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Tuesday, December 20th, 2011
While my sister, Myla Jackson, visited me this weekend, she informed me that I’m a hoarder—that my office is cram-jammed packed with too many dragons, faeries and JUNK.
“Too many dragons?” I gasped. “How’s that possible?”
She shook her head, gaze sad, and said, “Face it. You have a sickness. How can you work with so much chaos all around you?”
“Chaos? What do you mean?” So what if I have books stacked two rows deep and a lovely collection of dragons and faeries and miscellaneous pretties.
She rolled her eyes, grabbed my wrist to hold up my hand, and said, “Repeat after me: Hi, I’m Delilah Devlin and I’m a hoarder.”
Well, sis, I do not have a compulsive disorder. I can too shed myself of some of my treasures without getting breathless with panic. (Besides, I have a green one of these precious little baby dragons!)
The Baby Dragon Incense Burner Contest

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment—here or on my Facebook FAN page.
This contest lasts until December 27th, so there are plenty of chances to enter!
For those of you who will no doubt ask, the cup comes from Christi’s Gifts & Consignments, 870-230-1877. And yes, she can order more!
And so you have a reason to comment today, here’s a question:
Are you a hoarder, too? If so, of what?
* * * * *
The winner (by random number generator) of the Dragon with a Cup of Joe Contest is…Penny K! Penny, congratulations, and email me with your address!
Posted in Contests! | 38 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Wendy G - Darcy - Ashley Applebee - Jane Thompson - Linda Womack -
Monday, December 19th, 2011
**Just one day left to enter to win a Dragon and a Cup of Joe**
I have a brand-spanking-new Facebook Fan Page!!!! What’s that, you say? I can’t explain it, except to say that the fan page will allow me to reach more people than my personal page which is nearing capacity. I am switching to the Fan Page and will slowly wean readers from my personal page by offering bribes to make the change. I’ll be running a contest, very shortly, that only the folks who have “Liked” my page are eligible to enter. There will be a Kindle Fire and a slew of smaller prizes up for grabs!
So what do you have to do? 1) Click the Fan Page link. 2) Click the “Like” button. Simple as that.
So what’s up today? I have to start a new story today. Have to, have to! Or rather finish the one I already have started. You’ve seen the cover:

Help me figure out what the story’s about!
Is it contemporary or medieval, or contemporary with a medieval feel? I started it in the present, where there’s a mysterious man who has reconstructed his European castle here in American. Does that work for you?
It’s a given there will be a ménage, but what flavor of ménage do you want? m/m/f or m/f/m?
My young, aspiring reporter is a virgin. How can that be?
Ready for the challenge? 
Posted in General | 27 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Shadow - Susan Howard - Darlene - Debra T - Marika Weber -
Sunday, December 18th, 2011
Please remember, there are three contests ongoing at the moment. Check here for details:
*Win a Dragon and a Cup of Joe (ends Dec 20th)
*Win a copy of Best Erotic Romance (ends Dec 23rd)
*Win a $25.00 Amazon.com certificate (ends Dec 27th)
* * * * *
The garage sale is over! For now. We made a whole whopping $150.00! Guess right before Christmas isn’t the best time to do one. We froze our butts off for two days and ransacked the closets of this new old house. Every time I went looking for things to put out, I found something I wanted, so it went into my stack. 🙂
My sis, Myla Jackson, kept me and the Red-Headed Hellion company part of the time. And since sis is still here, I better mosey on down to spend some time with her! So while I’m visiting with family, you can answer a question:
What body part are you most attracted to?
Posted in General | 22 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Delilah - Carol L - Patricia - Pat Cochran - Shadow -
Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Thought since this week’s theme was winter, you might like to see the opening of my best-selling winter story. Enjoy meeting the guys!
“…I couldn’t put this story down! It was danger, betrayal, sexy and fun all rolled together into the perfect erotic romance. The plot was brilliant, and the characters unique…The sexual scenes will make you clamp your knees together and dream of a sexy cowboy or two of your own…”
5 Stars, Stefani Clayton, Just Erotic Romance
“…Saddled is heart-stopping and fascinating!!!!!!!…”
5 Stars, Heather, Vixen Reviews
“…Delilah Devlin’s storylines never fail to pull readers into the story and SADDLED is no exception…Of course the sex scenes are scorching and adventurous with the perfect blend of emotional turmoil to ensure readers keep Ms. Devlin’s name at the top of their ‘must read’ list.”
4.5 Blue Ribbons, Crissy, Romance Junkies
Slippery when naked…
When Bobby Blackhawk and Cale Yancey see a car slide off the highway and into an icy creek, they’ve got only minutes to get the beautiful driver out alive. And only one way to save her from hypothermia: take her to their isolated cabin, get naked…and hope like hell that when she wakes up, she doesn’t scream the place down.
Katherine Duvall opens her eyes in a strange bed, and the tingles flooding her body aren’t entirely due to restored circulation. She’s snuggled between two handsome men, one a gruff, gentle giant, the other a sexy, playful Native American. Having just left her fiancé romping with another woman, she’s not quite as shocked as she might have been.
In fact, these two lonesome cowboys could be the perfect bookends to satisfy her hunger for revenge and bolster her dented self esteem. It’s not long before their raging hormones are melting the snow on the cabin roof.
To their surprise, they find something else is melting, too. Their hearts…
Bobby Blackhawk shook his head as the taillights of the little Beemer just ahead flashed red again through the falling snow. Sure enough, as soon as the driver crunched the brakes, the tail end of the car began to slide on the snow-covered ice.
“She’s gonna go right into the river if she keeps that up,” Cale Yancey muttered beside him.
They’d been following the car for the last ten miles, inching down the lonely highway. They’d already figured out the car wasn’t using snow chains, and the driver was too stupid to know she was skirting on the edge of real trouble.
“Why are you so sure it’s a woman?” Bobby asked.
“Can’t drive worth a damn.” Read the rest of this entry »
Tagged: excerpt Posted in About books... | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Lorrie - Shadow - tammy ramey - Krystal Shannan - Delilah -
Friday, December 16th, 2011
Best Erotic Romance Series Debut!
Have you ever tried to herd cats? It’s hard, I tell you. Getting all those beautiful, headstrong felines to walk in the same direction, to behave and get along…. Whew! Exhausting!
What does herding cats have to do with books? Well, editing an anthology of erotic romance is a bit like rounding up cats. Finding stories that are beautifully written and complement each other and organizing them in a way that makes the entire book flow naturally is a challenge, to say the least. But it’s a challenge I love and as I was editing my fourth anthology for Cleis Press, I found myself with an added challenge—to not only find stories that blended together well, but to find stories that were the very best of erotic romance.
Best Erotic Romance is the inaugural edition of a new series from Cleis Press. I received so many amazing stories that the challenge became narrowing those wonderful submissions to the seventeen stories I ultimately chose.

Here is my introduction to the collection:
Introduction: Simply the Best
What does it take to be the best? That’s the question I kept in the forefront of my mind as I edited Best Erotic Romance 2012. And so, when I sat down to sift through the submissions, I found myself reading many of the stories two or three times. It’s a complicated process, trying to determine what makes a story the very best of the genre. Obviously, excellent writing and storytelling are key, but I also looked for stories with characters I could believe in and root for. Characters I could fall in love with, just as they were falling in love (or finding ways to stay in love).
I am delighted to present this inaugural collection of Best Erotic Romance, the collection that I hope will set the bar for future editions. These are the stories that touched my heart and ignited my libido, that made me think about the nature of desire and the unpredictability of the human heart. Each of these seventeen stories weaves love and passion so tightly that one cannot be separated from the other. And isn’t that what a lasting relationship is all about? The need for connection and commitment, memories and history—and hot, wanton, uninhibited sex with a partner who knows us better than we know ourselves.
From tales of love (and lust) at first sight, such as Delilah Devlin’s “Drive Me Crazy” and Nikki Magennis’s “Dawn Chorus” to stories of established couples still passionate for each other, such as Andrea Dale’s “Memories for Sale” and Kate Pearce’s “Cheating Time,” the stories in this collection show that true love lasts, real passion never waivers, and lovers who are meant to be will always find their way back to each other. These lovers aren’t afraid of going after what they want, whether it’s long-lost love in “Blame It on Facebook” by Kate Dominic or a hot threesome among a married couple and a female friend in Erobintica’s “Till the Storm Breaks.”
The authors in this collection know that opening one’s heart comes with great risks and often greater rewards and that open communication and a spirit of adventure can make for a scorching sex life. They have created characters who believe all is fair in love and war and who take no prisoners in their quest for emotional and sexual fulfillment. Here you will find lovers exploring their desires in bedrooms, heating things up in the kitchen, splashing around in the bathtub, playing with sex toys, drinking champagne, getting it on in hotel rooms, staying warm in winter cabins, flirting in trucks and bars, making out in the great outdoors, and making love at dawn and midnight—all in the name of that greatest of all human desires: true love.
So, dear reader, I invite you to explore this delicious collection of erotic romance selected especially for you. I think you will find that what makes a story the best of its kind is based on the same intangibles that make people fall in love. It’s magic, I think. And when it comes to love and war, there’s only one thing I know for sure: love wins. Love always wins.
Kristina Wright
In love in Chesapeake, Virginia
This is the kind of book that is a delicious treat at the holidays—or a terrific gift for someone who is new to erotic romance and looking for a sampling of stories. And in that spirit, I would love to send one lucky commenter a copy of Best Erotic Romance! Winner will be selected at noon on Friday, December 23.
Happy holidays to all of you and thanks to Delilah for letting me take over her blog today!
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in Contests! | 29 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Susan W. - Patricia - Laurie G - LindaKasey - Lynn A. Reynolds -
Thursday, December 15th, 2011
I swear my life would make the best reality show. A house full of eccentric elderly people. Pets who act like children. A Red-Headed Hellion with children who would frighten The Children of the Corn. I’m the one in the middle of all the chaos.
I’ve been trying to simplify my life. However, the older of the two little girls has some learning issues. I’m going to be helping with homeschool. I already babysit quite a bit, rush to town to help with emotional bedtimes, etc. For a year, my daughter lived in a trailer she’d bought and put in the pasture beside our house. It was to be a temporary housing solution. We hoped the house across the road would come available and be reasonable priced, but when that didn’t happen fast enough, I found a very nice, cute little house that needed a few renovations in town, five minutes away. Problem solved, or so I thought.
A week after her family moved in, the house across the road was offered to us, along with 8 acres of land. No more driving to get where I’m needed. No more worrying about the hellions escaping the front door and running into the street (the two-year old moves step stools to reach the upper latch of the front door). But the house was built in the early 80’s and was occupied by an old lady who lived alone until her family moved her into a nursing home. We pretty much have to plan to gut the bathrooms and redo them, replace the roof, the carpet, the tile…
So, I’m buying that house, along with everything still inside it, selling the other, and this weekend we are holding a massive garage sale to get rid of all the items the woman horded in her house for thirty years.
We have found some treasures. I scarfed up two lovely old blue carnival glass bowls. My daughter found a Beatle record in mint condition. My mother, aunt and grandmother swarmed the crocheted afghans and a multitude of coats and jackets the woman barely wore.
Yesterday, my grinning son-in-law walked in to present me with a Teen Wolf doll whose eyes glow red and growls when you flip the switch.

The sale starts early tomorrow morning, so be thinking about me, setting up tables to pile with clothing, toys, dishes, crocheted toilet tissue covers, a dozen bibles, statues with Jesus standing at the bottom of the sea beside a conch shell, dressers crammed with linens, picture frames with photos of smiling people who are no longer living and whose relatives didn’t care enough to save.
My daughter has a box for the photos she’s sure some long-lost grandchild might someday return to find. She’ll keep it along with the dead husband’s Mason uniform and her Mason wife’s pin. Maybe when the old woman finally passes, she’ll return and be happy about the fact we saved something she treasured. While we renovate, we’ll respect.
But she’s not getting the Teen Wolf doll back.
Posted in General | 18 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: tammy ramey - Delilah - Betty Hamilton - Linda Womack - Sasha White -
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011
Psst! Remember, continue to post in order to increase your chances to win
The Dragon with a Cup of Joe Contest!
‘Tis the Season
‘Tis the season of giving. And it’s still a season of thanksgiving, as well as a season of reflection.
I have done a few things this year outside my comfort zone. I’ve learned a lot, changed a lot, and I’ve met some wonderful people this year. One of them being Delilah. She is down to Earth, open, kind, patient.
I’d started reading her cowboy stories before the Lori Foster Readers and Authors get together in June and when I had the chance to meet her, I zoomed across the room and accosted her. I told her I loved her books and that I’d love to pick her brain some time. She was gracious and offered to sit down with me at breakfast the next morning.
That kind of willing and open kindness is something I find missing a lot in this business and in life in general. I don’t understand it. Delilah let me ask questions and never made me feel like a lesser author just because I didn’t have the right publishing credentials or didn’t know the right people. There was nothing I could do for her in return for her sitting and talking with me.
She’s professional and she’s quick with a smile. Her sister, Myla Jackson, is the same way. Both of these women are incredibly successful yet don’t treat others any different for not being quite so… They gave of their time and their lessons learned. They gave of themselves and in the spirit of giving, that’s something most reserve for the holidays, but they gave it in the middle of the year. They touched me and I know they touched others. We should all strive to be less full of ourselves and willing to talk with, spend time with, and help each other. We should all strive to talk less about ourselves and our successes, and listen more.
These two authors are not the only ones like this. I’ve met others this year who are just as quick to take a moment to talk, to offer their time, to do something that may not benefit them in any way at all but to make someone else smile or feel better.
I do a lot of reflective thinking at this time of year. What could I do better, how could I be a better friend, a better author, a better mother, daughter, wife, a better all around person? I think I know and it starts with saying thank you to Delilah and Myla for showing me the kind of author/person I want to be toward others in this business.
Throughout the holiday season this year, I’ve been emailing people I’ve met in this business to thank them for their friendship, to thank them for any help they’ve given me, to tell them I miss them, that I love their books, and in some of my guest posts I am doing it, too. Just like in this one.
What about you? Have you told those that mean something to you or that have come into your life and changed you in some way, thank you?
Of course, now, I get to plug in a bit about my upcoming Samhain Publishing release, Twisted Up. It’ll be available on December 20th for purchase, however it is available for pre-order now at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Samhain Publishing.
One rope. Three days. And two hearts on the line.
Justin has had enough. Ella, the woman who healed his broken heart, has been cancelling on him for two months straight. Sure, she’s busy with her job, which has her traveling far and wide. But that never stopped her from sharing nights of trivia, long conversations and blazing hot sex—until now. Truth to tell, he misses their easy friendship, the way her sighs fill his ear as he fills her body.
What he can’t figure out is, what’s changed?
At work, Ella finds it easy to talk to rooms full of strangers. Once back at her lonely apartment, though, she’s back to her painfully shy self—until Justin. Their chance meeting grew over the months into a year-long affair, but she can’t shake the feeling that rejection and pain are just around the corner. Best thing to do? End it now, before their intimacy digs too deep.
Suddenly he’s at her door with a length of neon-green rope and a naughty proposition, daring her to say no. Just how good could it be? There’s only one way to find out.
Product Warnings: The sheets are tangled, the hat is crumpled, and the jeans are worn low on the hips. The cowboy is hot, determined, and helpless in the face of bunny slippers. Readers may need extra batteries to get this one out of their system.
For more information, please visit my website or blog, and sign up for my newsletter. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.
I want to thank Delilah for having me! I wish you all a very happy holiday season.
Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: JANE SILHOUETTE - Cari Quinn - tammy ramey - Diane - Shadow -