Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Guest Blogger: M. A. Golla
Monday, September 17th, 2012

Orgasm in your Mouth

I want to thank Delilah for letting me jump between her blog sheets to play today.

Coming up with a fitting topic for this blog was tough. You see, I’m a children’s writer—middle grade (8-12 year olds)—and I just don’t touch on erotic topics, and my hubs would prefer it if I kept our sex life in our bedroom. It’s far more comfy there, doncha think? Soft bed, pillows, porn. . . . er, never mind.

So what do I blog about?

With the weather finally giving us a break and becoming cooler, my thoughts turn to making candy. I love making candy. I think I made 55 pounds of candy to give away last Christmas, everything from four types of fudge to sea salt caramels to English toffee to peanut brittle, and molded chocolate truffles. The truffles are the hardest, but the most satisfying to make. They are time-consuming, back-breaking, delicate (entire batches have cracked and thrown out), and temperamental, depending on humidity. Very finicky stuff, but well worth the hassle.

About five years ago, I started experimenting with making truffle fillings. I now have fifteen flavors that are the epitome of an orgasm in your mouth.

Peppermint Schnapps, Strawberry Margarita, Frangelico (hazelnut), Amaretto (almond), Whiskey Toffee, Bäranjäger (honey), Key Lime (gin), Chambord (raspberry), Buttershots (butterscotch), Rum Raisin, Grand Marnier (orange), Black Forest (kirshwasser–cherry), Limoncello (lemon), Porto, and Gingerbread.

Gingerbread is my most recent invention using a vodka-based filling. Hubs came home from work and he sampled the remnants in the saucepan and asked, “How did you get gingerbread in there?”

Yeah, I’m that good.

I know all of you have eaten a piece of chocolate, done the little happy dance, moaned a little, maybe allowed a shiver of pleasure to tingle all your naughty bits, or had your eyes rolled back in your head as you experienced a climax of endorphins shooting throughout your body.

And, odds are, that was from a mass-produced, grainy piece of chocolate. Can you imagine the orgasm you’ll have eating one of these lovelies?

What makes chocolate so sensual, so sexual? The velvety texture? The smell as it floods your senses? The visual stimulation? The flavor as you roll it around in your mouth? The contrast between sweet and salty?

Let’s switch to a quickie anatomy 101 lesson. The reason you are enjoying chocolate so much has to do with the more than 10,000 taste buds you have in your mouth. Not all of your taste buds are on your tongue; they also reside inside your cheeks and in the roof of your mouth.

1–find a piece of chocolate.

2–roll that velvety smoothness around on your tongue,

3–and inhale through your nose.

4–savor the moment until the last bit of goodness slides down your throat.

So what happened?

The essence of the chocolate scent glides over soft palate and into your sinus cavity where the olfactory cells will detect the aroma, thus increasing your satisfaction of eating chocolate. In one simple bite, you will have experienced taste, touch and smell. Before you take the bite of chocolate, you will have the visual stimulation. And so we don’t forget our sense of hearing, your moans and groans of delight as you experience an orgasm in your mouth, further release the endorphins of happiness.

Since y’all were so kind to put up with me, I’d like to share a little something-something with you–my recipe for Sea Salt Caramels. The sweet is countered by the crunchy saltiness, while the creamy caramel blends beautifully with the chocolate coating.

Now, you can make an orgasm happen in your mouth.


1 1/3 cup heavy cream (whipping cream)
2 cups sugar
½ cup light corn syrup (Karo)
½ cup honey
6 Tbls. butter, cut into small cubes
1 tsp. vanilla extract (Madagascar real vanilla)
2 tsp. sea salt (if you have fleur de sel great, but I used Alessi coarse sea salt)
Dipping chocolate (Merkens or Ghirardelli dipping chocolate)
1 tsp. sea salt for decorating

Line 8-inch square Pyrex baking dish with aluminum foil. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.

Place cream in large saucepan over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Stir in sugar, corn syrup and honey; continue stirring until mixture comes to a boil. Cook candy, swirling occasionally, until it reaches the temperature of 257 degrees Fahrenheit on a candy thermometer. Remove pan from heat and add butter, vanilla, and salt. Stir until ingredients are incorporated; take care not to scrape sides where sugar has crystallized.

Pour into prepared pan. Scrap out caramel, but again, take care NOT to scrape areas where sugar has crystallized. Set at room temperature to harden. Lightly cover with waxed paper after it has cooled if you are letting it set overnight before you make your caramels.

Melt chocolate until it is smooth. Place waxed paper sheets on counter for dipped chocolates. Place sea salt in small container to be sprinkled (about 5-6 grains) on top of caramel.

Remove caramel from pan by using the foil ‘handles’. Carefully remove foil, as it can tear. Cut caramel into 1/2- inch squares, dip into chocolate until coated. Lift out with dipping fork and place on waxed paper to dry. Dip a few pieces (I can do about 10 without the chocolate hardening too much, but I’ve been doing this awhile) and then, sprinkle decoratively with salt. Let dry.

Take a sharp thin knife and trim excess chocolate puddling around base of caramels. Place in paper cups or store in air tight container until ready for giving or eating! Enjoy!!

HINT: I used orange blossom honey.

HINT # 2: If you forgot to wash your saucepan out and the sugar solidified, don’t freak. Just fill it with hot water and let the magic happen! The sugar will dissolve away.

HINT #3: Hot, boiling sugar is like napalm! If it splashes you place the body part under running cold water. This is the only way to get it off since it adheres to your skin. Yes, I have a quarter-sized scar to prove this.

M. A. Golla’s Amazon page

Gnome de Plume blog


Margaret Golla (M. A. Golla) has been writing since 2000, but in 2007 she realized she never grew up and wanted to play with her imaginary friends again, only this time she calls it ‘writing’. MAG’s lives in Oklahoma with her two kids—oops, make that one hubs and one child—one large fuzzy-butt Old English sheepdog, Maggie (yes, she knows the dog was named after her!) and one small fuzzy-butt guinea pig, Scruffy.  She’s plotting book four in The Goblin’s Apprentice series, DRAGON DAYS OF SUMMER, writing a non-fic blogagraphy (what else would you call taking your blogs and making them into a book??) about her weight-loss journey, and developing an adult paranormal series.

This ‘n’ That ‘n’ a New Book!
Sunday, September 16th, 2012

The winner of yesterday’s contest, chosen by random number generator, is… Stacy Wilson! Stacy, congrats and email me!

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Laying Down the LawLaying Down the Law

Thanks to everyone who bought a copy of this book last week! It’s currently #3 on Samhain’s new release calendar. I appreciate your support!

And I hope that if you’ve read it and loved it, that you will mention it to a friend, and/or post a review somewhere to tell someone else about it. I’d love to write more of this kind of book!

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For Writers!!

Don’t forget! There are only 15 days left before my current Call for Submissions for my alpha manthology closes!! Check out the details here: Cleis Press Sex Objects: He-Man Erotica for Women

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I have two contests running right now. Both end on September 27th! There will be tons of winners, so be sure to pay attention to how to enter! Rules for entry and descriptions of both contests and their prizes are located on my Contest page!


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I have a ton of guests scheduled to play here. My sister and I are traveling to Oklahoma next week to conduct a plotting bootcamp weekend with the RWA chapter there. I’ll be busy getting ready for it, then going, so I thought I’d better line up some guests to keep you entertained.

9/17 — Margaret Golla
9/19 — A. Catherine Noon and Rachel Wilder
9/20 — Denise Rossetti
9/21 — Mary Marvella
9/22 — Me, I’ll prepost a snippet!
9/23 — Cathryn Fox
9/24 — Wendy Soliman

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Coming Soon

I haven’t decided when to publish this one. Maybe this week, if I get time to put it up on Amazon and Nook, or maybe next week when I get back. But I thought I’d go ahead and share the cover and a snippet with you today. Hope you like it!

His need becomes a knight’s quest and a virgin’s gift.

An ancient, cursed creature, Drago, Lord of Drakkenberg, dreads the anniversary that marks the moment he must devour a virgin or visit a plague of destruction on the world around him. Once every century, he becomes a dragon…

Only now that his castle has moved to the U.S. in a vain attempt to break the curse, suitably mature virgins are hard to come by. In the midst of his transformation, he sends his loyal knight, Guy D’Alba, in search of a woman during the Renaissance Faire they are hosting.

Guy understands his duty well, but chafes against the curse that binds him in servitude to the dragon.  Until he meets a sweet young reporter who meets his overlord’s requirements—young, blonde and beautiful—and lo and behold, a virgin. But the moment he discovers her fitness, he knows he must relinquish her to Drago or their small mountain community will suffer the dragon’s wrath.

Angela Bowman is smart, young…and a lonely virgin ready to find an adventure. The moment she sees Guy, she falls beneath the spell of his smoldering sensuality. When he asks her to meet Drago, and then produces a blindfold, she finds herself so intrigued she consents.

She’s ready to surrender her innocence—but to which man? The sexy and attentive Guy—or Drago, the mysterious and dominant man she hasn’t yet seen but whose dark aura calls to the woman inside her, yearning to break free?

The woman shivered as she sat on the chaise, her head swiveling side to side to follow the sounds his minion made as he prepared the room.

She was lovely, skin like ivory, hair like burnished gold, lips…

Lovely, yes, but did she have the one thing he needed to end his curse for all time? He shifted his stance, his boots scuffling softly on the floor.

Her head jerked toward the sound. “Is this necessary?”

“I told you his requirements,” Guy murmured from where he stood beside her.

“Why the blindfold?” she whispered. “Is he hideous?”

Drago, Lord of Drakkenberg, snorted. Most women found him desirable. So much so, they’d throw themselves into his path, heedless of any dangers. But he was careful to hide his true nature, successful most of the time with suppressing the monster inside. Not so, today. Not on the first day of the full moon.

Guy pulled the leather restraints from beneath the bolster pillow and laid them silently behind the girl in case they were needed. Then he nodded to Drago and faded toward the stone wall of the bedchamber, his duty done. Read the rest of this entry »

Saturday Snippet: Holiday
Saturday, September 15th, 2012

Silent KnightToday, I’m heading to Little Rock to meet with my Diamond State Romance Author friends! I’ll leave you with an excerpt from something I wrote a while ago. Something dark and sexy—and written at the time New Orleans was in the midst of the cleanup after Katrina. Post a comment today, and you’ll be entered to win a download of this book!

“…The perfect holiday read! Delilah Devlin took a Christmas tale to a whole new level when she crafted SILENT KNIGHT.” ~5 Stars, eCataRomance

“…[SILENT KNIGHT] is a sizzling hot vampire story tht will take you on a short escape — the perfect read for a busy holiday season. Sexy and fun, make sure Silent Knight is on your holiday “must read” list!” ~4 Kisses, Romance Divas

Erotically decedent and thrillingly carnal, Noelle and Magnus’ story is enough to make a person self-combust with want.” ~4 Roses, A Romance Review

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Noelle Moyaux questions her gift of sight until a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger sets her on a path to save his soul.

Magnus Thornton is a millennium-old vampire who has found evidence of an old foe’s evil at work in the demolished city of New Orleans . Weary of the fight, he decides to greet the coming dawn after a night reveling in his favorite things–a bottle of Bordeaux and a willing woman.

Noelle seems the answer, but she quickly creeps into his heart-the vampire, so jaded from life he never speaks, must now persuade Noelle to flee the city before it’s too late.

Noelle Moyaux flicked off the battery-powered Christmas lights that ringed her metal cart, folded her purple tablecloth into a small tidy square and tucked it and the folding table inside the cart before latching the lid closed.

She wheeled the cart across the busy street and waved to her friend Gerard, the owner of a small Cajun restaurant. Continuing around the back of the eatery, she stowed her palmistry kiosk in the storage unit she’d rented from Gerard since before the troubles.

Today’s earnings were slim, despite the unseasonably warm weather that allowed the thin-blooded residents of the city to roam the streets in light jackets. No one believed in a future amid the chaos–and some questioned her ability since she’d received no divination of the coming catastrophe. Indeed, Noelle questioned her gift daily as she sat beneath her umbrella in front of the embroidered cloth advertising “Noelle’s News”.

If not for the little nest egg of money she’d saved from substitute teaching before the flood, she’d be in dire straits.

Clutching her purse close to her side, she headed down the street toward home.

One last night. One last chance to lose myself in The Hunger, a fine glass of wine and the body of a willing woman. Before my last sunrise—the first I will see in nearly a thousand years…

Noelle heard the quiet, fleeting thought as she passed through the crowd ambling along Bourbon Street and spun to find the owner. The inner voice that accompanied the thought was masculine and raspy. Added to the familiar spark of connection when her skin had brushed against his was a wash of the blackest melancholy she’d ever sensed. It nearly drowned her in despair. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Tamara Morgan
Friday, September 14th, 2012

A Duke, a Billionaire, and a Superhero Walk into a Bar…

I’m an equal opportunity reader. Give me a traditional Regency, an erotic contemp with a family of super-rich playboy heroes, an urban fantasy where the characters acquire kick-ass superpowers…I’m not picky. As long as the world is well crafted and the characters grab me, I’ll follow them along on all their adventures.

Some people (read: my family) don’t understand how I can bounce around between genres like that, how I can love a rich historical just as much as a fast-paced action romance. But it’s easy. What’s interesting to me about this motley crew of genres is not how dissimilar they are, but how similar they are.

Because no matter which way I figure it, every one of the hero types found in these books is as deliciously unrealistic as the next.

Historicals love to depict dukes. And spies. And really rich landowners who don’t exploit their tenants or the slave trade in the West Indies but have an inexplicable source of income all the same. I’m not saying I won’t read one of these books (on the contrary, magically rich and handsome young men are a staple in my TBR pile), but I am saying that the reality is probably a lot more grim. I mean, I have the Internet. I can look up paintings of the ancient lords of England. I see a lot of weak chins and receding hairlines.

Contemporaries are just as guilty of this. Yes, we’re seeing a larger influx of blue-collar heroes (whom I happen to adore), but the vast majority don’t worry about money. And even when they do worry, it’s always for a noble reason. You don’t see any of these guys agonizing about car payments and paying down their student loan debt. Oh, no. They want to set their female relatives up in style, make a family business successful, give up the shackles of their millions to pursue a higher calling.

Which leaves us with the superheroes and fierce men of the paranormal world. Naturally, we have to take a leap of believability when we pick up one of these books. I know my cute UPS guy probably doesn’t howl at the moon every 28 days. I know that if my husband took up Hawkeye-style archery, he’d only end up shooting himself in the face rather than saving the world. But in my day-to-day life, radioactive spiders are just as realistic as taking up spying for my country or building a million-dollar play room.

Which is to say, not at all.

So when a duke, a billionaire, and a superhero walk into a bar…it’s probably just me, enjoying a mojito and searching through my Kindle to find what I want to read next. You should come say hello. I’ll buy you a drink, and maybe we can talk books.

About Playing with Fire

Fiona Nelson has always been one hot ticket—even before she took the conversion serum that gave her superhuman abilities. Fiona’s powers come at a price: lack of human contact, or she won’t be the only thing burning. When she loses control of her emotions, her fire powers run rampant…and she’s hurt enough people already.

Including herself.

But when the man behind her conversion returns to blackmail her into helping him gain power, the only person she can turn to is Ian Jones, the man who broke her teenage heart. The man determined to expose the criminal known as Fireball, whose explosive escapades are just a little too close to Fiona’s M.O.

Ian is convinced Fiona’s dangerous, convinced she’s Fireball, and convinced he’ll damn himself if he doesn’t resist a heat that’s always drawn him to Fiona like a moth to a flame—but Ian has his own secrets.

And he’ll learn far too soon what happens when you play with fire.

Available at AmazonBooks on Board, and Kobo.

About Tamara Morgan

Tamara Morgan is a romance writer and unabashed lover of historical reenactments—the more elaborate and geeky the costume requirements, the better. In her quest for modern-day history and intrigue, she has taken fencing classes, forced her child into Highland dancing, and, of course, journeyed annually to the local Renaissance Fair. These feats are matched by a universal love of men in tights, of both the superhero and codpiece variety.

You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.

Winners, New Contest, and a Question!
Thursday, September 13th, 2012


First Winners!
The five winners of the Hustler Magnets Contest, chosen by random number generator, are:

* Angel Shaw (August 30)
* Julianne Keller (September 2)
* Ella (September 5)
* Jen B. (September 6)
* Stacy Wilson (September 9)

I’ll load up the packages with some other promo items, too! So ladies, email me with your snail mail addresses. Congratulations!

One more winner!
The Promo Ho Contest is ongoing (see below), but the first winner is Angel Shaw!!! Angel, email me! And thanks for your support! Angel’s a very lucky girl!

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New Contest — The Voodoo Doll Contest!

This one will be fun! I have these three pretty little voodoo dolls and two strings of wooden voodoo-themed Mardi Gras beads I picked up in New Orleans on Bourbon Street. So, five winners in all! Plus, I’ll be sure to fill up the packages with more promo items you will enjoy!

What do you have to do to win? Post comments on this blog from now until the contest ends! Each time you post counts as another entry!

This contest ends on September 27th!

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Ongoing Contest — The Promo Ho Contest

What can you win? One $25.00 gift certificate, given to a new lucky winner every week of the contest!

What do you have to do to enter? See the covers below? These books are in sore need of online reviews by readers. So I’m offering a tempting bribe. You know there won’t be as many entries for this contest as for the Voodoo Doll contest, so you stand a better chance of winning! And wouldn’t you like to have some cash to spend on new books? And who knows? Maybe you already have these stories sitting on your TBR pile. Time to move them to the top!

Give an honest review for one of these stories on one of the online bookstores. Send me the link at del… It can be the same review on three different sites, but send me three separate messages with the different links. Doesn’t matter if the review is on Samhain’s or Ellora’s Cave’s website, Amazon or Nook—send me the link to the review. Easy as that. Send me the link!

This contest ends September 27!


Fournicopia Sheshifters Cowboy Lust Laying Down the Law

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Today’s Question…

So, I have plenty of things for you to be interested in here, right? Contests, special guests, fun posts. I love the questions, how about you? Here’s today’s…

What’s the funniest TV sitcom scene you’ve ever watched?
[Question from The Answer Guys]

Guest Blogger: Brenna Zinn
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Hi everyone.  I’m Brenna Zinn, one of the authors from the Sassy Seven, and I’m delighted to be Delilah’s guest blogger today.

I want to let everyone know about a author/reader conference the Sassy Seven Authors are hosting that we’ve dubbed The Naughty Sleepover.  Next year from February 22 through the 24th, erotic authors and readers will have a chance to get together for a weekend filled with decadent events.  This is NOT your average author/reader weekend.  Forget boring panel discussions that put you to sleep or formal conferences that limit the reader’s access to attending authors.  The Naughty Sleepover is about authors and readers getting together and having fun!  Let’s party!

For more information check out our website at

In honor of the Naughty Sleepover event, the Sassy Seven Authors have composed our next series of books. It is my profound honor to share with you the e-book covers (designed by Nicole Austin) and blurbs for all seven books, which will be available from Decadent Publishing October 8 – 10th. All seven books will also be combined into a print anthology to be released in early 2013.

Coming October 8th…

Say Yes by Regina Carlysle

“I’ll make you famous.”

She’d spoken the words, clicked off a few pictures and then scampered off toward the rodeo arena leaving him more than a little dizzy with lust. J.D. Stone, owner of the Stone’s Throw ranch is in town for business but the sassy woman has him thinking of planting his boots under her bed. Luckily for him, the pretty Melissa Bell is staying at the same hotel!

At first, J.D. Stone looked like a ghost from her past but those long-ago imagines quickly disappear with the first touch of this sexy cowboy’s hands on her sex-starved body. The epitome of a man of the old-west, hard and strong, J.D. is everything she has ever wanted in a man but will a misunderstanding have him turning tail and running with the dawn? Not if she can help it.


Sugar Girl by Nicole Austin

A guy walks into a bar…

And finds the sweet girl he shouldn’t have left behind.

While book smart Candy Dillon went to college and embarked on an engineering career, Jeremiah Lange became a rodeo champion and country music icon. Their differences have kept these childhood friends apart until finally, the twists and turns in their individual paths lead them right back where they belong.

All work and no play has Candy aching for a thrill. Jeremiah is the perfect man to help check a few things off her bucket list. From bungee jumping to making out on a Ferris wheel and an emotional spin beneath bright spotlights, Candy’s having the time of her life.

But in the harsh light of the morning after can she really hold on to a shooting star?


When A Lady Meets A King by Brenna Zinn

Lady Pembrook went to great lengths, traveling thousands of miles and assuming a false identity, to satisfy her fantasy­­ of a one night stand with a real Texas cowboy. But can she fulfill her dream of a naughty sexual encounter after discovering a mysterious stranger in dark sunglasses threatens to expose her scandalous behavior in America?


Though riding bulls and taming wild horses aren’t the only risks Burton King has taken in a lifetime of working on a ranch, nothing scarred him deeper than falling for the wrong woman. When he finds a damsel in distress, will the oath he swore to never get involved with another woman keep him from finding the woman of his dreams?


More Than You Know by Cerise Deland

When a va-va-voom redhead walks into Luke Hurley’s bar, he vows to get to know her. But she escapes him every time, her family besieging her. Luke wants to save her. Hell, he wants to savor her if he can only figure out how to intrigue her…and nail her. Luke has his hands full of the classiest, funniest female he’s ever met for one naughty night. But will she love him tomorrow?







Overnight Sensation by Desiree Holt

Abbie Lawlor only wanted a drink with her friend at the end of a long, hard week. Her feet hurt, her head ached and she just wanted one cosmos then home to soak in the tub. She sure wasn’t looking to hook up with anyone. Her luck with men was worse than bad. Too bad with visitors flooding the town the bar at The Menger Hotel was so jammed a sheet of paper would barely fit between two people. Which was why Sam Burdette ended up pressed against her so she could feel every detail of his body. The heat the flared between them could have set fire to everyone in the bar. The invisible link between a Dom and a sub made her forget all her aches and pains. It was why she let the very sexy Texas Ranger coax her out of the bar and up to his room for some very off the wall sex that turned a casual “Hello” into an overnight sensation.


Blame It On Texas by Allie Standifer

Everything’s supposed to be bigger and better in Texas, right? Sexy plus size model Serena Morgan isn’t convinced and can’t wait to get out of the wild untamed state.

Local boy and country star Kale Winters has wanted Serena from the moment he looked into her eyes. Too bad she won’t have a thing to do with him. Or will she?

Thanks to the soft heart and match-making gene of Serena’s agent and his own swift thinking Kale has one night to prove there’s more to this cowboy than ropin’ and branding.

Together they explore the explosive passion growing between them in the majestic and some say haunted Meneger Hotel.

Come morning will Kale be able to convince Serena he’s the real deal or will the stubborn model Blame It On Texas?


Spank ‘Em Cowboy by Samantha Cayto 

Sensible California gal, Tara, is in San Antonio for her sister’s wedding. Her only hope is to survive the overdone affair without a wardrobe malfunction. Hot, cranky and breathless, she flees the reception only to be rescued by the quintessentially sexy Texas man. In town for the rodeo, Rob spots the voluptuous Tara and is delighted to help this damsel in distress. Maybe it’s her tight dress cutting off the oxygen to her brain, but Tara decides to take a chance and invites him up to her room. She puts herself in his hands and dares to reveal her secret desire to be
spanked and dominated. Happy to oblige, Rob takes her for the ride of her life.




Stay tuned for excerpts and more on this exciting new series.


Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

Well, it’s here! I hope you enjoy it. Remember, to “like” and “tag”, and if you have time, please post a review so another reader will know what you think and perhaps be convinced to buy it. Thanks so much for your support! Muah! ~DD

Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.

The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1

A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.

Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.

Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.

Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…

Purchase your copy now at Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble