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Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
The Winner!
The winner (by random number generator) of all this wondersome, kitscherful goodness
that is the Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest is…

…Fedora! Fedora, hon, congratulations!
Be sure to email me to let me know where to send your prize!
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The Texas Two-Step Grab Bag
What can you win?
The picture only shows the major prizes I nabbed at the Texas Two Step Conference I attended in Dallas last month: the conference tote bag, books by Nikki Duncan, Lorelei James and Cindy Dees.
In addition, I will fill it up with miscellaneous promo items I have stashed around my office. I’m not going to tell you what because we all like surprises, right? 🙂

How can you win it?
Post a comment on any blog posting from today until the contest ends. Each entry counts as another chance to win!
This contest ends in just one week, May 1st!!
* * * * *
And here I go…
Today begins my push to finish 12 projects I’ve committed to writing between now and January 2, 2013.
It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? It is. It’s pure nonsense, but I’m going to give it my best try anyway. I’d love it if you could encourage me along the way. I’ll keep you posted as to my progress. So, nag me, hound me, beg me for details. I won’t mind.
You can start today by telling me one thing that will make me smile—however silly. Just post a little note to let me know you’re cheering me on while I bury myself in life on Mars as I dreamt it (Project #1).
And guess what? That silly thing is your first entry for the grab bag! ~DD
Posted in Contests! | 23 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Mary Preston - Jessica James - Becky Ward - kimh -
Monday, April 23rd, 2012
I’m back from Memphis! Had a terrific time with the ladies from the River City romance chapter. They were warm, funny, smart—and fed my sister and I way too well! 🙂 Today’s supposed to be my day to hunker down and begin writing the multitude of stories with due dates in the near future, but first, I have an appointment this morning with a judge that I can’t miss. Don’t worry, I’m not up on any indecency charges! I am going for moral support for my SIL who has a custody hearing thingie goin’ on.
Since I have to run out the door in a little bit, here’s a question to keep you all busy (like you all don’t have a million things to do already on a pretty Monday morning!)…
What is one item you own that has virtually no monetary value but has such sentimental value that you would not sell it for $1000.00?
I’ll talk with you later! DD
Posted in General | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Jane - Kathleen Charles - Mary Preston - Stacy Wilson - Laura bowles -
Sunday, April 22nd, 2012
With a Twist, Please
My husband constantly complains at the twistiness of my brain, usually as I try to explain my latest plot and the elements I’m combining to create the story. At times like that I put my nose in the air and remind him how much more difficult his life would be if I focused those particular talents on him, rather than use them in my books! But that slightly unscrupulous willingness to cause drama and turn the well-known on its head, while a pain in the butt in real life, is a good gift for an author.
Honest, honey. It is… *shifty eyes*
Recently I started branching out from historical romances and took on the world of fantasy/paranormal, but I couldn’t leave my love of history and myth behind and had to add my own twist to some familiar concepts.
It started simply enough with reading about Churchill, Manitoba, the Polar Bear Capital of the world, on the internet. Of course, I clicked on link after link, going from sites about modern-day Churchill to Inuit culture and myths, and so on. Before you could say, “Get back to work” I had the outline for Arctic Destiny, which was released by Ellora’s Cave Publishing earlier this year. In this book a sexy Polar bear shifter and the tenacious lover he had to leave behind collide with erotic, soul-stirring and potentially heartbreaking results.
Next came the idea for a series of stories centered on a group of friends working in a tattoo parlor. Sounds simple enough, until I started working on the plots and deciding on the characters. Somehow I ended up researching the mythology of the Kingdom of Dahomey, a part of what is now Benin, in West Africa, and no, PLEASE don’t ask me how I found myself doing that…I have no clue. Then suddenly I was browsing Scottish sites, then Norse, then… You get the idea!
The end result is two books being released by Ellora’s Cave in July as part of their Pricked series, the first of which is now available for pre-order (WOOT!) and is slated to be released on July 7, 2012. In Fleeing Fate, the first in my Unveiled Seductions series, the banshee heroine needs the help of a delicious, banished West African storm god who isn’t sure he’s the right man for the job. But Jakuta recognizes a gathering storm when he sees one, and he knows Gràinne will blow through his life with all the force of a sensual, emotional hurricane.
In book two, Stone-Hard Passion, Jasmina Elalmadhoun is a jinn on a mission—to seduce her client and friend Vidar Jarlsen, a troll. I know, I know. You’re all out there thinking I’ve truly lost my mind this time, just like Jasmina’s friends think she’s sprung a brain leak for being attracted to a troll. But even if no one else can appreciate him, Jasmina sees how yummy he is, and I hope you’ll all agree when the book is released on July 27.
And the characters keep coming, so this is a world I hope to continue exploring for a long time. After all, a girl’s got to keep her twisty brain occupied and herself out of trouble.
Anya Richards
Journeys Through Seduction
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Fedora -
Saturday, April 21st, 2012
Beware the Bunnies!
Authors are a bizarre breed. We can get away with talking to invisible people, arguing with them, and threatening them with grave bodily harm (or worse) when they get too cocky. (Of course, we rarely ever win said arguments.) And to think: no one comes along with friends in pretty white coats! (Well, they haven’t found me yet, anyway.)
Then…there are the plot bunnies: those evil, twisted, corrupted, insidious, little nuggets of “Ooooo….” that plant themselves in our poor, overworked brains. Is it any wonder why we talk to invisible people?
You see, most folks would think such things would be wonderful and lovely, that it would be marvelous to have these seemingly-nonstop ideas just flowing carefree through their minds. *snorts* Have you wondered why these things are called plot “bunnies”?
One idea is not enough. Oh, no.
The plot vermin (think: Night of the Lepus, people–seriously) breed uncontrolled, unchecked. We (the vic–er, authors) are powerless to stop them. So we eventually give in and listen. We make notes, research, might even start writing. Then… BAM! Another evil hare is born! This new one is sparkly and pretty and, ohhh… it would be amazing if we…
Do you see where this is going? It’s terrifying, I tell you.
Facebook has become a prime breeding ground for these things. Friends post pics (usually of hot, sexy men–you folks know who you are!), then the bunnies start humping each other like mad. Nevermind that there are deadlines and sequels and stories already set to go. The bunnies? They don’t care! They fuck like…well…bunnies, and before I know it, I’ve got a folder full of pretty men waiting for *their* story.
Why anyone would name such devious things after cute, cuddly creatures is beyond me. 😯
What do online gaming, Spongebob, cooking, writing, and an unnatural addiction to Mountain Dew all have in common?
Not a damn thing, which is what makes Mychael Black an interesting bird indeed.
Born in north Alabama, Mychael now resides on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. Having run the gamut of labels in regard to gender and sexuality, Mychael now shuns society’s views on normality and embraces a poly-everything attitude. Call Mychael her or him—it doesn’t matter. Just keep reading the books.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Deb Carter - Hales - Virginia E - Mychael Black -
Friday, April 20th, 2012
Venus versus Mars
That women and men are different isn’t a new idea.
Not only are we physically different, our minds work in different ways as well. Men and women often have a difference in sexual attitudes—though there are always exceptions to the rule! Men are more physical and are stimulated by things they can see and touch, whereas women rely on their emotions and a sense of connection with another person to turn them on (though a great body always helps!). The male and female brain even react differently to different erotic situations, with a man’s brain reacting more to visual stimuli and a woman’s brain reacts more to psychological simulation.
When writing erotic fiction, it’s important to consider who I’m writing that fiction for. Predominantly, I write fiction for women, but when I’m writing for a male audience, I approach things differently. When I write for men, I spend less time trying to create a connection that is any more than sexual, and more time on description. When I write erotica for women, for the most part I like to have a connection on another level between the male and female character (or even the male, male, and female, or female, female and male, and any other combinations you can think of!). I also like to have a ‘happy ever after’ or at least a ‘happy for now’ ending. For men, a chance encounter on purely a physical level is enough.
Recently, I received a review which made me smile. The reader actually questioned whether or not I was female because she’d read my short story collection Some Love it Hot! When I sat down to write this collection, it was alongside my first title Rescued. In my head, I knew I wanted to write one collection for female readers and another for men. Some Love it Hot! was my “male” collection and it was this title where someone had questioned my sex. That was a huge compliment to me. It meant I’d done my job right and achieved what I intended.
Strangely enough, even though I write predominantly for a female audience, Some Love it Hot is still one of my best-sellers.
My latest collection, Down in the Sand, although has some stories from a male view point, is definitely written for women. There have been few times in my life where I’ve felt sexier than when I’m on holiday. All that tanned skin, hot sun, and a couple of cocktails beside the pool. What in life could be better? It was this feeling of sexy relaxation that got me writing this collection. Keep reading for an excerpt of one of the stories, “Stopover.”

Cool lotion trickled onto her upper back, making her squirm. Moments later, his warm hands made contact with her skin, smoothing out the creamy fluid, rubbing the muscles of her shoulders and the back of her neck with firm strokes. The massage eased away the last of the tension from the long flight and Zara couldn’t help her whole body relaxing under his attention.
His strong fingers worked their way down, rubbing the muscles along either side of her spine, down to the dip of her lower back. He skirted the curve of her ass, his fingers going lower, slipping beneath the edge of her bikini bottoms.
Would he do it? She wondered. Would he have the nerve to try to go further, right here where numerous other people sunbathed and splashed in the pool? His body hid her mid-section from one side and there were only rocks on the other. While people might be able to see her head and shoulders, to anyone who might catch a glimpse of them, they simply looked like a guy applying sun lotion to a girl’s back. Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 4 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Fedora - M.K. Elliott - Stacy Wilson -
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
Remember that the Tater Red’s Grab Bag & Elvis Contest continues!
Post a comment here for another chance to win!
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I’m preparing for another weekend away—the last in a long, long while. While I’m gone, I have friends coming to entertain you. Please be sure to stop by and say hello—and yes, those comments count in the grab bag giveaway too!
Here’s a question for you now. Have fun!
If you could take any job for just one month (assuming you have the skills and knowledge), what job would you like to have?
Posted in General | 32 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: merrieth - Melissa Porter - sillie vamp - Nichelle Y. Scott-Williams - Mary Preston -
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
Hi there! My name is Margery Scott and I write…pretty much everything. Historical western romances, time travels, contemporary romances, mainstream suspense, etc. The list goes on. I’ve even tried writing erotica, but it’s not my thing. I’d like to be able to write HOT, because I’d love to get a bit more steam into my books, but it comes off sounding more like an episode of I Love Lucy or The Three Stooges—not exactly the reaction I’m going for. My books do have sexual tension and chemistry between the hero and heroine, though, although the fantasies my characters have aren’t exactly XXX-rated.
Fantasies. Everybody has them, right? They don’t have to be sexual, they just have to be make-believe scenarios about situations and people that are so far removed from our real lives that the chances of them actually happening are a million to one—daydreams about what could be, what life would be like if…
Fantasies are perfectly normal and healthy. In the bedroom, as long as both partners are in agreement, anything goes. Outside the bedroom, in your own mind, whatever you want to dream up is perfectly okay.
In my latest release, The Next Victim, small-town reporter Shannon has a fantasy—she’s living in New York, she’s bigger than Barbara Walters, and she’s making a kazillion dollars every week. It’s her only fantasy—until Ben Carver, the new police chief, shows up. They lock horns, but even though she fights it, her fantasy is changing—and suddenly, Ben is the star.

Workaholic detective Ben Carver is convinced the next target of a serial killer is Shannon Ames, the sexy reporter who lives in his apartment complex. As he works to prevent her from becoming the next victim, he starts to feel emotions he’d long thought dead. But the secret Shannon carries could destroy any hope of a future together—and might even get her killed.
It’s not erotica, it’s not even particularly steamy, but although both Ben and Shannon have their reasons for fighting their attraction to each other, hormones and chemistry win out—and eventually give them their happy ending where their fantasies become reality.
Visit my website!
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | Someone Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Fedora -