Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Between a 14-hour power outage and another day of NO INTERNET, I’m behind on email, blogs, etc. Will be back today with updates. Sorry if you were trying to get hold of me, but we had bigger worries here—like keeping pipes from bursting, staying warm, hooking up generators and getting pets to do their business in the snow! Later! DD

Sunday Report Card
Sunday, January 9th, 2011

Real quick! You can still vote for Breaking Leather—see yesterday’s post just under this one!

First, thanks to everyone who bought True Heart and pushed it to #1 on the MBaM site! Woohoo!

And thanks to everyone who helped me get the word out about Ravished by a Viking. More than one person told me they’ve seen the book “everywhere”—let’s hope that translated to sales.

In the meantime, I’m working. Not as focused as I should be. Working on promoting those two books all week ate my lunch. I only accomplished about half of my goals for the week. But I wasn’t idle. When I got bored with one thing, I opened something else.

* I wrote three chapters of a cowboy story.
* I completed a synopsis for the follow-up to True Heart and sent it to my editor for approval.
* I resurrected a story I wrote and sold in 2005 to a publisher no one found. I’m hoping to resell the story, but first I want to do a little revising to make it more “me”.
* I pulled out two other half-written projects from under the bed, looking for quick wins.

Not a stellar week, but not a complete bust either. This next week, I will get in as much writing as I can, then on Friday, Sis and I are heading to Jackson, Mississippi to teach a plotting bootcamp, Friday through Sunday. Those are always fun and intense.

The red-headed hellion is no longer working nights, and is in fact looking for a job. In the meantime, we’ve been enjoying our evenings. We love to watch movies together—scary ones especially. She finds me endlessly entertaining because I grope the pillow and jump at the scary parts. This week we watched:

M.Knight Shaymalan’s Devil—too predictable for one of his films. I just love his Ah-Ha! moments, and this one didn’t have one you couldn’t see from a mile away.

Smoke Signals—my second time seeing this Native American, coming of age story. Still every bit as funny and poignant as I remembered.

Dark City—yeah, did anyone see that one when it came out? I found it in the $5 bucket at Walmart. I loved it. It was dark, and very, very different. Think, 1940’s Hitchcock crossed with Buffy’s “Hush” episode crossed again with a mass alien abduction. Yeah, very different.

DVD on Iceland from the Icelandic Tourist Board—did I mention that dd and I want to head there this August?

Go Vote for Breaking Leather!
Saturday, January 8th, 2011

If you want to, that is. I’m not there twisting your arm. 😉

The Long and Short of It review site, which is associated with Whipped Cream reviews, is hosting their weekly Best Book Honor, and I’m nominated! Head to this webpage to place your vote: Vote for Best Book

A snippet from the review:
“WARNING: Do not attempt to read this book without fire resistance gloves!!!!… Delilah Devlin just makes this type of story such an adventure as well as a hot ride… You will never go wrong with a Delilah Devlin story and you will never be disappointed.”

Snippet Saturday: Music
Saturday, January 8th, 2011

I haven’t really written songs into any of my work. The one blatant exception is my free read, a serialized story that my readers help me plot. Early on, when they selected their heroine, they let me base the character on…me! This opening scene is exactly like something that would happen to me, and exactly how I would have handled it. Enjoy the snippet!

On a whim, romance author DiDi Devereaux decides to travel to remote Louisiana bayou country to take possession of a house she inherited from a reclusive relative. But before she reaches her destination, she drives her car into a ditch to avoid a large animal that leaps into her path. Rescue comes in the form of a sexy sheriff, whose gruff demeanor seems to hide a feral attraction. As DiDi settles into her new home she finds herself torn between her attraction to the sheriff and the raw, handsome bad boy whose offer to help her renovate her home is a little too convenient and tempting.

Nothing in Bayou Noir is what it seems. When strange things begin to happen, her natural curiosity leads her into danger…


DiDi Devereaux bounced her head to David Draiman’s gorilla-like chant. She’d popped her Disturbed CD in the player after she’d turned onto the small county road. She liked listening to hard rock when she wrote a fight scene or needed a little courage. Raucous, masculine music rarely failed to rev her engines.

Unfortunately, the music wasn’t working its magic now.

Her headlights barely cut through the thick fog, forcing DiDi to slow her car as she peered over the steering wheel at the narrow donkey trail of a road. She’d left the highway twenty minutes ago and knew she’d entered bayou country by the thick forest pressing against the road from both sides and the muggy quality of the air. She’d rolled down her windows because her AC fogged up the windshield, but still had to swipe her palms against the glass to clear it enough to continue.

Why she’d decided to finish the journey at night, she didn’t know. But she never questioned an impulse, and never really regretted any of the mishaps she’d fallen into as a result of ignoring good advice. Many of her stories came from those misadventures—and inspiration, of late, was getting pretty thin.

A road trip was just what she needed to “fill the well”.

On a whim, she’d removed the deed to the Gauthier House from her safe deposit box on Monday after she’d moved her furniture into storage and let her apartment go. Originally, she’d been torn between seeking a summer rental in the Yukon and heading Down Under.

Then she’d remembered the property she’d inherited three years earlier. A dilapidated house in a section of boggy bayou with a dock that led into the swamps. The lawyer who’d handed her the deed and the keys had told her to sell it—or let it return to the land. No use fighting the age of the place because it would be a money pit.

She’d been satisfied to let the document lay at the bottom of her safety deposit box, beneath her passport and a CD that stored every page of every book she’d ever written, just in case catastrophe hit and she had to start all over again. Nothing was more valuable to her than the dreams she’d created on paper, nothing was more meaningful. She’d sacrificed a lot to be where she was, edging toward the top of the bestsellers’ lists and finally getting those contracts that fed her gypsy soul.

Now, she had money to sink into the old plantation house. Enough to pay someone else to do the work while she plunked away at a keyboard with an iPod in her ears as workers sawed and hammered around her.

She could make this work—if she ever found the damn place.
Read the rest of this entry »

I turned down Ryan Reynolds
Friday, January 7th, 2011

I woke up to a very nice review on Amazon for True Heart: “…I found True Heart to be full of characterization and complete with an emotionally driven plot….I was unprepared for the empathy that I felt towards Honey, and the tears that came to my eyes when she makes love to True for the first time. Her anxiety was heartfelt and Trues’ reaction made me fall a bit in love with him myself.”

That was nice enough to give a bounce to my step as I headed to the coffee pot for my first cup.

Did I mention I’m making two trips this month? Next weekend, Sis and I are heading to Jackson, Mississippi to lead a weekend plotting bootcamp for the local RWA chapter. And then January 19, I’ll head to Miami to board a cruise ship headed to Key West and Cozumel! It’s a conference, so it’s really work (wink-wink, Mr. Tax-man). I don’t know about you, but when it gets cold, I want to get the hell out of Dodge. Last year, I took a long cruise to the Caribbean and found it therapeutic for my writing.

Had a dream about Ryan Reynolds last night—you know, the guy in the The Proposal? Anyway, he was my boyfriend, and I don’t remember much, except he turned my desk chair around because I wouldn’t stop typing. He squatted in front of me, grabbed my hands and gave me that pretty, soulful look of his. Then he asked me what it would take to convince me to come away with him. I remember thinking, “Am I stupid? Ask for sex!” Instead, I pulled my hands away from his and whined, “But I’ve got a deadline, Ryan.” WTF? But I’ve got a deadline? Yeah, a completely wasted opportunity for dream sex.

Just what you wanted–another trailer!
Thursday, January 6th, 2011

These trailer things are fun. Don’t know why I resisted them before. (Maybe because I’ve seen so many lame ones, huh?). Lexxie did a nice job on this one!

I’m waiting on pins and needles to hear how you like Ravished and True. I’d love your feedback. Thanks again to those of y’all who continue to spread the word. It’s not about money. It’s about showing the publisher they didn’t make a mistake taking me on. And don’t you want more Vikings and cowboys?

The past two days have been so filled with email and web stuff, that I haven’t been writing much. I hope to remedy that today, but daughter called me at 5 AM. She has the flu, so I have to fly over there to help the 6-year-old get ready for school. It never ends. And I need to clean my bedroom and office. Yech.

Anyway, happy reading! And if you have your copy, I’d love a snap shot of you with your book!

My Very First Book Trailer!
Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

I was admiring Desiree Holt’s new trailer and asked her who had put it together for her. She said she’d put me in touch with her, and that the person who’d done the work was her daughter. The whole process was fun. We both searched for photos; she sent me links to music. She didn’t need a lot of help from me because she was very in tune with what I wanted. See for yourself. And if you like it, please head to YouTube to “Like” it, post a comment or share it. Thanks to everyone who’s helped me get the word out about this book. Be sure to send me photos when you get your book. I’d love to post them!


The winner of Ravished Contest #1 and a $50.00 gift certificate is… Minna Puustinen!

The winners (pulled randomly, straight from my newsletter subscriber list) of Ravished Contest #2 are:
* $100.00 gift certificate —!
* Sterling silver dragon earrings —!
* Signed copies of two of Delilah’s backlisted books (not Ravished, sorry!) —!

Congratulations, all!

The dragon tee will be awarded at a later date. I wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the tee I received from my local supplier—still working on it!