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Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
New Release and Book Giveaway!
I’m Randi Alexander and I write cowboy erotic romance. My first book, Chase and Seduction was released May 27 from The Wild Rose Press’ Cowboy Kink line. I want to thank Delilah for letting me guest blog today. She and I share a love of cowboys. We both blog on Wild and Wicked Cowboys with 12 other erotic romance authors.
Some of the 14 published authors on W&W are full-time writers, others have day jobs and write evenings and weekends. I’m a stay-at-home author, and I wonder if sometimes I’m not as focused on the actual writing as someone who works a day job. Someone who needs to get things done in a condensed amount of time.
So, here’s my story. “A day in the life of a full-time writer.” I hear my husband get up at 6:30 AM because I’m a light sleeper. I get up, too, put on my pull-over robe, which he calls my muumuu, and shuffle off into the kitchen to make coffee, breakfast for two, and his lunch. He says I don’t have to make him lunch, but if I don’t, he goes out and spends $15 a day at a restaurant. (Have I mentioned I’m very frugal?)
I kiss him goodbye at 8:00 and power up the ol’ laptop. Checking all my social networking hangouts takes about an hour. It gets longer every day as I add more favorites. Then it’s e-mails, which can take a little or a LOT of time.
I still haven’t written anything, and it’s already 10:00. Yeay! Time for a snack! Oh, and I put on real clothes right about now, too, because when the mail comes, I want to be ready! Mail is an exciting part of my day!
Now the neighbor guy starts mowing his lawn. I watch him for a while, concocting a story about the lonely stay-at-home writer who falls for the handsome hunk next door. Except Burt is about 83, and has on a huge, floppy sun hat that I’m sure his wife makes him wear, so I really have to use my imagination.
Okay, butt back into the writing chair. Tummy’s full, water glass is full, brain…isn’t so much. I’m outlining a book, and things just aren’t flowing. So, I open my library book on voiceover acting and do my voice exercises. “Unique New York, unique New York, red leather, yellow leather, blue blood, black blood.”
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Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 28 People Said | Link
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Tuesday, June 21st, 2011
Around 8 AM, the Red-Headed Hellion, the six-year-old and I will be piling into Yoshi (my cherry-red Scion) and heading out on a road trip. We’re heading to Iowa. I know, right? Who goes to Iowa? Well, my brother and SIL live there—and so does my tattoo artist. We’re making the trip about the journey and have planned stops along the way. We’ve also promised that if we see an interesting sign or attraction along the way, we stop! So a one-day drive will be two, both up and back. I promise to take pictures!
While I’m gone, I have guests lined up. Be sure to drop by to say hello.
6/22—Randy Alexander
6/23—I was supposed to have one here, but she didn’t send me her stuff!
6/24—Gale Stanley
6/25—Sophie Oak
6/26—Taige Crenshaw
6/27—RHH decided we needed more road time at the last minute, so I’ll poke my head in the door again.
Y’all take care now!
Remember, the Promo Ho and Cabbage Rose Fairy contests continue!
Click here for details!
Posted in General | 10 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sadler - Jen B. - Stacy Wilson - Mary Preston - Fedora -
Monday, June 20th, 2011
Tomorrow, I’ll blog one last time before I head out on the road. So ya know today I have a ton of things to do…get my nails done, get the car’s oil changed, laundry, pack…blah, blah, blah. Today’s post will be short. Just something to get you thinking because you know you need someone to prod you into doing that.
If you had to change your first name , what would you choose as your new name?
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The Promo Ho and Cabbage Rose Fairy contests continue!
Comment here, then head to After Midnight Fantasies for another chance to win the fairy journal!
Posted in General | 29 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Mary - pookietoes - Mary Preston - Jen B. - Delilah Devlin -
Sunday, June 19th, 2011
I haven’t done a report card in a while because I haven’t done a lot of writing over the past couple of months. This week I got back on track.
But first, what’s that list to the left?
Yeah, that’s Samhain’s Best Sellers list! What a lovely gift! Thank you, all!
I signed a total of four contracts this week!
Three of them were stories for Samhain.
* The next Lone Star Lovers story, A Four-Gone Conclusion, which will release in September!
* The next Red Hot Winter story, Lone Heart, which will release in January 2012.
* The start of a new series, a five-some that I will tell you about after I start writing it! It’s tentatively scheduled for release in November!
The fourth contract is for another short story collection for Cleis Press, cowboy-themed—and this time heterosexual! I put the call for submission out on this blog a couple of days ago. So, any writers out there who are interested… I can’t wait to read your stories!
This week, I finally made progress on the lesbian vampire story that’s been on my plate for a couple of months. Why have I had so much trouble getting down to business? I haven’t talked about it much here. I mean, who wants to hear about real life stuff, right? But since it affects readers, I thought I might let you know that my lack of productivity hasn’t been because I suddenly got lazy.
About a month ago, my grandfather became gravely ill. My mother headed to Washington state to be with grandma. My brother and his wife relocated her from Colorado, and they’ve moved in until they can build a house on the property. My grandfther died, and now, as of late last night, my grandmother and aunt are living with us too. Add to the fact that it’s summer and the red-headed hellion’s children are constantly underfoot—and the pool is finally a comfortable tempture—and you can see why I’ve been a little distracted.
This next week, the RHH, the six-year-old and I are taking a road trip to Iowa. Not a sexy destination? Maybe not the way most people travel, but I’ll blog all about it when I get back. We’re escaping the madhouse for a week, then I’ll be back to the grindstone. Promise. I have all those shiny new contracts to fulfill!
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The Promo Ho and Cabbage Rose Fairy contests continue! Comment today and add another entry for the drawing for that lovely journal. Post an honest review and send me the link, and you’re entered in the other. Thanks to everyone who’s playing!
Posted in General | 12 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky W - Diane Sadler - Nichelle Y. Scott-Williams - Mary Preston - savonna -
Saturday, June 18th, 2011
The Promo Ho and Cabbage Rose Fairy contests continue!
Click here for details!
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Who but a Viking could survive the harshest climate—a planet encased in ice? Or at least in my imagination they were the perfect people to populate my world. New Iceland is covered in snow, its ocean coated with a thick layer of ice. On the surface, it appears to be uninhabitable. I hope you enjoy a glimpse of the rugged world and men of New Iceland.
“Perfect Read.” Fresh Fiction
“A steamy and fascinating adventure…” Romance Reviews Today
“Clash of cultures, clash of myths, clash of powerful personalities…how many authors can bring out on paper the excitement and more-than-willing suspension of disbelief that old fashioned adventure stories once brought us?…a wonderful, action-packed, emotional roller-coaster of a read.” Alien Places
“With the intriguing meshing of the past with the future this was an engrossing read…” Top Pick!, Night Owl Reviews
What a Viking wants, a Viking takes.
When his younger brother goes missing, Dagr, Viking warrior and Lord of the Wolfskin Clan, will do whatever it takes to get him back. But nothing could have prepared him for Honora—a feisty, intelligent woman who is nothing like the women of his world—women who are content to serve their men in all things. Drawn to her despite her recalcitrant nature, Dagr is determined to show her who’s boss both in bed and out.
When the two enemies-turned-lovers join forces to find Dagr’s brother they are thrown into a rousing adventure full of danger, intrigue and erotic abandon. Can their passion truly unite them or will their different worlds lead to destruction for them both?
Eirik Ulfhednar glared into his opponent’s reddened face and adjusted his hand, just a slight movement to improve his grip, and then bore down with all his might. The muscles of his forearm and bicep burned. A spike of adrenaline seared his blood.
Harald, who had boasted his prowess over drinks, didn’t seem so confident he’d win this contest now. His lips pulled away from his teeth in a feral snarl, but his bushy red brows rose, betraying his surprise that the man in front of him, so much younger and more privileged than he, hadn’t already crumpled.
A smile eased up the corners of Eirik’s mouth, and he narrowed his eyes. He would prove he was every inch his brother’s equal and deserving of respect from the crew at the mining camp. Respect that they’d denied him since his arrival that afternoon.
However, respect had to be earned from these fierce, rough men. An accident of birth didn’t grant an Ulfhednar, a Wolfskin, any special favors inside this clan. Further, Eirik’s status wasn’t helped by the fact that the last time he’d visited the camp, he’d been a gangly teen with blemishes on his face, tagging behind his elder brother.
But Eirik wasn’t a boy anymore. This challenge was a good place to prove it.
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Tagged: Berkley, excerpt Posted in About books... | 8 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: tammy ramey - Jen B. - Delilah - Ashley A - Stacy Wilson -
Friday, June 17th, 2011
The Promo Ho and Cabbage Rose Fairy contests continue!
Click here for details!
* * * * *
Recurring themes
My books seem to have several recurring themes: China, vacations, water, and gardens.
“Changing Cherry”, “Chinese Love Triad”, and “Terracotta Warriors” (releasing 30 March) are all set in China. I have spent some time in China on business and love their centuries of tradition, the polite, helpful people, their beautiful country. Also, I write a lot of two men/one woman ménages, and in a country with many millions more young men than women, because of their one-child policy, such ménages make excellent sense.
Everyone loves a vacation and vacations leave time for people to discover more about each other, spend long hours having fun together (in and out of bed) and are a great way to move the story forward. “Summer Sizzle”, “Vivienne’s Vacation”, “Huldah’s Two Hikers”, “Three for the Road”, and “Double Satisfaction” are all set during vacations. “Combustion”, and “Flash Flood”, include mini-vacations.
As for water and gardens, my characters love the beach, lakes, the countryside. The “Sex Odyssey” series is set in Resort City, a beachside town. “Dance for Three” has a hot beach scene, “Summer Sizzle” is set at the beach, and the heroine in “Flash Flood” gets caught in a tidal wave. “Tempting Tenealle” involves a courtyard garden, the gardens in “Double Satisfaction” are purely awesome, and “Huldah’s Two Hikers” is set on a hike through a national park.
My newest release, is “Strung Tight” the final book in the “Sex Odyssey” series. Jeff lives in the trailer Park at Resort City and Pete arrives there as a tour guide with a group of very demanding clients.

After a scorching night of sex and sin, two men need to make a decision in their lives.
Jeff works nights playing guitar at a strip club. Pete works days as a tour guide. Neither man is happy and both search for fulfillment. Can they find it in each other’s arms?
While the sex is great, and the orgasms body shaking, how can their relationship survive if they’re separated by time? Surrendering to wild emotions is easy. Real life is messy but the fight for love is worth it.
The two men gazed into each other’s eyes. Lust exploded like a visible force, and Jeff took two hurried paces to close the gap between them. Pete stepped into Jeff’s embrace and wrapped his arms around the taller man’s waist, lifting his face for a kiss.
Jeff gently pressed his lips to Pete’s, then swiped his tongue along the seam of the blond’s mouth. He opened and Jeff slid his tongue inside, enjoying Pete’s taste of coffee and mints and something spicy.
He trailed his tongue behind Pete’s teeth, and along the insides of his cheeks, then tangled it with the blond’s in an erotic dance, before sucking his tongue into his mouth.
They didn’t break the kiss until both of them were breathless. Even then Jeff nibbled on Pete’s lower lip and ran his hands up and down the man’s spine, wanting to get closer, needing to be inside him, right now, but not wanting to seem to be rushing or coercing the blond.
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Tagged: Guest Blogger Posted in General | 14 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Becky W - Berengaria - Jen B. - Janet - Ashley A -
Thursday, June 16th, 2011
I have another call for submissions to any writers out there—and its short-fused! If you get your submission into me early enough, and if it requires changes to make it acceptable, you’ll get the chance to resubmit. I’ll work with you. Also, I need a sexier title. Anyone have any suggestions? I’d love to hear your ideas!
And don’t forget about Beastly Babes—those short stories are due at the end of July. Read more about it here: Beastly Babes ~DD
The Cowboy
Editor: Delilah Devlin
Publisher: Cleis Press in Fall 2012
Deadline: August 30, 2011 September 10, 2011
The Cowboy (tentative title) is open to all authors.
Editor Delilah Devlin is looking for hetero cowboy stories for a romantic erotica anthology tentatively entitled The Cowboy.
There’s a reason Western romance novels never go out of fashion. The cowboy is an iconic figure that embodies the dichotomy of the fiercely independent, earthy alpha male and the male as a nurturer. Given a picture of a man on a horse, wearing Wranglers, chaps, and with a broad-rimmed hat shadowing his face, women melt.
Even when he’s up to his knees in mud freeing a calf from a wallow, his image doesn’t tarnish. The imagination sparks, filling in the details—the scent of horse, cow, and crisp, clean sweat; the sight of sun-leathered skin and crows feet; the feel of work-hardened thighs and arms; and the sound of a deep-voiced, Texas drawl.
The Cowboy will seek stories that satisfy the reader who craves the romantic idea of that gruff, capable man while exploring stories in the American West as well as lesser-known international settings. The stories will be primarily contemporary with the possibility of a few historical Westerns. While traditional themes are likely to be featured, writers will be encouraged to imagine greater in order to create tales that, while featuring that iconic hero, may also surprise, like the rodeo clown seducing the cowboy-crazy “buckle bunny” or a Quigley Down Under story set in the pampas mired in a South American range war.
Published authors with an established Western world may use that setting for their original short story.
The stories may be as kinky or vanilla as the writer wants—but a deep sensuality should linger in every word. Exotic locations and scenarios are welcome. Keep in mind there must be a romantic element with a happy-for-now or happy-ever-after ending. Strong plots, engaging characters and unique twists are the ultimate goal. Please no reprints. We are seeking original stories.
How to submit: Prepare your 1,500 to 4,500 words story in a double-spaced, Arial, 12 point, black font Word document with pages numbered (.doc, NOT.docx) OR rich text format. Indent the first line of each paragraph half an inch and double space (regular double spacing, do not add extra lines between paragraphs or do any other irregular spacing). US grammar (double quotation marks around dialogue, etc.) is required.
In your document at the top left of the page, include your legal name (and pseudonym if applicable), mailing address, and 50 words or less bio in the third person to cleisthecowboy@gmail.com. If you are using a pseudonym, please provide your real name and pseudonym and make it clear which one you’d like to be credited as. Authors may submit up to 2 stories. Delilah will respond in October 2011. The publisher has final approval over the stories included in the manuscript.
Payment will be $50.00 USD and two copies of the published book upon publication.
About the editor: Ms. Devlin has published over eighty erotic stories in multiple genres and lengths. Her published print titles include Into the Darkness, Seduced by Darkness, Darkness Captured, Down in Texas, Texas Men and Ravished by a Viking. Her short stories are featured in Zane’s Purple Panties, and Cleis Press’s Lesbian Cowboys, Girl Crush, Fairy Tale Lust, Lesbian Lust, Passion, Carnal Machines, and Dream Lovers. She is published by Avon, Kensington, Harlequin, Atria/Strebor, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing, and Berkley. In Fall 2011, she debuts her first anthology with Cleis Press, Girls Who Bite.
Direct any questions you have regarding your story or the submission process to Delilah at cleisthecowboy@gmail.com.
Tagged: Cleis Posted in News | 33 People Said | Link
Last 5 people who had something to say: Diane Sadler - Melissa Ecker - Janet - Ashley A - Sky Robinson -