Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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February Wrap-up
Monday, February 28th, 2011

February was certainly more productive than January for me.

The high points of the month were:
* I wrote and submitted two new proposals for Cleis anthologies to follow up Girls Who Bite (which releases in September).
* I wrote a novella, which will be part of an anthology that will include stories written by Sasha White, Charlene Teglia and my sis, Myla Jackson.
* I wrote the rough draft of a second novella, which will go to Ellora’s Cave as soon as I complete one last round of edits.
* I have completed 23% of a second novella headed to Ellora’s Cave that will be part of the 1-800-Dom-Help series.
* I completed copy edits of Enslaved by a Viking (releases October 2011 by Berkley).
* I completed first round edits of The Warrior’s Touch (releases May 2011 by Harlequin).

In retrospect, I shouldn’t beat myself up that I didn’t finish every blame thing I wanted in February. It was a good month.

In March, I hope to accomplish the following:
* Complete my 1-800-Dom-Help novella for Ellora’s Cave.
* Write a novella for another Kindle anthology.
* Write the sequel to True Heart for Samhain.

Motivation Monday
Monday, February 28th, 2011

It’s Monday morning after a very busy night—4.8 earthquake with a 3.something aftershock—tornado watch and thunderstorms—visitors at three AM escaping the storm and slipping into my bed because I make everyone feel safe. And yet, I do feel refreshed.

It’s another week and another run at my stories. I have so much to wrap up. Wish me luck!

This week, I think I’ll do a flashback giveaway; Michelle Polaris guests on Wednesday, and I have a yummy new Jimmy Thomas calendar to give away. But more about that on Thursday.

Today’s horoscope? (Just because it’s been so much fun lately for me!)

“Career matters, or perhaps matters involving independent work which you do on your own, should move smoothly and successfully today, bringing a lot of satisfaction your way. Others are likely to admire the results of your efforts…”

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Sunday Report Card
Sunday, February 27th, 2011

Psst! See the bottom of this post for my “Dress Elvis” winner! ~DD

It’s uncanny how accurate my horoscopes have been lately.

This was mine for Friday. Notice the part I highlighted? Traffic might be clogged… Friday, I had a doctor’s appointment in Little Rock—normally an hour and fifteen minute drive. But some poor trucker rolled his oil tanker on the freeway, which closed all lanes in both directions. Drivers were forced to take little back roads, which then clogged those roads all the hell up! It took me three and a half hours to get to Little Rock. I missed my lab appointment and then was five minutes late for the doctor appointment and had to reschedule. If only I’d believed! I shoulda stayed home.

And then there’s yesterday’s…

That’s me—“overwhelmed.” But I’ll talk about the work in a minute. Here’s today’s question:

Do you read your horoscope? Has yours ever influenced you to change something?

This week, I really wanted to be coming up on the end of the short novella and the the Cat Tails chapter, but I’m at roughly 60% on both. Friday killed me—the long drive, and then I had to wait in Little Rock for Hazmat to clear the freeway. So I brainstormed with my sister who was there to chaperone for a wrestling team. It was productive, but I didn’t get any pages done. It killed my momentum. I do however intend to finish both by Tuesday so I can wrap them up for February and start something new!

The winner (by random number generator) of my “Dress Elvis” contest is…Rachel Firasek! Congrats, Rachel, and be sure to send me your snail mail addy!

Snippet Saturday: The Moment
Saturday, February 26th, 2011

It’s your last day to enter the “Dress Elvis” contest! See Thursday’s blog for details. Comment to win! ~DD

“…The intense visuals, and impressions… the crack of the ice as the skiffs skim through the frozen waters, the colorful sea serpents that tunnel the icy depths, the frozen fortresses of New Iceland, and the seedy underworld of Karthagos all come alive in every sentence. As do the combustible romantic interludes of Dagr and Honora. Ravished is sexier, fleshier, and more mouth-watering than anything else that I have read from Devlin…” Fiendishly Bookish

“Clash of cultures, clash of myths, clash of powerful personalities…how many authors can bring out on paper the excitement and more-than-willing suspension of disbelief that old fashioned adventure stories once brought us?…a wonderful, action-packed, emotional roller-coaster of a read.” Alien Places

“With the intriguing meshing of the past with the future this was an engrossing read…” Top Pick!, Night Owl Reviews

What a Viking wants, a Viking takes.

When his younger brother goes missing, Dagr, Viking warrior and Lord of the Wolfskin Clan, will do whatever it takes to get him back. But nothing could have prepared him for Honora—a feisty, intelligent woman who is nothing like the women of his world—women who are content to serve their men in all things. Drawn to her despite her recalcitrant nature, Dagr is determined to force her into submission.

When the two enemies-turned-lovers join forces to find Dagr’s brother they are thrown into a rousing adventure full of danger, intrigue and erotic abandon. Can their passion truly unite them or will their different worlds lead to destruction for them both?

When Dagr stood inches from the woman, he glared down his nose. “Where have the men been taken?” he asked, adding a razor edge of tension to his softly spoken words.

The deepening furrow on her forehead said she didn’t like having to lift her gaze so high. But she didn’t step back. “What men?”

Dagr gave a low growl and crowded closer to her body. “We can play this game, but you will not win. Save yourself unnecessary pain.”

She arched a brow. “Will you beat me? Do you want an answer that pleases you or one that is closer to the truth?”
Read the rest of this entry »

Friday, February 25th, 2011

The “Dress Elvis” contest is still running! See yesterday’s blog for details. Comment to win! ~DD

Today, I’m heading to Little Rock. I have a doctor’s appointment. Sis is staying in a hotel there with the wrestling team (I promise that’s not as interesting as it sounds!). We’ll meet before noon and have a write-in at Starbucks. We don’t get together as often as we’d like because she lives over four hours away. I’m hoping to get a major word count under my belt, but we tend to brainstorm and make big plans. We’ll be talk-talk-talking away. Then Saturday, I’ll be reviewing my goals and groaning because I’ll have a ton of catch-up to do.

I want to finish two things by the first of March. A quickie for Ellora’s Cave and the next free chapter of Cat Tails. If I can keep focused, I will. HOWEVER, Sunday is hosed as well because I’ll be meeting Shayla Kersten in Little Rock for some Diamond State Romance Authors business. Sheesh. Where did February go?

I should be jazzed about the three things I’m currently writing, but I’m majorly distracted by the Girls Who Bite project. I’m really excited about the anthology. Really love the stories that will be in the volume. I have some fun things I’m planning for the launch, and the ladies, for the most part, are game to play. Remember, the book is ready for pre-order and has a reduced price. FOR NOW. So if you think you’re interested, now is the time to reserve a copy so you can take advantage of the low price. You can click on the cover in the carousel to the left and you’ll go straight to Amazon.

I hope your Friday passes quickly for you and that the weekend is spent either with someone you care about or with a very dirty book! 😉

“Dress Elvis” contest!
Thursday, February 24th, 2011

I still have a prize to give away to one lucky winner that I bought at one of Graceland’s shops. It’s an Elvis dress up doll! You know—a magnetic paper doll thingie that you can stick to a white board, a filing cabinet or a fridge! Yes, Elvis, with several changes of clothes—and his dog! Woohoo! *throws confetti*

So, if you’d like a chance to win it, post a comment on my blog. And if you’d like more than one chance (who buys just one lottery ticket?!), post tomorrow and Saturday too! On Sunday morning, I’ll announce the winner!

Just so you have something to post a comment about, here’s a question for you…

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Guest Blogger: Kate Davies
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

I first fell in love with the Bard in Junior High. A very ambitious—or possibly insane—drama advisor selected Julius Caesar as the school play. I was cast as Portia, Caesar’s wife, and spent hours learning my script and practicing my lines and blocking.

Unfortunately, I was the only cast member who felt the same way. The play was cancelled several weeks into rehearsal.

The beauty of the language and my fascination with the characters stayed with me, though, through high school and college, through Shakespeare in the Park productions and community theater, through Helena and Viola and Desdemona. It stayed strong as I became a junior high teacher myself, with the requirement that I teach Romeo and Juliet every year. (Side note: why Romeo and Juliet? Do school boards not know the play? Is it really the best idea to teach kids that you can find your true love at 14 and if your families don’t want you to be together, might as well off yourselves? I’d much rather have taught one of his comedies. But I digress.)

I can still remember entire monologues from performances I was in. I was devastated when I found out that my favorite actor was going to be in a Shakespeare in the Park performance of Much Ado About Nothing—on the other side of the country—and I was going to miss it. When it comes to Shakespeare, I’m an unabashed fangirl.

In case it’s not clear, I’m passionate about Shakespeare, and was thrilled to work a subplot about his plays into my newest book, Take a Chance On Me. In it, my heroine Jessica teaches Shakespeare and directs the school play—though with a lot less enthusiasm initially for the task than I would have had! Eventually, though, the Bard works his magic on her as well.

Do you like Shakespeare? What’s your favorite Shakespeare play/movie/performance?

Accept no substitute…for love.

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much
Jessica Martin is determined to earn a permanent teaching position at Summit High School. That means hard work, dedication, and even volunteering extra time to direct the school’s Shakespeare play. Which leaves no room for romance—especially with a co-worker. She didn’t factor in the school’s sexy security officer and the delicious fantasies he inspires.

Too Much Of A Good Thing
Former cop Tom Cameron likes his job. Or he did, until the new substitute busted his orderly life right open. Now, he can’t seem to avoid her—deserted hallways, empty theaters, classrooms after dark—but he’s got too many skeletons in his closet to risk his heart again. Asking her out to distract her from the play’s, well, drama is a friendly gesture. Nothing more.

The Course Of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Their chemistry could melt down the science lab, and before long they’re burning up the sheets off-campus. And uncovering raw emotions—a stark reminder that love isn’t in their curricula. When a troubled student goes over the edge, though, the need to stop a tragedy brings them right back where they started—face to face with fate.

Warning: This book contains sexy encounters in classrooms, inappropriate use of school facilities, backstage shenanigans, and illicit activities on a ferryboat.