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Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
Today, I’ll be on the road again. Yeah, when am I supposed to write? I’m headed to the big city of Hot Springs, Arkansas to see a lawyer about a will. My will. Not that I plan to kick the bucket any time soon, but I don’t want to leave my affairs in a mess. I’ll make it simple for my family.
I hope you all are taking advantage of the free book offer (see yesterday’s blog for details). If you’ve downloaded the book and enjoyed it, I’d love for you to “like” and “tag” it, and if you have time, please post a review. Not really that much to ask in return, is it?
So today’s question is purely for fun. Take a leap of imagination. If you had the nerve, the perfect bod, all the planets aligned and you had the opportunity to choose two characters or celebrities that you’d like to have a threesome with, who would you choose?
Here are mine. I expect it would be rough and tumble, a lot of jockeying between these two super heroes for who’d be in charge, but in my fantasy, I’d be the winner. Is it any wonder that Thor and Xena are in my writer’s toybox?

Posted in General | 7 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Betty Hamilton - Delilah - leann - Maggie Blackbird - Melissa Porter -
Monday, March 19th, 2012
The winner of yesterday’s ONE-DAY-ONLY CONTEST is Lisa Collins!
Lisa, send me an email to let me know which email address you’d like me to send your
free download of All Knight Long to!
* * * * *
No excerpt today. You can sample the entire book! If you’ve never read the 2nd book I ever published, and the 1st book in the My Immortal Knight series, then now’s the perfect time. The book is free for the next two weeks! And even if you already have this book in your Kindle or Nook, get a fresh copy with this gorgeous new cover!
Find it at Ellora’s Cave
Find it at Amazon
Find it at Barnes & Noble

Posted in About books... | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Cindy Bartolotta - ELF - Becky Ward - merrieth - Gayle -
Sunday, March 18th, 2012
The winner of yesterday’s ONE-DAY-ONLY CONTEST is Trish! Trish, send me an email to let me know which email address you’d like me to send your free download of Relentless to!
* * * * *
I’m driving to Dallas and back, today—a nine hour round trip. I’ll be sure to take my Smart Phone along to check the posts! Enjoy the excerpt, and remember that tomorrow, the first book in this series, All Hallows Heartbreaker will be free!

“Author Delilah Devlin’s My Immortal Knight series is a wonderful group of books that’ll keep the readers anxiously intrigued through out all the series.”
In The Library Reviews
“Ms. Devlin knows how to use her words to draw you into her story. She has created characters that are easy to fall in love with. When you combine her excellent characters with the great plot, this story becomes a must read.”
5 Angels, Fallen Angel Reviews
“Vampires, werewolves, and babies — oh, my! ALL KNIGHT LONG is a sensual and thrilling ride into the world of the paranormal.”
Romance Review Today
A member of an elite police unit sworn to hunt vampires, Joe Garcia’s life is turned upside down when he’s transformed into one. On a quest for a cure, his search brings him to New Orleans in a last ditch effort to recover his humanity.
Professor Lily Carlson, a renowned expert in vampire lore, has a “condition” of her own. Her sexual libido has been in hyper-drive for months. Her only defense is to hide behind her glasses and tweed suits and stay as far away from men as possible. However, she’s thrilled to discover vampires really do exist when Joe shows up on her balcony.
Although Joe deflects her attempts to make him a case study and confirm a few vampire statistics, he is drawn by her powerful allure. When werewolves join the chase and track her through New Orleans, Joe’s cop instincts tell him there’s a mystery to solve. Intent on protecting her, he must seek help from the last vampire on Earth he wants to ask. While his hopes for deliverance from his fate dwindle, Lily’s life is forever altered by an unexpected “inheritance”.
It had taken Joe half an hour and a quarter pint of blood to find her apartment in the long, white two-story stucco building in the center of the French Quarter. The super led him straight to the door, then walked off, his eyes glazed under the influence of Joe’s suggestion he give his wife a tumble.
It took another half an hour to feed from the man who lived in the apartment next to the professor’s until he slept, just so Joe could climb out on his ironwork balcony and make the leap to hers.
Finally, he stood hidden in the shadows while he watched her through lacy curtains, her French doors opened to the sultry night air. With only light from the streetlamp outside to chase away the darkness, Joe could discern every detail of her bedroom. She lay not five feet from him atop pale pink sheets. Naked. Her knees bent, her creamy thighs splayed. So close he could smell her ripening scent.
She was pleasuring herself.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lisa Collins - Heather-Anne - Susan - Melissa P - Shadow -
Saturday, March 17th, 2012
The winner of yesterday’s ONE-DAY-ONLY CONTEST is Amy A! Amy, send me an email to let me know which email address you’d like me to send your free download of Love Bites!
* * * * *

Continuing my journey down memory lane, this scene is from Book 4 of the My Immortal Knight series. Enjoy meeting Max, and be looking for All Hallows Heartbreaker, which will be offered for free come Monday!

“RELENTLESS has suspense, intrigue, and surprises that grab your attention and never let you go until the last page.”
5 Stars, Just Erotic Romance Reviews
“A wickedly funny and passionate series, fans of paranormal erotic romance will enjoy RELENTLESS tremendously. Ms Devlin has done it again!”
Romance Reviews
“Her realistic writing of well-packaged vampires and werewolves leaves the reader thirsting for the forbidden and a driving need to be possessed within her erotically charged worlds.”
5 Blue Ribbons, Romance Junkies
To supercop Max Weir, the only good vampire is a dead one. Since his special police unit integrated with vampires, he’s had to suppress his natural hatred to work side-by-side with the undead to hunt down and terminate the deadliest killers. Now the unit is hot on the trail of a new menace in town, a pack of werewolves prowling for vampires, who don’t care whether humans get in their way.
When a stakeout goes awry, Max enters a bar looking for a fight or a woman to help him blow off a little steam. What he finds is a winsome siren who has sexual appetites to match his own.
Vampire Pia D’Amato is on a secret mission to take out Max — either by seduction or by turning him. He’s become a liability to the Masters’ Council setting up jurisdiction in southern Florida, and she isn’t leaving until she’s done the job. But Max is more man than she bargained for and has a deadly secret of his own.
Max pushed through the door of the bar determined that tonight he’d either get shit-faced or fucked. Which, didn’t matter. So long as he could blow off the steam that had been gathering a head since the botched mission hours before. The bar was a regular haunt—only a block from his house. If need be, he could crawl home. The smoky air, the loud grinding music, and the smell of stale beer appealed when he had an axe to grind.
The SU had swept the area for signs of the wolves that killed the vampires before turning on the humans in a mutilating frenzy. Their bloody paw prints led beyond the house to a gravel road where they’d disappeared. The pack had made their getaway in cars. This hadn’t been a roaming band’s target of opportunity, but a takedown.
The grim faces of the vampires telegraphed their worry. He hoped they were shaking in their boots. Not that the thought of a rogue wolf pack wasn’t just as unsettling to Max.
But seeing the cocksure Quentin lose his perpetual smirk was gratifying. Dylan had been grim-faced and pale. Perhaps the bastard saw his own fate in the house.
However, Joe’s silence had been the most telling. He hadn’t looked the least bit surprised.
Max made his way through the tables ringing a small dance floor. The place was nearly empty, save for the men hovering near the bar for the night’s last drinks. The tension in his shoulders knotted tighter. All it would take would be one smart-ass comment. He hungered for an excuse to drive his fist through something.
The crowd parted, and a flash of a slim white ankle snagged his attention. Every trace of anger, bitter regret, and frustration coalesced into a single, burning need.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Stacy - Kim - Rachel Flores - Jackie - Tara Q -
Friday, March 16th, 2012
Two contests have ended. Tons of winners are listed here, but first, you have to read to the end—or at least, I hope you read to get to the end! 🙂 ~DD
* * * * *
If you’ve never read the My Immortal Knight series, Monday will be a great opportunity to dive in. Not sayin’ why–okay, yes I will. All Hallows Heartbreaker, Book 1, will be offered for free—for two weeks only! Since the publisher would love to introduce you to the series and entice you to read the rest, covers for the first four books have been redone (yeah, I need to get them changed on this website ASAP), and…on March 23rd MIK-8, My Sweet Succubus, releases.
On Monday, I’ll post an excerpt from All Hallows Heartbreaker, but for now, here’s something to enjoy from Book 2, Love Bites.

“…congratulations to Ms. Devlin for creating a masterpiece. This story has all the elements that a Gold Star book has in it. The novel has intense suspense that was thrilling and delightful,…”
Gold Star Award, Just Erotic Romance Reviews
“… LOVE BITES is a delicious, emotional romp of a story, a tale that builds powerfully on the old, often-used love triangle and succeeds beautifully in creating something new and exciting.”
Sensual Romance
On the trail of a serial killer, vampire Quentin Albermarle is mistaken for the killer by a police special task force. Once the smoke clears, Quentin finds himself in a delicious position-atop one of the unit’s crack officers, Darcy Henry.
In need of Quentin’s access to the vampire sub-culture, the task force leadership invites Quentin to join the crime unit as a special advisor, much to the chagrin of the men in the unit, and especially, of Darcy.
A no-nonsense cop with no time for romance, Darcy suddenly finds herself embroiled in a steamy love triangle between her mortal partner, Joe, and the handsome vampire. Going from abstinence to wantonness, she is unable to resist the two men’s relentless seduction or her own sensual curiosity about a vampire’s special “kiss”.
When the real killer threatens the life of someone close to her, Darcy makes a choice that forever binds the three of them together.
Darcy entered her house quietly and set the bags she’d retrieved from Quentin’s hotel room on the floor. He could carry them the rest of the way to his bedroom when he woke. His bedroom. Already, the house felt alien. Invaded. As soon as she’d deposited Quentin and Joe on her front doorstep earlier, she’d hotfooted it out of the house. Retrieving his things had only been an excuse to put some distance between the vamp and her raging hormones. Why him? Why did her body come alive at just the sight of him?
Sunshine poured into the large open space of her Florida room, and she grinned. Joe was a devious man. He’d opened every blind and shutter to ensure the vamp remained trapped behind the guest bedroom door. Joe was on the couch sleeping, a tangle of covers knotted around his waist. His chest bare. With his arms flung above his head, she had an excellent view of his washboard abs and the arrow of black hair that stretched from nipple to nipple and down below the edge of the sheet.
Cursing herself for noticing, Darcy tiptoed past him. Her sexual libido had rotten timing. The vamp had awakened feelings she’d tamped down for three years.
Thankful she had Joe around to save her from herself, Darcy headed to her bedroom. Inside, she stripped off her clothes and padded on bare feet into her bathroom, intent on showering away the sand she was sure had worked itself into every crevice.
Reaching behind the shower curtain, she turned on the water. She brushed her teeth, and rummaged beneath the cabinet for the scented soap her mother had given her at Christmas. The raspberry-perfumed soap would be her secret indulgence. No matter she normally used only plain bar soap for a quick scrub. She wondered if the vampire’s keen sense of smell would detect her change of routine.
She reached in to lift the stopper and stepped beneath the shower’s spray.
“I thought you’d decided to find yourself another place to stay.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 19 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Gayle Gross - Maggie Blackbird - Becca - Mary Preston - Shaly Ramirez -
Thursday, March 15th, 2012
If you look closely, you’ll see that the tiger on the right is missing its hind leg. This beautiful cat was rescued and given a second chance by the fine folks at the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge.

For all you writers out there who are also animal lovers, here’s your chance to help a worthy cause. The entire proceeds from the book the Diamond State Romance Authors intend to publish will go to the refuge. I wrote about the facility back in October. Check out Sweet Refuge! for more details about the good work they do.
* * * * *
Wild at Heart
Editor: Delilah Devlin
Publisher: Diamond State Romance Authors
Deadline: April 1, 2012
Wild at Heart is open to all authors.
Editor Delilah Devlin is looking for stories for a special project to benefit the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge.
Last October, six Diamond State Romance Author chapter members spent a weekend falling in love with the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge and its exotic inhabitants. The refuge is home to large cats and a variety of exotic animals that would otherwise have to be put down because they aren’t suitable for placement in zoos or to be returned to the wild. The need for financial support was apparent. Our chapter decided to pool its resources and find a way to help.
What we propose is to produce a volume of short stories, all centered around animals in need of refuge. All proceeds from the sales of the book will go directly to the Turpentine Creek Refuge. We will edit the submissions, seek professional cover art and formatting, and assist the refuge by uploading the anthology to online bookstores like Amazon’s Kindle store and Barnes & Noble’s Nook store. Additionally, we will help upload the book to CreateSpace so that printed volumes can be available for sale in brick-and-mortar bookstores throughout Arkansas and inside the refuge’s shop.
This is an international call for submissions of short stories to be donated for the cause. Only the best stories will be accepted. All genres of fiction (contemporary and paranormal, sweet adult romance and Young Adult) will be considered. Please keep in mind that stories must be PG-rated as the book will be two-sided—one side geared toward adult readers and the other toward teenaged readers.
Examples of the kinds of stories we seek:
- A maimed Iraqi war veteran learns to accept his disability by working with equally damaged animals
- A teenaged girl helps a were-cougar hide his true nature while both hunt for an escaped cat
- A teenaged couple encounters a tiger escaped from its private owner’s cage and work together to find help to capture and care for it
- A pushy animal psychic must gain the trust of the refuge’s veterinarian to help a depressed bear
- A troubled teenager discovers a tiger living in a national forest, then seeks a way to prevent locals staging a hunt from killing it
How to submit: Prepare your 1,500 to 4,000 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12 point, black font Word document with pages numbered (.doc, NOT.docx) OR rich text format. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.
In your document at the top left of the page, include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 word or less bio in the third person to dsrawildatheart@gmail.com. If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories.
About the editor: Ms. Devlin has published over one hundred stories in multiple genres and lengths. Her published print titles include Into the Darkness, Seduced by Darkness, Darkness Captured, Down in Texas, Texas Men and Ravished by a Viking. Her short stories are featured in Zane’s Purple Panties, and Cleis Press’s Lesbian Cowboys, Girl Crush, Fairy Tale Lust, Lesbian Lust, Passion, Carnal Machines, and Dream Lovers. She is published by Avon, Kensington, Harlequin, Atria/Strebor, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing, and Berkley. In Fall 2011, she debuted her first anthology with Cleis Press, Girls Who Bite.
Direct any questions you have regarding your story or the submission process to Delilah at dsrawildatheart@gmail.com.
Posted in General | 3 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Mary Preston - Elle James -
Wednesday, March 14th, 2012
Ah… Spring.
In my part of the country, it’s looking a lot like Spring has sprung. Flowers are blooming and people are sneezing left and right.
For me, spring means two things: soccer and cleaning.
I’ve already started my mad rush of cleaning. Yes, I’m sick, I know. This past weekend the floors were swept, scrubbed, and vacuumed. Even the corners, crevices and those icky places along the baseboards had a spotlight on them. Do you have any idea what hides there??? *shudder*
But my physical house isn’t the only thing that needs a good cleaning. I REALLY need to get through all those somewhat intangible things that float along the edges of my life. All those things-to-do that never quite got done. The projects that I started but didn’t quite finish. The list of goals I want to accomplish, but haven’t yet. New story ideas that I’ve been tucking away on random pieces of paper. I simply must find time to go through all of that STUFF and get it organized before I either loose the thought or it keeps getting buried and therefore, never done.
Surely I’m not the only working-mom who always seems to be chasing her tail?? What helps you guys keep up with everything? Other than a personal assistant, that is. That’s just not in the budget. LOL
While you’re thinking about that, take a much-needed and probably well deserved break and go check out my new Quickie from Ellora’s Cave, Down to Business. Find out about the bargain Leigh Templeton made with her husband John so they could have a work-free weekend getaway. Down to Business is available on Ellora’s Cave and Amazon Kindle.

Buy at Ellora’s Cave
Buy at Amazon
Stop by my blog – I’d love to hear from you!
~ Dena Garson
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 6 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Shadow - Delilah - Mary Preston - Candy Bezner - Dena -