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Monday, May 14th, 2012
Just a reminder! The deadline for submissions is a month away! Please pass this along to all your writer friends out there! ~DD
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Smokin’ Hot Firemen: Firefighter Romance Stories
Editor: Delilah Devlin
Publisher: Cleis Press in Summer 2013
Deadline: June 15, 2012 (although sooner is better!)
Smokin’ Hot Firemen is open to all authors.
Editor Delilah Devlin is looking for hetero firefighter stories for a romantic erotica anthology tentatively entitled Smokin’ Hot Firemen: Firefighter Romance Stories.
A firefighter is one of those iconic heroes who inspire a jumble of sexy images at just the mention of the word—a soot-covered face, sweat dripping from hard, chiselled muscles, the sexy snap of suspenders—yes, only a fireman can make suspenders sexy!
Smokin’ Hot Firemen will seek stories that satisfy the reader who craves the romantic idea of that soot-covered, smokin’-hot man while exploring stories set in American cities and small towns, as well as international settings. The stories will be contemporary. While traditional themes are likely to be featured, writers are encouraged to imagine greater in order to create tales that, while featuring this iconic hero, may also surprise.
Think about the big-city firehouse, teaming with sexy firemen, responding to a high-rise fire; firefighters arriving at the scene of an accident to pry a victim from a burning car; a strong, sexy man carrying a child from a burning house… All heroic acts we expect from our local heroes. Then think about the smoke-jumper parachuting into the hot zone of a forest fire; the sexy rancher next door, who’s also a volunteer firefighter, responding to an out-of-control brush fire; or even an oil-rig worker whose extra duty is to respond to a catastrophe on a rig in the middle of the ocean…
Then imagine the romantic possibilities of being held against that massively muscled chest by a man whose mission is to protect and serve…
Published authors with an established firehouse world may use that setting for their original short story.
The stories may be as kinky or vanilla as the writer wants—but a deep sensuality should linger in every word. Exotic locations and scenarios are welcome. Keep in mind there must be a romantic element with a happy-for-now or happy-ever-after ending. Strong plots, engaging characters and unique twists are the ultimate goal. Please no reprints. We are seeking original stories.
How to submit: Prepare your 1,500 to 4,500 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12 point, black font document with pages numbered (.doc, NOT.docx) OR rich text format. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.
In your document at the top left of the page, include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 words or less bio in the third person to smokinhotfiremen@gmail.com. If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories. Delilah will respond in September 2011. The publisher has final approval over the stories included in the manuscript.
Payment will be $50.00 USD and two copies of the published book upon publication.
About the editor: Ms. Devlin has published over a hundred erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths. Her published print titles include Into the Darkness, Seduced by Darkness, Darkness Burning, Darkness Captured, Down in Texas, Texas Men, Ravished by a Viking, and Enslaved by a Viking. Her short stories are featured in Zane’s Purple Panties, and Cleis Press’s Lesbian Cowboys, Girl Crush, Fairy Tale Lust, Lesbian Lust, Passion, Carnal Machines, Dream Lovers, and Best Erotic Romance. She is published by Avon, Kensington, Harlequin, Atria/Strebor, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing, and Berkley. In Fall 2011, she debuted her first anthology with Cleis Press, Girls Who Bite. In 2012, Cleis Press will release She Shifters and Cowboy Lust.
Direct any questions you have regarding your story or the submission process to Delilah at smokinhotfiremen@gmail.com.
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Sunday, May 13th, 2012
Thanks so much, Delilah, for having me as a guest! And, don’t worry, I came alone — I didn’t bring my voices! Many authors talk about how their characters “speak” to them, and there’s frequently that teasing back-and-forth argument you have with a scene you’re currently writing: “Stop that. I’m in charge. Go sit in the corner.” I’ve certainly felt that way on more than one occasion. But I also have other voices: when I’m reading aloud!
Recently, I engaged in my first-ever public appearances as an author — reading from my debut Samhain novella, Spice and Smoke. Set completely in India and featuring an all-Indian cast of characters, it’s hardly text that matches my high-pitched, Valley Girl-Betty Boop patter. Let’s face it: I’m a tiny little Indian-American chick who cusses like a longshoreman. Bollywood hero or heroine, I’m not! But my third person narration, at least in my head, is that of a warm, husky, Indian accent…and the voices of my leads — from Avinash Kumar’s rough rumble to Michael Gill’s more casual mix of British and Indian — are distinct as well.
So, when I got up to the microphone, first at NYC’s Happy Ending lounge for Ravenous Nights (ravenous.journurl.com), and then at Madame X for Lady Jane’s Salon, I read in accents. Yup, I did voices. And, I’ll be frank, you never know if you’re going to sink or swim until you’re in the middle of it, praying people are engaged or laughing or fanning themselves. My dialogue, fortunately, offers a lot of cues. Many multilingual Indians effortlessly blend their languages, throwing a little Hindi into their English and vice versa — and I utilized that in my writing. When you’re dropping in a “yaar” (pal/buddy, sort of operates like “dude”), or a “na?” (no, used like a Canadian “eh?”), it really helps enrich what you’re sharing with an audience. It forced me to inhabit the bodies of these tall, handsome, desi boys…who wouldn’t know a Valley Girl if she walked up and kissed them full on the mouth!
To join the conversation, check out Spice and Smoke; it’s available at all major e-tailers, as well as the Samhain Publishing store.
Leave a comment on this post, and one lucky winner
will snag a copy in the format of her choice!

Editor, writer, American desi and lifelong geek, Suleikha Snyder published her first romantic short in Ravenous Romance’s 2011 TOUCHDOWNS anthology. 2012 brought a bevy of releases, including Suleikha’s first novella from Samhain Publishing, SPICE AND SMOKE, a Wild Rose Press short story called HEART MURMURS, and a short in Cleis Press’ SUITE ENCOUNTERS. Suleikha lives in New York City, finding inspiration in Bollywood films, daytime and primetime soaps, and Hell’s Kitchen wine bars.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 11 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: CindyB - Suleikha Snyder - Fedora - Sarah Gregson - Becky Ward -
Saturday, May 12th, 2012

Sometimes, heroes and heroines don’t behave well. In the last story I wrote for Kensington, “Hot Blooded”, both hero and heroine have some baggage to turn loose. You can get a sense of how the heroine’s mistake is eating at the hero in this scene. Enjoy!
Tough and rough, tall and dark, these are men a woman never forgets. Experience pleasure like no other in the arms of a cowboy…
“Hot Blooded” by Delilah Devlin
Rancher Adam Youngblood is always happy to help a damsel in distress. But before he’ll pull the sweetly curvaceous and fiercely independent Cass McIntyre to safety, he demands promises of unconditional sexual surrender…
Sunlight broke through the clouds by mid-afternoon. Although the rain had stopped an hour before, chaos still reigned in the park as the rivers continued to rise. All the low water crossings were impassible. Climbers and hikers all along the trails had been stranded. When the Canyon Volunteer Fire Department called the ranch, Adam Youngblood bit back a curse.
The last place he wanted to be today was anywhere near the park and one particular little park ranger. But he headed straight for the headquarters building near the entrance of the park where the rangers had organized search parties to rescue stranded campers and hikers.
Mavis Benson who manned the information desk sidled close to him with a clipboard in her hands. “Adam,” she said hesitantly.
“What do you need, sweetheart?”
“We have a situation.”
He glanced at the organized chaos around him and nodded his head. “We certainly do.”
She pulled at his shirtsleeve and tilted her clipboard toward him. “Cass—Fortress Cliff—0800” was scribbled in purple ink. “She hasn’t checked back in.”
Adam didn’t want to care. In fact, he hated the way his belly knotted at that piece of news. “Have you sent anyone to check it out?”
“They’re still assigning teams to sections of the park. Thought you might like to take this one yourself,” she whispered, her eyebrows rising.
Adam grimaced, tempted to tell her flat out she had the wrong man for the job. She didn’t know his interest in Cass McIntyre had been obliterated the night before. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt, Kensington Posted in About books... | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah Devlin - tammy ramey - Mary Preston - ELF - Fedora -
Friday, May 11th, 2012
Why Hotel Sex Is Hot
I love hotels, and I love hotel sex! That’s why I edited Do Not Disturb: Hotel Sex Stories and the new anthology Suite Encounters: Hotel Sex Stories. To me one of the greatest things about a hotel is one of the most obvious: it’s not your home. Probably you’ve never been there before. There are all sorts of things to explore and examine and indulge in. I took a staycation with my boyfriend earlier this year at the Gansevoort Park Hotel, and it was fabulous because we ate dinner at the delicious restaurant Asellina downstairs and never even had to go outside. The bathtub made me want to move into it, it was so deep and luxurious. But I don’t think you have to stay at a fancy hotel to partake of good hotel sex (and that includes solo sex). Just the mere act of getting away can shake you up, just like how I sometimes go to a new location to write for a change of scenery. Those two things collided when I was in Milwaukee for business and stayed at the beautiful Intercontinental (if you are ever in Milwaukee, I highly recommend it!). I wound up eating dinner at the hotel bar and a sleazy guy started hitting on me, with the genius line, “You must be very smart” because I was, wait for it…reading a book (a galley of love and cooking memoir Apron Anxiety by Alyssa Shelasky, which I also recommend). He was a loser and made me wish I’d opted for room service, but I wound up turning that incident into the basis for a story!
I regularly schedule hotel dates because even when you don’t have time to travel, they are a way to get away from it all. The last hotel I stayed at was The Benjamin, and I made sure to take advantage of their pillow menu, though I couldn’t help laughing hysterically when I got to the “snore no more” pillow. One tip that I could have used: if you bring sex toys with you, make sure they’re all present and accounted for before you leave. I wound up leaving my riding crop there and was too embarrassed to call and ask if they had it!
In Suite Encounters: Hotel Sex Stories, my new anthology out this month, there are sex workers, staycations, a mermaid, a murder mystery weekend, bondage (at the holiday inn!) and much more. I think Suite Encounters, like its predecessor Do Not Disturb, showcases a range of the ways people use hotels to get off. My story, “Special Request,” is one of the more outrageous, less realistic stories in the book. It’s an over-the-top fantasy inspired by a stay at the Westin in Los Angeles where they would have brought a treadmill or exercise bike to my room, and seemed to imply they could get a customer anything their heart desired. In my story, that actually happens. Here’s a snippet:

“So I booked this room because I’d heard from a friend that you will do anything to fulfill your clients’ wishes. I’ve been unable to find anyone who could meet my exact specifications, but you look like you’ll know where to find what I need. And my wish is for, well, an orgy. Tomorrow night. I want a room full of hot men and women to pleasure me and each other. Not professionals, just regular sexy people looking to have a good time. And I want you to join us. That’s a must. As a guest, off the clock. Confidentially of course—I must make sure not a word of this gets out,” Claudine finished with a Cheshire cat–like smile. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Wendy THompson - Fedora - K. A. Burton - ELF -
Thursday, May 10th, 2012
I’m heading deep into the Ozark Mountains tomorrow for a writer’s retreat. I have tons to get off my desk today. So this will be quick!
First, yesterday’s winner of Ily Goyanes’s POWER PLAYS is Robyn Evans! Woot! Robyn, be sure to email Ily at ily.goyanes@ampersandeditions.com!
Also while I’m gone, I’ll have blogs pre-posted, so be sure to stop in. Remember, you still have plenty of opportunities to win that pretty pendant I’ll give away next Tuesday! I’ll have Wi-Fi at the lodge, so I can stay in touch. No problems there. I hope. I live in the boonies and satellite connection is often iffy here. This will be deep in the piney woods…
I’m almost at the end of the next Delta Heat book. Want to know the title? I don’t think I’ve shared it here. Well, it’s Fournicopia. Does that give you a hint of the delights inside this story? Yeah, you got it. Those of you who have heard me griping about the fact the story’s all sex know now that it’s living up (or is it down?) to its title. 🙂
Posted in General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Helene Moore - Fedora - Kathleen Charles - Melissa Porter - Becky Ward -
Wednesday, May 9th, 2012
Details of the giveaway are listed at the bottom of this post! Enjoy!~DD
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Before I start talking about sex, I’d like to thank Delilah for having me as a guest. I am proud (ecstatic, giddy even) to have her story, “Playing the Field,” as part of the lineup for my editorial debut, Girls Who Score: Hot Lesbian Erotica.
And now…let’s talk about sex, baby…
I always tell my friends (or strangers who have the gumption to ask about my sexuality) that I have a straight man, a lesbian, two bisexuals, a heterosexual chick, and a gay dude all living inside me—and they all get equal amounts of playtime.
My writing is proof that art imitates life. Even in the most fantastical stories, there are nuggets of truth about the writer. My stories include all of the aforementioned sexual orientations. Sometimes they include sweet, romantic and silly sex. Sometimes bondage, spanking and humiliation. Role play, cuckolding, strap-on play, exhibitionism, threesomes—almost everything is fair game—because in my bedroom it is (or has been in the past). If I’ve written about it, you can pretty much bet I’ve done it or had it done to me.
My sexual eccentricities are probably best captured in Power Plays, my latest release. It’s a ‘thrillogy’ – a collection of three stories. And although these particular stories all include some type of power exchange, they capture my unconventional sexual appetite pretty accurately.
There are two couples, a threesome, a one night stand with potential, some girl on girl action, some man on man mingling, a spanking party, bondage, and oh so much more. All of this in three stories? Yes—because that’s how I roll in my everyday life.
I like authenticity in erotica –whether it’s steampunk, fantasy, paranormal, or contemporary—the characters should be people that you can imagine meeting in real life. The dialogue should ring true—as should the motivations and desires of the characters. I don’t care if the MC is a vampire or a nymph—their personality should be real.
And so, maybe I’m divulging a bit too much (I tend to be too honest), but Power Plays best represents me in that it encapsulates the party that is my pants.

This is an excerpt from “Fun & Games,” one of the stories in Power Plays. I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
The leather belt lands on my bare ass with a loud smacking sound. I bite down hard on the towel for a second, preparing for the next blow. Twenty, thirty, hell, even forty or fifty blows could connect with my flesh without arousing the slightest reaction from me, but this is a spanking party and my ass is a rental. You know how people treat rentals, right? Let’s just say my ass had already been ridden for way over two hundred miles. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 16 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Susan - Cynthia - Melissa Porter - Kai W. - Ily Goyanes -
Tuesday, May 8th, 2012
Psst! Don’t forget about The Glass Art Pendant Contest! Follow the link for details!
It ends next Tuesday!
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Elle is in Chicago, I think, but I’ll send her a message to see how she wants to select her winner. When I know, I’ll post the name at the top of yesterday’s blog. So check back!
Lord, I’m tired. I’ve been writing like a demoness. You’ve seen the list of books and shorts I have to produce. Right now, I’m working on a sequel to the first Delta Heat story. I hope to wrap it up by Thursday, because on Friday, I’m heading to the woods with my Diamond sisters. We’re having a writers’ retreat. There will be a dozen of us camped out in a lodge with a designated timekeeper urging us to write in two-hour blocks. Sound like fun? It is for me. I know. A little strange, right? 🙂
The best part is that my sister will be there. We have some co-written projects we have to hash through. Books we wrote a while back but got too busy to deal with. We’re going to revise them and let Samhain figure out what to do with them. They’re sexy romantic comedy. Texas tycoons, hapless heroines. Can’t wait for you to see. We still giggle over some of the scenes, so there’s magic in there. However, the gems need some major polish!
My daughter called me last night, asking if I was mad at her. Why haven’t I been over? Why don’t I talk to her as much as I used to? Of course, now I feel major guilt. She knows my schedule is insane, but she can’t help feeling a little neglected. Never mind that I swim in the pool with her and the kids at least once a day (she lives right across the street). I’m going to try my best to wrap things up early today so I can have dinner with her and the fam. Ain’t it grand bein’ loved?
Enough of my life now. Let’s talk about yours.
Do you have kids, siblings, parents whom you’ve neglected because you’re busy? What are you planning to do to fix that?
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