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Monday, February 10th, 2014
Writing more than one book at the same time?
So, call me a glutton for punishment, but I often write more than one project at a time. Sometimes they are the same genre, sometimes they’re different. I just can’t help it. Sometimes a character will stand up and wave at me. They don’t like it when I say “Sit down and shut up.”
Sometimes I just dabble in one while concentrating mostly on another, or sometimes I work on both (or more) consistently.
And any writer knows that characters can be obnoxious. That’s how I got myself in my current predicament—but my 2nd predicament in a row like this.
I finished the third book in my romantic suspense series, Calculated Collision (Crossing Forces Book Three) and jumped right into book four. I was so proud of myself because I tend to procrastinate.
The hero of this book, Jared, had interrupted my writing flow when I was working on book three, so perhaps what happened next was Karma? (For him, or me?)
I had started book three (Nate and Lee’s story) and everything was going well. I had a plan of attack, so to speak, and hit the words hard. But then, out of the blue…I had a dream. Now that might sound cheesy, but it’s true. The dream was of the opening scene of book four of this series—Jared’s book.
The hero stood up and hollered, “Hey, what about me?” He didn’t appreciate or heed my answer, which went something like, “Wait for your turn.” Jared is stubborn like his partner, Cole (hero of Collision Force—book one), so I actually wrote great chunks of book 3 and 4 together, but ended up breaking off and finishing book three like a good little author.
So then of course, Jared gained all of my attention. Things were going well, and I got to 40k quite easily.
Then what happened? BAM! I had one of those sit-up-in-bed-gasping and scramble for the notebook moment to jot down this idea for this time travel story.
That little idea was supposed to be a 15k short for an anthology and turned into a trilogy. The Tartan MP3 Player ended up being about 33,000 words and the first of the Highland Secrets series. It will be out in March, 2014. I also did something I NEVER do: plotted the next two books. I am excited, and they should follow book one and two rather quickly in release.
So Jared pouted as I worked on Claire and Duncan’s story, but then I got back to him. My best-laid plans don’t always work out, but I really hope it doesn’t happen again. (Note to my characters: this is not a challenge for you.)
The writing process is different for every writer. The more I write, the more I realize there is no right or wrong ways to write. As long as we do just that: WRITE.
It also seems the further I go, the more stories swirl around in my head. I guess that’s great, I won’t run out of stories to tell. It’s just about having the time to write them all down. Writing a book is hard work. But it’s something enjoyable, and something that’s so much a part of me I couldn’t imagine not writing.
There’s nothing better than writing a good book…or two.
![ccChance Collision[1]](https://i0.wp.com/www.delilahdevlin.com/wp-content/uploads/ccChance-Collision1.jpg?resize=375%2C600&ssl=1)
Vowing to protect her had nothing to do with feelings.
Detective Pete Crane catches a new shooting case and considers it business-as-usual. But when the lead witness is the Chief of Police’s fiery assistant, he never anticipated she’d challenge him—personally and professionally. Especially while under his protection.
Little do they know, the shooting she and her grandmother witnessed was anything but random.
Thrown together, their attraction sizzles, even though she’s squarely in the no-fly zone. She makes him break every rule in his little black book.
Nikki Harper has been attracted to Pete since they met two years ago. Witnessing a brutal shooting throws her into a stigma that’s always been her greatest fear: a victim. She has no choice but to accept his protective custody and let him help save her and her beloved grandmother.
Can Pete protect his witness and solve the case, while fighting the intense heat with Nikki?
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C.A. Szarek Bio:
Sword’s Call is C.A.’s first book, and is the first in the King’s Riders Series, published by Paper Dragon Publishing. Love’s Call (King’s Riders Book Two) recently released. Collision Force (Crossing Forces Book 1), and Chance Collision (Crossing Forces Book Two) are part of a steamy romantic suspense series published by Totally Bound Publishing. ALL FOUR BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE NOW!
C.A. is originally from Ohio, but got to Texas as soon as she could. She is married and has a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice.
She works with kids when she’s not writing.
She’s always wanted to be a writer and is overjoyed to share her stories with the world.
Find C.A. Szarek:
Website: www.caszarek.com
Blog: www.caszarekwriter.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/caszarek
Twitter: https://twitter.com/caszarek
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5815085.C_A_Szarek
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Sunday, February 9th, 2014
Music and Coffee: Fuel for an Author
Hi there! Thank you to Delilah for allowing a newbie like me to make an appearance on her blog!
My name is Morgan, and I’m an addict. Phew, I feel better.
I admit to being addicted to music and coffee. One started at a much younger age than the other, I’ll let you guess which, but both are now so deeply ingrained that I need a fix. Often. I am one of those people who if I am not watching a movie or one of my shows, I’ve got the music going. Sometimes I’ll even toss in my ear buds and boogie along to my jams while doing the dishes. Much to my kids chagrined and my husbands delight. He thinks I’m ridiculous, but I know I’m made of awesomesauce.
My debut novella and subsequent series, Moonlight Nights, was spawn by a late night fueled by Starbucks coffee and a long drive under the stars. I’m a big huge fan of windows down, radio up and singing like a rock star in my car. On this night I was listening to a new to me artist, Bruno Mars. By now most people knew him but I had just recently came across of a few of his songs. I immediately downloaded his EP that was available and was jamming out, as I always do, and this song came on and I swear my everything just stopped.
“Talking to the Moon” was a song about staring at the moon every night and hoped that his former lover was too. It speaks of when the stars come up and light up his room, he just sits there talking to the moon. Right? It tugged at my heart and in an instant a story was born. If you aren’t familiar with this song, head over to my website and I’ve got it posted.
I know a lot of authors are inspired by random things, which I always found fascinating. When I first started writing I was able to use prompts to help me create a story, whether it be for submission calls or fan fiction. I know, I know. I didn’t stay there for long. But now with the birth of this one. story inspired by something so random as one song, I felt that I was part of the cool kids. I’m not, but one can hope.
Since then my inspiration has grown and has spun into a five book series, all surrounding one young couple and their connection to the full moon. The first book, a prequel of sorts, features the father of the young man. Sunrise is about a mature couple who meet by chance month after a steamy, anonymous weekend in Mexico.
After I wrote the first book, titled Talk to the Moon, I was further inspired by music and Sunrise is heavily influenced by the sexiness of Fleetwood Mac and The Eagles. And of course, coffee. There is something incredibly enchanting about the lyrics from Fleetwood Mac but the song Tequila Sunrise was the official inspiration for Sunrise. Not so much lyrically but more so the theme of a woman who is a bit lost and just numb from life.
So that’s a brief look into my crazy mind, what inspires you?
Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter or my blog for the upcoming New Adult release, Talk to the Moon on February 22nd! Be sure to pick up Sunrise for free in the meantime.
Talk to the Moon

When Kyle Chase was eighteen, he had his life all mapped out: a business degree and a long, happy life with his childhood sweetheart.Seven years later, Kyle is still haunted by the girl who declared her undying love to him before disappearing without a word as soon as he left for college. With the realization that the memories are stopping him from living his life, Kyle posts an ad in hopes of making contact with the woman who broke his heart. Read the rest of this entry »
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Saturday, February 8th, 2014
UPDATE: Sealed with a Kiss is available now on Amazon! Click the link to get your copy!
And the winner of a free copy of Uniform Desires is…Sophia Kimble!
* * * * *

Thought I’d lead with that cover. Don’t you love it? It’s the cover for a collection of eight ALL SEAL stories that will be releasing this coming week, just in time for Valentine’s Day! I don’t have a link yet, but as soon as the collection goes live, I’ll be sure to share it! Here’s the pic of the boxed set…

Note the line at the bottom of the front. The Only ALL SEA Anthology. Eight NYT, USA Today and National Bestselling Authors.
And if you read my story in Uniform Desires, you might want to read the next story in my trilogy of travel agents who wind up with more adventure than they wanted with smexy men to the rescue.
Here’s the list of blurbs for the stories that comprise the collection. Get ready to drool! Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in About books..., Contests! | 26 People Said | Link
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Friday, February 7th, 2014
Writing a Little Bit of Everything
Thanks so much, Delilah, for having me today. I was tickled you had space for me. As usual when thinking about what my topic for today would be I became distracted by Facebook and Twitter. Pictures of cute little baby animals (baby giraffes get me every single time), hot smexxy men (David Gandy wants ME, people, his eyes don’t lie), and of course, snarky e-cards and gratuitous wine shots are a serious distraction. Then I remembered I had a blog post to do and I was all discombobulated.
Finally, I hit on my topic. That a reader hit me up to ask me the question first was a godsend. The question was: “I see you write a little bit of everything. Why?” Now at first I wondered, is this reader pissed I write a little of everything? Or, are they happy about the fact that I’ve written romance across a wide spectrum of sub-genres to include contemporary, science fiction, paranormal, suspense and erotic? Maybe the question isn’t WHY, maybe it’s just why. Maybe there’s nothing hidden in the question—maybe they like that I do this. Then I shut my writer mind off and tackled the problem with my reader mind.

I write but I read, too. A LOT. My interests vary from outer space to shape-shifters to billionaires to military heroes to assassins. I like whips and chains, but I like the sweetness as well. And if I read all that doesn’t it just make sense that I would enjoy writing all of it? Of course it makes sense. My reading interests are a direct reflection of my personality—I love it all. No limits and no restraints. The written word makes me happy. What makes me even happier is to find an author I love to read and then I’ll devour everything they’ve written no matter the sub-genre.
So back to my reader’s question: Why? Why do I write a little bit of everything? Moving back into my writer brain the answer is simple: Because I can. Because I love it. Because I have stories that must get out of my brain or it will explode. That’s how I answered their question. I write scifi, paranormal, contemporary, erotic, and suspense because that’s where my characters live and breathe and fight and love. I might do one better than the other but you can bet your sweet butt I’m going to give everyone of them the best story possible.
My reader responded with this: “ 😀 I’m going to read them all I just wanted to know.” And in that statement is the very best unsaid/unwritten compliment I’ve ever received. That reader likes my writing. She likes the words I string together to form sentences then paragraphs then chapters and you get the idea. Because she likes my style, my voice, my words, she’ll read just about anything I write. And that is the best damn feeling in the world.
To any writer who wonders whether they should write that scifi romance they’ve been contemplating—to any writer who thinks maybe they should hold off of that M/M/f they’ve been wanting to pen—here’s my suggestion: WRITE IT. Don’t question your muse. Go with what you feel, do whatever research you need to do on galaxies and light-years and what goes where/when/how in a M/M/f, but DON’T NOT WRITE IT! Read the rest of this entry »
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Wednesday, February 5th, 2014
Tie me to the Bedpost and More!
Thanks Delilah for having me as your guest. I love a good naughty cocktail as much as the next girl so I thought I’d stop by and share a few drinks that go with some of my latest releases:
Tie Me To The Bedpost Baby
This is the perfect drink for Cassianna when she walks smack into the arms of her long lost love in Academy of Love.
1 part Midori Melon liqueur
1 part sloe gin
1 part Vodka
1 part Peach liqueur
1 part Chambord
1 part cranberry juice
Mix with ice in a hurricane glass and enjoy with a hunk like Lawrence when things heat up back at the Academy.
Or how about a little
Southern Bondage…
In Mixing Glass With Ice Add:
1/4 oz Amaretto
1/4 oz Peach Schnapps
1/4 oz Southern Comfort
1/4 oz Triple Sec
Splash Sweet/Sour Mix
Splash Cranberry Juice
Shake and Strain
Pour into a shot glass and enjoy!
Do you feel like escaping winter’s chill and heading for warmer temperatures? How hot do you like it? Check out these drink recipes inspired by Sail Away With Me.
Jody and Taggart’s sexy romp at sea and those hot Caribbean nights call for a drink like this:
Come To Me
1 oz Peach liqueur
1/2 oz. Amaretto almond liqueur
1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
4 oz. Pineapple juice
1 splash Grenadine syrup
Pour all ingredients into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.
Those two are insatiable. And still thirsty. How about a little Bend Me Over to refresh…
Bend Me Over
1 oz. Amaretto
2 oz. Sweet and Sour mix
Shake and strain, pour over a glass filled with ice and top with a splash of pineapple juice. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in General | 2 People Said | Link
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Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
After writing over 5000 words yesterday, I’m nearing the end of my latest SEAL story, Mutiny’s Bounty. I need to work like an automaton to get through my huge list of January projects. I think I worked well yesterday because the sun was out and the sky was a perfectly clear and bright blue. I felt happy and the writing showed it. Today, it’s raining and cold—as dreary a forecast as you can imagine. And I’m tired. Does weather affect you? I used to like rainy days. I loved any excuse to snuggle in a blanket and put my feet up to read a book or watch a movie. I’m ready for pool weather now!
Maybe I’m tired as well because I have so much more on plate than just books. I have a house to sell that has to be repaired and refurbished, and yes, I’m not doing any of the physical work, but I do have to run around to meet realtors, get utilities turned back on, etc. I really hate going out and about. Does that make me a shut-in? Have I become that weird writer-hermit person? I don’t like dressing up or putting on makeup or shoes. And I’m perfectly happy letting my hair frizz because blow-drying and straightening is too much work. Whoa. I am that person!
Maybe it’s just the weather. I used to think winter was my favorite season, but no more. What about you? If you didn’t have to go outside to work or carry the kids to their destinations, would you be that weird shut-in person?
Oh, and a quick note about newsletters. Mine’s been boring as hell. I’m hoping to change that in the near future. While I work on that, make sure you’re signed up to receive it. There will be contests and offers you can only get through this subscription…
If you are interested in receiving news about book releases, appearances, or other fun news, sign up for my newsletter. You won’t be inundated with emails (I’m just too busy) and I will never give or sell your information to anyone.
Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Michelle - Snarky Mom - Lisa J - Pat Freely - Pansy Petal - Delilah -
Monday, February 3rd, 2014
UPDATE: Rachelle Lerner is the winner!
* * * * *
Hi All! Cynthia D’Alba here. Whenever gal pal, Delilah, offers up her blog for guest, I usually slug all the other authors to get in line first! I’m pretty sure that’s how I got this cherry spot on the day before my book release.
Tomorrow (Feb. 4, 2014) book 3 (a novella) in the Texas Montgomery Mavericks series hits the online bookshelves. TEXAS FANDANGO is the story of KC Montgomery, a strong-willed, independent Texas cowgirl-attorney and Drake Gentry, drop-dead sexy professor from Texas Southern Methodist University.
The couple flies from Texas for a vacation full of sun, sand, surf and sex at The Sand Castle Resort on private SugarIsland in the Caribbean. It’s a two-week fling that will be over when the vacation is over. Sometimes, however, two weeks on a beach can deepen more than just tans.
Here’s a quick excerpt:
Drake leaned back on the sofa and crossed an ankle over a knee. “Okay, as I was saying, do you want to go with me on vacation? You sort of caught me off-guard this afternoon, and I’m sorry for being so slow on the uptake. I’d love for you to come with me.” He drained the remaining water and set the empty bottle on the side table. “But you need to know that I reserved a one-bedroom suite. I’ll sleep on the couch, you don’t have to worry. You can have the bed.”
KC set the puppy down and leaned forward. “You’re asking me to go with you on vacation?”
“Yep. My treat.”
“And you’re not going to make me sleep with you?”
He shrugged and made himself maintain eye contact when what he wanted to do was look anywhere but at her. Damn. Her voice was a little tight and high with that last question. Now what had he done wrong? He didn’t think he’d ever understand women.
“Right.” He dragged the word out. “No obligation.”
She drained her beer. The empty bottle dangled from the tips of her fingers. The side of her cheek sucked as she rolled it between her teeth.
“So no sex. That’s what you’re saying? I just want to make sure there are no misunderstandings this time.”
He nodded. “Sure.”
She echoed his nod and then set her bottle on the floor. “Well then, in that case, no.”
His head popped back. “What?”
Leaning toward him, she said, “No sex, no trip.”
This time, he swallowed hard. Crossed and uncrossed his legs. Adjusted his position on the sofa. “Explain exactly what you’re saying. Use small words and short sentences. I don’t think my mind is hearing correctly this afternoon.”
“Here’s the deal, Doc. I want a vacation with the five S’s. Sand. Surf. Sun. Spa. And sex.” She leaned back in her chair. “And not necessarily in that order.”
“So you want to sleep with me?”
“I want a two-week torrid, scorching-hot affair. No holds barred. Then, we walk away. No harm. No foul. Those are my terms.” She stared into his eyes. “Take it or leave it.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 18 People Said | Link
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