Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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In Curve Magazine…
Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Just a reminder! Today’s the last day of the Authors After Dark Grab Bag and Promo Ho ($25.00 Amazon gift certs!) contests! See details on my CONTEST page!

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How cool is this?

Girls Who Bite was covered in Curve, a best-selling lesbian magazine. See the tearsheet of the article below. If anyone finds a copy of this magazine in her local bookstore, I’d be happy to reimburse her for any expenses.

Girl Fever’s a go!
Monday, October 24th, 2011

One quick note! Randi Alexander, one of my blog sisters at Wild and Wicked Cowboys, needs your vote! Her vampire cowboy erotic romance, This Cowboy Bites, is one of the four final stories at All Romance eBook’s Just One Bite Contest. You can read the entire story, plus three others, free at ARe. Thank you! ~DD

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Did I mention that a short story I wrote for Sacchi Green’s call for submissions for Girl Fever: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex for Lesbians made it into the anthology? The book will be released in May 2012. My story is entitled “Ignition Switch” and you can imagine what body part I’m talkin’ about! To see the entire roster of stories and authors, check out Sacchi Green’s blog. And 69 stories? 69 authors to work with? She’s a martyr! Just kidding, I bet the challenge was envigorating.

For you writers out there who want to know where I see these calls for submissions, check out the Erotic Readers & Writers Association website.

And for you readers, I thought I’d give you a heads up for the stories releasing between now and the end of this year.

11/22/2011 – FIVE WAYS ‘TIL SUNDAY, Delta Heat series, eBook (Samhain)
11/29/2011 – DRAGON’S DESIRE, Alluring Tales-3, eBook (Kindle)
12/06/2011 – RED HOT WINTER, print anthology (Samhain), includes my novella “True Heart”
12/13/11 – BEST EROTIC ROMANCE OF 2012, print anthology (Cleis Press), includes my new short story “Drive Me Crazy”

This “Energizer Bunny” needs new batteries
Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The winner of the free autographed book I offered during my visit with the Smutketeers is Shadow! Shadow, be sure to email me with your snail mail address
so I can get your prize to you!

* * * * *

I think I have most of my family obligations out of the way now. I’m buying the Red-Headed Hellion a house, and we closed on Friday. Yesterday, we bought cleaning and painting supplies, contacted the handyman, worked on getting utilities scheduled. Today, we did one last drive by Walmart for last minute supplies. Since I’m the bank, I don’t have to do the work. I’m free now to do what I do best—write.

But now I’m running on empty. Have any suggestions for ways to get me energized? Any secret family recipes? What do you do rev up for a hard week? I’m drinking a cup of coffee as I write, but I’m sure I’ll need more to get me through the next couple of weeks. I have to keep my head down, ignore the family, and pretend my office is a cave deep inside a mountain with a dragon guarding the door while I slave away.

Any suggestions?

Also, I sent out my first newsletter using a new newsletter hosting site yesterday. If you didn’t get a copy (and it was a little skimpy on news, only because I didn’t have time to add a personal note) be sure sign up for the newsletter. The signup blank is easy, and located to the left of this blog, although you might have to scroll down a little to find it. I will be running some contests in the newsletter that are only for subscribers!

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

OMG! I have a stable Internet connection again!

I live in the boonies so I don’t have the option of calling the local NERDS to come fix my computer problems. So, it was a process of elimination. First, checking the satellite connection/strength, figuring out whether other computers in the house (six!) had the same issue. All did, excerpt for the one connected directly to the router by cable. Sooooo…

I ordered a new router. It’s installed. And so far, so good. You have no idea how time-consuming and frustrating it is trying to work with spotty connection. The only time I seemed to get good connection was the middle of the night, so I set alarms to get up at 3 AM to take care of email and blogging. I know friends who tried to reach me during the day thought I’d dropped off the face of the earth.

Anyway, here it is 10 AM and I’m happily cranking out today’s blog about INTERNET WOES. Not sexy, right?

The next problem I have is trying to figure out why my computer goes to the Blue Screen of Death when it hibernates. Guess I’ll uninstall every piece of hardware I have, one at a time, to see if one of them is the issue. Then maybe I can get back to writing!

I did finish a very sexy, funny short story this week to include in the Cleis cowboy collection. After reading the sexy stories other writers contributed, I was just a little intimidated. Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do that would fit with the collection and still be distinctive.

Yeah, I get the advantage of doing that since I get to read ALL the stories first. 🙂

Remember, if you’ve read any of my recently published stories and don’t feel wierd doing it, post a review and send me the link. You’ll be entered in the Promo Ho contest. Details about the stories I need reviews for are listed on my “Contest” page. You only have 3 more days to enter!

The winner of yesterday’s flashback download (selected by random number generator) is…Fedora! Fedora, congrats and email me!

Flashback: Raw Silk
Friday, October 21st, 2011

If you post a comment today, you’ll be in the running
for a free download of this book!

TGIF! Not that it means much to me anymore. Whenever I crawl out of bed is the start of my day. And I’m never installing a webcam at my desk because then you’d know I write in sweats with my hair spiking around my head and not a stitch of makeup. Very unglamorous.

Enjoy this long excerpt. Get to know my two sexy Austin firefighters. Camille sure will. 🙂

“… This is one hot book. This is my first m/f/m, m/f/m/f, f/f, and m/m all in one book! And whoa nelly, this was a smoking hot story….” ~ 5 Stars and Top Pick, Night Owl Reviews

“…Delilah Devlin has a scorching hot read on her hands with RAW SILK…Ms. Devlin gives her readers a sexually charged romance…Ms. Devlin turned up the heat with her intense love scenes and memorable characters. I loved Raw Silk, and I would recommend this story to every reader.”
~ 5 Angels and Recommended Read, Fallen Angels Reviews

“…The always exhilarating author Delilah Devlin knows exactly what her readers want – daring, erotic and wicked delightful stories filled with amazing characters, exciting story lines, passion and an abundance of emotions that will keep them riveted to the pages and once again she delivers the goods with RAW SILK…”
~ 4 Hearts, The Romance Studio

* * * * *

A wicked, no-strings one-night stand turns unexpectedly complicated when three lonely hearts collide…

Camille sacrificed romance for success long ago. Now that the lingerie company she and her best friend built is hugely successful, she has a few regrets. Wanting to let down her hair and explore the possibilities, she agrees to meet a man at a bar for drinks only to wind up needing help when she rebuffs his sexual overtures.

Jake and Daniel are two firefighters hitting the bar for a quick drink after a long shift when they see a classy beauty fending off an overzealous boyfriend. With a flex of biceps they chase him off then settle in to seduce the lovely woman whose eyes reflect a hunger they understand all too well.

What starts as a simple, pleasurable one-night stand, quickly burns up the sheets. While Jake knows he can’t let Camille crush their relationship because of age differences, Daniel still thinks he can walk—until he gets a whiff of Camille’s best friend Lacey. Suddenly three isn’t enough.

Reader Advisory: Burning up the sheets is putting it mildly! Inhibitions are out the door with scenes of m/f/m, m/f/m/f, f/f and m/m.

Nothing was better than a lip-gloss kiss—sweet, silky, made for savoring.

Jake Lassiter picked up his beer and drew on the froth, imagining another kind of cream slipping between his lips while he stared at the woman’s shiny pout. She didn’t seem to realize anyone stared as she slicked her lips with a clear lube, tucked a stray blonde curl behind her ear and closed the mirrored compact. Or maybe she did and the performance was just a tease.

“Dayum, bro. Gotta have me some of that,” Daniel Parker murmured.

Jake shot him a glare, just to check, and sure enough, his best buddy was staring at the same honey-haired beauty. “I call dibs.”

Danny scowled, humor gleaming in his dark brown eyes. “Can’t call dibs. I saw her first. I watched her come in the door while you were paying for the drinks.”

“Oh yeah? What color is her hair?” Jake asked, leaning toward the bar to cut off Danny’s view.

“Who gives a damn? Did you see her ass?”

Jake snorted, annoyed they were talking like two never-been-laid teenagers, but that’s what usually happened after a long week when both of them were too worn out to rub a single brain cell between them.

That either had been able to lift bleary eyes past their beers said a lot for the woman’s appeal. She shone like a beacon in the badly lit bar.

“Why not let the lady make her own choice?” Danny drawled.

“Like she’d come near either one of us,” he muttered, his gaze sweeping the expensive cut of her navy suit, the sleek fall of her chin-length hair and understated makeup. She wore “class” like he did a pair of well-washed jeans—comfortably.

Still, it had been her expression that had snagged his attention. Something soft and wistful shone in her large, dark eyes. She wished she was anywhere but here.
Read the rest of this entry »

This ‘n’ That, plus a contest reminder!
Thursday, October 20th, 2011

The Romance Studio is hosting their 2d Annual Spookapalooza party! I’ve posted a couple of excerpts, and I’d love for your to comment on them, but there’s also a huge list of giveaways. Be sure to check it out!

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I’m nearing the end of editing for The Cowboy, which is being retitled Cowboy Lust. The stories I’m working on are hawt! I hope to wrap it up by the end of the week.

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FYI, in case you haven’t seen the FB or Tweets, GIRLS WHO BITE is getting huge rave reviews. Take a look!

“GIRLS WHO BITE is one incredible read.” 5 Paddles, BDSM Book Reviews

“…original, sometimes devastating, and at other times unusual and brilliant…” 5 Stars, Love Romance Passion

“…Absolutely Amazing! Packed with heat, sexuality, and darkness. This book delivers on so many levels.” Rated Magnificent, Romancing the Book

“I’m glad I spent my first time with Ms. Devlin’s beautiful choices.“ 5 Stars, Siren’s Song Reviews

“…GIRLS WHO BITE is an extraordinary entertainment and highly recommended for adult reading lists.” 5 Stars, Midwest Book Reviews

So, if you haven’t already ordered your copy, why the hell not? :mrgreen:

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One last note before I get back to work: remember that I have two contests running, the Authors After Dark Grab Bag contest and the Promo Ho contest (which is awarding two $25.00 gift certificates!). Check out the Contest Page for details.

Catch me being Wild & Wicked!
Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

I’m playing at Wild & Wicked Cowboys today. Drop by, ogle a sexy cowboy pic, and help me dream up a story!