Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Guest Blogger: Karis Walsh
Monday, September 3rd, 2012


Thanks to Delilah for letting me guest blog on her site today! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m an author of lesbian romances. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Delilah on two of her Cleis Press anthologies – She Shifters and Girls Who Bite. I’ve also had two novels, Harmony and Worth the Risk, published by Bold Strokes Books, and my third book will be released in January, 2013. It’s called Sea Glass Inn and it’s about second chances.

Have you ever wanted a do-over? A chance to revisit a conversation or career or relationship and maybe get it right this time? My character, Melinda Andrews, tries to do just that. Move, start fresh, gamble on a new life that is more aligned with who she is and what she and her son need. I love Mel. She brings a little bit of crazy and a whole lot of brave with her as she attempts to restore a dilapidated old inn on the Oregon coast. She’s not only my creation, but my inspiration as well, because – whether this is life imitating art or vice versa – I’m beginning a new chapter of my own. Starting over. Redefining myself. Mel bought a house to celebrate her newfound freedom, but I chose to get a new horse instead. (And new vet bills, feed bills, etc. But I’m pretty good at ignoring such practical matters.) So I – being who I am – listed and prioritized the qualities I wanted in a horse. And life – being what it is – tossed my list in the trash and sent Siena and Sunshine my way.

Siena and Sunshine. The Thelma and Louise of the horse world. Best buddies and refugees from a local animal shelter. (Their previous owner apparently wanted his own fresh start, so he simply abandoned his eight horses on a vacant piece of property. Nice, huh?) Frankly, except for the fact that they’re equine and have four legs apiece, they don’t fit the description I made of my perfect horse. For example, they’re not a gelding, aged six to ten years; they’re two mares, aged… well, it’s really not polite to ask. But they are gentle and wary-yet-friendly. Together, we’re going back to basics and beginning again. Trying to erase old pain while never forgetting the important lessons we’ve learned along the way. I’ve discovered that Siena and Sunny aren’t wrong for me because they don’t match my list. I simply wrote the wrong list.

We don’t get true do-overs in life. We can’t go back and change the past. But we can, and should, try to heal old wounds and revisit missed opportunities as we go forward. I suppose the best we can do is move toward the future a little wiser and kinder and more careful to protect ourselves and those closest to us. Siena, Sunshine, and I are definitely bringing some baggage with us on this journey, but who doesn’t? As my character Mel learns: new beginnings require hard work, patched-together dreams, and a determined (albeit shaky) faith in the power of love. New starts with old scars are always difficult. But the rewards? Definitely worth the effort.


After a life of wrong turns and lost hope, can true love be more than a bittersweet fantasy?

Melinda Andrews arrives on the Oregon coast with a dream of running the Sea Glass Inn. Still reeling after an unexpected divorce, Mel believes she has missed her chance to find love. All she wants is to make her business a success and regain her independence. She locates the artist who inspired her move so she can commission more paintings for her new inn.

Pamela Whitford runs a gallery in a small seaside town, planning events and supporting other artists while neglecting her own talent. Since being deserted by the love she thought was forever, she refuses to let anyone close enough to hurt her again. But Pam can’t resist the struggling new innkeeper, and she agrees to paint for her even though it means opening herself up to creativity and the vulnerability that goes with it.

Can they learn to trust again and discover a second chance at love?

Sunday Report Card and a Question…
Sunday, September 2nd, 2012


Don’t forget! The Hustler Magnets Contest is still ongoing. And in fact, a comment today counts toward the drawing. There will be 5 lucky winners! Also, don’t forget about the Promo Ho Contest. Four gift certificates are at stake!

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Sunday Report Card

Remember back in May when I told you I have 18 projects to get out the door by January 2, 2013? That list grew a little bit to 21 projects. Currently, it looks like this:

4 3 full-length novels (2 1 paranormal suspense, 2 BDSM) — Shattered Souls, done—and scheduled to release January 8th!
5 3 novellas (1 Delta Heat, 1 Triple Horn Brand, 1 Delta Heat, 1 Femme Noir, 1 Triple Horn Brand) — Delta Heat: Fournicopia, and Triple Horn Brand: Laying Down the Law done!
4 2 short stories — “Red Dawn”, “Johnny Blaze”, done!
3 2 anthologies I have to edit — Smokin’ Hot Firemen done!
3 novels to extensively edit & expand with my sister (it’s a secret!)
1 novella to extensively edit and publish — Dragon’s Desire, edited! Publishing soon!
1 short story anthology to edit and publish — Licks, done!

My productivity slowed down last month, partly because I spent a week in Louisiana having fun, then had to recuperate from all that fun, but mostly because the pool and crafts (pendant-making) just seemed like so much more fun. I’m paying for it this month. Don’t expect to see me much on Facebook or Twitter, except very late at night, because I have to keep my cave door closed.  I am very, very close to having one novella done, have two novels to kick off at the same time, and an editing project I have to pull together this week. Sound like enough to keep me busy and out of trouble? Sheesh!

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If you’ve ever seen the musical, Oklahoma, there’s a character named “Ado Annie” who gets into trouble with men because she can never say no. Well, meet her twin. I really try to keep guests down to three a week so I have time to have some fun here, but I can’t say no when I have such fabulous guests coming. This week, I’ll have the following ladies. Be sure to drop by and see what they’re all talkin’ about!

9/3 — Karis Walsh
9/5 — Jules Bennett
9/6 — Vivian Arend
9/7 — Jane Lovering


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Subscribe now!

Look to the left. See the “Subscribe to Blog via Email” notice? I added that in case you’re absent-minded and forget to check out my blog every day for new contests, guests, and events. You won’t be spammed if you subscribe. You’ll just get an email showing you what’s on my blog that day.

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The Question

Last week, I asked you what TV show you’d most like to see have a renunion show that had been off the air for at least 10 years. This is kinda related. Have fun!

Which TV show’s cancellation most made you want to howl?

Snippet Saturday: Fireworks
Saturday, September 1st, 2012

Every author has a book of her heart. One that she knew was the very best she could do. I’ve had two of those books of the heart. Seduced is one of them. Everything I love about paranormal stories is in there—the thrill, the goosebump awe, even a touch of horror. And I had so much fun writing this book. It took only 5 weeks to slam down 85,000 words, because I was “living” the story every day of that five weeks. Today’s Snippet theme is fireworks. I could have chosen a kiss, but this is so much more fun. Anyone love zombies?

“…The electrifying follow-up to INTO THE DARKNESS is a breathless read. Devlin’s intricate vampire society is filled with compelling personalities. The chemistry between the characters is explosive, and the horrific villain will give you goosebumps…the ending will leave you begging for more.”
4 ½ Stars and TOP PICK!, RT BOOKreviews

“…This is a deliciously edgy series with mind-blowing sex scenes that sizzle…Ms. Devlin’s DARK REALM series is devastatingly erotic and pushes the boundaries in both premise and sexual explicitness. Ms. Devlin pens in uncharted territory that will leave the readers breathless and hungering for more…”
Paranormal Romance

For eight hundred years Nicolas Montfaucon has dedicated his life to preventing the rebirth of an immortal evil. But now a terrible storm has assaulted unsuspecting New Orleans—and the beast walks the earth once more. “The Devourer” has been awakened, and there is only one in the besieged city who can help Nicolas defeat the foul creature—a mysterious and beautiful enigma who haunts the handsome Revenant’s erotic waking dreams and enflames his passionate obsessions.

Chessa Tomas is not an ordinary policewoman. A vampire, she works only at night, patrolling a seamy and unseen underworld of roiling chaos. Though Nicolas is sensuality incarnate, Chessa wants no part of him or his kind—but she cannot close her eyes to the unholy malevolence that would consume their world. And Nicolas has uncovered the secret lust that rules her—a steaming, uncontrollable desire he intends to unleash, bending Chessa to his will by making her most forbidden fantasies real.

The bodies they’d come to inspect lay on a tarp floor in black bags. The young man knelt and unzipped the first one. A woman in her mid-forties, gray roots showing beneath auburn colored hair, stared sightlessly upward. Her smocked denim dress with its embroidered flowers was marred by the large dark hole that sank in the center of her soft upper abdomen and the blood-spatter spotting the crisply ironed fabric.

“Looks like he used a post-hole digger to rip through her,” the young man said, pushing his glasses up his nose. “What kind of person would do a thing like that?”

The next three bodies had similar injuries.

Working silently, they finished making notes, Alex holding his breath over each corpse.

“You have to sign out,” their escort said. “I’ll escort you to the checkpoint.”

Lit as bright as any high school football field on Friday night, they made their way between the tents, passing people rolling gurneys with more bodies in FEMA black bags.

Alex was signing the checkout roster when screams ripped through the night, coming from the direction of the row of refrigerator cars. Read the rest of this entry »

Guest Blogger: Cheryl Ann Smith
Friday, August 31st, 2012

What’s in a Name?

Did you know that there are five thousand two hundred and twenty-three common Regency Era first names? Okay, I totally made that up. There are probably more like a couple dozen or so each for both males and females. But why do I care? You see, the thing is, unlike contemporary authors, historical writers have an unwritten code that you need to stay within certain parameters when naming your characters. If you call your heroine Cheryl, for example, the readers (and editors) will be all over you, and rightfully so. You should at least use a name that sounds historical, even if your British readers gnash their teeth at your end result. All you can do is your best. If it sounds too modern then it probably is. I’m pretty sure you won’t find a single Neveah, Caitlyn, or Alexis in any Jane Austen book. It’s a guess, but I’m pretty sure I’m right.

Using Cheryl for a Regency heroine would be like calling a vampire hero, Bob, Fred, or Wally. Those names, though awesome, just don’t have the same punch as Lucian or Dante do when naming a neck-chewing hero. Wally, Lord of the Vampires. Hmmm. You decide.

Then there are terms of endearment. Some affectionate Regency terms are Darling, Dearest, and Love. You won’t hear a historical hero calling his heroine Love Bunny, Snooky Bear, or Sugar Lumps. Again, just a guess. Can you imagine an alpha duke making kissy lips while calling his duchess Snooky Bear? Um, no. Nor can I imagine a duchess calling her duke a Hot Hunk of Burning Love. Though it would be pretty darn funny if she did!

I guess the point I’m trying to get to is that even a secondary character might be a hero or heroine in a future book. So choose their names wisely. When my readers started clambering for a redemption story staring Hortense from book two of my Brides series, I probably should have thought further ahead when I named her. Huh. Do you think I could have gotten away with calling her Sydney?

Notorious bad boy Simon Harrington, third in line for his uncle’s title, has finally conceded to settling down and finding a noble wife.  Then he stumbles across a courtesan in peril on a dark London street, and his life takes an unexpected turn.  Fearing for her safety, he brings the mysterious beauty to his cousin’s School for Brides, where compromised women are taught how to be suitable wives.  But he finds it impossible simply to walk away.

A poor country squire’s daughter, Laura Precott was promised in marriage to the shadowy Earl of Westwick.  Instead of making her his wife, however, he betrayed her and forced her to become his mistress.  When she learned of his plan to sell her at auction, she fled for her life.

Simon knows he must forget his feelings for such an unsuitable woman or risk disgracing his family.  But when Laura’s former lover turns out to have been murdered the very night of her escape, suspicion falls squarely on Laura.  Now it is up to Simon to prove her innocence even if it leads to his downfall…   Barnes & Noble

Brand New ContestS…and a Question
Thursday, August 30th, 2012

I’ve got TWO CONTESTS starting up today–you don’t want to miss them.
But be sure not to forget the question at the bottom of the page!


First, you want to know who won The Authors After Dark Grab Bagszzz Contest, right? Thanks to everyone who posted over the last couple of weeks! I let the random number generator choose the day and the winners, and here they are: Strohs (Aug 16), Crystal Guidroz (Aug 16), and June (Aug 27). Ladies, congratulations! Now, email me to let me know where I should mail your prizes!

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Hustler Magnets Contest

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I am a collector (hoarder!). One of the things I can’t resist when I’m out and about is magnets! My file cabinet is covered top to bottom in silly magnets. When I was in New Orleans for the Authors After Dark Conference, I think I bought 10!!!! Well, part of my prescribed therapy is to let go of the some of the things I “collect.” See the five magnets lined up in the picture? I picked them up in the Hustler Store on Bourbon Street. I’ll give them away to five lucky winners! But that’s not all… (Now I sound like the OxyClean guy!) I will fill the package your magnets come in with trading cards and a bookmark, and a cute little plastic boxed office kit. So don’t be shy. You know you want it.

What do you have to do to win? Post comments on this blog from now until the contest ends! Each time you post counts as another entry!

This contest ends on September 13th!

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Promo Ho Contest

What can you win? One $25.00 gift certificate, given to a new lucky winner every week of the contest!

What do you have to do to enter? See the covers below? These books are in sore need of online reviews by readers. So I’m offering a tempting bribe. You know there won’t be as many entries for this contest as for the Grab Bag contest, so you stand a better chance of winning! And wouldn’t you like to have some cash to spend on new books? And who knows? Maybe you already have these stories sitting on your TBR pile. Time to move them to the top!

Give an honest review for one of these stories on one of the online bookstores. Send me the link at del… It can be the same review on three different sites, but send me three separate messages with the different links. Doesn’t matter if the review is on Samhain’s or Ellora’s Cave’s website, Amazon or Nook—send me the link to the review. Easy as that. Send me the link!

This contest ends September 27!


Fournicopia Sheshifters Cowboy Lust Laying Down the Law

(Yes, LDTL isn’t out yet, but you can have it on pre-order and get it the moment it’s ready!)

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The Question

If any TV show that has been off the air for at least 10 years could have a reunion show,  which show’s cast would you like to see back together again?
(Question is from “The Question Guys”)

Guest Blogger: Voirey Linger (Contest)
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

Any Which Way You Like It

I’m starting this blog with a confession. I’m writing while impaired. No, not drunk or hung over, though it feels close. I’m goofy from a move which doesn’t seem to end. Three weeks, I’ve been packing and moving, then unpacking, then going back across town to do it again. Somewhere in the shuffle, the cord to my Kindle vanished, lost in the depths of an as yet undiscovered box. This of course means I can’t recharge my beloved Kinny and read. All my print books are still boxed, too. So not only am I exhausted and sore, I’m bookless.

Pity me.

Without books to read, the next best thing for me is usually writing, but with edits due, I have to settle for the not-as-fun fixing on my third angel book. I supposed fixing isn’t so bad. It gives me a chance to visit my characters again. And I do like the characters.

This book marks the first time in the series I’ve dealt strictly with a het couple… which is weirder when you know that when I started the first book, I had no plans to do anything except het. I’d never considered doing m/m in any form. I didn’t read it, didn’t write it, never had it even fleetingly cross my mind. Then boy kissed boy and suddenly I had no idea what I did and didn’t write. Calling me confused would be an understatement.

Well, that unplanned kiss opened me up to reading more than just boy meets girl. I picked up several books with m/m and what do you know, I did like it. I liked it a lot. But I didn’t fall head-first in love with m/m.

My why is pretty simple. I like men who are manly, and there is usually one partner who isn’t. By manly, I don’t mean an alphahole who is overburdened with testosterone. I mean the character comes across as a strong, purely male in thought and action. I’ve never been a fan of the effeminate guy.

When I wrote the second book, I knew going in that it would be an m/m and that both men would be on even ground in size, intelligence, and in in that elusive manliness scale. Equal partners in all ways… well, except one of them was a college professor and the other an angel on a mission from the Most High. That bit kinda blew the curve.

Even though I loved Ren and Adam, I will still say my heart is with het romance. What about you? Do you read gay romances? Do you like m/m, m/f, f/f… or a little bit of everything? What do you like or hate about them?

One lucky commenter will win a copy of Forsaking Eternity, the second book… that’s the m/m one in the Heavenly Lovers series, now available from Ellora’s Cave. The third book in the series, Embracing Eternity, will be available this fall.

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You can find Voirey online on her website,, or on Twitter as @voireylinger.

Her books can be found at Ellora’s Cave, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever ebooks are sold.

Excerpt from Forsaking Eternity

“Is it too bright for you? I can close the blinds if you’d like.” Adam took a stack of books from a battered chair and set them on his overfilled desk. He began shuffling papers, straightening the desk. “I like the light so I keep the blinds up most of the time. Natural light is much better for working, at least it is for me, but if you don’t like it…”

Adam stood still as a statue for a hesitant second. “I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

“Perhaps a little.” Ren ducked his head and smiled.

“Please, make yourself comfortable. I don’t have much time, unfortunately.”

Ren didn’t move. He couldn’t. His feet were firmly planted on those aging boards, held captive by this man, this simple human. After an eternity of living among wonders beyond this or any man’s comprehension, how was it that Adam, in all his base humanity, could fascinate him so?

“I don’t really wish to sit.” He peeked up at Adam and his gaze caught on the expression on the human’s face.

Adam slowly circled the desk once more until he stood close in front of Ren, closer than socially acceptable, closer than comfortable. Something deep in Ren’s chest responded. It pulled at him, tugged him toward Adam until he swayed.

“Why did you come, Renatus?” The words were a whisper, their speaker so close Ren could feel them ghosting over his own lips.

“I wanted to be with you, if only for a few more moments.”

Ren couldn’t say which one of them moved, or if maybe they both had. He just knew that in the next moment his jacket brushed against the tweed of Adam’s, the near-contact of their bodies so overwhelming that he could feel every fiber as they caught and clung. Adam’s breath fell hot and fast against his face. Ren’s lids grew heavy, his head tilted and he began to lean in.

Reminder–Call for Submissions: Sex Objects (hot alpha guy stories!)
Tuesday, August 28th, 2012

With just a little over a month to go before this call for submissions closes, I thought I’d remind all you authors out there that your stories need to be told! Please pass this along to all your writer friends out there! ~DD

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Sex Objects: Hot He-Man Erotic Romance for Women
Editor: Delilah Devlin
Publisher: Cleis Press in Fall 2013
Deadline: October 1, 2012


Editor Delilah Devlin is looking for hetero “super alpha” stories for a romantic erotica anthology tentatively entitled: SEX OBJECTS: HOT HE-MAN EROTIC ROMANCE FOR WOMEN.

What is it about heroes like Superman, Iron Man or Thor that revs our engines like no other? Is it the suit? The manly physique? Or is it the courage they display, wading in where others fear to go, to save the damsel, the city, the Earth? Well, we don’t want Superman or Thor this go-round! Are there real-life heroes who inspire the same lustful fascination? Kickass iconic heroes who enter danger zones in the name of duty, honor, country—or maybe love—who conjure images of hard, chiseled bodies, deadly glares and camouflaged features?

Sex Objects will seek stories that satisfy the reader who craves the romantic idea of that “super alpha” man. The stories will be contemporary. While traditional themes are likely to be featured, writers are encouraged to imagine greater in order to create tales that, while featuring this iconic hero, may also surprise.

Imagine the Navy SEAL sent on a rescue mission; the damaged Army Ranger home from war; the para rescue team member jumping into frigid waters; a SWAT team member entering a human trafficker’s den… These “super alpha” heroes can be military members and based in far-flung places around the world or the smoke-jumper living next door. Then imagine the romantic possibilities of being held against that massively muscled chest by a man whose mission is to protect and serve…

Published authors with an established “super alpha” world may use that setting for their original short story.

The stories may be as kinky or vanilla as the writer wants—but a deep sensuality should linger in every word. Exotic locations and scenarios are welcome. Keep in mind there must be a romantic element with a happy-for-now or happy-ever-after ending. Strong plots, engaging characters and unique twists are the ultimate goal. Please no reprints. We are seeking original stories.

How to submit: Prepare your 1,500 to 4,500 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12 point, black font document with pages numbered (.doc, NOT.docx) OR rich text format. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.

In your document at the top left of the page, include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 words or less bio in the third person to If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories. Delilah will respond in January 2013. The publisher has final approval over the stories included in the manuscript.

Payment will be $50.00 USD and two copies of the published book upon publication.

About the editor: Ms. Devlin has published over a hundred erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths. Her published print titles include Into the Darkness, Seduced by Darkness, Darkness Burning, Darkness Captured, Down in Texas, Texas Men, Ravished by a Viking, and Enslaved by a Viking. Her short stories are featured in Zane’s Purple Panties, and Cleis Press’s Lesbian Cowboys, Girl Crush, Fairy Tale Lust, Lesbian Lust, Passion, Carnal Machines, Dream Lovers, Lesbian Cops, Best Erotic Romance, and Girl Fever. She is published by Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Ellora’s Cave, Harlequin, Kensington, Mischief, Running Press and Samhain Publishing. In Fall 2011, she debuted her first anthology with Cleis Press, Girls Who Bite. In Summer 2012, Cleis Press released She Shifters and Cowboy Lust.

Direct any questions you have regarding your story or the submission process to Delilah at