Bestselling Author Delilah Devlin
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Find Your Passion!
Monday, November 1st, 2010

Okay, this one’s been on Amazon for a couple of weeks, but today’s the official release date!

“Passion delivers just what you would expect – super hot stories with sex that burns up the pages. Don’t miss it!”—USA Today and Essence bestselling author Kayla Perrin

“Talk about a collection of stories to make you squirm in your seat! Chilly fall night or a quick pick-me-up to get in the mood—this is the one!”—Whipped Cream Reviews

Love and sex have always been intimately intertwined, and Passion shows just how well the two can merge. This collection of steamy stories combines rich and explicit imagery with tales of classic love, letting the best writers of erotic romance bring to life tales that can be read aloud in bed. From long lost lovers reunited to love at first sight to romance rekindled, Passion’s succulent stories quicken heartbeats and appeal to everyone, from the least to the most romantic of souls.

Read an excerpt from my story, The Morning Ride:

With a schedule more predictable than the subway train she waited on, Sophie’s chest constricted as though a cinch slowly tightened around her ribs. Left breathless every morning as she waited on the platform beside the tracks, her odd affliction only intensified once she boarded. The journey never varied, beginning in Upper Manhattan and continuing southward. Her body had acquired the habit, reinforced not by some psychological disorder, but by the need for one specific miracle to occur every morning as she took her usual seat along the far wall of the car.

She sat, then rose and sat again to rearrange her skirt beneath her. She pulled at the hem, and then slid it just high enough to attract attention but not so high she looked like a slut. She ignored the low “mmm-mm” from the college-aged boy with bed-head who sat beside her.

Her attention remained focused on the stations. “125th Street.” She straightened her back and took a deeper breath, hoping to quell the heat entering her cheeks. “59th Street”. She unwrapped her fingers from around her purse straps because her knuckles were whitening. When the car slid to a stop at 42nd, she held her breath and averted her glance from the sliding doors, watching instead from the corner of her eye as passengers stepped inside, sought their seats and settled in for their morning commute.

She saw him, or at least from the knee on down. Shiny black loafers. Knife-edged creases on his charcoal trousers. Sweeping her gaze upward, but still not looking directly, she eyed his tall, lean body, embracing the quickening tattoo of her heart. Dark hair, still glossy from his shower curled close to his scalp. The scent of aftershave, spicy and fresh, followed him, and she inhaled sharply to catch it. When he took his seat along the opposite wall and two seats down, she let out the breath she’d held, the pinpricks of darkness that had narrowed her vision to a tunnel, fading back. All was right in her world again.

Never mind, she’d spent another restless night, fighting the blankets and the dreams that left her so hot and frustrated she’d retrieved the vibrator from under her bathroom sink to take off the edge. Last night had been the best, or the worst, depending on whether she wanted to sink into the dream or cry over the fact she was tired. Even now, the potency of the dream was so strong, the details so vivid, it was easy to slide back into the moment when she’d stumbled against him as they both debarked at Chambers Street and he’d slid his hand around her waist to steady her…

He’d caught her against his chest, and she’d been forced to glance up, staring into his face fully for the first time.

“Gotcha,” he said softly, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

When he didn’t release her, she didn’t comment, not even when people jostled past them. “I’ve noticed you before,” she said.

“I wanted to say something, but…”

“Yeah.” She pried her fingers from the lapel of his suit and backed away. His arms slid slowly from her as though he was reluctant to let her go, and she glanced up again.

He swallowed hard. “Coffee?”

She shook her head, not understanding for a moment then gasped. “Please.”

Only when he pushed through the glass doors of the coffee shop he led her to, they entered a bedroom. Hers. And it was pristine for once, covers turned down. Rose petals spread across the robin’s egg blue cotton sheets.

He bent to pick her up, and suddenly they were both nude. Climbing onto the mattress, he lowered her slowly to the bed. He didn’t give her time to savor the moment, coming over her, a knee between her thighs, opening her.

His hand cupped her pussy, and his lips pulled away from his teeth amid tight, reddened features. “Sorry, I can’t wait. Been waiting so long…”

She embraced him, pulling him closer as the round knob of his cock nudged her lips. When he thrust straight toward her womb, her back arched and her breasts tightened. A long thin moan ripped from her throat. It took only three strong thrusts before she came.

“Fuck,” he muttered, then followed her, giving a muffled shout as he hammered between her legs. Even when his arousal waned, he circled inside her, hips rolling and rolling, dragging on her heated walls until she groaned and rocked against him and he was hard again.

This time, he let his weight pin her to the mattress, bracketed her face between his large palms and held her while he rubbed his lips over hers then thrust his tongue inside.

She sucked on it, the way she wanted to suck on his cock, and he must have read her mind because he groaned into her mouth and then pulled away, backing onto his knees. His cock pulsed, tapping his belly. He stared down it, then aimed a hot glance her way.

Sophie got her elbows beneath her. “Fuck my mouth.”

He stepped over her until his knees were braced apart on either side of her chest, then he leaned over her, a hand against the wall as he guided his cock into her mouth.

Her tongue lapped at the smooth head. Her lips closed around the shaft, just beneath the glans and suctioned hard while he began to move in and out. Past her teeth, along her tongue, against the back of her throat. She swallowed, caressing the head.

A hand cupped the back of her head, giving her support, and his strokes quickened. “Swallow, baby. Take it,” he whispered.

Her muffled mewling cries vibrated around him, and he cried out, thick surges of cum splashing at the back of her throat.

When he pulled away, he scooted down until he could bend to kiss her mouth. “Baby, that was so goddamn hot.”
The dream had ended there with his wet cock digging into her belly—before they’d shared names, before they’d agreed to see each other again. Not the sort of dream she’d ever had before—or at least not so long and detailed. Like a scene from a smutty romance novel, rose petals and all.

Still, she’d been left wet, aching, and the dildo hadn’t filled the empty space inside her. If only she had the courage to approach him. Maybe he’d be as sexy, well-endowed and skilled as her dream-lover—or maybe he’d be a complete dick.

Either way, she’d bring an end to this wanting.

October Wrap-up
Sunday, October 31st, 2010

I wish I could say I was on fire for the month of October. But if that were the case, I wouldn’t be facing Hell Month.

True, I lost several days to a trip to Ohio for Romanticon, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Still, when memories fade and I’m staring at the word count I have to achieve in November, I wish I’d cloned myself before I took that trip.

High points?
* I have tentative acceptance for a short story for a paperback erotica collection I can’t name at the moment.
* My next MIK story, A Long Howl Good Night, released!
* I completed a new short story and shipped it the editor of the collection.
* I completed the latest installment of Bad Moon Rising and posted it on my free story page.

November will be a stress-fest!
* I have to write the next 49,000 words of Viking-2
* I have to write 15,000 words of a Bite for Harlequin Nocturne
* I have to write 4,000 words of a short AND the foreword for Girls Who Bite
* I have to finish reading, selecting, and editing the stories for Girls Who Bite, then ship the collection to Cleis

Sound like I have enough on my plate? Nuff said, I think.

Happy Halloween/Sunday Report Card
Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Okay, so that was my annually resurrected Pumpkin Butt picture. Happy Halloween!

Do you sense a note of “Bah! Humbug!”? That’s because I don’t have time to go play. November’s Hell Month.

Like I’ve said before. I have three books due on December 1st. So, I have to hunker down and “get ‘er done” (*gagging* I may have lived in Texas but that phrase makes me cringe).

What am I doing to make sure I get there?

I’ve gone no mail on most of my loops because I’m getting ready to drop off the face of the earth for 30 days. Not that I won’t still be here. Blogging is so ingrained. It was a hard habit to make, but now it’s like getting up to pee first thing in the morning.

I’ve joined National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) again this year. See the blue calendar icon on the left? If ever you see red on any of those days—get on my ass!! It means, I failed to meet goal. And if you’re a writer and planning to NaNo too, here’s my profile page so you can friend me and nag me up close and personal. I’ll do the same for you. Delilah’s NaNo

I have most of the family on board with the idea that I am crawling into a hole and only coming up for air when I can’t stand the smell or need something to feed the engine. Most, I said, because I still have to contend with kids.

I have stocked up on teas and coffee. Have a box of energy drinks stored next to my fridge.

My desk and office are clean, ready for that starting gunshot…

So, you want to know how I actually plan to get 75,000 words on the page (most NaNo’ers are going for 50,000) by the end of the month? By writing 2500 words every damn day, come rain or shine. And if I knock ’em out in the morning, I can actually spend some time doing something lazy. But if I screw around, or get covered up in kids, I’ll be up late, sucking on Red Bull.

I’ll be back later tonight with my monthly wrap-up.

Guest Blogger: Sloan McBride
Saturday, October 30th, 2010

My guest, Sloan, is on a blog tour. Be sure to check out her blog to find out where she’s going next! ~DD

So today is my busy day. Pumpkin picking, haunted hayrides and haunted houses, oh my. Me and my daughter and three of her friends are spending the day and night doing spooky things. Then, if memory serves, something was said about burrito night and major chocolate milk shakes. Guess who will be cooking and doing that….LOL

Q: What is your favorite part of Halloween?

A: I’m not really sure I have a favorite part. I like dressing up, spooky places, all the
kids dressed up who come to my door for treats. Caramel apples, bonfires, hayrides.
There are just too many things to pick just one.

Do you have a favorite part of Halloween? Please share.

Remember, to enter to win the prize for today you must leave a comment.


~~Love Spans All Time~~


From the Heavens comes a hero who will take your breath away.

Reese Whittaker dreams of falling for a man who shares her love of archeology and ancient civilizations. But being attacked by a horde of demons and rescued by a Sumerian God—a well-armed, gorgeous Sumerian God—opens up a whole new world she never knew existed. And awakens a mysterious power within her that attracts all kinds of supernatural attention.

Dagan, son of the Air-God Enlil and a Time Walker, is sworn to protect the human race in general, and one young woman in particular—Reese. He’s not the only one mysteriously attracted to her powerful life force. Underworld leader Kur craves it for the untold power it will give him to strike a blow at the deities of Dilmun.

Dagan is forbidden by law from interacting with Reese, but from the moment he sees her, the fury—an intense sexual need for bonding—blinds him to all the rules. Should the pantheon discover he has fallen for a human, the punishment could mean suffering beyond imagining for him…and death for her.

Warning: Contains language, lots of action, Sumerian Gods, gorgeous men, tough, stubborn women and some creatures from the Underworld that make life hell.

So stubborn I’m stupid
Friday, October 29th, 2010

So, picture this.

My driveway’s looooong, and yesterday the UPS guy left a rather large package next to the gate, which looked long and skinny from the distance, but wasn’t, which had me saying as I walked up the drive, “I don’t need no stinkin’ hand truck.”

I get to the box. It’s big. I think, “It’s only a hundred fifty feet. I’m not gonna go all the way back for that little wagon now.”

A third of the way down the driveway, I set it on the ground huffing, gather my breath and shout for the 6-year-old whizzing by on her Tyko trike. We set the box on the trike and get maybe 20 feet, kicking the wheel all the while to keep it going straight, when the plastic body of the trike bends at the middle, suspending the wheels.

I set the damn thing on my foot. Lift foot, scoot. Lift foot, scoot. 10 feet to go and mom comes out. “How come you didn’t ask for help?”

Grumbling, I let her grab one end and between us we wrestle it to the garage. Then I lean back and stretch—and ouch!

Now, my back’s tight and achy. I took a Metha-something pain pill, laid on my couch and didn’t give a crap about anything. I think I watched three TIVO’d episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, but I can’t tell you much about what I saw, except I’m ready to bitch-slap the Asian chick. Oh, and isn’t OWEN HAWT?! She so doesn’t deserve him.

This morning, I’m moaning, not because I still hurt. The pill relaxed the pain away, but now I have a ton of catchup to do. 😐

Guest Blogger: Myla Jackson (aka my sister!)
Thursday, October 28th, 2010

Hi Sis! Thanks for having me on your awesome blog. Congratulations on all your releases this year. You are on fire!

I must admit I wasn’t sure I could pull off a good ménage story when I started writing HONOR BOUND, especially since I started with a little man-lovin’. But I knew how tantalizing it was with just the thought of having two men making love to one woman at the same time. As it happened, the writing came easy, fast and hard…Oh wait, the fast and hard part was what the men were doing to Honor!

I had so much fun writing the male, female, male ménage that I decided to give Jake a female, male, female ménage to make up for leaving him without a woman at the end of HONOR BOUND. That will be DUTY BOUND in January. And that was soooooo much fun, I’m continuing the BOUND and TIED series with ménage stories.

And what’s so fun about a ménage? The thought of getting all those sensitive spots attended to at once? The idea that more is really better and why settle for less? No longer leaving the odd man (or woman) out? Sharing in the sexual pleasure?

I’d love to hear from all of you on why a ménage could be fun. I’m giving away a download of my Fit to Be Tied to one lucky commenter.

Also visit my website for more chances to win books at

For a hot and sexy historical western and ménage, check it out!

Two lonely miners in the Colorado Gold Rush and one tempting widow-turned-thief get tied in knots over each other.

When what feels right could get a man killed…

Zach Braun struggles to resist his unnatural desire for his claim partner, Jake. The two rugged miners have been alone in the mountains for months, with no women to relieve them. Exhilarated by the discovery of gold, they give in to their lust and discover sexual delights in each other.

A witness to seduction…

Widow, Honor Whitaker, is on the run from her Indian captor, when she stumbles upon two men whose sexual activities intrigue her and make her want to join. Determined to retain her independence she takes what she needs from a cabin and runs.

When a thief attempts to steal their gold, Zach and Jake aren’t quite sure what to do with her, so they tie her up. They are shocked to discover their thief witnessed their sexual antics and that she was aroused by what she saw.
Together the three learn to let go of social mores and to accept what feels good as right, not the devil’s work. But their newfound delight in each other might come to an end when a savage comes to claim what is his.

Buy Link

A Long Howl Good Night is here!
Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

Psst! The name of yesterday’s winner is at the bottom of this post.

It’s here! That story with the really long title and the hooker heroine! I think you’ll like Jack and Kynan and you’ll for sure want to be Aila. The Parker brothers aren’t perfect guys, but they really go after what they want and need. Grrrrrowl!

Happy Reading! ~DD :mrgreen:

Werewolf Aila Mack is ready to get her groove on during a full moon. She’s a part-time hooker because she prefers to keep her liaisons strictly about the sex. She’s had a taste of were-domination and prefers to be in charge of her own destiny.

Brothers Kynan and Jack Parker are on a mission. Their species is in need of breedable females. When the Dark Mountain clan finds a sex agency dealing in female werewolves, they aren’t happy women are selling their bodies in order to take care of their monthly itch. They take action when it’s discovered there’s a fertile female in the agency’s stable.

Kynan and Jack are given the job of bringing home their mate but discover quickly there’s more going on beneath the surface than simply a stubborn female who refuses to be collared. Aila’s tempted as never before, as the brothers, one gentle and one fiercely intense, peel away the hard shell surrounding her Wolfen heart.

Buy it here!

The winner of yesterday’s contest (by random number generator), and pulled from entrants here on this blog and Facebook, is…Valerie in Germany! Congrats, Valerie! Be sure to email me with your choice from my backlisted MIK titles!