Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sunday Report Card
Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Pssst! Don’t forget the Coffin Clutch & Seeing Eye Hair Clip contest ends tomorrow night! Be sure to comment for a chance to win!

Well, I’m back in business! My Internet provider still hasn’t figured out what’s up, but they did give me a work-around. I’m using to access this website, and although all the promo surrounding the page is annoying and I can’t post pictures, I’m not complainin’!

Needless to say, I didn’t get a whole lot of writing done this week. I felt like I was cut adrift without being able to bounce here at will to see what was happening. I did manage to wrap up the introduction and the last edits on stories I submitted for Beastly Babes, which is being renamed to She-Shifters—yeah, I liked the orginal title so much better. Still, the stories are awesome. And no, I’m not making any announcements just yet about who made it into the anthology because nothing’s set in stone until Cleis blesses the choices. So, don’t ask!

I began work on a new sexy Western. I have just a few pages written. I really wanted to be farther along, but ah well. I’ve begun culling The Cowboy anthology entries. I have a ton of very strong stories, so it’s going to be rough choosing.

And that’s where I am with work. This week a lot of my time will be spent packing for Romanticon in Akron. If you live in the area, be sure to check it out. It’s an Ellora’s Cave event and the booksigning will be open to the public. I’d love to meet some of you face-to-face. 🙂

Oh! And thanks so much for keeping A Four-Gone Conclusion #1 at Samhain for the second week in a row!

It’s alive…or maybe not
Saturday, September 24th, 2011

Yes, I did that in my Dr. Frankenstein voice. My website has been giving me fits. No one else seems to have problems opening it, but most of the day, I can’t. Just my site. Nothing else. I swear there’s a ghost in my computer playing tricks on me.

Anyway, I’m hitting this fast and getting the hell out before it crashes again. Thanks, everyone for buying Four-Gone. It’s still #1 at Samhain’s store and rising up the Amazon chart. Yay! As for Bitten in the Big Easy, I know it’s a more difficult sale, but I’m telling you, the f/f aspect won’t hang you up. The two stories are hot and the storyline intriguing. Swear!

I wrapped up Beastly Babes this week. No, don’t ask me yet who made it into the volume. I want to wait to hear from Cleis that everyone’s a go first. I’d hate to raise hopes then dash them. I’m working now on re-reading the “yes” stack for The Cowboy. And if I can get to the comments long enough today, I’ll start making a list of titles I like to poll you with.

Sorry this is a little lackluster, but I’m crossing my fingers this darn post saves. Can’t even risk a spell check first. Later!

So that didn’t work. I rushed to my dd’s house to finish this post. Why can’t anyone figure out what the hell’s wrong with my site?

A Question and a New Contest
Friday, September 23rd, 2011

I’m clearing off my promo shelf! Next week, I head to Romanticon, and I know I’ll be back with more wonderful prizes to give away. In the meantime, I have two items I’ve had sitting there for a while because I didn’t want to give them away. Sniff

Both of these prizes would make wonderful Halloween accessories. Who wouldn’t look stylish carrying this coffin-shaped clutch with a beaded “third eye” hairclip nestled in their tresses? Both prizes are from Mistress Rae’s Decadent Designs.

What do you have to do to win?
Post a comment—here or on Facebook. Simple as that.

This prize package will be awarded next Tuesday, September 27th!

And because it’s only fair that I give you something to comment on, here’s a question…

What is something you really enjoy doing that is a chore or a bore to many people?

In 12 Days…
Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

His suffering…

Though proud and strong, Eirik, heir to the Ulfhednars kingdom, found himself seduced and taken from his homeworld by a bounty-hunting vixen, who sold him into slavery. Purchased by a wealthy, Consortium-backed brothel, he is kept at a heavily guarded and secure breeding facility, where he is forced to feed the lustful whims of Helios’s elite at night. He bides his time, waiting for a chance to escape and get his revenge on the woman who betrayed him…

Her satisfaction…

Once a sex thrall, Fatin earned her freedom through service. Now, as a bounty hunter, she is determined to earn enough to buy her sister’s papers from the same brothel she escaped. For this, she abducts a brutishly handsome, breed-worthy specimen from the Viking planet and delivers him to auction. But her desire for justice and his desire for freedom may consume both of them in a passion neither wanted—or can resist.

Buy it now and save $4.80—at Amazon!

Read an excerpt…

Eirik tried not to breathe too deeply. The rotten, sour smells of his dark, dank prison already made his skin stink. He didn’t want the awful stench inside his lungs or belly.

He hadn’t seen the other prisoners, not after they’d been herded like cattle through a chute once the hatch had been opened at the side of the ship and his keepers applied their prods to their backsides to move them out in single file.

With only brief impressions of his new home, of searing heat and blinding, harsh sunlight, he’d shielded his arm over his eyes and stumbled down the gangway, through the iron-barred alley that disallowed any thoughts of escape.

He’d been led to this cell, deep inside an enormous stone building. A brief glimpse of an open arena, and then he’d been shoved down two flights of narrow stone steps.

Once they’d slammed the solid door and slid the eye-level window closed, he’d been left alone, no sounds penetrating his prison other than the hum of the light above him, and the sounds his own body made.

His thoughts drowned it all out, screaming inside him. He’d wanted to beat his fists against the door, rail at his captors, but he didn’t know if anyone watched him, and wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing how close to abject despair he was coming.

Hel, he’d even suffer Fatin’s derision, her cold, calculating touch, just to feel or hear another human being.
Read the rest of this entry »

Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

One quick note! Tonight at 8 PM CST,
I’ll be chatting live at Righteous Perverts!

Yes, another new release! I’ve barely had room to breathe this month so much is happening. Bitten in the Big Easy is a two-book anthology, with stories from Paisley Smith and myself. Yes, they’re lesbian romances, but even if that’s not your usual kind of read, you’ll be caught up in the drama. The sex is hot, but the stories are every bit as thrilling. The world our sisters Cissy and Elena live in is dark and filled with enemies. You won’t want to miss the first installment in the Femme Noir series!

Here’s an excerpt…but don’t read any further if you’re not 18 or older!


Elena could only watch, shivering in terror. Those words reverberated in her mind.

First, I wish to play…

How many times had that phrase played inside her dreams as she’d relived the horror of her incarceration in Erzsébet’s palace? Most days she slept nude, atop the covers, because even a hint of restraint sent her deep into her nightmare. How did this woman, this human, know her weakness?

Think, think. You aren’t an animal. You are only at her mercy if you allow it.

How many times had she reassured herself with the same lie? And yet, she forced her breathing to slow, her heart to still. Whatever potion Cassia had used to paralyze her had worn off. Only a haze at the periphery of her vision remained, causing her sight to narrow to a tunnel. Would Cassia drug her again if she knew she’d recovered? If she banged against her cage, could she free herself in time?

Best to wait. What had she meant, there will only be one night? Did Cassia intend to kill her?

Not that Elena was afraid to die. She’d considered committing another terrible sin a few times during her long life. But the thought of dying now, not by her choice or hand, enraged her.

Some of her thoughts must have shown in her eyes.

Cassia stepped closer, slipping her hands between the flat iron slats to bracket Elena’s cheeks with her palms. She pressed so close her warm breaths gusted softly against Elena’s skin. As Elena drew in the hot, humid scent, her pussy grew engorged and her teeth sank into the hard rubber ball.

“Surrender to me, my beauty. There’s no need to fight. You want this. You want me.” Cassia came closer still, her lush mouth parting. The kisses she pressed on Elena’s face between the bars were soft and wet. Her tongue darted out to lick the sweat beading on her brow.

Anger and desire mixed with regret that the other woman’s tenderness was only a ploy. Tears pricked the backs of Elena’s eyes, but she refused to let them well. She blinked furiously, glaring all the while even though her body was beginning to melt.

How truly twisted am I? Sure, she feared the confinement but she was aware of the structure of the cage, of the opening behind her bottom. Memories of the horrific pleasures she’d enjoyed so long ago swam inside her mind while Cassia cupped her face like a child’s to reassure her.
Read the rest of this entry »

What’s coming tomorrow…
Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Pssst! The grab bag contest winner is named at the bottom of this post!

First off, have I told you all how incredibly awesome you all are? I need help with titles—you deliver dozens of ideas! I need help with menage ideas—you little perverts come up with some completely rockin’ ideas! 🙂

Anyway, I thought I’d give you a heads up. Tomorrow, Bitten in the Big Easy, a two author anthology with two hawt as hell stories releases from Ellora’s Cave! It will be the first book in the Femme Noir series, which will include vampires, witches, ghosts and demons. Read on for a glimpse inside…

Bitten in the Big Easy

“Butterfly” by Paisley Smith

Vampire Narcissa Csintalan is in a New Orleans bar, waiting on her tardy sister Elena, when she develops a raging fang-on for the bar’s sinfully sexy, butch bass player. The bite marks on the songbird’s neck put her at the top of Cissy’s must-feed list.

Butterfly Baudelaire has sworn off strays, but the blonde coming on to her has a killer pair of fangs and looks like she knows how to use ’em. Butterfly’s not banking on the bite Cissy takes out of her heart—or the fact more than her well-spanked bottom is in danger from her vampire lover.

“Gilded Cage” by Delilah Devlin

Since her turning, Elena Csintalan has wrestled her inner demon on a nightly basis. She never expects her limits to be tested—until she finds herself drawn to a tawny woman whose lush curves make her eyeteeth spike. Before she knows it, she’s dangling inside an iron cage, one that’s frighteningly familiar. And the punishment she endures is oh so divine…

Despite a surprising empathy she feels for the vampire she’s captured, Cassia proceeds with her coven’s plan—drain Elena of her blood at the height of orgasm to complete a potion that will protect them from Elena’s maker. Cassia scried the darkness coming their way, and the monster has a name…the Countess Elizabeth Bathory.

Elena approached Jean Lafitte’s Old Absinthe House from Bienville Street, skirting the sidewalk, striding in long steps, enjoying the cloying heat, the mingled scents of life and decay, sniffing delicately when she passed a sewer grate but not minding the odors all that much. Tonight, little would spoil her mood.

The tavern looked good for its age—although not as good as Elena. Not a single wrinkle marred her face. Not that she was mindful of her beauty. She only recognized it as fact, having come slowly to acceptance, acknowledging her beauty not as a gift or a curse.

She dressed simply. Straight-legged blue jeans, a black tank and black military boots. A black-banded watch sat on her left wrist. Her hair was pulled tightly into a ponytail at the back of her head. Her only concessions to her femininity were the large white-gold hoops she wore in her ears, and only because she liked the way they bumped against her cheeks.

Still, as severe as she’d dressed, Elena drew attention. She had a model’s long, lithe frame and moved as fluidly as a cat. Again, facts she was aware of but not duly self-impressed.

She’d reached the point in her long life where little mattered. Not friendships, because they were fleeting. Not money, because it could be gone in a single day, as she’d known now twice in her lifetime. Little interested her. She’d seen most of the world. Done everything. Her primary constant was the hunger that drove her even now, when she was wishing she could ignore it just a while longer.

The other constant was her sister. And she was meeting her tonight for the first time in ten years.

Her stomach growled loudly and Elena growled right back, alarming a musician carrying a guitar case so much so that he stepped onto the street to make a wide arc around her.
Read the rest of this entry »

Better late…
Monday, September 19th, 2011

Sorry this is soooo late! Life’s been nuts the past 24-hours. Last night we had a hellish thunderstorm and my daughter, her husband and the little ones wound up sleeping all over my bedroom. Today, I had the housekeeper underfoot (I live in rural Arkansa—it’s not that expensive and so worth it!) and my daughter going nuts because she found baby squirrels that had fallen out of a tree. I took pics and will share—but only if they survive. It’s too sad otherwise.

In the meantime, I promised the grab bag winner would be announced today, but I’m too tired to tally up all the comments to enter into the random number generator, so you have two more chances to enter! I posted blogs at the following two places. Go comment!

After Midnight Fantasies
Wild & Wicked Cowboys