she’s caught between two men—one owns her heart, the other is bent on stealing it.

PERCIVAL AVERY is a member of Nelson’s Tea, an elite group assigned to protect England’s shores at any cost. On a mission to avenge his sister’s death, Percy infiltrates the gang of cutthroats responsible. When his vessel attacks a merchantman, Percy must choose between vengeance and saving the life of his commander’s niece. His only choice is to mutiny, but mutiny obliterates his well-laid plans. Forced on a new course that leads straight back to Constance Danbury, Percy has to make a decision—chase revenge or allow himself to love again.

Readers, does anything about these pirate queens surprise you? Would you be able to leave your land-loving life behind and take to the seas? One lucky commenter will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. Woot!


Katherine has been passionate about all things historical since she was an Army brat traveling all over the world. Initially, she dreamed of becoming an artist, but when she met and fell in love with Prince Charming, her own dashing Lieutenant, vowing duty, honor and country, and found herself quickly saying “I do.” Life as an Army wife took her abroad to castles, battlegrounds and cathedrals, where tales of romance, swashbuckling characters, and unforgettable adventure filled the lonely nights Uncle Sam called Charming away.  Now, after raising four children, Katherine lives in the south with her rogue and fluffy Maine Coon, where she writes about alpha males and the happily ever afters they deserve.


Happy Valentines Day! (FREE STORY)
Friday, February 14th, 2014



I wrote a Valentines Day story several years back.
Today it’s free, from me to you.
Happy Valentines Day! XOXO ~DD

Love in Bloom (PDF) (5398 downloads )

Dena Garson: Mystic’s Touch (Contest)
Thursday, February 13th, 2014

I’m very excited about my new book release, Mystic’s Touch.

The world they live in is fantasy – a kingdom and a culture based on ancient Egypt. It was great being able to live in that place, in my head, for a while. And the characters were fun. I was surprised when two more of the hero’s friends showed up half way through the book!

And it all started with a dream.

Yup! I dreamed about my characters before they ever landed on the page. It just took a couple of years to figure who they were and what they were trying to tell me.

I don’t always remember my dreams, but some have been doozies! I try to record the really interesting ones so I can figure out what was on my mind or what the universe was trying to tell me. More than one of those may end up in a story someday.

Once I dreamed about getting a new job before being called for an interview. Then there was the time I dreamed that the place I used at was falling down – as in, the building was being evacuated in my dream because it was crumbling. A short while later a buy-out was announced. I’ve been told by friends that still work there that the company is no longer the same place.

A couple of years ago I had a dream about my son being kidnapped that freaked me out so bad I disabled his online gaming account for weeks. I hope that one NEVER comes true. *shudders*

And, naturally, there have been a few dreams that could only be recorded with adult-content labels. *blushes*

Dreams are important to Danet and Ceros, the main characters in Mystic’s Touch. They see each other in dreams for years before ever meeting. Their soul-deep bond strengthens their relationship and makes it hard to resist. No matter the odds.

Have you ever had a significant dream? One that came true or one that was so vivid it stuck with you for days after waking?

Leave a comment and let me know. And link over to my Rafflecopter to be entered in the drawings for goodies. I’m giving away books, jewelry, and lots of other fun stuff! Follow this link:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


When Prince Ceros returns home to take his place on the throne, he falls prey to a mysterious malady that leaves him unable to speak or move, though his thoughts and awareness remain intact. Danet, a talented healer, realizes the prince is alert inside his body. The two are able to share thoughts telepathically. Unfortunately her connection with Ceros may bring unwanted attention to her abilities and result in her banishment from the city.

Their unique bond grows as Danet races to find a remedy for the prince’s condition. Desire turns to love, which makes Danet fear for their future when he awakens. They seek out the villain attempting to take the throne and endeavor to find a way to stay together.

Inside Scoop: Ceros’ secret shifter status adds complication and intrigue to their budding romance.

Buy Links:
Ellora’s Cave  /  Amazon  /  Barnes & Noble
Book Trailer Video:

Dena Garson loves to read romance—the hotter the better. When one of her BFFs said “one of us should be writing this stuff”, she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s designing jewelry but somehow she still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.

Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Blog | Ellora’s Cave | Amazon Author Page

Sharon Hamilton: Cruisin’ for a SEAL (Contest)
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Thanks for having me today Delilah.

We do crazy things as authors, and we get our inspiration for our stories from just about anywhere. I am working on my 5th book in the SEAL Brotherhood series, called Cruisin’ For A SEAL. It’s the first time I’ve taken a long, extended vacation to write a book, and wrote nearly 1/3 of it onboard a cruise ship traveling from Italy to Brazil. This is where my story takes place.


First, I had never been to any of the ports we stopped at: Marakesh, Casablanca, Tenerife, Cape Verde, Sao Paolo, Rio, Santos. The crossing took us over the Equator, taking us from Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, to Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. There was a ritual in crossing this line we fully participated in. Salsa and flour and egg in the hair, jump into the salt water pool. A memorable experience.


My story follows the same itinerary: several members of SEAL Team 3 are on a vacation together with their wives and girlfriends, when terrorists take over the ship. Of course they save the day, and nearly everyone on board. Being the only Americans on this particular cruise, I met people from all over the world, and got a good cross-section of peoples and cultures to use in the story. I wrote late at night, early in the AM. Anywhere and everywhere. I wrote when I couldn’t sleep.

My hero and heroine meet before the cruise sets sail, in Savona, Italy. They spend a night together and expect they will never see each other again, which of course doesn’t happen.

Here’s the excerpt from Cruisin’ For A SEAL:


She was a pretty brunette with skinny legs, wearing high heeled camo boots, which is what got his attention originally. Waiting on a street corner, he thought perhaps she was a working girl. Marc decided to sit, have a cappuccino and watch the passers by.

She was joined by an older woman who could have been her mother. The two took a table next to him and the Italian flowed all over his body like a gentle rain.

The coffee was delivered to him and he nodded without speaking, not wanting the ladies to identify him as American. Not that it would make any difference, of course, because he had no intention of talking to them.

The heart-shaped design in the foam floating on the top of his cappuccino put a fishhook to his heart. He stared down at it with a wince, but welcomed the creamy taste. The shot of caffeine gave him the jolt he was seeking.

His eyes drifted from the cluster of pigeons trying to dodge scooters and pedestrians to the table next door. The younger woman was slipping off her
black raincoat, revealing an ample chest delicately restrained in a stretchy black dress that came down low in a dangerous V. She held her water glass with long delicate fingers and short red nails. A colorful charm bracelet encircled her small wrist.

He followed the glass she was holding until it mated with her full red lips. Her large brown eyes darted in his direction, then she repositioned them on the face of her companion across the table. But then she smiled. He knew that smile was intended for him as such as he understood his dick was interested for the first time in three months.

The Italian was luxurious. No other way to describe it. An Italian love ballad was playing somewhere down the arched tunnel between the piazza and the homes of the locals above.  He didn’t know the words, but loved the feeling it imparted to him. He understood some of the words, like Amore. He’d not have tolerated this sappy show or sensual drifting until tonight, but he was fantasizing the lady was rubbing the glass against her bottom lip for him, sucking the ice cube she held in her left hand as she flipped it inside and out of her lips, wrapping it in her pink tongue.

She smiled at her companion, and he wanted to lick the dimple that dared to show itself on the left of her cheek. He knew she’d taste good. He knew just a drop of her juices on his tongue would send him places he’d missed. His little brain had the pompoms and the little cheering section. Was already nekked with the young lady with the big tits and the beautiful full red lips. His fingers had found how her silky inner thighs quivered under his touch.

What are you doing?

She was a pleasant fantasy, and if he was completely honest and felt she would understand him, he’d thank her. But he was a dog. He was a dog about ready to embark on a cruise out of port with some of his best buds. He’d never come back here to Savona, and would never see her again.

I will reward a free audio book to one person who leaves a comment, chosen at random. Here’s your question: If you were going to go on a cruise with your favorite author, where would you go, and what story would you want to read/write?

Enjoy the sample audio clip from this book, which is on Preorder until March 1st.

Sharon Hamilton
Life is one fool thing after another.
Love is two fool things after each other.
Author Page ** Sharon’s Blog ** Sharon’s Website ** Facebook**Twitter


Two quick things, then a question…
Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

I’m just jumping in with a couple of quick announcements and a question….
First, just wanted to be sure you know that SEALed is out! I gave you the run-down on Saturday’s blog, even shared an excerpt or two! If you click on the cover, you can read the first scene of the story. The whole collection of ALL SEAL STORIES is only $.99. Get your copy now, because that price won’t last! And after  you do get your copy and settle down to enjoy the spicy, exciting stories inside, please consider posting a review. Those reviews help other readers decide whether to purchase. Let them know whether you think it’s money well-spent.

Buy Links: Amazon | B&N

* * * * *

Reined In
Book 7 of the Lone Star Lovers series, Reined In, is almost here and ready for pre-order! Click on the cover to read the first scene!

Think…daddy’s spoiled little girl, two ranch hands she’s teased mercilessly for years, and sweet resolution… Yeah, I had fun writing that one!

Pre-order Links: Amazon | Samhain


* * * * *

Now here’s your question…

If you could make one change to your current work (or home)
environment, what would it be?