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Monday, August 27th, 2012
Never Judge a Book by its Cover
Gosh, how many times have we all heard that expression? Used in relation to just about everything? And sometimes even about actual books? 🙂 With the explosion of self-publishing, there are a lot of books out there these days and getting your book noticed is becoming more and more difficult, I think. There are also a vast range of covers. Some professionally done and others…not. Some done really well and others…well, not so much O.o. Of course, that’s just my opinion.
I really do buy into the ‘never judge a book by its cover’ sentiment, but the reality is in this climate, a book’s cover has become even more important in the increasingly competitive world of attracting readers. A cover is often the first impression someone has of an author’s work. It has to be eye catching as readers are scanning the many hundreds of books at the online sites or on a bookshelf, give an idea of genre at a single glance, and it has to entice the reader to want to take a second look. And a third. And ultimately buy it. Of course, not all readers buy new authors simply on cover, but I do think for most, it plays into the decision to some degree.
I found several links out there that profess to have the worst covers of all time and I thought I’d share just a few of them:
Did anyone spew anything onto their computer screens looking at some of these LOL? Yes, some of those covers were horrid. And downright terrifying. And yeah…extreme. The thing is, these are more the exception. There are a lot of good covers out there. And many really great ones. As an author who publishes through a publisher, covers are something I have little control over, but I’ve been fortunate so far. I haven’t shuddered at any of my covers—far from it—and I think I really lucked out with my most recent release, Rise of Hope from Carina Press. I do think it’s eye catching with the color scheme, I think it screams ‘paranormal’ and the hero…well, he’s not half bad to look at, right? Some might even say it channels a young Ryan Reynolds. 😉 And of course, I hope that it will be intriguing enough to new-to-me readers that they’ll go that extra step. Perhaps read the blurb. Check out the excerpt and let the writing sway them.
So..what do YOU think? How important are book covers in the buying decision process for you?
I’ll choose a random commenter through Monday 11:59 pm Eastern, to receive a book of their choice from my backlist J.
About Kaily
Kaily Hart, a seemingly straight-laced mother of four, left corporate America and a high-powered, lucrative career to be a stay at home mom. Right… That lasted about four weeks, during which time she realized she had a deeply repressed dream—to write. And (gasp) romance at that! Who knew? By day, Kaily plays conservative wife and soccer mom, but at night crafts hot and steamy tales of romance and love with gorgeous heroes who wouldn’t dream of leaving the toilet set up. Ever. She’s smart and sassy, at least in her own mind, and is creating as many happy ever afters as she can, one hot story at a time. Kaily never would have thought she’d be doing this, but now that she is? Well, you couldn’t pay her enough to do anything else.
Kaily’s books, PICTURE THIS, PAY UP, PLAY ME & POINT BLANK (yeah, she has a thing for book titles that start with ‘P’), are all currently available from Ellora’s Cave. Her latest release RISE OF HOPE, book 1 in the Fabric of Fate series, is now available from Carina Press. You can find out more information about all Kaily’s books here and read more about RISE OF HOPE here.
If anyone would want to contact me (which I would love by the way) or just keep up with what I’m doing, you can find me all over:
Web – www.kailyhart.com
Blog – https://kailyhart.blogspot.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kaily.hart
Twitter – https://twitter.com/kailyhart
Pinterest – https://pinterest.com/kailyhart/
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 21 People Said | Link
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Sunday, August 26th, 2012
Not so much a report card today, but a list of announcements—things you may be interested in, including freebies, contests, and what’s coming…
Subscribe now!
Look to the left. See the “Subscribe to Blog via Email” notice? I added that in case you’re absent-minded and forget to check out my site every day for new contests, guests, and events. You won’t be spammed if you subscribe. You’ll just get an email showing you what’s on my blog that day.
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About Contests
Yesterday’s winner of a free download of one of my backlisted Samhain stories is…Becky H! Congrats, Becky, and be sure to email me to arrange delivery of your prize!
This is the final week of the Authors After Dark Grab Bagszzz Contest (it ends the 30th!). Click on the link for details of how you can enter! A comment on this post is a great start!
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Free Reads at ERWA!

Don’t miss out!
I’m August’s Featured Author on the Erotica Readers and Writers Association website!
What does that mean for you? Well, I gave them three short stories to post that you can read for free! Come September 1st, it will be too late! So mosey on over there now and enjoy! Click on the picture for the link!
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The Cowboy Lust Blog Tour
One more blog hop was added to the blog tour. I won’t select winners until the 28th! Click on this link to read about the blog tour, check out the stops and the list of prizes. Don’t miss out! The Cowboy Lust Blog Tour details
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Reviews Needed!
If any of you have read any of my latest releases, all listed below, I would appreciate your help posting reviews for the books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the Samhain website (where appropriate). To help incentivize you into doing it, I’ll be launching a Promo Ho contest on Thursday. So if you’d like to get a jump start, you can send me links to reviews you’ve posted and be entered for a great prize (to be announced!). Here’s the list of what I’ve had come out lately…
06/21/12 – GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS: Guy Free Fun anthology (Mischief)
07/10/12 – FOURNICOPIA (Samhain)
07/10/12 – SHE SHIFTERS: Lesbian Paranormal Erotica (Cleis Press)
07/12/12 – LICKS, anthology with Paisley Smith (Kindle/Smashwords)
08/07/12 – GIRLS WHO SCORE anthology (Cleis Press)
08/14/12 – COWBOY LUST (Cleis Press)
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Guests this week!
I love having guests on my blog. I hope you’ve enjoyed finding new authors here. This week, I have the following authors coming to play:
08/27/12 – Kaily Hart
08/29/12 – Voirey Linger
08/31/12 – Cheyl Ann Smith
Be sure to drop in and see what they’re talking about.
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For you writers…
My sister, Elle James, and I usually provide a free workshop in August called, “Write Fifty Books a Year” and a plotting bootcamp in September. Due to our overbooked work schedules, we’ve decided to slide Write Fifty to December, to help authors get ready for the New Year, and wait to offer another bootcamp until January. So mark your calendars, and if you’re interested in joining us, be sure to check out the Rose’s Colored Glasses website. Space is limited for the bootcamp, so the earlier you sign up, the better!
Tagged: Sunday Report Card Posted in General | 9 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: donnas - ELF - Belinda Baker - Stacy Wilson - Delilah Devlin -
Saturday, August 25th, 2012

You know I’m going to tease you right up until release day! If you like my Westerns, you will LOVE this story. And you’ll want Gabe and Tommy’s stories next. So go ahead, don’t fight the urge another day.
Pre-order at Samhain
Pre-order at Amazon
Pre-order at B&N
Post a comment here today and you’ll be entered to win a free download from my backlisted Samhain books!
Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.
The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1
A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.
Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.
Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.
Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…
“You still want to stay?”
Her head came up, her gaze clinging to his expression, which was set in firm lines that didn’t give away a thing he was really thinking. “You haven’t changed your mind? Your brothers didn’t talk you out of it? I’m bad news, remember?”
“I don’t answer to them. You willin’ to stay on my terms?”
She shook her head, not understanding him—angry and unbending one moment, offering her a carrot the next. “Why are you doin’ this?”
One side of his sexy mouth curved upward. “I haven’t a clue.”
The screen door creaked opened behind them. They both turned. Gabe gave her a hard, pointed stare, and then turned to Colt. “You have a call. It’s the station.”
Colt sighed and shot her a look that said he wasn’t satisfied, not by a long shot. “We’re not done.” Then he stood and walked back into the house.
Gabe lingered on the porch, standing behind her, making her uncomfortable enough with his silent disapproval that her hackles raised.
She kept her gaze resolutely on the roofs of the outbuildings just beyond the paddock. “You have somethin’ you want to get off your chest?”
“He’s not a kid anymore. He won’t be fooled twice.”
Zuri shook her head and aimed a narrowed glare over her shoulder. “You sound like I did somethin’ to him.”
“Just givin’ you fair warnin’.”
She lifted her shoulders. “I’m not here to start anything with him. I just ran into some trouble and need a place to stay for a couple of days.”
“Where you plannin’ to sleep?”
She arched one brow. “Why don’t you ask him?”
“I don’t want him gettin’ stubborn.” Gabe snorted. “He never had a lick o’ sense when it came to you.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Triple Horn Brand Posted in About books..., Contests! | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jen B. - Sandi - merriedth - Pamk - donnas -
Friday, August 24th, 2012
IF I WERE YOU is released everywhere in all formats and I have a fun announcement to celebrate!
To celebrate the release of IF I WERE YOU I’ve partnered with Tokii the first ever self-help relationship management platform, specifically designed to deepen and strengthen all types of relationships—to create an interactive game based on her sexy novel. The game will allow couples to discover each other’s innermost desires and fantasies in a fun new way! Lisa will also be giving away a $200 Amazon gift card via THE GAME at the Tokii website.
So today if you go and play the game and enter to win $200 and then come back here and tell Delilah you did it I’ll enter you to win a $10 gift card, a Yankee candle, and a signed arc of the print version of HOT SECRETS!
How cool is it to have a game to go with the book and a chance for you to win $200? I hope you will give the game a try and I’ll leave you with the details on IF I WERE YOU! The $200 contest starts tomorrow so be sure to check out the game then too!
I can’t wait to hear what you think of the game!
About the book…

He is rich and famous, and dark in ways I shouldn’t find intriguing, but I do. I so do. I don’t understand why his dark side appeals to me, but the attraction between us is rich with velvety promises of satisfaction. Chris is dark, and so are his desires, but I cannot turn away. He is damaged beneath his confident good looks and need for control, and in some way, I feel he needs me. I need him.
…. I was enthralled from the moment I picked up the book.
….I devoured this book
….I loved it, loved it, loved it!!! I can’t wait for the next book to come out!!! Two thumbs up!!
….Sexy, enchanting, and mysterious are the best words to describe the characters and this story. If I Were You is an extremely suspenseful, captivating story.
….My, my I loved this book!
Want autographed goodies?
Send postage and your shipping information to the following address:
10623 Ouray Creek Point, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
You will receive bookmarks and special journal of Sara’s thoughts.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ginger Robertson - ginger Warrick - Mary Preston - Lori F. - Pamk -
Thursday, August 23rd, 2012
I know sometimes it’s hard to keep up with what’s happening with me, but my last Western for the year will be released on September 11th! And I think it’s one you will really enjoy. Sorry, no wild menages, but it does have a fun, suspenseful plot, starting with a bank robbery and ending with a bad guy staring down the hero at a police roadblock. In between, there’s tons of sweet of lovin’ as the hero and heroine learn to trust each other again. Below is a short snippet from one of my favorite scenes—the first kiss.
Enjoy it, and if you have time or inclination, you can pre-order the book now. It’s available now at both Samhain and Amazon.com. If you happen to head to Amazon, do an author a favor and “like” and “tag” the book so other readers can find it when they search for sexy Westerns! Thanks, y’all!! ~DD

Seeking sanctuary could be the hottest mistake she ever made.
The TripleHorn Brand, Book 1
A lifetime ago, Zuri Prescott kicked the dirt off her boots and ditched her small-time small town for the glam city life—and lived to regret it. When she’s framed for a bank job, she lights out for home, seeking refuge with her old high school sweetheart while she figures out her next steps. Only she discovers that the boy she left behind is the last man she should trust.
Sheriff Colt Triplehorn knows trouble when he sees it, especially when it comes in the form of a familiar trespasser, caught naked between an angry bull and her underwear. Sure she’s up to her usual no good, he grants her sanctuary at his ranch—the better to keep an eye on her, and purge her from his system once and for all.
Reconnection is sweet and hot, but the heat can’t hide the truth. When Colt inevitably finds out what Zuri’s running from, it’s too late to put the fire out, and he’s got a career-compromising choice on his hands. Follow the letter of the law, or follow his heart.
Product Warnings: When a sheriff captures the girl who got away, expect revenge so hot it leaves brands on two lonely hearts…
Zuri bit her lip. Colt didn’t look happy to see her. But why should he? It wasn’t like she’d been any more than a convenience for him in high school. The girl from the wrong side of the tracks with the scandalous family—she’d never really stood a chance at being anything other than his little bit on the side.
She could still remember standing in the gym, her heart pounding as she stared up at him, telling him she had her bags packed and she was heading east to start her life. Her stepfather had shown her the door that morning, his duty done. She didn’t have any place to go but away—unless Colt offered her another option.
But his face had hardened, his jaw sawing closed, a muscle rippling along the strong, square edge.
“What were you gonna tell me?” she’d asked past the lump lodged at the back of her throat.
“Never mind,” he’d said, pulling on a tight smile and walking her to her car.
With that, she’d had the answer to the question that had lingered between them their entire senior year. He didn’t love her enough to ask her to stay. And besides, she’d had big plans. Plans that didn’t include staying in this one-horse town, no matter how handsome her boyfriend was. Or how sweet his lovemaking.
Staring back at him now, she didn’t know why she hadn’t fought harder to hold onto him. The promise his lean, rangy body had held had been fulfilled. His broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms stretched the pale blue cotton of his work shirt. His waist tapered to well-hewn hips and thighs. His face, however, had undergone the most changes, losing its youthful softness. It was now honed to sharp, masculine edges. Lord, he made her mouth water.
She wondered if he’d been disappointed in the lack of change in her own body. She was still long and skinny, her breasts unimpressive swells that hardly needed the bra that had floated down the center of the river when she’d confronted the angry bull.
Colt knelt beside her clothing, tucked a finger under her skirt and raised it. “This all you have to wear?”
Light shone through a large jagged tear where the bull’s sharp hooves had ground the navy, summer-weight wool skirt. Zuri’s shoulders slumped.
“Do you have something else to put on?”
She shook her head, and Colt stared for a long moment. Then he dropped the ruined skirt to the ground and picked up the blouse. It was grayed from her time in the floodwaters and smudged by the bull’s abuse. Colt shook his head. He dropped the blouse too, heaved a sigh, then stood and began to unbutton his shirt.
“Where are your shoes, Zuri?” he asked, his voice rough as gravel.
“Guess I lost them,” she said, feeling like her mouth was stuffed with cotton.
“You gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”
She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth because it had started to tremble, but managed a nod, even though she knew she’d wait and see whether she could trust him with all her woes.
“Here,” he said, holding his shirt out for her take.
Only problem was, she’d have to stand and walk out of the water to get it. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Triple Horn Brand Posted in About books... | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Stacy Wilson - Zina - donnas - Ginger Robertson - Pamk -
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
Two notes:
1) The Authors After Dark Grab Bagszzz Contest is ongoing. Post a comment here today and you’re entered to win!
2) The Cowboy Lust Blog Tour continues. Today’s blog hop is to Seductive Musings!
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Behind the Hurricane
There are many things that I use for inspiration. It is all around me and I use it to create books. For my upcoming book Hurricane, book 1 in the Singleton series, the inspiration I used is very personal to me.
The idea for Hurricane came partly from my mom and dad’s relationship. My dad and mom were very much in love. As a child I loved watching how they interacted with each other. Yes there was up and downs but they were there as a constant for us. As a family we survived many family ups and down’s including a Hurricane that devastated a lot of the island where I am from. The strength we had was due to the family – those of blood and whom we see as family even through we had no blood ties. Standing side by side and helping each other is what got us through.
There were many storms we had. When my dad passed away I had just graduated from high school. It sent all of us reeling. I’m the youngest in my family. In my case I had just moved away from home to go to college. I had only moved a week when I got the call he was gone. When I had to return home for the funeral I had already set in my mind not to return to college and told my mom so. She refused to let me give up my dream and told me that my dad was proud and knew what I was doing. After my dad’s passing my Mom was the rock that kept our family going. She made sure all of us were okay. She went on after such a devastating loss. Sadly my Mom passed away a few years ago.
When I sat down to write Hurricane I wanted to portray a form of the love my parents had. As well as the strong family dynamic I grew up with. I did take creative license to change how Julianne and Keenan my main characters of the novel get together to create a long lasting relationship. Throughout the book you will see them build from the base to a loving foundation. Julianne and Keenan will have trials and things to face before they get there. Their journey is a growth for both of them.
Also when I created the concept for the Singleton series I wanted to give readers a view of me. The Locke’s is a family that were born in St. Thomas – the same island I was born in – and they moved to the fictional town I created called Singleton which is set in New York. Even with the move they maintained the closeness of family and added more by their friendships they formed. Friends who have become a part of the large extended family. The Locke family and friends are large, close-knit and portray what family is all about – being there through joy, pain and even death. They are the way my own family is.
Hurricane book 1 of the Singleton series will be released on September 24, 2012 at Total-E-Bound. It is available now for pre-order. I’m extremely proud to bring the book and all the future books in the series to readers.
Taige Crenshaw is a multi-published author with books available at Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books, Loose Id, and Total-E-Bound. Taige has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book. It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance. With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s. Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people and far reaches of the world in her novels. You can find out more about Taige at her website: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com or blog: https://www.taigecrenshaw.com/blog.
When life gives you a second chance how do you decide what to do?
Pre-order here at Total-E-Bound.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Ginger Robertson - ELF - Kandie (@KanKan929) - donnas - Pamk -
Tuesday, August 21st, 2012
Hard Mated, by Jennifer Ashley
Shifters! I love them, especially the sexy wildcats, wolves, and bears that populate my Shiftertowns.
A few years ago, when my publisher nixed my idea for a vampire series (too many vamps out there, they said), I pouted, then brought forth an idea for a shapeshifter series that had been swimming around in the back of my head.
I’m so glad I did! The first book, Pride Mates, was my first New York Times bestseller, and paved the way for more Shifters to come.
I decided right from the start that my series wouldn’t be “save the world from evil,” or “save the species from the evil thing trying to kill it.” The books would be about the Shifters themselves, how they live and love, about their families, how they interact with the human world, and the problems (sometimes dire) that they have to solve in order to thrive.
Pride Mates and Primal Bonds (Books 1 and 2) introduce Liam Morrissey and his family, three generations of charming Irish bachelor wildcat Shifters living in the same house in Austin, Texas.
Indie publishing has let me put out stories in this word between the main books, and Bodyguard (Book 2.5), is about Ronan, a Kodiak bear Shifter who works for Liam. The book is available in print from Amazon, and in e-book everywhere you can buy ebooks.
This was followed by Wild Cat (Book 3) which introduces yet another family—wildcat Shifters Cassidy and Eric Warden (brother and sister), Eric’s son Jace, and the grizzlies next door. Wild Cat is Cassidy’s story (she meets up with a hunk of a Latino cop).
In October, Mate Claimed (Book 4), Eric’s story, will hit the shelves, and introduce yet another Shifter (Tiger), who gets his book next June.
Meanwhile, I’m pleased that this week, another character from the Austin Shiftertown gets his story told: Spike in Hard Mated (Book 3.5).
Spike is a “tracker”, a Shifter who works for the Shiftertown leader, one of a team of bodyguards and fighters. Spike is also a champion fighter at the Shifters’ fight club. Spike has a colorful past, working for the villain in Book 1, but now he’s one of the good guys. He’s tough and strong, and he’s about to meet he woman who cracks his hard exterior.
Hard Mated is available in ebook first, with a print edition following in a couple of weeks.
For more about the series—characters, blurbs, books, links, and my “Humans’ Guide to Shifters” see https://www.jennifersromances.com/NewSite/shifters/SU_main.html
More about all my series is at https://www.jennifersromances.com
Post a comment and you’ll be entered to win a free book from this series’ backlist! Winner’s Choice!
Excerpt from Hard Mated:
“Fight’s over!” one of the refs shouted. “The bear is down.”
The grizzly’s few supporters moaned in disappointment. The rest of the crowd screamed and hollered, humans punching the air, beasts doing victory leaps. Spike, champion of the Austin Shiftertown, had won again.
Spike stood still and caught his breath, his Collar sending fiery jolts of pain down his neck and into his spine. He’d pay a long time for what he’d done in the rings tonight. Close fight. The bear was damn good.
Spike stretched his forepaws into the air and let himself become human, his tall six foot six. He kept his arms up, acknowledging his victory, and his fans filled the place with noise.
Cormac the bear came across the ring, Collar sparking with residual arcs, and gave Spike a nod. “Good fight,” he said, his voice rasping.
The bear had no malice in his eyes, only approval for Spike’s technique and stamina. That was the problem with bears. They were so damn affable—when they weren’t trying to kill you.
“Good fight,” Spike said back. He kept his words light, pretending he didn’t want to fall onto the soft dirt of the ring and pass out. A few gallons of water poured down his throat wouldn’t hurt either.
Cormac turned away to his friends and a woman ran to Spike with a sports bottle.
Spike grabbed the bottle and upended a stream of water into his mouth before he realized two things. First, the woman who’d handed him the bottle was human, and second, he’d never seen her here before.
She had black hair cut short but wildly curly, blue eyes that looked back at him in perfect equanimity, a round face that was cute rather than pretty, and lips that any male, human or Shifter would want to sink into. Her plump body had nice curves that she didn’t much hide behind a button-down shirt, a sexily-cut lace tank, and jeans that rested low on her hips.
Shifter groupie? Maybe, but she didn’t have the obsessed look, nor did she wear a fake Collar or paint on whiskers or anything like that.
On the other hand, Spike was standing next to her wearing nothing but his tattoos, sweat, and the blood from the fight. The woman kept her gaze on Spike’s face, not even flickering it to his very naked body.
Spike upended the bottle, squirted water onto his face, and rubbed his hand over it. A shower was going to feel good.
A nice roll the sack would be great too, and here was this nice little morsel, handing him water and looking fine in a Texas cowgirl kind of way.
Not that Spike usually went for humans. He had to be too careful in bed with humans, because things could get wild and wicked. Shifters women were more resilient, more used to male Shifters and what they wanted.
But there was something Spike liked about this human.
“Who are you, sweetheart?” he asked.
“My name’s Myka. Myka Thompson. You don’t know me, but you know Jillian.”
Jillian. Jillian. Who the hell was Jillian?
“You knew her, I should say,” Myka said. “For one night at least. Five years ago. Shifter bar. You were a Shifter, she was a Shifter groupie . . .” She trailed off, one hand moving before she returned it to her shapely hip.
Memory came to him. Five years ago, sure, and Spike had been very drunk that night, but Jillian had been the hottest thing he’d seen in a long, long time. “Red-headed little thing, fiery. Yeah, I remember her.”
He’d never seen Jillian again. Spike liked to date his ladies for more than a night, much more than a night, but the phone number Jillian had given him had been disconnected, and she’d not come to the bar again—that one or any other Shifter bar.
Some humans were like that. They wanted a taste of the beast, but they didn’t want anything long-term with a Shifter.
“How’s she doing?” Spike asked. He grabbed a towel he’d left on a box outside the ring and rubbed his wet face.
“She’s dying,” Myka said.
Spike jerked back to her, towel dangling from his grasp. “What?”
“I said, Jillian’s dying. She wants to see you, but you have to come with me now.”
* * * * *
Order this book via: https://www.jennifersromances.com
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests!, General | 29 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Virginia E - Zina - P Howell - Pamk - helene tompkins -