Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Sunday Report Card
Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Report Card

Although real life sank two days like a torpedo (Wednesday’s trip to the Wax Museum and the medical drama with my daughter on Thursday), I still managed to get some stuff done.

* On Monday, I did a marathon and wrapped up my BDSM story, and then revised and shipped the sucker to my editor. By Friday, I had a contract and a title: Begging For It.

* On Friday, I shipped a partial (three chapters and a synopsis) to an editor I had chatted with regarding my medieval fantasy. I am hoping for feedback. He did say to send it “raw” and he would offer suggestions for what needs to happen with the story to make it saleable. We’ll see. I’ve been stuck on the project for a while.

* Yesterday, I completed a revision of a previously published short story I plan to include in a Kindle anthology. I added 19 pages (mostly sex and angst), and shipped it for critique.

Not shabby for the week, huh? And I got a lovely bit of news, via surfing the EC site last night—Handy Men will release on April 6th!

Special Events

I do have some things happening this week if you just want to hang out and maybe win something…

Tonight at 8 PM EST, I’ll be live at the Writerspace chatroom. I’m giving away a $25.00 Amazon gift certificate and a signed copy of Ravished by a Viking to two lucky winners!

Tomorrow night, I have two back-to-back events:
* Night Owl Romance, live chat with Lorie O’Clare at 8 PM EST!
* After Midnight Fantasy authors’ chat at Writerspace at 9 PM EST!

I hope you’ll join me. We always have fun!

Lesbian Cops is out!
Saturday, March 26th, 2011

[Don’t miss the winner announcement at the bottom of this post!]

My horoscope today: “You are fortunate in that you have a clear vision of what you want out of life, Delilah. Many people never truly know what it is they are meant to be doing. Even with the distinct advantage that you have, however, you may still find it difficult to “live your bliss,” as the expression goes. Too many people, all of them well meaning, try hard to impose their opinions on you. Stand firm. You better than anyone know what’s best for you.”

When a horoscope is good, I thank the cosmos for the good advice. When it’s bad, I quickly hit delete and thank goodness I don’t believe a word of it! Today, I’m grateful. 🙂

Anyway, Lesbian Cops, the latest erotica anthology from Cleis Press (the same folks who are publishing Girls Who Bite), is out on early!! Click on the cover for the Buy Link!

Yeah, the cover is a little strange, but hey, the stories HAVE to be hot, right?

What is it about lesbian cops that pushes all the right buttons? It’s not just the uniform, with handcuffs and weapons, or the confidence, authority, and sense of danger. There’s something more as well, an irresistible force that these writers have channeled into fiercely erotic stories of policewomen in or out of uniform, on patrol or undercover, in charge or in need of healing, on the case or under the sheets.

The action can be gut-level tough, as in Jove Belle’s ”Hollis” where anti-terrorism boot camp surges over the inevitable edge into BDSM, or heart-wrenching as in Evan Mora’s “A Cop’s Wife” when death threats sharpen the need for life-affirming sex to a keen edge, or quirky as well as steamy while Teresa Noelle Roberts’s cop finds a way to maintain respect for her own “Dress Uniform” while indulging her anime-girl lover’s cos-play kink. Delilah Devlin, Andrea Dale, R. G. Emanuelle, Cheyenne Blue, and all the other contributors offer their own sizzling visions of the complexity and depth, the strength and vulnerability, and above all the commanding, overwhelming sex appeal of Lesbian Cops.

From my short story, The Only Game in Town, about the budding relationship between a bicycle cop and a patrolwoman:

The next few days were a little strained around the guys. Word got around. Sly glances followed me everywhere. But since I didn’t rise to any of their innuendos, the excitement faded and they found someone else to hound.

This day, I’d parked my car at the Stop ‘n’ Go. It might be small-town Louisiana, but bandits still preferred the ease of a quickie robbery when they were low on cash. The store had been hit twice in the past six months and the sheriff had promised a “presence” to the owner. So in between calls, I parked in the hot sun at the edge of the parking lot, running my AC with the window open to ease the humidity inside the vehicle.

The whir of spokes catching the wind whizzed by my car. Little black shorts hugging a nicely rounded backside caught my attention.

Ramona halted at the edge of the curb next to the shop’s front door and eased off her helmet. Sweat stained the center of her back, her hair lay in wet tangled spikes around her head. She glanced my way and gave me a smile that set my heart beating faster, and then entered the store.

I opened my car door and dumped the fresh cup of coffee I’d bought just a few minutes before then headed inside.

“Back so soon?” Dolores asked from her seat behind the counter.

I gave a quick glance around the aisles but didn’t find my quarry. “That cup went right through me,” I said, making my way to the restroom in the back.

Once the door swung shut behind me, I quietly locked it.

A toilet flushed. The stall door opened. Ramona stepped out and her eyes widened. “Didn’t hear you come in, Cath.”

“I won’t keep you long.”

She walked to the sink, soaped up and cleansed her hands, then used a paper towel to wipe the sweat from her face. “What is it you want?”

I leaned against the bathroom door and folded my arms over my chest. “You said we should take some time to know each other, but that’s never gonna happen if you’re avoiding me.”

She met my glance in the mirror. Challenge glittered in her golden brown eyes. “Is that what you think I’m doing? Why’d I come here when I could have chosen a dozen other businesses to stop in?”

I raised a brow. “Maybe because it’s public and you could say you weren’t avoiding me and get away with it?”

She grunted, her lips twisting. “Again, what is it you want?”

This wasn’t going well. Again, I felt like I had two left feet. “How about a yes or no?” I blurted. “Wanna go out?”

She gave a feminine grunt. “No.”

The disappointment cut, but I nodded, firming my chin, and began to turn.

“There’s not anywhere in public we can go together, Cath. The sheriff wouldn’t like it if we paraded a date. But I’d like you to come over for dinner.”

“Your place?” I said, forcing the words past a tightened throat.

“Yeah. Tonight.” She sauntered forward and tucked her fingers under the sharp edges of my buttoned collar. Her hand twisted, cinching it around my throat and pulling me down.

I’d kissed women before. Even kissed a few men. This was hotter than I’d ever had—even with two layers of Kevlar between our chests.

Her mouth smoothed over mine then suctioned. Her lips were thick and juicy, her tongue rimming me. I waited, not charging in, and was rewarded when her tongue pushed against mine. Just a touch, and then it was gone. I tasted mint. She had to taste the coffee I’d guzzled all day.

She leaned back, her mouth open and air gusting as she licked her lips. “Tonight.”

She strode past me. I heard the snick of the lock as she opened it. The door whooshed closed.

Oh, fuck.”

And someone today is going to be particularly grateful for the gooey goodness that is The Hillbilly Calendar! Drumroll…the winner is…Estella!

A Question…
Friday, March 25th, 2011

[Psst! Yesterday’s contest runs through today. I’ll announce the winner tomorrow morning! So be sure to post a comment for a second chance to win!]

I woke up late today. I was a little worn out.

Yesterday, I spent the day trying to find a doctor to accept the red-headed hellion as a patient. She has stomach issues and no insurance. Yesterday, things came to a head when the clinic she has been going to told her she needed to go to her family care doctor even though she was in pain and becoming dehydrated. Well, she was going to them because she didn’t have a family doctor! Every doctor we contacted had waiting lists of three to five weeks for new patients. So, I took her to the emergency room. And guess what? They couldn’t run any tests either, even though I had my checkbook handy.

Red and I were seriously discussing sending her to Ireland. She has dual citizenship, and there, she has a right to health care. It may still, in the long run, be cheaper for me to pay for a round trip ticket for her to go there for testing and any surgery she may need. But we did find another group doctor clinic. I had to be the mean mama at the front desk, asking them what the hell we were supposed to do to get her seen by someone when she’s in pain.

And we don’t need health reform? Shame, shame, shame!

So, off my soapbox. Y’all know I don’t get political here. And I do have a very important question to ask you. 😉

If you were to write a book, what would you choose as the topic? (Now, you could choose fiction or non-fiction—just something you would be passionate about writing!)

Day at the Wax Museum (Contest!)
Thursday, March 24th, 2011

Yesterday was fun! I went with the red-headed hellion and her family to nearby Hot Springs. We shopped like mad at our favorite haunts (Tillman’s and Romancing the Stone), then made our way to the Wax Museum. It isn’t “Madame Tussaud’s”, but rather “Josephine Tussaud’s”, which is a hint that all is not quite right with the attraction. Judge for yourself.

The two year-old wasn’t scared of the werewolf crashing through the wall.

My favorite!

Needed more blood and guts, I think.

Jack Sparrow didn’t look grimy enough.

This one creeped me out. I kept expecting them all to turn toward me with their vacant stares…

Here’s my baby and me.

You’d think a wax museum would do casts of shrunken heads. But I did find a Hillbilly calendar to give away to one “lucky” reader. It’s full of helpful holidays and appointments, like “Pay Pa’s Bale”, Ma shoe the mule”, and “Shoot snakes at swimmin hole”. I’ll be sure to toss in some Delilah goodies too! Comment to win this great prize! 🙂

Guest Blogger: Kathy Kulig
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

[Psst! Find details about a contest running today at the bottom of this blog!]

Faking It

By Kathy Kulig

Don’t be fooled by the title. This post isn’t exactly what you might think it is. I recently took a class titled: Act Like a Writer given by NY Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry and actor, author and teacher Keith Strunk. This course teaches acting techniques to help writers learn to create a strong public persona to give better pitches, workshops, readings and just improve communication with publishing professionals. I knew I was going to hate parts of this class, and I was right, but I’m so glad I took it. Most writers are introverts (aka hermits) who feel most comfortable hidden away in their writing caves. Stick them in a room full of publishing professionals and they’re usually eyeing the nearest exit. So how do introverts give the appearance of being intelligent, articulate writing professionals? Partly by faking it before we make it. And also by pushing the limits of our comfort zones.

The first day of class was a nightmare. I had to do a mock pitch of my book. I’ve done tons of pitches before. Even though I rewrote mine the night before, I’d printed it up on a nice card for reference. I felt pretty confident I’d do the pitch okay. Then Jonathan said we were going to be videotaped. Ugh! Then he said , “No notes.” Ack! In seven years of pitching, I’ve never done one without a note card for reference. I said two lines, looked at the camera and went blank. Gawd. Awful. Worse than that, the clip was uploaded on our loop for the other nine students to review and critique, reliving the embarrassment. The final day of class I had to do a long pitch standing in front of the awful camera. I was better than before, but I see where I can improve. And I have since thought of where I can improve the content of my pitch. I will be going to a conference this month and pitching. I will not be using notes. I’ll let you know how I do.

You’ll never see me get on stage to act, and you probably won’t see me walk into a ball room at a conference saying, “Ta Da, I’m here!” But I do feel more confident about presenting myself as a professional. When it comes to my work, work I’m proud of, work I’m representing, I can show my passion, commitment and enthusiasm because I’m the best advocate for my books.

A note to readers: I’ve talked to readers at conferences who said they were nervous and shy about talking to their favorite authors. Believe me I understand about being shy. But authors love, love to have readers come up to them and say they enjoy their books. Trust me it’ll make their day. If you’re still nervous, find me and I’ll introduce you. I’m attending the RWA National Conference in NY City June 28-July 2. And Romanticon in Akron, Ohio September 29-October 2.

*Has anyone ever gone to one of the big conferences like Romantic Times and felt over whelmed? Or lost in the crowd? What do you do?

Emerald Dungeon my new book with Ellora’s Cave was released today March 23rd. Yay! It’s part of the 1-800-DOM-help author series. I’d love to share the cover and blurb. Buy Link

I have a cool trailer if you’d like to check it out: Book Trailer

Dana’s summer job as a musician in an Irish castle takes an adventurous turn after she witnesses a BDSM scene in the dungeon, and her submissive side is aroused.

Jack is a sexy Dominant who recognizes the sub smoldering beneath the demure exterior. His skillful commands take Dana beyond her darkest erotic fantasies.

Whips, restraints and increasing levels of pain heighten her passion, but complete surrender and ecstasy is out of her reach. Will a summer affair be enough to find what they both need? The appearance of a mysterious 1-800-DOM-help business card offers to guide them. Secrets and strange events around the castle only add to their troubles. If Dana can accept Jack with complete trust and surrender, then ultimate pleasure and true love is possible.

Thanks so much for having me as a guest Delilah. It’s always fun to check out your blog. ~KK

Surprise contest! Head to Wild and Wicked Cowboys to enter! We’re giving away 6 erotic romance books today! Stop by for details, and good luck!

Enjoy a free erotic moment!
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

Just FYI, I finished that pesky Dom story late last night. I wasn’t going to let the sucker beat me! So another one bites the dusk. Back to vampires today!

I have a short story posted on Everything Erotic today. Head over there if you’re in the mood for something sexy! Everything Erotic

Join me at After Midnight Fantasies!
Monday, March 21st, 2011

Be sure to pop by the AMF blog today. I’m the author on the spot, and you know I hate looking like I don’t have any friends. 🙂

Here’s the link: After Midnight Fantasies